}ne,:(tfprqwau Mme/«older asserts that I “’59qu I is the sneaking policy ofthc J‘Wfléï¬." igu‘ch, wk: venture to say, is "'th’étéb'l'ttiniént of the Opposition press ~s‘gene‘ra'lly‘, ifrthe truth’ was told. The usGi'obe “no longer fawns as'it was wont .“tgkdas'and'lwsceascd even the name Orangcmen in its columns; yet, in spjte of all this, we ï¬nd many pro- .7:th Htétï¬be‘rs of the Ord-r ‘lhand vtaadgioï¬e'dwith the very Emen who 33.;Wonld “HID round and abuse them to- 1_‘:mOl‘1f9w, if- they had. no further use them., .The- Proscriptinn Act ":séems‘ to huyc'been forgotten, or we ' ‘Would surely‘hot see Urnngemcn and "(Clear-Gritsmingling t'ogether.’ at! v 96,53 friï¬vcfcopy . the following truthful “i {giggly the Spectator, fur the cn'e‘ï¬l bl'lhose whom it may concern ; “‘â€dï¬fd~'lét‘ th‘e'm pb’nder over A weld -=~40%§Wi‘s'e,‘&cl†.ua INVYHA'NFT’HB CLEAR-GRIT Chums aanNEDF ‘ORANG‘I'IMEN.-+Tlle Orange- _qp1qp,lp{1Upp¢r.banada appear t.0 be mlsjwl byuthemew-horn zeal ml the 'ymg'aH-Gi'ilg some of whom allbcl to b'ï¬â€˜dd thlz'Oril‘ngc Ora-er, and lavish upon hflil‘theiï¬lost‘ ful‘some '-adulalion. As a :wprpqï¬ -of‘!hc‘ Ireal sentiments of the mafllaan-Gzï¬ts. wjlh regard '10 Orangcism, ; Emlhgrflpmwall E:eelm/der asserts that} \\ e hail ll'OIt] the lust no cumce as to Hi front of attack, our position on the north sid _m EVV‘LG'lobeZ’ [toundin'lg its statements on 3";19é2e. Ofl‘ a'lcillijl-V'f’ (ibsarggablii being the only one tliatcould assure onreom I‘ ysill. “I "Oyt FXCLC 900‘0 ’ all muuieatiun with the Punjab, \vl‘eiiee our sup ‘,£U3"M_r' 903).â€? mlght have known ll‘l dies and reinforcements Weréili‘awn. Ot.cout'se he was Warned 0t it bv tlie’ . . i > . _ . V. . - . l \\ li(:tlier the City might oi lnlD'lll not hat g'bu. 5%“9‘ ll’le.- pllltmflllon' HO - llas’ m' ' been carried by aamper/NIL(1iii,:is was con d9¢dy be?†‘Wulined by “mm, 0f so itemplated liratiii June and alterirarils in .liili v l‘llmgsv llml- 59W? ally 1†cou'd {it is needless now to inquire ; but judging; lioi in†baht)“ 11w lbbd." Pomâ€: that muse itlie resistance we afterwards experieneed i It diuonkers ‘miglit tiOl Claim the credit in the actual assault, when We hid been great inn having-predicted it." But the ques- i ly reinforced in men and guns, it appears It mm tW‘ltlgli._the “Globe†might ï¬nd it ‘me fortunate that the attempt was not. made ,amdiweujlt to answer would be how the ‘The strengtliot the place washerer btlmtOS ' . Inspeétor General should have pro. cd to coii>i~t in the wrengtli ol its actual tlt.‘ 1%“ vid‘éa‘ {61:- this deï¬ciency? Clearlv ‘ l'encr‘si though tit-so were much undervalued “‘ “W871i†"He‘did the only other thing he i b‘†“3'â€? Cl'l'v 0â€â€œ “'lllmul l“"'llllcml‘7“~ l5 could do, and , fortiï¬ed. himself with ‘ l'roni its very lvnltll‘t‘, stroneg (lClcnSllch (un A’R’Q‘gelr;p raisq-tho necessary loan. to tlbeaslitdeaii lsii‘:-?;irti:;llpi .Sttllt‘l‘JOlEllthd'Ol‘ horn » maintain the publiccredit should itbe ‘ all" ‘) anl ‘ l" .‘ .â€â€˜ “ (lm'nv‘ P0559†‘ “f‘Oiiiid nec’es/sary. There are'items ofi'lid '"ggazme Cfmmmmg ."lmlmls .Ol h“ "“i?e’xpéhititui‘éin the budget Which, wiiile lirluorlâ€"L,‘"€133:32):":"13:320:3:x'l):"111W? ‘m ‘l‘i’lilweré I‘ve“ lm throw them Upon cu‘l‘ htllll‘ialtl‘ly never legs than double tlibsblbl‘lihi .1“iâ€Â¢f"â€{‘ev§‘nuealf{tCOUld lfealr “v COUld besiegers. Fewivill doubt, then, that tlii dutiwl‘lh‘dusllce‘ be lmposedem Pu†upon General in command exei‘eiwd a sound dis d,,,}b&pggmyg 115‘ “fell '35 the Pl'eSClll gcn- ei'etioniin refusing to allow a liandl‘iil ol‘troops “if et‘illl lfldecd, are nearly all unaided by-aivge guns,to attack Stlcll a place tlie’sums expended for surveys of the knowing as he did, what disaxtrous result: ml‘ï¬ï¬b‘lfc dilli‘llllriiltltld openingit ii'p'l'or set- must follow a liiilure. Ilcmem. and lllC greater Part 0f the ARRANGEMENTS ron THE ASSAULT. natii‘lEPtmtiW‘ï¬Ã©lyz lillbllc W Oliks Dcâ€" By the hegiining ol' this month, however ,,11 H; l‘le'surplus l" ’lhc Trca' we ieceived the siege train from Ferozeporc awnuf‘l’ï¬ndhbccpii“, O‘f “Ppos‘lloni and further reinforcements of European ant‘ rumblth an‘d conipllmt for several native troops frgin‘the Punjab; audit being *3 ' ‘earsï¬'l"Etier‘pnt’riots"wcre outraged known that there was no hope of any aiil u ‘ilht’thb increase ofwduties in 1856 Qtr'fromdown the country for a considerable ..Cctl_li5w amount. When Mr. 'Uayley time, it was resolved that the seige should dtrj :zt†cautious .icstimatc he. .wds be at once’eomiiicnced and prosecuted with l and a desire to the utmost rigor. "f "ireoverflowingeofliirs 'for the pur- Our available t'orce amounted in round “1 pbggé oféoi‘rupition'. V‘VVhen last year nuinbers' to 6,500 infantry, 1,000 caralry, “‘l llb't’h‘hde Hit'éasontiblé“bslimu’te for Oil- Europeans and natives-"the regiments in 04.6)‘dhmny.lilnes’ "ofï¬ir'Per-iods of com- camp bung tier M.i_je.