Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 27 Nov 1857, p. 1

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June. In has. [1‘51‘ 'I‘HUMAS SEDMAX, Carriage. “'azgzm & sleigh ‘UDNl-‘L' S'I'IH-ll‘l’l‘. l,ll3ll.\ll .\l) HILL. J1me. IF57. 1:.l.u-r. Juno. “~57 June. 1:557. June. 15. fl - JUHN .Mt'i)").V XL”, Chemist! and Dru : :ist. W'I’HR up! Euclid: Hung“. 5011?“. Per- mm. Hrnuhes'. Ac. S... 1610. \‘uugh hfirc‘m “Hum-Snu- Khmer fiLru-l. III-lu' Green nurh 'ruvrm, Tom» Io. the". 114.37 ‘1 quuu Hirhmeud “in. June. I ‘hum'm- I‘lu \Vh'ne $Wuu lull Rirh-mnd Huh. Jum- IUIh. lnéi, :- AUCTIONEER, ‘l‘A l‘ Ml’OR’i'EZR or numb and Ann-rick“ m, Gourds. G ultt‘l‘iur‘, “has, Lawn“, Uus, I'aillb‘. 9c, £1: Mwhmwul Hill. June. I8 7, g l-w.\. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Haran Maker, IMPOH‘TER of BHIHI nml Fureign Dry 00011;. Wju mud Suiril Mvu-hum. «g, .Xc. L'~ I «'3'. mm um. Jun-3 :, June. ISS'J. Richmond Hill, June. I '57. 1’. (71:05}; 3', .l ‘3." “(Milli G IWIWF. M'ino\Iu’-, Umdwmv, «c. You.» 511mm “XTENS‘IVH Slabling. and obligjug Husllum alwnvs in attendance. .. . . . Choice Who: and Liquors. 'Beer, Porter and variuus Sung):_lar\3_aygrug§s.,j " ‘ _ Kugulin. Principe. Haunt“. Muuilln and other r (J ngummud L‘hemoxs. , l - Au mu’ihus to and 1mm 'l‘omulo. calls at (his “and, daily. Oppugiie the Post (mica. Yonge SIN“. Q N Omnibus letfl'otf the plume Hole] every Morning, (Sundays exam-ted.) m 7 o’uluck. or 'l‘orunua: mtur'niug Illne same evening- Harw- uld ‘Bnggies kept for hire. Richmond Hi". June. EALER in (in-cuties. Wi -~ ‘ _ 'l‘h-o'uhill. c. w. u“ ""1 L'q‘mh‘ Chaim: b'rnnds of Tans. Sugar: and Com,“ 0.. hind. gbmliue u lmporled. Au ngsurum‘ut of Bread. Bi=cuit and Cakes com-(null); on lumd. ' '1‘hu;u..,‘u. Sept. 25. 18.37. (517.” RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, J uue. 1357” ’ MPUKKTLLK find Dealer in {mm .“d sake, 1 “nu-Ills. l'Iue Jeweiler). Liecuu-lee. Falgoywds. .\c.. &c. No. 30, You,“ Suefl. Tatum». ‘LEHK Thi-d DIVISION CUUKT. Uflicc J Richmond Hill, Thom Hill. Jlune 9th. 1857 flinging” Bil'ttiou). m. JAMES LANGS'I‘M’F ('uOL‘D \V‘HIKME" SEKT TO A)“: PART OF 'IHE CULNI'RY. xmxmmsta mm mm: MW). Wilh- . JOSEPH AILU‘F Sor'n'ul GEORGE E DUDD, Veterinary Surgeon. Swim-1's, Gildrn’. Glaziers, and aalu-r Hanger. 'I‘ ll 0 R 3' II I i. L. .L‘orner of Yang“ and (leulre Shoots. July 93. 1857. 11]".ka SA NDERSUN, VETERINARY SURGEON, .l()ll?§ (‘()[Tl"Flil€, 1hihn-aud (1oufivn CHARLES ngnanx'r, (Lu/r- M. 124-/?/.) \MRD & MchJSL‘M) Housf. Sign and Oman ental ‘II kinds «5f ."imvd I’uiulx, lam, (1115:, and Patty. .H'F Sm'o-nl and Thid UXV'lélUN mm. Ulfiue‘ Kicmuoud “All. 'mmss & “mum” INN. Nut door :0 G. ‘K H. Burllnnl's, A. GALLANUUG G. A. BABN’ARI), Iiirlam (It!!! Iii ll JOHN (HHEYE, Lul 26, 41h l 011.. \‘nuuhnn RICHMOND [11 LL, \‘uugv SL, Richmond Hill. .’l‘horn Hill Hon-l, "OOU (\(‘CUMMODATlUN FOR I 'l'mo't‘llms. VICTORY HOTEL, J. W. MILLAR, 111 xl If If If , ( Wynn-i c W, (HHSUV, nut and And Alum/tic Ila/l, AND 16.