NAME into gh'eipmm‘l'se‘s of the Subscriber, Lo! No. 4F; 19! Con. Vaughan. about the Is! of gammy mm) mm: :OLD BULL. The ownéris réquésted to prove property, pay damages, and t' ‘ffn '“aw'ay; ' . JOHN ATKINSON. Vmugbaï¬. Dec. 3, 1857 a V diqrin'g tho. heavy min of Sundav niaht, Ii'x" "anrds, some of them measurin In évflvss’ sin léngfl» ctune from-we clouds ’ l tunaan though nqt asplenm or half as wélc‘ome.‘ They were found crawling on the "sidewalks and I in the streets like fugitive ï¬ligdtgrs; in places far removed from local- ities where they inhabit. ' FLOURâ€"4There have been no sales ofany a'l‘ticle 'fllig‘tlh),honsequeiilly We quole pl'icvs as nominal, viz., superï¬ne at 5%} a $4.} ; ilkmcy',“$41.‘; u’$+§: extra $13511 $5 per Dbl. --‘vBA1u.EYâ€""-h“Very little in. and pllcl‘S still .1ow';'from'15' to 25 6d per bushel. 'OATSâ€"“A very limited supply, at from is 8d to Is {Oidv HAYâ€"Plvnfil‘ul. at about the same rates «on-Wing’viLJMm $10 to $18 Him"- 9 ‘ I W. WHEATâ€":11 hwy small supply, and no{ variation in priceshvizq from 3» (id to 45 Gd ’ pegpxisli. ' MY DEAR Sll’Lâ€"i (vbsorve a notice in the Vlllclmlolld Hill " annlto.†slutlng that you would not hadegmnsible l'nr any nccidi-nt that might rucqurvin the ,g‘nnd pit now bring dugwn the mud WWeen-Ricbtnond Hill and the rail ro:irl stutiuiL .1 Sure‘ynym can not for a moment imagine this : dmtico will exonerate you. us- the ov'urspor 01' the u'road.'l‘rom blu‘mo m dnmagt‘s. I l'orune \ruuld risk a suit. should I b“ 50 unl'mtnnuto as to have i nn accident therein. Why not (In your duty as a l faithful pth muster? WVhy not bring the oil l fendeig tn justice? Whr wink a! a dnngvrousl ong through l'also dcl'cnry? Why allow your 1 onnrahlq and poucel'ul lintvnliunstq he gninsnxed, _ . "jl’om‘snlf‘hrow-'hoalen. by any mm) or set of'1 then; either connrilnon pufli d up with a little Ihrinftautltolity. whose word i< no law : or a mom- : ‘bortot' ll’nrlimnemt. who >8|lds his team to aid and i _ assist in making an an Z‘nl trnp doubly dungvruus 1 'Had the pit. been on the side of the to dl there ‘ “m'l'ghf"mve ‘beC-n Hma flimey excuse for this flagrantly imprddt-ut (food of a passive con n- i .43†Han. and u‘ reél mis-representative of the people. Why do not such men give place to ’Iihhie' H‘olr hr sermns. for [the honor and happi- . . . .r ness of no people? Merely biennse tht‘_\ have an over-load, ot‘persoual nmbition to ginti " Sea i how the dlfli‘rl‘lll rand cnnrpnniv§ 'sntiir in the i “0113; of ‘lmlv; by], lientiyv ddailngt-s. tlironph want or fortnight in preventing arcidonts. lire lung. some nwt'ul calastt opho must occur in this man- 1“ ndt ' ' Jo: ‘th'o cgntre Of the road hm nnw ï¬Ã©gl’lï¬g ‘nhd “"Ill siibn f' ll Ain. Prnbuhly not , one of tho‘partias who lommittedâ€"with deliberaâ€" tirn and obstinate )\‘ickctlthssâ€"surlt pitâ€"digging do 5 on 1: main road, ever travel in that (lll‘CL‘llOll "mi n ‘dark night. or nt least. do it rely. very sol» l‘domJ-“Many have lam-:1 known to rrturn t‘roni Wplrto by the stage. rather than hazard being buried in the sandâ€"pit, or drowned intho adjn'ent ‘li‘iill pond: for the mad l) '11; (irvctly over the “whole langt’h blt’hé dam, which has boon rinltetty for years. and nnheoded hy a long $llt‘cr‘S5l0n of ‘ patlmpustorsâ€"being in companionship with the ‘ 'uut‘rinliing rawnnr. Such nllirinls mint haie a l il'ivna'eé'ana ' in oriority of intellect tnnt unnunt to caiminalh’t'y. which will eventually tend to a (‘rurse o iislnnent which tboysa juqu deserve. 