Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 20 Nov 1857, p. 2

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But to complete, so far as my present materials will nl'mv the story ol‘ the aVeugv in: army.~ \Vhen I cloaedmy luslleller we had heard (h at the heavy siege tram was ex- pected to touch the camp in n Vcty kw days, From the Tiinos’ Correspondent. BOMBAY, Oct. 3. At length I am able to announce to you the full of the ret'olted capital ol~ North \Vestern India, or, if that appellatimi he not strictly correct, of the ancient chiet ci‘y 0t the-'Mugul empire. in which a faithless acidi- ery'rhad sought to re-erect the independent ttirone of the descendent of Baber. Delhi is once more in poasuasion of the British. Uur information at present is more seasity than could be desired, owing partly to the. dawk c nnmun.caai0n being untucky interceptâ€" ed between Lahore and Moollan. But. the main facts have. l‘eat'llttl us 'l‘rom '50 many qudl'tel‘h as to leave no doubt \v a e\ er th;:t the place was assaulted with success on ti e l-l-th 02 September. when a permanent lolgâ€" ment was eiti cted, that damn." the four or tive following days further AdvanCm and ac- quisitions on the c.ty were made, and that finally on the 20th the whole ol‘thc spun-e en clung-d Within the wall: We.» in our POSSC‘SXOH. 1 should 0h:er\’e, ham-Yer. that we have not received as yet Such certain eiitlenize of the tr. h of the latter hat of this story as ofthai nt ttie‘l-lrnner. The pi‘oceetli Iga ot'tbe l~l~th. 15th. and 16th a? known to u~. hon-eve . compendinualy trom the ollicial bulletins issued by the (.‘hiel‘Comnisss‘ioner at Lahore and founded. as you know. on telegraphic niexsuges tron) Delhi. But of the final 01: tziipzitinn an the. L‘Om we. have only heard by an expresa from the Residency at luypnl‘e Ill Ruipootuna which reached Luz-«l lilphin~ stone by way at Aliniedubmt ycslt‘l‘tltly. ll i~ dated at .leypore on the eveningof the ‘23xtl. nntl i~ to the etlect that the news hat” jiut‘b'ei-n receired at the Residency both from 'he thlet and also from [he Vukeel 0.. Aliuiatei of the NaWab othujjur, to whom it mi)" be presumed 'to have been forwarded by his "ruler, a chiet resident in the mum:- diate ncivlibnuxhood of Delhi. Thus the ti tlinus of5 our ultimate and c0: unplute success rest at present on native authority Only, but as lhe‘tiatui‘al' seqilél and compimhent bf our uuduubtnd triumph of the 1-14.11 they are uui versally credited. STORMIBG AND CAPTURE OF DELHI. rzl‘he Swiss elections laa'gcly favoured the Liberalisia. More) failures at Vienna. but the worst of [he clisis i: believed )a ln- over. Dale: from Hong Kong to Sept. 10, and Shanghai lo the 13m. lune bern rrccircnl. The sloop of war “ I’m-hm mlh" haul sailed for Japan. Lew-m 8; Son. Jacinta, \rule at Shanghai. The blockade o. C; n on llivm‘ wa~ strictly Inninlaincd. The American ship ‘- North “'iud" nut into lion; Kong dismaaled. '1 cans wue considerably advanced. Gem-ral Cuvaignac died suddenly ol' diau (115;; pl" the lwav l. The. Spam all M uistry is organized. The Prince of Prus‘h has underlakI-n the conduct of public ull‘aira. The King; of Pruniu‘s health was improv- Sir V\QGum Ouslev goes out as Special Ministey to Central America, Ha Wualnug- ton. ing‘ \V. H. Brand 8:. 00.. London, in Ameri can tradeâ€"liabillliv: £140,000. Charles Smith 8'. Co , Manchester ; James Cond, -‘erlh, £180,000, American (rude. be £3,000.000‘atg. Several Lin-rpool firms have suspendedâ€" IIIIIIIes are not mentioned. Other failures compIonIise llImntnn Higgins, V\ a- d &. Co. ., Man: clIcsteIâ€"Iiubiliâ€" ne~ L500 000. Considerable reinforcements had arrived at Calcutta. Markets at Calcutta were dull. Bombay markets active. The produce Inagkets were all stagnant, and prices much lower. Cotton al a 3d lower. Flour '2: a 35 lower. “'lteat declined 4d a 6d. Corn declined 6d. The “Arabia” brings one million in specie, and a large number at passengers. Borough Bank, at Liverpool. suspended on the 27th. Deposit: estimated at £1,500. 000 stg. Fully secured. Liabilities of [be Bank in bonds aml enduraemeut: suppowd to ‘A serious plot hat] I murder the Europeans, tharted. Accounts from the Bombay presidency are favourable. although a few cases of distinct;- thn occurred. the 30m. 