RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-18†Phone 889-1812 A-ï¬ â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 3. 1979 For All Occasions Birthday greetings lo Mary Brown. Bealrice Perry. Audrey Boyle. Archie Jenkins. who will celebrate January birthdays. The next evening euchre will be held Monday. January 29 at 7:30 pm. Admission is $1 per person. and everyone is welcome. Anyone requiring more information may call Frank Mount at 773-5900. \l'lll‘II‘IlJlOl'Sl‘I CLUB The members of the Wheelhouse Club will resume afternoon meetings Tuesday. January 9 at 1:30 pm. Anyone wishing to join the meetings is welcome. 1 No.1 Jackpot vouuw N0. 2 Vnuuw Wed.. Jan. 3rd 53 No's No.2 58 No's Early Birds at 7:35 p.m.Reg. Games 8 Specials at 8 pm "YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" lncluded in the list of books are: ‘Parent Effectiveness Training' by Thomas Gordon; ‘Children the (‘hallenge‘by R. Dreikurs: ‘Between Parent and Child‘ and ‘Between Parent and Teenager' by_Dr. Haim G. (iinott; ‘l‘m ().K., You're O‘K.‘ by Eric Berne and two books by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer . . . ‘Your Erroneous Zones‘ and “Pulling Your Own Slrength‘. The Richmond Hill-Thornhill Family Services are sponsoring a For further information or to register, please call 884â€"3865 or 773- 4110. The evening will begin at 7 pm. and entertainment will follow the dinner. Oak Ridges seniors to attend Lions’ dinner The next course will be January 22. 23 and 24. and will be held each of those evenings from 7 to 9 pm. at Sir Walter Scott School. By MILLIE STEWART The Oak Ridges Lions (‘lub will play host to the senior citizens of Oak Ridges at a dinner Tuesday, January 9. This dinner is open to all senior citizens in the community. who would like to attend Richmond Hill Central PARENTS TAKE NOTE During the month of January. the Richmond Hill Library is featuring a display of books on the subject of parent concern. Those attending will be taught the rules of safe snowmobiling and the prgper use of safety equipment. Anyone over the age of 12 is welcome to attend the courses. which. in the next session, will last three nights, (‘ourses are being held to 'teach young drivers the rules of safe snowmobiling and to act as a refresher course for the experienced driver. Perhapé you were lucky enough to receive a snowmobile for Christmas, and now you want to get it out on the (rails. IT'S HAPPENING IN THE HILL The York Region Snowmobile Association has launched a campaign to ensure that everyone operating a snowmobile does so with a knowledge of the safety rules and regulations pertaining to snowmobiles. Wired Anywhere RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO Districts ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED Surrounding We Deliver to Toronto NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMIWED $$TWO JACKPOTS$$ «ackpm $600"" ~o. 2 “500‘)0 OUI‘SGS SGt Legion Hall. Ohio Rd.. off Elgm Mills Road E is the dance sessions. For more information about these. please call the above num- bers. The reduced rates for seniors and adults Freeskating times for Intermediates is included in the rates as is $35 and they skate the same times as the Juniors if they are still working on badges. The Juniors. aged six lo nine, skate Tuesdays from 4:25 to 3:25 and Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30. Their reduced rate is $30. and they may register at lesson limes or by calling the above numbers. The reduced rate for Intermediate skaters The Pre-schoolers aged three to six skate Tuesdays from 4:25 to 5:25. The reduced rate for these children is $20. and they may registere any Tuesday or by calling Ursula Shephard at 887-5627 or Pat LaRivierre at 773- 520]. AT THE {F} If. SUMMIT GOLF COURSE ‘ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 - 4 Weekdays ‘ 1 E 8:30 â€" 4:30 Weekends Full Rentals Available For More Information Call 884-8101 or 884-8621 SKATING (‘LUB Skaters wishing to begin lessons at (his time of the year may do so at a reduced rate. CROSS COUNTRY SKIING (u -\u- "out s n It- f'lcurio Tickets are $25 each and are available by calling the Foundation office at 883-2032 or Gail Skinner at 884-5694. This raffle‘ sponsored by York (‘entral Hospital Foundation is designed to raise money for the hospital and give the winners an exciting prize. The prizes are: two weeks for two at :1 luxury villa near