Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 4 Dec 1857, p. 4

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A Gift of one Thousand Copies. :63 Law Respecting Newspapers. GENTLE MEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. I THE Undersigiied bogs leave to inform the ~ USSELL & RICHARDSON have 1 S at his Old Establishment. which has been con-. 1 up 3311012. Here Wit in bright ofi'ulgenee glows. With Wisdom joined.through rhyme and prose. And both unite their charms in one. The Postmaster General has recently decided that if Postmasters do not give publishers of newspapers notice when their papers remain in the Post Ofiice with- .out being taken out by subscribers, within five weeks, they are liable for the pay. Eimnunnnn‘nnmm ’ a. ‘_ 'f', _ El] UBSCRIBERS who do not give expren Notice to the contrary, are consideau as Wishing to continue their subscription. Public that he holds himself iii readiness in Press a work entitled tinned for the lust Six Years. in this City (No.1 THE 1” USICIAN‘S GUIDE; If SUIlscrll’tlt‘s Order the discontinuance of 16-2. Yongo Street. and directly opposite the'I ,thell‘ papers,tlie publisher may continue l0 u Brittannata House.” Toronto.) to . Edited by Nathan Richardson. author of tho Isend ‘hpm [in a“ arreamges are Paid. - ‘ Modern School for the Piano Forte. which recent.- Igmwlate. c'lean (“Id Repair y took the first Prize Medal. and is so highly re- Ali Descriptions of Clothing, commended by 'I lialborg. Dreyscliock. Jewell. Dr. I Mason. “int. Mason. and others. as boingsuperior To form the sage andIbnm’rous pun. Ifsnbscribers neglect or refuse to take H SONG OF THE POTATOE " their papers from the office to which they are During the month of Augustl I'm a careless potatoe. and'heed not: pin the number of wrecks reported was 139. How into oxistance I came ; If they planted rue drill ways. or dibbled ms in. To me 'tis exactly the same. v The peas and the beans may more 10qu tower. But why should [bend me to them? Defiance] nod. with my beauli'ul flower. When the earth is hood up to my stern. ‘ Bob asks what more precious ofâ€" fering can be laid upon the altar of a man’s heart' 'than the first love of a pure. earnest and affection- ata girl. with an individual interest in eight come, lots. fourteen three-story houses. and six forms. For the month of January the number was 286; in February, 205; in March, 205; in April 168; in May, 72; in June, 122; and in July, 82â€"making a total during the present year of 1,303.â€"Sh1'pping Gazette. Preaching and practice. The Post says that a clergyman in New York, following the practice of his ministerial brethren. recently preached a very earnest disc0urse on the hard times, enforcing the duty of retrenchment and economy. Im- IMPORTATIONS! SPRINC._ MPORTAT 0N8! In a proper and satisfactory manner. by eredictiiig Paints. Oil. Tor. tire. tie. and restoring Colors to their original appearance. so as to give Gentle- man’s wearing apparel the full appearance of new. From 31 years’ experience in the business and prompt attention to all orders with which he may L be favorcd. combined Willi an earliest desire to’, please his customers. he hopes to merit a share ofr public patronage. “'1 LLIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, .Intio 51h. 1857. 1.“. T H E N Herb Doctor ! ' ISTICN to the voice lJ of Truth and Rea- son. anti be proliled by IL The time has come! Indian tlirectetl,they are responsible till they have . . ‘ bl. I d. ~ to all other 0thi IMWC‘W“ 13°01“ l’“ 's "5 settled their Bills, and ordered their papers to The Musician’s Guide willbe ready this month The engravings of some of the most important plates is the cause of its delay. It is a large quarto ol‘5ti pages. containing many beautiful engravings. and a descriptive index to the ideas of over tint) ditlermrtcotnposers of music. It is an invaluable book for teachers of music. amateurs. and all play- ers and singers. Dcsirons of making a rapid introduction of this work. we are induced to GIVE AlVAY the first edition of ONE THOUSAND COPIES to people interested in music. and we will l-‘RE-PAY_THE ros'raun. N. B,â€"Ou’y one copy will be st-nt to the same address. The work wrll be sent iii the some order that the addresses are received. be discontinued. I]f subscribers remove to other places wrtliont informing the publisher. and the pa- per is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. L. SCOTT 8L COMPANY’S REPRIN'I‘ OF THE British Periodicals ! ! AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE I Great Reduction in the price of the -.. , . [IT You willcertninlv eta co v FREE of all . . l A reward Of $500 is offered for the mediater after church the c0ngregall0n tOOlK that all who will can os- t-jypnysgs, 1,, 58...]...