Humâ€"Large supply, a gn'at deal of whicu was inferior quality, selling from $10 a $18» prr ton. pineslic articles. not a good supply; xpril'es much the Sunle.â€"â€"Colouist. 3mumfmun'ec‘l by them. feeling conï¬dent. that on trio]. they wil} be found dupcnol‘ to lho imported. our“: price or quality homg considered. Toronto. Oct. 93. 1857. gN-d’ FLOUR.â€"hem‘y bales without any per- cep'ible advance. BARLEYâ€"None. 041's â€"-â€"Scarce and standing fuily at yesterday’s quotations viz., 15 10,“ a. ‘25 per bushvl. Pure Drugs. _ Surgical lualmmems. Chemicdls. ' Brushes, Spices. Dyefluï¬'s. Perfumery. Paints uud Colours, Fancy SOuPE' Olls (Lump. him. &c..‘ Patent Mex-mines. Varnishas, Judi: Ruber Gouda, Clolhnm’ .Halerials‘ DRUGGIS l'b" GLASSW’ARE, &c.&c. wd which thay'ofl‘er to the trade at lowest rates ' L. B. & Co.'would purlrculnny call the atién; tion of Dealers and Painters to [he LYmN', BRO’S. an ch": \VHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 4, St. Lawrence Buildings, BEEF-~l er quarter, not much in. selling at, (are quarter $4 a $4 5-0; hind quar‘cr from $5) 25 a $5 75) [er 100 lbs. P0RKâ€"~Scarce,at from 5 50 per 100 lbs. $ a $6 50 Toronto. Kev. 17m, 1857. “'HEAT not in good _supp|y, say 2,500 bushels; more buyers m lhemarkel, and competitors acme, causing an advance in price, \'iz., from 4-: l0 5): 10d, 65 was given Vin several inalances, but shipping when! ruled from 55 6d a 55 10d. '1 he nr «'5 o Illa {all 0! Delhi marked the Gmewr of D1 mbay while a large dinner party \ as hang entrr'a'm'd at goverumem lluuse. Lord Elpll'ust-rue immediately an- nounced the joyful tidings to the assembled company. and called upon them ‘0 ï¬Ll their glasses. and drink lo “ The lu'allh of Gen- ural Wilson and his huu'e Anny." This was done will] much r11llu.ainsm, the band striking un “'l‘lw Briliah Grenadlers.â€â€"- Bombayj‘imcs. Ground IVhite Lead, Colours in Oil, Putty, Patent Dryers, 6%., i 0!" ‘Iml lhv peoph'ahmt NIH-w market tried to |H"I'\'cllt ou‘ pulling nur \‘oh-s is without I I: ahnl‘uw of Hull) 'l‘he pen]: 8 0" Lemon- \'i he much re re: ‘hat ydu slnuld be so far dupctl as i0 give publicity to such a ba~e culmnmy. We have no olher freiing tn- w.|rds our fr!an rilizem north of the: lidgu lh .n cwiï¬dc not and esteem». Yours 8m. After dinner the band “ dis-coursed swaat manic," and we again Illilrt‘lL‘IJ. Dr. Freel was called upon to I'rtll-‘ll the thanks of the Mahler and Kuhn-n I'Or lllt‘ Li IIJ tcceptiott and (he a lutitnblc ordet and It») a] gout] will or [he :tS‘nui‘Jh'd “tends: arltlr which [how on the sunny stdc ol' lht: meridian of life tcâ€" puirt-d to [hr avmnht)‘ IotHl',l0ï¬l1t.~h the day’svulertmumcttt mlh their itnl‘llwl‘s in («I mth (fan-1:. 'l‘hth passed ama)‘ this b.11th ol' the worht's liberty. New, “tr, my math ()Ytjtwt in writing you L to (' your utlvlttinn l0 t-vrtain suicidal t c unmx ’15 In] tun-tor ll e misnnnu-t' nl' "1" 'A Way." Br the :ttttllrn' whom le muyl {so u no I‘mnd (n L.-m0u\'il.’-, nor (0 tin- gwd n~mv of {he lownflxip. Hts in~inua Our \V. M. (Captain Nt‘wberv Bullun) addressed the assemth will! much uccvpt- zmce. 