Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 21 Feb 1979, C6

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C-6 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. February 21. I979 The festival is held each year to provide a showcase for the dramatic talents of students in high schools. With its spirit of friendly competition and helpful adjudication, the festival also serves to improve the standards of live theatre in the schools. The theatre depart ment of St. Robert‘s Separate School is en- tering two plays in this year's Simpson‘s Ontario Collegiate drama Festival beginning with the first production this Friday. , . ~ » “Iii New executive of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce was officially selected last Wednesday at the Chamber‘s annual meeting. Members include: front row, left' to right, Harry Sadler, president and Ron Wallace, vice- president; middle row. left to right, Carl The St. Robert’s group will present “Overtones” by Alice Gerstenberg at Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute, 550 Markham road in Scarborough at 7:30 pm, February 23. All tickets are $1 and the theatre arts department at St. Robert's has 50 The biggest Vl inter Carnival button on record belongs to the Izzard family on Bathurst Street. This snow sculpture (it‘s in color, too) was designed by Sean Izzard. 8, St. Robert’s school enters drama fes tiva/ The department also has a production crew of nine students: stage manager - Steve Vernon; assistant stage manager - Michelle Austin; set design - Steve Vernon; sound - Tony Biasutti; lights - Steve Vernon: rnakeup and costumes - Jacqueline Conlin; properties - Chris Bridgnell; publicity - Christabel Sethna; business manager - Lorrianna Favrin. available. Cast for the production is: Annette Jalsevac (playing Harriet). Steve Martin (Harry), Jacqueline Conlin (Margaret) and Tony Biasutti (Mark). On February 27 at 1 pm. the group will present Anton Chekhov's “A Marriage Proposal". This time the competition shown here, and his mother Marilyn. The sculpture, by the way, won a top prize in the com- petitions. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg) St. Robert's will also hold a drama night nn March 3 from 8 to. 1.0. 2‘9}; and a Sunday matinee drama day on March 4 from 2 to 4 pm. The first part of the program will consist of improvised skits by firstâ€"year theatre arts students. They will examine the absorbing rivalry bet- ween men and women at all ages. Starting with the sandbox. they proceed to the classroom. the first Scheffer. director; and Roderick Smith. director; back row, left to right. Ken McKeown. secretary-treasurer: Peter Miller, director; Edward Malbon, director: Terry Morgan, director; and Bob Saunders. past president. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg) will be at Woburn date and on into married Collegiate, 2222 life. Ellesmere Avenue‘ All the skits are based Scarborough. on the students ob‘ In each competition, the audience hears three oneâ€"act plays and they are then judged. One play from both evenings will be chosen to advance to the Regional level of competition. The two plays presented in the high school competition will also be put on during lhese two performances at the school. St. Robert's is on Leslie Street south of Markham Road in Thornhill. All the skits are based on the students obâ€" servations of real life. If you look closely and listen carefully, you may hear some familiar lines. What a bustle of ac- tivities...B'ayview Sec- ondary has truly recovered from the late winter blahs. . The stale, stagnant atmosphere has been replaced by events and activities galore. On Saturday. February 17 Bayview- participated in the Dr. G. W. Williams Secondary School's Funerama in Aurora. The fund raising oc- casion was held to supâ€" port children overseas, who have been adopted by the students at Williams. Bayviéw sent its bevy of cheerleaders, who By LEHNAZ PESTONJI At Bayview Safety at work . . . everywhere! swished their pom-poms with gusto encouraging the school‘s participants. With all the colors, banners and cheering, no wonder Bayview won first prize for best decoration. SKIING Mr. Chilvers of the Geography department has organized a skiing outing at the Summit Golf Course every Sunday morning at 11. For a mere 50 cents. you can ex- perience the exhilarating outdoors and this great sport. Good news for expert and novice cross country skiers. Activities replace late winter blahs He ’3 still looking for his helmet Somewhere around the Mill Pond is a black helmet. The helmet escaped from skydiver Ken Patry as he jumped from the aircraft last Friday night. fully expecting to land on the pond for Richmond Hill‘s 11th Annual Winter Car- nival. This event started a series of misadventures for Ken, all working to keep him from fulfilling his wish to land on target this year. At last year's winter carnival, Ken and one other jumper were blown off course by high winds and this year he was determined to be suc- cessful. Last week, jumping with the aid of a round parachute as opposed to the square chutes used by the other two jumpers Ken was blown off course again, this time taking down a telephone wire on Woodlane and hurting one leg. Two fellow skydivers. Jim Greg