'l‘he news is highly interesting. India mails received. li-lhi was assunlted ou the 14th of Sep- teinberâ€"efl'eeted a lodgcmentâ€"â€"and alter six days of obstinate resistance. had on the 20th possession of the entire city. Numerous inutineers had escaped, amnng them the King of Delhi, and two sons. British loss killed and wounded, up to the 16th, 600, including 50 ofiicers. General Wilson ordered no quarter to be given, but women and children spared. Outram reinforced Ilavelock at Cawn- pore. The latter started for Lucknow, at which place the garrison gallantly held out. There were fearé of a new outbreak at Assam, and a conspiracy to restore the Ex- anah discOvered. The steamship “ Arabia,7 irom Li Jcrpool. at 8 30 A M., of the 313:,arrived at sever. o‘cloek this morning. The “ Arabia” reached LiVerpool at 8 P.M. on the 15th. The steamer “ City of Washington” or- iirr‘d at Liverpool at 10 p.14. of the 27th. The “‘Fullon” arrived at Southampton, nndlhe “0in of Glasgow" on the 29m. The ‘- Arago” arrived at Southampton on Arrival of the “Arabia.” .*‘ALL OF DELHI! NEW YORK Nov. 13, 1857 had been discovered to genus, at Kurachee, and have been slainâ€"Tandy of the Bengal EL- ' whole Vlint: ol‘ defences from the Water baatiun to the Cabul gale. including the Caslnnere gale and bastion. the Min-rec gate and bastion, the. English Church, Skin ner’s house, and the grounds about.” The principal loss sustained by the assailants was due to the obstinate resi~tance they met with in cleaning their wav along the ram- parts to the Cabul gate. and afterward: in an attmnpt to penetrate beyond that point into the denser parts of the city in the di- rection ol‘ the Jumna Musiid. In all the I» amounted to shout 500 killed and wounded.-â€"Fi\'e oflicers are reparted to communication ol‘ so late a date that has yet} reach d Bombayâ€"Awe in number, one bre- ~ mg held. as l undrrs’tnnd it, in reserve. 'l'neir strength is not given. The main! point ul asSauit was the branch at .he Cash-é mere bastion. Une column limvct’cr, c0n-! ~istin: of Ghoorkus and the newly aniwd Jummoo contingent, was directed to make a diversion by attacking the Kisln-ngunge su- burb, which lies outside the Lalmre gate on the western side ofthe city, and il it succeeded in carrying the suburb, to assault the gate itself. But. the suburb was Occupied by the enemy in force, with a battery of heavy guns. The Cashmerian troops behaved in- dullerently, and in spite of the eflorls ot the have (ihaorkus the column \vus repulsed. Its connnanding olficer, Major Reid, 01' the éirnioor battalion, is among the wounded of the day; but on the northern side of the! city all went Well. 'l‘he troops rnteird at he breach with no serious opposition. and! spreading to the left a xd right Occupied thel 0n the morning oflhe liâ€"th, :00“ after dayâ€"break, the assault took place. '1 he at- hckiug columns were, as J gutlur from a t Pr that l have seen, written on lhc fol- I «in; day by an officer of rank in the army, \vhxcu though short. is as I know. lhc only .ly. and lhe honour ul lhe country they be- lung (0. he cul'a upon them to 5mm: all women and children (hat may come in their Way.” “ He need hardly remind the troops ol'lhe crud murders committed on their otlicela and comrades, as well as lhuir Wife and Child- rvn, to move lhem in the deadly all'ua'glt‘. No quarter should be givuu to lh»: muuu- eexs; at the same limefor the sake of human- (in: ihave been ieceivetl and pu (Ishedu As you may 5 wall snppme, this great and long-louked- lo. l event eclipses even thmg elm. The Iebel Seputs I had possession of the place just four months. hut that are now utterl} routed Ilom Iliuir struntrhold; and this lost to them. we In: |_\' Ilevouth hope the lIIeck of the mutin} i< fairlv broken. although it i- would he loo much to expect that the wule-~pIead l insunection is at an end There is a. labaiiom 'worlt to do ere peace mid safeu shall he once nIoIe restored The pavtirulars of the storming ] and capture of Delhi have reached us in very ‘ detached po lions. and from several nources. and lare evidentlt tar 1min being so pellect as could i he wished The narrative is lhi< :â€" "l