During thc' terrible storm in New Yo'k t frw any! ï¬â€˜o. n tenant of u house in East Twelï¬hzsireét, leached out of a third story window to shut a {blind which was .s|anuuiug with _qurh violence. ~éhé herd a nun-ting (hild m Iter breusl ; but. oilher from being Slighllnglwsicuted. or from (heme oft!“ gulp, hot- upon it was not uroug “dong-h ;‘ the glint. [Q‘le gym Mowu out Of her uni-0‘; Frovidemjal-ly. {he ghjld WM car- ried by the ï¬nd into a tree. an the other side of tho street. where it wu found by one ofthe Mu» Impolitan police. hanging b) its shirt to a twig. and ataxia lbs“) â€"-('/ucu.‘u l’lcas. X3311 A Icltci‘ from Grand Blufl‘, Texas, gives mmfmé “org! lifl' of Ilallnés u!~ villages and loulemeum in dun usighheurlwnd. as follows :â€" Bu; of our HORN“; are lhupkâ€"lerl. Due-Meal. nml Lick.si‘{illel. Sunlhâ€"SCI'DI)E4-bll'Kfllfl] puck- iu-the hucket._, Noahâ€"~Nin-aud-umk. we“â€" mngk-nngkwï¬c nae-012ml. 'l’osqnuâ€"mu. §lil:fu|v. Ind: and! in. ‘Sufy 'abdgfrmhï¬x. Guardgueck “may. [lake-pocket- hr: buthWMhJuo sun-J} mined in which words are pfl‘ï¬rrutx'ievqmy to the greater purl of . , a » I .‘ the rmng‘ gene -uu_n. Tluffï¬in 01‘ a country :s not the Higln ul‘boruâ€"dho-weighl and nnpu-luosiu’ ofllail- stonesâ€"h is qu the inundation and s'ormâ€"il i~ not pcxulgflugmund famine. A I'( w years. perhaps a Iiuglo Bubs-guy cover all names 01 such a calmn- An exchnxrgC'1l1il‘ngks;"llgt i1 i§ woman herself. and not woman": wrou’gifuiu- ought. to be mainland. : " “'hm ï¬dMurymy 2" Three judges gave lung Illd clnhur‘am upjniulm in Ihe nï¬iun'miw, and the quesliou‘mkhlg repuultd. [he annmr \\ as. “ Not a Wold." h a \Vlly is a lady putting on her corset liko a man who drinks to drown his grits†Br- cause whrilo she is .qo-lacing ;hersell' hi.» is grung (ig/d. Philosophers say that shutting tin- cyes mnkgs the sums: of having more acute.â€" This 1mg" acconhl for the many ulowd eyas lhzl no mun in our chu:che<. a long an"! leim‘u-d discmmon as to win-[her a Wil- lie†shuu'lVd'ho uHuwt-d m nuer the qunlinn. " What Hidhlurysay 2" 'l'llruu judges gnu: lung “'llujtr'nbjosscd change for Sncicty, Bays Pllfï¬ï¬â€˜i'll'fllé ihnhé‘rons'raxcals now" (Not the turf \vprg'pnder it instead 1 ' 'nmny dcalhs,’ asked tho. hoxpilalï¬yhysi’cinu. ‘ Nine.’ ‘ whv. I ordered the medicinzatxéheu.‘ ‘ Yes, but one wouldn’t lake ia.’ A dUWl’f east editor advises his rendâ€" The rcasqu {Enos carried [misfmlmr with suuh en~e.‘\\"ui Hecalfs’e ‘1: had Tray Weighk Upon hallfaï¬'k' {imam of avuirdupyiw. ' m keep ill'illy climate in, I woman's age. â€"-Uurrid Punch !" ers. il' 'lggywjfli '10 £61 reeth inseried gratis. to go and steal .(xuiLqumjliï¬quch dog ii on guard. ‘ You've misrepfï¬efllud me" said a Int-lube. 11f l’nrlimnem m n raw-Her. ‘ You mi<- r~-prcsmlҤ6iir c’uuAimeuu Mi“ more.’ was (ha toply.’ “ ~ I ' “I: On a 5:1)th ,hciug lo'd that he must be brn/tcn off; ma'ï¬u‘uiï¬ ï¬t actually rv'l-licd : ‘ Pa- 1-. hmaggs‘bffié'ye uglzuflczl ?’ unï¬t to bngnteliu'I Bocause they never Stur. None oflyou-r unkind reflections, as tho old maid said In Illa holding-glam. I A Mr. Lavender and-'n Miss Garlic wore luon united ixuhe bgudu of muLIimony. vim. , . . , ‘ daafucls‘l NBecause ll makes the an hour Brown gavs that though ' breviiv is A: r. . . ' ll-o soutnf )Vil.’ II no" no Juke‘ 10 be ' nhol’ on ..... ~ V change‘.‘ W'dnhl.you hear a swch and pleas- ing cch‘u'; lipaak sweetly and pleasantly yourself. \Vllg'uivs Ville letter H like a cure for In smiling aidâ€"aiï¬ilillg. in laughing and crying, May “luggage pf- Lho Saims upon Danni» be thM? ' ' ' )n moaning sud lyin‘r, in livng and dying. Ochdwd'luck mye. Dennis, ye thiol'ofthu word ! In walking or sleeping. in fling and dhrinking. In snuï¬ing. in (E'hmi'ing. or smoking a pipe. In buying anti nelling. in nodding and winking, May hin.lvr;1}ies all lot if they get to be ripe In dancinglor kngel'mg. in standing or sitting, Muyï¬hnt ‘Dennis-O'Brogne. that big hlackglnrd [eyc‘ursed ! In his breathing. and coughing. and snorting. and upimng'iz May flie’vnggto id’s portion be hunger and ihirsL mg. . 4 .ln midi-basing himself, nnd in putting on clof‘ws. In IpacFé’Tnd 111‘ Iilence. in whistling and hum- ming. [u munching his head and in blowing his new Cursed be Dennis O’Brogue in I’ll larn "c to vote for n heroï¬c (In-sitar. Diaobeyflng the, hon commands of your pranks ; l'll spake 41w bad word for your sowl m SI. l’nter, He ahéll glam [Irv-m“: door in your foul face. a-eï¬Ã©Ã©iiz- ‘ I declare iflhedgvil hivmlellfâ€"dnn‘v he fvhth ya !