Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 10 Jan 1979, B6

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United Way could reach $300,000 He was particularly appreciative of com- panies who provided loaned executives for the campaign. These inâ€" cluded Allstate Insurance of Canada Ltd.. Bell Canada. Consumers‘ Gas in connection with-the successful 1978 cam- paign. Mr. Shea pointed out that “From the outset our goals were: first. to create greater awareness and understanding of United Way and the services of its par- ticipating human care service agencies: and second. to produce a healthy percentage in- crease over last year's results. "To date.” he said. “we can report raising $270,000 tan increase of 28 percent over last year) with a healthy prospect of achieving $300,000 before the start of 1979‘s cam- paign later this month. This is the largest amount ever raised in York Region“ Costs directly at- tributable to raising these contributions were less than $16,000 according to the General Campaign Chairman. “In the areas of awareness and un- derstanding." Shea reported. “I am con- vlnced that the raising of the general level of caring and concern is the second major accomplishment of the 1978 campaign“. Robert A. Shea. 1978 General Campaign Chairman‘ United Way of York Region. this week released his final report MRS, ALICE W‘ BANKS of Hllo. Hawaii and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bryden of Richmond HIII ann0unce the marriage 01 their children Bntta Gundersen and Jack Blyden. Satmday. December 23. 1978 in Seattle. Washington. All claims against the Estate 01 Edward Davrd Cottei (also known as Edward Davrd Cottell and David Edward Cottle), iate of the Town of Richmond Hill. In the Regional Mun- icipality of York, who died on or about the 9th day of May. 1978. must be tiled with the undersigned personal representative on or before February 7th. 1979; thereafter. the undersrgned wrll distribute the assets at Woodbndge Arena No. 7 Hwy & Ishngton Avenue. Sunday. January 14. 28 & Feb‘ 4. Open 10 am. (05pm, ADMISSION 50‘ ot the sand estate havmg regard only to the claims then filed. ON]? THIS 27th DAY OF DECEMBER. 19 . LORNE HAROLD COUEL and KENNEIH LLOYD COTTEL. ADMINISTRATORS. BY THEIR SOLICITORS. McPHERSON AND BINNINGTON 34 YONGE ST. SOUTH AURORA. ONTARIO L4G 3H4 SMITH. Matthew (Matt) At York County Hospital. Newmalket. on Tuesday. January 2, 1979. Matt Smith. of RR. 1 Kung. lovmg husband 01 Anne, deal father of Llanne. Iovmg grandtathet of Colleen. Melanie. Robm and Katy The tuneral was held In AumtaUmted Chulch on Friday. January 5 at 1:30 pm Interment at King City Cemetery. Ar York Central Hosprtal on Saturday. January 6. 1979. Husband ol Ruth Guppy. father ol Davrd. Darlene and Yvonne and grandfather ol chlry, Son of Mr, & Mrs Wilfred Long. Also survrved by hrs brothers and srsters. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond -Hr||. Servrce was held on Tuesday at 11 AM. Crematron. LONG, Wilfred 310 WATTS, Shill M Suddenly at chhmond Hill, on Tuesday. January 2. 1979. Beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts of chhmond Hill. Dear sister ol Wayne. Leslre and Elaine. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Rich~ mond Hull. Semce was held on Frrday. 2 P M. Cremation. WOODLEY. Grace At York Central Hospital on luesday. January 2, 1979 Grace Hoggr beloved wrle ol the late Henry. dear mother of lsabell Nucholls and grandmother ol Douglas. Peggy and Thomas Also great grandmother of erlram. Jenmler and Christre, Srster ol Edith Lavender and Margaret Best. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. chhmond Hill, Servrce was held on Thursday, 2 PM. Cremation Libéral ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE GLASGOW JIMMY'S MARKET 610 DEALER ENOU|R|ES Antiques 8 Art “5" Marriage THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 10 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 245-1831 “55 Deaths C3w-26 C3W26 Co.. Government of Ontario, Imperial Oil Limited. Macro Com- munications Ltd. and Simpsons. Ltd. Mr. Shea also reported “that the residential campaign took the appeal into 45,000 homes in the region". He said, “this in itself caused new recognition of the services and needs of the agencies. In many cases door to door distribution of a specially designed kit was sup- ported by high school students.