‘gti-0“. “33.6 and Latter Publication. hen thhl "' Ilidlti wage: in $100 for the “cat that him at word by homing a mpefing at WhiCh higrécutil‘i'eatiiiodilserrf‘hiinfif “‘nhom dam)“ to VfiEIgt flit of the hast” $200de the cow that his salary was cut down from $1,000 to $600. fuIl poisons, by calling RUSSELL 5‘ RICHARDSONv Sigi?$2‘{‘gluf‘:f‘lev dY.°'k‘B°_‘."."i““' '.° l’.“‘" i “chewed the end of sweet and bitter fancy:” and 'â€"_'â€"’â€" wrrhout delay to see the MINCE] pub ishers. 1305mm VIZJI ° "‘3 e“ “‘3 “"3h Pfl’lodwlll 93,50 for the horse, that lived solely upon the " wild t' fonts’l‘ sowed by “ fast" young men. Sons of him. and new'be wants I should give ’am back.” ”-M.-.._~. I. pleasant .writer intlie Gohgrega- time which releaves" the trees, may also re- lea‘ve“ tlie merchantsâ€"and make both elms I’lI vI"IatidIIIlneIiIIi'I”agaili gifeen and flourishing! ' y The reason why editors are so apt to. have their manners spoiled, is because they receive from one correspondent and another such a Vast amount of evil commu- pitiations. It ‘is with faded beauty as with a cloekâ€"The more the face is enamelled, the tioaalisrsayszé“ God‘grant that the-Spring ‘ A person at Palmyro writes that people need indulge no apprehensions of in one season. I Pnorossn AMENDMENT TO THE Man- RIAGE Lawnâ€"It is proposed in Illinois to amend the law of marriage, so as to require that the prospective husband and wife. on any given day, enter in the office of any olliccr legally empowered to do sUch a duty, a writ- ten declaration of intention to become man and wife. From that day, for one your, they may assoeiate as lovers, or break the engage- ment, ifithey choose , then, at the end of the year, if they again express their detcrniin» tion to become husband and wife, let the contract be sealed. -Porllaud Argus, ZVov. 3rd. SPRING CIHARLESIKORTH _ ___wâ€" Bath Cords. Muslin dresses. Straw Goods. llosiorv. Flounced Dresses. Shepherd Plaid. &c.. Drab Korseys. Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Toronto. June. 1857. Barege dresses. &c.. To IiIIECIIANtcs,‘ th aN'rons, AND MANUFACTURERS. N announcing the Tliirtcenlh Annual Volume of THE SCIENTirtc AMERICAN. he Publishers respectfully inform the public that in order to increase and stimulate the formation of they propose to offer One Thousand F ire Hundred Dollars in C(2le Premiums. for the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the lst of January. 1858; premiums to be dis- \ r s Dr. CADWELL, OF TORONTO. OCULST & AURIST. Operator on the Eye and Ear. IVERSALLY known throughout Canada well-known and justly Doctor. 1". TI MBLiz'iv. the United States and Herb coleb‘aled Indian who. after traversing of years standing. I’. S.â€"Tht« Doctor will also give particular at- leiilion to all diseases peculiar to Females and Children. Ofll(‘8-â€"â€"N0. 111, King St., East. orrosr'l‘r: ST. LAWRENCE HALL. II? Consultation Free. Toronto. June. 1857. GOOD PHRENOLOGICAL Examination. (fluirvoyaut consultations. and ad vice given daily. Sundays excepted. Magneto- l‘ilectricity applied to the cure of d senses. It is an infallible cure for weakness. deliilily. Indiscre- tions of \outli. and all nervous complaints. Clair- vomnccenables us to see more clearly the caust- l-tf. I‘JEWS FOR ALL !, To ICpiTous,â€"Itussell S; Richardson will send \‘ou Two dollars‘ worth of their latest Musical Still Fillfllllllllllllll. Ne“ Editions Just Published Smrs’ .Vcw and Complete History or the Bible-â€"frmii the creation of the world lb tlie full establishment of Christianity. with copious Notes. forming an illustrated commentary of the sacred text. 7llU pages octave. ' Sears” .N'L’w Pictorial IIistory of China and Indiaâ€"comprising a description of those countries and their inhabitants; eriiln'acing the historical events. govort‘mciit. religion. educa- tion. language. lilttrall ro. arts, tritiiiiifacttties. productions. commerce. and manners and cus- toms of the people. from the earliest period of authentic record to the present time. Illustrated with two hundred Iingravings. 600 pages large octave. 1 The London Quarterly (Connorvativo.) 6 I F II I . _ , . r Publications and the Musician's Guidr 0513" 2 Tom ennceareiiotall wedt . . r. -. - . 7 .d.. l , .l lid to make l‘oronto. C- w .r w . ,- - " p 3’6 r - - i‘ p ° ° comp?“ a‘ny scarcity ofdatry food, such as cheese or It“: 5' [street East, T0) onto. ,(IIZ‘ENL 3:23;} when. he w.” “(hummer pIoldI. rt _\Ipn “Irp give the above advertisement (In- The Edinburgh Reg” (Whir) I _I I I I I I ~ _ . I ’_ I Q - r c ut in r its 0 or . one insertion in \tur ta - . ‘, ' ‘ “' Peter what are vou doino to that bull?“ ‘15 the (tummy “the arllclt’s l‘rodu- ’ ‘0 “‘5 1mm“ "‘°‘° °"‘-‘ “"9 “"d ‘3” Mf‘hc'l'es L . ' l P” The North Britiin Review (Fmeh l i, ‘ ' v a ' ’ ' R GOODS d M'llinerv Clothing and Gentleman’s Outfitting Emporium. froin Nature's (iartlen. which ht“ for W “"11” May. 1807. g4.)w_ ' “ , boy.