'l‘he brethren then all down hgelhcr t- a whsmmial dinne., laid out in ms new Hall, to which they did ample juslice.â€"â€"en- jwyinar a social converse surpuSaing' anything herclol'oru, us this is the ï¬rsl time we llch 3‘ been sealed at onx. Marshall J. Phillips formed a proce:s?on. andr We marched through our grn'ellc l streets, while our fair s’mpnlllizurs wm'cJ (hear lmndkurchiel‘s and tvsliï¬ud Iheir loyal delight. in a manner not to be misunderstood. Therspitiled yuuug b.uLlnreu 1mm Nauti- ~Meâ€"â€"â€"wilh :1 {our horse rig in good slyl' . \Vllen near Lemuuvillc a mule dra natic in- cidcnt Occurred, which cuuacd [he gum“ >1 menilnz'nl.und uï¬mdcd the lava: ul~ [Lo ludicrous food for the: day. A rcgufur Dun Quixote suddenly male hi3 appearance, wiilx green, ribbons llymg, his mec cuucluzd, and a rusty toad stabber at his side. [In order- eJ the Onnge flag to be pulled down, but learning the walchword, " :Vu Surrmdu‘.’ ’ he tuxued his {Uigqu l’waiuahlr: and led lllr Way, braudanhing his lance like a true Knight of ‘t ’ulrick, while tlue band shuck up tlw “ [ï¬tmnt Boys,†and lluc cheers and bola- terous laughter sen! Sir Kuiahl in queal of‘ new adventures. JUHN HILL. LI‘IDOIWMP, Nov. 6 1857. The morning bring lhm, lhu lnellneu luau-d out with the light of [Ilauathc in their (mun tvuauws,aH iuh-nl on wuo,ug [he ll‘iaadl goddcas, and they wele nul dmup‘minled. The Lodge was aliener by their accoinpanymcnl, the Bullouvillv Bran: Baud To the Edizor of (In: York llidmgs' Gum-UG- >l.(,â€"'l‘hc ï¬lourvdle Loyal Umnén Lodge, :n their hat a rating, not having n- ccived any imiluliou to visit a sister ludal' lemh'ed lo celebrate the day at Lennom‘illu- The morning bring lime, lhu lncllnen lucm-L‘ out With the light 01' in their cnuu We wish to be dislillcuy uudcmood leL we “in not. link! ourselvea respouanble lur the upmimh‘ of our Con'cslmndems. A.5u, all (fumummculnous uddxessrd to um, ofï¬ce for I'nbi.cuLou. must he nccompanied ii} the real name ol'lhe mizer. al- though ll need uox m cvu)‘ can) bu inserud. EIEIII 01" NOV. A l‘ L;MU,\ \' xLLli CODIBIUNICATIUS. 'Lbnox'ro IMPORI’KRB OI“ AND [DEALERS IN MA R Ii JSTS. LARGE SUPPLY of Magistrates' Blanks. according to [he lalesl forms. for sale at [his Oflicu. by the duZun or hundrod. RESIDENCES :â€"He~nry Smn-lser. Laskay. King Thus. Bowman, Alluira. Markham. October 15. 1857. 219-1 l lo a NludiCnl Man of smndmg and nxperi- once. House and Promises. both pleasant and convenient. can be had on reasonable lurms.‘ Richmond Hi". Juno 15m, 1857. LAND .HN‘I) "’JITER JIILL .' Near Richmond Hill. THIS FARM contains about Fil‘lv Acres. wit Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE 'IOH NSIHI’S OF Markham 6:; VV 11 i tchurch PRIVATE SAL ' ‘HIS FARM commus about Fifty Acres. with 1 a House. Gardmu. and smau- Clearance. and is well limhered. The Water Mill. including Three good Dwelling Houxcw. with Gardens. ana about Fifteen Acre: of Land. if requier by the purchaser. The premises am In present used as an Agricultural Implement and Fm Factory. All the ubuve prupeny m“ be sold 0.; aasy lerlxlsfor Cash or Yearly Payment». and is worthy Em; anemion oftlw Mechanic and Farmer. Apply, if by leller post paid, turmeVE-Ia’ilzrof Guzdle- June. 1857 Somomher 10. 