“ “Additionally,” he continued, “we received tremendous support from Scouts Canada through local Venturers. Cubs and Scout packs". Recognition of time and support from many senior citizens in York Region, notably in Markham and Richmond Hill, was also commended. Organization of three industrial divisions. one each in South Markham, Central York and ‘ 'aughan. was cited as “a good beginning" in these Inree areas. Mr. Shea said. "this year‘s campaign ex- panded the United Way method of donating through the system 01 voluntary payroll deductions". He went on. “in many larger companies with a well developed sense of He wen larger c0) well deve corporate He went on. “in many larger companies with a well developed sense of corporate responsibility to the community, emâ€" ployee charitable cam- paigns have been established and the notion of sharing through payroll deduction is At Just-A-Farm with a gmup mo bug 0r too for arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander Sr. are celebrating iheir SOth wedding anniversary, Sunday, January 2151 with open house from 3 pm to 5 pm. at 111 Inverlochy Blvd. Apartment 1207, Thornhilla They would be pleased to see 1amily. friends and neighbours of the surrounding area. The couple have resided in Richvale for 48 years. In loving memory of our son and brother Rod Mallory who passed away January 12. 1978 and our husband and lather Orloll Mallory who passed away on October 8, 1972‘ Greatly missed by Ida. Reta and Murrel and F055. RETURNlNG from Wesley Hospital and learning ol the sudden passing ol my 87 year old brother at Parry Sound, I wrsh to thank York Regional Police lor all therr help. Jean Sheardtmn. The WATTS lamrly wrshes to thank relatives. frlends and neighbours in the passrng ol Shrril Margaret Watts. Sbecral thanks to the Emergency Staff. 5th Floor. Y0rk Central Hospital and specral thanks to Dr. Woo and the Marshall Funeral Home. COLLINS: Rick and Barb (nee Rite) are happy to announce the arrival of therr first child. Aaron Thomas. born January 1st. 1979. 1:41 AM. 9 lbs. 25': ozs, Proud grandparents are James and Mary che and Chester and Lars COIIIflS. Great-grandparents. AIhert and Beth che and Rocky and tha Deciantis. Specral thanks to Dr‘ Bmughton. Dr. Bate and maternity nursrng statt. York Central HosprtaI‘ MIDDY â€" Brillinger productmn company are proud to announce the arrival of their first mini model, John Mam Scott. finally released for public Viewing at 6:29 pm. Sunday. December 3. 1978, wheel base 20‘1". weight 5 lbs. 13?: 015. John. comes equipped with the usual options such as free squealing. economical feed. stream lined body. water cooled exhaust. and changeable seat covers. DeSIgner and Chiel Engineer. Scott and Production Engineer Judy. proud Associate Producers Bert and Wilma Twiddy and Jack and Hilda Brillinger ol Richmond Hill. Welcome to our world John. 5‘5 Coming Evénts HORSE DRAWN SLE|GH RIDES Your place or ours. (416) 888-1175m 660 RAMA AND ELLEN BHAT are pleased to announce the birth of then son Aron Rama. Born Decembe! 20. 1978 at York Central Hospital, We are grateful to Drs. Bate. Ng and Fullerton. the case room and the obstemcai staff for then excellent care. FYFE â€"Goru and Pat (nee Baker) are very happy to announce the arnval of then daughterr Mrchelle Patncra. born December 9. 