â€" Was lo rise up just now out And ld'nsk for my vote. rulhor [From ‘lhe'London Punch.) Holy rug; O’Bhruey he stood at the nll'u'. Aml doliverod this sermon to DonnisO'Broguo: Armh, Dennis†ye‘thief !' your deal:er i4 the halter, Yo dosugva lo’be‘hnuged, Isuy, Dennis, ye rogue. 3‘! b0! . Whoever gin-s Denuls a cup ofcoxdd “'niherâ€" Let alougthe pot‘ocnâ€"mnle or drink. him or any He will be 01‘ his ownlmndl'ess ruin the author; Tho‘gqnh will give open. and swalluw him up In ofle‘of'the courts Inluly there was Punch says: " A scr‘rcl war mtcd “'1an blessed change for VVhygfc pgfst~ns~hliml from birth Hun,- ‘V'Il in bright aï¬ulgance glowa, “ilh Wisdom joined. through rhyma and prose. And both unite mew charm“ in one. 'l'r- form‘lhe' sap and hum‘rous pun. F° _ Em} 1d your name dimly (Cb? érrnp 315mm. TJE llusif‘liflï¬â€™ssmu MOM Tm: ALTA u. v m-mm WWV in Ming and dhrinking, sow! to. nhould have it. 3â€"-lnny he fvhth ya !â€" am of |hi8 holy 5pm., her he. than the wrench his gaiug and com- MURDER or AN 1250wa (Armenia 1x INDI.\.â€"â€"J ohn Clougll, 1'..~q..4 bankâ€. York, has recniud lhe 'melancholy inlcllig-vugé that his um). Mr.» l‘Itâ€"jmynd Clough, an of- ï¬cer in the 57th Native lnfaulry, ham been murdered in India, we understand. undvr the meal appalling circumflances. Mr. Clnugh was only in the lSlh year of his age, and we bvh'e've had only a few months before leï¬ England. He was on his way from Benares to Join his regiment wllcu [the murdur 100k HALU. ~ Thalia and Thomas streets, when , with- out a ivortl oI will-mpg. they atlackvd the inâ€" ma'es, rhi- fly [fish tt-aywt-n. “ith kuit‘ea and Jung shot» tn gt t'cudnl Int-ï¬ner. The in- mates being Lola“) unarmed and unsuspectâ€" ing. the resuhs of the attack wrrc IteL'PSSEM- il)‘ highiy uagimlâ€"â€"0ne man, named John Haunt, being killed, and ten others badly wnuuded. Al‘terthe assailants had ï¬nished their allat‘k. says the “ Drltu,†they were (u-sued by the po'ice with-nut 9E- ct. As thgy were all masked. 0r otherwise dis;ui.~ed tun}: tyus no clue to their identity, and the a Yair mug consequently, fur the [Ilt’eLflfl’ u:â€" maix; a mystery. ' Antsther fearful trggedy h-Is been enacted in Nuw Orleans, a cuy. juhg'ulh men in the tum. bland: ulm03l [)I‘e-t‘llline1¢}0|‘ crime. A band 0f murderers, it apppars, dj\'lded themselves inlo three svpanne squudR, one of which t< 0k down the centre and the onus along the bunquullcs on eiller 5M» 01' [he strcel; all being masked or bfuckcnvd. and armed “ilh hikes: pi.~to|s and slung shots, and executing lheir muk ol' illtlisc inninute d :.~lrucliun of human life “‘hgg'e‘ner they 1.33,- e l, without uitering a word, ‘a c ip a low muttering tone. The ï¬rst place t-nlured hy the murderous parties was a boarding huux'e Le thy John CuHm-ls. at lhe comer of lore, remove the lim-board um] loosen a prick hom the hack of ihc chimney. The bag of gold was deposiled in lhis secure rc- ‘ceplach‘, the brick replaced, the ï¬re board .ml 510} e: restored to their plan-.95, all the mor rm- and dust rcmowd.anil then the old man went to bed and slept soundly, reached to keep his secret eve.) from his wife. The next day biing bunday, he locked up his house, and With his Wife on his arm paid a visit to a lager bier garden. The day up pa 5:1] in quafl’i ng, smoking and talking, and il 0 cc or twice Karl thought of his gold, it was only to chuckle over the complete surety cf his investment. Rplurning‘ home rather late in the evening, Karl though! he would look into the kilchm and sup. that all was sale. Uhsurviu; mortar, lath am] other rubbish lying lease upon the hnurth, le became grvnlly uluuned. b‘ru:h- iug round like a carzy mun, he inatuntly shov- mi away llle .stnve, look down lhv iirr-hvanl and found (he IDOscncd brick upon [he h: arlh, and his mouvy gone. Althoun-h m'e-x-y ex crtinn has been Illildl‘ to arrest the l‘(1i)l)(:l‘, Im cluv to his identity has fut becudiacuiciul. â€"â€"l\'u(' York I’oat. "On Saturday night last a brilliant idea lhshed :Ipaunlxl Karl. .llii 13:11: was snor- ing by his sidu, 'md without dislurbing her he nose. lltulamp, went Jown inlo the base- 111. nt LNC‘IED. and after carefully cloï¬iug the Window-blinds, prowedud to drag" nut the he colonies and dependencies ol'thi: llritiah Crown. There are at prime!†thirty-ulnar «Coglish colonial bishop, viz.: llr. l\ ilum. Li‘lloll of Calcutta; Dr. Slrnclmu. Bishop nl l‘oronlo; Dr. Sclwyn, Bishop of New Zea- land ; Dr. Parry. Bishop m‘Bnrbau’om; l)r l‘mnlinsonkubllop of Gibraltar; Dr. Davi» Bishop of ï¬lthy-.13 Dr. A u~tin. Bishop. 