’mevv-vav A coauao ELECTION. From the Brantford Courier. lfa new election be resorted to by the Go- vernment it will be in order to convince the Province how really strong they are, and to totally disarm the Llear Grit factioiial Op- position. An appeal to the country would he a perfect triumph to the men in power. enemies are disorganized and dispiiiti-d. Their leader, George Bronm,is compelled to ingloriously ï¬ve from Lambton to make way fora moderate: McDougall ï¬nd. it 710 go for \\ ateiloo; Hartman‘s chance is small; Hamilton is safe. and Christie here feels prr'tzli/‘anuuirrubly dubious. The union between the Grits and fossil Tories is dissol- ved; the organs of the party are dying out, and altogether the cause of the Lirilsis a hopeless one. The Ministry have indeed a line chance to appeal to the country just now. We must admit the temptation is strong, and we should not be surprised if they should be tempted to come fomturd and completely crush their imbecile ene- miesâ€"the men who: in l854, vainly boasted that they would route the Ministry in two weeks! Therefore it is well for the friends of our hard working and patriotic Govern- ment to bean the alt-rt. Let us have our goodmen andlrue duly prepared for candid- ares; let evi-ry arrangement be made to pre- vent surprise. \‘l'e are doing wellin these ridings, let us persevere. Prudence dictates â€"-our enemies being our criterionâ€"to organ- ize, organize. Everything prompts us to be energetic. We have a good Govern- meat who'liave hurlipd on the business of the country upon a popular basis, and have settled every question which caused Cana- dians annoyance, and still they are ready to work in the most satisfactory manner; let us be ready to strengthen their hands and to encourage them; and not allow a better and ex parte faction, who would bring us back to all the horrors of fumi/y compact and whirl us into Yankee r’einocracy to gain any advantage through our apathy. Dnownsn IN It Smauun MANNER. -â€"â€"At St. John, N. 13., on Friday night, it. being Very dark, 3 man named Archibald Brawn walked off one of the wliarves “hi-n the tide-was out. He groped his way along in the and, but instead of taking a course that would extricate himself from his Ull' pleasant predicament, he wandered up among the spiles beneath the wharf, where, ofcou-se, he. became morebewildercd than ever. ' '1‘: c rismg tide made him conscious of his danger, and by shouts, and npise he was enabled In attract the, notice. of persons passing in the vicinity, but “too lalc fni succor. As the tide row, he cliinbcdto the top ofthe spiles, and through a small aportne in the. wharf sufï¬cient to admit one ‘of his arms,» he was enabled'to ll‘lflnlll‘l‘fhe’lniï¬f his situation. His position: and feeling can be imagined when the watertwds every moment rising around biai,aud he could not he cKtTiCn‘t‘d.â€"-llt4 shook binds with his friends, paged lh:ou;n tlie hole all the money-and valuables he had about his person, and paid astbe wate wi closingthyer‘diiiu,aftergiving some direi: Oa- concerning his family, he bid his li'iemls goof by“, nwlntbhgw‘slia’; lunchbmmatltsuil:'uw ced that all‘flpnttyer. ‘ His body, was re covered wifen 't‘lii‘. tide reci df'd "'1 Mr} Bron I. was highly respected. leans a famin and manyi'fi-ionds. ’ ' , . v... ,y. ,. 'rnr,’ tyrobn’ttii'fn PARTY m' “Tun - itsom DAN '1‘. as? ‘l-‘roin-thu Kingston «Conunoroitl Advmt‘ser, Mi‘.;Mucdiitiald and l’ltS colleagues will be supported by the people of Canada, a large majority of whom retrognï¬ï¬e ‘rthifhloderate party, the only men-who can navigate the bark ofouryoung'country in safety at this particular ll‘ttltl‘lclll‘ and shield it from being ‘wreckcd and turn to piems by the \Villlth’iOf faction. which ought, it' allowed to gain a head, convulse. the: country mid cov *r it from end to end with bloodshed. ruin, and woe. The great strength of Messrs. Macdoualtl. Spence, Cayley, Vankouglmet, and tlieir'pai‘ly lies in the fact that they have, .