1857 LL Acmnnts due Isl October. not paid by ; |41h November. will be put in SuiL I shall slriclly adhere to my new system of Short Credit and l’rompl Payment. AME into the promises of [he Subscriber. Let C No. 30, 4lh Concesx’ion. Markham. ahout the l51h of September. Hve Ewes. The owner is m- ques‘e’d to [Move properly, pay damages and take them away. “'ILLIAM PADGET‘ Victoria Squaw. Nov. 10. 1E57. g‘, ‘A MR imo lhe Subwnlmrs euclowre. in June (/ Ind. 11 STRAY S'I'EEK. The owner is re~ qawesled to plow pmperly. pay clmuges and lake il awa}. G. A. BARNARD‘ Richmond Hi“. Nov. 5. 1857. e CASH UP. iq a va “oust ndn ted I'm-u Mechanic uf any kllld or Docmr, (us than: ix no Donor in Ilm neighbou hood). The “Mid is n Urge Hunse, iwilh a†the arcmuodulious fora Tavern, with a [Imvur-fulling \Vell ul‘ \Valer. Also. geomsulln- hlo oul-lnlidiugs. nunsisling ol' drivmg-huuse. large clued. wand-shed. gnu)an and Mable. lo- [ gather with :Oqu c'luice Fruit Trees. comp-ismg I plums, pBflm. curranu. and the black lame cherry. BUTTON VILLE is simmed on a pleasant ‘ rise of ground, nu the 4th Cuucesxion of Mark~ ; hm" Then- i.~ nu established I’o~t-OHi¢-e~(ogelher ‘ with n Griuluud Saw Mall, Slum. wiLiI Mechanic of dufl'oreul kinds. 'l‘o Hulk-511 Pr :Ictilioncrs 'l‘crlns em). apply to the Proprietor on the premims. or by Letter, pest-paid lo Buuouville. Poasession will be HIVEII on the lst uf Ami], or if needed. the Isl ol‘Juuuar) . [7 Title indisputable. =33] “ Gazelle" Ofï¬ce. Aug 27. 1857 For particului A U nuiznblo Hui.diugs. wilhu {m mm M erd unnrhed m m'v‘h. ( Cottage suilnhlu for u sun-ll fnmih- is a New House, ndn ted for u [\‘L MPORTERS or Wines, Spirits and British Bears, in Wood and Boule. P V.\u|_1‘s.â€"Under the (ilabc Ofï¬ce. King Strum West Toronto. Lot Nu. 28. 2nd Com. Malkhmn Nov. 11. 1857. 923 BUTTUNVELLE LL those who WM: a superior Cutter. can he V supplied b_\' calling at the Phagnia Carriage «may. Maxkhum Village. C. \V. [1? Please to give an eaal} can. Non] ‘h. 1857 VALUABLE PROPERTY 1 luv Saddle and Harness Makm', 'l'llORNlll_L. 'l'horuhill. Nov. 16, “5.31 “VILLIAM .MURRISON Bultuuville. Oct. 28. 1557. ' gQi SMELSER 8L BOWMAN, Eur lull; [1? Au in~ .olwitrd before BLANK FORMS. und. 0‘ GOO D» QPI“)RTUNITY new SADDLE AND HARNESSi MAKER ; Thorium†ONQIR'HAW CU i‘TlSRb’ H (.‘U I‘TERS .1! l London Dork Vaults. GRAND, BROS, ciugIn-s Lm [rad for" Cu. Tmuhhip of MJRKHJM, g3: 1‘01: SALE. 4;; Flourishing HOTEL I’HK SALE. St rayutl Steer ! m CALEB LUDFUM), STRM'ED SHEEP. unnul'arlure- m uchv. all ('uncrlpliunï¬ of He'n’v and Light Hume s. “tune: 5:. VVhi'h' and minor urliclc» halnngiug In: nllul’ which he is pl'vpm'ud to be“ uh. (Ir on :Ip;nr0\'r‘d Evadil. '1‘ II () l C. LUDFORD, pmchamug e JA M ES CL! FFOR I) 'D'n. DUXCUMB. H [NR Y 11. “’A LES. H), 1557 hers (ha M 111 'I’H l' Inaugum um. 'uxu31.\.s m-mox. l’lu, rie [or lNIilLL. Three “Hugo Lots. “ilh with u {outh purl of an u l. lur unh- lha! Wei} k M Nu. 5. 61h U I :41 . “‘1le guud smbiiu Acuqu Land. 1 Rlchmond Hi“. gH-Lf C. LllDl’ORl) hag-- lcuve to info in he has t:nm~l.mll\' on ch'. In“ d1:.