he sir-ge- ltrain sent erIn l".erozepuue alIer the attempt lnrtdc Z by the rebel General Bukhtar with a large loco to intercept it had been defeated by the ullattii ut' Brigadier Nicholson. reached the camp hel'ure Delhi on the 4th or 5th of September. The guns were speed ly mounted on batteries formed in cmnrnanding positions on the north side of the city. between the city and the British comp : and the fir:- was opened on the pri: inal hast ons. It would appear that the rebel king now sent out a flag of truce. olfcring (for the >econd time) to surrender. and to deliver up Ihe actual murderers. General WIlson replIed as became hiInâ€"" The British Government WI” hold no IeInIs with mur- derers. rebels and Inn lineers; surrender Inu~t be nncundilional: any other rebel coming to propom Will be hung ; all future operations will be carried on at the muzzles of lhe guns” Hencelohh the struggle became one of the fiercest doscnpuon. The bombardment commenced. and the Cash- more and \leree has ions. near the nlngtllficvnl gatewats ol these names. snfl'cIed sevetelt from Ihe liriush shot and shell. The garrIson replied xnIaItlv with grape and nnrsketr}. but “lllIOtIl cfl'ectjitg much Ids. 0n the lOIlI and llIh of Sep- temuer two sortie: were nI dc to endeavor to de- ; Itroy our batteries. but the rebels were driven back i and the bombardment continued vigourouslv. In I then operation we lost two uficon of utillery. 9 Isent Ian on Wednesdm’ a sumInaIv of all that was then known legurding Ihc Inp me of [he ciu' at Delhi. Since then a number of lellem and papers have hex-n received; and many uddilional panicul Is. 'hongiI far non) complele. a. in., which gives details of the do'njs in Delhi on the 17th and 18th, which rum tllllbl â€"()n the 16th shelling the Lal Killn (lied Fart; this seems to be some other alrungâ€" hold than Selimghnr) and city. Fighting~ all day ; leaders and native Olfitil‘l'h, in Open dissension‘ accusing one another in Pi't‘m‘tlt'e of the king, oli cowardice. In the end un- animity prevailed, and they resolved to at- tack and fight as men without hope ol‘ntercy or pardon. Friday, the 18tllâ€"nll6llit12‘ all night on the Lal Killa. This mmning fi ;ht~ ing rte-commenced, and nlntincers on some points succesxt'ul, but conetantly repulsed. Rifles doing much misrhiefantong the IclJi'ls. City people, both iich and pour. running away. Suburb. where Reid failed (the Ki~hengunge) is nuts. and also the rebel“ battery there. King and two sons cnnei-al- ed. One bastion of the Lal Killa destroyed. and it will be taken. Captain Jrlden adds. “ The above is from the Dunbar [leWs water to the Rajah at Jeypm'e. There may be some exaggerat on. but in the main I am in- clined to believe this report, as the man hm- always sent us correct: reportson the whole.” After this the report of the total occupation of the city on the 20th may be accepted unâ€" hesitatingly. From the London Correspondent of the “Globe." from Kurrdchee but a copy of [he Juwpure story which I have bI-fore given. But 1 have been obliged by [he lbel‘usdl of an “ex- tract from a lener I'vcvivvd al Nu~~eerahad on the evening of the 24th Seplmnber. frmn Captain Eden at Jeypore, Sepiembcr ‘23. 8 ‘:Ineers; .n‘bainet, ot the late 95)”: Native ln aatry, Azu. m) , ot the (inisles; BradshaW, 'I the 32d boot; and 1'Illét'ihid,0l the (blur. Captain i’tosst', ol the LantlnneeP, laior .laeob, ol‘ the 1st Bengal hustle-H's, tic t'rart UUtn.r.iy, l~t l‘nnda lb lnlantry, t e returnrd its harn g died oi nound. re- ened. Ll'tgadtet' Nicholson was we tndi-d. tll his brother, 0| Luke‘s itities, and many Lhers. in all anout 30. Ut the loss 01 the .nutineers I do not. observe even an estimate. t. is only >aul that bodies 01 then: Were seen '0 he retreating both to the south ol the :ity in the dliL‘CllUH 0t Lootub, and also iCIOSslhe h.itlge ol boats, and that our cat'- .thy had mored round the city to intercept inJ destroy the lornter. Uur tietor o is inâ€" iantry. prudently recalled from too hasty an tilianze into the close lanes DI the city, iceUpn-d the Cuultlmullt‘cl) open space in- »ide the Caslnntre gate. and the Walls which hey had won upon either side of it. llead Iuat'ters were establishrd in the house