‘as the leaders of the Moderate party-â€"modoratii in Conservatism as well in; modernte. ‘lllo Reformâ€"4hr: support and earnest Well wishes. ann will, («is man. poll the votes of all who Wlsll to live in peace, Quietness, l and good will ‘with their fellow men and sit under "their own vine tttl'l. fig-tree none making them afraid." The rule of the Mode-rule party can alone ensure a Continuance of the present poawful, happy and prosper. ous stain of the country, for let cith..r of tliovullrurlitetious. triumph and any limit wi'h half an eye can see that it Will be "good-bye for chat and a day. to peace and comfoit in Canada, until one mother ofthe parties has devour- ed the other. while by summing the history- uf the United btutcs we need be at. nqiluss to conclude, that the same ,fulc ,will urci‘tukc the ultraâ€" Conservative} of Canada in such a struggle. usi‘oefcl their brethren) in the United States moo so powerful. w'icn like them they “ill be troddcn down nude-Lille iron heel of democracy and dragged at the. victorious chariot- wheels of the ilemngoguos they des- pise. :VVc fool thankful that a num- ber oFthe old~fashioued Conservatives, who kicked at first against uniting with (the Iiiuderute ltcfoi‘niers. are be- I commg a] vc to the dangers which not was so slippery, owing- in the tum“;- 5lce1 fr'lett-J of the t\ewmarkct Era "really i sworn in as a member Their l » notitlerâ€"lllli'd eyes. are not as happy a sight ! * ing institution ;“ another. that -- the bottom V r“mr‘»vvvmwï¬ov . 4 by the propagation of national and l'c- Lnew nothing ol the clittuuslanie One on Iigious :iiiiinosities among the p:ople.â€"- _ "=2 Prisoner: W Kingston Commwcial driver-[Jen Immder' ______ _ .WM v “Carol†A-p ALLYUUUR New Advertsements this Week. I ' ' 7 {James McClu-e, Innkeeper and .mtztioneei , l have just iteeiied a litter from Agra†Holland Landing. / 1:111 Cawnpore. '1 be following is an ex- -. . , trax t :»-â€"“ A party of ours. 130 men of the gilt:Pashimglijli"__1066 Dnuurs upward. 3rd Europeans, about 20 of the Militi; Cal" i \‘lf'l 'ed Hem..- 'al.y, and three guns, left us on Friday last, K 'I ' under the command of Major Montgomery, .fot‘ the purpose. of giving confidence to the Well affected in the neighhoi hood of flat-l truss and Allyghur. 'l'hey reached llatlrass without any Opposition. Yesterday morntn;r l we received intelligence. that they had ['l('.-l Cct'tletl on toward Ally-Abunand this moment g a letter has just COIllt‘. in from 11 em report ‘ inu’ a brush with a slrono'ri' body sea: Ally-l ‘ _ fl : gli-urâ€"«a must brilliant tiâ€; air, We, are told. I Hui“ -\l()-\D 1“ LI“: All" 'IMQL If“)? The. Pllt‘flly,lllU-lllif‘illlï¬ithoul4,0f)0.|'llt'itlnp-l -â€"~ ' â€" ' ed in Martin Fina-ll? gardi n, abuut three miles on the Agra side of Aliyghu . \Vlieu llii-y heard 0f the advance of our little paer - l ‘ . h ‘ - ‘ ' .xs ‘ 0 t 4: Hey came out and rush-d upcn them like , ‘Vllh d HUN“ r 1' UL t fanatiCs, lltltiklng, im'dmim. to (It'sl oy the , “ Gazelle,†the ï¬rst stx months 'whole body, they. lioivtver. made a glm‘toa's ' of its existence “It†have expir- ni'istakc. 'l‘he lillle patty ue.cnot no lie ed. The SUCUES which has “p Tawny?" 3° “Tâ€. “W "Tim," Tm" tended the enterprise has ex- lougbt llkc true langlish bull-dogs, Lonn- d , .. ‘ . - the victory and dispersed them. The en ceedf‘q (’ur Hunk Mllgume L)" euiy felt 400 dead on the Ill'ld, and on our pet'tutlons, and in accordance 53““ km“ l“)or 'l'flndY-Of “It NWIIWN with the determination of the Bank, and Ensign Marsh, proceeding tip present proprietor when he pup- ' ' ".h'. 0" tidtl...l‘ltii . , mmâ€) mm K “Tune†’ W “W H d the. establishment from peans, and wounded Dr. Clirkr, Gwailor Chas“. ' Contingent (not seriously), and five men of the Ol'lglllitl OVVl’lCl'S, about llll‘CC the 3rd Eurol‘c-N-‘l- (’u" IWIY In“? "*f- muntlis since, we have resolved turned to llattrass, where they are now III to enlargv the paper and (“her If - l" t." . . ‘ . 'L J] â€" Wise to improve its appca‘ance, AN EAR'l‘llQUAKl'J 1N built llihiilgï¬â€™ (tannin “ 4“ “A. ..~..v-.c.. vow-st, A .(er....c~.¢m~â€" To OUR READERS. _â€"_â€" Th . .t ' H d d I d of the numerous journals pub- ‘ e entire CI y Was 3 ar e an a urine ,. . j , . . . yesterday al'teiiioon,atiout ten minutes past “5th “Orlh Of loronhh 11 IS duet: o‘clock, by a shan which agitated the needless at present to enumer- iiiost solid buildings, and set household nlen- ate the [many obstacles and d15- siir‘. and furniture dancing in ainost unuc- couragornents which “ye have couiitable manner. on severe wasthe shock, hitherto had to sunnount Sufï¬ce , , . which lasted about thirty seconds, that peo- . , , ple ran out of houses in wait dismay. in It to say that notwithstanding indifference of many instances walls were cracked and chim- the apathetic ncys thrown down, and we hear of one gen- (“any who should have (.xtcn‘L tIi-iiian havinur his arm injured by a falling . I brick. ï¬i-lls‘wcrr rung. and a variety of Ed to us a helplng hdud’ and the change incidents occurred o'herwise. In predlCllth 0‘ some 0f 9‘" {30' the neighborhood of our ofï¬ce the impression temporaries, flit) steadily 1n- chtaincd that ulll‘ steam boiler leaf exploded, creasing jobbing and advertising butthat is more staple than the loundations patronage which we have re- of the town appears to be. We Were in the . t‘ . . . j . ' midst ol'u sentence, when theluw di-epi'umb- celw’d ‘Yi'lnant “8 “1 “mun-“lg ling nt'subternnean thunder.