'I‘ne logs at the bolt-in of the sand-pit. add 1911‘ f ,t ‘lhg gdp iiastJInnld’ tho team (If an unfor- } l-I qira‘veller a iruptl’ydcscond. I repeat, punish ‘ the"ï¬rsl bilindér‘. ' "Vuttld it not be criminal for a , lg-Iilnoud diuentorto order avlug to be placed acro a i the; track ? ,‘Vould .ituot be priminzd for a path- ‘ master to order a tree to he folk-d acrOSS the path- l way" ‘! ’l‘han‘ surely a cbnnoilnmn cannot 0rd r a pit to he dug to engnlph the pcuple with impunity? Nona mamhqr of l’nrliumqlll aid with his [Hams in . making the pit deeper. through a pious motive of1 makiyg' destruction more rapid and certain. i 5“ " ‘ anr Sir, yours truly. l l i I'm- PETER I‘A'F’I‘I‘JIFON; VlasQ RICHMOND lllLL 1mm We wl‘éfl (o'he dihtlnctly understood that we will not. hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. . Also. all Conununicmions .1 Eeressod to this ofï¬ce for l’uhlicaxlon. mu<t be ‘ iccampmï¬qu‘tlxo rend muuc ol'lhc wmur, al- §|10;l1;g;l‘l' il‘llge'e‘d not in every case bu insul'lcd. \Vhenqvor two or more persons shall, l‘wln-fhel‘ as being partners in business. iolnt tenaht‘s’,‘ or tenants in onlnlnon or par indiâ€" vis, be the owners of any real property, or the' «tenants or occupants tltrrvol'. each at “such persons shall he L‘Itlltlt‘tl to vote in respect. of such property, if the actual or vyeanlyqvulue of his. part or share would be sufï¬cient to entitle him to vote it such share were held 'hy him separately; cxcopt, that it. ':.tlIe-.}mqperty be held by a hotly (:OI'poratP. no one of the mothch thereof shall he thereby entitled 'to Vote in resin-ct thurrol “OF ofIany share the-rein. No tenants or oc- cupants of real prolwty belonging to the Crown,- on which any instalment of purchan money '6!‘ any rent Or other sum of money "which he may hare undortakcn to pay to 'the Crotvn, shall be overdue alnl unpaid, orl who may occupy such property mthnut due :autlto‘rity. shall he llt’ltl qualiï¬ed to vote. » ~ ' TANidH'J‘ TRAVELLER. Yonge Street. Nov.1«8. 1857. COBIDIUNICA'I‘HON. Np person shall be entitled to vote as the ignépt or occupant of any real property un- le§s his then lease thereof was originally for 'zi'ter'm of not less than one year ; and that no person shall be damned the occupant of foal propertyxwithiu the meaning of the A‘ct’, ui'il‘ess he shall oocupy the same with the consent of' the Crown, or.of the owner gï¬sflqhgnrfludnthand with the intent that he 55’ 'l‘l'fc' I‘I'CITOI’AIHHH‘CC of certain condi- tions, obtain the_ tillc to, and become the oMlBr'nof such p'roperly. W'henevcr two or men: nersons shall. ',',. l,‘ ‘" “""m’u "' ""3 ‘ IE (‘azettP announcinn' a DlSSOLU- “Pidvi’ntt', as the 'owner, tenant, or occupantl 11 ,“6V of um Frag-‘8“ parliament “‘MWTWPC‘WY of lhé'ASSPSS‘Pd acmal value having heel) issued, and a general Election proâ€" of updvards. or tllé ycal’lY’RSSGS-ï¬ed claimed. it is now time that 1 should address a \va'hgpf .£5, or upwards shall be entitled to few words to you. when asking fax-.50 impor'anl “my!†anyelectiron of a member 0]. members n::e:tt)al:‘9vl':bl:ia lthrgleas t'hlatlof bglflngla'ym Re. ‘ . . . . . g , V. 1.0!?le hlectmal Dmsson m which such lacuna,“ 83"“ “"3 '3 Em“ PMSflTmmship. TOW", Vlllage 0!‘ Place, The Experience of every day life teaches us the 4.9: Suzy-666 w‘lllc l'ollmving pljoâ€" necessilyol' avoiding extremes, and may serve as “.l‘sions :_ . ‘ a beacon to us politicqlly. [while shewing 7m in- ND nerson shall be entitlprl tn vnlp 1e llw d."l‘.