~.crlpliunv4 of an Hotel I I) ens}. clur on [he Village On k and Pro/11 {cl 0 r oï¬â€˜ers itself g.2-w_\‘ g-1 ‘“'3' I: n sum-l “1e srl'ond an: Ill ï¬z- l'ur ll r h ’u'u MA-J g19-l gQ3-3l g23-8! [:24 -tf 23-31 ICES IS the 22-tf Hf c,jAUTEMN& “VEN'E‘ER GOGPDS WILL not hold myself responsible for any accident (hm may occur from the removing qf Sand from the hide Line, be- tween Lots ‘20 and 21, near the 2nd Con cession, in the Township of Vaughan P. PATTERSON, OrerSPer of Division No.12. Inn, and Livery Stables, Yoxm; Snuzn. OSEPH GABY begs to inform the public lbs: he has counmenced to run a Stage 1mm the nbovo Hotel to the 0. S. d; H. R R. Station. (Richmond Hill) twice a day ; and will convey pasaengers to any fan of the country. night or day. in Lou minutes notice. ‘1 ed at a l’uhlic Meeting of the In- habitants of Richmond Hill. held at the Court House, on the ‘281hOctober, 1857, application will be made to the Governor General olCanada in accord- ance with the "flct to .Hmend the .Municipal Lan of Upper Canada 7'?- lating lo the Incorporation of Villugps,†to incorporate the Village of Rich- mond Hill. in the Countyof York, un- der the name of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, bounded as follows :â€"l‘rom Lot number Forty-three to Fifty-two, (both inclush e) on eat-h side ol‘Yonge Street, and extending to the second concession of the Townships ofMarlt- ham and Vaughan. Richmond Hill. Oct. 30. 1857 NOTICE. INCORl3â€"6RATlON ,0]?â€" RICHMOND HILL. Ladics' (Hanks & Manilos, Ladies' Dress Goods, Ladies’ \Vool Juclms, Ludivs’ Silk & Hosierv. Gloves. 6; Ribbons. B'ankms & Flanncls. ~ Children’s “'00! Goods of every dcsrriplion. A gand Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive C. D. rcspectilully Solicits an Inspection of his Stock w found to be large and we“ ussoned. V001 Scarfs, hich will be Brown and Grey Penal-Shams, Fancy Vestil The whole of which have bx-eu carefully Sch’cled by himself. Am practical experience he is enabled to assure the public of the gun! The latest fashions will always be found :at his eambhshnwnt, z cnpavily as a Practical Tailor, I!) swung lhe palmuage of a“ “ho plclhxence to those who deceive the puhlic uilh ready-made Slap I kind, and vauan as of llwir own mauuiaclure. 'l'csmaâ€"CA>H. Richmond Hill. s JOHN 001. 30.13.37. W 1N T E R, DRY GOODS F OR SALE, ‘WO ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME 7 HOUSE. s-Lualed on Centre Street. For parliculars apply to October 26, 18:37. GROCICHIES. Jan. A FIRST 1 The above Goods wiil bc- sold at the lawml [taxi Richmond Hill, 01:1. 30, 18.37. i . l JOHN C(mLTEu, 3113391414:fo IAILOR, Richmond Hm, On. 15', 1857, ‘3“ of which are mad-n of lhn exllurionce in the business \rhl on“ to impact. and is now propm‘vd l0 do nli kinds .-r B buL buluiu nqu lwluoou hn October 28th. 1857 Richmond Hiâ€, Oct. 30, 1857 \‘Iclmia Squarn, Nuv. 19, 1;“)? GREEABLY to a Resolution pass- EGS to announce that he has 0n hand Trade, consisting ol CHALLEN ELL EHEATIï¬m RICHMOND IIII I!\ “'. FH‘IRHELIJUI ln'gs lo illl'o.n| rhlpr llml he Lus C05; 1. 