‘!" asked-aschoolmaster. “He wmred to ced the present season in the great carry Y “ ‘ -' a BIG“. moms 8mm the greutand all-wise Physician above. T, w t . I R4 . U, l . . ,_ . s . M, , ., g, » is es nun e , :Itiiiow. if you take tan from seventeen. how many counties of the State exceeds that. of any 5'”: C d RTE?" ‘ d QIIIIIINQ GIOVM The mun“,ng diseases can hIe “INN by DI.I T s r 5evrew ( l Mira ) . tremain: ialdookton of'hisl I a '. ' “cc '00 s' we“ 3' L‘ i' I, , in the most obstinate slate of Hair existence. B k d. Ed. b _ pp as to show preuous year by about one thud. He esu- Fanci' Tweedsv Popllns' Parzl‘mls' Doesklm‘ vizzâ€"tliscnses of the LtiiiL's‘. Ilcart. Int er and he woo s m nigh magnum (T.ry') . .1“;de why don't you do i, 7,, “Cos fir he mates that in the counties referred to, there Moire Amiquo, Shawls. Fancy doeskins. Mantillas 'l‘rlinoa :HIZISX. gilnyIpeIp‘I-“lléggg'afiiy PEI'flI‘IleIIIilSZaJe: Theslo P°"l°dlcal" “My "“Pre'em “"9 “"00 In“ . I , A . I‘_ x . 0 ye V. , r, t. II. “OÂ¥l " .'I. ti _- -_ . ,. I . would (0,3,: hbw man). an M. g" has been more butter made than ever before Sattaras_ llead Diessos. Vclicllali cloths. Bonnets. luIeIIIIII “VIII, SoresI and a” Chronic Complain“ politica prunes or Great Britain Whig. Iorymlntl Radicalâ€"but politics form 0tin one feature pi‘r character. As Organs of the most. profound Writers on Science. Literature. Morality. and Religion. they sland unrivalled in the world of letters. being considered indispensable to the scholar and the p ol‘essional man. while to the intelligent reader of every class they I‘uriiish a more correct and satis- factory record ofthe current literature of III-r dav. throughout the world. than can be poseiblv obtain- ed from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Ila-prints. inasmuch as thev can now he placed in the hands of subsc iliors bout as soon as the original edi- lions. TO PRINTERS; Tln'illing Incidents of the Wars of the flutter] Shuesâ€"cotnpriung the moststrikii g and THE SUBSCRTIER begs to inform . . .' -_ l . , '- ‘ more deal-Ty do we see the Progress or “me. IHARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN JAMES L’s mbumd as fellows . I. 100 Uh and the United States for his skill and ofiall otir sufferings and intirrnilies. Iteiinbles us w“m"kable.evfl.”w of ma "OVOIJM'I' the honor] the Trade, “mt Ins StOCk or F T1MES.-â€"-.MI‘. Green’s catalogue Cf State the lagitisfulf': .......................... 3:350 success iii to see mo>e clearly the cause of all our sufferings :‘éigtnfllf’wir'lIl‘i’mlgz QLT'fiIlIII';IIlgfigilhzvfi‘2h323 Printing Presses, Type, Inks, .veryI wooden leg that takes the papers contains the followrng extract from a 3rd do”... . , _ _ _ , _ , _ , _ . _ , , Qno R t - L ‘ Q. I d _. (r, and infirniilies. Ileuables usIto recommend tliosc ~war WIIII “me hundod if“ . I 6‘00 and all other description of materials. has been I I . . q~ , ‘ - 1') es orlng 05f 1 lg II. all ea] llln' means that will effect a certain and pcrlect cure. ‘ ’ ‘gravmgb‘ very lar elv increased this Season by; arrival. pace 0 a lerr lost in battle rs asturt- letter written by Mr Dudley Carleton in 4th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lol .. , _ . I 7, pa"... cm... {I . r ‘ B ’ I, 1604- d ‘ib' ‘7 ll marriao‘e of ‘ hlll Her- 5th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 A lid removing all Di-eases of the Eye and Ear Who“ all Olllfi‘l' l'emrd'” have falledi H “150 "'65 b from Nb“, YORKv PHILADELPHIA. [303° speech against war. , CSCH in3 1?. a we Pf Glh doI I I I 90 generamI begs "KN .eweclmnv to inform [hose the most innocent safe. and certain means to he Scars? Anew Pictorial Dcscn [ion oft/[e TON and MONTREAL: and that he is prepared - ' bert’ Earl of Adontg‘imery? ‘0 busan \ ere: 7th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 afflicted in these delicate orgnitér lllfll ho has for- eml‘loyul' A" Who me. m nonmetal] Who. haw Uytitetl Strt'osâ€"coiilaiiiirru an accoffnt ol’tlfo to - lo supply orders for new Office" in “dam”. ‘0 At '0‘ late Political meeting an ora- “ Sh? [wider] and bndle‘i It so hlmdfi'omely' 8th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 70 Waldod 1“ “16.9mm Of‘hisllfl’erfi few “01.0" Collies. been uniommmo‘l-dpcclivod a'"dl [KIT-(.11 OglflPlll'» selllelnelit. hisliln'. revolutionary flii’d [hose m operation' at the Show”: notice' "or mounted a b. d k d _ m. .antl,tndeetl, became herself so well, that the 9th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ofthe 4th ('(IllIOli of his lt'BrIlIIsc on Urshnscs 9/ whose fond hopes .ave een crusIrotI act I .i. d : other IIIIaIesIIIIg “CHIS, s-IQIISUIISI prugéess in Prinung MACHINES and ENGINE _ la“ y 0115 an 012e,“! S - . - - r - K| - d - ~h -h v” all whose minds and health are stiflotnitr and e . , , , . ., . K d f .. 