‘?â€d°“l ‘P""“°"“““"C° i“ llle rail! of duu'. in :zi‘huy'nale-peï¬ménteréd» 0n the théli Agkwsgneatï¬oflflmis'ed, corijected and ‘1 rce‘in any Parish, Township, Town Village or Place, not. ,bging within a City or “'l’d'vih; ehtitled to sand 5 Member or Mem- ‘bef's' to the Legis’iative Assembly of this 'Pv‘é‘vi’n'cé, as thé 'owner, tenant, or occupant ofrncal» pmperty 0f the' Assvssed actual value ‘ QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS TORONTO MARKETS STRAYED. \\'()[1KS any accidvnt that miqu ow bpiug dugâ€"on the mud and the rail mud station. n mman imagine this ru. us the ov'ersvor of 1119 mang I throw \vuuld =0 unfmlinmlv as to have ’hy not do your dnl_\' as a \Vhy not bring the ofâ€" \'wihk at a dmvgvrous‘ ‘cncy? \Nh} allow your motions to be gninsuyed, by (my man or 5910f] [1| EQG-tf AME int-3 the promises loe Subscriber. Lot C 23. 6th Concession Markham, about the last of October. a Red Muley Heifer two-years old, the owner is requusmd to prove properly, pay damages. and take her awhy. v ES PE C T F U L L Y begs leave to inform ;. Farmem and oihars that he has constantly on hand, or manufactures to order. all descriptions of Shoal“: 'Henvy a'nd Light. Harness. Bridles. Surcingles. Whips and other anicles belonging to the trade; nllol‘ which he is prepared to sell low fa; Cash. orron approved Credit. F‘AII inspection of my stock and Prices is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. NNK HE P ER. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and Sim- coq, Corner of Yonge and Bradford slraeis, Holland Landing. N (a the premises of the Subscriber. Lot 67 )st Concussion King. One “’ether Shecp‘ All}~ ’[JN‘SO'I proving properly and paying ex. pauses can have the same on_ap_p';ing to { ROM Lot No. 31. 5th Concession Mmkham, FIF'I‘I‘IEN SHEEP. comprising; Twalve Ewes. and Three VVaUmI-s. Any person re- turning them or giving infurmaliun of them to the Subscriber will be well rewarded. HENDERSON BELL. Almira. Nov. 27. lt57. "‘26 If - . .., . mu...- hut-mull by )0ur wishes in all 'l‘lm hearty nSSuranm port you have evervwho indeed cause me tn feel quite impos~ible 19 mal‘ shall commune to visit a possible Iill the day 0 .views will be fullv exnn WAME into the Suhsvriber’s premises, Lot No. I 13. 2nd Con. Maxklmm, about six weeks since,a YEARIleG IJEJFER CALI‘C The uwnoris remit->th to prove properly, pay charge; and lake her away. ' GEORGE QUANTZ. u n:\ .-... that he ru-xs a regular Cunvev to the Railroad Station, and lheir patronage thereto. Pas: any part of’lhe country on the SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Markham. Nov Thornhill, Nov. 19. 18.)? November. 26: 1857 November..26. l857 No doubt the magniï¬cent region called by the name of “The Hudson’s Bay Territory,†belongs In Canada. and is the r ghll'nl inheritance of the childxon of this Country. and I hope and expect in a few yoan (9 503 {how " Hunting ground,†now [he abode ofpuvurt)‘ and despotism. uponod up to the Bible and the wonders ol'Brithh Civilisa- lion. \vhoro (hm-o indomitable and sturdy pioneers, the sons of Canada, joined with their brelhron From the Blill>ll Isles will soon accomplish what they have done here already. making the desert to l'l‘leCG and blossom as (he rose. To preserve to this country (he National School SVGN‘H) of Upper Canada, which has been gratiâ€" uplly brought to ile'pi‘esonl slate ol'efï¬cienr:_\~ by lhn unwozn'ied exertion of our able superinlcndunl shall he the objoct of my