once weal-ted by the renowned triegulai “0.3Lâ€" nan, b'mnner, and now klIUWII to us by his .Iatne, lo the natives as Eeeunders. l’re- Iterations Were at once made tor she ling the ‘tltzlllV out at the l’alaees. the belimghur, aid the 0 her sn‘oné places ol' the cny, and nuns (unnamed next morning, the 1.3tli. dy the E\enill: of that day a breach was elleNed in the wall of the magazine enelo- sure, Was held in force by the c tellly. and the place was stormed the next morning by the 61st Foot, and detachments ol‘tne; Bee 0 tell battalion and “iilde‘s Rifles. ln 1 it were captured 125 pieces of cannon. ‘ The Palace being now well exposed the guns and mortars opened upon it trom theI magazine enclosure, and the enemy ao- f ears to have fallen ba2k at all points. ‘ Thus the Kighengunge battery, which had ‘ repulsed the Jumtnoo troops, abandoned and , oeeupie l, and the guns there taken swelled the total number of captured pieces to up- wards of 200. The battery on the lurther side of the titer seems also to have bein abandoned, and at the date of the latest eer- taia and oflicial newsâ€"7 p. tn. on the 16th -â€"an attack upon the magazine hail heent l‘eptlhed, a that" of posts had been establish- ed li‘om the L‘abul gate to the magaAine, and the enemy some hours before dayl‘all had, been maintaining only a detached and def sullory warfare from the tops ol the houses. . Many townspeople had come in and t'€(:t'l\ ed , quarter, which was of course refused to ' every Sepoy. All this is so sati~ftct0 y ‘ that We may well credit the tale from .ley- pore,that on the 20th the pl ice was entirely in our hands. But I shall keep this letter open to the last in hope of further intelli- gence, as a steamer is just in from Kuwa- ehee, which l\lr. Frere Was keeping ready ‘ for an emergency, and which he would not have despalched unless he had something; worth sending. ] must not omit, by the way. to mention that the Jeypore report as- serts- -tltou5h I do not credit it.â€"â€"â€"that the King of Delhi escaped to a neighborin: ' shrine in the disguise ofa woman. .Scindia l it is moreover reported was raising 13,000 , men to intercept fugitives. _ P Q. The “ England” brings nvithingr from Kurraehee but a copy ol‘ the .lewpore SUMMARY OF INDIAN NEWS. Lonvos. Friday. October 30. 1857 FlRE Ix PIXE (homerâ€"On Saturday morning last, about 2 o‘clock. a fire broke out in a house occupied by Mr. Fisher, Pin» Grove, in the lowmhip of Vaughan. which rapiuly spread [Olhe adjOE-Iingdxvdiing of Mr. \Vm. Gray. Boll: houses were con- sumed,but not Lefnre a considvmble portion ofthe furniture had been taken out. The buildings, with lhnir coutwls, were but part- ially insured.â€"Gi'01>8- ELECTION movements me actively going on in Hamilton ; it being net-esmry to elect a candidate to fill the -\‘aL-ancy calmed by the redgnatlton of Sir ALLAN McNAn. A reqnisition, nuincrouxly signed, has been pu- smiled to Mr. ISAAC BUCHANAN, asking him In allow himself to he put in nomination ; Mr. BUCHANAN. waiving his own personal l‘echngs in the mutter, has entisented. The pith of his reply is compriaed in the follow- ing lines:â€"‘- All will vote for me, who by- lie\'e that I am the person who can do mo>t for the property and trade of this city at this crisis in our little. and I do not expect votes from any other than public c0n:.idcrâ€" lions at such a [-crim'."â€"â€" Lrazlcr. \lr. Dove runnnsliuled with him, and (*1 ant- UIIiy aucceedctl |I| passing. He had nnrgnl mam ‘u' (l>, l10\‘l'l‘\el, when turnin" round hr- saw the team galloping allcr him, mgell on by ll e driver, who was whipping the horses Inoat furiously. Mr. Don: dl‘tW as close In the end of the road a: possillla, but the team canw thundering on, ulm-t his Waggon. an:l threw both himsull'and dnu_;htcr (,ut. 'l‘lwy were both lIiat‘Ihillle whrn picked up ~horily allirwarda. Mr. Dow rcnmined in a Mate ol sinpor until the the 91h inslunt, when he expin-(l. Miss Dove was very much injured, an“ at the time of the inquest held on Ihc body other lath: 1‘, W213 Unable lo leave hcr room. 