8â€"6 â€" ’I‘lll'l LIBERAL, Wednesday. January 3, I979 - Earn extra money - Win prizes - Full training An opening exists within our company for a qualified typist to be trained in production type setting. The successful applicant will have a minimum of 55 wpm and be prepared to work shift work. Excellent wages and benefits. For a personal interview call Experienced in colour T.V. Good starting salary, company benefits, no layâ€"offs. good hours, good working conditions, fulltime employment. Apply to: Mr. Leon Albuoy, Manager We offer a good starting salary. full range of benefits, excellent working conditions Experience preferable but not required. Wanted by local Chartered Bank. Experienced Preferred. We are looking for the followmg Immediate personnel: OGood typing/Accounts Payable Richmond Hull. Own Iransportanon. OFantastIc Iyplst. Good personalnty, Ideal tuture WIm young company. Concord. 0Semo: Bookkeeper/Accountant, Must have computer EXDCHEHCE, tx cellent lutute. Keelechh. We culrently tequue excellent typ of othet posntlons. Looking for people with leadership ability TO: Recruit, train and motivate in spare time Call 895-9398 CALLING ALL KIDS! AGES 10 TO 16 CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 884-6782 Eht ifihtral Libéral Classiï¬eds 884-1105 - 1106 RELIABLE MATURE PERSONS SCOTIA BANK Thornhill Branch A TELLER AND CLERK TYPIST T.V. TECHNICIAN Required for babysitting and homemakers service. References, required 889-4961 Posmon is open to both quallhed males and {males Call 884-8126 GRANADA T.V. RENTAL REQUIRES A LEDGER KEEPER OR TELLER CONTACT MRS. THOMPSON 101338 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill OFFICE ASSISTANCE LTD. 10084 YONGE ST‘, RICHMOND HILL URGENT for interview Please call 727-6377 884-4433 884-9121 between 9 and 5 884-0981 TYPISTS requires "EUR Call for an appointment and rkkeepers fol a vaner 884-6970 fcM ment Apply at premises COMPANY leQHIIES part or full time persons wuth car. Fm day at evening wotk‘ Could lead to management Can earn $5.00 or more per hour 8956532 01-Zc For full time employ- Sales & Service Rep. Required by Prugential of America. Excellent tralnlng program Full company beneï¬ts. Paid pensron plan. Salary negotiable. For loungepermanent position. be area resident with own portation Call Mr, Latlmfl way Hotel JOB DESCRIPTION ASSIst the Watet Works Foreman in any tasks related to the consnuction. opelatlon and maintenance of the East Gwillimbury wate: and sewer systems. JOB DUTIES 1. Install and read meters. Thrs may entail working Saturdays or evenings until any backlog of water meter Installations IS clearedl 2. General duties such as installa- tuon and maintenance ol hydrants or valves. service connections, water- marns, manholes, pumping stations. lorcemains. sewer marns sewer servrce laterals. water sampling, etc, 3. May be required to deal with Public regarding any semoe complaint; 4. Ideally, should be capable of/or will be trained to operate rubber tired backhoe and/or other equipment as requrred. 5. erI be required to go "on call" at a maxrmum of one week In tour. 3. Must have a munumum ol 2 years related experience. 4. Job requnres physical examination. Recebtlon. phones and collections Experienced only. Mature. EXPERIENCED driver, must be non» smoke! (Chemicals) Capable of handling heavy drums‘ Call 884- 4414, - 1, Grade 11 at equivalent 2. Must have own car and valld licence. SALARY Up to 313.500 per annum depending upon qualifications HAND WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION WILL BE RECEIVED UNT|L_ll:3O AM. ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 9TH. 1979. TERRY A DUNN. P. ENG†TOWN ENGINEER, 18066 SUTTON RD.. SHARON. ONTARIO LOG NO 52 Zc WATER WORKS OPERATOR 6. Other dunes as asmgned from nmetotime‘ mm from your own home phoning for maior Ioronto department stares. Full or parttlme. Good commission. Good staff earn from $3.60 to $8.10 per hOUL THE TOWN OF EAST GWILLIMBURY requires a Alcan in Aurora require a capable person for customer shape drafting. Excellent opportunity to learn computer desrgning and engineering Arehjtectural diallinggrperienc‘e anissel.†TORONTO WAlTRESS/WAITER CLERK/TYPIST ALUMINUM EXTRUSION DRAFTSPERSON HOMEMAKERS 5"" Help Wanted CASHIER FULL .TIME PART TIME COUNTER HELP Maple |.G.A. 884-8456 For Mr. Donut Apply In person: Levendale Pastry Shop 22 Levendale Road Richmond Hill 88315421 YOUNGE PERSON 15-16 YRS. OLD Maple, Ont. 884â€"9494 493-0549 492-9380 BAKERY WORK 884-7501 9 HM 884-8586 after 5 QUAUFICATIONS 881-2121 FOR INTERVIEW APPOINIM‘ENI CALL MR. R. MASON For part-time COCKTAIL 924-8751 w27 Alcan Extrusions Must trans- Palk- For Sales pawllion of luxury homes in Richmond Hill. Requirements: pleasing personality and telephone vaice and enjoy meeting people, Good ~typing. Knowledge of real estate help lull Approximate hours 12 - 4 pm. (3 days) plus 1 - 5 pm. Saturday and Sunday. Need own transportation. Please send resume to Seeks ambitious people who an congenial. bright, well groomed and who have a desne to earn an Executive Income. Licensed or Un- licensed. To determine whether you qualify call MR. R. SCHICKEDANZ at 884-0111 to run small wholesale - letall business from home 15 hours pa: week Unlumlted Income. Ap- pointments and «esume to Box 108, Sharon, Ontano. LOG IVO We need well mannered people Nil pieasant telephone vulces to sell brand name ptoducts by ‘elephone Mus‘ be able to WM 9 am. to 4:30 pm. Apply' Sales person required [at Aurora Bakery for testaurant walk part time. Ines. and "ms mornings. Tranportatlon prowded 727-1561 DIVE LEES HEMING AND IIR CONDITIONING LID Requires LICQI'ISEd and EXDEIIEHCQG sheet metal and gas Imers 727-6633 Mann: Responsible person needed f0! part time counter help In Thmnhill anaa. Mlmmum 5 years experience. Must have UA69. 889-7958 SOUS CHEF $12.000ayear FULL TIME ON ‘ PART TIME Between $3 75 and $4.25 per hum depending on CXDEHBHCE 3 0r 4 years experience tequlred. , PROGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE FIRM RECEPTIONIST PART TIME 10620 YONGE ST SU|TE 209 Superb Cleaning Products 10395 Yonge St. Richmond HI“ For' Steelesâ€"Yonge location BOX 67, THE LIBERAL HQQR Vnnan Qt Rnrhmnnd NJ] TELEPHONE SOLICITORS $150. to $300. WEEKLY. 881-3771 Experienced in Required weekends only Mokel RECRUII, TRRIN, MOTIVATE 416â€"936-3149 MANAGER PART-TIME Call MDY LYNN SHIRE TOTTENHAM MR. B. WALTON at 898-1234 AMBITIOUS COUPLE NEEDED 2 PERSONS $EA F000 889-7337 CLEANING HELP AURORA COOK ALCAN 727-8492 Part Time WELDER 895-8743 889-0391 727-9411 COOK 727â€"4238 CSWN CSwZS 0R OPERATOR FOR A GROWING COMPANY IN BRADFORD. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 'Weekend heIp for horse parn. Must be capable. 888-1701 needed tor growing company In Bradford. Powet steering, power brakes Ex cellent condltxon. 883-4066 Extruder Laminator Operator Helper Four door,.2 snows. automatic trans‘ mission. Will certify, $1,699 Call‘ Mel/Jenn WANTEDFOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 V8 auto. p.s.. p.b.. p‘w†an cond Asns. bestoller. Call: RICHMOND HILL HYDRO HAS FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PIECE OF EQUIPMENT ON AN AS IS AND WHERE IS BASIS â€" FLEXOGRAPHIC PRINTER TRAINEE DT. 125 With mono shocks. excellent cond.‘ not ndden on trails, asking $750 6 cylinder, 52,000 onglnal mi|es‘ Passed Ontano Safety test Aug. 78‘ Asking 3725 773-4430 “0 Motorcycles fut Sale 773-4780 1971 JIMMY foul by (out 350 4 barrel, 4 speed, Lots of extras. Must sell. Certihed‘ $2,750.00 or best ofler. 727-5345. 