0 Guiana ; Dr. Mm}: hialmp or 'l'm'maum Dr. Spencer, Bishop of .launm'fn ; DI‘- l‘viclll Bishop of Newfoundland; Dr. 7‘"r....."y. Bishop ntl“redericton; Dr. (‘llztplndlh Uisho, it' Colombo; Dr. l’crry, Bishop 0! Mul- ‘Iourne; Dr. Grey, Bishop ol'Capc 'l‘own : Dr. Short, Bighop of Atlr‘laillii; l)r. 'l'yriell Bishop of Newcastle; Dr. Andt r.~o.i.l5i.~hn[ ot‘ltupert‘s Land; Dr. Smith. l3i~ho|i 0 Victoria; Dl'. l)('dlll‘_\'. Bi>hop Ol' Mmluuhl Dr. Mountain, Bishop ot'Quebuc ; Dr. Fm- ford. Bishop of illontruul ; lh'. llirnc) Bishop of Nova Scotin; Dr. Ilal‘tliu , lisln,» of l'Oubuy; Dr C ensn Bishn: of Natal; Dr Barker, Bi h :p of Sy lnv' ; l.)r. ll3un. Bi<hop ot~ Mauritius; 1).. Bonn, Bislnp of Sit-rm Leone; l)-- Mch :all. Bi~hop ot‘ Lahuun ; Dr. Hair. Bishop of Perth; Dr. COIIIHH‘y. Bishou at Kingston; Dr. Ha:pe.~, Biahop of h Kt Church, New Zea'and; Dr Cnth e i Bishop of Graham’s Town; and Dr. G» hat Bishop of the Unztetl Church ol~ England and Ireland in Jerusalem. '1‘) thus" Will Very sliolfl)‘ he added, by consecration Dr Crnnyn, Who has been elccti-tl 13 h I. o; llu on, Uï¬pwï¬lnnadu ; Mr. ll b 0l|~ , who has bet-n designated to the hixhup l: 0- Nelâ€" ~nn, New Zéuland,‘ Archdvattou Ila lï¬n-hl who has lWen designatvd to the hump ic of \Veilington; and Arcltdearuï¬- V\ llia 5 “ho has been designated to tllt‘ bisholmc ot‘ l‘ur- ringar, an exclusivcly Maori distrirf, A~ ‘0)" as tranquility is leslo ed In India 5-â€" I'angi-Inents will be completed for the unlab- lishment at three new bi~h :pri- s mereâ€"mm at Agra, for the norlhwmt PI‘O‘ingeg; m". at Lahore, for the Punjab; and One at l’al .m- cott'l, for the missionary proiil. m of ']‘i..,,e.| \‘("l,'. “'ln-n those appointments are made the number of linslish colonial Bishops will be forty. K3"! Dummkopf, an aged German resi '- :nxar in \‘Villiamshurg. had $1,400in lhc fan'- mgs Bank. \thn lhe panic lira! hemuw contagious, he caught it, and um muting “It .il'sI of lhe crnwd (hit besieged the bank. :11: drew out his momy all in shining,~ yuliow boys. and carried it about “i h him day a is: day, in u leathi-rn bag. its Wrighl was troublesome. and the 0111 man waa in 2| fryer if tear lest he should lose it. He ï¬llsllecied every mail he met to ban thiet‘m' a picL- pocket, and when he went 10 bed Ufa night with the bag of gold under his head he hardly dared to ulr‘se his Eyes, Ivsl he shomd awaken to ï¬nd a hand at. his throat, and a \lmrp knife gleaming; befdrehis eyes. Karl Dummkopf, ng in \‘Villiamshurg. ngs Bank. “'hcn The Clunch of England WI“, in illP emu->9 ora few Weeks. have thirty-seven bishops in AN INCiDiiN'I‘ OF '. TUE COLONIAL EPISCUL’A Hi 01‘ THE CHURCH ()I" ENGLAND. A }"Qil-\Y UL“ MURDERERS THE PAN IC. VI‘HE undersigned havingpurchased R. Losson’z Patent Mill, is now prepared to manuiacmn- nll_\‘qll8nii1_\‘ of [hr-m. at his fuciory. Mai-khan- Vi!lage; and any person inf-ingng all the abuve I’alenl originally invenled by Richmd Lossun. will be prusecumd according to lmy. August 6. 1857 UR MACHINE is :uhslantialh'» huil! o! erughx lrull. rmirely free from Side draught, can he elayalged 1» any height. from a Mower m a Reaper by a .scrgw in {man and ems wilhom hugging. in Grase. WheuL Unis ur linrlev. “'ilh- nul change of kuit'e 9r gealiug. and works nus-Y '1‘»! “.16 horses. N THE pair; for a Mower. $12 L00: completed as a Real-er. $140.0J. An ,exlm kuil'e will be $5 . UU aura. All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of the best material. ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL Thoruhill. Yonga‘gtreel. Juno 24th. lbw . , LARGE SUPPLY of Mngistrnms’ Blanks. L according lo the latesl forms,1'or sale a: this Ofï¬ce. by the duzw or hundred. " Gazette" ()fl'u‘e. Aug. 27, 1557. Southern. Western, and Canada munny “ill 1n- lakenfor sll!v~'c:'iplions. Canadlm suhscnhnrs will plem'e to remit lwvill)‘-r'ix cents cum on each yem’s subscriminn to pro-[my pmhge. 'l‘r'nwor Svaawlr'nuuâ€"s2 a _\'«m' , or $1 for ~yromo. July 10. 1857 l‘2xh du.................... -> 13th (‘10.... . . . . . ........... 3" 1411. do........... ..... 95 151h da............. .... 520 Names of sub Prihek (an be sent in an differoni muoau d from (hï¬'crem l‘u t "Riv-ea The on h will be paid 10 [he mder> of lhe sncursJul com- petitors,i.|mmd' e|_\":.flerxhe l<t of January, 1858 Tramp or S‘UBal’hll’i’luNIâ€"I Six Moaths. (E? Specimen copies Mil hp soul graph to pan of the country. MITNN 61. (10,, Publishers and Patent Agents, Nu. 1:26 Fulton street. New York. 2‘34 TORONTO “ CITY†MARBLE W0 MPUH' ‘l-IRS and dealers in Italian and Amcrlcan Marble, also manufactuer 0 Monuments. Cenotaphs. Tnmh and G:avc Stones. Ornamental enclosures for Grave plots. Sic. Order; through our Agents will receive prompt allenllou. Tl) MECHANICS. INVENTORS, AC‘U MABUFAU'I‘URERS. (J u '5. they Inopu>u '.