Richmond Hill opened the scoring in the first period on a goal by Sean O’Brien from Jim Anderson. Thornhill tied it and went ahead in the second 2-1. The third period saw Anderson scoring the LLM Jack Blythe Gormley Galaxy Ponderusa Barrow's Summit White Water Steins Richvale Ben Bourget, Jack Blythe Dave Camell, L&M Len Bishop. Gormley Dan Ransom, Summit The Richmond Hill Carpenter Peewee B's came up with a big effort last Sunday and the result was a 2-2 tie against Thornhlll. They haven‘t beaten Thornhill all season. Carpenters tie 2-2 Vending loses 2 The 7-2 loss saw Active Vending completing a busy week and playing minus three regulars. They were no match for the large, aggressive Barrie team. Simon Fleming-Wood scored for Thornhill from Scott Tew and Tim Bagg. Scott Tew also scored for 'I‘op league scorer is Errol Hook of Pondersosa with 43 points on 25 goals and 18 assists. It just wasn‘t Thornhill Active Vending Atom 1's days against Barrie last week losing 4-1 and 7â€"2 Jack Blyth Real Estate maintains a narrow two- point lead atop the Rich- mond Hill Town Men's Hockey League standings with Gormley right behind with 37 points. During years when foods such as mice are plentiful. we have many hawks and owls but when the food has depleted, the birds become scarce as well This is nature‘s way of balancing wildlife. What went wrong is only a guess on my part and no one else has given me an acceptable ex- planation. Anybody in- volved with wildlife knows that all creatures are governed by yearly cycles. This is especially true for birds of prey such as hawks and owls. Jack B/yth leads JANUARY SALE PRICES NOW IN EFFECT leached Muskrat Coat - Raccoon Collar 1250 1 Natural Longhalred Beaver Coat 1450 \1 Natural Extra Fine Raccoon 2900 2 alural Muskrat coat 18 SIZE Blue Fox Collar 1250 1 Natural Muskrat 1250 1 Mum-coloured Natural Mmk Coat 1500 1 Dark Real Sealcoat High Fashion 1800 1 Pastel Mink Coat 2700 2 ‘1’. length BlkDIamond Natural 2100 1 BIkVeret Mrnk 8 Suede Coat 1950 1 Feed Mlnk 8 Suede Coat 1950 1 BlkDiamond Mink Coat 3900 3 Shadow Mink Jacket 2400 2 Sapphire Mrnk Jacket 1950 1 Full Length Red Fox Coat deep red 3900 2 Natural Mans Otter 3. coat 1950 1 Natural Mans Raccoon Coat ' 2900 2 Red Fox J. length Coat 2350 1 Natural Wolf & Leather Coat 1850 1 FURRIERS IN AURORA FOR 20 YEARS COLD STORAGE r REPAIRS - REMODELS KEN STIFF MASTER FURRIER 50 YRS, Something out there is out of whack again! For years the ‘owl tree' near my home had at least 20 Long-eared owls as residents by this time of year. This year only one has been sighted. Trailblazer Missing Longâ€"eared Owls This particular tree is 178 YONGE STREET SOUTH, AURORA. ONTARIO ~ TEL: 727-9551 ARGYLE RD, BEAVERTON 705 426-7040 EVENINGS RAW FUR MARKETS ARE OUT OF SIGHT JANUARY SALE PRICES ARE AWAY BELOW MARKET LEVELS By ALEX EBERSPAECHER GOAUENDERS GP GA AVE SO 25 79 87 63 75 72 81 58 GA PTS 2.40 2.12 164 1.64 41 41 74 75 86 Tudor Randell. Galaxy Steve Bacsalamasi Ponderosa Ruck Espeut. 3Coins Jim Thom. White Water Glen Polhamus, Barrow's Barry Rollinson. Barrow‘s Bob Panizza. Ruchvale Goalscorers for Rich- mond Hill in that one were David Abernathy unassisted; Carl Kiely from Darin Grodzinski; and Sean O‘Brien from Jim Anderson and Jim Goalie Sean McQuiggan played- a very steady game for the Carpenters and Ralph Seybold came up with an excellent effort on defence in that game and in Saturday‘s 8-3 loss to Barrie. The 4-1 loss at Thornhill saw Barrie taking a 4-0 lead before Frank Iafona scored for Thornhill from Fleming-Wood. Troy Braithwaite, Glen Oliver and Sean Bradley played well at forward for Thornhill. ’I‘im Bagg and Dworatzek played well on defence Errol Hook. Ponderosa Dave Berseth, L&M Steve Wilson, L&M Rod Chapman. Gormler Tony Roffey. White Water Rob Hurlebur‘t. Barrow's Danny Philhps. Bauow‘s John Gropp. Jack Blythe Rick Collins. White Water 'Bob Mills. Barmw's Hodson usually very productive. especially for the photographer. What is the reason for the great drop in its resident population? Could it be interference from us‘? Perhaps they cleaned out all the mice in the area and have moved on to a new Spot? Maybe I will find out in time . OWL HANGOUT Conservation areas in our region. near the big city. are man-made hangouts for all kinds of owls each winter. Whereas Snowy owls frequent the areas around the airport and some of the river valleys, Long- eared. Great Horned and Saw~whet owls are quite common in parks. as are Boreal owls, my favorite subject for photography. The Long-eared owl, with its protective coloration. is very hard to spot. He can compress his feathers to look more like Thornhill from Glen Oliver and Philip Farb. Mike Steinberg and Alan Dworatzek played well on defence for Thornhill. I tying goals from Jim Hodson. 