~ty's 9th Lani-ere. hei- -aa:meitnioli'evulsioit,. he was beset and M“J¢~“)"~S("Tll Prawn, “with, Guide uglï¬ï¬iegogl by, 1applicants for more ,Ci‘ml'yi liodgs'm 5 110159311†dvtadnnciih ‘ wmonev for this and mare for mm of the lit. Qmi‘and 5th Punlab cavalry; lier nu,)seheu:mrtflf He Was. dampened to bring a {liaiesty s 5th liont (part opt), 52d loot, (iOili mmpihis expenditure tov'wiihin £30,000 ‘S‘lflm 0“†‘34)} 01"†‘30" ’5‘“ 1°“! 715‘ “Ml notsljiï¬f‘QWme. his estimated revenue,†“d Brng‘ll bu‘llee'is‘ “mom and hmnao“ . . . battalions (Ghoorkas) 4th Si'di i t- t" iw n]. w . H ; _ I. .. -h nani}. 1st liamnd grill: Jolly“ plolmon mm d (winde infantry, 13!, 2d and 4th regiments "Ir Bimini dual-Bills (ï¬llll’lmlï¬s loll the Punjab iul'aiitry; tour troops ol~ Horse Artil. ovsï¬'iépglhï¬h. 9, ilï¬ommgacw ’f‘iOl'zll’sc C9"]"lAry (I‘llmllbss, Turner‘s, Remington‘s and z; _ eI'e’lt 6. Yeal “ 4? om- H's Rennies), two light tield batteries (Scott’: '1" 99W)“ '5 3‘ perfectly Safe one lO‘d’W- and Bourehier’s, and some companies of loot ’0 3 I la: aleaiv- ilhtlti‘ If the ,COl'l’lmOl‘Clal artillery attached to the siege guns, which “ ,ï¬ï¬qulï¬LECOUl-dul‘lg; and ,was toresee'n numbeer about forty heavy and twelve light M‘Jggtys'efsiouégt,was; not a _tnne to in- 'inoriars. ‘ “uyiï¬ï¬ifew’lh‘éi burdeqs roll laxallon- It! :l‘lie means. of the engineers were very reâ€" meat-the other~ Side 0f the ac stricted, not in otheeru but in trained men, at -“"b0lï¬ï¬‚f'd0‘W€ sc'e any part of the ex- whom there were only about 1'20 regular naspla‘ndimvéithn; 'Soul'd have well been sappers. Some companies of hluzliee Sikhs siit OH! dQNViI’Id. On the Subject ofthe hing hail, however, been rapidly raised and partial- wnigmrgfmg,inthe:Pl-Qyincjal'expcndjmre ly ttalt't’d ; and a body at coolies had also Sing: Mr. Cavley 100k ofï¬cn we CO ',- been collecting material,and 10,000 tascines. 02901..) 1 1H. an“ .- ' ‘ V’ l?) 0000 .b' _ . d 0 . ' an article from 'the Leader. It ,Will 1 i g“ ‘0Ԡ'1†19 r000 “and bagww'e' Puwbiélgbeiil-umt' somelof'it has aï¬scn out ready‘for futureoperations; tield iiiagazlnes. Jubfum'g-iinfltdpéd pried - of c‘vervlhin" sealing ladders, and spare platterins had also oiitnhi‘ch «have: increased the expenses 3f fsefluurly lm‘tlliigcj’ 3;“ grelf‘hm'j‘l'l .'5 due ' . i - ul’u ’t’l 'n' 'v. <1 ., H. aziillfldlarm‘ma and large part at the i‘e- - li‘ a“ ‘1‘} l A I L,“ U,†0 36. V. ll=â€'“.â€â€˜ maindoi. is a railway lCtV‘HCV from M 1' mllc mg}: 0 [ï¬lial ilulmbe Miniâ€, and m- , z. . . . . h - ' t: i'en‘e contri ute not’a itt _ t : ,,,‘IIanliS.+.]l]01lt7‘eal Gazette. ‘ g L ’ H to I†- "I.th cull-nn;c “6‘ An.- A...t.«..4:‘.~.i ‘34 to: -I|;.’ mm: 1 hir__It;I:i'iay_. .no‘t _ be generally known ct. 3g giniewlact- was passed last ses- ‘Ei‘bh ‘regar‘ding Agricultural Societies ’iï¬ Ca‘ï¬a id. The Act provich 2fbrthe'estahlishment of So‘cieties’in rue-oheleclorali division, the first meet- "ingfowie formation of which will 11:53,: Lqilgc called by the Warden of Cpum'v in the third week of the 'i‘hfoh'th 'or January, at which meet- g lh'éfeiection ofthe various ofï¬cers win-mm place; and the society so mganized '= shall be esteemed the Jami-0mi- Division or County Society, 1§iig,egtiflgd.m receive the govern- mthtgram. *Mmomw denunciati‘ - :3 '1, Jiggtspf-the{FinancctMi-nister, because ~‘ )5, qï¬thg-gt‘obable deï¬ciency in the re-l1 :1 tawnflï¬e, The bidder praises him be- [h 4-,...) ,eapse. henlfcfuged; to reduce the duties wi "L Jdtur‘ing theJesl session. The Globe (9 1;“ “ya†mbody asked‘him to (10450. The ,m,._,.Leudqr says, at ,least, Mr. McKenzie 1h ‘did.â€"-The Herald, interventing be!I tir MW-mmibiy says that Mr. ar J (915?, shqulxgcithembe praised ' nor "p - f bfamed very mnch in the matter, for Q“ .~..;,&,1£a_l :xyuars-nftdeflejent revenue will M“ Wmflggxme {wartime to time, as well as 1“: y '_ those marked by unexpected harvests; †o I; v . J .< . . . ]_)l _ land sometunes, It might have added. 1“ ""315 ï¬ricxpectcdfy. Mr. Cayley’s esti- I32: mute ot'the probable revenue of the Ir Aâ€; yegtflmtn eustoms was £1,200,000, the y- ’1‘ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES THE REVENUE AND FINANCE MINISTER. TO ORANGEMI‘JN. gum sloping grams covereu the lower ten feet ofthe wall from all attempts of distant batteries. On the evening ofthe 7th of September,~ No. 1 advanced battery, in two portions was traced about 700 ynrds‘l‘rom the [\loree bastion, the portion for ï¬ve 18Lpounders and 'one 8â€"inch howitzer was to silence the Marne and prevent its interfering with the attack on the halt. The left portion for four gal-pound: ers was intended to hold the Cashmere bas-~ lion partially in check. The \vdrking parties were very Hflle disturbed during the niéht; ithe covering" parties in ï¬nnt kat the mus- lketry at a distance, and except three well- aimed showers of grape thrown from the Marne, which knocked over some workmen. we received no further annoyance. By the morning the two portions ofthebattery were ï¬nished and armed, though not: ready to ï¬re untilnear sunrise; a trench was also made connecting, 1the two portions and ex- ,tending a littleto the right and left, so asto give communication with a wide .and deep ravine, Which, extending very nearly up to o'ur lelt attack, farmed a sort of ï¬rst parallel, and gavegnbd cover to the guard of the trenches,‘the doolies, &c.’ For some time we were ivrll‘ ponndcd from the Moree with round shot and grape ; but as our guns in“. The Font to be attacked cpnsisted of the Mend(Taislnnere‘land' water bastions, with the curtain walls vconne'cling them. These bastions had been greatly altered and im- proved by our own engineers many years ago, and. presented neguian faces and, flanks ot masonry tvith properly‘gmit embrasnrus ;. the heightï¬l‘ the wall was 24- ,leet above the ground level, of‘whinh howemr, eight was a mere parapet three feet thick, the remainder heng a‘bnutl four times that. thicknesa; out- side the Wu†“its a 'very wide bee. in and then 21 ditch 16 feet deep and '20 feet wide at the batten] esearp uhd counterséarp steep, and the 1ntte’r ilnreVettetl, and the't‘ormer re‘yet- ted with stone and eight feet in height. A getd (doping glacis covered the lower ten uglhgepcc cogtribuled not‘a hllle lo the ex'enlual success of our operations. The north face being the side to he at- lackcd,it was resolved to hold the right in check as far' as possible, and to push the main attack on the let! ï¬rst, as the river would completely". protect om- llank as We advanced; setond, as there was. better cover on that side; third, as alter‘lhe assault the tr00ps would not ï¬nd themselves immediately in narrow streets but ‘in cpmparallvely open ground. \vhom‘1l1el‘c were only about 120 regular sappers. Some companies of Muzbeé Sikhs hail, however, been rapidly raised and partial- ly halved ; and a body at coolies had also been Coliecting material,und 10,000 Ihsciues, 10,000 gabions» and 100,000 sand bags Were readyfor fulure'operaiious; ï¬eld magazines. scaling ladders, and spare platforms had also been duly prepared, and great credit is due to Lieutenant Browniow, oflhe Engineers. in chargy oflhe pack, whose activity and in- ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ASSAULT. By the bngiming of this month, however, We leceived the siege train from l“erozepore and further reinforcmnents of European am' native troops frgm-Uw Punjab; audit being knmvn that {here was no hope of any aid from down Illle country {or a considerava time, it was resolved that the seige should be at onccfcommehced and prosecuted with the utmost vigor. oarucu.) anu wumn Uelm the enemy possess- ‘rd :1 magazine containing upwards ol‘ two hundred gllnsanu' an ahnngt lnexhnnxlihle sua- ply» of ammunition, while their numbers were certainly never less than double these of the lbcsiegers. Few'will doubt, then, that the General in command exerciwd a sound dis- cretlonjn I‘cl‘using (0 allow a handful of troops, unaided by givge guns, to attack SUCll a place, knowing asuhe did, what disa~tr0us results must follow a failure. l \\'li(:thcr the city might or might not have been carried by u coupe (/c mamas was conâ€" templated ï¬rst in June: and afterwards in .Julv, it. is needless now to inquire; but judging from the resistance we afterwards Mpvrienced in in the actual assault, wlwu wt.- h.1d been great- ly reinforced in men and guns, it appears to the fortunate that the attempt was not madc. Tllé'strength of the plaice was never suppos- cd to consist in the strength of its actual (lu- fences. though these were much undervalued ; bnt‘orery city, even without fortiï¬catinn, is, from its very nature, strongly dctbnsrble (un- less it can bi) eï¬â€˜rctuully surrounded or 1mm- barilcd.) and within Delhi the enemy possess- (an by an rye wilng‘ss :â€"â€" ~ Ydur rendirs will have undersfood', from lhejlitelligemée which has been from time to ( tin)! pi'iblishiad: that from the period of the l arrival ofour army before Delhi, in June la‘t, ‘ up till veiy lately, the position occupied by ! our troops has been in 0(1ch a purely defhn- ( aivc one._ It extruded from the picket nl ( The folluiging Nu; siege oifldhi- win}; readiith ten bv an vye wil From the: Bombay Gazeno, October 17th THE IN DIAN MU'l‘IN ‘1 THE CAPTURE OF DELHI aé‘cpunt of the and-Hue assault mubh infrrest. 