'l'leury I‘elurncd 2| verdict of man- slaughter against Golden. who was connnii- ted to Hike hi5 trial bul'uic the prover comt. -â€" "obe. Jncrl) Iptigrnve wns inrlieled lnr having aided and uni-lied Airalian Darius in lint riim: oi Meuhng two '10.5i* pro‘mrly of 5a nuel Slum“, of Pine Grow, in the t w _ ship ol‘ Vaughan. The priaoner pleaded nut guilt). M. . Duggazi PiOSJclllA'd j lhe pri:0.n:r wusdel'ended by Air. Demllsey. 'l‘hc princi- pal Hidenue against the prisoner was lhul ol' Durin.‘ (who had already been found gudiy of harm; siolrn the horses), and ln- .slultd llmi in April last he lived with Untigrore and hi~ Li others. The L‘ptigrm’es induced him [0 deal the horses in (llll‘hllOll, the pii~ anner giring him $30 a: a reward for lilLl"; lln-In. The hridlex Were procured Iwo nights below the horse~ were stolen by [he PlhOn er”:- hiother John and witness (Darius). l'he liorsea were sold, and Mines: gave Ihe IIOUS m the prisoner. There was a great dral of diserepancy between the evidence of Davina to-day and the tealimdluy which he gnVe before [he lllfl$lalla'r§; so much so liiul the lrurneu Jud-3e considered his slutt- ment to be whilly unworlhy of credil, and the jur,‘ taking.. the same view acquitted lllP prisonersâ€"A ti'ne bill had been found against .\‘1 0583 VVinli-rs for having received one of the horses. knowmg it to have been stolen ; bul a'ler the verdict in the. last case, Ihe pi i- soncr was not put upon his trial. Mr. Demi- sep >ai~l he Was prepared with abundant u.- (Ienee of “duh-i“: innoeence had the can: gone to the in y.â€"â€"G/nbe. On Monday. the 3rd inslant. as a respect- able farmer namul “9.0.131 L)ove,and his daughter Harriet Weru driving along the Paris road m-ur Brantl'onl, llmy overlook a ham, the. driver of which, Dirllliel Uoldrn, peraiflud in keeping the renlre of the road. GEN . Al. Hn‘r.|.ocn’s camp the news is chequered, but in Ihe main hupefuh “9. Ivan: that She army or" rclrilmlim, nu ler that able cummandur and Ins new (murmur, Uanerul Unrrum. had oncu more cros~ed the Ganges. a vd u us pnmsing on to give bullle 10 ll):- hords of rebels surrounding Lucknaw; and there sncms good leuaun u- hope lhfll (heir duroul has been lunly accmnlvlhhod. and Lire garrison rmievrll lung heloro [he pl'useul lime. A letter from Hmu- luck’s camp smles that " :wool‘ lha mu'ineer rrgr- moms have will In 10 [he General. ofl'cung lo I y duwn thmr nuns Il their lrvna were spared. The repl) was, lhzu nu overtures lruru an) rebels could be entertained. but if they gave ucular duumusua ton of their hincedl)‘. that, i: by fighlmg their brother mudneers. lhei. case wou d be rakeu m o corr>i.le.auun." This hmkx‘ wr-Il. anu' rudmuies both 1113 weakness of [he rebu s and the slmngth of the Europeans. \Ve hear. also of one unlit-n near Alryghur. Ill which four huudmd nurtmeers Warp killed. THE CASE OF HORSE h'l‘EALING A'L“\'AIIUUAN. h Ls said that about 4.000 Sepoys have been killed. Mnlluudes ol' :lleln. however, usuaped In- t; the open counlry, and will. no douhl. give us Inncn trouble 1 1s sald than the lot»! [Means of ondname luken In and before Delhi was upwards of two bundled; as many as a hundred and twan- ly [he now luliun in lllu magazine alone. 13mm I’LECKLESS DULVING. 0:}: It is said that Brigham Ynun;r has issued a Pl‘ttt‘i-Ilttiiliul’i to the U. S. trumps, defying the Unvern- tncnt. and Consolidating his [temple in hostilities in the must determined form, and ordering the trnups to keep outot‘ L'tuh. He says that if tlet desire to remain until spring they imay do so. providvd they give up their arms and zirnmunitinn. (Sniunel 'Alexnndut', in reply. stated In Yuung that Lthc troops \Aere there hy on]: r of the President. and would he di:- f posed of 115 the emntnunding General . . Vthought prayer. I 0:? Mass moutingsuf the unem- plnycd nytrnlhx-s and (IIIICI'S in New {York have been held duning the past Mveok, at which lhuir leaders hw- mngucd in the most inflanmmry style. Fears were entertained nf an alta-k 0.1 the Assay nlliuu and the bunks in 1Wall Sll‘(ei; which places umc éguardcd by a farce of the U. S. ‘Marilles. sent from Washington by the PrcsiAltrut. 'J'hc Ciw Hall “as In accordance with previous notifi- cation, :1 public meeting of the frec- holdcrs and householders, residing within thc- limits of the pmpOSed iu- curpm'aled village. was held on VVcC- nesdny evening his] in the Court Room, In decide " whether the village, when incmMotatc shall he uniltd to the East or V\ usl'RlLlingS ofthe County of York, for electoral purposes. Marines. sent from ‘xVushiugmu by the PrcsiAltrul. 