1p h d . , , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . at) [It rEie (tn/l Lm, pnbli, red t-ls a\. w it “I _ a I . .c. . r , iorttdto order, _ A, ., . . _ d mg sat ,i he were not married, he would .1 0- J . - I. in o to ,he “ever hum”, agrrcu tuie. .. nnnlncnrros and populatron. &c., l I speechwl’)’ enlilllnlnfir-fi‘L “a” "Po" the not hive her but keep her himself. There 11'“ d° ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' fl” I 1’0 Prosemed ‘0 fll‘pllcflnls. c m g. gv 7 II ‘ e V I IIST .vt~..ot'each state in the union. Illustrated with Best quality of NEWS lNK at Ono ‘. Pllllorm OfiW Inlay!” V wasanone oflour accustomed forms omittedâ€" will do ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 FREE OF CHARGE. CLAIRVO‘AR F “'1’ PHREPO‘D“ ' two hundred Engravings ot‘theprincipal cities. per lb. -‘ I I (if . fb~‘d k y ' V v' . -' ~' . f I . 13m do ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i Ton T/musmtd Copiesttrc1minrettrlyfurdistribution. for advice and guidance. All laboringr “Ind” le'e‘"l’llll‘l'l'll“.SCl'll01'3'.CU-memes.sell-ls Ullhe 0M Tm" my.” in adumg.for "no. r I- What, my {Heads is meme 7., 0 ll e ca e, sols in i int, gtirng o g ores. idrli do.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. TIM I _I_ I. I I pm“) If f IeIIdI melancholy mom“... and deprsssmn or spurts. slales.&t:.. Arc bUtlpagcs octane. ‘ ‘ /«-/ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ’ ‘y' laces, and prints; and at night there Was lolll do ‘ - - - - - - r - - - - - - - ~ - - - - A) "’t “0' ‘ co“ 3”“ “9‘” ‘ PRO“ 0 ‘ dislregs m”... angmh of mind. from “4......” D. K. FLLHAN. .aleflL-a preacher. in a- sermon. lately. pet-I " cent, a month,” said a .State I Street broker, suddenly awaken from a-dozc .,_:n:'v The Boston Post perpetrates the II fawning: ‘P It is said of Eugene Sue, that . though a professed socialist, he' lived like ’a ‘ Iprlnce. “In the same way some of our musing into .Lbe sheets, ens-ling of the bride’s left hose, and twenty other petty sorcerres. They were married in the chapel, feasted in the great chamber, and lodged in the council chamber.” THE CHAIN GANG, NEW YORK. ing matter. in which will be found reported alatge number of most important and successful opera- v ions on the Eye, and more than One Hundred in- crcsliwg Cases of every description. illustrated with iitiiiierous Cuts :rnd l’luies. Also. will be seen. Letters and References from highly respec- table parlies from all ports of Canada aritl the United Stales.~â€"-all of which will befonrid \vc-ll worthy the careftilperusal ofthe afl'licted. Names of subscribers can be sent in a! difl'ercnt times and from different Post Ollices. The cash Will be paid to the orders of the successful corn- petitors. i.timediately after the Isl of January. 1858. Southern. Western. and Canada money will be taken torsubscriptions. Canadian subscribers wiill please to remit twenty-six cents £11m, on each year’s subscription to pre-pay postage. Taurus or SUBSCRIPTIONâ€"$2 a year. or $1 for Six Months. The Author feels fullv assured that every unpre- cause. all laboring under bad and delicate henilh, go to him for rolicf and comfort. All Ladies who have suffered under those complaints and diseases incident l0 females. consult him with the greatest confidence. Previous to marriage. all in delicate health should consult him All who h- ye had bad luck. all who have tried their best to gel on in the world and cannot. go to blur for advice how to ini- prove their circumstances. Parents should get his opinion what. trade or p ofcssion is best calcu- Sr’urs’ Treasury of Knowledge and Cy- u/aptztlitl. of Science rttitl Artâ€"containing a great amount ot‘interesting and useful inforitintionâ€" nsu‘onomy, travels in the Holy Land. Discovery of America. earl settlements. of the country. biographies of eminent men. incidents of tra~ vcl. discoveries in science. die. \Vitlt numer- ous Engraviiigs. 512 pp. Svo. Scrn's’ Scenes and Slrclcltes of Conti- Colborne st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 1857~ g5 THE “fork 111W]? will": iS PUBLISH ED . I I v a Late on Saturday night a young Woman CLUB RATES. 4331’”! "my/fl" “aims “'03 “1'” be “Ulnvmcvhd :h‘“, lated to ensure their childlefl’s success 1" l'le- 1" Manual Etll'upeâ€"eiiilirucinrv descriptions of I“ ERY FRIDAY MOR N I NG’ . ~ - . . . . . . ‘ 650 to Or‘al'llllflSlCSOl'O .~ “ ' y ‘ ~_ v, - . "_ .. II people. thouin professed Christians, live like 19 years of age, named Catlrarrne Chambers, Five copies ’or6 months - . - - - - ~ - - - - - $4 missile dicomalgfauon m" m;dy7m,‘ygbc cum, _ love; afl‘dlrsI. 