25 100 400 1 LEADING SCORERS G A PTS PIM l7 ll 1070 -1250 2399 1070 1070 1299 1599 2399 1799 1699 1699 3359 2099 1699 2999 1699 2499 1999 1499 2‘96 3.00 3.20 3.40 3‘43 3.50 The chief food. in the winter range in our area and in Northern Ontario during the summer. consists mainly of mice. As are all owls, they are a good bird to have around. HORNED OWL The Great horned OM is much larger and more difficult to approach. Single birds are the rule with pairs as an ex- ception. However. I know of one such pair in our region right now. As with the previous bird, this fellow has only feather tufts that look like horns. He feeds mostly on rabbits but will also relish other birds and has been known to. down the odd stray cat. The smallest of the owls is the Saw-whet. Making a tree stump than a bird. In spite of the name. he has no ears but tufts of feathers that look much like horns. its most outstanding fieldmark. As do alliowls, they fly completely noiselessly but look much like giant moth with their fluttering flight, Long-eared owls are usually found in flocks of about 10 to 25 birds. First impressions lasting ones In a ward â€" Simpsons. That's how we sum up our 48«page issue of impressions. plus 4 pages from Avon Galleries. Beautiful looks for just about every room in y0ur home. Colors. shapes. textures and accents all working together. You create the look Simpsons shows you how easy it IS. Your guide to '79 home decorating â€" impressions Pick up your issue in the Simpsons nearest you. impressions from Simpsons continues Home to beautiful fashions. Home to lasting impressions. Make it ‘RCA’ from Simpsons for downright beautiful color. Hill Atoms win three his home in our region all year round. this bird is easily seen in con- servation areas near towns. He is easily apâ€" proached and makes a good subject for the camera. Some of them are so tame that a full- grown adult can actually be touched. By imitating their notes. they can easily be decoyed and brought into range of the camera or The win saw Pat Dickinson leading the home team with two goals with singles going to David Repath. Paul Ruytenbeek and Dino Delfabro. Assists to John Kennedy with two and Russell Armstrong, Ruytenbeek and Robbie Jakma with one each. The loss saw Russell Arm- strong scoring the only Richmond Hill goal from Greg Moore. It was an enjoyable week for the Richmond Hill Atom A‘s as they came up with three wins against only one loss. ‘The Hillérs split with Stouff- ville winning 5-3 at home and then losing 3â€"1 in Slouffyille. binoculars. Although these birds migrate short distances in flocks, one usually finds a solitary bird during the winter. The Boreal Owl is just a shade larger than the Saw-whet and is also very lame. Last year I snapped a couple rolls of film of one bird. just a few feet above me in a bush. Working for well over an hour. 1 arranged the camera and flash from all Model F0441 M/4216 Choose this 20†RCA’ color portable TV plus stand. It’s a colorful start to ’79! A. Here's a beautiful way to start your new year's viewing â€" colorfully. And when you compare the price it's a super buy! The 'RCA XL-1OO XtendedLife‘ chassis uses less energy than a 75-watt light bulb. The 100% solid- state design with advanced integrated circuitry lowers power consumption and Complete S488 The Steelers hosted Orillia Saturday night but weren't very gracious as they won 3-1. Paul Ruytenbeek. Brian McKenna and Jason Haile scored the hometown goals with assists to John Ken- nedy and Pat Dickinson. The Hill team then walloped Pickering 7-0 with Russell Armstrong coming up with the hat-trick and one assist. Dickinson had two goals and two assists. Greg Moore and Delfabro had one goal each. Other assists went to Cesidio Negri. Paul Ruyten- beek and Derek DiBattista with two each and Repath and Dino Buffon getting one. The Hill tearr Pickering 7-0 Armstrong com‘ hat~trick and sides. Only occasionally would he open one eye to see what was happening. I even arranged some branches below the bird to be out of the way of my camera. The only com» plaint I had was with the bird itself. He got so used to me and became so indifferent that he refused to even open one eye. But then, why should he care? I was just another intruder. keeps the temperature cool to give you a reliable. long- life TV. Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) on both VHF and UHF channels. And color intensity is stabilized with the ‘Automatic Chroma Control‘ for natural, life-like color on every channel â€" without manual adjustment. The Contemporary-styled cabinet. finished in dark brown, is about 25 3/8"W x17 3/8"H x 18‘/2 "D. B. ‘Ridgewood’ stand included. Simulated walnut woodgrain finish, 2 shelves. About 27‘/2"Wx 13"Dx 17"l Agreat buy‘ See it at Simpsons. today. Comrol No25173. Warranty: 3 years on picture tube 1 year on parts 1 year unlimited "in-home" service in ‘RCA' service area 395 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 10. 1979 ~ 8-5 PHONESIMPSONS 861-8111 24 HOURS A DAY. Shop Simpsons Yorkdale, Cedarbrae, Fairview, Sherway Gardens, Scarborough Town Centre, Brampton Shoppers World and Hillcrest Mall in Richmond Hill.