'J'hc Ci‘y Ila” “as also guarded by a body of 300 Police- men. Thc City Cnuucnl have re- solved to npprupriate :he sum (f $30,000, for improvements in ll.e Central Park. which has served' lo allay the cxcilcmcnl For 1GC prescm. D? The Brantford Expositor gives the details ol‘a trrrible murder “'hi(‘h was committed on board a canal boat called the “Eclipe,” belongmg to Caledonia, while lying at the Locks, about two miles and a half below Brnntford. The murderer, whose name is John Nichols. was the Cal- tain of the boat and the victim was a hand, named EdelIl Bur,ns belonning to another boat the "Vlestcrn ot Branttord, ~ lying alongside of the “Eclipse.” An investigation of the circumstances was made by E- F. Vanhrocklin, High Constable of the County, wht-n the jury returned a verdict of \Vilful Murder against tl:e prisoner, “ll” was avcordingly com- mitted tostand his trial at the next Assizes. Amos “Wight, Esq.. M. P. 1).. was called to the chair, and W. Trudgeon. Esq.. appomlcd Secretary. D? The slcznnships Arid and Cily of ”’usbmglon have arrive], bL‘t th ir news is nl'cumpm'dxivcly Iilllc innorlanuc. The attempt to luunrh the "Grunt Eastern” was nnulc nn i'nu day aplnoimud. but was a fuilmc. The Sound Il'i:.l has but“ pnslpnned one munlh. Scwrul persons were injured, [Woof lhuln mA‘crcly. No news from India had been rcvuiwd >in(:e Ill-It hrnngg'hl by 1:10. .flrubin, u one month. Sun-ml persons were injured, lwunf’ [hum suvu‘cly. No news from India had been I‘m-cived .~iu(:e Ill-It hrnug'hl by Ina .ql‘rlbin, a synopsis of “'llil'll will bu found in our cuiunms uf ln-duy. {It}: The \Vushingtun correspond- ent of the N- Y. Tribune status that the Cabin“ :11‘: about instituting a thorough invostigation into the cm:- ducl ot' the uthcials at New Ode-ans, in permitting the esunltc of General Walker’s expedition at'tcr its yuhlicil)‘. A purpose is expressed in some quur- lcrs ol'rcnmving those found guilty. Dark iiihings’ (Emma 0:? On Friday lust a person named Flynn, alias Hamillon, was arrested at the Grand Trunk slation. Toronto. on suspicion of buing the murderer of one Carlton. in lhc town- ship ul'llungcrlbrd, lust sprilw. The cum: “‘1” be tried at ILL: Police Cour! in a fuw days. All Creation Challenged, C. Ludl'ord, Sadlvr, 'l‘hmnhill RICHMOND HILL, NOV. 20,1857. ACardâ€"-C. Ludfonl. 'l‘lmrnllill. Lyn-an Si. ISrotlu-ns, \Vholesalc Druggists, 'I'uromm ’Inlel ler Qah- in King- INCORPORATION ()F RICH- MOND HILL. The Chairman, in introducing the New Advertisements this W eek. The Clergy Reserve question occu-Il A ‘ howitzers and mortars. tog.:t'tur with. pied the remainder of the day. resolution was submitted by Mr.l’ingle, that each School Section throughout the Township should receive an equal portion of the fund. and where Union School Sections existed they should, be entitled correspondingly with the others. To this ‘the Reeve objected, and stated distinctly to the members of the‘ Council that the resolution was illegal. I the next they lOUk the magazine. Next He» said, further, that all the wards had erred in the first place. by holding ward meetings to get the opinion of the people as to how the fund should‘ be disposed of, without confining them . to any distinct proposition. No two wards had agreed. and he now thought the Council should not be gOVerncd by the people, as so many different opin‘ ions existed and no distinct conclusion had been arrived at. His (the Reeve's) opinion was. that no other legal way existed for the distribution of the fund than by apportioning it among the Sec- tions in accordance with the school attendance or school population in each. Mr. Button contended that it was not illegal for the Council to dispose of the t‘und in accordance with the resol- ution. After considerable discussion it was finally agreed to defer the sub- ject until their next meeting, which will be held on Tuesday the 24th 01 November. In the meantime legal advice will be taken upon it. large quantities of ammunition. seconded by Mr. Button, to the effect