1:8 l’lll‘C‘PlI§:II:l "I‘Ifl Irradnceé ilntlugalfiblpailiI, Italy. broil}. bwnzer- BY ' l ' ~ - ' ‘ ~ - . ‘ r .' . ‘ ' 6 you 0 a 1 iv mar ‘l ' u - ‘ - '- . . . 7' me dew“: gave herselfmto me custody of an emcer 0‘ Five copIes furl? uionllis . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 and It must appear “Idem m we” COIISIJEIIMO glib , I I III . r, - an . ogrum. o ollt. c c I. togtther with rlyru(l con. . Ten copies for 6 months . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . - . .- . LIlL lle slim” ~lle Views and notices of tlio princrpal olitects of in- l 5 3 r the Fourteenth Precinct, and was taken to T - . q I person that the principal cause quutlm-e to obtain ‘ < H . , ,,~ p -. R 1 - b M ,1“, B , . . . . ' The (I. t- - b v -' s u) R; 1' [-1 0 I h- i h .0" comes ior I.” months ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘15 Irelief in these cases throughout the country. is the “KMESS "1" "IE “TURF HU’M‘V“ 0" “_”" "9“ ‘P “'5' 01m“ 4's “‘3' ‘ i“ ” - ar‘re' And dcspatched to Subscribers bythoesrliestmuils. , IS .ince etiveen New york and by. e L: .i ion ouse. n ier way l. II I8!‘ 5 e 'I wenty copies for 152 months . . . . . . . . .28 Haul,“ improper treatment and ,1 wamohprB Call, Consult lirm. and Judge for yourself. how Iona. l rsa. Leghorn. Rome. Naples. Horculane- or other Lonvevance when so desired A ‘ e . . ' ' ' ' ' a a “Paul, via Prairie du Chien, is now accom- plished inside of three days. 'A‘i’i annual bnisness of not far from $500,- 000 is carried on in the vicinity of Vthsted, I .Ct_.,in the tanning of sheepskins. t In Seneca County. Ohio, 'a few days ' since, one Harace Fleming was sentenced to the Penitentiary for burglary {whereupon = ' his wife plead guilty of unattetnpt at. arson, ‘ and receired a like sentence. She did this informed “the officer that she was one of the girls calling themselves “ The Chain Gang.” She stated that the object of the gang was to throw vitriol on obnoxious persons, occas- ionally stab persons by way of amusement, and commit other outrages. She told the officer that a short time since she killed a child of lier‘s by stuffing cotton into its nos trils. “ The Chaiti Gang” Iield nightly meetings, and were consulted by various per- sons who desired them to act for tlietn. She said that she lived in Cow Bay, Five Points, where the gang met. An officer was (lis- patched to hunt , the place, and ascertain if For all Clubs of Twenty and over. the yearly subscription is only $51 <10. The new volume will be printed upon fine paper wi li new type. The general character of the Scirntific American is well known. heretofore“ rvillbe chiefly devoted to the promulgation of information relating to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture. Patents. Inventions. Engineering. Mill Work. and all ititorcsts which the light of Practical Science is calculated to ad- vance. It is issued weekly. iri form for binding; it contains annually from 500 to 6110 finely executed Engraviiigs. and Notices of American and Euro~ pear. Improvements. together with an Ofl‘icial List of Anieiican Patent (‘laims published weekly in advance of all other papers. MINCE, SKILL. and coiirs'tuutv on the part oflliose professing or attempting to cure such diseases. This Work will also be forwarded to individuals frwnf charge) sending their addess. POST-PAID, to the Author at Toronto. Torton‘io, June 8th, 1857. gIP-ly Canada Type Foundry. REMOVED To Sr. Tut-.ltl-LEI'. ST., IN Dimnnar’s BUILDINGS, lllON‘l'REAL. r JHE Proprielors of this Establishment beg to inform the Prin ers of Canada. llrttl they have now iiiaiiuftrcturod and ready for delivery. a large carnage”. He sat down on a‘curb-stone that a woman under sentence of death in prison in the province of Jutland (where it is certain there has been no eXecution for 300 years), was to be executed the next morning, not only plunged the whole neigh- bouring country into commotion, but attract- ed crowds from a great distance. The corrâ€" demned was a young woman named Gertrude. daughter of John, a peasant (in Denmark peosau's have no family names), and her crime was murderingr her husband (who was a soldier), by discharging a loaded pistol at him. “hen the moment came to set out for the scaffold, she refused to be conveyed in a cart, but. taking the executioner by the drew hisgold frotn bankafter bank, being iiIfIt'aid___tp"leavejit in, the institutions or keep and soliloquised thus :’ “ I put mine tnonish inn ypn bank, veu he prake ;I-pnt him in. de oder bank, veu he prake too ;_ I draw him “out; Icon no keep him at borne; I put him into dis‘banlt now dis one prake; rat ,tle ‘tuyvil so...