1 Mn bl sine» M VIC'J‘URI Five Hundred Pairs Lndics‘, Hives" Fancy Scoich Twccds, Doc Skins, Real Fur Bcuvcr, for Ovorcmm! All Shades of (Ia/ours -â€"ALSOâ€"~ IS NOW†OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSOI{'1‘}§1C{'. THE WHITE SWAN DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS! FALCONBRIDGE CHARLES DU RHANT’S NOTICE. READY MADE CLOTHING CUTTEHS AND RIC H MON 1) HILL ! G. DOL M A G E. C H A, R L E S D U R R A 1‘4 T, RICHMOND HELL, JOSEPH GABY. M. TEI-JFY. $WEN’E‘ER PI oprioxor. cry b-<I mule "ml. and gal u,» undurl enable lmu 10 give aatlalhcaion w u "Penna at his Customs-rs propoaul l’ropnieior g2] 41‘ AN IMMLINSE STOCK! â€"-x\'E\V ARRIVAL OFâ€" 31511" 011’ TED HIRE C ’1' FR 0151' ENGLA 1V1). ngvlm ls RECEIVING HIS H Mk manna. n nun (I call p111 gIR-tf [he inimbxmuls of Mu'kh ml 7m f: A SQUAR No hand-made Shingles can pqual tho‘te made by Steam. IOI'neulnL-ss and durability Specimen- of his Shingles may be seen at (he “Gazette†Oflice. Richmond Bill. And ll Mr. Rul’u: skin- n-‘r's. Grocer. Yong: Slum. Tonomo. 'I'hu‘x'nhm. Sept. 1". 1857. (Hilf To Builders. Farmers and Others .' ' ‘lilNGLES. 01“ A éUVl'JRIUR QU.’\LI'I' can now he had in any qnunuly. lrum OIIO ll :1 Thousand BunChas, ul. Mr. 303‘ LASGWAFT' Shi-Igie D’lauufautory, Youge blrcel. near '1 hqu hill. "f A l-xrga stock of Harness. &c, always on hand. and made to ordur at the lowest possible remuuurating-Rrices. \Villiam H. Myers, Premium Harness M'anufacfmm‘, 1 ESPECTFULLY announces to the Public generally. that he huvlng mkon xhe Fl K S T P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Sheet Ag- ricultural Show. Two Years in mccessiun, he feels conï¬dant that he can give culile satisfaction in a†handles of his blbinesx. ES'I‘ABLISHMENT. One Daar Saul}; If (he GAZETTE Oï¬ce (If? All \Vork Warrantod. SADDLE 6' HARNESS Id Cluldrens‘. Boots, Shoes 8; Rubbers RICHMOND HILL 07:? P R E M 1 U Mag good asso: Inn-mt. of luchnnonu"1'{nl[6ct 15. 1857 CARRIAGLS, BCGGIES AND WAGGUNS, PAINTED AND TRIMMHD. Richmond Hill. Sept 4. l857 Grainer, Gilder, Glazix'r‘ and Paper Hanger. RICHMOND HILL. {ATE House, Sign and Ornamental ’ancy Vestings, &c , 3w 9 hum . Idulul' SHINCLES. ' ‘ "M ’ *2 'Iu Wu [mun-m Hm Mum. mum SLEEGHS 3y himself. And from his long and ihlic of the qnniiiy of each article. (faiilbiiihimfnL, and he relies on his nage of all “ho “an! good work in idly-made Slap lVor/i, of the IOWesl CHARLES DURRANT J. MORRISON, ASSURTMENT! *5. For pcu'licuim's see Bil/s Purng Muchiua lo a Locomotive L mu m hi~ stock of J DUN COULTISR Ins own ilupecl: n “is 1 those “aw may purchn. And from matexiuls for the \Vinler urmuuding To» B g13-3m lelf 21-1f ‘21-1f g18-1y L'lll OF lung - u. n. w n m. Mung \thYe-nh‘ House. Hnuu' , r “WM! youâ€. Copper F. llulruin and 4| en Kel‘ls maker. In M: hm thanks for yum-1 ‘avo'R. lo the iI-hnl-ilmm ul' lennond Ilii! L ivform xhem he has colmnmly on humi. alums: ever}- nmclr ior Cash as (‘hpap as possubie. Also. 3!! kind~ of Japan “Fare, Copper Fountaihn Tea Kettle [13' Old Copper. Brass, Fowler and Lend. taught or taken in On thv most reasonable terms. and on the slmflest