‘-I ofl'er 0N6 Wmumud Fir? Hand/u"! Dollars 1/1 Cash I’rwniums. 1orthe ï¬flt‘ell largP>l lis‘b nfsnbbcribers sent iu.‘ by the Isl of January, [#58: premium: m be dis- U'ibuwd m fullmvs :â€" ha Puhiimers l‘expecu‘u‘i? inform the public lhm in oxdcr tu inert-awe and smu‘ t» m: l'm'll‘miun of I RY GOODS nd Millinery. Clothing and Gentleman’s Outï¬tting Emporium silkS. Ribbnlls. Broad (Ilmhs, 5:“ Sallnruï¬ Drab Kerseys, Rube Dresses, Challis Dressas. Sh 'l‘omnlo, Ju m3, [857. Darling & A itcllison’s 0031315 ED JImrcr mul R’mpcr. D. CARLOS YALE N announcing: the 'I‘hirtventh Annual \‘nlmne of ’I‘nn N‘IEVTIFIC AMERICAN no 135' \‘on‘cn S'l'er-ZT, um: QUth snum‘ D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEEGI EB, Agent, Richmond Hill BLANK FORMS. 2nd 31d 41h 5m Glh Tlh Blh 9th 1 th lllh RUMOHR’S PATENT D. c. & w. YALE, the largest bilks, Lace Goods, Twat-dd. Fancy Tweeds. Poplins, Moire Antique. Shn C[.\'B RATES GEORGE DARLING ROUT. AI'X‘CHISUN . list Shepherd Plaid. Iii" ,2- Strm’t East, Toronto. WWW“ m m~m - Vvavowmm VP. «9 wmvame-mmxw. -.»-. .~ raw“ vwm«mm.~vvn‘a“». M. H. RUMOHR. Antique. Shawh. Funny duesking Head Dresses. Vane-mm Cloths. Slraw Goods, Bath Cords, Flonncod Dresses. Muslin drums, [gm vpherd Piuid, A‘cq 6.0.. El; .. WM. YA LE. gllp-Hln Ha $300 1x. 35 If. I?" F All other Book Luvsâ€"6 I0 Pitta a gl’ica. 153d; 0'10 l’ica N.B.-¢l’_uhli<hem of newx'papers l0 Q||i§aldveIAJslxxLWIl far 2 months. their bills upon purchasing ï¬amount of our mnpul'nclure. Ed a favor by dizqctigg uuguliun to mom. '1‘. ‘H F. Prnprimors of [his Establishmom beg to J inform the I’m) ers of Canada. {hat they have now mauul'nctul'ed and ready for delivery, a large qnanmy of Small l'icu. Long Primer. Bump-owe pm] “review. uf Scotch lnr‘o, which they wiil gua- wmpp vuunut he smpasr‘ed lv_\ any Foundry upon um cmxgiuenl fur duxuhilin' and appearance. The} have aon m; hand a choice bsoruuenl of various kind: of The follmvinglist of a few of (he principal nrli- ck-s vequircd by primers. will give an idea of the grunt. advantages ol the Canada Type Foundry-â€" “nut. SKIIZI . km! ("awn-.11“: )' on the pmt nflhust pmlesaing or attempting to cure 5111 h diaeiwos. 'l‘his‘ Work will al"o he forwarded to individual: frnc vy' Marge) M'nding their add 6», rum-run. to the Author M. 'l'uronlo. Canada Type Foundry. REMOVED 1'0 ST. Tum»er S12. Dnumtn’: 'I‘en 'l7umsmld Copies are now readyfui distribution. Thir wo k contains nearly 2000 p"ng of read- ing maker. in which will he found n-portetl alarge number 01' most important and snu‘oxsful opera- iuns on the Eye. and more (him One Hundred in- m’t'sti'ug (Vin-s of «\ery (loscriptiun. lllllslrnlrtl with numerous (‘uts ml Hales. Also. will he semi. Letters and Rufwrences from highly respec- Inhle parties from all parts of Cain-(la and 1h:- United States.â€"ull of which wil' be found well worthy the caretlilperusal ol'tlie afflicted. The Anthor feels fully msnrml llml i-very unpre- jiulimwl render of this work will he cunvmcul lha: inases ul the Eye or Eur in an†Slugl: slim! m cwnplvle disorganization. can and may be aural .- nhd it must appear evident to even (‘Ullrldt’l'flh person that [ha principal cause q/‘fuilm'e to obtain roliet' 1n ihme cares :lnongliunl the countr), ik‘ [in rx-snlt ol' IIIIIII’UlreI [real/mm, and a “antufi xri-zuâ€" The pl‘lfzes a! which these and other types are ‘old at the ('aumla 'l'._\'lib Foundry, will he found :it lnust 3t) lior cent less than they could be pur- chased previous to I15 e>lubzislimunL It is llwret'ure hoped that (he Printers ol' Cana- ,lu will show ilwir apineninlion 01' the advantages it llul(l> uni. l)_\ bewuwing upnn it a fair sham 01‘ ilwi: patronage. in rumin for which (he pmpriemrs pledge lhrnm-lvus to lean: no means unu‘icd to give ample salisl'aclion. Primers! mark the n-duction in the nice of l_\'|)e since ilii< Foundry was opened : and hear in mind that a greater reduction depends I pun your- solve.» Our motto i>â€".~upp|_\‘ the trade \Vl‘ll type of Mich quanlilivs and M such prices as will pre- veni the ileum-shy of patronising foreign manu- Iuclill'ers. -flhe 43h P(liliull of his Tréulisc nu Ursula-r1: u/' Ih .I'ch and Eur. published tnia day, which wiil be presented to apphcnub‘. OCULST & AURIST. JPERATCB ON THE EYE AND A I d vemovmg nll Di~ea>es nl' llm the and Ear L'I‘Horalh. hegs mo<l respectfully w Enfurm (lmw \ï¬l ole-d in 111959 delicate organs. than lu- has for- rardod w the 0mm ol'!hl5 lmpern few dozen (‘ulriru ‘ Ill Restoring Lost Sight and Hearing Mom‘real, May 18h. 1657 REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. And for Invigorating and Benuï¬fy‘mg the Kai: Sold by R. H. Hall. 