between thirty and forty heavy guns, The contest now began in earnest. The pieces having been placed on the works previously erected for themnnd every. preparation having been completed by the 14th Sept., the assault was com- menced. On the first day the Engn’ glish took the bastion nearest the camp. ‘ On the next, they spread their lines and seized a piece mom of wall. On day they found their way a little fur- ther into the town, and finally, on the sixth day of incessant fighting, they 'compelled the insurgents to evacuate the place, and made themselves com- plete masters of Delhi. Strange to say, in all this fighting the loss was not own 600 men ' the English were evidently well managed and taken care of by their officers. It is presumed that the large number of nIutineers 'who effected their escape from the city, will continue for some time to be a source of much anuovanee. to the British troops , but when we consider that the greater portion of the large reinforcement sent from England at the commencement of the 3struggle, must have by this time reached the scene of action, (for the siege was be- gun and finished before the arrival ofa s ugle soldier from the mother coun- try), little ‘danger may be anticipat- ed from the scattered remnants of the 'nsurgents. The contest may vir tual- iy he considered at an end. The .pul- he will await with much impatience lutther details ofthis memorable siege, which has shed an additibnal lustte on lhle" invincible cohorts of the “ sea-girt s e." Mr. Button contended that it was not illegal for the Council to dispose of the t'undin accordance with the resol- ution. After considerable discussion it was finally agreed to defer the sub- ject until their next meeting, which will be held on Tuesday the 24th 01 November. In the meantime legal advice will be taken upon it. ‘ I To this the Reeve objected, and stated distinctly to the members of the Council that the resolution was illegal. He said, further, that all the wards had erred in tlterfirst place. by holding ward tneefings to get the ophnon of the people as to how the fund should be disposed of, without confining them to any distinct proposition. No two wards had agreed. and he now thought the Council should not be gOVerncd by the people,as sornany diflerent Ophh ions existed and no distinct conclusion had been arrived at. His (the Reeve's) opinion was. that no other legal way existed for the distribution of the fund than by apportioning it among the Sec- fions n1 accordance \vhh the school attendance or school populafion in each. Presentâ€"Messrs. Rm-sor (Reeve), I’inqlc. Button, and Baiwmnn. The Reeve hriufly stated tn the (Int-until that then: won: several ques- tions of importance to COMM: before them. but ht: would uspcuiully call their ulit‘llliun to a suhjnut which had. dur- ing the present your, caused grunt dissatisfaction. ”l: alluded to ilk! vex- cd svluml questiun of Section N0. 10. He said the matter had been lhm'mlgh- |_\' iuvsstigzitcd by himsclf-(md others. yet if any doubts existed in thc minds of the (juuncil. they were at liberty to investigate th- suhjuct a second Moved in amendment by Col. Bridg fin'dâ€"sccondt-d by E. Shepherd, Esq. Rr's'l/L'r'rl -â€"'l‘h.t the promsed Incorpor- atvd \‘ilingv he :Illm-lu-d [n thu “'95! Riding "f tln: Count) of Ymk foreluctoral purposrs. The nmemhm‘nl having been sub- mitlvd. the hnusc was divided. \vhcn tlmn' :Ippcnrud fittccn yvus and {went}:- six naf's. he original motion was then carried by the same majority. Mr. Hinton t ought the investiga- tion which had already been made was sufficicnt. A By-luw was then passed to break up school scc1inu N0. 9, and annex the same to school sections Nos. 8. 10 and 14. time. SUMHCI lowing rcsolutiuuâ€"sucondcd by John Palmer, Esq. Rr'so/rrd,â€"â€"'l‘hzit should the petition to lilt" Hummer Genet.