Accounting Bookkeeping Income Tax By the week, month or year Appliance Service Repairs to all erectric stoves, washers, dryers, fridges, airr condkbnas,d$hwmshas,9nan appliances 883-5054 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 883â€"1664 50 Yonge Street 8., Aurora, Ontario 889-1377 Accounting, bookkeeping and income tax for the small bus» iness. For laundry, bath and Iec moms Sun Decks 889-3820 at 7756390 “ 4’. Bookkeeping 8: Accounting Services ‘ Contractors INTERIOR RENOVATIONS CABINET WORK REC ROOMS BATHROOMS EXCELLENT REFERENCES CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM WOOD WORKING D.J. DILWORTH 8 ASSOC. KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM OUOTATIONS K.A. SMITH CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR Certified' General Accountant Richmond Hill Contracting Co. Ltd. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS REC ROOMS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Accountants (Chastered) John C. Hughes KEN R. McKEOWN Accounting Bookkeeping Services Income Tax Preparations 1 YONGE AT oxrono 884-4030 Registered Industrial Accountant 325 Richmond St, Richmond Hill IF I CAN'T SAVE YOU MONEY I DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS For small businesses FINISHING CARPENTER Accounting Services 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill ROSENBERG & COMPANY USE OUR iir' SERVICE DIRECTORY ' \ FOR HOME OR BUSINESS 889-5683 Carpentry Appliance Repairs 88¢7530 REID & BRADLEY Chartered Accountants 884-1634 Kenneth M. Pa/ PHONE VIKTOR 889-9145 RICHMOND HILL 8849697 Call: Ken Pal 8842092 889-1377 883-3033 KARL'S 8898897 JFQQ TFC32 Men’s 8 Ladies' leathet coats, iackets, pants, custom made Alterations, repairs, zippers, new linings, sheepskin, leathers for motorcyclists. Eiectricians keep'llfrwimlibéralods Additions, Renovations, etc No Job» too small. 130 Centre St. W. All types of jobs Service repairs Free Estimates Very reasonable Lic.No.E596 M ER I T DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION For any size residential. or commercial project we offer the following: OCONSULTING. 0 DESIGNING (INCORPORATING INTERESTING & PRACTICAL IDEAS). 'TRUE CUSTOM BUILDING. (ALL TRADES COVERED), 48 ELGINVRD. RICHMOND HILL L4C 4M2 JOE - 883-4834 Landscaping 8 design services LEATHER SPECIALIST OTextured spraying OAcoustic ceilings OMetal studs ORec Rooms oResidentiaI 8 Commercial FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL Lib'éral Stone 8 Brick work Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs DRYWALL & TAPING DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIME J. WELBORNE it SON Renovations - Painting - Carpentry Drywall MARKHAM CABINET RENOVATIONS mT‘RICIAN For Free Estimates Phone Henry Finni at stand for QUALITY BOB ROSS CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR 887-5031 RATCLIFF LUMBER LTD.. ,- ALTERATIONS& REPAIRS OFANY KIND - C & L GENERAL CONTRACTOR 635â€"7918 157-9539 By Expert Carpenter Work Fully Guaranteed Free Estimates General Contracting Division Industrial Er Commercial Building Additions - Renovations "let Us Design 8 Build For You" 895-7632 collect SUN )D> Plumbing Ltd. Home lmpwvements LUCIANO JOE FOR PEACE OF MIND AND REASONABLE RATES 640-5451 923-5588 297-1661 Contractors 884-9828 3 884-4828 Done by Honest, Reliable People. Upper Canada Cleaning Residential and Commercial cleaning also Carpets 8 Upholstery HOUSE CLEANING CHIMNEYS Er FIREPLACES BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience WALKER CONSTRUCTION 8842882 924-3296 Daily or Weekly Fire Place Service 1-895-2533 Anytime Cleaning Service mm TFC31 TFCJS 5" Seamless Eavestroughing Also: Awnings Canopies P0rch Enclosures Windows 8 Window Con Cabinexs, baths, rec rooms‘ dry wall, additions All home improvements Free estimates versions Doors, etc. Rec rooms, baths, cabinets, drywall, laminating, all home improvements. Tgee work. Stump removal by machine Insuled. Price guarantee, CUSTOM ALUMINIZING 'PLASTEBING 'CERAMIC TILE 'DRYWALL TAPING ITEXTUHED -CEILINGS 8 WALLS Fireplaces 8 General Repairs LOMBARDI CONTRACTING 'Siding OSofï¬t OShutters OWIndows