6 cyl.. captain seats. shag carpeting 1970 Chev‘ l/2-ton VA8 automatic. lnsula‘ed cap‘ Fresh paint. New tires. Good condItion. Senous enquiries only iréet‘ sriows. 1 set mégs. Best offer, Pete. 889â€"6662 1977 GMC VAN 883-1847 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Contact Mr. D. Graves 884-4466 Mon - Fri. 8:30 AM. to 4 PM. Offers will be received up to 12 Noon, Dec. 27th, 1978 1974 FIAT 124 2ԠSnowmobiles 1975 MALIBU YAMAHA SNOW MOBILES BETWEEN 9 A M - 5 PM ONE 1966 CHEV % TON STAKE TRUCK Cars & Trucks 1977 YAMAHA 340 $495. 773-4118 SALES & SERVICE 1972 TNT 895-5126 775-7901 881-3810 775-7901 881-3810 67 FORD 1973 DODGE PICK-UP 727-5682 AURORA 727-3661 CLASSIC FALCON VAN after 6 pm 884-2675 TFF. ?“ 1": baths. underground parking Partially fumlshed. Utilities included Great View, Thornhlll on Yonge, Bus stop out hont. Available immediately S425 month. ONE bedroom apanment. new anate entrance. $200 monthly Everythmg Included. 884-0920 TWO bedroom "at, Hillcrest area. parking, private entrance. Includes utilmes. 881 even Ings MODERN 7 room bungalow. Please call after 5 pm. 883-1864. c2w25 Two bedroom condommium apam'nent TWO bedroom apartment available Februaty lst. Adults only, 25 and over. Utilutes included‘ 884-1472 (9 am. - 6 pm. only) Required Mondav to Fndav. 3 to 6 Boys 9 & 11. BBWIEW-Ueeles yea. 0n bus route 350. weekly. And shaving unsightly hair. Try electrolySIs. Safe 8. permanent. ComphmerLtary consultation. AUDREY GRAHAM C. E. 883-1803 884-3269 2 bedroom apartment. Available Dec: and Jan‘ Hydvo, heat, water included. Fndge. stove. Pregnancy Testing, Counselling. Free & Condifential. Wednesday 7-9 pm. & Thursdays 4-6 pm, 10350 Yonge Sheet at Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill (Lower Level). 884-1133 DO you have a thinking problem? H so AA can he|p. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill or call 487-5591. Ircu 2 BEDROOMS. 1'» baths. kitchen. lmng and dining loom. Heat In- cluded. pay for own hydro. Pafklng Preiel busmess lady. $250 month 773 4785 ahel 8 pm; NEWLY retired senior citizen wanted to Me in and care for children. Quiet country setting. Own room pIus full run of the house“ Weekends tree, Room and board In exchange for babysmlng, Senous Inqurrres only. Write to. Mrs. Wood. 323 Waiters Dnve, Késwlck. Ontano. c4w25 CLEANING lady requured one day per week. Reference: John St-Uon Mi|ls Road. 825. 889-9053 after 6 pm. Do someming new â€" Call Rendezvous Dating Ltd. Local 6574661. A|I areas of the face and body BIRTH CONTROL Mem. of Electrolysis Association of Ont. & American Electlolysis Assnriation m“ Monday - Thursday 5:30 pm. - 10:30 pm. PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL THREE BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM HOUSEKEEPER “55 Cats Er Trucks TIRED OF PLUCKING? Adult Building 5““ Domestic Help Wanted JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 881-3421 ' 112 LEARN TO DANCE CONTACT DISCO No appointment necessary LONGBOATKEY FLORIDA Evgs‘ 52“ Personals 881â€"7564 881-3197 884-2475 $5 for 2 hours Apartments To Rent 889-5912 Call Robett 881-7132 IFCSI Mall $285 1517 CSWZ] TFCZ3 E9 TFN IFCIO 1mm YOUNG mothet mll babysut m her home. Reasonable. Jetterson Sldemad area. 883-3779. DAYCARE semces available lor WOIKIHE mothers. Monday to Fnday only m Ruchmond HIII. 884-9538. TRAINING Keep your job 8. learn m spare tume » you could be on the an In 5 months! News, Sports, D L Talk Shows Proglam Host. _TV Commercials with placement serwce. FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYIIME - 921-2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING Will provide daycare in house with yard. one block ham Yonge St. neat McConaghy School, Wanted to care for 2 pveschool children In our home, all school holidays off. CentIaI Thornhill location. DEAD OI cnppled farm animals, picked up promptly. 