and Ian Mar- shall, using the square parac’hutes, which are supposed to have a faster forward speed and an ease of handling, did land on target Friday night and the following two days The sensation Your |.A.P.A. has safety skills to share! (And it doesn’t cost taxpayers a penny!) How does it feel to be part of a world authority on health and safety. without costing taxpayers a penny? Good! Now get your own money's worth! If you have a need for information or consultation, contact l.A.P.A. today. We're constantly up-dating health and safety theory and practice. at work, at home, everywhere! LARA. The Industrial Accident Prevention Association is totally funded by business and industry. If your company is in manufacturing or retail industries, very likely it's a member of I.A.PA! industrial Accident Prevention Association Z Bloor Street East. 23rd Floor. Toronto, Ontario M4W 3C2 (4l6) 965-8888 NON-PROFIT 0 BUSINESS FUNDED 0 SINCE I917 Due to popular demand, Bayview School rings are on sale this week during the 'lunch hours. In addition, this year, there are special graduating rings for this June‘s graduates. ENGLAND TRIP A trip to England is being organized by Mr. Ellis of the Guidanée department. Senior students. who are interested in ob- taining an English Credit this summer, can do so by travelling to England. Bayvievw's ‘Réach for the Top’ team lost a neck- SCHOOL RINGS skydiving was described by Jim Greg as having “no sensation of falling, in the free fall period (before the parachute opend. just a weightlessness. then when the chute opens â€" its just a beautiful ride”. Describing the jump Friday night Jim said the view "looked like something from Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Saturday, winds of up to about 30 miles per hour kept Ken from jumping. The combination of one sore leg and the restriction of the round parachute were not worth taking the risk. The two men who did parachute had to be taken about three miles north of the pond before they could exit and be taken by the winds to the target zone. Ian Marshall on landing Saturday could only ex- clam, “It's freezing up there". Sunday was much easier with.all three skydivers using the colorful square parachutes and winds almost non-existant. Spectators watched all three men land right on target twice Sunday and many remarked it was a beautiful sight to watch the men drift silently in. to-neck game last Saturday, February 17 to home Park Secondary School. They only lost by 15 points, with the final score 250 to 235. Bayview is now eliminated from the competition for the rest of this year. It was a good effort by team members David Slonosky, Tasha Stephenson, Steve Cor- coran and Bill Vrantsidis. The staff advisors...Mr. Graveson and Mr. Wood are already preparing for next year. lAPA-ZS-79 z leeral The Mortgage held by Canada Permanent Trust Company on the premises described below, havrng been In default for the requisite period and notice ol exercisrng the Power of Sale provrsions contained in the martgage havrng been duly served upon all entitled parties, and therealter, the time period legally required havrng elapsed. the undersigned can and shall auction at 12:00 noon on the 23rd day of February. 1979. sell the premises described below purSuant to the terms of the mortgage and under the Mortgages Act. ' FIRSTLY: FIVE CONDOMINIUM UNITS BEING LOCATED AT 7230 DARCEL AVENUE. IN THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA. IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL. The sales shall be subject to a reserve bid, and shall be ollered on a cash basis (each condominium unit will be sold separatelyl The lands comprise: 1. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the City of MiSSissauga, in the Regional Mumcrpality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 18. Level 1. as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 128, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Dmsion of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and' its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. 2. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises srtuate. lying and being in the City of Misossauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 25. Level 3. as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 128, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Divrsron of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. ‘ 3 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises Situate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 59. Level 1. Peel Condominium Plan No. 128. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. 4. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises srtuate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Muniupality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 39. Level 1, as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 128. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Divrsion of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. 5, ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga in the Regional MunICipal‘ity of Peel. and being composed of Unit 10. Level 2. as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 128, registered In the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Drvrsion of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. SECONDLY: TWO CONDOMINIUM UNITS BEING LOCATED AT 1395 WILLIAMSPORT DRIVE. IN THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA. IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL The sales shall be sublect to a reserve bid. and shall be offered on a cash basis (each condominium unit will be sold separately), The lands comprise- 1‘ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel op tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 64. Level 1. as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 151. -registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (No, 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. 2. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 36. Level 1. as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 151. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Diwswn of Peel (No. 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. THlRDLY: TWO CONDOMINIUM UNITS BEING LOCATED AT 3025 CEDARGLEN GATE. IN THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA. IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL. The sales shall be subject to a reserve bid. and shall be offered on a cash basis (each condominium unit will be sold separately). The lands comprise: 1. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel, and being composed of Unit 13. Level 1, as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No. 127, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Divrsion of Peel (Not 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel 2. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the City of Mississauga. in the Regional Municipality of Peel. and being composed of Unit 16. Level 1‘ as shown on Peel Condominium Plan No 127. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Peel (Not 43) at Brampton. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. FOURTHLY: . ONE CONDOMINIUM UNIT BEING LOCATED AT 299 MILL ROAD, IN THE BOROUGH OF ETOBICOKE. IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO. The sale shall be subject to a reserve bid, and shall be oflered on a cash basis. The land comprises: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Borough of Etobrcoke. in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, and being composed of Unit 7. Level 7, as shown on York Condominium Plan No. 143, registered “1 the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Divrsion of Toronto and York South (Not 66) at Toronto, and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. FIFTHLY: ONE CONDOMINIUM UNIT BEING LOCATED AT 820 BURNHAM- THORPE ROAD, IN THE BOROUGH OF ETOBICOKE. IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO. The sale shall be subject to a reserve bid. and shall be offered on a cash basis. The land comprises; ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Bomugh of Etobicohe. in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, and being composed of Unit 10. Level 17. as shown on York‘Condominium Plan No. 144, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles DIVISIOO of Toronto and York South (No. 66) at Toronto. and its appurtenant common interest. being the whole of the said parcel. SIXTHLY: ONE CONDOMINIUM UNIT BEING LOCATED AT 4062 LAWRENCE AVENUE EAST, IN THE BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH. IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO. The sale shall be subject to a reserve bid, and shall be offered on a cash basrs. The land comprises: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of Scarborough. in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, and being composed of Unit 34. Level 2. as shown on York Condominium Plan No, 365. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Druision of Toronto and York South (No. 66) at Toronto. and its appurtenant common Interest, being the whole of the said parcel SEVENTHLY~ ‘ ONE CONDOMINIUM UNIT BEING LOCATED AT 16 ELGIN STREET. IN THE TOWN OF MARKHAM, IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK. The sale shall be subject to a reserve bid. and shall be ollered on a cash basrs. The land comprises: P,H. MERETSKY 869-3350 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF CONDOMINIUMS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town at Markham. in the Regional Municipality of York. and being composed on Unit 19‘ Level 3, as shown on Y0rk Condominium Plan No. 272. registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Divisron oi loronto and York South (No. 66) at Toronto. and its appurtenant common interest, being the whole of the said parcel. ATTENTION: Mr, Dennis Claven, Telephone: 827-6871. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 7th day of Febwary. 1979 CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY by Its soliutors RUBINOFF AND RUBINOFF. 401 Bay Sheet. Suite 702. Toronto. Ontario. M5H 2Y6 For further patticulars. to: arrangements to Vlew and inspect the propetty, and to obtain the conditions of sale. apply to: CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY 75 James Street South. PO. Box No. 887 HAMILTON. Ontario Per BUY HERE PEOPLE SELL HERE

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