noticv. Soli the public patronage, he would beg to sub~cribe himwlr} Your obedient smvmt 'I‘HE Subscriber would beg lvave to intimate tn the mh vicinity, that he has leaned the premises at present occupin Victoria Square; and that lllt‘ blhlIWSS hillu-rto cm'riml a lhu lat of November, hv carried on by the U merit a cmnlinuance ol the patlonnge so hbm zlbilants of Markham nu; Kl by Mr. WM. H. l-iiws'nm r' by Mn. “INGSTUN will from “(lei-signed. whn will at all (inn-s rmli-aior I. all)" (‘xtrmlc'd to ltls predecessor. The Subscriber will at all times be Inrt‘pared to vxmnlte all kinds of Wilh an unusual assomnent of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in ev style and vmiel) . which he offers on the above terms. and much ï¬ning his business [0 Slloxler time. he is assured of tllollt>l'es>i1_\'uf a general adaplallon lo the new principle, “hich "mat uzpersede the Long Credit (nut Lung l‘ruï¬i 51,5142)". in general um in this Country ; and eunv'mcrd that a discerning public will maul Lln-mwlu-s of [he Nuw Svsnvm, wherebv they can effect azuviug from 15 to 2!) per c.1111 on the average on Good» they usually require. ' try fabric. make. shape. lasx than ever sold before, In con- The Subscriber has much plva~ure in recommen patrons of this I‘Islnhlidunent and the public anH‘uH‘y business habits; he feels the more conï¬drnl in doihg during the Ias= twelve months, during which time workmmmhip. Who will ï¬om the ï¬rst of November next, carry xyslem as heretofore. Small Proï¬ts and Quick Rt-turnsâ€"Cne Price a]; THE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks h vicinity, for line liberal patronage bestowed on lnnn din-iv has ln-eu in bunncss a: Woman SQUARE, would l'wg declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the premises to TruMing he may meet with the same> countenrmce this establishment, he would beg to subscribe himwll} G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill. will conduct humust solely CIU'DIT. Six months “I†be given on all new AcLOqur, ramble pn April in each year Dry G 00:} s, Made to order, in every style, from almost every Pmcss, at And 101‘ LHEAPNESS THEY CAN NOT BE SUHPASHTD. ITnvingdevnleda particuIa: :lltcntion to this Class uf trade, he wouid C‘dl‘llebil) 5 Me“ an impcclion, being conï¬dent of giving entire saliaiaction. C L O’T H I N G Aml forCHEAPNEss THEY CAN NOT BE SUHPASN‘I‘JI “ CHE Ready-made \Vinhar Clothing‘ Nnrth of Toronto. in Haring purchased nu: nmerhal, and had them Ilnudl: e thoroughly recommend them as J Thiva Vrcuna and Plum. Aka, an Excrant Assortment'of H‘Ienï¬â€™ Scotch Druhcm. Scotch Lmnlrs \‘Vool. scarlet, blue, “11:1? sovks and gloves. of all SIZI‘S and qualitivs. Sum-Iv "mm of calourutl lambs wool and woolen \arns. admncc on cost ,‘ROM w Richmond Hm Y1CTUmA SQUARE. Oct. 12 Richmond Hill, June 30. 1857 VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, ‘857 S/eort Life 10 the Old Systemâ€"~L0ng Credit, Long Life to the New Syslclm~SHonT CREDIT: Success t0 the Bus! Systemâ€"TERM S Richmond Hill. Oct. 15,1857. ‘v. A. B. earnestly and respectfulh solicits a rail. and on (-xvnninmion. his 10 As Lawns. |hau any in the Neighborhood.