Montego Bay. Jamaica: 3 luxury weekend for two at Deerhurst Inn. Muskoka; and a gourmet dinner for two at Hogan's lnn. King City. All guests are asked to meet in the front lobby of the hospital, where members of the Hospital Auxiliary will be on hand to lead the tours. DREAM FOR TWO There isn‘t much time left to get a ticket on one of the best raffles ever sponsored by York Central Hospital . t Dream For Two. The draw will be made January 31 at the hospital The tour is scheduled for January 20 from 10 am. to noon, and if the weather should make travelling impossible. the tour will be held the following Saturday. January 27‘ Children over, 10 are Welcome if they are accompanied by an adult. This course will be held from February 7 to March 28. For further details. please call Family Services at 884-9148. ‘ OPERATING TOURS The staff at York Central Hospital will be opening up one area of the hospital that is rarely seen by the public for tours‘ later this month. Some of the doors traditionally kept closed will be open wide. and the public will be able to see the scrub area and the operating rooms. parenting course ‘Communication in the Family’. RICHMOND HILL PARKS 8 RECREATION DEPT. Anyone is welcome l0.attend this meeting. and memberships are still available for those CLUBS!!! The Oak Ridges Snowmobile Club 99 will hold a general meeting January 10 at 8 pm. in the Lions Den al Bond Lake Arena. To register or for further information, please call Jean al 773- 4463. The fee for the course is $15 not in- cluding the cost of materials‘ which may be purchased at the store anvtime. The course will run for six weeks, and instruction will be given on all levels from beginner to advanced. including pattern reading. Jean Brooks will begin another session of crochet classes at her Children's Wear store in the Oak Ridges Plaza on January 15. is $40 and they skate at various limes. Mrs. Shephard or Mrs. LaRivierre will have all the necessary information about times and so on. (‘ROCH ET CLASSES who wish to join. YOGA Yoga classes will resume under the leadership of Annette Munro on January 8 at the Lake Wilcox Community Centre. BY GEORGIE BURKHOLDER 881-7269 Did you know that the Thornhill Village Branch of the Markham Public Libraries has a paperback exchange? This means that you can put one and take one. The books exâ€" changed are mainly romances, and other light reading. Many books are exchanged each day‘ which means there is always something new to trade. If you are unable to find what you want on the Put and Take table don‘t forget that the library collection offers many, many titles in romance and other light readingl Other services are Large Print Books magazines for all interests, access through courier ser- vice to the collections in the larger Markham libraries and through interâ€"library loan to collections outside Markham. a large comfortable room which may be used by community people for a nominal fee, and a good selection of picture books and easy readers for young children, as well as stories for older children. Then there is the program of French for pre-schoolers, an introduction to the French language beginning Wednesday January 10 continuing for 10 weeks for a fee of $15. You can register now. FILM NIGHTS The Thornhill Community Centre offers Films on Thursday nights in the auditorium at 7 pm. T h 8 J a n u a r y screenings will con- clude the series on the Olympic Games. Each program is ap- proximately an hour long. . On January 4 it‘s “The Big Ones That Got Away". a sym- pathetic look at the competitors who just missed gold medals and January 11 it's inside thornhill before Christmas. Psi Delta Chi chapter will meet on January 8 when plans for the new year will be put into action. These plans include a midâ€"April Fashion Show with fashions by Simpson's of Hillcrest Mall. The chapter recently held a “Book Party“ and profit from the sale of books was used :‘ to purchase an Atlas to be presented to a representative of the Thornhill Community Centre Library for use in the Library at next week‘s meeting. :(l It‘s Richmond Hill. gets just a little looks, especially when mom lends a hand assistance from mom, Susan at a not as ,hard as it recent outing at the Mill Pond. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg) or two. Three-year-old Christy Coucet of Bedford Park Road, Richmond Hill South Family ’Y’ programs into the ’swing’ Registrations will be taken at the school on the first night or for further information about this and other ‘Y‘ programs, please callthe‘Y' at 884-4811. The program. of Creative Recreation, which includes crafts and various physical activities, will begin January 11 and last until March 15. The activities will be held at the Charles Howitt School at the following times: six to nine year olds from 6:45 t08 pm. and 10 to 12 year olds from 8 to 9:15 pm. CELEBRATION The three Thornhill sorority chapters of Beta Sigma Phi were invited to the Thornhill home of Patty Bakker for a joint Christmas social with an exâ€" change of gifts and a gourmet feast of holiday goodies. The party took place just before Christmas. Psi Delta Chi chapter will meet on January 8 when plans for the new year will be put into action. These plans include a mid-April Fashion Show with fashions by Simpson’s of Hillcrest By MARY WATTS 889-5787 The York Region Family ‘Y‘ in con- junction with the Town of Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Department will continue to sponsor a 10-week program for children in the Rich- vale area. The Persistent Ones; Gold Medal winners who overcame in- credible handicaps. On January 18. “Jesse Owens Returns to Berlin†and on January 25, “The Canadiansâ€, comp- etitors in the Montreal Olympics will be shown. (‘lasses willcontinue until the middle of .June, and the fee is $25 All classes will begin Monday nights at 7:30 pm. and to register, As with other ‘Y' programs of this nature, it is essential that you register at the Family ‘Y' in Richmond Hill. The address is 83 Dunlop Street and the phone number is 884-4811. T h e N a t i o n a l Y.MC.A. recognizes this program, and encourages youngs- ters to go on to further gymnastics activities. Another popular program sponsored by the Family ‘Y' is being introduced in Richvale After School Gymnastics. This program will also be held at Charles Howitt School and the starting date is January 11 from 4:15 to 5:45 pm. GYMNASTICS It‘s not as ,hard as it looks, especially when mom lends a hand or two. Three-year-old Christy Coucet ol‘ Bedlord Park Road, Everyone is asked to meet at that time in the Weldrick Room at In Gallons Consumption (over 6,600 Gallons) per 1,000 Gallons Single Unit - Minimum (6,600 Gallons) Multiple Unit - Minimum (6,600 Gallons) Plus 10% of the total so calculated; but this 10% shall be forgiven if such total is paid by the due date. The 1978 operation of your water utility has been reviewed and the phaseâ€"in of higher consumer rates initiated in 1976 will continue. An increase in 1979 of $.15 per 1,000 gallons (rather than the $.20 previously forecast) for consumption over the minimum is necessary to ensure that you and your neighbours will have this precious commodity available now and in the future. Rate changes are effective for billings due January 15, 1979 and thereafter for water delivered to the consumer in the prior three month period. I979 RATES (OUARTER-YEARLYl NOTE: Cubic Meter consumption is presently converted to Gallons for billing purposes. Consult with the office if you require further information on this matter. All parents of the lst Langstaff Beavers‘ Cubs. Scouts and Venturers are invited to a special meeting, which is scheduled for January 10 at 8 pm. SPECIAL MEETING TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL WATERWORKS 10,266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 88443101 EXT. 20 OR 49 WATER RATES $10.80 $12.00 $1.20 The roads and parking conditions are in good condition this winter. and they hope LIONS BINGO The Richvale Lions will continue to hold evening Bingo games at the Lions Hall at 31 Spruce Avenue. formation, please call 889-6889. the Richvale Com munity Centre. For further in- Richmond Hill. gets just a little assistance from mom, Susan at a recent outing at the Mill Pond. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg) In Cubic Meters Consumption (over 30 Cubic Meters) per Cubic Meter Single Unit - Minimum (30 Cubic Meters) Multiple Unit - Minimum (30 Cubic Meters) The Bingo games are held Sundays at 7:30 p.m., and the first game of the new year will be held January 7. SENIORS All senior citizens in Richvale are invited to attend the meeting of the senior citizens club this afternoon (January 3) at 1:30 pm. at the Lions Hall at 31 Spruce Avenue. this will encourage more people to attend. an.» $10.80 $12.00 $ .264