0H Everything being ready, General Nich- olson, WhOSe excellent arrangement elicited the admiration of all, gave the signal, and 1in Rifles (1mde to the fiont with a cheer, , a". he the advance of the Rifles to the from to cover the heads of the columns by skirmish- ins. Al 4, A. '\'1. the different cofumns fell in] and were marched to their respuctive placesl the heads 0t Nos. 1, 2 and 3 columns being! cnncealed until the moment for the actual } assault should arrive. The signal was to! b i. - A r Engineer oflicers ‘att:1c_hedâ€"7-Licutenants «Home, Salkehl and Tandy. Fourth columnâ€"Major Reid. Detnclnnent of European Regimorils Simxoor Battalion, Guide Infantry and de- tachment of Dogmhsâ€"â€"'l‘o attack the suburb Kissegunj and enter the Lahore gal-e. Engineer ofï¬cers attachcdu-Lieutenants Maunsell and Tennaut. Fifth coluumâ€"jâ€"Brigadiqr Lhngï¬eld. H. M.’s 60111 Riflet, ' Kumson Battalion and ~1~th Punjab Infantry the reserve. ' Engineer ofï¬cers attached-«Lieutent “'ard and Taukemy. First column olson.‘ On the lllll our batteries opent‘d ï¬re, :1 salvo from the nine lwenlyâ€"lhur poundch Opening the bull, and showing by tlw Way it broung down llm wall in [1 gr: ï¬agmenh, whm «(TL-cl it might-he expocn: to produce alter a few hours. The Cir-lHjIEFG Bastion ulu-mi‘led to reply. but was quickly silenced nml boih portions of No. 2 went to work in line style, knocking tllt) bz1<tion and adjacunt curtainx to piecei. Majors Campbell and Kaye, Cupluins .lnhnmn and Gray, 11ml charge ol‘ No 2. N0. 3. llowever‘ Llld nnr and under such a lire of unmkctry as few hatâ€" ‘leliCh have ever been exposed to; it mm for six I8â€"poundcrs, which were to a s: cond breach in the water bastion, and workcd by Major \‘i'olt. The aux-my zillio went (0 work to-nightand made an advanced trench par- chl 10 our left aHuck, and about 350 yards from it, from which all daybreak they opened a very hot ï¬re 0fmuskelry,which was main- tained throughout the rest of the siege ; they had previously got some light guns and one hen vy gun out into the 0pm} on our right, which caused considerable annoyancc by their cniiludc lire. Duringthe nights ofllle 10th and 11th N0. ‘2 baltcry was strengthened, armed and unâ€" mnsked,and No. 3 battery completed. ThiL last was made in the boldest manner within 180 yards oflhe water bastion, helund a small ruined house in the Cuslmu House compound, \On the evening of the 8th and 9th No. ‘2 battery was traced and commenced. Tl‘c ourSurprise we had been allowml to SEIZK‘ this advanced position at Ludlnw Ca~tleï¬ within 000 yards otthe city, without eren a tight for it, on the previous day. In fact. there i.» little doubt the enemy still thought the attack was to be on the right, where all the lighting had hitherto been, and where all our old batteries were. located. Ludlow Castle and the Koodsee Bagh were now oc- cupied by strong" detachments, and Formed our chief supports to the attack. During’ the (5th a sharp tire of mnsketry, allot and ghells was opened on these positions by the enemy from the. jungle in tront, and (mom CQDlHllt‘l'C and water hastions, and the Selimâ€" gurh, but no great damage was done. During the nightsot the 9th and 10th No. 5? battery was completed and partially armed. but. not yet unmasked. It Was in two por- tionsâ€"one immediately in frunt of Lndlow Castle, for 9 ‘Zl-pounders. to open a breach in the curtain between the Cashmere and water bastions immediately to the left, of the former, and to knock ott‘the parapet to the right and left for some distance, to give no cover to the mnsketry; tlle other p ntion, some 200 yards to the right», consisting of of seven 8-inch howitzors and two l8-pound- ers, was to aid the ï¬rst portion, and work with it for the same end. No. 3 battery was also commenced on the left, and No. 4 bat- tery, tor 10 heary mortars, completed in the Koodsee liazh, but: not unniaxked. Major Tomb was in charge of this battery; the light mortars, under captain Bant, were afterâ€" wards worked from the rear of the Custom House. the new battery got gradually into play the enemy": ï¬re grew less and less, and was at length completely overpowered. This bat. ’fél‘yTe'cmk‘ï¬nWH tiE“Brï¬id‘s, Being Won?- ed by that oï¬lcer with great effect till the end oFthé' siége. E,“ -â€"Brigadicr General Nich- THE KILLED AND \VOUNDED OF THE BRITISH. On lhedav of the assault we had 61 vï¬-‘uers uhd 1:178 killed and' Wounded. being nearly one- third .of the whole number engaged. The First Fusiliers alone lost nine ofï¬cens, and other reguâ€" ments. I believe. in proportion. The Engineers suffered heavily ; the three oï¬lcers conducting Nos. l. 2 and 4 columns (Lieutenants Melluy. Greathed a‘ld Mauueell) Were all struck down ,earlv in the ï¬ght. and of 17 ofï¬cers on duty that (121ij were put Iwrs du. cambut. The 10‘s of the enlamy is never likely to be correctly Mceltained. but at the end of the operation: it is probable thal at least 1.51:0 men must have been killed be- tween the 7111 and QOlh, and a very large number wounded who were carried away. For 1 no complete success that attended the pi-olihble lhat he is scarcely in any viay respon- sible for when has been done in his name, so that, as at present informed, we cannol‘condcmn {he clemency which has spayed his life. He is now a. prisoner in what was once his own palace. Two of his sons and a grandson.