TREE SERVICE Home Improvements FOR WA urn/momma con/CM T[ A150 PA r105 CHI/Ml ysv PORCHES [It 8 1373 A_lqan And vinyl floor covering Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service A/f’s Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 General Carpentry DECORATING LH. SIMS 88 Bake: Ave. Richmond Hill 884 I745 MacPHEE ALUMINUM Rec Rooms » Bathrooms R. DURAN OFREE ESTIMATES All work guaranteed 'wa J05 osmu " HUGH BARR 889-2773 Excellent Rates SIDING SOFFIT-FASCIA 883-3170 Gatdening landscaping Remodelling Renovating TYPEWRITER RENTALS Office Machines ' ' 'EMBSD'B " 85 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL GENERAL CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MaqPHEE PAINTING G. K. Howell 4Evgs. CABINET MAKING rofessional Finish Guaranteed PLASTERER TILE SEWER 8843714 881-5556 E 883-1331 787-1332 Painters 884-5227 883-5432 CUSTOM ODoors OEaves OFascia °Awnings ORailings vgs TFC30 TFC31 Hf. M IFN MALDWYN J. HARDING PAINTING it DECORATING v, 635-5117 Photoggghy ‘ -[ ’’’’ WM l Stained Glrssj“ [IQV'V‘sé’réiiéé "‘ Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY THORNHILL Lamps and hangmgs Custom made Repairs and IHSIBUBUOH Accounting, bookkeeping and income tax for the small bus- iness. 889â€"1377 STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Never forget an appointment » doctors, business, anniversaries, etc. PAINTING a PAPER HANGING REMINDER SERVICE QUALITY & SERVICE PAINTING & WAu bat/[RING MARTIN R. SCHORNO AND COMPANY PAINTING and Paperhanging Piano Tuning Er Repairs J. Hoffman 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING SHINGLES Bookkeeping and Tax Services Tax Returns $10.00 and up ALL WORK GUARANTEED Free Estimates 889-3228 OAK RIDGES 773-5292 Evgs IF I CAN'T SAVE YOU MONEY I DON’T WANT YOUR BUSINESS 881-1005Evgs ROGER PAVAN 363-7384 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED 24 HOUR SERVICE J. HOFFMAN Painters Free Estimates R.E. Dunn 727-3303 751â€"9022 Reminder Service 635-57 77 Call: Ken Pal Piano Tuning & Repairs Roofing. SPECIAL RATES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WDALE 8881 ula Liane GE ST 8899897 727-6377 TFC31 TFC32 04W?†IFCIS Do something newâ€"Call Rendezmus Dating Lgd: VLVoga!76§7-1661. mm Pregnancy Yestmg. counsel & conï¬dential Wednesday and Yhursday 4 6 p m 101 Street at Crosby Avenue HI†(towel level) A GENERAL ALL PURPOSE “GOFER†Shopping. gm choosing and wrapping escorting elderly Just ask All areas of the face and body ARE you Ptegnant and Distressed? Let's talk It over confidentially. Birthright 469-1111. 884-8055. 884- 9431. tfc29 SHEER VENETIANS VERTICALS WOVENWOODS DRAPES All SHADES fr THINGS EARN EXTRA MONEY! A reliable pensioner m care for 3 month old baby. Monday Friday, In my home, 884-3055. Mem. of Electrolysus Association of Ont. & American ElectrolySIs‘ Assouatlon DO you have a dunking probtem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Rxchmond Hull 0: call 487-5591. BABYSITTING. etc 2 0! 3 days per week. Steeles-Leslle area. 889-0747. and shavmg unSIghtly hair. Try electrolysns Safe 8. pelmanent Complumentarvconsultatlon Audrey Graham‘CE 884-3269 Earn up to $30 or more - have a leweHery party Gold & Silver jewellery, Best prices, Quality guaranteed. INTERESTED? PLEASE CALL IRVA AT Trees, bushes 877s7tumps Cut or Removed ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call collect for flee estimates DEAD or crippled farm animals, picked up pwmptly. 705439-2421. Call anytime, Ed Peconi 8. Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No, 324C66 FEQQEiCkflP‘ To [we In 5 days per week, wuth flexibility to work weekends, Dnvmg and swtmming experience required‘ Nonlsmoker, $100, per week. RELIABLE cleaning lady. wnth reterences, 1 day weekIy. 889-4719. Reasonable rates BEEIHHEIS Glade Martin. II DEATH has touched You! LIFE and caused you pain ' or if you! own modality COME IALII TO ME DEATH EDUCATION AND COUNSELLING 727-8023 GROUPS 8. INDIVIDUAL John Syme, Counsellor PERMANENT.