}? RICHARD NICHOLI.S 1857 KELLER, ROBERT WISEMAN. Proprietor. Malam- JOHN sums. l’roprivwr. nichumnd “in. i-‘ulv ill 71-h “Ilhlidfil‘ Mme 3.1 -w_\' Lnl «ha gJ-W} g LiY'V, Proprietor g. lâ€"wy g. I -wy w}. Ln gl-Sw SO] CHAS. PDLLUCK, [5‘0 J. \'l‘ll€.\'l-1\'. Boot and Shoe Maker. I‘nnimllur unmntiun gist-u to the regulmiuu of Children’w 'I‘ne‘h. Counullmiunn Fran and nli “'ulk “'arrm-(ml. Tumuto. June. lrfii. 1-wy. EEQWEEE ENE EEEPsFIEG ’ ‘\\'l)',\1n¢-\ Nurlh 0T nichulmld V again in Dry (in H’s; ( :y-(v-vriv‘. “'1 Liq-usn. Hun'wx rv. (Ham Hindu-“wane. .\c Alma, Lie-gums] .‘\III'U--l¥‘or. Saddle and Hrs-rm-ss ’l‘ll()l:.\HlJ ..L. June. 1857 'I‘horulnill. Nov. 16. 1557 All-gum ‘4 LnlliuJ and (‘umilrnmnq’ "outs nud Shoes. nmdu urn-r Ilu- Ian-st .1) 2w. Auu'axl 1;. m3: SURGE “PORTER and Dealer in I)r_\‘ (humh. Gmâ€" cwic". Wine". Mil-mm. llazdwure. Uhms, ['ure. M, £9, ‘84:. June, 1:52. g.8-\\'_\. June ‘2“. In, J u IN‘. 1857 (‘r' DH \'.~‘1( Toronto. June cles lu' suil en'cvg >igl|l4 66, King Sl/‘cd, East. Toronto, 0- H". IL?" Watch Clubs in Operation. Clark: Ironl 2m; upw‘rda. 'l‘uruun‘. June. 1857. Nov. 5. 1-237 J(_)ll.\' ll ,\ RR 1 NG'I‘ON, JIL, Stl-uva-r‘ I: [filiznbull Street. Yunnanâ€"Over \V. Gr“- ilil‘a Grocery Slum. 1LT Cums of A'my. nfid ivory déscriptibn of Iera‘d l'ahi.hw. uu'uud “m. dv‘palcll, and al “sounds chnrgu. Junr, 16:31. 1r.l\\'\. H)le Staining and Allcnlh-e Howlers AGENT mu Darling & Ailt-llison‘s cnmmxm Vol. 1. I'I‘l).~‘l'l‘l~l A, l‘.\\\".<, Yong: sum-l. Rich- BEJ'T. MESSHS. J. 8; W. BOYD, Barristers, &c., NO. 7. wumma‘mx nmmeGs, KING 5'11. TORONTO, Dealer in Paper Hangings, Decora. tions. 8w Toronto. Juno 13m. 1&5? (new! H-H. Bottled Ale Dcpnt, 65‘ YORK STREET. '1‘ 0 It 0 N 'l‘ 0, C. \V. M. MORRISON. Agem. MACH 1A” EN, 13 1014. L’GA’D 1511.1. J. K. FALCOXBLRDGE, Richmond Hill, ml L 78mm" and Ornamental Painter. House Decorator, Paint”, Can”! of Y 'IL'B mul (‘vlvm Stream. ROB 1“. RT J. GR [1“ F 1TH, MORPIIY BROTHERS F0“ DAVID A'I‘KINSON, CALEB LUDF No 49, King Street, PAPER H ANGER. GLAZIER CLYDE MOTEL, KING SIRE T EAST, T0 LCNTO. JOHN MURPHY, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. HIT/l ()1.’ “'1 TIIUZ'T ()FFEA'PE TU FIRIJLVDS 013 F0156; J. NEH), ’l‘fam‘d i: if! 21h. 1657 82.0., &c. i w. .11).; 315', r Richmond “a” (:y-(v-o’ric“. “ ' illn's JOHN MILLS. l’roprielor‘ g. l -\\'_\', 1100 TOR ll (2 1-10 N 0' Maker; gfl-wy “’arrau led “9-6.” g,lwy. [1244f gl-W." gIU-n‘ h\' A gentlemun conversing with a lady friend, ashorilime since, claimcd that. he could parodize (m- the Imop queatiml any versp that she might choose to repent. b‘he according- ly rehearsed the following verse from the “Old Sexton”:â€" Nigh In a grave that wnfi newly made Learned u sexmn old on his emlh-worn spade, “is work wa< done. and he puuwd to wait The funeral [ruin [hm-1gb thu'opau gale; A relic of bygmm days was he. And his louks war» as whilu as the foulnysenâ€" And they1 woxds mum, hum his lips so lhln, " I gather them