best endeavors. ileiiiasenLalion by Population and Weallhl look upon as the very key-stone ol' (he arch on which rele the free prospm‘ily of Canada. Having a considerable stake in the Ridingnur interests will beidvnlica-l. independent ofwhich. lion'evcr, Ishall consider ilmydutflo he guided Nov.98.1i77‘ The present ï¬nancial posilion uflhe Country requires that no exertion should be spared by those enlruflod wilh its welfare, in rctrenching the Pub- lic expenditure andinlroducing into every Depart- ment the most rigid econonny.’consistent with the QmCiflllfl}' u!" the public service7 The Land grunting Danni-(mam requires in my judgment enlira revision. No doubt the magniï¬cent region called by the name of “The Hudson’s Bay Territory,†belongs lo Canada. and is the r ghll'nl inheritance of the Donvcyancc to Railroad Station 2 ‘HE Snb‘ Dec JOHN DUGGAN Eaï¬l York, Nov 30. 1857. s The experience of every day life teaches us they necessilyof uvuidiug extremes. and may serve as a lmucnn to us politically. [while showing an in- dependent persevamilce in the palh of duty, in dealing with queslions which afl'ecl not only our own welfare. bm~ also the prosperity of our Coun- trylo a" lime.] to exercise a judK‘iUHS and wise moderation JAMES MCCLURE, 3, 1857 S'I‘RA YED! EAST RIDING, THORNHILL C. LUDFO RD, be fully on Your obc COUNTY OF YORK. TO THE ELECTORS! strayed! Straycd. Straycd, 5th. 1857 all matteré of .local interest. we of conï¬dence and sup- rhere received me with. dons ael grateful, and Ilmugh H is nalie a personal Canvass, 1 it as many ofl‘he elerwrs as of nomination. when my (pressed lo you" dient Servant. OF THE 0? THE \V. WALKER ‘C. LUDFORD‘ Jon}: LEGG val Nalional School lugs Bog" gradâ€" gSS-lf gi’S-St g‘lG-tf is‘ hereby offered and will be paid to any person or persons who will give such information as will lead to the arrest and conviction of the party .or parties who set ï¬re to the said Tannery on the morning aforesaid. V THEREAS the Tannery at Thor-"hill, the .property of David McDougnll. Esq. Was burner} down on the morning’of the 4th November instant. by an incendiary or incendiaries; ) NOTHCE. JCASHâ€" UP. 1000 REWARD Terms emy. apply to the Proprietor on the premisas. or by Letter, post-paid lo Buttonville. Possession will be mven on the 1st of April, or if needed. \he 15: of January. (L? Tide indisputable. {1] WILLIAM MORRISON. ONSLSTING of Three Village Lots. with snitahlo Buildings. withn fourth part of an acre of Land attached to each. One is n small Cottage suitable for a small family. The second is a New House, ada ted fora Mechanic of any ,kind or Doctor, (as there is no Doctor in the neighbourhood). The third is aLarge House, with all the accomodntions for a Tavern, with a~ never-failing \Voll of Water. Also. good, suita- bla out-buildings. consisting ol‘ driving-house. large shod. woodâ€"shod, grater and stable. to- gether with some choice Fruit Trees. comprising plums, pears. curmnts. and the black tame cherry. BUTTONVlLLE is situated on a pleasant rise of round, on the 4th Concession of Mark- ham '1 here is an established l’Ost‘Oflir-e together with a Gridand Saw Mill. Store. with Mechanics of different kinds. I, Ll. Accounts due Isl Octobox, not paid by HM: hovember, will be pm in Suit. 1 shall strictly adhere to my new system 01' Short Credit and Prompt Payment. ‘HE Subscxiber offers for sale that well known 1 Hotel. summed on Lot No. 5. 