- however, who were captured also by Captain Hudson, an, the tomb of the Humayoun. about ï¬ve miles from Delhi, and who tire known to have been leaders in the rebellion. have received the reward of their lreamn. They were shot on the spot, and their bodies were bl‘OUghl back to the city and exposed at the Kolwallee or chief police ofï¬ce, where it is said so many of our countrywonien were brulally murdered. “ Oli‘! if'lhcre’s an Eden on earth it is this. Here, in the palace oftho great Moguls, the health of our Queen was drunk by her victorious soldiers“ with enthusiastic cheers. which were taken up by the gallant Ghootkhas who formed the personal guard of the Goneial. THE CAPTURE OF THE KING. On the let the old King surrendured to Cap- tain Hudson and his cavalry noar the Kootub Minar, which is about ï¬fteen niile< south of Delhi. He was accompanied in his captivity as in his flight by his chief wife, the Begum Zeanut Mahu], "nine Ornament of tho l’algce.â€. The Kim: is said ‘0 be nearly 90 years of‘uge, and it is proliable that he is scarcely in any way respon- sible for what has been done in h's name, so that, as at present informed, we (:annotcondcmn the clemency which has spared his life. He is new a prisoner in what was once his own palace. Two of his sons and a gmndson; howevar, who he at E. he 0 ‘ . 0 z .m, extending along and skirmishing the low ‘jnngle which at this point extends to within tt. ‘ hlty yards of the ditch. At the same mo- fnént the liéuds of No.†liknnd Qxeolumns emerged from the Kodsee Bagh, and ad- vanced steadily towards the breach. Our batteries had maintained a tremendous tire up to the moment of the advance of the troops, and not a gun could the enemy bring to bear on the stormng columns; but no sooner did these emerge into the open than a perfect haul storm â€" ol‘ bullets met them from the front and both Hanks, and ofliCCrs and men fell fast on the crest of the glacis. For ten minutes it wa< impossible to get the ladders down into the ditch to ascend the scrap,- but the determinatin ofthe British soldier carried all before it, and Dandy de- clined to meet the charge of the British bayonet. With a shonf and a rush the breaches were both won and the enemy fled in confusiom On the night or the 2lsL ol‘ September. the con- queror, Geneml \Vilsnn. proposed lhu heullh of Queen Victoria in the l)mvau-i»Kha<_ the beauti- l'ul witile mm!) a durbur hall oflho palace. whens once stood the famed peacock tlnono. and which bears Ihe well-known inscriptinu. mum! to apply :0 ,lhe‘puiaco and in gardan generally. and which new reads like a mockeryâ€" 'l'lm 4|h column, I regret to say. f'iilvd. but. as it was too far For me to know anything of its real progrcrss. I prefer leaving it< story 10 be Io‘d by another. instant} of sending _\()ll 11 vtigno and im- perfect account. Had this Column succuodvd, its possession of Lahore gate would huvv saved us much subsequent h‘ouble. is not ic even this one of [In (Hers that iddlr‘d with halls; the match did ignite, and lllOtV open the gate; the third sergeant escaped unhurt. At the sign-i] the troopr rushed on â€"every one who carried the seal- ing ladders of-the 2nd Fu>iliers was knOeked over; however, they I'us‘hed on, put up the ladders, (many of which were found to he very 511011,) changing their pesitinns, got on the walls, cheered and rushed down upon the enemy and carried the place. Oh they went along the walls, taking the More-e bastion. Ajmere gate, the other column takâ€" ing; the t‘hureh battery, \Ynter buttery Treasury Compound, and Skinner‘s house. General Nicholmn then formed the troops in the main guard inside, and with his column pro- ceeded to clear the ramparts as far as the Moiee bmtionr It was in advancing beyondtliis, towards the Lahoze gate that he met the wound whirl] has ‘incu caused hi»: lzimenled dnalh, a death which it is not too much to say has dimmed the lnslio of even- this victory, as it has deprived the country of one ofthe :thlest men and the mo>t gallant sul- diers that England anywhere numhers among her A: LieutT-nunt Sagkeld was shot llu‘ouavh ‘lle \econd sergeaul lit lhe lighting it he said to Lie rho ground, ~‘ I fear the light, sir ;†at the word on both tlanks the powder bag; were coolly laid and adjusted, bu: Lieutenant Salkeld was by this timn hors de combat, With two bullets in him. Sergeant Carmiehael then attempted to ï¬re the t'a‘nt but was shot dead. Sergeant Burgess then tried and succeeded. but paid for the da ing act wnh