in I [gather them in !” \Vllercuinon me graceless fellow iook his pencil and thus wrote on a scrap of paperly- in; by : ~â€" Nigh to a church that was newly made. Stand A ladr fair, and thus she saidâ€"- Too bad. [0-0 budâ€"I here musl wait. \Vhile they measure the breadth of this open TWO WAYS TO SAVE MONEY. The following sketch of real lifu so plainly exhibits a lesson which might be profitably fulltHVUd by nmny of our people. that we give it to tho rcudcr simply as it occurrod, only con- cculing the real names of the parties concerned. And as the story Lotus its own moral, we will noltirc you with any "rullcctious." John Poland and Anson Lyman bought farms adjoining each other. The land haul formerly boon owuul by one man who had carried ou the whole, omploying :1 heavy lorttc in the work. “'hun the two friend: bought the lutul it was as equally di- vided as possible; and ul‘tur the line (L'scparuItmI haul bocn t'un, those who it ul Worked lHUtill on the the land du- cal'ei that thcy “'uuld not git/c the " toss of u coopcr’ for a choice '0:- twccu the two farms. Thu old bulld- iugs \Vct'c usuluss, so new onus note Ca'uClctl, and ut the some time both mm Commenced forming in curacy. AND RH‘HMOND HILL ADVERTISER. Thc foiluwiug is decidedly not so bahâ€" My quid :mhl fri l’ lime 0’ llrl‘d, Thon'sl puiuu‘d 'l'hrnugh "mm b flonwm (h v" has! 1-50 In INN-urn humus m? aWcum H‘h-n'. An‘ aft di-poHevi I'rao hf:'.~; down glt-u. Then {3 tin-ring gloom. Mnkiugghu fluweri: n’ jay again MJ gnily blnom. When walry wi' a \«nd 12‘ one, Or Wham "IL-fortune pl‘efihud-nfie Am“ I'm-rut" .lwvguu 1u~luru Fme 'l'ro\\Z-‘.c" giuwor. Nor uncu. Ii“ now. has un- forsoulk. )r unis-u! {Ina aware. Then i “'lu-u l was hm n nun~<rum rhiol, [Ik turn 0' Furllllm's’ wh “as lmmghl luv ruuu' .~i Lung hm! llmu her" h r I'lump. dock and Imuv; But, wueh mu 3 Lurk kick; up Imr heel. Au’ riu‘s aw- ‘3 Now thou art thin at: any sprite. Thmgnllogu on the back 0’ nith : Thy ghamh furl” m_\ «on d -(h high! 'l'hun nrl sue hum : Thou lunkmu like :1 darting wigm \\ ha lr r. Ira»: ’I'rieu'. Au Suspension. crunl as lhc rack’ “5h so: hia men-6y. Lhievisx pack \‘thum tumour. upo' my back, Nnr gin” lhre vest. Ti“ bum nrl mill)": 0: ilku pluck B; then pumsexld. Sllll l'se nu let my lemle-s Music “"i’ c annihujiug'c harsh abuse )1: : Tho’ abhus l uue umir may I: -u _\'e, An‘ End auid Time comiuuc “hald.” An’ [mass ye: nmi.‘ the hapless Bend. “ht-racks: his fate Inauu bu ill-blul'l“d Slarvaliuu’s pol, He soon within the uu’d kirl‘ynd A ham!) willgtu. Yel. fuer past, Some shelter 1 frat: harm will choose ye. H Lilo We aim“ Inst. gut» ; Ah! ‘lis only MM; by six I see! Too Ila-row mo nan-ow, aim! for me; And shcsighed (W (Lu her quivuiug {Lyn so ms“-â€" "1 cannot get in! 1 cuunotgctm I” §1‘lr1't jfinrtrll. canamm trod nu ‘ h . NIII'U'.