5th (Immersion In the Township of King. with good slabliug and Seventeen Acn-s of Excellent Laud. Every necessary accomodalion {or an “01:11:1er ï¬rst rule repair. Terms exuemely easy. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on Lheprrcmises, or lo Dr. Duxcvmu. Richmond Hill, BUTTONVILLE, Richmond Hill. Nov. 5, 1857‘ VALUABLE PROPERTY ! C. D. rcspcctilully Solicits an found to be large and well assorted. Ladies’ ()lonks & Mantles, Ladics’ \Vool Jackets, Hosiery. Gloves. 6; Ribbons, Children’s \Vool Goods of “JAMES MANNING. ‘ Inspector Equitable Insurance Company November ‘26. 1857. 2'25 W ENTER DRY GOODS , a . , The whole of which have been carefully selected by himself. And from practical experience he is enabled to assure the public of lhe qualin of 'ï¬â€˜he latest l“m|xions will always be found at his establishmvnt, and he capacity as a Practical 'J'nilor, to secure the patronage of all “ho want push-lento. 10 those who deceive the public, with ready-made Slap U'or/c, kind, and faunt zis of lhvir own manufacture. Termsâ€"CASH. Richmond Hill. ) "HIV (“All Buttom'ille. Oct. 28, [85;] fAU'E‘EJMN & EVENTER GO0DS Brown and Grey Petershams, Fancy Vestings, JOHN COULTER. MERQEAEQ THAILOR, King. Nov. 19. 1857 GROCERIES. &c.. A FIRST RATE ASSURTMENT! The above Goods will be sold at lhe lowest possible rules. For particu Fire, Fire! Fire! Richmond Hill IN THE Towmhip of MARIâ€"HUM, 33:- FOR SALE. 4:9 Richmond Hill, Oct. 30, 1857. HOTEL 190R SALE. Flourishing A Reward of $1000 RICHMOND HILL, “ALSOâ€" Five Hundred Pairs Ladies’, Misses’,and Cluldrens’, Boots, Shoes & Rubbers Oct. 30, 1857 RICHMQDND HILL, IS NO‘W OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTME Aggnl Rogml lusgrance Compiny DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS! FRANCIS H. HEWARD i‘ALCONBRIDGE CHARLES DURRANT’S THOMAS REDON {EADY MADE CLOTHING! O F Oct. 30, 1857. RICHMOND HILL ! G. A. BARNARD‘ Village ‘lantles, LadiesiDrcss Goods, fool Jackets, Lndies’ Silk & Wool Scarfs, bons, Binnkets 6L Flannels. )l Goods of every desm‘iption. A good Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. W'ENTER Proprietor AN IMMENSE STOCK ‘EVV ARRIVAL OF IMP OR TED DIRE C T FR 01?! ENGLAND lS RECEIVING HIS 222-1! “25-3: CHARLES DURRANT, 'Iment oi Ladles’ Furs to arrive. Inspection of his 8100]: which will be LL those who wish a superior Cutter. can be A supplied by caning m the Phaznix Carriage Factory, Markham Village. C. \V. [13" Please 10 give an early call. Rxsmaxczs :â€"Henr_\' Smelser. Laskay. King Thus. Bowman, Alm'ua, Markham. October 15. 1857. 219-] Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE TOWNSHIPS 0F Markham & VVllitchurch [1‘ lo a Medical Man of standing and oxperi- 31183. House and Premises. both pleasant and convenient, can bo’had on reusouabla terms. Richmond Hill. June 15lh, 1857 A Apply. if by letter post paid, to the Edimr of the Gucht. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER, ThornhilL 7 “V0 ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME 7 HOUSE. situated on Comte Sh‘oet. For particulars apply to September 10. 1857 Thox'uhill. August 11, 1857 Richmond Hill. Oct. 3U, 1857 Inn, and Livery Stables, YONGE Sruum‘. OSEI’H GABY begs to inform the public that he has commenced in run a Stage from the above Hotel to the 0. S. 65 H. R R. Station. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and will convey pnwengers lo zuiy part ef the Country, night 61‘ day,_in ten minutes notice. VI‘I'IIS FARM contains about Filly Acres, with a House, Garden, and mm†Clearance. and is we†limbered. The Water Mill. including Three good DWEI‘ung Houses. with Gardens, and about Frflccn Acres of Land. if required by the purchaser. The premises are at present used as an Agricultural [unplumcntand File Factory. All‘ llle above llrupel'ty Wlll be sold 0:] easy termsl‘or Cash or Yemly Payments, and is worthy the attention of the Mechanic and Farmer. For particulars apply to PRIVATE SALEl! Lflu’V‘l) JINJ) IVflTER .MILL ! Near Richmond Hill. Nor. lith. 1857 To Medical Practitioners Richmond Hill, 0m. 15, 1857, ONE HUNDRED CORDS CU'I‘TERS !! CUTTERS ! 1! SMELSER 8L BOWMAN, GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers We]! CHARLES DURRANT. gQI-tf THE WHITE FOR 8 ALE FOR. SALE, all who want good work in JOHN COULTER HENRY R. WALES. m. DUNCUMB, P‘m' particulars see Bills 2 2 l -2 m G. DOLM AG E. JOSEPH GABY, Richmond Hi'l ', 6f the lowest Proprietor &c., &c , his long and each article. relies on his SWAN ‘roprielor, roprielor g.2- wy. g2] 3.! m 221-“ gIO-lf gl4-lf gl9-I ng-if all of which are made of experience in the business call to inspect. ' and is now prepared to do all kinds of' BLAcxsm'erG, from 0n the most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance of the public patronage, he would beg lo subscribe himself, Your obedient servant, THE Subscriber Would beg-leave to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity, that he has leaSed the preinises‘at present occupied by Mr. WM. G. HINGSTON, Victoria Square ; and that the business hitherto carried on by MR. HINGSTON will from the lst of November, be carried on by the Under-signed, who will at all times endeavor to merit a continuance ot the patronage so liberally extended to his predecessor. The Subscriber will at. all times be prepared to execute all kinds of T11); Subscriber, in returning his :incere thanks to the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the last Twenty-three y‘eaxs he has been in business at VICTORIA SQUARE, would beg leave to state that he is about declining the Blacksmith business and moving to the “Test, and that be has let his premises to “'ith an unus-ial assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in every fabric. make. shape. style and variety, which he offers on the above terms. and much less than ever sold before, In conâ€" ï¬ning his business to shorter time, he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptation lo the new principle. which must supersede the Long Credit and Long Prqï¬z System. ingaueral use in this- Cuuniry; and convinced that a discerning public will avail themselves of the NEW SYSThM. whereby they can eflth amving from 15 to ‘20 per cent on the average on» Goods they usually require. G. A. B. earnestly and respectfully solicits a Call. and on examination, his prices will be coscuzv- ED 'i‘o AS LOWER, than any in the Neighborhoodâ€"His mono shall be :-â€"- Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! Trusting he may meet' with the same countenance and support, formerly bestowed on this establishment, he would be; to subscribe himself, G. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill, will conduct bllsiness solely on CASH OR SHORT CREDIT. Six months will be given on all new Accounts, payable promptly on 151 October & 1st Alnil in each year. Dry Goods, And for CIIEAPNESS THEY CAN NOT BE SURPASSBD. Having devoted a attention to this class of trade, he woqu earnestly solicit an inspection, being of giving enliru salismction. ‘ C L O T H I N G Made to order, in every s‘ylc, from almost every material, at the MOST ECONOMICAL pmcas, at “ CHEAP SYSTEM ! Readyâ€"made VVinmr Clothing, North of Toronto, in Having purchased Hm material, and had them made e thoroughly recommend them as ’ v 7 UST REC EIVED. a variety of the Newest Patlerns in Black and Grey Cloth J 'l‘hibet, Vecuna and Plush. Also, an Excellent Awortment ol' Mons’ Scotch Lambs \Yool, “'orsled and Flannel Drawers. Scotch Lmnlxs Wool, scarlet, blue, \vlï¬le and fancy Flannel Shirts. \Voolen SOt‘kS and gloves, of all 51205 and qualities. ‘ Scarlet and fancy nlufllers. A nice assort- ment of coloured lambs wool and woolen yarns, &c., which will be sold at a slight advance on cost, FOR CASH! at 'OHN ‘V. FIERHELLER begs! VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1857. Richmond Hill. June 30, 1857 VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, ‘. 57. Short Life [0 the Old Sysz‘cmâ€"Long Credit, ‘Long Life to 1/26 le Systemâ€"SHORT CREDIT, Success :0 the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH. Bichmond Hill, Oct. 15,1857 GENERAL BLACKSMITH ‘VORK, 1 A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest, best ALI. “N w. :- JLKUELLER begs to inform ships that he has commenced business at- .MANTLES; Crockery, ELUTHNH} Til SUIT THE HARE] TIMES! RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. rrepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITIHNG, from a Faring Machine to a Locomotive; but betwixt and between he wouid call particular attemion to his stock of d5, - Groceries, Ladies’ & Childrens’ Boots 6; Shoes, NEW FALL GOODS! ‘6 made of the very best material, and got U| the business willenable him to givesaï¬sfacu G. A BARNARD is now receiving a large and well selected stack of BLACKSMITHING. Drugs & Medicines, ERvEï¬TIflN EHALLENGEIIH ! CUTTERS AND SLEICHS! MR. JOHN MCKENZIE, (if? Markham Economist please copy til} fog‘bid. VICTORIA SQUARE, RIEN AND BOYS’ VICTORIA SQUARE. 1857 Markham Economist please copy tfll forb'id‘ 'erms at his Customers proposal DURABLE, â€"ON TH Eâ€"â€" . A. BARNARD’S, {ichmond Hill fl, and got up under his own inspection. -His long givesalisfaclion lo all these who may purchase ° aints, A. BARNARD'S, Richmond Hill. Your obliged servant, \Vln. G. HINGSTON. JOHN DICKENZIE n every variety of style and fabric. express|y for his own trade, he can and (heapes‘ assonmont of Ines & Udubfs? Hard ware, Oils, particular conï¬dent ng-lf g19- g4'tf V y l jut 0’ y be, manufactured bythem. feeling conï¬dent trial. they will be found superior to the ix pilhel’ price or quality being-domian Toronto, Oct. 93. ‘RFF nuu wuum mm- unur to me trade at'lowe'sl i'al'el. L. B. as; Cofwould particularly-call 1110 um» [ion of Dealers and Painters to the and which ’thay offer: to the trade ht‘lowe'sl n n Pure Dmgs, Chemicals, Spices, ‘ Perfumery, Fancy, Soaps, Patent Medicines, India Rubber Goods, Surgical Instrument“ Brushes, Dyestuffs. , y Paints and Colours, Oils (Lamp, Paint, &.c.‘ Varnishes, . _ ClothierS’ Mug-ink. Ground White Lcdd, Colqufa in Oil, Putty, Patent Dryers, {3%, DRUGGISTS’ GLA‘SSVVA'RE; 8: \VHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, ' No. 4, St. Lawrence Buildings, THIS COMPANY Insuxes all descriplipns of Buildings, Manufactories. Mills. 