- startled its and ‘ the aCItllllOllal expense neces- hllonk' lllt: buildings as “‘llll a Italbt‘y- Pl‘lll- ‘ sary to propuï¬ed change. W" dwl" “‘9†" “91"†“"‘I " m “mlâ€? [‘0 enable us. however, to meet evidently under the impression that filings. . (r. a t ‘ v.“ geneally ' had been knocked him ‘- pi!" . our new ef'oï¬ryefne“ S “I 1 the startling phenomena was observed and promptness, it Is Incumbent on felt throughout the city, aid on the back ia†those indebted to us for ad- streets, amongst the residences. (wtthout a man in the house.) the most livery apprchen l . ‘ _ I , y ‘ sinus were. ii‘louientarily lelt. iup w‘lhout dtl‘lY’ and those \‘Vell, it has do'm- no la'ticular dainaye:“'ll() have not as yet llll-‘lt that. we learn. ba-sidis scaring people from subscriptlon w)†ï¬nd It to the†their ufliccs and houses into the strEcts. and advantage to do SO at oneâ€. ,has furnished as with an interesting item. an ‘ _ w . ‘ V - ;_t'l_it_:le as sauce.now-a-dayKRS gold. Likel A° the expelleS ‘lttglldlng the the condition of the banks, the earthquake. Pl'UP()SF'(I enlargemcnt are heavy was only a " temporary suspension," probab- and \lel have to he punctu'llly ly, However. we hope lltul no resumption “let, ‘ve also propuse to raise irrb take place. as blanched cheeks and Wild, the (“Ibsen-pub" price of The [)a_ as we have seeii.’ One min accounted for iPPr to the 5:311’10 Slillldgl‘d as lllal un- circumstance. by the sunrise um ~- Niaâ€" lof our llt‘lgllbol‘lug cotempor- ;:lt'rt Falls caved in :“ anotner held that it (Varies, 'l‘herefore a†new sub. ' ' ‘ \‘l ' “ i . l E "I ' unsiau t lby the explosion ofsomt bink SCI-1})ch to the enlarged Sheet, of suthin’ had fell out ;" aoda lady Hle it WI“ be €115â€ng accordlug t0 ias just exactly like " when her hit-baud {the fOIIOWlflg SCfllt‘:-â€"$2 pt’l' an- c-nnes home at Mo o‘clock in the morning.†j “um, if paid in adv-due“ $150 . . l. , . - I.. . ' ~ ‘ ' j I . I i . . . I .1 “teulrï¬ted physiuan sta es that it Es bis‘lf not puld Within SIX ln‘mths tillllitl)" ttiatlhe " \oung Alnt'ilcult bump- h l. f t b V _ '. . _ sun“ got mad and hil something. and tliu_s;'lUrn t 8 (die 0 bu DLHIHIUII,’ created the commOlinn. At the old Court PhDSe Who have. flll‘flfldy pilld House, “'lh‘ll the climb was felt,.ludge,jury, Y for the “ Gazette†as “[011 as a“ bar and clients boltid; a learned areulnrut ' those xVho “lav do so \vithi“ ms ll'iSf‘l, a id the case I'kVClaedyr-Bufl‘fllo, . - f - - F. U. .2, ,-tlie next fortnight, Wlll receive nip/(as, ct . . â€".'â€"â€"â€"~â€" the beneï¬t of the ll’npl‘oVelneltt uoLD FEVER l.\‘ 'ri-tic L.tKE suqumu the expiry of their rpspeb PLRIO†(“U5 “‘3†five terms, without additional charge. To those who have. ,hitlierto aided us in the under- taking we return our s1nccre acknowledgments, and trust that they as well as many others will show by their future patronage their appreciation of our endeavors to establish our journal on a ï¬rm basis, and thus beneï¬t not only ourselves but the community among whom we dive“. . V “'2 learn from a private source that con- siderable exciliinunl was lately caused all tlntonagou by lhe arrival of a party of In- dia .s from the liral waters of the .\lenom~ inee llwer, bringing ivilh them s me reinitrkv ably l'iLll Fllufllilli'lls ol‘gold bearing quaitz. l'hey repic~entrd that. the country was rich or III." same species of mineral. Some of the leading mining men of Unlonzgiiti after examining 'lii: specimens, formed an agree. merit nith the Indians to guide lln-m to the place from “‘lllt‘ll they procured 2h~ speci- mens, and also to keep the math-r u secret to" the present. By their special request the ()ntonagon papers are also silent in re- gard to the eXpEtllllï¬n. The Menominee flirt-r rises in {\laiqnellc county, and llovrs s: utln-ast into Green flay. It forms tln- southern boundary of the Peninsula fl is thought that llie heavy snow; which have fallen will perhaps prevent the expedition from rem-hingr its destinition this balkâ€"De (rut! Frr'l' Press r94 TIIE WEATHE l. Judging from present appearances stern winter, with its attendant! storms, is now a " ï¬xed fict†in this neigh- borhood, and the merry jingle of the sleigh bells is heard iii every corner Vianv NEARLY A CATASTEOPHE â€" of our streets. For several days past