‘ Iwnl veulrul bums u' Auuzh w spch Tln‘ huh: wni "Mr. uH M‘Il‘ To Mi l’()('l\'1'; 111mm; BY SYLVANL‘S COBB, JR. “3’ Old-il'il look “'us fun-Iv shuuk Ilv\' Imun thy ~illur fair In J. CIJMIZN ‘ Jainng gr A LIFE SKETCI'. lili)“Dli)NU HILL, FRIDAY, NOVERIBE u’. lnv Parka-Book. ' by hunk and I‘ruuk," 0 sun-s f‘uzm nuuk 11-166 zzixrz \vlneul l‘avurile elm" um '3 IH‘I‘L g'u hmh‘ w 50H "That is l'ulhur :l s‘mnl lime for such a purpose, ' l‘ulul'nud l'olaml. “Na! :1 bit,” (tried the other enthu- siusliuully. “'1'.” nut 11 -im_r tu w.:;lr my luck-bane away I. 'r mauug. [m going [0 lay up nanny." "Sol )1 ’pu In do." mud l’uhud. "but mane.- isn‘t 11w “1:1 culls.Jul'- ul'I'Ju." " Wluul's the rcasun it isn’t," asked Lyman. “H )uu \mvc umm:_\' you can hch everything. Monu)‘ is lhu kc} than unlocks :1“ Alumsâ€"mu curd that admits you In) all I".ICUS. (H gun: me a thousand daliara‘, and I'll bu content.” “ So I must llde: :1 thusund dulâ€" lurs,“ l'unm-‘kud l'ulund ; and 1h.“ l‘nu uouvcrsuiuu luck an vlil._:l' [U n. One day :1 In'uu came along who had sumo splendid young uulllc. Hwy Won: 01 a pure English brucd. or million at cross bctwimu two of UK: bust breeds cvur imlwrlud, and cum‘: vary high. l’uluud saw him passing and hailed him. Our fi'iuud was anxious to grow a fine stuck, and hi; kucw tlml h; must counluucu in I'm: riuht wnv. right way. The uwncr of Ihc sxocls Suit] he was willing 1n sell, but In: must have In é price. 1L: had a “no yam”; pnir, male and Inmulu, twu years uld, whicn he Wnuhl 5n“ {nlf 1\\Uhundl‘ud duHurs. Poland ofl'urcd Ins mu: 0.: six mumhs. lochhur win :1 bill a? sub: of \hu cub m: as scuuity. Thu UWHN‘ was sul- isfiud. and the bargain \Vns III-mic. l'hc :Iniln 1i: wcru brought h-nnu, and Poland was not disupwhncd in hi: _IUI‘C;I:ISC. “Pluto,” broku from. L_:m:m's lips. :15 he heind lhu price which his neigh- bor had paid for the new stuck. " Two hundred (lmlurs for a two-year old hull and heifer! \\"h_\‘._ what on earth have 3011 been thinking of, P0- luud. Why, I wouldn’t lllVU giwn suvcmy fin: dollars for ‘cm no h )w. My cnws will givu us much butler :lud chug-SC. I tall you plainly yuu’ll never soc that thousand dollars il‘yuu launch out in that way.” “ Pluw," broku from. Lyman us he hound the price which his bur had paid for the uch “ But, my dour sir, I am determin- ed to have lhe bust slouk ] (:un gel,’ returned l’olaml. curucslly ; "for those farmers Who have ude Iho most money have m 1ng i1 from stock. I assure you it is one of the greatest failings our farmers have that they are content willl small, poor (mule, who”, by a little trouble and expense, they could have halter.” “ My stock answors my purpose, at any rate,” rosumcd Lyman. " I can’t allbrd to pay two huudrcd dollars for u pa'r of lwo-ycur-olds, and one ol them a boiler at that. when for filty dollars I can buy om: of mo host cowa in the country." “You have a right to your own opinions." " Ayeâ€"and I’ll have my thousand dollars too," laughed Lyman, us he turned away. - It was only a week after this that the canvaascr fur an agricultural newspaper smppm} at Lymzm‘s home ; but the bust couldn’t afl'ord [0 take it. the