Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 28 Feb 1979, B11

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E 305 Articles For Sale ‘ 305 Articles For Sale .‘rA‘illl- yii .i'yw ‘y‘i-ii'al -‘- ' 11w, $.51 5N ‘VF Ty“( iiyy r1I Iwr‘ 111‘ ‘i t y . F t 1 4.11, ,, ... - iyilril'IIe lir' Idiiri‘. iicri' ‘rir I illw â€"'â€"" Agog,“ "' An; V {M PAR 111 hi tacl» 1111: r r- {I 79122455 ll : :- 1111ch iiTICilrIIIT '7‘ - 11 l4 I 8810000 IHHII 01117" {l 1' 7‘1 My - Dali In» Ln, 5; 1, 1 BH‘IILI {1117.0 allif .741 ‘ir:',l;'l"t“' llliidi iir- 11iâ€" 7‘ 1 It'iil’II-r i,“ FIREWOO 04F triiiiik- E», the load 01 the brute will; pin-u .v .' 8891(IF.‘ iiili‘, Y'TII Cirrnirl; Ilr~ STOVI P19171111 1T1 ) 1 Chair blown lea'IlPl 355 ,'>:'lri, record player radio iorisule abinet $50 Orcasional hair green 345 Bedroom dresser 9 drawer WI HrrllrIIER sola bed wait 8005 largerrrirrrir 4dravreI-hest 2single Lmay,” Ian brown and black bed: with mattresses $150 ‘r‘rriiiger Mead 3200 Couch black leather washing machine $50 We Ala» sioo ilecinr heatersSC’O Enclosed mirror 19 :11 $30 24118071 IanSl‘J ldrawerolliceSIze upright tiling iablnei $50 8815059 ATTENTION HANDYMEN Radial arrn saw with metal base extra blades and sander irirluded WATERfls‘oTtener Culligianr $200 or best oller Baby carriage $25 Swingomatic $12 884 3770 BRAUN kitchen equrpment 1M 32 mixmaster blender vfood processor plus K132 meat grinder attachment Brand NewWarranty still available LII"? "9‘" “PIP II“ 2600’ plus MIN, SaCIlIllV $150 Ask IOI Sells Ior $400 plus Will saCrIlice DH” 7764135 $275 Call Mrs Mann Monday to Friday. 930 to 5 7819356 ANTIQUE piano small Himalayan Sealpornt cat male Oil furnace and MACHINERY (or sale Drill press ducts 100 amp (use box almost 509081 I capacity $175 I‘: new Doors WIndOWS etc Demo sale capaCIly$550 749 5941 989 7496 Please call 8844333 08 4c â€".â€"â€"e W. .....W, ,Ag” TFAFWOOD Rosewood lurniture STOVE. 24" Findlay electric Ex bedroom 8 piece diningroom. 9 cellent condition $75 Baby piece livingroom Brand new carriage, excellent condition 880 Reasonable 2474377 Ifc28 883 5813 u-UWWA â€" runny Fl R EWOO D Doors, windows. awnrn s. railin s, 2 Siding, solfit system, trgough. Frgee W"? Md gm 10'” 0w" $27 estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. 0'” “I'd APPLIANCES3pcs. Stove and fridge. General Electric 17.71 Medallion 850 Avocado Stove. sell -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Cleaning. fridge selldelrostlng TEAKWOOD Rosewood furniture. Dishwasher (Viking) top line. also bedroom BIDIECE diningroom. 9 avocado. Will sell lor$1000 (or the piece livingroom All new three appliances 881-5059 Reasonable 247-4377 tfc 28 "2 Apartments To Rent THE MANORS NOW RENTING! ANVD FAST! NEW RENTAL APARTMENTS IN NEWMARKET AT HURON HEIGHTS DR. AND DAVIS DR. Live in a unique low rise apartment community close to schools, shopping, major transportation and recreation facilities. Rents include: . parking . wall-to-wall broadloom o quality stove . frost-free refrigerator - water 1 BEDROOM $250 2 BEDROOM $285 FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED FOR SPRING/SUMMER OCCUPANCY! HURRY! Call 1-898-3337 Sat. & Sun. 11 AM to 6 PM Mon. to Fri. 12 nacn to 8 PM Rental pavilion just north of Davis Dr. on Huron Heights Dr. AN APARTMENT LIVING OPPORTUNITY THAT’S HARD TO FIND IN NEWMARKET TODAY! 50 ACT NOW! CVictoria “Dc velopmcnt Corporation Inc. (‘anadals leading buddc‘r (Tl‘qualin’ r‘ornmunr'u'cs. ‘29 Business, Office Space New 3.600 sq. It. air-conditioned Office surte wrth kitchen. conference room. reception and display area, 2 executive and 4 regular Offices. washrooms. private entrance wrth foyer. paved parking. Prime location near Hwy. 7 and Reele NO AGENTS 669-5510 Libéral 11%" ring 884-6693 TIII‘Z LIBERAL. Wednesda}. Februzii‘} 28. 1979 â€" B-Il "3 Rooms For Rent 52" Personals 3‘“ Antiques 8 Art I ARE you Pregnant and Distressed7 THE POWER, MK a, CSer Motor Inn A ND QUE SHOW 8r SALE 111111111; 11111155‘11'1 _ 1'11: Etti‘r'kcrr E" (I 1071! Yonge St , 9431 ttc29 of an Epic Desert \z Moron INN Richmond Hill W minwjfll‘whimy H Adventure! 87110 lslington Avenue-2 miles north of Hwy 7: Q th‘l: shin no) H4 dI ~12: 50 selected dealers SATURDAY MARCH 3 AND SUNDAY MARCH 4 ADMISSION 50‘ ACCOMPANIED CHILDREN FREE Weekly and Monthy Rates available. Contact The Management: 884-9171 “9 Tenders ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Supply Janitorial Service Would you like to under- stand or develop the PSYCHIC ABILITIES you possess? Come to a one day presentation in Brad- tord Sunday, Feb. 25th, 10 em. to 5 pm. (815 single; $25 any two people) For iiitorrnatioii and regis- tration call 775-6275 (Brad- tord): 722-6465 (Sutton). EARN EXTRA MONEY! Earn up to $30. or more - have a jewellery party STARRING ANTHONY OUIN {M34 GLASGOW JIMMY s MARIET 565 Employment ANTIQUES Wanted & CRAFTS -< SHOW & 311E AN immaculate young man .I 11 Woodbridge Arena No Hwy 111111 liar)an 11111111811100 \IITIIIg Have THE ODDS AGAINST THE" WERE 10,000 TO 1 ... IUT WHAT THE HELL! let,‘ for a two year period at the Muck Research Station. Hwy 400 at BRADFORD. Al‘slrngtonAvenrrP Thelrnt Second 1,111 Muiyymydym Madam Gold 8. silver Iewellery 11931 gm’slspifiys Emil)”. Semce to[ a two year perlod SDCHLJIIOhOTTTUTCIaSVDLTII eaCh month PVPIIlllg»dIIOrVPPIteI‘IJS2735111534 prices QUBIINVTEEEEISOTTIEIEDigd U i {cw at the Driver Examination Centre. 96A-968 Yonge Street. N w PLEASE CALL IRVA AT AURORA Ont 10117117981 HMESPACEAVA” L "W “W '" ml “m '81" 881-2014 I I I d EALER ENQUIRIES Selectric typewriter Also black and R 3. Supply Janitonal Servrce for a two year perro Um WW commcopwngmacmne 8847 0 DAVE M at the Probation Office. SUite 220 and the Mines - 6872 M J” VI‘ 11 Engineering Office. SUIte 210 at 10720 Yonge Street, RICHMOND HILL. Ont L06011779/81. L06374/79781. HARRISDNFDHD BARBARA BACll EDWARD FDII FRANCO NERD 3“ Articles wanted 7‘2 Daycare "’9 Musical Se arate Indivrdual Sealed Tenders Will be received until DAY Care given In my home Charles . __mmmmm "Wm-NF 2-00 pm. local time on TUESDAY. MARCH27. 1979, BUY & SELL 1132;“ W“ m“ “a 889 Insuucuon “memm‘m'” “‘"W‘ """‘““"'“""““ Combined Tenders Willnot be accepted & I WA ___7_____ PRIVATE Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario [JAYrarrlglvenlIltilyhome anyage Ministry of Government Servrces. Georgian Bay Regional Chlldrens Clam ng I & HIII‘TIa‘i‘i llerrerllx 884 3514 G VItOdLIN LEStSOmNfi Office. 24 James Street East. PO. BOx 790. Orillia. I 019 121114 W3“? 'mDIOVCmen Wt 1" '96 011111131117. STARTS FRIDAY, iiIiAiicii 2an NOTE: For further information regarding the Tenders. please ’ “I We We" ‘” ml CARAVANS 7:00 P,M_ NIGHTLY home 2 minutes west of Yonge St. 88 1-81 50 Wis: 7734183_-LL BABYSITIINGTIn my home any age INSA TRADING H Hot home cooked meals Newkirk B v1,w re 8813919 AI 9 a a - Report Card Blues? IN my home any age Beverley Acres Tr PLUS FORCE TEN FROM NAVARONE call Mr, B. Mclsaac at the above address. Telephone 121111 No.(7051325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 708 Tutoring 9:00 PM. Ministry Of CHILDRENS coat hangers Call Val .. , Government 111141105 days or 177579111 "93 HAWK WA WE CARETUTORIIL SERVICES SATURDAY MATINEE I P.M. . . evenmgs - N l ‘ WW WNde area 883 Forqualilled academrcrnstruction _ __ _ 1; ' 727-2544 or 224-0271 “I”; SCOTTISH kill Size 10 girls 884 6‘ I â€" Ontario ABS ARCHITECTS TENDER FOR - .. s so W my home Romhew Cum CHILDREN (TWELVEErUNDERl I lhornhill 889 7618 c2w33 7559 PIANO INSTRUCTION Reasonable rates Specialities Beginners Grade 7 piano LOUIsa Martin 889-5800 ALTERATIONS done In my home WATER «MONTH 895 9978 car price 1111711611 r' W household contents or individual items 495-1942 WEEKLY? Siyearolds 111111 8 Yongâ€"e area Excellent care by young grandmother. 8896888 RICHMOND HILL THEATRE 10099 YONGE ST.. 8835533 i‘rwis 52° Personals SACRED HEART JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWMARKET, ONTARIO GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL TRADES Sealed tenders on a stipulated sum basrs marked SACRED HEART JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. NEWMARKET. ONTARIO, Will be received until 3:30 pm. EST, THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1979 at the office of the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, 21 Dunlop Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Plans and speficiations may be obtained from the Architects Allen and Sherrift. SUite N0. 200. 10350 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Ontario (416) 8841117 on a deposit of a certified cheque In the amount Of $100.00 payable to the Architects. This deposrt Will be refunded only upon the return of plans and specrfications in good condition. Tenders must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of$15.000.00. FOR FAST SERVICE 55° Career Training RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER TRAINING Keep your rob & learn in spare time » you could be on the air in 5 months' News, Sports, D1 Talk Shows, ProCram Host. ATV Commercrals with placement servrce. FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME - 921.2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING vrrvi-i Do something newiCall Rendezvous Dating Lid Loca165>771167671fl VIV‘ITIH If DEATH has touched Your LIFE and caused you pain or if your own mortality you fear COME TALK TO ME DEATH EDUCATION AND COUNSELLING 727-8023 GROUPS 8r INDIVIDUAL John Syme, Counsellor 07 3c PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL All areas OI the face and body JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 884 8968 (4w34 All RSP are not alike RSP HOURS _ SUPER TIL MAR] DEADLINE 5‘" Domestic Help Wanted CLEANING lady 1 day per week Own transportation 889-0693 The lowest or any tendcer not necessarily accepted, 881-3421 Mem of Electrolysis Assocration of Ont. 8 American Electrolysis Assocration 3“ Auctions AUCTION SALE YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 YONGE ST. THORNHILL SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1 PM Fine collection of carved dining room. living room and bedroom 'furniture antiques and collectibles the contents of several estates to be sold by public auction wrthout reserve bid Exceptional 9 pc mahogany Sheraton dining room surte In very To petter serwce y0ur Retirement Sayings Plan needs Canada Trust WIII be open Saturday. February 24 and Monday thru Thursday opening or Withdrawal charges no-red-tape loans for making deposits Over two decades of RSP experience Eyen it you have a RSP ConSIder Canada Trust In most cases SWITChll'Ig is easy Call Or come in for details All RSPS are not alike TFC5 TIRED OF 'PLUCKING? and shaving unSIghtly hair Try electrolysis Safe 81 permanent. Complimentaryconsultation Audrey GrahamCE 884-3269 Before 9 30 a m 8 after 4 pm IFC35 MATURE PART TIME NANNY AIIECIIOTIBIE. responsible nanny for baby 3 - 4 hours per day. Arnold Cres area, Own transportation 883-5942 For interwew CLEANING LADY One day per week, Own trans- portation. pleasant conditions. 827 9-3 relerences. REPLY TO BOX 12 evening til 8 p m . February 26 to March 1 Compare these features WldeSI investment Chalce excellent interest rates no sales commISSIon Canada Trust L'.l Most branches open Friday evening and Saturday, TORONTO Yonge at Adelaide 362-6161' - Queen at Lansdowne 531-9908 - Bloor at Bathursl 534-9211 Eglinton at Bathursl 789-2933 - Eglinton between Islington and Kipling 241-5248 VD. counoflmn Bloor near Royal York 231-6514 - Lakeshore 1‘ mi west 01 Royal Yorkl 259-2351 - Bloor at MIII Rd 621-8320 line condition, carved 7 pc solid oak dining set In English Tudor St Clair at Yonge 923-1121~Eglinton at Castle Knock 481-4495 - Yonge at Erskine 481-4435 “Sign 10 pc walnut dlmng set 7 DC apanmengmed mahogany DIAGNOSIS 5 mums” St Andrews Plaza 226-0484 o Fairvrew Mall 491-0567 - Sheppard. Iusl east 01 Warden 298-3060" dmmg room set. 5 and 6 DC gramed walnut and mahogany . 22 Prospect St Newmarket Bayview Woods Plaza (Finch between Bayview and LeslrelZZS-7791' ‘ - Shoppers World. The Oantorth 698-2871 I b d I 8 d k I t b d 884 1133 MISSISSAUGA Hwy 10 south 015277-9474 v Square One (second level nearWoolcol 270-9102 005 er e room sur es. pc ar wa nut wrn e room suite “W 33 Meadowvale Town Centre 826-2712 . BHAMPTON/BRAMALEA 28 Main 451-3365 - Shoppers World 457-320l Wm, Inlald “may desygn luesda 10 11 a m and Wednesday Bramalea City Centre (2nd Floor. near Eaton 3) 457-7090 - GEORGETOWN Main at James 877-2266 Large bow-"0m mahogany china cabmet- mahogany Duncan Phyte 79 p [:1 OAKVILLE Lakeshore at Tralalgar845-7181 - MILTON Main at Charles 878-2834 breakhom chma (2’ wamut Chm cabmets Govemm wlmmop 350 Pets N t t I RICHMOND HILL Hillcrest Mall (wesl srdel 884-9169 - OSHAWA Simcoe near Bond 723-5221 - - 0 3900'“ “‘9” "9595531 'noi open Saturday ' 'open 8108 Mondaythru Saturday writing desk with ball and claw feet, Empire drop-iront writing desk mahogany kneehole desk. maple Queen Anne desk. selection of carved wrngback and tireside chairs, 3 pc Chesterfield and chair set in carved walnut lrame. dropleat dining table wrth 4 Chairs. walnut and solid cedar chests. Victorian rocker. Victorian tilt-top table. antique oak spindle-back rocker. unusual pine icebox. butcher block antique cherry chest 01 drawers. French ProvinCial tea wagon. 5 pc provrncral dinette set, 5 pc rock maple dinette set, Victorian rope bed. tiner carved mahogany glass-top collee and end tables. 2 COLLIE Pups, 2 males. Blue Merle, Best otter. 7 weeks old Reg’d 883- 4259. T’3Tr51'4'1'5x LABRADOR PUPPIES Pure bred lrom Show and Field Trial champion bloodlines Have ‘ and 3-trer parlour tables. leathertoo and Chippendale drum tables. minor white variations Irom breed DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 19 Boston rockers, library hall and console tables. Brass hall tree standard Bargaln DllCES 6 Weeks ‘2 WWW arm mans chest 0' mm” mm“ Dumb and mm 0111 889_1480 name,«,4,sarxxgcwax,arflvsascwxxxmsamwv,«xwwscsscma ~m sewrng cabinets magazrne racks. etc ml;â€" B PENTECOSTAI. ASSEMBLIES Collectibles clocks. brass copper and silver items china and decoratOr N lamps, brass student lamps, mirrors. picture lrames, loads of handpainted D 330138155 Angsllcagngghzuzlgg ST JOHN'S OF CANADA china vases figurines. dish sets and much more 1 R‘ggfifong HIH' BAPTIST CHURCH 50 wngm Street Partial listing only Much more in by sale time Prevrew (Tom 1200 Clergy Rev Bernard Barrett 75 0mm Street W 8843091 noon Sunday 884-1394 H MA RI HAR N m . BWEEKS OLD PUREBRED Rev William Prentice (Membegngfg‘fn‘dch°e"g§3"°" 0f 5331M“- Pau‘V'” RE“ 0 PisETORC 080 AU 0 N Legal Notices ms, 773.5393 883-4149 1 l zfi‘fi'grfifnhfl 015m TEMPORARY LOCATION OF CHURCH â€"â€" â€" R9" “911130130” INTERIM MINISTER 7PM Even n g 9 OLD LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH FOR NOTICE To 8842418 Dr s R McClung ' g 9”” 26 CHURCH ST.THORNHILL AMBRbSE YOUNG CREDITORS I Serwces: Sun 8AM. and 1030 AM. Tuesday CORNER OF YONGE 31 7 N0 7 Hwy ‘ Wednesday 10 AM - 730 PM 945AM .Church School 645 805 12 to 18 t 10AM Sunday School siTUATED 0N HIGHWAY 73 STRAIGHT F0 B 5 Minier c 11881-2818 ’ m“ "‘g at 11 A M w h EAST OF WOODBRIDOE ALso KNOWN i “‘99 E31319 0' 00‘0"” Isabe' RUmb'e FromChamRimiSIoci - 1103111 Mzrningwwshm §'§8m°"d H'I'H'ghsmo' 7PM o OJSIIRTIM PW? As CENTRE 81 THORNHI F All persons havrn Claims a alnsl HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 7 ‘ AdultPrayerand Bible Study 0599 a I LL IRST e a $150 (ANGUCAN) LIVE IN RICHMOND HILL the Estate 01 Dorothy Isabel Rumble late 01 the Town of Richmond Hill in the Regional Munrcrpality of York SET OF BUILDINGS 0N NORTH SIDE JUST EAST OF BATHURST ST OR WEST OF YONGE ST E PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH AND THORNHILL YOU CAN HELP US GROW BROOKE ST THORNHILL S OF HWY 78W OF YONGE ST 1-898-3845 on who died on or about the 1311i day 889-5931 PR | AWARM WELCOME-EXCITING SERVICES SATURDAY MARCH370 or July 1977 are hereby notified to SUNDAY MARCH 4 1979 ALIEEIHEEBCLEQSSEfilggBE FORINFORMATION~PHONE8897851 A112 NOON send Daltlculals 01 Same ‘0 the annquaeesrma "T RICHMOND HlLLUNlTEDCHURCH undersrgned on or betore the 7th day 01 March 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims 01 which the undeISIgned shall then have notice and the undersrgned WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH The sale Includes Case model 430 diesel tractor lully powered with front end loader Igoodl. MF model 65 diesel tractor lully powered wrth multI-power trans Igoodl McCormick 8 am Holy Communion Yonge and Centre Streets, 884-1301 915 am Morning prayer iNursery and Church Schooll 11am Morning Prayer «Nursery and Church Schooll Males pure bred no papers 773-4802 Corner oi Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street sunday Mam“ 1979 Morning Worship at 11 00 A M c b s t t Wage eqmp Incl plow dlscs Cum: 01 whose claim they shall not then 565 Employment Church parade Amos m0, hauows “We, manu'e have notice Wednesday 10am Holy Communion 1000 AM > Blble School Classes Interim Minister Dr Norman A spreader fertilizer PTO broadcaster Wanted â€"'â€"'â€"‘_ [manages A MCNalln (1,119 new mower conditione, Side DATED AT RICHMOND HILL THis 7th “A M gMommgSerme Church SchooldurrngWOrshro rake bale elevatoi Int model 47 PgJNUIiflEBKREUerfi; 1:33AM AN SECRETARIAL SERVICES P esb 700PM Evening Service NUPe'lCa'EAVWb'e 2;? 321:]; 251132 13]”: FRANCES CLOU‘SE D‘CEMANL “ECU? Including typing invorcmg r 8 Prayer meéetarégpwhidnesday at “g ‘5 hotoco In Pick u and deliver - u TORS OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY D W g 9 TH :FI'Ue,Sn'adc'e'v'§gy?f'”;§ 23”; C529; ISABEL RUMBLE or THEIR SOLICITOR 884 9859 "C5 ORNHIET CHURCH A" “3111133332 EPIC'C’fym'C“ Other tanks troughs. Elec 8r wood 0 Inn ROBERT H BLACKBURN MESSRS _‘_ _- 3895391 ' I stoves etc Pattiallrstonly U lg STONG BLACKBURN 3- MACHON YOUNG man 19 steady. can Mmlste In R a rams Cash day 0, We Cheques SUITE 20o 10350 YONGE STREET scientlous worker. seeks honest ' MAEB Dev‘éhD’B 31””5 BETHELCANADIAN Mmldenmmhon RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO 14C388 employment In the Richmond Hill (Mam, Mr C Hunt MusBac REFORMED CHURCH Acadents Neither the owner nor the “" ” Thornhill area preferably Driving or A R C 0 148 Thornridge Di Auctioneer will be responSIble for ouydom WM Wened I am N M FEBR AR 7 ST PAUL LUTHAERAN Thornhill aCCIdents 0r property loss workmg at mgm [0 cone“ 3 wading SU D U Y 18 19 9 10131 Bayview venue Minister ERNIE SEVERN AUCTIONEER ll 00AM Orrme Worship is DAUPHINEE, PASTOR Rev 1 Mulder R R NO IALLISTON TE 705-435-4878 C2w34 Liberal difficulty Excellent references Cord 884 5576 B A B D - 889-5225 Service at 10 30 a m and 500 pm Sunday Church School Worship Service 930AM IIOOAM 1100 AM Church School Ibegiris in Church With parentsl 12 15 PM Presbyteens Lib'éral

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