\â€" ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks MomTCYCIMS 10' ‘ Sale 1975 F 150 EXPLORER Pick up 8 cylinder. t d s r y s » \ ~ brakes. w828110;?Igtipanbun‘igzr? Like new, 27,000 miles MAKE AN OFFER! Dave Wood Ltd 895-5747 Genurne Fast, For all yOUr parts. accessory and servrce needs Suzuki parts and factory trained mechanics friendly small town serVIce with down to earth prices MAVERICK "It; GRABBER THIS WEEKS SPECIAL New body and paint. 44,000 original miles. Excellent condition Certified, asking $2,300. 1979 GS 550 EN 3958150 $2,899.00 1975 now only NEWYDRKER BROUGHAM $259900 Fully loaded. A-l condition 727-5416 1975 Chrysler ‘ Cordoba V8 Automatic all power. speed control. factOry air-conditioning. electric rear window defogger. digital clock. A M radio plus 8 track stereo Landau roof. Velour interior EXCELLENT CONDITION Asking 33.60000 Call after 6 p m 727â€"3073 Or call collect anytime. 613-472-5842 1976 Olds Delta 88 Contains the "Royal Package“ of‘ Extras - Air Cond, electric Windows and a lot more, 36,000 miles. $5500.00. Certified. 895-4887 ’76 Monte Carlo Two door hardtop, Landau roof. 5 radials with extra snow tires Phone 775-3000 SUZUKI goes the distance 11 Holland St. E BRADFORD THE CYCLE SYSTEM 12 Heritage Rd., Unit 3, Markham REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. FREE PICK-UP 8r DELIVERY. 30 DAY PRICE GUARANTEE ON ALL NEW SUZUKIS. - I ,_.,‘ screens 294-2 20 1 COMMUNITY CYCLE THE SMALL MOTOR HOSPITAL OPEN EVENINGS HERITAGE MCCOWAN RD MARKHAM RD 2‘“ Snowmobiles 77 ELTlGRE $1,500. 773-5951 18665 SUTTON RD. QUEENSVILLE LOW, LOW PRICES TFC08 $4,250 . 727.3012 2‘0 Snowmobiles B “19761)ODCESESE t 1974 SKIDOO 74 SKI DOO roug am pac age. an au 0 Power steering, rear defrost, AM radio good tires plus snow. 28.000 wnhme,.coodcondyyyon_ 440 FA. Mint condition. Just miles, one Owner, excellent condition. $950 tuned. $850 with cover. Call $3.250 Dr best offer. 887-5415 arrerepn. â€"__.l__â€"‘._â€" 1978 HONDA Accord 5 speed. One 898 1829 AHER 6:30 Paul. 884-9141 Evgs 727-5566. ‘3‘ Business owner. Nice runner. $5,475.00. 895- ' ’ my Opportunities LUXURY sporty economy 1978 Plymouth Sapporo Power Brakes. Power steering, power Windows. Rear window defrost A.M.~F.M. 4 cycl. 5 ’3..it’s the best speed. 3,500 Km‘s $6,690.00 775- E. o l 5713 before 5 pm 895-5260 after 5 o "-m‘ mvestment '†we’ve ever made. Bruce and Pauline Lackie Kitchener Dealership 1978 HONDA Cine 4 speed AM. radio. rust-proofing, raCIng stripes. mag wheels, radial tires, 6.000 miles. Must be seen. Asking $4,100. 895-5992 after 6 pm. '78 PLYMOUTH Here's your opportunity to be part of a highly successful, promotion-oriented Canadian busmess 30 P P 0 venture expanding rapidly across the country, ROTO- STATIC. the revolutionary reSIdential and commerCIal 1300 KM. fully loaded. carpet cleaning system, offers you a financially aggres- Asking $6500, Sive Authorized Licensed Dealership Program As an independent ownerâ€"investor or owner-operator you can enyoy high returns on your investment In your exclusive area This “one~of-a-l<ind" patent-pending system that guarantees in writing no shrinkage or splitting of seams. is highly recommended by mayor carpet manufacturers. Write or call for more information and a personal inwtation to a ROTO- STATIC Dealer introduction and demonstration Open House. ROTC-STATIC CARPET CLEANING SYSTEM 134 Commercral Ave Ajax. Ont L18 2H5 (416) 683-0520 Days 775-7667 Evgs. 895-5260 78 CAMARO 305 4-speed, Power steering. power brakes. AM radio. Cragars all around, Cost $7.000. Asking $6.000 will take best offer. 773-5933 Ask for Murray 52" 35 78 FORD PICK-UP EXPLORER S-100 6.000 miles. Still under warranty $4.725 . 