agent. “No, sir. Can’t afl'urd it. But llmrc's my neighbor Polandâ€"he'll lake anything that anybody uflbrs him.” " Hadu’t you buucr '1’ vemm‘cd his wife. '11 YOUR “01311) L'XACTL 1' AS IT (JOL'Srâ€"Hg “Dolly, what (10 you suppose Po- lzuad has bucn and dune now 1" "I dun-l klluw,” 1’1" guru. returned the wife. looking up. l‘ll'c uu pl 'nul' 0n the same day he saw Poland .md asked him what he meant. "I menu 10 brng my {arm up.” returned lhc lullur. " But I get manure enough for two [ICI‘US ot'curn cvery your, and that‘s enough,” said Lyman. " Fur _\'uu i1 may be, but] wish to " For you :1 may be, but I WISH to umiuru mlu'u. Uur land was Wull run out when We took it. and in order to get it up tn its fullest capacity we .nusl bu prodigal of rich dressing.” “ Wcll, Salli Lyman, with a sort of pityiug cxprcssiouâ€""go ahuad; but i! )ou ever see 30m money, let me know ” . " l’ll give you a good account, have or limr." replied Poland, laughing. " 1 must feud my land in wuuld have ii fch mu. We have no! got. land here like than rich alluvial bottoms in the VVcsl. My luud uecds nursing now.” But Aumn Lyman coulJu'lvscc the use of wasting money in that way. IL: thought the man “ho Would first cul his I.” go laud down ouc-hall‘. and then go ull‘aud buy sub :1 quantity of 111anurc,’ must be little butler than lbuhsh. He wasn't such a foul, at a“ cwnzs. During the following winter, whilu Lyman was cutting and haulng wood to lhu village for two dollars and a hull per curd, “poor” Poland was hauling his to tin: tavern to pay for mauuru which he had not got yell ll was an the firs: day 03' April that Poland mime iuscc his ueighbur. UL: wuutud tu borrow one hundred dul- lars for six months or 101‘ a year if he Cuuld. “I want lo make some improve- ments in my burn and (:cilal', and also enlarge the. building by putting on u tie-up, lhus throwing the can]; out of my main bum." " What )0 going to do with ill” asked Lyman. "l dccinrc, I'uhind, it’s 100 bad.’ said Lyman, pilyingly. " Here l‘vu hid up over lwu hundred dollars clear cash, and you are worse ufl' than nothingâ€"in dV-Lit. By Ihejingn, John I don’l wanl to sue you fouling away money so. Your ‘mrn is largo enough â€"â€"as large as mine is with duublc your lllld to empty into it. lfl lend you a hundrud (1 Mars whul assurance harcl that 1 shall cvcr sue it? I‘d rather let it. go when: I know it is safe. I shouldn‘t want to sue you, and i might not get it without. Your farm is as gnod as mine, and you havu no more need (0 be burrowing than] have -â€"-0r. you shouldn‘t have.” .10th Poland didn‘t say anything about the two animals he had houghl a your and a half before, and UN: cuff they had yicldbd him, for which ho had bcul oflL-rcd within the week fuur hundred dollars. He owned that amount 0(‘s10ck over and :ahuvc thc stock owned by Lynn“. He turned the subject 01' cmnmrsuliuu us quirka as possible, for he “1111ch In huat' no mul'u ruasuus from his l'x'iund fur hot landing him the moncv. “ W hat :I 1}: 1| !” said Lyman. as In- suw the carpenter; at \vurk [curing away on; whole sidu 01' hrs nvighlmr's bull). [M'epalrulur_\' (u "(Ming :m :Hmrl- mL-ut cupuplu of ucculmumiuling {uny- five [wad of cattle. thcvcr. 