'l‘uuoN'ro, June 8111. 1557 TNIVERSALIA’ known thrtnghnut (‘nundn ; and the United States for his akill uud E) 1‘. GA D \V E L L, Snliles, AZQR’S TURKISH BALM. Nonpmiel - Miuiru - Rrevier- - Bourgouise Lung Primer Small l’iua- THE GREAT TURKosH Ornamental Type Ibli<hem of newqmpers giving inpertion ‘IAJSIHL‘IH for 2 months. will he allowed lips)" purchasing ï¬ve limes llmir our mnpul'nclure. Editors will ronfer dizqctigg uuguliun to [he announce- T. J. G. k Co. FR EE OF CHARGE. LUILnnGs. MoNI‘REM. THUS. J. GURNIN & Co. 51. '1 henna b‘lruel )‘1811. 1657 g3 0 [4‘ ’I‘OROX TL) Fouls in proportion. nd lhicknr. ls per lb.: 7 10 IS 611. Hart-go dl‘cSSCh, Satin! llosian . G luvoa, Runnels Due- him. M amillas lâ€"(f. V ‘HE [Tlldf‘r‘iglh'd l‘A-LN lvnvo m illfnrul l’uhlic lh 1 he hnlds hinwsll' in rmulu In his UM l‘;<h|l‘i.~hlllrnl. which Im‘ hm-n ( IiIun-d for [he his! Six Yrul‘k‘. in Illi- ('i:\'( IUJ. Y'muo Sll’t'f‘l. :md [hr-wily uplboa'uï¬ u Briuummia II‘ we." 'l'urumo.) l0 Iu’mmralc. dean and Ju’qmir All Descriptions of Clothing Ihe In a proper and wit fut-vary manner. I!) ercdi ling "'Iinls. ()il, 'l'nr, ‘\ r. #0., mud \eumiug (‘olom m Ihelr OTILFIIHII :umwnrmu-e. ho as [0 gm: (Bentle- lnen’s \\'~mrillg np'm-el 1|u- I‘ull umueurum-e of new. From 31 \n‘nrs' oxpt'xiqu-e I“ die hmiuesa nnd prmupl uuruliuu In M! nudqu \\'i.i| “"n ‘h M- may he lavored. combined with an aurme dais la [ï¬rm-e his Mummers, be hope.» to mm'il a sham ul public [who] 9». Composed by Grafulia. Dudsxvorth and Frirderich. and [hat they nre now propured to attend to all culls from any part of the Country. 33: A“ Orders left a! the Post Ofï¬ce. Vicmrin Square. or M R. Wiseman’u. Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill, will be amended 10. _75 7 , ’ ‘HE Mmuhors of (he Viclmin Sqnure Snx-Horn' ‘ _ i ’ 1 Band [undur [he uniziun of R. Wiwmnn.) Dick's Complete "’01'LSâ€"CIL‘LH volsâ€" her: In inf- -m llu- Pnhiic that. they have recently i" lwo, 15m; pp. 5w. l’nce four dullanand a lecezvod some 01' [ha uwSL } half. 1T EMES HULL 52m Henri; Square. June lOthJSJT l ri-Weekly edmun. \\ lnch renders the advenising circulation equal. if not supunur, no that of any other IIeWSpaper \vhaxsoeyg. Money Letters. if registeredtwill be considered at Ihe flak of {he Publishers Sunscriptious may be eummenced :11 au\' period of lhe \‘ear. Money Imliers. if registeredtwill be considered at lhe Flak of the Publishers Subscriptions may be eummenced at any period of lhe year. All post-masters acting as Agents, will be al- lowud a coxunxiaiuu on cash remiumuz Indian Herb Doctor! 'l'he arrnngnment< for the supply of late News are such as cannot be .xux'passt‘d in Canada. The duxly Cokmixl i< a Iargu dullhle sheet. of 48 cal- nmus, and is the Lm'ge.~1d:_uiy Journal publisth on the American (‘uminunL It will. lherélure, be enahk d to give lncuer l‘MlIauH-nmry Reports and mom Venn. than any other Juurunl; The (arms of fldVErlirng are‘ the same as far Juuzuuls ol the sumilnsl circulation: All adver- usemenls I'vt'viVL‘ u urallliluns insertio-n in the '2. King Street Bust, Torunlo. D H Coloui»! £1 10 0 per amuun. ."Iilhll Colonist U 12 6 ‘ “Vt-ekl)‘ Colon M U 7 6 " " Chth of live 1 5 U “ Payable at least 3 momhs in advance. The duil} (Julnniq is delivered in 'l‘ornum. :1: 71d. per waek. and lba liri1i>h ('ulonist al 6d. per forluighlâ€"payable Lo the A\cw.~-ranier.~. The Colonist Eslnhlis‘l r' (m h ving heen re- built. and the whole bus‘l en pumd upon 29 Innis of 1110 most complete mu. .. .‘lulllifll kmd. the Proprietors fee! c\'l~l'_\’ Conï¬dence in asking fur the the cominned and increased support of all who desire to wppun an ludupeudeut L‘uuwn‘aliw Journal. elvl) uu-Il lnmnu ll(‘lb UHF"... |'- I‘IHIJL'T vhu. ul'u-r iruverxing the Lam-ll :‘Mle‘ “I†('mlmla. Inu- CUIIClIHli‘ll lu Inuko 'l'numld. C. \‘ 'uis llulnr lor the fumru \vhero- lw will mlmini-le n his palerâ€: lhmn only Ill“? and z-ul‘e- l\ll'(lll‘ll|(' .imn Na uro‘s (hu‘llt‘ll, whirl) bus for its nullm lllO great and till-wise l'hysicinn above. The following «lixnnsos van lw (tun-d l)_\‘ D . '1‘ III the mod ohslinnm male of their exi~leucr Vinâ€"diseases oi' the Lungs. llran. Liver anl lluou : also. (l)'s[~ep>iu. drupsy in (l nll ilimn e of lllv lllnml. sun-h us Sol-Mn l‘;)'\'lll1‘ln‘. Shh Khmnn. Few/w Sexes. and all Chronic Complain! of years Mal-(ling. l’. 5.