‘ HAIR REMOVAL WE CARE TUTORIAL SERVICES For qualified academic instruction WINDOWVBLINDS Report Card Blues? Before 930 am & after 4 pm 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted 7‘“ Farm Service 832-1113 727-2544 or 224-0271 LET LUCY DO IT Leslie 833-5995 JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 881-3421 62° Personals “ANNIE - HOUSEKEEPER TIRED OF PLUCKING? PIANO INSTRUCTION 88‘1133 appointment n 498-6924 (Shop at home) Window Coverings BIRTH CONTROL 708 881-2014 241-0889 0R DAVE AT 889-5800 727-4549 Tutoring TREE SERViCE Spemalnties - piano Leulsa 07 3c CZWZS HEM IFC35 IFCS PLACE' OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD Semng from 4 pm. For furthev Information call Mr. Camelon 884-8825, MIS, Mone: 884-7576, Mr, Hnatiak. 8845414. A few openings available f0! Spring sessmn. Adult weekday & Sat. teen- age classes. Including typmg. Invmcmg, photocopymg Plck~up and delwer. 884 9859 TFCS ALTERATIONS done In my home. 884 8968, (de4 DONER, ELMOR Suddenly, at Pembroke, Ontario, on Fnday. March 2, 1979. Elmor. beloved husband of Isobel Thomas, In hrs 75th year, dear father of Eleanore (Mrs. Ed Harns). lsobel (Mrs. Fred Iris), Gertrude (Mrs. Ross Smrth). Harold and his wife Bev. Elmor and his wife Jacqueline, and Rosalie (Mrs. Roger LeBlanc). Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, chh mond Hill. Service was held on Monday at 1:30 pm. Interment York Cemetery. TYPING Jone In my home. 'IBM Selectnc typewriter. Also black and whnte.;olour cepymg machine. 884- 6872. Hc 40 EASTWOOD, Jayne At PllnCCSS Margaret Hospital. Ioronto. on Saturday, March 3. 1979. Joyce Eastwood, beloved Wife of Alf Eastwood. Dear mother of Julie (Mrs. R Ahee) and Carol Friends were received at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge Street Thornhlll. A private family cremation servrce was held. KIRKPATRICK, Jessie At Extendrcare North York on Friday. March 2. 1979. Jessre McLaren beloved wrfe ol the late Harold T, Kirkpatrick Dear srster of Evelyn' (Mrs. J, R. Fletcher) ol Thornhlll and Duncan of Bathurst NB. A prwate family cremation service was held on luesday, March 6th, 1979 at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, Thornhill. Interment of ashes Parrsboro N.S. SPAGHETTI SUPPER Presented by 2nd Richmond HIII Parents Assoc ,Libéral TlBBY. Ivy Catherine At York Central Hospital, on Wednesday. February 28, 1979. beloved wrle of William Tibby. dear mother of Mrs. lvy eron, of Rich- mond HIâ€. also survwed by three ,srsters In England. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, chhmond HIII Servrce was held on Friday 11 am, Crematron, RICHARD. Laurent (Larry) Suddenly, at hrs homey Mount Albert. on Wednesday. February 28, 1979. Larry Richard. In his 58th year. beloved husband of Jennie and dear lather of Bév (Mrs Terry Whelan), Prckering. Barb (Mrs. K. MaGee), erlowdale and Stacey of Ajax, lovrng grandfather of Garnett, Lisa and Derek. Frrends called at the Lathangue and Skwarchuk Funeral Home. Centre St, Mount Albert. Servrce was held In the Chapel, Saturday at 2 30 p m Cremation, In Lieu ol llowers. donatrons to the Canadran Arthrrtrc Socrety would be apprecrated‘ SMITH. John At his home. on Thursday, March lst, 1979, John. dear husband of Hilda Stevenson, of chhmond Hill. also survrved by hrs srster Dorothy Byrne ol Toronto, Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hrll. Servrce was held on Saturday 3 pm. Cremahon 2, 1979 at 1:30 pm. followed by crematlon 615 1‘ RESTYLING * REBUILDING E * REFINISHING by craftsmen Fabrics available from PROFESSIONAL SEWING COURSES DAYS EVENINGS 7†Dressmaking SAT.. MARCH 3lst 555 Employment Wanted SECRETARIAL SERVICES Coming Events 55" Deaths 884-7058 EEQQE“ wmmm 889-7821 9018 VONGE Upholsterers :Non luoamu Suddenly. on Tuesday. February 27. 1979 Don. beloved husband of Margaret Egan. dear father of Donald. Grace. Melvrn. Sharon and John. dear grandfather of Lrndsey, also survwed by hrs srster Manon Sanderson Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill Semce was held on Thursday 1:30 pm. Interment Elgln Mulls Cemetery. WIDEMAN, J. Edward " Suddenly. on Tuesday evenrng. February 27. 1979. Ed. beloved husband of Carol Werr. of Richmond Hrll. dear lather of Stephanre and lared. dear son ol Mr and Mrs. C. Lloyd Wrdeman of R.R. 2. Markham, dear brother of Davrd. Ann. Kenneth, Marre. Esther and Danrel. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. chh- mond Hrll. Servrce was held In the Richvale Brble Chapel on Friday at 2 pm. Interment Dickson Hill Cemetery. In the spring. MR 8. MR& Stan Sltulskl are pleased to announce the furthcomlng marriage of the†daughter Carol Anne to Allen LUClel of Amherstberg. Wedding to take place Chnst Church Bolton at4 pm. Sat May llï¬h. 1979. MR, & MRS. John Donaldson are pleased to announce forthcoming marriage of their daughter Anne to Paul McKinnon, Ison of Mr, & Mrs. Alexander McKInnon‘ Wedding to take place at Bolton United Church 3 pm. Sat. Apnl 14th. 1979. RON McBRIEN â€" In memory We dear brothel, sadly missed, never forgotten. Love Darlene. Ron McBrien‘ who passed away March 7‘ 1971. Loved and not forgotten. Sadly fTHSSEd by hrs family; Mom. Dad. Sisters and brother. TOMLINSON Appointments available on short notice Call 8 am. to 8 pm. seven days a week RELIABLE EXPERIENCED BABYSITTERS AND HOMEMAKERS AVAILABLE AI REASONABLE RATES. HOURLY 0R DAILY. ‘THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 7. 1979 â€" 3.5 EARL CARELLI - OAK RIDGES CHARLTON HARDWARE WE M50 HAVE POSITIONS OPEN FOR SITTERS LAURALEA FLOWERS HARRY ELKINS TRAVEL BORK JEWELLERS THRIFTY RENT A CAR GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE LA CASA LOMA HAIRSTYLING One Parent Families Assocnanon Richmond Hill Chapter wish to thank the follmvmg Busmesses for theirlcontnbutions enabling us to put our Cook Book to Pnnt. WHEN YOU FIRST BOUGHT INSURANCE, IT PROBABLY COVERED YOUR~ ENTIRE HOME. wnn o ruluve as dependable as our post established l67l all Conodnon “5 In Memoriam “5 Forthcoming Marriages SPRING STEAM CLEANING “5 Deaths To keep yourself adequately protected, ask your local Economical insurance agent for advice. Inflation has increased the value of your home. Yesterday’s insurance policy might not cover today’s cost of replacement. That’s why it's best to find out about our special inflation guard endorse- ment. Don't get burned. MCBRIEN Richmond Hill Barrow Insurance Services Ltd! 8841 551 DOES IT NOW? Donald Ftedericl Tuesday. February 27. beloved husband of an. dear father of Willowdale Neil G. McDonald Limited 226161 1 DIAL-A-SITTER 727-6377 Carpets, broadloom & upholstery ANY SIZE LIVING & HALLWAY ESTIMATES N0 OILIGATION 65“ Cards of Thanks "8 Miscellaneous 881-0017 All work guaranteed $4995 BAKERY DELITE MAHAY TV ALLENCOURT. KENZIE. BEVERLEY ACRES PHARMACIES DAIRY QUEEN H. SALT FlSH & CHIPS BARRELL PIZZA POWELL PLUMBING SUPPLY PAXTON - The family of the late Leo Paxton wrsh to express then heartfelt thanks and apprecratron to their relatives, frrends and neighbours for therr expressmns of sympathy through cards. floral tnbutes and donatrons to the Heart Fund. Canadian Socrety‘ Holy Famrly Church Burlding Fund and Gideon Memorial Bibres. In the loss of a beloved husband. father and grandfather. Special thanks are also extended to Father Tamas of Holy Famrly Church Bolton and Father Brennan of St. Marks Toronto and the Egan Funeral Home. meals‘ fenced yard‘ Bayvnew Ave 883 4084 I would hke to thank the many lnends and organizations for cards, vmts. flowers and gifts, I received while In Yotk Central Hospital. They were very much appreciated. - Ms, Laura Julian. DAVCARE given In my home, hot DAYCARE available in my home Newklrk - Elgln Mxlls area. 883-3035 WARM energetic woman to care for 21 month old gul in my home Tuesday and Thursday. Reterences. 8815565 Thomhill. LEARN to fly. Introductory flight $5. Toronto Airways Ltd. Buttonville Airport 297-1422. YRSZ AT VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL (WOODBINE AT 18m AVE.)‘ AT 1 P M Furniture, onl lampi woodenware, chuna miscellaneous More details next week Henry Mulbag Aucnoneet. Puckenng‘ 5‘“ Cards of Thanks BABYSITTING In my home, any age‘ Hot home cooked meals. Newkirk‘ Baywew area. 883-3919. 7“ Daycare Wanted A-l lMPROVEMENTS Big or small, we do them all 7" Miscellaneous ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SAT. MARCH 17th 633-9654 309 “2 Daycare Auctions 48 tfn 19th