Limited on Edward Street in Richmond Hill asking for a new contract to include higher wages. dental benefits and holidays Mediation talks bet- ween the company and the union broke off for the second time February 22 Mr. Smith said a letter was sent by Reynolds Extrusion to each of the striking employees advising them the company has a new at- tractive two-year package which will pay back time to November of 1978. Richvale residents still concerned over rezoning Striking steelworkers at a local plant are still without a contract â€" five weeks later. Approximately 170 members of United Steel Workers of America union, local 84-12, are on strike at Reynolds Extrusion Company Limited on Edward Street in Richmond Hill asking for a new contract to include higher wages. dental benefits and holidays. Mediation talks bet» ween the company and the union broke off for the second time February 22 Almost one year later the town of Richmond Hill planning committee is still trying to please Rich- vale residents concerning the rezoning of their properties. With the advent of the new official plan designating the area “fully serviced" south urban residential, and the arrival of sewers last year. the town has prepared changes in zoning that in many areas would reduce maximum frontages allowing many residents to split their properties for develop- ment. A-Z â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. February 28. 1978 Many residents have aired objections to the rezoning saying the change will result in a change in the character of the area and their life style. Others feel their property value will decrease while others fear the loss of open space and increased traffic density and noise. Meetings on the subject intensified in March of 1978 with town planning committee studying staff research reports on the area, and have continued both in public. for further discussion with area residents, and in planning committee. Council chambers was filled last Tuesday evening for a meeting of planning committee when these matters were again reviewed, with residents making appeals both for and against the rezoning. The7 general planning rationale or philosophy. Strike at Reynolds enters fifth week 8401 WOODBINE JUST SOUTH OF HWY. 7 DON MILLS WE NOW OFFER SO MUCH MORE FABRIC El- DRAPERY MILL OUTLET FABRIC & DRAPERY MILL OUTLET I 4956919 In addition to oar regular discount dress fabrics and union local president, Dennis Smith of Rich- mond Hill said he felt the company “made no ef- fort". “We‘re open to question and negotiation on any issue holding up the signing of the contract," said Mr. Smith. according to a report from the Commissioner of Planning. Bill Power‘ said the installation of the sanitary sewer has reflected an evolving redevelopment trend in the Richvale area. Town staff feel no physical problems or impediments will result from the rezoning with water and sewer services sufficient. school ac- commodation available and increased traffic will distribute itself in all directions. - The report states a transition is occurring as a result of the change from rural to urban services. ‘ Old frame houses are being replaced with new brick structures and the requirement of large lots designed for septic tile fields is no longer applicable. New bylaws are to facilitate a proper and orderly redevelopment of the individual areas Areas discussed Tuesday as “deferred areas" will now have the appropriate bylaw amendment prepared and will then go to council for adoption. Bylaws already passed and circulated, but brought up for discussion Tuesday evening will now go to the Ontario Municipal Board, along with the objections. Planning Commissi- oner Bill Power, said in all likelihood the OMB will hold public hearings on these particular issues â€" but probably not for four to six months. The company originally offered a three-year contract. But “the company must have lost the offer because they never produc ed it that day (February 22)," said the union local president, “and they've not revealed any in- formation." In this letter sent to employees the company outlined the issues in- volved in the strike as they saw them including the fact that a different contract date was not acceptable to the com- pany, but they would be willing to negotiate providing the union drop the date of contract issue. Mr. Smith speaking for the union. said the ratification date was not an issue but the union did not like the company putting “pre-condilions“ on the negotiations. “We‘re open u negotiation on any point,‘ he reiterated. Representative for the company, A] Potter, maintained his stand to The Liberal that company policy is not to get inâ€" volved in ‘a battle on issues through the press. and would not comment. So far. the strike has been a quiet one with about 70 strikers picketing each week, around the clock, 7 days a week. Friday a transport trailer from Michigan arrived at the Richmond Hill plant to pick up ex- truded shapes produced in January before the strike. Police were called to prevent violence and none occurred. “We‘re not there to break the law,“ said Mr. Smith. “and we do not intend to harass anyone but we will continue our picket line." Mr. Smith said union picket money for the workers had been in- creased by 50 per cent â€" from $40 to $60 and money was in the bank for payment of OHIP premiums. :1 Our recent policy of importing the ï¬nest fashion fabrics 1/ Our helpful Sales/adies can advise you on the proper care and handling of any material you choose. 1/ Our beautiful spring materials have just arrived, many of these fabrics are confined exculsively to us. So for something different, smart and exciting, visit Fabric 8 Drapery Mill Outlet. ./ For consistant moderate prices on superb dress materials and basic items, Visit us. You’ll be glad you did. and selling them at reasonable prices, has been received with enthusiasm by our many customers and has made us many new friends, too. SATURDAY 9:00 AM. TO 6:00 P.M 9:30 AM. TO 9:30 P.M OPEN DAILY Baptist minister welcomed March 6 Richmond Hill is bigger than Hinton. Alberta, but the town‘s new Baptist church minister, Rev. Paul Virr, is sure he is going to like it. going to like it. Pastor Virr, his wife, Inez. and his children Lois, 17, Elizabeth. 