â€"â€"'lilu- humor will ï¬lm [1in pnrlivnlwr m (-minn in all di>rzwv§ pvtulim to Fuumles an IIKVAP‘SS IID' EHI". ll'TllRl’. HU“HA\II "I: “ Fi‘ Cull. conmll him. and junlgv lor yoursrlf. h=~'\\" Fur'lhér pm'liculurs sent" All l.tliers,3 1'omlnunivmmus. and Inlurviewx snriml} |'I'i\v:\"e‘l ln u.'(|v~r 10 claim alwmit-u. lho‘ “outage nl':lll Luners mus! he lure-paid. and have ‘uly he mm tell you HL\TlS lo mu Nulnv 0r Alldl’t‘~§. uId' Cuulzdeuliull i’oqnge Sl'aml-x enrlowd for {I e auxuer, (rrerl m l'nrn. Mum-n. Ltshun. Mmlnd. chr- |onr«, I'i-zn. Loghr-rn. Ron-v. Nag-k“. Harri-laur- um. l’unqu-Ii. l'nuxuglx. l‘airrmu. Malta. Vrllict'. Mulan (hue-m. l-‘ur Ԥ. Hrusrl 'I':.ru|. Amâ€" u’mln “ullr'x‘dtlln. .\m.~n-ulmn. Wumrluu. $10.. An Carefully munpilrd from the has! and 13194 wuwus. Numerqu Ellgl'aVlllg3, 5.31)le ovu Ad toss. W. MANIA I'LL. 56x 568 I’M Ofï¬ceï¬ S’urs’ Picturml Drscriplmll 'gl' Grml Hours of ('onmllnlion. ron. 91“ ll. :1 “1.. nnd‘ From ‘1 to r‘. p.m.. at (he (.‘muor ol' Nolsun and DuIches Streel, 'l orumo. Toronto. June, lt57. l-lf. ’5']... 1'). '1-1 (11:11-11:49, “rill/III um! helamIâ€"mgrlher will. nuuves ofllm principal plat-es. nzmqul curimilies. \\'(‘.. in the Kingdom and [he Ilrili~h |~lnmls. \Villl it‘Vfll'B‘ hnmlrrd lmndmmo Ellgrnvings, illlhlruliva of Srenes ol' plt‘llllerqflt‘ hemuy. churches cus- lunws. gha. in (hm-e m-lclumed countries. 550 pages ucxavu. ECONOMY IS :0 In him for n-livl' and vumfurl. All LadleN who 'nn'e mï¬'ezn I! under \ho~e ronq-lninls and di~rnses uw'uicn’ w frll::||('~. cumnit him With lhe grrh vsL nonï¬denm». Unions to uan uge. all in drkicnn- health .-honld vomul' him ,\|€ who h \'u- had had ‘uvk. all V: In» have tried tlmir hm! in go! on in line arm and manna. :10 m Linn for advice him to in.- In v0 1h ir ciwumr-‘lau 3. I’m out.- .~hould gm nis opinmn \rlm’. xrntlr or p ul’orwion i‘ hurl ("ulcu- ISTEX to [ho voice- 1 ul vI'mlil mui Rv‘m um. and he pruï¬lrd I“ it The lluu- has CHIIH'! that all whu will (“an e»: Uf/imâ€"u‘b. 111, King St. .5â€!!! Ul'pUthlC ST. l.A“’HL.\CE HALL. LT Cal/sulwliun l’cu. Toronto. June, 1657. lâ€"ll‘. m olnumu wlm’. mu m: (1 ll) rn~urv their m’t‘ hï¬'hiw. [hr In guide- \’nu 10 happy ilr. .He shmrs the 'ur nth-"nun and unidanrv. All ‘neluln‘huh lhuuullb and (li‘lll'r. “ï¬rkss and Hnglmh of miml. ‘zlllï¬ï¬‚. a†Inburiuu uudl-r had and _.o In him for n- l' and vumfurl. nn'e mï¬'ezn I! under \ho~e romp]: m‘inicn’ w fru alt-~. cumnit him v Popular flirusic of the Day! CLAI Iu'UYAN annthliun. (‘Invrx'oynn conmlluliuu ica glv n daily. Sumt- ’~ t-Xcrph-d. ill-uririly :appliml h; the ('nu- nf J 59: Toromo. Juno .‘uh hilllvflll The Daily Colanis Blil'l‘IS†("UIXMVIS'lu G001) NEWS FOR ALL! original :uppvnrzlll ' “'o-nring appma' um 31 \ran' expt‘ And Aka/1V Igf I/éc We“. "QT/[Q]. PHRENULOGICAL \\ ILLIA \I R1CllAillNUN ir Cilt'llnH-‘lm (TVS. l‘ m wlm’. xrndr or p 01k“ n~un~ llmir rluhhen‘s iw. lhr pli':«'||\l~s ul‘ Tu Advertisers. A‘VAY! TI‘E II’I’CI. [y T H um. i iage. A5]! 'l‘rlUM l’SON & (‘11.. rgs Il-ave In infurnl [he xlds hiuwnll' in ramhm-w III. which hm been run- ~on. and he lpl‘ulllt‘tl I._ll The lluw has calm-5 that all who will van a»: -'apu llm iro:: gruSp ul Mummyundulherbunr l'ul Pulm-Ilhl by culung willluul delay (0 see- 1h.- ‘g'vIl-lxuuwn and ju Ily “um,†r‘. 'l‘:.\n: l:|\‘. W'EALTH. I’ll lil-INOLOGIS'I“ All Inhming unrh rll~ com: Hinh‘. (TL-«in unrr (,lmul} Ih~- (rum: nu: 3'. h «In: Mes IL ‘0!" :III on: rill†Jugs . In l’k‘CUIlile‘lld Xhuw zin nlul perlurl cure. a "ads-(l ; il nlw Manx tee-Isz moans to lw ,znublo. all wllu haw- und l ifln-d \Vizlx, all crushmi and hllrlud, tar-.4 until-ring and dw \' m (1 1|†(I'M’m e . Y. . Ilwln‘. San hmuic Complaint: I|l'('l*> the ml and «L #IDI (I. M. Lrnrlu lsansw. Ili i- (‘in' (No. proaim 1hr hing nndur :2 of spirit». tn whnlc‘w r irnw Ivenï¬zh. | Ladle“ who and di~rnses lhe grrn vsL | in drkitznn- vn- had had |i\'l' :(f' ('I|(19 muslic tuli- Publishers .10. C. \‘ atlIniIIi-Ie‘ Ml-dirilm.‘ ib‘ nulhm lmli (h‘nlle li' If lâ€"xr ml lu ])IT.\'-\‘ELL $3. RICHARDSON hau‘ \ in press a work smith-(l TUE MUSICIANS GUIDE; Edhod by Nathan Riv-’HIVdsoII. nulhur of the Nudvm Svhu l forlho Pmnu Forte. n hit-h Tl'l'efll' ‘_\‘ lunk 11m ï¬r~l l’rize Mudnl. nml ie so highly ro- cmnmeudcd hy Ihaflhrrg. l).e_\'schm~k. .lev all. "P. Mn-nu. Wm. Mum". and min-rs. 1m lmlugflu‘eriu to all uuw olher lusuuuaiou Bucks publuslwd. The Muxiriun’s (In-Ma will he rend}~ lhiw‘ Innnll Tim engrm‘nug‘ of Mull) nt' the mod ilnporkuu plan-s in lhv cause of its (Mn). ll is a large qllnrl' 0156 pages. containing: mn)‘ hon lil'ulongxnving: and u drscriplivu iudox lo the itluns of over SJ difl‘nrmu vompowrsot' musit‘. ll i-t an invaluahh lmnk fox lam-hum ul Inualc. umuluuru. nud all pln} - . w and .smgc s. l)l'§lrU"-‘ uf making a ranid immduclinn of th: “ork. “a are inlhnwd m GIVE A \\'.