â€"â€"His menu shall be :â€"- “ A. BARNARD has now on hand [he la: GENE RAL BLACKSL‘JITH \VUR K ‘WILLIAH ROUGE, Senna, COPPER. BRflSS, 77.x: .qu mow rum; WORKER AND FURNRSHING IRONMONGER. I‘JADIES’ MANTLES; L'S'I' IH'X'ICIVICI). :17 \‘nriL-ly of [he NLumL l‘atternsiu Black and Crev (31‘ Croukcry, ELEI’I‘HIREG T0 SUIT TEE HERB TIMES! NEW FALL GOODS." ds, Groceries, Ladics’ 6L Childrcns’ Boots & Shoes G. A BARNARD is now roceivinga Jar R. A' “'n)_ F BLACKSMITHING. August 19‘ 18‘ Drugs & Medicines , FOR CA SII ! Parlour and Cooking Stow-s MR. JOHN MCKENZIE, (C3: Markham Econmnzst please copy till forbid l‘lEN AND EBOYS’ VICTORIA SQUA R EC Markham Economist please cupy till forbid. “'9'†“'hnle- MP H magc bestowed on lum dining 11;» Isn‘t 'J'wunty-three yeals he 'roRIA SQUARE, wouM bvg lean"? to sum» that his about ,185 DURABLE, â€"â€"ON T H I woolen yarns- Intnint. Tea Kettle's and Rm?! P laught or when in exchmme fnr1 aints, recomnmuliug Mr. MACKEsz to Hm fox-mm Your obliged 3o!|‘\‘a'lt, SYST EM 3†BARNARD'S, Richmond Hill. BA '1 NA [1 D‘S; Richmond Hill 21's! . in every variety of style- and fabric. u: ex;»re~:~ny for his owu trade, he can 'o and we†selected stock of line \Yesi, and that he \V-n G IIINGS’TO-N. , an a 301mg man oI‘ ï¬rmly. punctual. m Inning luul Emu in his eluphxtymenl he was perfectly aatxzï¬ed “ill: hi.- m ~u m cl: in 1h: mutedaLat the MOST ECONOMIC.“ beat, and ( ln‘upest a:sou<mwt.flf JOHN JIPKENZIE Lambs \Vool, \Vorsled and Flannel aml Fancy Flannel Shirts. \Voolen t and Fancy mufflers. A nire assort- &c., which will be sold atu alight [he bu~iness on lhe same approved pa} able phzmpxl)‘ (In Isl and >lll1llol[,f(ll‘mtl'l‘\' bestowed or anerns in Black and Grey Cloth exchange for Gowds. me inllaliitanis of Malkltam and \Vines & liquors, Hard ware on hand. Soliciting a continuance o mid-HI. u «t (‘( umJlim aln-ve l' on CASH ()R SHOR'I ’aus mndc to order. pricus will be coucnzu- no Abatement ! ‘llnll‘ “'hit RM S CASH. nnd “Muir ton. Refurns : and hogs to h he “ill sell Oils, 62c. IRIS g! l-Jm gIQ-(f let his g4'tf «20 Tms Conan" Insure: n" Buildings, Manufuclorws, Mills, and Furniture, in the mine, ag: age by ï¬re. on libeml terms. settled. Rosideucn. Richmond Hill, August 13.1857 J. C. Gnuon. Free. “7m. Hendnrson. Jnmen Loask, Hugh M Her, Waller Mncfarlune. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000 W E S '1‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. Of the best quality and workr'nnuslhib, :nd almoo exclusively of Home Manufacture. Also. I largo stock of Ready-Made Clothing ! Comprising Cams, Vests, Pants. Hal: and Cup- &c.. &c.. of even size and description; also of excellent quality and manufacture. an of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Canada. for CASH. Angusl6. [857‘ VV’OULD respectfully {minute to his I Friends and the Public,flmthe has constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlomens’ and 7 ‘HE undersigned havingpurchnsed R. Logan'- 1 Patent Mill. is now prepaled to manufacture any quan'ily of them, at his faclory. Markham Vlllage; and any person infringing on the above Patent originally invented by Richard Lonson. will be proaechled u'ccurding to faw EA-lward. Eliza. Misc 1 Bernard. H. , flown. William Bressou. W. ctmppell. John L. Conley. N Richmond Hill. July 23. 