One of the narrowi-st escapes Wt: have heard of bnfel the emigrant train going West on the G; eat “‘cslel‘tl Railway, on the night between _\'Iontlay and 'I'ui-sdiiy. The liiiin we have been visited by heavy snow storms, followed by intense frost, So that the roads are at present in fair hall prucc-‘tlud \iilhouf mishap {W far. as mmdnion' and muhiludcs of Ihc “Gig†'l‘horold. There the bridge over the V\ of- . . boritw farmers lll'lll" who 'u‘ t ‘ land Canal was swung open just as the tram F‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ b ‘ ‘ “me-L ’1 was coming; up. to allow of a schooner": passing. The. bridge tin ns on a bed of mu- sonry, below the level of the rails. “he. the train came up th- (ntlllifiuu of the railsl [he excellent sleighinguire daily wan]. heavy loads of produce. If our astute . 3vaer r» rvâ€"W r- Mvw,m.<mmmrvm-~ as caution] on the charge of BUFFALO- so as to render it second to none. vertising or job-printing to was/z, l v’ vs - ‘ . V o . v vwm . \vno is urgi’ltnsim'rA'rivn Fon THE EAST RIDING OF ‘ rock i ‘ The observing public generally form 1 THE HAS 1‘ RIDING ()F YORK.1 an estimate of the character and ill-' tclligcucc of any eonniiimily, by the1 ,1} h,- of person they (TIIOOSU to repre- sent them in their Halls of‘lmgislzition. Judged by this standard, \VC fear the good nooplc of this Riding must hold a very low place in public estimation. \Ve certainly must confess, with all due deference to our present member, that be sadly n'iisi'Cpi'cseiits the elect- ors of this tioble Riding. \Vc look in records of the [louse of Assembly, to learn what he has done i for his constituents. Here we are taxed Ito sopport the criminals of the City of Toronto,payingr more than our fair vain to the share of'tlicCounty cxpciiditurc,and we naturally enquire, “IlCll did our men)- bcr ever raise his voice in our behalf? '\Vliat has he donc for us in this mat- ,tcr lâ€"and the answer isâ€"notlziug! We certainly are lllll represented as :weought to be. and noxioust look 'around to see whom we can substitute for the prCScnt incapable, who being the choice, as he is, of tliv Clear Grit' party, we Ctil] conic to no other con- ‘ best ithcy could find, and if be Is the best, we certainly should not like to try any" Unmo- rcporls that certain members of the clusiou than that he is the man more of that sample. rumour1 Markham Cutltlt'll aspire to the honor of rcjn‘cs‘cnting the Hiding. Now, so. far as one of themâ€"tho llcchâ€"isl concerned, judging front his present unpopiilarily,:itid the strange Opposition he Offuls to the disposal of the UlCli‘L'l/l Reserve Fund in the manner dcsiicd by the rest oftbo Council, in Vi hich dis- posal the iiiajorily OlilIlU rate-payers concur, we think it is likely he will not.l be returned even for a seat in thcj Township Council much less in the House of Assembly. Added his gratu tons and unprovoked ltll'dt ks; to this upon the Loyal Orangcmeri of this neighborhood, in the Markham Econ- omist, have made him many cncmlus. He will ï¬nd that the Orange-mun of Markham are too numerous and 're- |spcctable a body to be attacked with in'ipunity. Then his insulting allusions to the FrucuiasoiIs‘, twi ting llieni willi‘ having made a recent convert of Mr. John Duggeu. for elcctioncering put- poses, when the fact is, Mr. Duggun has been a member of that honorable~ institution for upwards of 'ninctccn I years, will not tend to strengthen his inï¬ncncc. But, setting aside the cir- cutiistances of personal pol‘nularity on the part of the Reeve. there are other 'reasons why he could not be rcturnvdl as member. He is not known out on, his own Township, and even in it, the ji nlousy of his own neighbors at one of their otrn station and circumstances in life aspirin;r to so Iiiin a position Would opcratc against him, and prove the truth ol'tlie proverb. that a prophet is not without honor save in his own country. These remarks, apply equal- ly to :my othcr member of the Coun- cil, should they seek to be returned for this constituency. This being the’ case. we must see if we cannot ï¬nd a more suitablc person to represent us. among the large landed proprietors of5 this Riding, who, although they are not residing among us, yet, are interâ€" cstcd in thc affairs of lhcs‘e'l‘iiwnsliips, and hold a large stake in them. Such a person we ban: in M r. John Duggan, who, from many circumstances, is peculiarly qualiï¬ed to be our rcprc- sent-alive. and the intelligent electors could not do hotter than give him their hourly and undivided support. 