15, David 13 and Sarah- Leigh. 5. began their ministry at Richmond Hill Baptist Church January 14 and Tuesday. March 6 at 7:30 pm. the church members have scheduled a welcoming service. The new minister views his ministry at Richmond Hill Baptist as one of leading the people “up- ward to God in worship, inw’ard to the body of believers in ministry. and outward to the com- munity in service." Music for the occasion will be presented by a Ladies Ensemble from Calvary Baptist Church in Oakville, and sister congregations as well as friends and acquain- tenances. are invited to share the evening of fellowship as members of the congregation welcome Pastor and Mrs. Virr into their church tamily. “A balance is required in all three areas if a church is to function according to the scrip- tural pattern,†he said. So you want to be a Canadian Cixizen? enquire anytime from 9:00 am, to 3:30 pm. the 1st AND 3rd TUESDAY 0! EACH MONTH THE NEWMARKET COMMUNITY CENTRE 221 Cedar Street, Newmarket Tel: Oshawa - 723-1216 I * Seeretary Secretariat ofState d'EIat APPLICATIONS FOR CITIZENSHIP 2160 HWY. 7 EAST OF KEELE CONCORD 6692251 Absent trustees will penalize themselves With an 11-4 vote, Separate School trustees decided to penalize themselves for missing any board meeting or standing committee in future. There is already a section in the Education Act which states: “A board may provide for a deduction of a reasonable amount from the allowance meetings of the board." ‘ Director of Education John Zupancic, on in- struction from Chairman Larry Pelliccionne. added six clauses to the board‘s existing Policy 25, dealing with trustee allowances. They were passed with little op- position. A trustee will now lose half his or her monthly honorarium for missing a regular or special board meeting called by the chairman. The penalty will be waived as long as prior notice of absence is given to either the chairman or the secretary-treasure of the board. By missing a meeting of either the education or management committee tdepending upon assignment) trustees must forfeit 25 per cent of t h e i r m o n t h l y honorarium. , Other strict measures of the policy include the taking of attendance at each meeting (recorded in the minutes) and the recording of late arrivals or early departures of trustees at the ap- propriate point in the minutes. In 0quin Libéral When trustees are found derelict in their duties. it will be Superintendent of Business Administration Ed Joyce‘s job to make the corresponding deductions. The only one vehemently opposed to the motion was Markham Trustee Dan Di Rocco. “I'm opposed to the intention of the motion making trustees attend meetings, although it does not state it that way. because I don‘t see why he or she wouldn‘t attend the appropriate meeting," he said. Mr. Di Rocco went on to say trustees are elected by their constituents and if they are failing to fulfill their responsibilities, it is up to the electors to remove them. He claimed the board has no business telling a trustee whether he should be at a meeting or not: The chairman said the board wasn‘t discussing what or what isn't its business but an addition to a ministry regulation. There already exists a rule stating a trustee can be terminated for missing three consecutive meetings. Di Rocco didn't like the idea of trustees “in- dividually penalizing fellow trustees". The trustee who had requested the chairman to consider the addition to the policy. Con Thompson of Richmond Hill was absent. Safety at work . . . everywhere! GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 74 __.________._.___ï¬ I 46,9: Work will include widening and paving of Highway 11, installa- tion of storm sewers, widening of CNR structure, and improve- ments at the intersections of Highway 11 and existing side streets. MTC awarded the contract for this reconstruction (Hwy 11 from Steeles Ave. to Highway 7) to Repac Construction Ltd. The contract is scheduled to be completed July 31,1980. Certain modifications to traffic operations on side streets will be required during the construction period. Two driving lanes will be provided on the following streets at all times: Crestwood Ave., Meadowview Rd., Clark Ave., Elgin St, Arnold Ave., John St, Uplands Ave., Highway 7B and Royal Orchard Blvd. Any one or combination of the remaining side streets in'the construction area may be closed to traffic for a period not ex- ceeding six continuous hours at one time. During the period any of the side. streets are closed to traffic, the adjacent side streets (to the north and south) will be open to vehicular traffic, to provide residents with an alternate route. Vehicular and pedestrian access to private homes, businesses and off-street parking areas fronting on Highway 11 will be maintained at all times. During the reconstruction work, Highway 11 traffic will be main- tained, though restricted to a single lane at times. Your co-operation throughout the construction period is appre- ciated. ~ For further information please contact: R. Dixon, Project Super- visor, 495-0117. Ontario RECONSTRUCTION WORK ON HIGHWAY 11 STARTS MARCH 1,1979 Notice to Residents of Thornhill Your I.A.P.A. has safety skills to share! (And it doesn’t cost taxpayers a penny!) 2 Bloor Street East. 23rd Floor. Toronto, Ontario M4W 3C2 (M6) 965-8888 NON-PROFIT 0 BUSINESS FUNDED 0 SINCE I9 I 7 How does it feel to be part of a world authority on health and safety. without costing taxpayers a penny? Good! Now get your own money's worth! If you have a need for information or consultation, contact |_.A.P.A. today. We're constantly up-dating health and safety theory and practice. at work. at home. everywhere! Industrial Accident Prevention Association LARA, The Industrial Accident Prevention Association is totally funded by business and industry. If your company is in manufacturing or retail industries. very likely it's a member of I.A.P.A!- Ministry of Transportation and Communications WALLBOARD 0 INSULATION ' PLASTER CEMENT 0 MASONRY PRODUCTS 0 VARIOUS SEWER PIPES - ETC. 1 OFF wmc nus coumu BUILDING MATERIALS 742-8646 10445 KEELE $1., MAPLE, ONTARIO OFFER EXHRES MAR 15/79 IAPA-3S- 79