his life. Sergeant Smith, thinking that Burgess too had failed. ran forward, but seeing the train alight hadju~l time to throw himself into the ditch air] escape the efl‘eets ot‘ the explosion. \Vith a loud (‘l'flsll the gateway was blown in, and through it the third column rushed to the assault,and enter- ed the town jast as the other columns had won the breathes. Gen. \Vilson has since bestow-d the Vietoria (1105i on Lieutenant: Home and Salkeld. on Eerg‘vaut Smith, and on a brave m In of II. M. Fifty senond,who stood by Lieutenant Salkeld to the laxt, and bound up his wounds. Another account gives the following verâ€" sion of this brilliant nilair :â€"»-'l'he Signal given lor (h) rush at the walls was blown; open of the Cashmere gate, which meat danâ€" gerOus duty devolved on Lieut. b‘alkeld, of the Engineers. The whole was done by escalade, as the breach was not complete enough to enter without ladders. Lirut. Salkeld approached with three sergeants, under a tremendous tire of musketry. He washrst shot through the arm; notwilhstaadiator that, he went on to the gate with the bage of powder; a: they approached one sergeant was killed; the secoad sergeant took up the bags, as- Stating Lieutenant Salltrld, knocked them on to the spikes Oftlte gate, not being able to put them underneath. as the wicket gate was opened, and about. 20 muskets pointei up as Well as through many holes in the gateâ€" 1 way, tiring from both flanks from the wall. l w :1 y BRILLIANT CONDUCT OF THE EXPLOSION PARTY. Meanwhile the explmion party advanced in front of the column straight upon the Cashmere gate. This little hand of hero es had to alvnuce in brand daylight to the gateway‘ in the very teeth ofa hot musketl‘y from above,:1ntl through the ga'eway and on both llans the' powder bag; \vme coolly laid and adjusted, bu: Lieutenant Salkeld was by this tim.- hors (le combat, mth two bullets in hlm. Sergeant Carmichael then QUEEN VICTORIA TOASTED IN THI' ROYAL PALACE- *ld put on the hugs he he leg, and fell, the he match, but after .ieutvnjnt Sulkeld 011 la match ha~ not taken (1 “ sir," he Ivli dead. the match did ignite, dnalh, a death which it ms dimlan the Insilo of deprived the country of the mast gallant sol- uo numbers among her forLamblon, is no Where. His last art- ful dodge, the Temperance-street Con- spiracy, is a failure; we ï¬nd him in his own organ acknowledging hi; wavering p0pu|arily in Lamblon, for which county he dare not run. again. We mark also the desparing language of the reform press. and amongst the most despairing, the Markham Econo- mist. which some four weeks ago lamented the utter annihilation ofthel .Nezvs, and a long list of'othcr Journals, l all now heartily support the Govern-ll mom, and representing as they do a“ large and influential portion of the i community, the Government may Well feel proud of the verdict 'whicli‘ has been returned in llicir favor. r l Contrast with their success the utter ruin which has befallen the opposition. Their leader, the redoutuble member 11V (1 “C W ll] [)0VVCI'. The present position ofthe Govern- ment, the rapid popularity which the), are gaining in the country, and the equally rapid downfall of the ('luar Grit faction, affords a striking proof ofthe success which in the long run will attend the efforts of those holding the reins of Government, when they pursue a straight forward course; To the Electors of the East Riding of the County of Yorkâ€"John DHann. Richmund “.11 Drug Storeâ€"R. H. Hall. Conveyance to R nilrond Stationâ€"Richard Nichulis. Heifer CaIFSlrax't-d. mm iï¬Ã©hinga’ Qiagrtie. RICHMOND IULL, DEC. 4, 1857 Fifteen Sheep Slrryed THE PRESENT POSITION 0F PARTIES. boon more speedily consiv'ucled. h wretched means at our disposal t! that so much “118310)â€! with so little' If the siege of Delhi was not a regl the same sense with that of Bhurtporl "equcnce of the Chic devolved [he entire works ; and his ener; meet with their du operations he seemed bear a charmed life wound. The plan skilI’uI ; the nuuirn of ing with was exactly shaped accordinglv. cover. hill. here he v lenlion hcing divuru luck UH lhe‘i hnvo proved sewed at the its advaulngf of skilled wm prosecution of the siege the doubtedl)‘ due to Co]. Baird SI gineor. and to Capt. A. Tayll Vlhe altack. On this lMlePuï¬i wo_ Year Old Bull Strnved New Advertisements thls Week. party are straight way placed 351‘ and than the such'l serious ( right moment \vi 5 turned against I I: m a u fapl. A. Tuyl this Inner-rum Chiof Engine mire» snpmintc energy and ac r due'rewnrd amed to be 0 d lifenfor he :iege the chief credit is un- Buird Sxmth. the Chief Eu- A. Taylor. the director of Inller-‘uï¬ieerpin fact-[in con- fl‘lngineer being wounded]. snpelintcndcnce of llle siege {3' and acliViL)‘ will doubtla§ B'l'eward. Throughout the to be oumipreseul and 10 “for he escaped without a of the nllack was hold 11le the enemy we were codfendé appreciated, and our plans Pnndy can ï¬ght wellï¬lieihind. 