\.. Richmond Hill resident John Weldon Markle looks like he is ready to take the Craven Foundation's 1911 Peerless Speedster for a jaunt around the block. The Peerless was The 1910 Brush. a runabout built in Detroit which was very popular between 1907 and 1913. It had a coil spring suspension, wooden frame and axle. The The brass nameplate above the running board identifies a 1910 McKay. About 200 cars were produced in the McKay brothers' plant in Kentville. Nova Scotia. between 1910 and 1914 before the company went broke taking with it 82 million invested by Maritimers. - Brush disappeared with the US. Motor Company. an unsuccessful attempt to set up a corporation like General Motors. Lib’éral the prestige car of its day and sold for between $4,200 and $7 .200 depending on the options. Photos Bruce Hogg ommunlty Detail of the Hudson Model Great Eight. Wednesday, January 17, 1979 Masterpiece Detail of the peerless grill and headlight. This was the steering wheel that North America learned to drive with. Yes it is Henry Ford’s Model ‘T’ Section D This is the car that dreams are made of. Manufactured by the Hudson Motor Car Company of Detroit in 1931 the model Great Eight has the classic boat-tail Speedster body. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 17, 1979â€" D-l The Craven Foundation’s 1927 Model ‘T‘ is in original condition and has never been restored.