B-IO â€" THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Appliance Service Repairs to all elecmc sieves, washets, dryers, (ridges, air’ conditioners, dishwashers, small appliances. 883-5054 D.J. DILWORTH 8 ASSOC. 10 down 6 Months free financing No interest No carrying charges I Bookkeeping 1 Accounting Bookkeeping Services Income Tax Consultations 10620 YONGE AT OXFORD 8M3!) Bookkeeping & Accounting Services CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Registered Industrial Accountant 325 Richmond St‘ Richmond Hill KEN R. McKEOWN Accountants (Chartered) KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM W000 WORKING Additions, Renovations, etc ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED Open Saturday 9 - 2 pm ROSENBERG 8 COMPANY 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill Quality Painting Written Guarantee Accounting Services K.A. SMITH CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR ' "1 ' DO IT NOW!L J. WELBORNE CONCRETE WORK Complete to Tnal Balance Chartered Accountants For smalt businesses REID & BRADLEY Auto Rust Repairs ADDITIONS RENOVA‘HONS REC ROOMS Appï¬ance Rania BOOKKEEPING SERVICE 8849697 883-5539 Kenneth M. Pal Contractors 8842092 889â€"5683 Carpentry 883-1680 KARL'S lo Job too small 130 Centre StAW. 8844634 Bookkeeping Income Tax 889-1377 BOB ROSS CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR 887-5031 USE OUR SERVICE DIRECTORY FOR HOME OR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL 8893820 0! 7756390 & SON 8844788 LIBERAL. Wednesday. January at? Paint A Car and rec MW TFC10 lDrassmakingll Men’s 8 Ladies’ leather coats, iackets, pants, custom made. Alterations, repairs, zippers, new linings, sheepskin, leathers for motorcyclists. All types of jobs Servrce reparrs Free Esrimatese Very reasonable ch. No. E596. 635-7918 LEATHER SPECIALIST DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIME“. Tree work. Stump removal by machine Insured Price guarantee. Profe§siona| RemovaI of All Paints Er Lacquers Willing to do anytime. Will do movmg, cle or what have you!!! 881-5137 TREE SERVICE Rec rooms, baths, cabinets, drywall, laminating, all home improvements. Richmond Hill Contracting Co. ltd CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDIYIONS REC ROOMS WALKER CONSTRUCTION 8842882 ELECTRIC|AN Contractors PICKUP TRUCK Electricians TESTON MILL FURNITURE STRIPPING CO. CHIMNEYS 8 FIREPLACES Free Pick Up Er Delivery No Caustic or Lye Used 10933 Jane MAPLE 832-2330 HAND STRIPPING A SPECIALTY BUILT AND REPAIRED General Carpentry Fire Place Service OSiding -Sofï¬t OShutters OMndows Made or Altered North »Yonge Dram Contractors Ltd. 7575A Yonge St, Thornhill Home Improvements TWO MEN WITH 1/2 TON TRUCK Expen Walkmansz 20 yeals' experience Gardening- Landscaping Furniture Stripping Handymen 889-5773 ALUMINUM SUITS DRESSES DRAPES Flee Estimates Free Esï¬males 883-3033 G. K. Howell 2943914Evgs TFC 787-1 332 757-9539 MWPHEE DECOISATING 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MQEHEE 884-8408 MAN WITH 222-2682 dewalk: odd gobs 'Reya 24, 1979 OEaves 'Fascia OAwnings ORailings clean-ups Call ï¬c4 M E R DESIGN 8. CONSTRUCTION For any size lesidential. or commercia| project we offer the following: OCONSULTING. ' - DESIGNING (INCORPORATING |NTEREST|NG & PRACTICAL IDEAS). 'TRUE CUSTOM BUILDING. (ALL TRADES COVERED) Looking for work. Reasonable rates. Kitchens. bathrooms. rec rooms, floor- ing, alteraï¬onsl 2942961 or 889-1016 Fireplaces 8 General Repaits 'PLASTERING 'CERAMIC TILE 'DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED OCEILINGS I: WALLS MARKHANI CABINET RENOVATIONS And vinyl flqor covering R. DURAN Rei: Rooms â€" Ba‘hrooms Flat roofing & Smngles Upholstery- European Cra PainteI-Re51denttal Con Plumbet - Electntlans Aluminum. Siding. eavest Many other trades avatlat Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service A/f's Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hil| 881-1997 88 Baker Avel Richmond Hill 884-1745 All work uaranteed 'wa J05 an SMALL†Karl