'ns out-manmuvredâ€"lï¬s al- >d Won] the real point of al- of the the em) appreci Pnndv Ions obslacl nt withoï¬t ï¬ns: him. ioue wor‘ks which might a to us was‘ Inks. and tail \Vith plenty ‘mighl have mt With the. ‘mighf h m mm m wondo l And still they come. \V'before heard of several (Candidates for our : "00d Riding,namelyâ€"VVr-ight, Rec. 301:. \Vheeler of Searboro.‘ &c., &c., and now, another,_ one of the most Glamorous admirers of Geordie. Who 56011151 anxious to become ajoint, in that rope of sand called Brown’s-tail, .iri the person of hlr.‘G.IJT". Dickson. lThe more of those gentlemen the ‘ merrier. Now, after lugging a reqiui- isition about in every direction through post- and hand, with copies of soinc 1 names ( {adicul & Clear Grit names are all right.) Mr Dickson .willsub- mit his claim to the, Clear Grit 'Cdn- vention, which meets on Saturday next. V So far he has a right. But any ,_7,Cons_eryative, whgrjigns . such a requisition, and thus makes a stool-pigeon of himself, and which can onlyhave the effect of enlrapping others, takes a most suicidal coul'se,; and does all he can to strengthen? thel i. This move [ms no doubt 'been planâ€" ed by our enemies to diéunile and dis- troy us. \Vho even: heard oï¬a Clear enemy. We make these remarks be- cause wc hear of three or foo-r Con- servatives who have been duped in this way. _ ‘ .., lClear Grit faction, and tried to put the blame on naughty _Dr. Rolph. Dr. Rolph is ohli'i one'of aanuinib'e'r of had characters, who altogether make up' what is called‘the Clear Grit faction. N‘o wonder-.lhiit the aggregation of so much politici‘nl Wicliedness should re- sult in disaster.‘ 'Thci‘r utter want of principle, their ‘ tyrannical conduct, lthcir hypocritical pré’tieitices have met with tll“ll' just reward. Their party is ruined, destroyed by spontaneous 'combnstion. Like mushrooms, they wrll ireturn to the rottenness from which they sprang. and aanunint old author lsuid. when describing the lust end of :similar bad characters, “ They will go out in a stench, like the snull of a can- dle.†regret that they, ever allowed them- selves to he made the dupes of suah ’ inprineipled bnfl'oons. A convention of the Clear Grit party will he held1 to-morroiv, at, Millignn's Corners, Markham. and we understand that l'our individuals will suhmit their claims, namelyâ€"Messrs \Vright; Ree- sor, VDl'TliSQll and \Vhecler, of Sear- boro‘ The success of" any of these is very doubtful, yet Mr. Wright may have the preferene: '1t the convention, but at the hustings, in our opinion, he will be found wanting. Mr. Dnggan’s success is almost certain ; however it merely requires the united exertions. of the conservative electors to place him at the head of the poll by an over- whelming majority. So mote it be. A HINT TO CONSERVATIVES which it - justly deserves. The Clear Crit :ishirants are now actively engaged throughout the Rid- ing, canvassing in every possible way, l-aving noihing undone that will in any manner have :1 tendency lo forward their interests or 'secure their sucress; culislihgin their ranks many who at some future dav 'Will h;ch cause to l The time is not far distant when the Conservatives of the East Riding of the tCounty of York will be called upon to ‘prove their strength. This being the case select your representative at once, and be aSsured that he is one in whom lthe utmost confidence can be placed. Accept no man whose integrity you lhave a reas‘on to doubt. Be not de- lceived by any; Lut cast your vote in Favor of that candidate whose conduct heretofore has been unimpeachable, and whose determination is to carry through theprineiples he now upholds. lt is true some lake-warm Conserva» lives, in llttS Riding, have so far for- gotten the duty which they owe to themselves and the Conservative cause, as to allow their names to be placed upon' the requisition of the Clear Grit party, simply, for. fear of offending their" quondam †political 'friend. Such ieonduct on the part of those individuals will henceforward be looked upon by all as being in itséll' an unpardonable weakness This, how- ever, should not prevent the Con- servatives generally from rallying around I the British Standard, (:1 standard whieh they dearly dove), and thereby raise the East Riding of the County of York, to that hon- orable position i of Conservatism. which it - justly deserves. The “UP GUARDS, AND AT THEM !" THE CLEAR (“HTSâ€"OR GEORDIE BRO\VNI'[‘ES. ied to put the ‘ Grit signing a requisition to a Conser- Rolph. Dr. vativeton the grpgniofgriyzatgfriend- u‘tnb’cr bf badfl‘ ship? Never. ‘50 not strengthen the icr make up‘1 enemyâ€"4191 n'ot’hinéIâ€"‘iiï¬tiei nothing Grit factimHI 1:0; do with Clear Grit requiflitions.