“ I do? I take him home and sew up in mine vrow’s petticoat, and if she ,IIprake_s,I prake her tread!” , - r . ' . . . E' l' t 'of many ortions of the scri itures, An exchange says that a man “,ho In \tvallsedl I‘il‘ Izatfilngl ltIJ‘llIIU‘P this Ofiice. by the dozen or hundred. pR [ C E S I__ more ‘8‘”, than any Omar JIIurImlI SJJiSIrIiIathIIg _ P l . . - - I ’e S 9P5, 51“ 5 00 "ear ‘5 5‘ 3 0C 3 ls ' " Gazette” Office. Aug. 27. 1857. N i9] . . . . . 25 6d el- lb. . _" You]? Syflemlat'cauy and “dimly. setI abm‘t en rig with great calmness to the reading of -â€"â€"â€"r i A -- liliiiiifii- - - - â€" - 25 3d p “ T0 Adl/‘é’rl‘lsel‘s- Scary Bible Biography 0,. the Lives . cheating a printer, would commit brghwayr the text of her condemnationâ€"a very prolix RUMOH R’S PATE NT ltr-ev‘rer-I - - - - - ‘25 ]d u The mm of adeINIIg are Ihe same as {III mu, “(1ng ,y-mf’,l,;,l palm,an .,_ I r°bbery 0“ a crying bully and "lb it or its documem' She ihcn tOOk off her (all and ROLLING SCREEN FANNING MILL- Ihdiihgl’ti'iiiier: : : : lg: n Journals of the smallest crrculation. All advcrâ€" 1t'oIpIImlItI'n t/tIf :ZCCFtILIIfIIllgIlligIgj’jlfilIacalfiang -. - . . - ' a '. ,-.’I'_-' ' oiis'r _ " â€" . gmgerbrend__.rob a church of “s counteh! shawl, threw them at Ilel‘ feet, and bandaged I I Small Pica. _ _ _ _ ls 7d .. IITQI'HIBIIHS receive a gratuitous insertion in the II" I I IelaInIII" IIIIIII‘I dISI‘eIIIIIlIIIIIsPUII [he Fvi- [- r . _ _ her eyes wnh her neckerchlef; She men knelt HE undersrgned liavnig purchased R. Losson’s p . _ _ _ _ _ ls Gd .. [rt-VI eekly edition. which renders the advertising “‘5' C°-'I , f B I .I , ~ I ,I II ’I ' _ felt penniesâ€"lick the bottom ofa blind niJ- d 5 d y d 1 l d h I k . Patent Mill. is now prepared to manurauure ma . _ , circulation equal. if not superior. to that of any dr'me“ 9' ‘1‘““0 ““fllm‘o'l- l”?'” l "“l’-“°“ 3 1W." Lo 1 list “ fritter” I- D! own, n P ace ler lea] or“! e b 0c ‘. a any ‘luanlitv of them. at his factory. Markh'ini It? A" Other Bock Poms!" propomon‘ 01h” ll‘3l"'~‘P3l’er Whals‘mver- m we 1" 'le' ‘V'lh nunm'ousmusumwns‘ 5”" get 3 I pann ns grandmother 5 moment after the axe fell. The extraordm- “page, mg 3.... Person inmnging 0‘" ,he above Lawsâ€"6 to Prep and Igtcker. is per 1b.: 7 to Mona“ [Imam if registeredI WI” be considered pages no avo. w specks for a drink of i\'liisl(eyâ€"â€"stenl accrns ary calm ol the woman astonished the specta- Patent originally invented by Richard Losson, will P‘ca’ 153d; 8‘0 I‘m“ 1:6 6L RVI\ & C at the rlsk of the Publishers Subscriptions may San-e "Wonders of [hp worldâ€"Second ' ‘ . . . t) ' ~ . ' I .I g "I . V, I It . I I I, I . , I. I 1 . .erm a blind PIgâ€"and takeclotbes from n i tors’ “ho were upwards “"0900 m numbe' ' be prosecmed ucordmg to h“ T 103 St. Therese Srieot be eommencc‘l m an} Pencd or [he "eur' Sam‘sâ€"m T“ l"‘“S~â€"l’“” l'w°“d°'5 “f N“' "‘ scarecrow, that he may make a respectablel . . Snoortxc AT a RAILWAY .â€" appearance in society. * CAR On “'ednesday evening last, as the train from D. C. & W. YALE, MPORTI‘IRS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufacturers of Monuments, Ceiiotaplis. Tomb and Grove Stones. Ornamental enclosures for Grove plots. &c. Orders through our Agents will receive prompt attention. I). CARLOS YALE. VVM. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond Hill. Toronto. July 10. 1857 g5 tf. BLANK FORMS. LARGE SUPPLY of Magistrates’ Blanks. according to the latest forms, for sale at M. H. RUMOH R. August6. 1857. gill-6m. at least 30 per cent. less than they could be purâ€" chased previous to its establishment. It is therefore Iioped that the Printers of Cairo. (Ia will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bestowing upon it a fair shore of their patronage. iii return for which the proprietors pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers ! mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry was opened : and hour in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade \\'I‘ll type of such quantities and at such prices as will pro- venl the necessity of patronising foreign manu- faclurers. The followinglist of a few ofthe principal arti- cles required by printers. will give an idea of the great advantages of the Canada Typo Foundry"â€" Moiitreal. May 18L“. 1857. g3 N.B.â€"-Publisliers of newspapers giving insertion truly be can tell you. Further particulars sent GRATIS to any Namo or Address. All Letters. Comrrrunications. and Interviews. strictly Private and Conlidential. In order to claim attention. the Postage of all Letters innst ho pro-paid. and have Postage Stamps enclosed for the answer. Address. \V. RAPHAEL. Hex 568 Post Oflicc. Hours of Consultation. from 910 11. a m.. and from 210 t‘. p.m.. at the Corner of Nelson and Durclies Street, Toronto. Toronto. June, 1857. 