1’0- lund worked on, and lricd in min to get .his neighbor to listen In some nf his advice. 'J‘hataficrnoon hu war! over 10 sue the man of whom he had bought leis new stuckLwho luu'. him the numc)~ In: nccdcd readih’. " Don’t lqu m Inc, ’ uriud Lymzn at Uu.‘ cud. of Lin; Eu;le \‘xmi‘. " 1 R ‘27 , 19:27. ‘ HI: ! W'llut do you mean T ‘ Why, :17? um money I have laid out an this place is on inlm‘esl.’ ‘ Himâ€"ah, uh, bu, lm,â€"â€"und now haw muvh iulurcst have you walizudl ' a") l’ur I‘m lul it run at compound inhn‘uNâ€"pl)! lhc innuros: ring in with Nu.- pringiplc‘ and than: it lius.‘ ‘ Yus .lel (Emu: it will lie. 'I don" when: mu can miss filly duHJrs uuw .\ dmxuiuu.‘ ‘ ‘U.m! Tnal’s Iln: may you meant [1!) by u“ a timusuud duHurs ; to have i: Lu Judd, and papers, and m; }\' tic-ups, and such Hm.” ‘ You shu i see when the time is up.’ ‘ \Yu simii,‘ l'ulurucd L_\ umu, as he I 1mm d lmvau'ds humu. ‘1 Mr. Lynn: had not fully realized h As much corn Poland had received llz’um thc lmd In; had muuul‘ed so lwuxily and SO carefully ; and on the 5.x:an year In: only lmliccd that his nuigh'uur had ‘ cxtruuxdiuury good lac/5 “£211 his Mccui, getting about hind) Lushc'xs from thruu utzrcs. But he iqu Occusmn to open his eyes on be him year. On.- evening just at sundown, he went umx' lulu l’ulaud's field, where lhc mun. Wul‘c just finishing raking up the lln‘uu :Lzrc piccu “hen: the grain hdd bccu llu. ycal' hallway-(he {inst lira lung Anson Lyman was aston- sing; L» “ny1 than his Incighbur had «nhsn'ibud fur a third paper busidus 41} hr}; :1 In! ul'bouks {4r his children. ‘ What s the usa"! he said, as hes-.11 :1 “:3 nuighburs from mum. and 54w . lurgu )iiu uf books on I'm: she”. ‘1 man my childruu l') L-um to workâ€" “:51 1» lb: spuudiug thuh' lime over quLS. ’l'huy gut sclnuu_lmg enough piccc 1h,- ln'cscnl uwuurhud ploughed Up and drcascd. ' Use]; {:03}ng 5mm.- huy on hcrc,’ 8 .id L5 mun. as ho saw thu huge bunch- L‘s ui' ha; nuarly as thick as [Loy could sizunL ‘A’uâ€"Ahls was all cut from tllesc‘ Ilu'cu :uzrua,’ r.:lurnud l'ulund. l.) msm counted the handles, and lllull cslimult'd lhuir avg-rugs nuighl, un l ulmn rcclmnlng, up hu lound that 1h : Lnld had yielded not far from four was to [.le acre! llu had just got in Lu) (Mo acres nhlch he had lil'al dress- cd Upon the new farm. and he had 0b- lainud shun ul‘tno tons per acrcl llc M; w (h A l’ulund had gut kn bushels more 01‘ Wheat pur acre man In: had dung uni also llJm'U cum. Us l,» ‘gma (o lhlnl. ; but yet he \mnlJ lml let In: H; muy gm flu" any 5 ml: "Luclwrinv-nls ’ ulmll hi.