“ hr fuvorqu rcccivud. and th ' \il'a;e of Richmond Hill incorpor- ated, it is lilt' destre 0f the fl'celmlders and hmueuolde.s, within the buumL-rixs thereof that they for electoral purpmes he attaolu-d to the I'iaat Riding of the County of Yoik. '|‘|mresult hnvfiig been ummuncud, three huarty chccrs were given for the Ens! Riding. and line mculing (H:- The mcmburs of the N, ll'khmn vanship Council .nm at Silu's Hutc', Uniunvillu, (m Sumrdav lust. The politiun to his Excellency was mun rcud b_\' G. 1’. Dickson, Esq. It contained the names 0(107 freeholdcrs :md lmusuhuldm's rcpruseuling up- wards of 1000 soulsâ€"u large numbur of numcs having yet tube added there- 10. meeting, as also that: portion of the statute, 2011) Vic. Chap. 67, hearing ml the question which the meeting had been convened to disf'uss. lie then proceeded briefly to explain, that as the village of Rivhmond Hill “as situate within the ronfines of two electoral divisions. \‘iz : the East and \Vest Rid- ings ot‘ the County of York, the Gov- crnor Getierul was empowered by the aforementioned statute to annex the village. when incorporated. to one or other of these Ridings. it had there- fore been resoiu-d by the committee appointed at the previous meeting. to call the present one, in order to obtain a direct vote of the inhabitants on the suhjeet. M \RXHA )1 COUNCIL. 1’. Dickson, Esq. moved the fol- g rcsolMinnâ€"seconded LIV John rend Hr: hundbill calling ' llze ‘ as also that portion cf the r .IIl rs will rehemher that about the lst of September last Gen. “'ilson t :ok up his position on a r Inwe ol h.lls so the north ol the doomed Ii _v ; he in Ad then with him some ten OI ele.en thou- sand men, but being without a siege train. an assault upon the gar i on was net-mod imprudent. However, during the first Week of the same month, he was reinforced by about two thousand men from Cashmere, who also brought with them a formidable siege train of between thirty and forty heavy guns, howitzcrs and mortars, tognt'Ier with large quantities of ammunition. The contest now began in earnest. The pieces having been placed on the works Some time ago we alluded to the Inelit-ient state ofthe Mnrkhnm :Ind lilgin MLIS plunk road. Since then “e are glad to see that the directors lI:l\'C caused it to be repaired, and it may now be said that the public can travel with some degree of safety. \V . also hinted that in out opinion it was IIevt-Sszn'y tor this company to take into consideration the propriety ofhav- ing the road llHN‘flditltllZCd. Subse- quently We have hal some coIIt‘ct'Sa- tion “illl t\\o or three ofthc directors relative to the mutter, and there does not appear to be any \’L:t'_\' serious ob- stIIele in the way. The questionsnrt , «an the prtsent stuck holders he i - dueed to increase the stock I can other individuals be induced to tztkc Stork snliichnt to build the roudl These :1 , pear to he the principnl qttestio . whirh, if submitted to a public tncct- iitg, the hut wouid be at once ascer- t.I:IIt-d. There are many individuals residing near this road. who have large farms, and who have up to the present tel‘used to take stock in the road, but who, if (In efloIt “e emude to Instead- anIize it, would at once contribute to the undertaking 21 considerable sun) of money. In our opinion it is wrong for the inhabitantsol‘thisatndsurround- ing townships, to expect the directors to keep the road in good repair. niuch longer without aid front those whom the t'mtd is most calculated to benefit. and it is now a positive fact, that the Markham und Seurobro" pl.Ink rend company have l‘CSHqud at u reclutt met-ting. to sell the planks, gates at d t Ill hm.s -s along their antl. divide the proceeds among thestoek holders, and then throw up their chur'er. This bi - ing the case. it is evident that the travel upon the Elgin road w-li be Hrett'lN - creased “e h: ipe the eoInp'nIv \\ Ill loose no tiIn ‘ in d. st-nssinv the subpt t tIIIti it lound pt“;tttti<:ub|e, set :Iloul it at once. \Ve have no doubt but the :In' - v Int I'res that would act Inc ”10"“ ftom w onld Well compensate them for thei‘ exertions. In other columns uf this day's i~.~uu \VIH ln- fuund a sumpsis ut' lhc mm s brown 1! l)_\ xhu sluumship .11 ab. (1 chut mnmw \xhich Is the ,qluriuus lidiuus nt the in“ 01 De hi. the Iamv wl (-nhilul ml the Eastern Empirc,' and the hu.ul-’ quarters 01' the Sclmy nullimcz's, he. 01: lhe conquering arms ul' :1 I: (r: handful of Brilish troops, under Ihl: aide guiluncc of Gun. \\'i.son. Our THE CAPTURE ()F ELII . TUE ELGIN ROAD wo¢.â€"

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