'l‘aI-J ciited, industrious. and affable in his munncis, we should ï¬nd in him a 'uienitier of whom the Riding might bu‘ proud. I TH E NE W CABINET. The Daily Colonist Of yesterdayj ing their way to this village Willi|53y5.1ltut Mr. Sicottc, Speaker oflhellmuring corporations, such as Nov.26,)' I Legislative Assembly, was ( I t of the LXctru- ,only threaten them as a party, but and summon: it could not be. checked in and truly " wishes to form a currem tire Cuuncil, and that he will hi,- im. which threaten the iiisliwtiousul'tlioir dine, and the locomotive. fell off the rail". t. . _. , 1 country, and are giving their conï¬-' deiice‘to the present Government. It j§ a good sign, complete and overwlieduiiug cypress- ion on the part of the people of Cana- da at the next general election, wlicn- ‘ ever it may come off, in faviw ofthe ,Moderate party, and the Moderate men. who Il‘itVu had the patriotism to sacrifice their pt‘t'jlltllccs and party fer-dingy~ at the shrine oftheir country's Welfare, by uniting to sIVe it from the convulsions of contending factions. mum to .outrme and bloodshed . . and upon the bed of inasonry, close to the edge of the canal ! X0 om: was injured: am. mmursa "ms, the locomotin itself was not materially emerge from his cl;ccsc»box and pzir din-aged. GM", DitLivmii‘.-»â€"'l'l;e Sullivan (Ind )i - Urinal-rat says that. on $ilodiiy night, No» I veinbrr I, all the niiscners confined in [In gaul, at L'loomlin-ld, Green county, madc- theiresrape. They were liberated by llielt friends who climbed to the top ofthe gaol, lore all the roof, and lifted them out. From the [tacks around the gaol, It was suppOsed that there Were as iii-inf as tifty persons as- sislln-vr in the delivery. And yet the judo. idea " anettt" the trafï¬c of this locali- ty, we would advise hi it at once to us :i Vlsll. ; he would certainly return his “ l’cttlinglon†a wiser and a better man. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 0:? " Really and sincwclv" cannot find room this Week for our re- to much-loved W.) ply to the Ncwmarket " Era." but we will endeavour to accommodate him in 1 our next. rucdiatclv followed in that step by Mr,» Alley-i. Ollt: the members for the f'ity of Quebec, Mr. for [.upruiiic, and the Hon. Mr. lit-I- lcuu. of Quebec, :1 member of the Loranger, member Legislature Cuutlt‘il. The acceptance ofofliize by tln s: gentlemen cmiiplctcs the (Zubinut Mr. Mucdouuld’s r‘relniersliip.- -'l'l)c Colonist adds " with such materials to make up the vacancies in the Cabinet, Mr. Mac- donald and his colleagues will go to Ulidcl' 'cdilor, limvcvcr. if he docs not ‘ represented Vm'vmwx v.~r.â€".-ï¬ v'mï¬mâ€"i . . . TU BE 'f‘lll‘l REX liitlic country sustained byun amount of personal character. power. and popularity of which the Opposition llcvut‘ dreamed." ___.....___-- \Vc are glad to learn from a lalc of the E that tho cdilor of that uirnul is so for number M :ii khani conomisl ashamed of tin: course he has pursued with regard to one of the candidates for this Riding, Mr. John Duggan. as to endeavor to throw the blame of the vulgarilirs he has been guilty of on other parties, his own cori‘cSpoudcnt "Conict " An him- bcing out: of them. sslf iiivcnt the falsehoods and scurrili- tics llt.‘ inserts in his journal, vet be- comes by suith insertion responsible for those slalom -nls; and if he pcr~‘ sists Ill such an uugcntlcmziuly course, will dcscrvc and rccuivc the contempt oft'fie wh dc respectable and intelligent I community. If there is one thingar more than an- uthcr calculated to degrade the char- acter of :: pcoplc. it is' the practice of heaping vulgar abuse upon those per- soi.s who aspire to the honorable am-, bilioii of representing the diffcrcut1 constituencies in tlic Logislaturc of tie Country. The cflitcl ol'such a icourse in the neighboring lie-public has tho Senate aul Halls of Legislature in tlic Uiiitcd States many of the most respectable been to banish fro.†and talented citizens. With regard to Mr. John Duguun, Wt: do not sec what there is in his pri- vate character or position in society to preclude his lie-Coming a valu‘ublo representative of this Iiubh: Riding in the House of Assembly. Mr, .lo.ii Diiggan chose for his profession, tin; practice of the Law, and his talents and industry have procured for him, in the pursuit of that petencc. profession, a handsnme com- llnriti'gr the period he has practised at the Bar his character as a legal pruitllhtlt'l' has been i" In his profession, :inl surrounded bv cliablc. \Vc find him standing hiin 3 large circle of friends by whom be Mr. [lug- ta i's tit-quircmimts arc of no ordinary is