1978 werghrng 7 lbs. 601 Thanks to Dr. Gary Magee. Dr. Bate and the nurses at York Central Hospital. “5 In Memoriam HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES 651 Cards of Thanks 473-2732 Anniversary "5 Births bonfire small. ‘, 1979 We ate Ng and and the excellent c2w28 TFCZI TFC19 Call legitimized and pected." Shea was particularly grateful for efforts made and shared by groups who comprise York Region‘s educational family. These included the Board of Trustees. ()ntario Secondary School Teachers Federation District 11. York County Elementary Teachers Association of Federations. and (‘UPE locals. "I am particularly thankful at the results of our first ever canvass of the participating agency family ~ volunteers and staff â€" in support of the campaign. We had a high participation rate from virtually all of our agencies." Discussing news media the Campaign Chairman was complimentary to press, radio and cable TV operators in the region whom he cited as “providing the most complete and helpful coverage of our efforts in the three year history of the fund‘ “Such coverage“, he observed. “doesn‘t just happen. It is the result of dynamic. community minded editors. COCKTAIL TABLE NO CT 400-819 18"x42"x15" PASCAL PRICE - Ann DAZZLING OCCASIONAL PIECES IN CHROME AND TEMPERED GLASS... EACH CLASSICALLY ELEGANT, DISTINCTIVE,.. BY JAMES DAVID. Come in and take it home... use it tonight! Each ready-to-assembte piece is made at sturdy 1-3/8 inch diameter steel tubing with genuine nickel- chrome finish and high strength glass top and shelves. COCKTAIL TABLE Model ~ CT 400-821 PASCAL PRICE 14.95 BUNCHING TABLE 1 /3 OFF ON FLOOR COVERING Shea acknowledged especially contributions from the professional community in York Region. He had a special word of thanks to publishers and radio and cable operators.“ Stl Robert‘s High School in Thornhill is growing at' such a tremendous clip it needs a $725.000 second-storey addition to accommodate more students next September. After reporting growth patterns last week, The Liberal learned ap- plication has been made to expand the school. But like most capital allocations for school buildings or additions, there‘s a hold-up in the funding Since St. Robert's is a private school. it doesn‘t qualify for provincial grants from the Ministry of Education. Responâ€" sibility for such funding belongs to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation. 86 far. an application has been made for the SALE PRICE WOO DSIDE SQUAR STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY9.30 A.M. TO 9.30 P.M. SATURDAY 9.30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. :A)'m st rong 31 88 6°85 SALE PRICE St. Robert’s school needs addition Game Table A lop quallly covering and it PASCAL $5.49 doesn'l have lo be cemenled down. PRICE 50. VD Take It wllh you when you move. Soflnnd qulelunde'lool. Available In 10 pallerns. Special accolades were directed to Family Trust Corporation, Mr. Shea's own company. its 300 employees and the volunteer Campaign response from physicians in the area. construction of 16 classrooms, a staff room and washrooms for the school. to the RCEC. The York Separate Board twhich shares the building for its elemen- tary school at St. Robert‘s is expecting a reply to the request by January 20. Thebononihneisifthe reply doesn t conie. construcuon cant begin and this year's 318 Grade 10 students will have to be cut to 75 for next September. Even if RCEC decided to make the funds Dbl IUl B) LEIINAZPESTONJI Bayview Secondary School ended 1978 with one of the largest ('hristmas assemblies ever produced at the school Even if RCEC decided to make the funds available. the project wouldn‘t likely begin until sometime in March. It is far too late to start calling for tenders and then have a firm arrange for sub- contracting. To have the project completed by September it would have to be done 7633 4733 GAME TABLE GT-400-815 PASCAL PRICE 95.95 SALE PRICE “Imperial Accotone” SALE PRICE SERVING CANADIANS SINCE 1.903, WITH ELECTA Doâ€"lbYoursell 356090. Treasurer provided by the company as a loaned executive. “The United Way in York Region“, Mr. Shea's report concluded, “is still in its formative stages, both in terms of its ability ticipating agencies. I From astanding start in 1976 (and a campaign that raised $186,000) [0 However, with project management. you never know how much a job is using a system called “project management". assuming money is available. L'nlike