â€"- 'cgation of so, With union in our ranks,l)uggaw- is should rc- ccss will be certain, and this noble Rid- ‘ticr want of‘ ing be no longer neglected and tram‘ ;al_ conducthlpled on‘by thi: factionisl‘s'.“ ‘ ‘ . ‘ :es have men The news from every part or the Their party Riding is most cheering. ‘ Lam's oivn The Rev. George. HULLOCM Superintén- dent of CorninonA‘SthOls. £311ng been In- structed byth Maï¬khdm" oWnsliip Coun- cil to divide: th'epClergy- Resnflés’MPrlici- pzility Fund amongst the difli-rent bolooi Sections of that Township, desires to 'give notng that as soon as the apportionment is made in compliance with the directions vof the Councilâ€"which will be accomplished with as little delay as possibleâ€"tho Trus- tets :caa. income ï¬rmlhifl'éhequegibr‘the amounts coming to their several Eli-\ggiqgion producing an order sngned by g’iajority of lhéâ€l‘ru§l‘écs 6F énch School Section, at. tested Xby the (Zorporate Seal: In the case'of Union Schoois’the brrl‘er Mid better be signed by the Irru'stees‘iesiding in Mark. ham and-countérï¬igned by the‘Councillor of the Ward in Markham of wlliéh “Inform Section is in part composed. v' NOTICEâ€"JFOW‘NMIH’ MARKIIAM. U? ’F'nii: â€"1W‘e‘ i félgjreis {'3 state tliuter. John inngl'stan’S Agricultmu :il Implement Firclor)‘. situated a short. ‘(listnncc from this village, and 0ccu-- % pied by M r. Ki‘chmond,.Wasidds‘royed I by fire on Monday evening lns We nndcrsihnd thut' 'llié aisuste was caused by'the ignition of; P rlijion ‘llll‘Ough whit:le smite-me as‘éml, 'und so rapid was the p'rngrcss’ of the flames that only a Small portion of the contents of the building could be saved from the devouring element. Mr. Lungstnflï¬a‘ loss‘is estimated at about £300,+i}d arinsurance. Mr. Richmond’s "property was partially insured. '4 -' 'sl mi | "Resolvedâ€"That it is highly drsirod to (“cream the efï¬ciency of the, . ()ommnn schools of the towmhip by aiding the ,L'rustqcs in securing the , 51*ft'icesfflof: the most comgctent teachers, by tucg flELOf liberal sahlries; and for that purpose the l‘réasurer be directed to pay to the D‘quc- :ary Treasurer of each school‘seélibhl' wit in the township, the sum of £10 out éf‘tlw interth receircd. or receivable to the 3: December on the securities in w the money rvcpired from the Governm r from the Clergy I’wrurre Fund has been invested.†{he Township Council ofiYa‘ughau has ad‘ 011th l|12_fo|l_()\vi)|:g ,‘)§0[q‘ign :H A PPROPHIA'I‘ION OF THE CHERGY RESERVE FUND IN VAUGI‘IA‘N. The controversy about the County-4 tTown was commenced by the N'ew Era in the most cheery,add‘conlident disposition. honoring us at the time ‘with complimentary poetib“qd0t§ti0ns like the etTusiOii of a young damsel in the ï¬rst paroxysmof love. g Being unâ€" able,however,to withstand our raillery. the “ancient maiden†suddenly looses her amiable temper,and like an irritable old dame, as she is, becomes saucy and. abusive, calls us naughty names and darkly hints someth'ngjabout \v ning us into a lunatic asylum, all 0 ihich she doubtless intends to be very terri- ï¬c. Like a drunken man who fiantries everybody with (whom he comes in contact intoxicated, and himself: sober, so our cotemporary appears to think that we tnust be duflpwhile she alone is possessed ofprot'ound wisdom. .Well, be it so. It is well known that when old'womcn fail in argument, ‘thcy be- come \vrathy and abusive.‘ is their last resort, their favorite weqpoi't i and they enjoy the privilege {18a kind of prescriptive right. Ought we then to .blame theml Our “quoudtufoLicnd says she is prepared to itrg‘ue‘the ques- tion with us. Pray, what has she [lean attempting to do sinee'w’é first broach- ed the‘subjeet? and iiiâ€":‘shegfhad; olher arguments ofa more convincng nature than those hitherto inadehusezgï¬ y'hy not have produced theinidi‘ lt'isct'iqlent that‘our “ friend†is a fair prototype of Goldsmith’s renownedjvillhge' school master, who, though dcfev‘ Edd argue still, (122’ inï¬nilluni. f,b lore we enter into further argument,j\.ve must‘ be convinced that the old lady understaiids something more of;1he dignity ofa journalist. than'sh'elappéars to do. judgingfrom herilast escapade. ‘ ‘ [CF-V Mnnajï¬'gloffCï¬ï¬mnhgwfls. â€"V_Vc mm 1111271} 5 Anhblyikhnmééting of the Conscrvalivc electors of this neighborhood wi'll be held utV/ise- man’s Hon-f, on Wednesday evening, next the 9111 inst“ A full atwndunce is earnestly rcquestcd, as suhjtcgt's ol‘ importance will be submilted lo.lhe mouliru. V "I 7'†'J'he news from every part or the Riding is most cheering. Lc't'u's give a lpng pull, ja‘sti'qngpifllnhnd a pull all toqclher. and this will in future bé call- ed the COIISL’I‘UHZI‘UC liidiiigef(Y01‘k. Hurrah for Duggan. sav We. I THE N EWMARKET “1311+†an, say we.