deservedly esteemed. character, In: has been a travellcr l'l other funds, and from his opporluiiitlu‘s of observing the laws, manners, and customs of ulllct nations. has bet-onto peculiarly ï¬ltcd to take it place in our Colonial Legislature. His largo Innich posmzssions in the Riding give him a- positioli of great weight and Slallltllllg,‘ and make his interests identical with those of the other proprietors in the that our being neighbourhood. \Vc are aware some persons object to ill Parliament by a Iaw_\ er, but We never yet heard any good reason given for the prejudice. Who so ï¬t to guard our interests amongst a collection of law-iiiukcrs as a lawyer! whose professional ex- perience him capable of detecting many defects in renders Sllf't‘ “'(l and a statute which would escape the ob- servation of an ordinary obscrvur. If any private individual gets into idillicultics with regard to his affairs, ito whom does he instinctively gt) but So with we to u proli;ssioiial adviser? regard to our public mutt rs, shall find that legal attainments ought not to disqualify any gentleman from being our representative. Birsidus which he has not since he was in partnership with Judge Burns, himself prac iced as an attorney. but in the higher branch of his profession only as counsel. Mr. [luggan is no poâ€" liticul adventurer, it]: is not :i needy man, he has nothing to gain in a pe- cuniary point of view by becoming a Legislator ; the competence he enjoys will be a security to us for the inde- he will in which perform his duty to his constituents, pendent manner while in any matters that may arise to bring us in collision with neigh- the city of Toronto, ' this Riding will, as we said before. render his interests identical with our With regard to his positionl own. and his views on Other matters ofl public policy. which always has been most open and avnvved, We shill for have occasion to refer to again : llic all Duggan is a clear stage and no favor,- pl‘cst'ut we desire for hlr, let those who wish to oppose him do 8 0 iii a manly, honorable manner, and not resort to the nicndacious pens' of anonymous dcribblcrs, to bring dis- credit upon a gentleman, \vliiJSttjqnoiatloii was Sr: :1 85-3. but afterwards sale. ,rom business. .w. va ~‘VVI‘MW'.V~M¢ . t 3. l " ~. I... I chat Julel, pi it all: and ptiultt'. is‘ for we... made at 533 a at} for money, and ctlg a an} above the rein-h of suchlow lived for account. malice and vulgar obi-so. l Sm'ero'gns to the amount or hoof-on or _ . 1; OJ!!!“ “ere taken from the Bank of Scotland. COUNCIL. ltho full 0' Ihe Western Bank having caiisid l __ {run on sour- of the principal banks at Glasgow A" mljnurncd msming of “HS Coun_ and elsewhere. including oven the Savings' Bank. “4' cs. l ‘cil was held at Size’s llutcl, Union- tho " Agumenimou,“ as Well its the " Nina hi," 'i LANDING. union. his large stake in ville, on Tuesday last. The principal subjw‘t which came up for discusmon “as the disposal of the Clergy Reseer reserved for Af- ter a lengthy discussion, it was decid- Fund, which had been legal advice at a former meeting. ,cd to divide the fund equally among the l . . ' . . 1 various words In the Township, atidithc , Local Superintendent was empowered to apportion the respective amountsf l l among the several School Sections ‘according to the population in each. i . COMMUNICATION. l . ~WWW~MW L We wish to be distinctly understood that we will ‘ not hold ourselves responsible for tho opinions of; our Correspondents. Also, all Communications - addressed to this ofï¬ce for Publication. must be accompanied by the real name oftho \vritor. al- l though it need not in every case be iiisei'tid. 'l‘llE GLORIUUS FIFTH OF NO- VEMBER A'l‘ HOLLAND To the Editor of tho Yoik Ridiiigs' Gazette. Sin,-â€"-We call it. glorious. because we, through the mercies of God were delivered from the op- pressive power of Popory, by the intorlerence of an all wise providence in the preservation of the lives of our Protestant forefathers. which was ii_i- teiitled by one stroke called the ever to be reiiioiii- bered Gunpowder Plot. The evening pushed off with more than usual joy, and at an early hour, the brethren ol' Loyal Orange Lodge No. 679, its- iwurlnod at brother McClura's, In their lodge rooiii,juined bv the past county master ut‘Oiitario. b:utlior Win. Stevenson. After the usual routine of business had been gone through with. the broth- creu repaired to the dining room, who-e they par- took ofsupper prepared by brother Mt-Clu is. After 'Cujuying the good things provided. the cloth was removed, and tho f0.i0Wlllg toasts wore proposed and dxaiik. amidst. enthusiastic cheers. First toast proposed by the wursliipiul mow-r. G. l). Morton, the Queen. God bless her. Prince Albert and the i'soyal family, with three Next. lCIchIs. Next. and third toast drank iiisolcinn ‘ silence, the " glorious, plans and iimiiortal momort ot‘ the great and good King \vllllulll. the 111, Prince of Orange, who freed us from the iliruldon of popisli tyranny- bong by brother Steven- lull. ‘ The next toast wasâ€"the British Army in Ind-a. ‘ may success attend their oiidoavours.