‘ pldcc. ’I‘Zau liu: yours came around, and Anmn L; mun “cm on llmt day and sulJ luurluun bushels ul‘curn, Ill ()l‘thl [u g -l l‘unrlcun dollars In put. with Him hunde and mightyâ€"5L). dollars which he had at hmnu. - “'ull. l‘uluhd. l'w: gm the prim! 511 d Lyman, (rulullug ll'h: furmcr. bum in lllc nl‘lul'uuuu. It Has curl" Slning, just li\u )‘cnrs mg» “(1”! [he d1)" on uh ch lhcv ln-ugln. '1 \‘u gut lhc lhom uni dollars ; no“ what have you gall ' \\'ull- I have nu! fur l'wm You. hundred dulers in mono)".5 Ahaâ€"4 Llwught so !~ ‘ But, ArsOu l.) Imm.‘ suill Poland. :1! nos! slcrnly, ‘zm: 30m eyes nul «moaned YelT .‘Upuucd! \Vhal d’yc mean I” " “3.4!, I mean that my” farm, tn- du}, will Sch for mu: thousand doi- (urs more than ynur‘s will. Look an my Luyqnnw. That; are marl)“ t\\uut_\' Inns of hay ;}’0Lt ":1\‘ulmtleu.§ Ami. mind you, J hnu; 11w; hunt of mttL- mnre than you lucc. Nuxt $4350.11 shuH rut more hav from|Vl;, which] have now he- ngcrutud. than fun will out upon .mlr whole forty acres‘ uni you 7 knuwmy hay is Worth 111:" more a muml thnn your [my is. Itc'vld youi [had five more head uf cattle than, you hud. For these five creatures I' can, within six hours, take scvcu hun- drcd dullurs cash ; but no such money can purchase them of me.- Ah, Ly- man. \nn have t'cun Suvhlg money, but yuu h:va- tnka it from your farm \,\'itl)¢vIH I'--Iurni 1;: anything for it. ” ‘ qutr thd~YÂ¥u "n1 my thnu- ‘ You are rlghl. Lvmanâ€"J COUM 1 His ~ il will-um Sailing Sumulhmg ri-rh I do uu; uish a»! Jrz'cscul impart ‘i thought so. But take your own {ding snmu hay on hcrc.’ m. as ho saw thu huge bunch- nuarly as thick as [Loy could ymn. ‘cords uf gum} wood.” ,‘ " .u'ulJflsanu lunk ofl'somc." “Ayeâ€"~bu1 \xh'mné wok frum any ‘\\0Jd la! 1 put it Luck ulmn my field. 1 did no‘ mkc ix annnhc farm.“ l I\h.'L_‘;mau “cut. away with new :ulxoughls. Time passed on, and :11 the end 01' auothurtivc ycm‘slhc eyes of Aumu Lyman were wholly manned. l’ulaud had now raisud quilt.- a stock <9! «noble with; from lhs first purchnscfimd com- Incuccd to Sell to the lccf nmrkcl. Two huudrud dollars was: lhu lcasr any one of lhum Ll‘ouglll when ful- 1ud ; and om: bullock. four years old, brought lii.u thuc hundred and ten dollars. Ills a.w‘exx§yeuu~rc field was mm; garden, yielding, suc’h ms mu mowed, an average of lln‘ee Moms 1Q lhc acre. In short, his whole [um was uan~ llw best training and inn provexucnt, and now yielded him back, :1 heavy iulurcst upon all that he had ex- panded. During one full he mutt» ovur a thousand dollarsfor stock and ‘ Pruqu ; an 1 he was offered five thou- lsqu dafilurs for his place, while ’Lyo man could nul have found a pwacbnsfl 4L fifteen huudrcdi " Dolly," said Anson Lyman, s'in‘k~ lug into n chair," l'n: bucn a fool! I mean I" . “ Mum? Look at l‘oluud’i farm? “1 luvs looked util .frumlhcfirsL, Anson." SUCH ‘- “Hm I saw that John l‘ohna Wasnulkfngu cmmbrlublc home for himsuh‘ and family. and, increasing u..