1â€"tf. The Daily Colonist, BRITISH COLONIST, Clubs of five 1 5 0 Payable at least 3 months in advance. The daily Colonist is delivered in Toronto. at 75d. per week. and the British Colonist at Gd. per fortnightâ€"payable lo the NeWs-cariiers. Tho Colonist Establishment having been reâ€" built. and the whole business placed upon a basis of the most complete and substantial kind. the l’roprietOIs feel every confidence iti asking for the the continued and increased support of all who desire to support an Independent Conservative Journal. Tire arrangcments for the supply of lale News are such as cannot be surpassed in Canada. The dailv Colonist is a large double sheet of 48 col- onies. and is the Largest duily Journal published on the American Continent. It will. tlierelore. be- euablz d to give better Parliamentary Reports and All post-masters acting as Agenls. will be al- lowed a commission on cash remittances. THOMPSON & C0,. uni. Pomperi. Pwsttiypd’alnrino, Malta. Venice. Milan Geneva. Furnos. Brussels Tyrol. Aritâ€" werp. Rotterdam. Amsterdam. Waterloo. &c.. tire. Carefully compiled from the best and latest sources. Numerous Engravings, 550 pp b‘vo. S'cars’ Picr‘m-ml Dcsariptton of Great Brihnn untl Irelandâ€"together with notices ofthe principal plat-es. natural curiosities. &c.. in the Kingdom and the British Islands. With several hundred handsome Engravings‘. illustrative 01 Stones of picturesque beauty. churches cos- tumes, the. in those celebrated countries. 551) | pages octavo. Scars” Pictorial Family flitnualâ€"com- prising williin itself a complete librart of useful Scat-3’ W'ew Pictorial Family Instructor Digest of General Knowledgeâ€"corn prising a complete circle of useful and entertuniiig infor- mation ; designed for families. Scliools.and libra- ries. 900 pages octave. Price two dollars and ahalt'. Ul‘ Scars" Pictorial History of the Revalu- titmâ€"a book for every family iii the union I It contains an account of the early history of the country. the constitution ofthe U. States a clim- iiological lndox. Sic. Several hundred Engrav- rugs. Sem's’ Pictorial Sunday-Bookâ€"dcsrgn- ed for the use of families. bible-classes. and Sunday-school teachers: principallyil‘ustralive of the manners and customs of eastern rintions.and ttire. containing a description of the races of men manners and customs of various nations. boasts. birds. plants. 51c. Part II. \‘Vonders of Art: or The Years Rintsos’ Gus-r1: will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Marketa. mil" greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"One Dollar and a half per annuiii. ll ADVANCE. If not paid within three months. two dollars ; and if not paid within twelve months two dollars and a half will be charged. ‘I. .l Rates of A dvcrtisiii “'_ _, Sixlines and under. firstinscrtion....£0 2|. Gd. ‘ r . . ‘ U Specimen copies will be sent ratis to any ' . - r . r > ; . . . ’ ‘71"- Ir'prng/q and L‘Hlt‘l'lallllng lilIOWICdL'e- “illll "Vt" “"0 Each suhse uent insertioii.... ..... 0 7 d. for [he sole Purpose oraccompanymg her “acre was any “U”! m the summon" 0f Hie Part Of lll° COllllll'V- g quamli" 9‘ PM“: heal "Long .1 Timel‘ Ifml'rgemlt v1 'l‘ 7' litiirdrcd Enoravinfls. strictly iIIUslt'ative. TBPI‘C- - q . . . id . . . o. - , ‘ and Ilrevret. ot . colcli taco. which 116) “III gua- 4 l , 7. I] . ,l- I . b . II I- I Ten lines and ulider.firs. insertion“ 3a. 4 . ? h i) d l I I "‘1' MUNV 6.; CO V x 7" ell-5 0 w “r 'v- sentrnu actual Sceneii costumes monuments. us an In 0 "S p ace of confinement. P ‘ t " ranree cannot be surpassed by any 1‘ onndrv upon ~ " . - ' ' . . ' ' Such devotion i. . [h ‘- b Publishers and Patent Agemsv N°~ 125 Fulton this continent for durability arid appearance; They lVCC/JU- ‘S‘c' 308 lm' svo' Dash hubsequenm‘semonu ' ' u” . o I" II II I I ~ s nor y 0 a etler cause EXECUHOIN 0F FEMALE m DEN- street. New York. gid have also on hand a Choiée “mum...” of var-mug. -___, Spars, Information for the PIInphIâ€" Above ten litres. first In.. per line" 0 id. w made better man. manicâ€"Capital punishments are extretirely “ kinds of TERMS. @thng Wilhin We” a complete “I”... of he“ subsequent Insertion. per lme 0 H M P . . rare. in Denmark, and when, consequently, n ornafl‘cntal Type' Daily Colonist £1 10 0 per annum. useful and entertaining knowledge. This work II? A, d. . 1" hwmx tens a Story Of a one takes place, it occasions an immense scil- no 138 voroic STREET. NEAR QUEEN STREET The prices at which these and other types are Blllb‘h Colo'll‘l 0 ‘2 6 ” compll‘as “‘9 fi'le“ Sell“ 0‘ Embwglmwms _ ‘lvemsémems Without “mile? "Whoa. gurgling", incahfomia, who, durmgIa Panic, satiom The announcelnpnt, six days ago, sold a, the Canada Type Foundry. win [,6 found Weekly Colomst 0 7 6 “ ever otl‘orcd to the public. 600 pages octavo. inserted till forbid. and charged accordingly. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion. . A liberal discount will be made to parliamentar- lising by the year. I All advertisements published for a less period than one month. must be paid for iii advance. Alllettcrs addressed to the Publisher must. be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arroaragu are paid : and parties refusing papers without paying up. Will be held accountable for the lublcription. Merchants and other who advertise liberally in the GAZETTE will have their Cards insertedi x the Business Directory. , _ . , _ _ Dal'lintr & ' ' 3 t this advertisment for 2 months. will be allowed . descriptions of inventions. cities. ruitis, curiosi- i “ w D t ,, h I‘oronto I0l‘ Guelph arrived in the vrcrnity of a AltCIIISOD S tlieir bills upon purchasing five times their PI . S E T Puthhlers' tics. tic. Willi 400 illustrations 540.“) 8vo. B0 8 r 0c or. 53' a c .3}? sufl'er- Backwood‘ some Person fired afifle ball into COMBI) ED amount of our liraiiufacture. Editors will confer 02' ng "901 3‘“ "onlo' g' ‘ I . _ ing with the toothache, “ but? much do you I one of the cars. The ball passed throuyh l R a favor by directing attention to SlieGaniiognce- " 7 h , Illle Htstory QfI Palestineâ€"from the E S T A B L I S H ME N T . ,. . , I . . _ . . ‘ B / ' . C '- L T. . . «S: o. ' Patriarchal age to tie present time. By Joan _::n::â€"â€"- in tor the Job! Guy! but you drd it qu tIie.caItiwriiI:IIo.\st..ii;I at one side and out. at p87 '31:" ~_ W 7 Kmo. editor of the London Pictorial Bible. etc. RDERS far m, of we “Momenfimwd 5... though pi it My termspa. replipd the den tie otier sr e o t. e car. Several parties . - . . y 0 - r [2 Am a FANG-Y JOB WORK .I~- - - . . LR MACHINE is substantially built l s ' ~ _ ‘ t ' ‘ . cnpuon or L a" . . “Ist’ are one dollar.” “A dollar for halfa had most narrow and prorrtlenttal escapes ~ ° I I Vzcw of New York this engiavmg is w,“ be WNW”). amended 10,- from death. One genlltman who had been Work! one d°llarâ€"â€"t1:under! readinga newspaper close to the window at Why a doctor down t’our place Idmwed a which the ball entered, had. at the moment minute's Wrought Iron. entirely free from side draught. can be elevated to any height. from a Mower to a Reaper by a screw iii front. and cuts without clogging. in Grass. Wheat. Uats or Barley. withâ€" HE Members of the Victoria Square Sax-Horn Band [under the tuition of R. \Viseman.]‘I printed on a mammoth sheet. 47 by 19 incliss and ought to be very saleable. Price 50 cents. Dick’s Complete Wotlcsâ€"cleven vols- BOOKS, FAKCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS. CIRCULARS. Lon FORMS. IILI. HEADS. BANK CHECKS, URAHI, AID . - . tch ntro ofk'fe " . d ~ ‘ v -- . ., . , . MPHLLTS- tooth for me, two Fem-s ago, and it wok it passed. leaned backward on ["5 seat. A a: II‘etiIoiseSI in or gearing an works ears} beg to rIrirtarin 1:? lI:IrIrabiIIIIcIIstIlIiat they have recentl) in two. 1000 pp. 8vo. Price four dollars and a A dretmn, other kind of lady on the other side of the car had an equally “mm” some l’a'" " ' Inmtwo hours. He dra d gge me 3“ around narrow escape. “'e understand that two the room, and lost: his grip hall ardozen gentlemen from Guelph, Mr. Harcourt and times. 1 never seed-sucbflhardworkemd Mr. Draper, sat very near the line which he "only charged me twenty-five “mm A the ball took, indeed so near, that had their dollar for a minitas work! pesitions been but slightly different, at the you must be instant, one or both oftlreui might have been The price for a Mower. $120.00; completed as a Reaper. $140.00. An extra knife will be $5.00 extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of the best material. GEORGE DARLING ROBT. AlTClâ€"IISON . THE'TGRE’Aâ€"Tâ€"THUglzâ€"ISH REMEDY FOR BALDNESS, Popular Music of the Day! Composed by Grafulia. Dodsworlh and Friederich and that they are now prepared to attend to all calls from any part of the Country. II}> All Orders left at the Post Office. Victoria Square. or at R. \V'iseman’s. Masonic Hall. Sears’ .New Family Receipt-Bookâ€" conlaining the most valuable .ceipls for the va- riou; branches ofCookery. (reserving. doc. Bets. eac . y I]? Orders for any of the above LETTER- PRESS PRINTING I done in the best style. at moderate; on. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is . irely new t' tl latest atterns. _, A large variety of new Pjiiiiid’v 'Ilia'po atidPBordere. for Cards. (,irculm. &c.. kept always op hand. I I , And {9; invigorating and Beauntying the Hair . . . Works received at this 0m - NW' ‘okm p! . . __ , Thomhtll. Yonge SIItIt-set, 1 Richmond Hill. Will be attended to. ‘ Ce- . ' N “1.5.” fatally '“Jured- Gtwlrh Chmwlc- June 24th. 1851. Q3. Sold by R. H. Hall. \‘iclorianuare. Juno]01h,]857. grr Jute 12th. 1857. g1 W' R’ ROBERISO ’ PM A -_â€"_____â€"-â€"-

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