past assemblies. lechnical problems did not plague the per- formers. The high point of the program was the Bayview stage band. which performed (‘hristmas (‘arols and later entertained the CH400-841 Pascal Price 58.95 SALE PRICE CHAIR School selects its princesses Avail-DI. in ‘5 sq. " Clrlon Oulnllly Only Plage’n Press by firm st rong ‘ PASCAL PRICE 129.95 SALE PRICE HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER NO CT 400-819 18"x42"x15" PASCAL PRICE 59.95 SALE PRICE to raise funds and from the standpoint of the number of its parâ€" ticipating agencies. WITH EASY-MOVING BALL CAS- TERS NO HE 499 81318"x26"x30" PASCAL PRICE 95.95 7 EA. SALE PRICE PASCAL PRICE 47.95 SALE PRICE PASCAL PRICE 52.95 SALE PRICE a manager, thereby skirting the time- consuming tender arrangements. going to cost until it is virtually completed. Each stage is done on the fly. under the auspices of PASCAL PRICE 77.95 SALE PRICE PASCAL PRICE 59.95 SALE PRICE school with a medley of 1 television themes 1979 started off with greal news for Sandra Kaczmarczyk. She won a Pioneer Stereo for selling the most candles for Bayview's fund raising campaign. I’INALISTS Bayview's five “Snow Princesses" are Lorna Campbell (Year ll; Kathy Snowdon (Year ll): Terry White (Year Ill): Diane Eldridge SCULPTURE STAND SQUARE COCKTAIL TABLE LAMP TABLE MAGAZINE RACK SERVING CART LAMP TABLE NO EM 400-811 18"x26"x20" NO. 400-817 32"x32"x15" orner Finch Ave. East and McC NO HE 400-835 55400-803 14"x14"x34" NO. 400-809 18"x 26"x20" 1 0483 4883 61 83. 428E? 3983 4885? a liver popular tender )‘ear peak at 395 in Sep lember. 1979. the achievement of nearly $300,000 in 1978 is a magnificent step for- ward. The residents and industries of York Region who shared so generously should feel more than a tinge of pride." The board is sitting on pins and needles waiting for R(‘E(“s decision because Grade 10 enrolment hits its seven- (Year IV»: and Terry Davis (Year VJ. ,()ne of these girls will he chosen to represent Bayview Secondary School and may even- tually win the title of Richmond Hill “Snow Queen“. On Friday. January 3. Basketball was the name of the game. SPORTS In sports. Bayv1ew had a tremendously suc» cessful weekend. A triple-header was Secondary METAL! CABINE§ A. Model 1221 L. ‘, 2 drawerlettertiling cabinet. 29-3/8”h. x 15"w. x 1% Grey. PASCAL PRICE 59.95 Model 1222 L. Legal size 29-3/8”h.x18"w. x18’Fdé PASCAL PRICE 64.95 3H E. Model FC-724 ant Rack. Round tubular steel. polished Chrq upright with four hooks. 6 ft. high. ’ PASCAL PRICE 1 9.95 B. Model 1241 L. b. MOOEI I44! L. l 4 drawer lener filing cabinet. 42‘/4"h. x 15"w. x 1%: Grey. PASCAL PRICE 84.95 Model 1242 L. Legal size. 52‘/4"h. x 18"w. x 18"d‘.1‘ PASCAL PRICE 94.95 ‘Il: 4 drawer letter tiling cabinet. Full suspensionfd plunger lock. 52‘/."h. x 15"w. x 26-3/8"d. Black." PASCAL PRICE 1 1 9.95 C. Model 2641 PL. Model 2642 PL. Legal size 52‘/."h. x 18"w. x 26- PASCAL PRICE 1 29.95 D. Model 3101 itirler with metal carrying handle and 531 Grey. PASCAL PRICE 9.95 Richmond Hill Fire Department has not had to respond to a serious fire this holiday season. There have been a few chimney fires. and these are expected at this time of the year. when people use fireplaces more frequently. and especially if Christmas wrappings and other paper is burned in this manner. ()ne minor house fire was recorded at 7 Fair- view Avenue, Richmond Hill. The cause of the blaze. which originated in a bedroom. is believed_to be careless smoking. Richmond Hill firefighters were able to contain the blaze, and the damage is not expected to go above $1,500. No serious holiday fires played in the auditorium against 'I‘hornlea Secondary School. Bayview won all three games by scores of 40-38 ‘Midgelsh 42-36 (Juniors): and 54-43 Iscniors). The Bayview Wrestling team proved their weight in gold Saturday. January ti at the 'l‘horold High School invitational. Dick Charge. Brad McKenzie and Mehernosh l’estonji all placed first in their respective classes.

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