‘x\' the ï¬r~ xdmull 01’ UN E TI“ )USTKNU COPIES 1o ppm-II illlvuwll‘d in I‘OSI .{G N. B.â€"0n‘y one copy will he srnt 10 Illa ï¬ddleas. 'l‘hu wmk Will he sPIIl in (In) same lhul the: with :sex are: waived. [17’ You \vilH-erminly gel" enpy FREE of al “WAN-.5. |v_\' >undmg _\uur numv and whim» wnnoul duhn. lo 'T‘o FI»ITnns.â€"Hu.~wll 8' Richardson will send \uu 'l'wu dulImJ \nnlh of [hair Inn-«t Muirnl I’uhlumlinnu and lth Mush-Mute (:‘uir/r. posing" paid. il'}nll Vii“ gum the nlunh nuw-rliwmeut (in- pi.;gliug lhi< mm. ). (mu inwmuu iu _\lur pup. r. SEEBS’ PETEEMLWRKS. Scat-3’ A't'w Pictorial Family lnslrLc'm' ur Digest 11f Gout-ml KIlmrlwlgeâ€"cunu"$11.3 a Culnpk'le circle 0| Ibaful and emerlauiug inlor- mauou ; dusigm-d I'orfmuilivs. Schuulmnnd lilyra- rim. 900 pages oclavo. Price two dollars and a half. Orders for any of the above kas received at this Ofï¬ce. Jaw 1‘2!!!) 1857. 31 to the hinle. \\'iLl. uumelousillustrations. 5th) pages ucmvo. Seurs’ W'andw-s Qf the worldâ€"Second Seriesâ€"in Two Farmâ€"Pan LWondt-rs of Na- ture. containing a description of [he mans of man manners uud customs of variuus nnliom. bowls, birds. plums. Jic. I’arl H. Wondcls 01' Art; or descriptiom ul' inventions. c‘uics, ruins, curiosi- ties, \S‘c. \Vilh~100 illuauulious 540.“: Bvo. The History of_ Palcstingâ€"from the Nun Editions .2 us! Published St'm's' A 'ml‘ and Complm‘r' Il/slm'y or (In Billieâ€"{mm llu- crrmion of [In- wmld lu ll."- t'uh vsmlulidnuenl ul' Chrwiunil}, with ropimu Nouns. running an illmtrmod conuuemux) of uh.- szu'rvd la“. 7ND pug» ocluvo. ASH/1'87 Trrusmy of Knmr/wlgr uml Cy- clupulliu qf' Srirure 4.1111] A lâ€"I-muâ€"tviuintz .1 grit!†unnoqu 0| inn-ruling am] usr‘ul Ilnl‘urllmllmlâ€" a>11~n||:-|n}'. lravrlg Ill 'lue Holy Land. “ist'm'e-r} ol'.\|nv-ri(-a. rurl. senlvxneuh. of Ilw ruumr}. biuan-hirr 0| Hninenl Inru. im'illt‘nls of Ira- vcl. di.~cuverie.~ iu Icienw. A‘c. \\ ilh numer- ulm thrm‘imvs. 512 pp. M'o. b'mrs' Saints and Slide/ms of (buli- Virw of .Ncw I?)I'kâ€"this_pngr;1vï¬llg is Seth's’ Pictorial Sunday-Bookâ€"design-l (-d for the use of familius, bibleâ€"classes. and Sunday-school teachers: principalhil‘ustrnlive of‘ the manners and customs e1' eauern .mlions.und [ l-leflaualory of many portions 01 the acnpnures. I GUU p11. 6V0 S('(U‘s:_13£ble Bipgrplzlly, or (he Lives Stu/1's Ac. 366 pp. dvo. b'r’urs’ [IL/brinuthm for the Purpleâ€"- con-puisin'g within il>c|f a compler library of Ibel‘ul and entertaining knowledge. This work Colulnises the ï¬nest selif-N of Emlwlhhuwuls uvuroflbred lo the public. 600 page: ucmvo. Salrs’ .Nt'w Family vaeiptâ€"Bookâ€" Seurs’ Pic!_0riul Ilia-gory 9f {he Rmqu- Scrum" .wa l’iclm'iul History 0/. China Smrs’ Pictorial Family annualâ€"rom- pri>iuy within Ilselt'a complete) lihrur)‘ of useful and emeuaining kuuu‘lvdue. \Vllh uvor mo hundred lingravings, slrit‘ll}‘ illustrative. repre~ seming m~tunl ‘ceuery. cuauuues, monuments. 'i'luw'l/I'ug I‘llcidelz/s .3. (gm of one 'l'hnilsflhd Copies. primed on a mammoth sheet. 47 by 1â€"9 inchau‘umi ought to be very >aloable. Prlce 5|! cents. containing [ha mosl valuable .ceip'w for the va- rioux branches ul'Coukery. (laservillg. 61c. 8cm. each. May. ‘ ’ ' .I .' l‘nlriarchal nge to the present time. By JOHN KI ru, edeor ol' the London l’icwnal Bible, etc. ugrn 1y, 01hr! ime ALLiclllllll lwu In plumâ€. slates. lionâ€"a bouk for even‘ family in the union 1 ll. cumaius an account 0T the early hislor} of (he cuumr) , the communion ()HIIO U. 5mm; 3 chm- nologicul lndm, «x. Several hundred Engrav- ings. mu! Chin-tutu)":l Iy‘l/u: Principal I’orsuuuget re- rurtlerl. in the Sacral anti-ngsâ€"l’raclicully adap- ted lo the instruuiun ofyouth and privuua fami- lms: comuiuing lhirly dis>ennliuus on the Eviv dances of divine revelalion ; fro u’l'impxou’s key mul‘ IlII/iuâ€"uoulpl‘i.~|l|y a (lav-ermine]! of Lime. cunnnuâ€"s and Iht-ir iulmhitnntu: mnhruciug ||Iv hidnncul evenls. guver' nu-m. religiun. «lum- liun, L-xn- ungo, “U‘I‘dll I8. urlr‘. mauul'm-zuwr. product In, cnmmex’m, and nmnners and (‘um (um: afï¬ne pet-Me. from Um earliusl lu-rlud m uulhemh- rauurd lolho I)â€:le lime llhhlruiul mxh IWU hundred "ngsaviugï¬. 6J0 [m - lurgr ucuu'u), " urulml rupeâ€"rlnbrurn Franc-r. I :rlugnl. b III. I land. lieigium. Honuml. a new and natives ol‘lluu pr (krerl m Park. antn. Lisl Iona, I'i- . nghn' Ron-o- um. Fun; (ll. l'w xunx. l'an-rmu. M: lln. Yum-o. Milan (hut-\‘u. Furlw§. Hrusruls 'I':.ru|. Am- “BUR Hullr-rdnm. _\m.