Bundschuh OFREE ESTIMATES Remodelling Renovating CARPENTER Residential-Commercial-lnd ustrial ROOFING 883-3170 Excellent Rates Professional Finish Guaranteed PAINTING & WALLPAPERING HUGH BARR 889-2773 and Paperhanging CANADIAN CONSUMERS SERVICE CLUB 224-0159Cr449â€"4538 TYPEWRITER RENTALS CABINET MAKING PLASTERER TILE SETTER 8843714 Office Machines PAlNTING By Expert Carpenter Work Fully Guaranteed Free Estimates PAINTING INTERIOR CARPENTRY 851-0251 CUSTOM Painters 883-5432 854â€"4832 v Libéral Free Estimates W evaluth LH. SIMS Home Improvements FUR PEACE OF MIND AND REASONABLE RATES 640-5451 |NSULAT|ON 923-5588 Insulation TFZI TFN H Pianq Tuning] Willing to do painting, wall- papering. All kinds of home improvements and general re- pairs. Very reasonable. Drywa|| 8 Carpentry RENOVATIONS 884-9026 Reasonable Rates I Photography I CABINET WORK CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY LUMBARDI CONTRACTING The Finest of Craftsmanship and Materials ROOFING FURNITURE HAND STRIPPED SHWELES ; AND REFINISHED FOR WA TfflPRUUFI/W; CONCflfff A150 PA 7/05. CHIMNIYS, PURCHfS Lie 8 1373 PAINTING u PAPER HANGING Free Estimates GENERAL HANDYMAN J. Hoffman l - INTERIOR DESIGN 8 RENOVATIONS 0 CARPENTRY NICK UPTON 887-9365 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED Piano Tuning 8 Repairs _ ALL WORK GUARANTEED Free Estimates 884-8656 889-3228 635-51 17 Painters R.E. Dunn 727-3303 884-5227 Roofing , ahetï¬ (AMI m 29 TFCZI TFN TRAINING Keep you! lob 8. Ieavn m spare hme - you could be on the an In 5 months! News. Sports‘ 0.1V Ialk Shows Program Host. ‘TV Commercuals WIth n|acement semce. RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER FOUND - male cat. yellow and white, year old‘ CarVIIIe - Bathurst St Call evgs. 889-6460. Leslie & Bloomington, North of Gormley $100 monthly. "Parry Sound Area" Roots. Etc. Please call 705-746-4302 or Mckeller area. 705-389-2953 Classes Day and Evening Hollywood Ceramics. 55“ Career Training LEARN to fly lnttoductmy mgm $5. Toronto Anways Ltd. Buttonwlle Airport 297-1422. IFC32 HORSES BOARDED SCULPTURED NAILS AND EVEN TIPS EYELASHES, MANICURES PEDICURE, WAXING. FACIAL AND MAKE-UP Thomhill 889-8729 Motrings E: aha 8 pm. BULL TERRIER We can supply all your temporary help needs Production workers Construction labourers Warehouse help LOWEST RATES - SHORT NOTICE ’23 Miscellaneous I Upholsterers | FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME . 921-2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING WILSONS PRODUCTION FORCE Call 225-7688 630 SMALL BUSINESS - BIG ON EXPERIENCE WINTER TREE PRUNING BY OUR REUPHOlSYEHV DIVISKJN 'Choosehom100's of fabncs 'All work dome by profe§nona SNOW SHOVELLING upholsterets 0AM workmanship gualanleed 'Ptckup, dehva 'Budgfl term 8 to 6 Monday to Fnday 351 CERAMICS 832-1646 LOST ~ WHITE MALE CHESTERFIELD 8 CHAIRS RENVEHED UKE NEW†881-7020 Fashion Make up Lost 8 Found 884â€"1141 SHORT 0N MANPOWER? Livestock m Maple REWARD “CEDARKING†REG. 1966 UPHOLSTERING Weladznpoodjanfntammm ï¬esEsï¬rntns-MUpaflDeiva W. Hudson Ayres 8* Sons 8241 Woodbine - Hwy. 7. Markham TREE SERVlCE FREE ESTIMATES No Job Too Big 0r Too Small SPECIALIZING IN: 225-6691 "CI CAW29 Call 30 294â€"0859 SNOW PLOWING Certiï¬cate Coulses In Anhque Re‘ \productlon Pmcelain Doll Making. Begmnet and Advanced technics‘ Day m evening classes. DOLLY MADISON DOLL COMPANY INC. DAYCARE avaiIaNe in my home Newkcrk - Elgln Mulls area. 8833035 W|TH ONE INFANT Will prowde daycare In heuse wuth yard, one block from Yonge St. neat McConaghy School. BABYSITTING In my home. Reason- able. South Taylor Mulls, Richmond Hull. 884-7631. CHILD care In my home. Children any age welcome. 8818464. CLEAN home. large play area. supemsnon. hot lunches. $27 weekly. 889-2513. BABYSITTING rn my own home. Beverley Acres area. Any age newborn up. 1 child of my own. 884 8229. THORNHILL area. Day care and babysitting 1n my home. (now smoker), 8810952. "3 Miscellaneous TYPING done In my home. IBM Selectnc typewriter. Also black and white, colour copying machine. 