705-439-2421. Call anytime, Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No‘ 324066 Free Pick-up, AAAA Looking for work. Reasonable rates‘ Kitchens, bathrooms, rec room flou- Ing, alteranonso 2944961 or 8891015 TYPING done In my home. IBM Seiectnc typewrner. Also black and whne. colour copying machine, 884- 6872, two SECRETARIAL SERVICES ' Including typing. ‘mvoicmg, photocopying. Pickrup and deIiveL 884-9859. ~1ch 7‘“ Daycare Wanted LEARN to fly. Introductory flight 55‘ Toronto Airways Ltd. Buttonville Airport 297-1422, Fox MAY ROYES Pland teacher -' British diplomas â€" LRAM. (Royal Academy of MUSIC) â€"A.R‘C.M. (Royal College of Musxc) -Gold Medalist (HONOUIS) RADIO - TV AN NOU NCER â€" performer (London Academy of Musrc) rs acceptrng puprls rn the chhmond Hrll-Thornhrll area for enrolment. Preparatrons for Royal Conservatory examrnatlons if dewed. 883-4244 afler January 5. Buildings for demolition houses barns. garages. sheds, etc WILL pay cash for 010 Canadian documents; lettets; wills; dlaries. Please provide description to Post Office Box 68. Statuon 'A‘, Rexdale. Ont MSW 5K9. [155! In basu: Math rewew. or ngh School and Community Co|lege students Wm Gtasmere. Box 212, Thomhlll. 881â€"2296 W, At Woodbndge Alena No. 7 Hwy‘ 5 lslmgton Avenue Sunday, January 7. 14 a 28 Open 10 am. m59m MATURE WOMAN Cash price for your household contents or individual items 311 55" Cateer Training 310 “8 Miscellaneous ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE DAYS 2254177 EVGS. 727-2544 or 224-0271 WE CARE TUIORIAL SERVICE 7'“ Farm DON'I WAII UNIIL IT'S TOO LATE qualified academic Instruchon CARPENTER 5‘5 Employment Wanted ADMISSION 50‘ TRAINED DAYCARE WANTED 7†Daycare TEACHER ' TUTORING Articles wanted FOR FAST SERVICE Antiques 8 Art WITH ONE INFANT 889-3282 884-1712 495-1942 708 "’9 Musical Instruction 245-1831 883-5853 ENQUIRIES Tutoring Service CJVIVZC 04W 24' "€22 WC?" "C2 TFC32 Take notice that’an application will be made belore the presiding Judge of the County Court of the JudrCiaI District of York. Courthouse Ioronto at 10:00 am. on the 19th day of January, 1979. by Lorne Robert Chamberlain resrding at 9940 Bayvrew Avenue. Apt. 201, Richmond HI". Ontario, to change his name to Lorne Robert Blakelock and the name of his wrte Louise Florence Chamber- lain (nee Gauvrn) to Louise Florence Blakelock. DATED AT RICHMOND HILL, THIS 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER. 1973 MESSRS. STONG 8. BLACKBURN. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS. 10350 YONGE STREET. SUITE 206. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO LAC 388 SOLICITORS FOR THE APPLICANT All claims against the Estate of Edward David Cottel (also known as Edward David Cottell and Davrd Edward Cattle), late of the Town oi Richmond Hill, in the Regional Mun< icrpalrty at York, who dred on or about the 9th day of May. 1978. must be tiled wrth the undersrgned personal representative on or before February 7th, 1979; thereafter, the undersigned wrll drstnbute the assets of the said estate havrng regard onIy to the claims then tried. DATES THiS 27th DAY OF DECEMBER. 1978. LORNE HAROLD COTTEL and KENNETH LLOYD COTTEL. ADMINISTRATORS. BY THEIR SOLICITORS. McPHERSON AND BINNINGTON 34 YONGE ST. SOUTH AURORA, ONTARIO L46 3H4 All persons having claims against the Estate of Elsie Johnson, late of the Town of Richmond Hill. In the Regional Municipality at York. who died on or about the 29th day of August, 1978, are hereby notified to send particulars ol same to the undersrgned on or before the 14th day of January, 1979, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. DATED AT RICHMOND HILL, THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1978. DOREEN MARKS, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ELSIE JOHNSON. BY HER SULl'CITOR', ROBERTHO BLACKBURN. MESSRS. STONG. BLACKBURN & MACHON, SUITE 206. 