0r best offer 8890844 Q‘O To ‘7“ Rooms For Rent m Ca 8â€â€ Black Hawk ITIPOI'S E ,. M OTOR' HOME . MOTOR INN _ Richmond Hill FOR RENT Weekly and Monthy Rates available. to 23 feet. self-contained Roof Contact The Management: Call 895-1437 75 LIONEL “W34 room we cean 1 - Camper trailer. Sleeps 8 Fridge. 884-6305. q t I 72 Apartments stove, propane. sare tire. $2.500 To Rent or best offer. 833-6651 after 5 1976 Lionel HARDTOP TRAILER Sleeps 6. equrpped With privacy 7; curtains. Refrigerator,3burner stove MOTEL units, telephine, 4Pplece and closet. Heavy duty brakes. Like baths, televrsion, weekly, daily rates. SLEEPING room only No cooking . facilities Refrigerator available, $26 iRoom. share kitchen and bath $33 RICHMOND HILL Short mm 2 bedroom apartment. available Minimum 3 weeks in advance Adults 00†N0 flats avaflame immediately UTILII May atpreseny m Call 297-1445. ONE bedroom apartment. modern kitchen. business people preferred. new. Asking 32600 Call after 5 Tim. - Colonial Motel 889-4823. tfclr 8840931. 727-5453. â€"_______ FURNISHED rOOms. close to TWO bedroom apartment and a HEAVY DUTY ."3â€SP°'lat'°n-l€â€"'5 and recreation bachelor available April 1. Adults. Centâ€? 8890844 CZW35 only 25 and over Utilities Included E 884-1472 9 am -6 pm only, FURNISHED room for rent With garage prlwleges and Own entrance 832 1080 15" wheels Good condition 773-4780 $40 per week 8816052 NICELY Iurnished room for rent in GOLDEN FALCON central Richmond Hill 883 4457 Or Two bedroom, parking. heat and water. 8212 Children welcome, no pets please 773-5559 10 2c THORNHILL 2 bedroom, country setting $300. per month. 223-7033. c2w36 Excellent condition $3.000 or best 884 2573 THREE bedroom apartment. no peTs. offer. n uâ€"“ Adults only with references Central Evgs. FURNISHED room. separate en- Richmond Hill 884-6840 trance. refrigerator, light cooking E.“ gusmess person 384.5935 CENTRAL Richmond Hill. 1 bedroom apartment, April 1st. $279 50 monthly includes parking and all utilities 883 3905 Eves ADULT BUILDING COMPLETELY IU'"‘5I‘9d 0°56 to GO 2 bedroom apartment Available May station Gentleman DWI?â€ed 88‘ 1 Hydro. heat water included 9738 Fridge stove FURNISHEDâ€"room Close to tran- M 3283"“ “""ema" °"" 88‘ RICHMOND HILL YONGENORTH 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. sunken living room. dining room. eat-in kit- chen. self contained laundry room, broadloomed throughout Air condi- tioned 2 indoor parking. rec facil- Itles, utilities Included May 'lst 1972 KAWASAKI 500 CC, 3 cylinders . ’ occu anon $600 -Headers, near rear tire. fast. Ask rig L b I D $700.00. 727-4762. I i I I I977 HOMEMADE 40 ft x 8 1’1. house a“ trailer. Will deliver in a radius 0160 QUIET busmess person only 10' "we miles free. “km! IUITIISI'IEO Oflght clean TOOTTI CLOSE LO Yonge 884-I969 MOTOR HOME FOR RENT 25' Sleeps6 Fully contained 8896940U' FURNISHED bedsitting room and kitchenette 884-9714 .1: 19,71 TRAILSTAR Hardtop. good condition Used sparineg $2.000 895-6972 rFURNysHED room bath kitchen .40 Motucvcles fa . Working gentleman only 8844878 , . .f PRIVATE room, ouret home saw References 884 3143 i, y I ‘3. Supply Janitorial Service for a two year period THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 7. 1979 â€" B-ll "2 Apartments To Rent 305 Articles For Sale FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS SHOWROOM CLEARANCE All wall units and bedroom groupings at remarkable savings. Up to 40% off suggested retail. WED, THURS. 8r FRI. 11 AM. TO 4 PM. 81 Telson Rd., Markham 492-9599 ‘ BASEMENT SALE SAT MAR IOth FURNITURE 5°9Tenders TWO bedroom apartment on Yonge ONE bed 00m 1 rnshed basement I U ‘ St $300 monthly Evgs 884-7545 apartment Sortable for one person Available March 13th RPIeienCGS WILL give day care in my home aI'iy * $235 monthly 889 8364 age Beverley Acres area 884-9064 MANORS NOW RENTING! AND FAST! ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER Tenders will be received for Landscape & Site Maintenance for the 1979 season at the following locations: 90 Dew Street, King City 48 Wileen Road, Nobleton 474 8 468 Eable Street, Newmarket Tender documents may be obtained from'the Newmarket Office at: 10 TO 4 PM. Mostly brand new family clothing Great bargains and variety. House- hold artlcles, yewelleiy. trlvra. . , , B 813393; 2, a 20 Orion Cres..ThOrnhlll 713 Dayls Drive, Surte 302 a; 7981,2255 :- 8814339. 3347010 ' ‘3 Doncaslei Newmarket ontano ( 381-0000 I'- REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse Frost or W Free. excellent condition. $285. 884- Mr. H. McGowan mun CLAUSE“ nu 8050 REFRIGERATOR. GE Frost Free. 2 twin beds. matching desk. almost new. 883-4704 MACHINERY for sale. Drill press special ‘I capacrty $175 114 capaCity $550 749 5941 939 7496 08 4c Tenders clearly marked as to contents wrll be received by the undersigned until Wednesday March 28 1979 at 11 00 am for for the supply of the 1979 Uniform Requirements for the York Regional Police Force The Information to Bidders General Conditions and tender documents may be obtained from the undersigned Sunday March 11th 1979. 10am BrianJ.Ward, to 5 pm at the York Farmers Seeretary Market 7509 Yonge Street in YorkRegionalBoardof Thornhill Ontario Commissioners of Police Antique advertising toys m Antiques a Art QUALITY ALFALFA TORONTO'S SEVENTH GREAT NOSTALGIA Show 8 Sale 1800 bales Bloomington Sideroad Hwy 47 $150 a bale 832-1473 CONTENTS of one bedroom apart- merit. Terms cash Delivery can be arranged 884-5734 KROEHLER sofa bed. Very good condition. Tan. brown and black tweed. $200. Couch, black leather 3100. Electric heaters $20. Enclosed fan 315. Two bar stools, swivel, black mu _.. " / NEW RENTAL APARTMENTS IN NEWMARKET records INCLIS washer and dryer. like new. AT HURON HEIGHTS DR- AND DAVIS DR- 240 Prospect Street. magazines. comics, vintage clothing. heavy duty Best offer 663-4244 'eathe' 325- 93m 3815059- . ' i _ NEWMARKET,Ontario. photographlca mom and other after 5 0-1" - - L'Ve m 0 un'que low “59 apartmen! farms of memorabilia Admission {LEI/2&3.th eigst'ég‘rrifgeemgzrtliznli commun'IY C'Ose '0 5°h°_°'5r ‘“ Wanted To Rent ,5‘ 0° BRASS BEDS $395 or cotton ribboii. $250. or host offer. shopping. mayor fronsplcirtotlon and - Ca†Pam 884m†recreation col 1 ies. 2 BEDROOM house or basement ' I; up ____â€"___ apartment Business couple With one Anthue Show & saIe SANSUI AU 717 DC Amplifier, yust 4 Rents include: child 883 5139 VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL MAPLE ANTIQUES months old 3650 Or best offer. Call WOODBINE AVE. 6 KM NORTH OF 895 7668 after 6 pm HWY 7. . parking . woll-to-wall broodloom - quality stove . frost-free refrigerator . water 1 BEDROOM $250 2 BEDROOM $285 Cnr. Mayor McKenzie & Keele Street. 832-2567 CASH FOR SCRAP METAL Free pick up Or container 884-6693 ‘3NANTED TO RENT 4 0r 5 bedroom home in Richmond Hill or Hillcrest Mall area. For occupany April- May. In $550. - $650. per month range. Contact: Mr. W. Flavell at 895-2318 or 362-1022. After hours call SUN. MARCH Ilth 1030 AM T05 PM. 20 Dealers. featuring glass. china, brass. yewellery, art nouveau, fine y art appraisals Door prize. Admission 50‘ I DISC Jockey equipment. Console mixer. amplifier, speakers, etc. Call 895-7668 $650. Or best Offer, CUSTOM knitting done Ior the whole family In Thornhlll. 8816988 evenings c3w36 GLASGOW JIMMY'S MARKET ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES FREEZER refrigerator, upright. Inglis. gold $400 Stove, 30" Moffat, Avocado. $100 883-5726. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED FOR 898 4450 (We, 2 i - . year SPRING/SUMMER OCCUPANCY! yeasey & CRAFTS WPEWRITERSI mm calculators! LomIf LB 97 HURRY! W35 sales, service. rentals. Newmarket oerc'om g your own 1 350 & Business Machines, 497 Timothy St. Coll1_898_3337 PBS at Woodbridge Arena No. 7 Hwy. Newmarket,895-7621. TFC36 mic. Exceilent condition $250. or best offer. 881-0231. 8 lslington Avenue. The first. second AMERICAN Cocker puppies. blonde 8- 100th Sunday of each month. and rare black and tan, born January 099010 a-m ‘0 5 W†Shots. dewormed, Reg'd. 883-3579 ADM|SS|ON 50‘ _â€"* SOME SPACE AVAILABLE CHIHUAHUAS DEALER ENQUIRIES Males pure bred. no papers CJW-ZG 773-4802 350 Pets Sot. & Sun. 11 AM to 6 PM Mon. to Fri. 12 noon to 8 PM Rental pavilion just north of Davis Dr. on Huron Heights Dr. IFC23 BED, single, very good condition. m, 350. 884-4206. W CLEARANCE CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields HlMALAYAN Sealpoint male cat. Ready to breed. Demolition sale. Oil furnace, ducts, inside doors. etc. 884-4333 evenings. AN APARTMENT LIVING OPPORTUNITY THAT’S HARD TO FIND IN NEWMARKET TODAY! SO ACT NOW! CVictoria ALUMINUM Doers. windows, awnings. railings, Siding, soffit system. trough. Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. TWO dogs free to good home, together or separate, One Husky- Spanlel. 2 years. one Shepherd-Collie ' English Springer 5 years. Good watch dogs, excellent AND 'IEAKWOOD. Rosewooa filrï¬ifure. 6DevelopmentCorpyorc'iitrorrl‘nc. SPANIEL PUPS f0, ,3", and good My, thud...†B e d Chesterï¬elds bedroom la piece. dinrzglroorn, 9 Canadas leadingbufldcrofqualrryc‘ommwztues. 0K0 (egrdl Show quality. Excenem 773-4271. , - piece. lvrngroom. I new. temperment. Evgs. Reasonable. 247-4377. tfc 28 *168. to $598 CASH AND CARRY 609 Tenders 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below. addressed to the Regional Manager. Finance & Administration, Ontario Region, Department of Public Works. 4900 Yonge Street. (12th Floor), Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6. Will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the applicable deposit, through the office of the Director General, Department APPLIANCES 3 pcs. Stove and fridge, General Electric Medallion 850 Avocado. Stove, self- cleaning. fridge self-defrosting. Dishwasher (Viking) top line. also avocado. Will sell f0r $1,000. for the three appliances. 881-5059. 297-3620 iberal ' COMING SOON THE GALLOPING GROOMER dï¬ï¬unndu Shop ith - 311 A I t d All breed professmnal dog ' ces wane grooming done in the convenience of your home. Serving Thornhlll. ' Cash price for your household contents or of Public Works. Ontario Region. Tendering Office. 12th .472 ygltéfggETSHOWROOIggd 8408 individual items Floor. 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. R lchmond HI“, Aurora & New_ abovf College St- oppm westbm. 4951942 ote. FOR FAST SERVICE 01218 KENNEDY RD 759-2234 P market South of Hwy. 401. 029 DUNDAS ST. E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwys. 5 8r 10 Mississauga. O4900 DUFFERIN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch 8r Steels. Warehouse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 9T0 9 PM. SATURDAY TlLL 6 WANTED Playpen. High chair. car seat 881-8150 - l IFC 36 NO. 641548. Cleaning, Post Office, 21 Arnold Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Deposit: $25.00 CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1979 Enquiries: 416-224-4240 ° 884-5463 ASK FOR THE GALLOPING GROOMER INSTRUCTIONS Deposit for plans and specifications must be made in the form Of a certified bank cheque to the order of the Receiver General for Canada, and Will be released on return of the documents in good condition within one month from the date of tender opening. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" RICHMOND HILL PENTECOSTALASSEMBLIES BAP IST 0N TAR y 0 Stuart-srrgrrarcrurn 5......“ BAPTIST CHURCH OF CANADA 10°30Rjgggleoig $113227 BAPTIST CHURCH 50w,,gm3t,eet RICHMOND HILL G E R N M E N T N D E R Clergy Rev. Bernard Barrett 75 0mm Sheet Tel' 884-3091 884-1394 - . (Member Baptist Convention of REV. THOMAS E. RICHARDSON JANITORIAL SERVyCE Re“ Vlg'ggégnljéeM'ce Ontario and Quebec) ggsgiié'lgfev-ngï¬iggyrrr PASTOR y TEMPORARY LOCATION or CHURCH 1, Supply Janitorial Service for a two year period Rel-8grffizialcgkson INTERIM MINISTER l‘ptyMEmï¬ï¬'g"§:,V:f:'p OLD LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH at the Muck Research Station. Hwy. 400 at BRADFORD. Ont.15665/79/81. 2. Supply Janitorial Service for a two year period at the Driver Examination Centre. 96A-96B Yonge Street, AURORA. Ont. 101171779/81 Dr. S. R. McClung 26 CHURCH ST. THORNHILL CORNER OF YONGE ST. - ND. 7 HWY. 10 AM - Sunday School 11 AM. Worship and Praise 7 PM. Gospel Rally LIVE IN RICHMOND HILL AND THORNHILL YOU CAN HELP US GROW SCWICS Sun 8AM. and 10:30 AM. Wednesday 10 AM. . 7-30 PM Tuesday 6:45 Boys 12 to 18 meeting at Richmond Hill High School 7:30 Adult Prayer and Bible Study 9:45 AM. - Church School FDr Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. - Morning Worship HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST THORNHILL S. OF HWY 78 W. OF YONGE ST K PREACHING THE OLD BOOK at the Probation Office. Suite 220 and the Mines . THE NEW BIRTH Engineering OIIICe. Surte 210 at 10720 Yonge Street, 8896931 THE ngcyous BLOOD AWARM WELCOME-EXCITING SERVICES RICHMOND HILL, Ont. L06011/79/81. LO6374/79/81. SUNDAY. MARCH 11. 1979 AND THE BL‘ETSSES HOPE FOR INFORMATION PHONE 8897851 Lentil RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH WELDRICK ROAD Yonge and Centre Streets, 884-1301 8 am HOly Communion BAPTIST CHURCH 915 am Morning prayer (Nursery and Church School) 11 am Morning Prayer (Nursery and Church School) 715 pm Youth Service Separate lndIVIdual Sealed Tenders Will be received until 2:00 pm, local time on TUESDAY, MARCH 27. 1979. Combined Tenders Will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry Of Government Servrces, Georgian Bay Regional Office. 24 James Street East. PO. Box 790. Orillia. Ontario. L3V 6K7. Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 SUNDAY, MARCH 11. 1979 Morning Worship at 11 00 A M. Personalities of the Old Testament: Jeremiah Interim Minister Wednesday 10 am Holy Communion ' Dr Norman A. McNairn 1000 AM. - Bible School Classes NOTE: For further information regarding the Tenders. please 1107 zllMages ,MommgSemce ChurchSchooldunncWorshin call Mr. B. Mclsaac at the above address. Telephone yoo'pM .Eyenmggemce “U'Selyca'e’tval'ab'e No.t705)325-7403. , The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Presbytern Prayer meeting Wednesday at 800 PM, RBI) m up ILLbï¬unaI THORNHIELHPIEESBYTERIAN CHURCH An Old Fashioned Country Church 88egritï¬rgagsltreet on the Edge of the City D - - M I n Minister The Revd JB Burns M A. e D , PhD ' T REEFOHREAEOEAUECNH Organist MrA RCC (Hunt, MusBac.. H 148 Thornrldge Dr. S _ ST. PAUL LUTHERAN "10ml" 0 F118 r! O czw 35 SUNDAY MARCH 11, 1979 10131 Bayvrew Avenue M'm‘te' ll 00 AM Divine Worship ‘ J.S. OAUPHINEE. PASTOR R“ ’- M041“ 1100 AM Church School (begins in 930 A M Sunday Church School 34- “1:839:52†Chum] mm parents) 1100 AIM Wmsmn Service Serwce at 10:30 am. and 5:00 p m 12 15 PM Presbyteens