500. and Good: and Furniture, in the same, ngainsHoss or dam- age by ï¬re, on liberal terms. Losses promgfly sellled. Residence. ‘ Richmond Hill, August 13.1857 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GILMOR, Pres. | Tnos. Hnwon'r‘u. V. Piu- Wm. Henderson, Rice Lewis. ‘ James Leask. George Michig, Hugh M ller. J. P. Robaxls, \anler Macfarlu no. I Robl. Stanton. Sac. Friends and 1110., Publicï¬hat‘he has Comtanï¬." 0" hand a large and'variéd assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ v E < CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. LYRIAN, BRO’S. (Sc 00,, Of the best quality and \vorannnship. 3nd almo- exclusiveiy of Home IVIwmfactuTc. Also. a largo stock of - , .. Ready-Made Clothing! W E S T E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. Comprising Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats and Caps &c., &c., of every size and description; also of excellent qualitv and manufacture, 1:11 of which he will sell as Ion-I as any house in Upper Canada. for CASH. ' Richmond Hill, July 23. 1857‘ ‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-namedl’illage and surrounding Country. and the Public en- orully, that MS has leased lhe' above Patel. formerly kept by 'lZHOBIAS Mu, which he has ï¬tted up and furnished for the acgommodnuqn of his Customers, and he trusts by constant a‘tlélluon to their wast to secure a liberal‘paliouage. Liquors of the best brundsnt lh-e Bar. End ï¬ery attention paid to Guests. " \‘TOULD respéc’tfully intimate to his " Friends and 1119, Public, phat «be has ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the \Vcsieyan Methodist Chl- pel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gentlemeus'. Ladies’ and Ch"“"’-c’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to 07"“ “'- the Shortest Notice. Richmond Hiii. June 12m. 100'†‘ adv:an No hand-made Shingles can equal those made by Steam, forneatness and durability. Specimens of his Shingles maybe soe‘n at the "Gazette" Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. Rufus Skin- ner’s. Grocer. Yonge Street, Toronto. 'l'hornhill, Sepl. 10. 1857. ‘ .' f 2144f O can now be had in any quantity, 50m a. Thousand Bunches. at Mr. JOHN LAM Shingle Manufactory, Youge Street,.near hill. “q,†A large stock of Harness. &c. always on hand. and mud: to ordur at the lowest possible relnunemling "was: William ll. Myers, Premium I'Iae‘mss .ZlIamg’actm‘er, 1 ESl’ECTFULl.Y announces to the Public ‘ gelmrully, that he having taken the F1 R S T P R I Z E for Harness m the Yonge Street Ag- Iicullurnl Show. Two Years in successiun. he feels conï¬dent that he can give entire satisl‘nctiou in all branches of his business. OG= All Work Warrantod. ESTABLISHMENT. One Door South of the GAZETTE Oflicc SADDLE é' HARNESS RLCHMUND HILL LUKES’ HOTEL." ï¬dLLAND LANDING. Holland Landing, ‘ " Sept; 10, 1857 Fire ! Fire 0‘ 0‘ ac g¢ Fire Bgots & Shpes of every description! To Builders, Farmerq and Others! EIJINGLE‘S, (_)1"_ A SUl’LRlUR QUALITY Riclxmondï¬ï¬‚ill. Oct 15. 1357 CARRIAGES, nuccnas AND WAGGst, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Richmond Hill, Sept 4. 1857‘ NCOKPORATED BX ACT 01' PARLIAMENT. JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Grainer, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper Hanger. Head Ofï¬ce, Church Street, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL. J. MORRISON, House, Sign and Ornamental IMPORTERS or} um Dumas m SHINCL'ES. 11,] 5;§ 'vm‘ '11“ " «'th "Hm “W4 m} THOS. LUKES, y quantity, from One 16 Mr. JOHN Luann-'1': A. LAW, General Agent- Dla- Xv Pruprieior. gl4-3m at. am on impound. gl3-3m >g,1w.y. gl4-tf 7g-tf Thorn - gIS-ly