10350 YONGE 'STREET, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L40 338. At Just-A-Farm wlth a bonfire No group too big or too small. Call for arrangements‘ 473-2732 new "L900 Uni-TERM ST JANUARV 7th, Sunday. 106 pm Antique Show and Sale. 106 Centre St. East, (0†Yonge). Richmond HIIL 20 Dealets. Bargains GaloreH Clear, dry birch. Maple & birch mixed. Soft & Hardwood mixed. Free delivery, free kindling. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ELSIE JOHNSON Bed Chesterfields $168. to $598 305 CHESTERFlELD CLEARANCE 610 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES Your place or ours (416) 888-1175†5‘5 Coming Events FIREWOOD CHANGE OF NAME CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields 691-5867 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES Articles For Sale Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AND 66/4170 Clw 25 CJWZS 3w 25 IFCZR spemal ’n capacny. $175. 1% capacity 3550‘ 749694]. 939-7496 Come and gel youv own 527 percovd 884â€"7774 MAL‘HINtRY for sale. Drill pres; ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings, railings, Siding, 501m system, ttough, Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514, 305 BLOMQUIST, er In hospital, on Sunday, December 31. 1978. Beloved husband of Elizabeth of Oak Ridges. Dear lather of ChllSIlna. Cal and Canta. Loved by bus 8 glandchlldren. Brother 0! Oke Blomqulsl 01 Ihomhlll and brothels and srslers In Finland. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hull Semce on Wednesday, 2 pm. Crematmn 2x4 14 cents lineal loot 2x6 20 cents lineal loot 2x8 28 cents lineal loot 4x4 30 cents lineal foot This IS a good grade of utility and economy spiuce. ' We have a good supply one inch. two inch 6x6, 6x8. 8x8. 10x10 rough hemlock. TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, serwce. rentals. NeWmarket Busmess Machines, 497 Timothy St, Newmarket, 895-7621. TELEVISION. COIOUL 25" console. ExceHent condition $250 offer. 881-0231‘ Tm 'n Swwel, spare tire, new wmng and licence plates $275. Rust temoved from SlnkS. tubs. etc‘ PHONE RAY VINCE Mr. W Ragala would Inke to thank Local 3233 Ruchmond HI", United Brotherhood o! Calpenters & Joiners 0! America for the" lovely gift, the St. Andrews Group of Autora tor the hunt basket and the Cancel Society 01 Lake WIICOX for the" wondelful Chnstmaslgllt Libéral CONLON, Hughie Paased away suddenly on Sunday. December 24, 1978 Hughle Conlon loved one ol Pauline. Cnnslopher and Anthony BraCy-Glbbon. Rested al the Marshall Funeral Home Funetal players wele held on Ftiday al- lernoon. Cremation, "Mizpah" Rawleigh’s Products VTEAKWOOD‘ CENTURY MILL INDUSTRIAL LUMBER LTD TOP QUALITY HARDWOOD CALL PAM BROWN 297-3566 DISCOUNT FIREWOOD TWIN BEDS & DRESSER 660 The names of loved ones, whose friends chose to re member them with a memorial donation, are in- scribed in the Book of Memory in the Hospital Lobby. Fanily AdunMedge ment Cards and official receipts are provided. 10 Trench Street. Richmond Hill, L4G 423. mm FIREWOOD Gp m. to 10 pm 8. weekends “c23 ONE-HORSE CUTTER 884-2549 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. leelei Ave HEAVY DUTY SKIDOO TRAILER Bemre noon or after 7 pm 4 miles west of Stouffwlle Garmley Sideroad Articles for Sale YORK CENTRAL 4, HOSPITAL . ,FOUNDATION MEMORIAL FUND As low as $31.50 face cord delivered Cards of Thanks FURNITURE Dlnmg room suite 884-6738 “55 Deaths 466-3247 883-4771 SALE Call alters ANTIQUE 791-2355 640-2351 881-0000 Like’new STOVE Bumplun Buamalea Doncaslew Sygclgs Ave J ._ Hwy or best 5] 4c CSWZI NC 25 C2W27 "(223 "£36 IfCll VA