â€" ospouded j to by Mr. Peters, who, with another gun. Ionian from After I u lltClt there were several other toasts from brothe- Torontc, were present on the occasion. Ill. Cruxon, in lhu vice-chair, which were each :wainily responded to by several present. 1 ca. assure you the meeting was one of tho nio~t truli lovuig Orange deiiioudrationsl ever witnessed At the tcriiiiua'ion of the above proceedings the ,coniptiny repariid to the street, which were illuminated by torch lights. tar birrels, rockets and serpents, which made our little v llage ascuiio ul iiierriuiotit lung to be I'Olllblll-le oil. and gave ab- undant evidence that Protestant hearts and Ora igc . principles are titily to be round in t.iu village 0. I lloduud Landing. Yonis. &c.. .\ SUBSCRIBER. i Arrival of the Atlantic. FALL or manâ€"HT CONFIRMED. Surrender of they King of Delhi. . LUCKNOVV RELIEV 11D! sRate of Discount ofâ€"the Bank of England raised to 10 per cent. NIJV Yorur, Nov. 23. The U. 9. mail steamship u'.’\tluutic.†Capt. } H'dridgu. which sailed flu-l) Liverpool at 4o'rlock f' on tho llth .Vovumbur, arriied at this port last evening. The news is four days later. The stoaiiisliip “ Asia" arrived at Liverpool at ‘6230 on the morning ol‘the 91h. \ - l 'I ha screw steamer “ Antelope" was appotntcd v to lo we Liverpool fu: I’mtland direct, on 'l'liitrs- ‘ day the l'Jth inst. Advil-es from India and Europe are important. th-il was killed. The British Governnioni had received iolo- l Igiapic advices a fortnight later from India. I It is conï¬rmed that Delhi was entirely occupied by the Europeans on September 2181. E The old King of Delhi surrendered with his‘ I ‘cliiof Wife and their lives ware spared His twai l sons and a grandson were shot. » I General Nicholson had died of his wounds. i The garrison at Lucknow wae relieved, and a l large part of the city taken. General Nel was killedlon Saturday the 7th. I Shortly after the departure of the "Niagara," - the suspension of Dennistown do Co., one of the largest ï¬rms connected with the American trado‘ iu Gleat Britain was announced. Their liabili- ties are estimated at something like two niil ions i sterling. The almost tota‘ cessation of remittances from America was the cause of the suspension. Funds were buoyant throughout the day. and an ladvuace of one-half per cent in Consols took place. Applications for discount at the bank continued extremely heavy. At Hamburg ihornte of dis- count advanced to 9; per cent. On Monday, thev9tli,* the Batik of England raised its rate of discount front 9 to lo per cent. The Western Bank of Scotland. at Glasgow. with a paid up capital of £l.500.00.), and deposit: supposed to mount to £6,uf)0,000 sterling, closed its doors on the 91h inst. The City Bank of Glasgow had also susponded. Numerous other failuus of merchant house: in England. connected with the American tradi- will be found reported below. closed at a considerable advance. Ofï¬cial closiii: had been completed. The table is coiled lll water tight apartments, so as to admit of its being submitted to a variety of tests under water during the whole wiiitnr. Mr. VVhitolinad. chief oft-c- tiicinii of the company, is to be engaged in ex- pat-iiiicnts of a most interesting nature upon the cable, so as to ascertain nit only its electric capa- bilities. but the rule at which ouch sign .I can In transmitted ; and the eï¬â€™ect which the different periods of the day and the temperature and state of the tattoo photo have upon its couductibility. The attempt to lay the cable next year is to be made at the and of Juno or the beginning of July. land it has been determined to resort to the plan originally contemplated, namely. to commence the submerging process in the middle of the At- lantic. the two vessols engaged soiling respectively for the shores of Newfoundland and Ireland. and 3.000 miles of cable are to be coiled on the vessel . instead of 2,6.)0. as in the ï¬rst attempt. and the m inufucturc of tlio aditioual quantity has btoii Glass and Elliot. Tho coa- structiou