- vuluc of his farm tenfold." ‘ . " And why dLlu‘t you ‘9“ Inc so?" "1 did MU you so, husband, and you saw; 1 was a NHL" "lrcmlgmhci‘. \V Tis'nt too law now.” On flu: nqu morning Mr. Lyman wuut ovur m um ncighbuur't, and frankly said : cii. never mind. " l’uluud. you must help me. I wqu to Icnru m be u fannc'x." _ " 1 will huh: you with plcasure. Ausuu ; and _um can begin far more easily than I did, fur you have mouev.” . n“ n A Captain Van Vchl agent f9: the U. 5. Government at Palmetto, Kmm, repons mat the Mormons reluscd lo allow the troops to enter Salt Lake City, and I‘lin Brlglmm Young declanea he 1'33 burn the prainica and his own city before he will an!» mit. T lug far“ along the line are upon“ to be in bad repair. ' All-l Lyman c'ommunccd. Th9 thousand dollars was ncurly all or pended in the world. but his dollar! came back to him with interest twice- l'uld. He had learned a lrrssm) which many might fulluw with Mom. A French journal says : " ‘Ve can guarantce the following uews:â€"â€"lt is posi- tive that the King of Delhi, Noura‘lju Shah, has proposed terms to the British military authorities throngh his subordinate agents. Th: circumatuuce pron-s that he is placed in a hopeless position, and that he considers that thcrevoluttounry rat-1y otllzm him no future." A horrible murder was committed in thc parlour of like St. Lawrence Motel, Philadelphia, on the 5th llla“. llichnrd Car- ter,1’1e:idcul of the Anthracite Bunk of Tamuqua, was killed by 'l'hua. \l'aahiugton Smith, of Maiylund; Caster had accuacd Sdlllll of the :cduclion ofu ward ofhis, and Smith, nn the other haul, allcgvs lhul he married {he girl, and \hat he subsequently xsceruiuud that. she had been Calla": lull- tress. A SIMPLE anmnâ€"A wrhcr in lhe Baltimore Sun who has been nfliLcled wverely in hi3 family by that appalling di- seine, Luonchitis, ham found relief hum the {allowing umcdy. “Take hone)’ in the comb, squcr‘zu it out and dilule uilh a little .vulur, and \\'t:l the hp and moth Occmiuu- ’ ll lus newer been known to dily wi.h ii.’ ml, in case: where children had throat: as! “when as 10 be unable to swallow. It is certainly a gimplc I'uncdy, and um;- be: er) eihcaciuus one. A New York journal comparci the publisher of: newspaper to a farmer who should sell his wheat on credit, and no more than a single bushel to any person; the pa)". ment ofn year’s :ubscn‘ylion is oflhe Sam 'unpm-tance to a pubiishélj aa‘lhe payme'm of a bushui of whcag \youN In; -to flu: {naught- Tbe harder the limes, the more wine in our depeudcuce on hm payment of these mm" Vea'l" \':'-;>A'.i [1' In. 11 is said that the cause of the Eln- press of linnia‘b suddx-u Iu:u'.uliun lu umqu' «I. Nungnrdt, after it being understood by he French cuurl. than in -r Majesty": in hruhh pcccmdcd adcln \lsil, orgiuated in mlhing [on Hm : jmlouuy. It appears, any the gusups, fimL Hm Cur lmid cxnaordiu- an aitculwm [U :1 Primer» Dulgoz'uki, n lady of great, beauty, and this coming to the Czarinu‘s cars, she dulenmiuud to male. her appearance and not to 10:0 sight of her husband until they returned Lu 51. Peter‘- burg. Miscellaneous lts‘ms. Whyâ€"Ausunâ€"whal do you You have '! Ana “5km ‘lmvcj’ou

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