1857‘ AME into the premises of the Subscriber. ,I nln ul the 151 of July last, a Two-year old Heifer. The owner is requested to prove propor- ‘y, pay churgesuEa-de Qaya her away. ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL For terms apply to Mr. THOS. CWER. Thomhiu. Thoruhill. August 11, 18574 Boot and Shoe Maker. RICHMOND mu. ~. \V’OULD respectfully intimate to ’1 Friends and the Public. that he 7 ‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gou- nraHy. that he has leased the above Haul. formerly kept by THOMAB MAI. which he ha! ï¬ned up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customers. and he trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a liherahpalronagez PINE W00]!!! FORSALE. 30] CHAS. POLLOCK, [so Hull, Henry Hunt. Sflns Jnckliu. Robinson Kelley. William Kerm'ell, John Lawrence. Geo. Rev. Lindsay. Miss [2.] Langsluï¬'. John Leece. Henry Munro. Samuel D. anos. “'illiam Murray. John Mutthuws. John McIntyre. Neil MrKinnol. John McGleary. John Newbory. William Phil'ips. l’etor Rubinson. E. R. Min Sanderson. Henry. Suxun. Gem-gt; Smith. Thomas Woolcou. M385 Walker. John Richmond Hill. June 121b, 1857. MPORTER of British, French German and Amedcnn, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. No. 80. City Buildin s. King StroatEnn. oppnsile St James’ Callledra , Toronto. C. W. Nov. 5. 1857. £994! ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Makers DJOINING the \Vesleynll Mellvodist C11:- pel. Yonge Street. ‘R'tchlnond Hill. A choice selection of Gemlemeus’. Ladion' und Childrong’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and nmde to order On the Shortest Notice. Doughty. Uriah Ever, Lydla Miss Fishbum. J. Rev. Gibbs. Thomas Gibson. James Warren Galuhle, A. \V. [2] Hughes. Robert Hood. William [3m] LETTERS 1N Richnmnd Hill P. UN lst NOVEMBER, 1857. Nov. 2. 1857 Fire! Fire! 1 Fire it LUKES’ HOTEL, i-TOLLAND LANDING. Boots & Shqes of eve_ry dgsaription! ONE HUNDRED CORDS IKCORI‘ORATZD II V Rumou’ï¬mf Head Oflice, Church Street, Toronto. WILLIAM SANDERSON.‘ I.ql_No. 14. 3rd Conceasiun Markham BOAR?) OF DIRECTORS. JAMES HALL, v lnsuros n" descriptions of Memories, Mills. kc . and Good- u the name. against loss or dam. libeml terms. Lossol promptly Straycd. LOST ! | Tuos. HAWOI‘TH. V. Pr». Rico Lewis. George Michic. J. P, Robmu. Rabi. Stanton. set. [5] ACI‘ 0F PJRLIAHK M. H. RUMOHR. gin-6m. A- LAW. Goneâ€! Arum H57â€" Nu-l-v Moore. Mrl. Mush. Francis Murphy. Honor: m. Muldoon. S. Mill. McKinnon. Pam MCKeuzie. B. Mn. KorswaH.Charlol ‘Keisall. Abrahun Love, Richnrd [QJ Langamfl'. Jam“ Lamb, 1mm Sommel’ï¬old. Pull Sm'nh. Hugh Shaw. James \anker. \Viliiam “'fllsnn. Richard N. TEEFY, J’astmasur. Jiimmerson. Jame. Newton. Jaun- Pease. Mr. Alkimon. G. C. “9". Willinm Bone. Thoma Pals. Miclud German. John Gilmour Jamel. Hurt. John Harris, J. Hewitt, Ruben Conner, Mn. Conley. Purick DoeGicr. B. g,h\-.y. (1-04! 7g-tf 3122.2: 1123-2: