Ecumenical Lenten Service, (‘hrist The King Lutheran Church. Thornhill. 7.15 p.m. York (‘horal Society. assisted by York Symphony Orchestra. Mozart‘s Requiem, and Gilbert and Sullivan‘s “Trial by Jury". 8 p.m. at Mary Lake Shrine. King. Info: 884-1532. St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church pancake breakfast. 9.30 - 10.30 a.m._ Ecumenical Lenten Service. Thornhill l'nited Church. 7.15 p.m. Richvale Lions Bingo. Richvale Lions llall. Spruce Avenue.~ 7.30 p.m. Richvale Lions bingo. Richvale Lions llall. Spruce Avenue. 7.30 p.m. Mother‘s Break. Richmond Hill United Church. 9.30 - 11.15 a.m. 884â€"4294. Legal Aid Clinic. 7 to 10 p.m. 884 9148. York Philharmonic Choir practice. R. Hill Baptist. 7.30 883-2234 She is gambling her future on being able to capture the imagination of the Toronto area's more adventurous restaurant goers. Something like the young man who walked through a window and wound up as chairman of the board. Ms. Jennings, 28, is now a partner and part-owner of the business where she started out on the bottom rung. Two months later, she applied for a job as a sales representative in a new office in the Sheppard Centre. the same building where her husband used to live. What followed is reminiscent of the plot of “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying." Eighteen months ago. Ms. Jennings lived in a luxury high- rise apartment. making a home for a “brilliant†young husband who made her feel like a flower on the wallpaper by comparison. “Just, like ' that,†she found herself on the door-step of the family home at 61 Kirk Drive in Thomhill. “We couldn’t communicate," said Ms. Jennings, giving a classic reason for the marriage's break-up BY LARRY JOHNSTON Liberal News Editor “I was like a caterpillar," said Avril Jennings, “now I’m out of my cocoon.“ . . . to be a BABYSITTER. On weekday mornings, the York Region Family ‘Y‘ needs people who are willing to babysit You would he caring for children, at the ‘Y‘, whose parents are participating in one of the recreation programs. If you enjoy children and can give a few hours each week. call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau â€" 883-2235. . . . to be a LIBRARY ASSISTANT. A junior public 'school Kindergarten to Grade 3) located near the Hillcrest Mall, is looking for someone to help in their library. They need someone who enjoys young children and will come to the school on a regular basis to/help with the books. If you are interested call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Out of the cocoon and into a vice-presidency Your community needs you. . . 10454 YONGE ST. N.. RICHMOND HILL J POP’S RESTAURANT & TAVERN TRY OUR SPECIALTY STEAK 8 SEAFOOD DISHES HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR LIQUOR LICENSE 8842752 11 Scrabble Games. Richvale Community Centre, 7.30 - 10.30 p.m. Duplicate Bridge. l2: X p.m. Info: 884-1689 Lions Bingo at 7.40 p.m. Centre Street. Richmond Hill. “Swing Into Spring" fashion show by A.C.W. and Holy Trinity Church. Thornhill. Info: 881-7349. Lions Bingo at 7.40 p.m.. Centre St., Richmond Hill. Sea Cadets, RCSCC Patriot. St Mary's Anglican. 7-9 p.m. Info: KIN-3630. Scrabble games at Richvale (‘ommunity Centre. 7.30 - 10.30 p.m. llelpmate Information annual meeting at Consumers Gas. Richmond Hill. 7.30 p.m. Info: “3-2234. CGIT. Richmond Hill United Church for girls. 12 to 17 years of age. 7 to 8.30 p.m. 884-5971. York Philharmonic (‘hoir practice at Richmond Hill Baptist Church. 7.30 p.m. Richvale Lions Drum Corps and Color Guard. Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 pm. Free topical fluoride clinic in; â€"â€"â€"â€" children 3 to 16 years old. 8.30 Dupicate Bridge. St. John's a.mV. to 4.30 p.m. Call the Health Anglican ChIH'Ch. 12125 Yonge. But Ms. Jennings said the same kind of promotional techniques which worked on three million Americans were not going to succeed with Canadians. Yoga, Richmond Hill United Church. 7.15 to 8.30 p.m. for beginners; 8.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. for intermediates. Let‘s Dine Out started 18 years ago in California and spread across the United States. Last year. the owners decided to expand into Toronto. With 4,000 licensed restaurants, it seemed like a logical move; an office was opened and a variety of restaurants were signed up. The club membership also buys two books of coupons. One is good for discounts at motor-hotels across the United States, usually a second night of free lodging. The other is good for a second free admission at a number of attractions in the Toronto area. from a seat at the St. Lawrence Centre. to a cruise on The Trillium. Adventurous diners try out a variety of international foods, French. Italian, mid-eastern and even an Irish restaurant, all of which are included on the list. She is vice-president of Let‘s Dine Out Company, which offers club memberships for two din- ners for the price of one at more than 50 different Toronto restaurants. Club members, may use their card in each restaurant only once. “If I told you you could get a MONDAY 2125 Yong St. . . . to be a GIRL GUIDE LEADER. If you enjoy working with girls, Girl Guides need your help. You would be able to assist with the Craft programs. training programs, field trips and planning. An orientation program would be offered to help train you for your new volunteer work. Call the Richmond Hill \‘olunteer Bureau, at 883-2235. . . .r to be a CLASSROOM GRAND- PARENT. A senior citizen who enjoys children is needed for a public school in the Elgin Mills â€" Bayview area. You would visit in one classroom â€" to hear the children read stories and to admire their work. If you would like more information please call the Rich- mond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. Libéral Parent Concern. 8 to 10 p.m. Call :Joyce, 884-3503. (‘ounterweighL Richmond Hill Public Library. 7.30 pm. (‘oncord Golden Era Club euchre. (‘oncord Community Hall. 8 p.m. Info: 669-1851. Thornhill Lions Bingo. Thornhill Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. ()ne Parent Families Assn. general meeting, Thornhill Community Centre. Election night.8p.m. (‘ancer Unit. film on sélf breast examination. 7.30 p.m. (‘harles (‘onnor Library. Aurora Unit for inforï¬lation and 313- Information: 884-1689. pointment: 884-1133: 887-5245: â€"-â€"â€" 832-1384: 297â€"3324. A Morning Out. Rich Richmond Hill Horticultural Society meeting at the Presbyterian Church. 8 p.m. Income tax clinic for seniors and lo“ income people. noon to 8 p.m. Info: 883-2234. Scone lea. Burr House. (‘arrville Road. 1.30 p.m. Info: 884-0327. Ladies Night Out. Yoga & a variety of crafts. Viking Club‘ ()ak Ridges. 7 p.m. “Promotion is the name of the game." she explained. “Restaurants want to become known so they are willing to give away one meal in the hope that you will tell your friends about them and come back again yourself." “Americans love gimmicks, Canadians are more con- servative and we have to explain to them why the concept works.†free meal in 53 different restaurants for a $22.95 club membership, you would think there was a catch, wouldn’t~ you?" Wednesday AVRIL JENNINGS TUESDAY ommunlty REGULAR EVEN Wednesday February .28, 19.79 (‘anadian Progress Club‘ Info: 884-3888. Free topical fllioride clinic for children 3 to 16 years. 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Call the Health Unit for Medical Secretaries Assn. York ('entral Hospital. 8 p.m. Info: 884- 5789. (‘urtain Up at Hillcrest. Tonite: “Irish Mist.“ featuring Jean [)oench. Richmond Hill Lions Majorette and drum corps practice. Lions Hall. 7-9 p.m. A Morning Out. Richmond Hill United Church. 9.30 - 11:15 a.m. 884-9722. Seniors Euchre games, club rooms. 10149 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. 1.30 p.m. Combined L.(‘.W. meeting and Lenten Service at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church. 8 p.m. Parent & pre-schooler program at St. Mary Immaculate School. H a.m. - noon. Evening Book Discussion group, Thornhill Community Centre Library. 7.30 p.m. (‘urtain Up at Hillcrest. Tonite: Polka Night featuring E. Gresko. 5.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Richmond Hill United Church Women. (‘hurch Parlour. 8 p.m. Info: 884430]. Lenten Service. St. Paul's Lutheran Church. 8 p.m. 2| .m.-noon. _ Parent 8; pre-schooler program. St. Mary Immaculate School, ll a.m. - noon. ()ppoi-tunity Sale at Holy Trinity Anglican (‘hurch. Thornhill. IO St. John Ambulance, York (“entral Branch Brigade meeting. Don Head School. 8 p.m. 223-3302. ('urtain Up at Hillcrest â€" Tonite: “A Touch of Hawaii". 5.30-8 p.m. (‘anadian Progress Club, York ('entral, 7 p.m. 884-3088. Since then, her life has been a whirlwind of radio interviews and business appointments. Her side of the business involves both the publicity and dealing with restaurants, not the best thing for a girl‘s figure. ()ak Ridges Public SchJoI Science Fair â€" 6.30-8.30 p.m. St Paul's Lutheran Church. Ash Wednesday Service. 8 p.m. She works with the conviction that would sell ice-boxes to Eskimos. knowing that if she fails, she will be right back where she started a year ago, “with nothing". But if she succeeds, she will be a half-owner in a suc- cessful service company. So far, Ms. Jennings was running the public relations for Let’s Dine Out Company when she saw that changes had to be made to get the message across to Torontonians. She found a business partner, and persuaded him to invest in a “sort of franchise†buying out the American owners and promoting the concept in Toronto. She then persuaded the ; American owners to give her the chance. There are some restrictions at the most popular restaurants. For example, at the Top of Toronto, the membership is only good for a free meal from October to May. The Let‘s Dine Out list not only includes name restaurants like George's Spaghetti House, but other good restaurants that are off the beaten track like the Deer Park Inn, just outside Stouffville. WEDNESDAY Richmond Hill Legion Bingo, Legion Hall, Ohio Road. Rich- mond Hill. 7.35 p.m. Yoga Class, Richmond Hill United Church, 9 to 10.15 a.m. for beginners and 10.15 to 11.30 a.m. information and appointments: 884-1133: 887-5245: 832-1384: 297- 3324. Intro meeting for Smoke Enders clinics, l p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band rehearsals. 7.30 p.m. at St. Joseph's School. For further information. call 884-8873. Yoga Classes at Thornhill Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 8.45 to 10 p.m. Air Cadets. male and female. 12- 18 years, Legion. Ohio road, 7 p.m. Info: 884-4521. “A Christian Approach to Effective Living" at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. Info: 884â€"2227. (‘itizen Advisory Group meeting. 7.45 p.m. Consumers‘ Gas building. Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band rehearsals. St. Joseph’s School. Info: 884-8873. Intro to Smoke Enders clinics at Thornhill Community Centre, I p.m. & 7 p.m. Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band rehearsals. 7.30 p.m. St. Joseph's School. Info: 884-8873. Air Cadets. male & female. 12-18 yrs. Legion. Ohio Rd., 7 p.m. Info: 884-4521. years. Legion. Ohio Rd.. 7 p.m Info: 884-452l. “A Christian Approach to Effective Living" at St. Mary's Anglican Church. 7.30-9.30 p.m. Info: 884-2227. Block Parent 'Assn. executive meeting. 7.30 p.m. at York Region Police Station. Major Mackenzie Drive. info: 881-5608. _she says, things are going very well. The entertainment will be basically adult oriented. middle- of-the-road music that will be heard in Richmond Hill, although On Monday Richmond Hill council approved a staff recommendation allowing CKAN Radio Limited, from Barrie to amend a bylaw permitting a radio broadcasting facility in town. CKAN is a newly licensed AM radio station to be located at 1480 on the dial, set up by Aurora, Newmarket and Bradford business men. Richvale Writers Club. 8-11 p.m. 79 Denham Drive, 889-6703. Needlepoint course. Chas (‘onnor Library. 1.30-3.30 p.m Info: 773-5533. \ir Cadets. male & female. l2-18 Six 170-foot radio transmitter towers will soon dominate the Oak Ridges skyline. ' There was no evidence that she can recall‘ from her record at Langstaff Secondary School a decade ago. that she would be forging a career for herself in business. Her life was typical Thornhill teenager. to the point where she was even pursued for a photograph in the Telegram‘s After Four section. Radio towers approved She went to the University of Section C THURSDAY Thursday 15 Navy League. St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Wrixon Hall. 6.45 p.m. Boys 10 to 13 welcome. 223-8868. Maple Leaf Accordion Band. McKillop School, 7 to 9 p.m. 884- 8390. Bayview and Green Lane. 7 to 8.30 p.m. Thornhill Recycling Depot. Weight Watchers. Concord Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. 669- 2173. Friday night youth program for kids 1346 years at Don Head Secondary School from 7 to 10 Duplicate Bridge. St. John's Anglican Church. 12125 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 8 p.m. For more information. call 8844689. for intermediates. 884-2671. Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge St.. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Friday night youth program for kids 13 to 16 at Don Head School. 7.10 p.m. _ _ _ _ Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Friday night youth program for kids I346 at Don Head School. 7- l0 p.m. \'-Ballroom Dance at Richvale Community Centre. 8.30 p.m. Tickets: Call the Y. Twin llills Midget 8 Rams sponsor a dinner dance at Oak Ridges Bond Lake Arena. Tickets: 884-4441. World Day of Prayer at St. Mary's Anglican. 10 a.m. Transportation: 884-2045. Euchre at Buttonville (‘om- munity Hall. 8 p.m. World Day of Prayer services for Temperance-ville. Wesley. St. Paul's & St. Johns at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church. Oak Ridges. 1.30 p.m. The site is presently in agricultural production and the proposed owners express a willingness to use the land for hay. clover or pasture. Representatives from CKAN seek to purchase a ten and one- half acre site on Ridge Road east of Yonge Street where they will construct six antennae and associated buildings. So she wenf i0 Ryerson and took business administration and met her future husband. A strip of land roughly one mile wide running from just north of Bloomington Sideroad to Lake Wilcox, on the east side of Yonge Street is the only area suitable for these towers. Guelph; took psychology; became a campus radical, and dropped out. Back in Toronto, she worked with emotionally disturbed children. Then. realizing that her friends’ psychology degrees were not leading to jobs, she decided to take something practical. the primary service‘ area will Be north to Lake Simcoe. She did not pick up her business FRIDAY LUNCH BUFFET 325 17-00 â€" 17210 1 01 33 YONGE 884-7224 31901152 of {arts STEAK AND SEAFOOD 12:00 - 12:30 ENTERTAINMENT ALSO 883-2234 Thornhill Recycling Depot. Bayview and Green Lane. 10 a.m. to noon. Richmond Hill Recycling Depot, Elgin Mills Road at Leslie. 10 a.m. to noon. Soccer registration. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Thornhill Community Centre. Info: 889-8957. International Dance at Heintz- man llouse. sponsored by lleintzman House Ladies Auxiliary. x p.m. Info: 889-9308. One day seminar at Waldorf School. 9.30 - 4 p.m. Dance at Thornhill Community Centre. 8.30 p.m. One Parent Families Association. Isl Langstaff Cubs and Scouts annual Daï¬ce at Richvale Lions Hall. 8 pm. Tickets: 881-077]. “This is not a commercial figure." said Wayne Bjorgari, spokesman for CKAN, “but roughly the cost of usage". York Philharmonic Choir. an evening of great choral works. Edward F. Luka conducts. At Thornhill United Church. 8 p.m.‘ Tickets: 889-2042, 225-3745. Richmond Hill Leo‘s (‘lub “Jeans Dance“. 8 p.m. R. Hill Lions Hall. CKAN will be able to supply tower space for installation of the radio antenna, eléctrical power and housing for the transmitter â€" all for $50 per month which was described by representatives as “the going rateâ€. ' Town planning staff have in- dicated they do not feel there will be any adverse impact from this proposal, in fact feel the municipality would benefit as they could secure a site for the Richmond Hill Fire Department two-way radio equipment. She says she is happy for the first time in years. “I didn’t used to think of myself as a dynamic person; how I do." sense from him, she says‘ but from her father. Kenneth Jen- nings, vice-president of Canadian Acceptance Corporation. Her parents, she says. regard her finding a business career so soon after her separation as an “act of God." SATURDAY Saturday 10