of the now paying out machinei ha! been entrusted to Easton do Amos. commenced by The ‘ Patric" says that the French Govern- ment have under their consideration the modiï¬ca- tion of the Law of Interest of 1807. The Bank of France bu further advanced its. rate of discount. The French Government is understood to have approved the conduct of its Minister at Constant:- iiople, in refusing to hold any intoicourso with Redschid Pasha. In Belgium a new liberal ministry had been formed, in which M. Rngior iii Mini-tor of the Interior; M. l-‘rerc Orbair, Minister of Finance; Gen. llerten. Minister of War, and M. Dorrie. Minister of Foreign Affairs. The King had consented to dissolvo tho Chambers. . The ï¬nancial crisis was beginning to be felt-'in'.‘ Tho work of taking the Atlantic cable out of Shh '1» r. if? t Sweden and Norway, and money was becoming "4am FCBI'CB. The Bank of Frankfort had raised its rate of discount from 6; to 7; per cent. The Bank of Prussia had raised its rate of discount front 6} to 75 per cent. g A Russian war steamer had been loutliin the Caspian Sea. Tho captain. three Hunted-ills. and eighteen men were drowned. vunv IMPORTANT most iNDiA. The following telegraph was received at the Foreign Ofï¬ce on the day the " Atlaiititt’i ha hertz" ( The "Hindustan" arrived at Sun. frolu,;Cul- outta on the 5th instant. with Calcutta date- of , Oct. 9th. Madras 14th, and Gallo of the 18th: a 95'! t "'l Dulhi. which fall into our hands on the 20th\ .‘ Sopr, was entirely occupied on the 21st, audit whole of the enemy expelled- In the assault of tho Nth, til «mam and “75 men. being oneâ€"third of the shaming .ft) on, we 0 killed and wounded. Gen. Nicholson dual of his “1911:3410†tho 9dr. The Old King. said to be 70 years of tag}. or. s, rendered to Capt. [lodges and his Cavalry abo :t' 15 miles south of Dolhi: he was :icc-iiiipauiol liy‘ ' his chief wife. Their lives were spared. Two of his soth‘ and a grandson worn also L'lpltlt'HI by Capt. l'l-idgos about. 5 miles fro-n Delhi: h-‘y were shot on the «pot and their bodies brought to the City and uxpusdd at the Police Ofï¬ce. .3- Two inoveablo columns ware despatiihed f‘olll Delhi on the 23rd. in pursuit ofthu «usury. By accounts from Agra, one column appears to have reached Ahvg‘iiur, and the other that of Maura on the 23th September. ' Gun. II imlock. with 2,5' 0 wowed the Gun:- gus from Cawupore Sept. 19th, and relieved Lucknow Residency. on the 25th, just as it was ready to be blown up by its hos-ingots, 0n the 26m, the enemy's eiitréiichniont'l were stormed. and on the 29m a large part of the city was taken. 4.39 killed and wounded. Gone I'l‘here had boon a slight rising of the rebel I near NISI‘Mn in Bombay Presidency. in the sup- pression of which Lieut. Henry of the Police wad. killed. Madras troops defeated the mutiueorl of the 52nd uiur Keinpie. and killed 150 A native ofï¬cer and a Super, baring beetroot!- victed. were blown away‘ from guns at Bombay, on 15th Oct. Predatory tribes in the t’unjab. betwomi Mo,’ town and Lahore. have given some trouble lately; and the disturbance seems to have been sup-r pressed. ALEXANDRIA, Thursday. Nov 5. Tho mutiiioers have gone toward: Rohilcund and Muurii and some to Outra, being followed by our troops. _ 1 Mr. Greatliead. Commissioner of Delhi, died ’ September 19m of cholera. and Gen. Nicholson died on the 23rd of wounds received in the assault. PREPARATIONS FOR. THE PRIN. CESS ROYAL’S RECEPTION. The different Trades’ Unions and Guilds i . ;. mi l o .44 .‘i of Berlin are already very busy in preparingf ‘ to take their part in the procession which is] l to usher in the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick William to the capital of Prussia, Those. who may have chanced to see the very tasty and picturesqnc manner in which these arlisnus illustrate their rations trades and keep alive a number of pleasing medieval customs, such as the swinging and hurling 0! hand flags, wrll reckon in advance that, apart from the equipagc containing the bridal couple, there Will be hardly anything 10 inâ€" 'erestiug in the procession as the Trades' lluilds. The pa'ace for the future couple s' rapidly approaching completion. The ~cafl‘oldinz has been already taken down in all siues except the front. The young -’rince is must assiduous in his visits to the works whenever he can ï¬nd a leisure hour; be encouraging all employed there to un- emitting exertions, and the examination of I 0" 1ha 10â€! funds We"? (tum I‘“°."3"L 8‘" iorses for his stud, form his two unfailing 'cctipav‘ions as soon as he can detach himself ‘r