884‘ 6872‘ "NO WILL babystt In my home, any age. Elgln Mll|s and Bluegrass. 884-3514. c3w28 CLEANING lady available, temporary basis. References 881-7448. Lib’éral LEARN Calligraphy 887-5904 101 ‘ Stained Glass and Chemical Waterptoofnng Res‘dentlal - Industrial GLASS GLOW WINDOW CLEANERS Rug 8 Wall Cleaners STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 889â€"3362 Day or Evening Classes CERAMICS TRAI N ED DAYCARE 555 Employment Wanted 889-0454 SECRETARIAL SERCICES 712 TEACHER 889-0454 Rug 8- Wall Cleaners 751 -9022 883-5853 Daycare 294-4958 Call Bnan Clw 29 IWJD Aw 29 CZw30 On our entire stock of new and used pianos and organs such brand names as: Conn, Lowrey, Wurlitzer, Yamaha, Hammond, Thomas, Farfisa, Heintzman, Sherlock Manning Also completely reconditioned grand pianos This is a genuine sale to reduce our inventory. Be pleasantly surprised at our huge selection. No high pressure, no inflated prices, free delivery. OPENlNG EVENINGS 305 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0472 YONGE ST. 924-8408 Above College St. opposute Westbury Hotel. ' I 01218 KENNEDY RD. 7592234 South of Hwy. 401. 029 DUNDAS ST. E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwyé. 5 & 10 Mississauga. 04900 DUFFERIN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch & Steels. Warehouse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 9 T0 9 PM. SATURDAY TILL 6 Bed Chesterfield $168. to $598 2x4 14 cents lineal foot .2x6 20 cents lineal foot 2x8 28 cents lineal loot ‘ 4x4 30 cents lineal foot ThlS is a good grade of Utlllt‘] and economy spruce. We have a good supply one Inch‘ two Inch 6x6, 6x8. 8x8. 10x10 reugh hemlock. CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE Foam<custom_ cut to sue or shape‘ mattresses. pillows, etc. CENTURY MILL INDUSTRIAL LUMBER LTD CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields Canadian Pastel mink Watm Iawny colour. Excellent condition. TOP'QUALITY HARDWOOD As low as $31.50 face cord delivered 20% OFF THIS MONTH Clear,dry birch. Maple & birch mixed. Soft & Hardwood mixed. Free delivery, free kindling. CALL PAM BROWN 297-3566 Articles for Sale DISCOUNT FIREWOOD FIREWOOD 6 pm. to 10 pm. 8. weekenq; WEAKwoon‘ 4 miles west of Stouffville Gormley Sideroad TWIN BEDS & DRESSER CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED FlREWOOD 669-1368 BNAR CLAUSEN LTD. 691-5867 Call Foamland PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE MlNK STOLE new 884-1606 or 881-3303 PREAD (Monday to Friday) FURNITURE 884-9677 32nd ANNUAL SALE Face Card $35 Delivered 884-67 8 640-2351 SALE AN[ ANUQUE mg room su STOVE 791.2155 aaroooo Like new DiI palntln‘ ondition, DON MILLS ROAD, NEWMARKET piece por- Seascape" 8844779 HEHIOOU'I C5W27 tfc23 16W2 8 punk Seasoned 2 years. Maple, Oak. Chetry. Beach. spln or unspht. Don‘t get bumed mth green wood again. For Immediate delivery call- 305 Come and get your own $27 per Cord 884-7774 895-6311 6 ft. 6 In. Western with pump $500, Light Weight Body Plastic 88 gallon 24 Gnt Heavy Duty 7" x 7/8" Gnnding Disc $60 per hundred $15 per 25 TELEVISION. coloul, 25" walnut console. Good condmon. $250. 889- 6601. FlRE screen, brass plated, 36" wude x 31“?" high Excellent condition $35 8812264. BARGAIN â€" cottage or rec mom. unused Selkirk Zero Clearance heat circulator and chimneya Evgs‘ 884A 3920. BASEMENT SALE ‘ MOVING 10:30 AM TO 7:30 PM. SAT‘ JAN‘ 27th 169 Oxfmd SL. (turn at Safeway) Richmond Hull Sports equipment, furniture. books‘ jewellery. wall unit. clothes. tools‘ etc. TYPEWRITERS, adders, calculators, sales, service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St, Newmarket, 895-7621. TELEVISION, colour, 25" console. Excellent condition $250. or best offer. 881-0231‘ FIREWOOD MACHINERY for sale, Dnll pres; specual H capacny. 3175‘ 1% capacny 3550‘ 7495941, 939-7496. DRY HARDWOOD Doors, wmdows, awnings, laIllllg), Siding, sofï¬t system. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods BSHSM. BATTERY. Dual duty. Canadian (we. 27 F for Ford, As new 832-1334 Evgs TEAKWOOD. Rosewood Vlurniturté, bedloom 8 DIECC, dlnlngloom, 9 DICCC‘ llVInngOm, All new .1, no Heavy duty tandem With surge brakes. Call Russ. after 4 pm. iteasonable. 247.4377 895-4448 or 884-2362 Buildings“ for demolition houses bams garages. sheds, etc. Articles For Sale Cash price for your household contents or individual items 7“ Daycare Wanted 3H SNOWPLOW 40 channel. Be§t otter Mature Babysitter 884-0887. Hand made antique style CB RADlO 773-4127 Articles wanted KARBIN SALES Units 134 Doncaster Ave Thornhlll WANTED 484-0711 Ext. 284 or 881-5223 Evenings. F01" 884-5775 884-4271 £ng POOL TABLE 883-3732 8840065 Mirrors 884-1712 TRAILER 495-1942 WELL PAID JOB FOR 482-3972 ‘R FAST SERVICE 77 HYGAIN Wlth accessories. $100 ver. BEST LlVE-IN ALUM|NUM light housekeeping. onal babysmer when are sick. Thornhill' awnings. Araihngs‘ C4W28 CLOSED MONDAYS tic 28 H7636 WCH c2w3< 305 WE are looking for a pelson to we- pave a family evening meal. plus light housekeeping duttesv Approx- mately 4 pm to 8:30. Monday to Fnday, In Thornhill CaII alter 6 pm. '889-6324. CLEANlNG lady. 2 days weekly Refelences required, 8896898. CLEANING lady needed once a week Baywewrlohn ateav 889-9826. CLEANING lady required 1 day a week References. Bayvuew & Steeles 889443] after 5 pm. EXPERIENCED cleaning lady wanted Central Thornhill‘ 8894860. Mature person. Cave of 4 month old girl, and light housekeeping. ange benefits 884-2314 gntiqueï¬ 8c flu at WoddbrIâ€"dgreiltrgrla Nd. 'owy. & Isllngton Avenue. {he hr_st. second i. iouFth Sunday of each month Open 10 am. toS pm. 7 press back chaus, round table‘ opens to 104". bufle‘ and hutch‘ Citca 1900. $1,350. LIVE-IN MOTHER'S HELPER In the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM JOHNSON All persons having claims against the Estate of John William Johnson, late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Munitipality of York. ring) died on or about the 26th ay of May. 1978, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the underSIgned on or before the 15th day of Februrary. 1979, after which date the Estate will be distributed.% with regard only to the claims of which the undersrgned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable tor any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice Dated at Richmond Hill, this 15th day of January, 1979. Doreen Marks. Administratrixlwnh Will Annexed ol the Estate of John William Johnson, by her solrcrtor, Robert H. Blackburn, c/o Messrs. Stong, Blackburn & Machon, 10350 Yonge Street. Surte 206. Richmond HIâ€. Ontario. MC 388. ' 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted iSAT. JANUARY 27/ 12-noon FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES, FUR- NITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. CARRIE REAE WILL BE HELD AT THE WILSON AUCTION BARN, 1% MILES NORTH OF UXBRIDGE (at trallic light), 2 BEAVER RDAD. THEN EAST T0 FIRST FARM (sale held Inside-heated barn). Electrohome color T.V.. Chesterfield and charr. 9 piece dinrng room surte‘ Gingerbread clock llatback cupboard-glass doors. antique chests ol drawers, antique dressers bedroom sorter kitchen Surte‘ freezer. reIrlger- ator. electric stove. Maytag washer, lamp tables. Captain's Chair and an troue hrgh-charr, qulll frames. oil paintings. plano stool. several antrque tables. antrque srdebuard, antique DICIUTE frames, rugs, ï¬replace tools and screen, lampsr many other an- hques and household eitects. Also sellrng tools. rncludrng Massey Fergu- son Not 12 Yard tractor with mower, snow blower and roller. Alumrnum ladder, garden hcse. electrrc trimmers several lawn ornaments melal shelves garden tools‘ etc. SALE AT 12 NOON ' LUNCH AVAILABLE SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY LLOYD WILSON AUCTIONS LTD. UXBRIDGE 416-852-3524 Atticles‘ For Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE GLASGOW JIMMY'S MARKET ANTIQUE Diningroom Suite Libéral 61D ADMISSION 50‘ as DEALER ENQUIRIES 884-0059 Evgs. stand for QUALIW 309 Legal Notices 245-1831 Auctions 03-2C CJW-ZS C2W30