~n-ulnm. \Numfluu. JUL. kc. (.‘urut'ul'q' munpilrd from the. has! and 131ml ruuxcus. Numeruus Eugravmga, 5.31)“! ovu page: ucun‘u l‘r ital ~8le csâ€" “mink-mu lhf‘ muslslrikix 3 7m; reuznrknlm i'VrlIL~ 0| lhu revolution. the Frl-ur- \rhr. lhr 'l‘ ian :m “11:. [he ludlnn Wurl. xh' art-and war uilh Gu‘nl “main. and VI“- Mv-Ail'nl “hr. \\ilh lluco hundued Jugmuugn. HUI e / Stu esâ€"umrnimng RUSSELL &' RICIIA RDSON, llllre. : A uufumuum nml pnmliulmn. Km. 5 NW“ «mu in ibr‘ uniun. l'll:~':rnlenl “'IIL 'lldll‘d I'lllgrn\'illu~ of lhe p im'il-nz cillw hmhlmgs. swam?) ,r-uu'a- ities. souls uf llu- &c.. A'c. (mum-gea- ommu. llll‘t‘ '1'u' Pictorial I)r'.\'(‘/v])/{0n {fr/ll .qun-uwm. hum ruling ch '5. Musical l’ub ï¬shers. “ulen and “'0 will FRL-PAV 'In. Illllulb u! . hat}. . 1}}. Nwil'u-r- .\kc.: tour-liner will: prim-ipnl u' ‘ I.~ of in- .ishuu. Madrid. chr- “0‘. Nag-It“. Harri-laur- 'air-rmu. Mull». Vrnic tl/l’ g-l- I w lifIllH‘ On'dCI Yh. ir pulmrs. !hr publishvr may rmuinuc I0 Send [In In Ii“ all arreurngm are paid. If allbfltlilw‘l‘! m-glm-l nr rq-hN- to talc ‘heir papers from the nï¬h-e "r which [ht-y are ï¬rm-Mu]. they au- respnnmhh- ti" they have rtIh-u thmr Bills, and ordered their pipe" to w IIi~c0hlinurtL If suhM-rilwrs remove to ollwr placu vithnul informing the publisher‘ and 'he pa. .-r is 5m! to Ilw l‘onlner dirtdiou, the] an: wld responsible. ' vl~ “'lslun FARMERS GUIDE ! (1' rm! “Him-rim: in the prire of the JAINt’I' I’ll/)lkuriou. 'l'hc-w Fcriodicals ably roprwonl ‘ha Ihroo grail :Imivn'nl lmrlles ofGI-eal Bri aimâ€"Whig. Tor} a“ Rudicnlâ€"hm |mli1irl form nw-Iyuue feature ofl cu characver. As ()rgum of the "MN. peufound w ‘or. .m Sx-ivnre. Lih-rnlhru. Mornlil}. and Keliginn, aha) Hand um'ivnllrd m the wurld nf lone". Min, rumideled indispousnl-lv m I'u- rcholar and m. p nl'vSsionnl mun, “'hih- In lh“ mu 1 igrm reader of vvw} ch.» IIu-y mni~|| u mum (‘uIrN'l and “lib new} rw-nrd ufllu- Iznrwnl lileralnre of {h I I. .lhuuuh-zm the \erd. Khan cu: [w pussibl} ohm“- ud hum an} mher sn-nrce. And every other kind 0! LET'l‘ICRâ€" PRESS PRINTING ! - done in the but Mylo. I! moderate at... Our misorulmnl of JOB TYPE il entirely new and of the Intent patterns. A large vnriely chum Fancy Type and Borders. for Cudo. Cut-IUD. &c.. kept alwayn on hand. ,y (' BURKS fnr any of the undermoMiom-d del- cripuuu of PLAIN and FANCY JOB will be promptly attended to {an suaKs. nch mus. 3119mm: runâ€. until ‘u nun. ro-nzus. cmcmlAns, mw you... nu. “LABS. an: (.HlCKS. murn. All) ('ullmrna M , l‘urunw. Jun. 9. It“ Merrhams and others who advertise libonlly il the GAZETTE will have [hair Curd- in-omdi I the Business Unrecmn‘. l‘yimmg )l.‘ 011' d I.» ordrr. Hen qunlny pl'l‘ U) [13' Advertisunmnls withoul wriuen din-cunt inserted Ii†forbid. and charged accordingly. Book and Job Printing ES TAB LISIIMENT. Six lines and under. ï¬rst insertion. . . . £0 Each suhsequem inserliuu . . . . . . . . . 'l'eu hues and under. ï¬ml insertion†Pinch subsequent insertion. . . . . Abow len lines. ï¬rst in.. per line. . Alllbllw‘s addreswd to [he Publisher mm In [108! paid. I > No paper discontinued until all arrange. I" paid : and parties refusing papers without up. will bu held accountable for the subscription. All transitory udvvrlisemeuw. from “ranger. o! irrvgnldrcnstmners, mum be puid for when hlhdod In for insertion. and ’:III EVE HY l-‘IHD A liberal (lu-‘counl will be Iuade to [union IAIVOF llslng lry Ihe yeur. . All udvvrlisememu published for Ila-l Plfiol than um: moulll. musl be paid for in adv-nu. lFum NL\V YORK [UN and ‘ 10)"! K r. u suppl} o.d(-r.~i for :husr in upuruliml. m 7 'IH-Z the And drspuwllrd lu Shim-ï¬bers lry [he «urliuvl mnill, ur olhvr runvoyumm. whrn so dwirud. I‘lu- \ om; I’m-no ’ (hm-r": \\ ill RhVnyn hrfouud luvouinin llu- llllcnl and meal important Foroiru and Provincial News and Markets. Inï¬ll. grcuu-su me will he lake" lurendur iI accept-lilo 10 line man 0! business, and a valuable Family NU\\'HI‘3I|(‘I‘. 'l'l'lllMEâ€"Une Dallnr and n half per “mum. ll Am A.“ 1.. if not paid within lhreo moulhl. we dullurs ; and if not paid WIIlIiIl lwulvo menu“ two dollars and a half will be charged. L. SCO'I‘T Si. COMPANY’S IKE “INT OF THE British l’vriodivals ! ! Tlu- rmu-ipl ul‘ A/Irunrr, Shuts frqu [he nril‘uï¬ vnlx |.~hM~ r‘n'tw t-ddi'iuunl \'1l|ll‘ lu Hm: Ne-pduu. uvnmm‘h In [In-\' mm mm he [vim-ed in lho hard: ‘1'sulr c Hlul's bur; lb roull us \he original M15. 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