Where have the parents gone, teacher wonders We hope you can print this letter as a credit to the children, principal, Multiple-handicapped deaf children â€"â€" the deaf- blind, deaf-retarded, disturbed deaf - have long been seriously un- der-serviced from the standpoint of community- based remedial and rehabilitative services. But, thanks to the ef- Science Fair "exciting time †On Thursday, February 22 at 8 p.m., an open forum called “Let's Talk About Children" was held at Aurora High School. Although this evening was well publicized and invited ALL parents, as well as teachers, to at- tend, fewer than 40 people appeared. Where have all the parents gone? i'i‘his poor attendance included fewer than eight parents. LACAC says thanks for station items On behalf of the Local Architectural Conserv- ation Authority Com- mittee I would like to thank your paper for the articles you have run on the old Richmond Hill Citizens of Richmond Hill concerned about the proposed hydro towers. Highway 407 or any controversial issue in the region will have the op- portunity in April to question their cabinet minister. Letters Mini-cab/het in Newmarket York North MLA‘ Bill Hodgson, has arranged an evening he calls a “Mini-Cabinet Meeting“ and social night. inviting 16 ministers and the Premier of Ontario to attend. The remainder of the Included in the group Please allow 1520 minutes preparation time on our pizzas E: pasta dishes. Open daily from 11:00 am. Sunday from 4:00 pm. Delivery after 4:00 pm. "call the hunger number†Like all good things ....perfection takes time. Eat In â€"Take Outâ€" Delivery 884-3335 DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS 0 Pizza 0 Veal Outlet 0 Stk-omahun 0 Meat Ball 0 Veal Parmigian 0 Pasta Dishes Richmond Heights Plaza 884-3335 / Pizza for Lunch??? For fast service call it in ahead of time Progress Club seeks help for big project forts of Rev. Bob Rumball of the Ontario Mission for the Deaf and the 17 branches of the Canadian Progress Club, in Ontario, that situation is changing. On April 5, the Ontario Community Centre for the Deaf on Bayview audience was made up of teachers (also parents in the system), master teachers. principals and trustees. Who is really concerned about the interests of children? If one were to draw a broad, generalized conclusion as a result of Thursday's event, one might conclude that “some†people in the educational system were concerned, but that it was certainly NOT the and staff at the On Wednesday, Pleasantville Public February 28. they hosted School. their school community Station. A generous offer was made by the Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Association to pay for moving the station to another site for use as invited are the Honourable James Auld, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and The Honourable James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications April 4 at the Newmarket Community Centre these ministers will mingle and answer questions for the people they represent. “It is a place to come and ask cabinet ministers anything that is on your mind," said Mr. Hodgson. THE NEW OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA Avenue in Toronto will be officially opened. Built at a cost of $7.3 million, of which ap- proximately half was raised through the fund- raising programs of the Ontario Mission, the new Centre will accommodate 112 individuals on a live-in parents I, as a teacher. have been led to believe that Parent groups in this County, whether they be actively participating or in the formation stages, are VERY concerned about their children's education â€" about what “those teachers" are or are not doing in their classrooms, and whether their educational dollar is being spent in the best interests of their children. An offer was made by Operation Catch-Up for use of the station at the same Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. their club house. They will also refurbish the building. The offer was accepted by the Parks and Recreation Committee, to whom it was made, and the matter will come to Council for approval at their March 19 meeting. We hope that your readers who wish to see the station building have a renewed life, and those who support the soccer club, will now help the club in whatever way they can. We are sure that the publicity you have given the matter of finding a suitable use for the station contributed to the offers made by these two groups. If this is true. where Thhnk you Special Coupon $1.00 ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER To March 31 st with this coupon David C.F. Fayle, Chairman, LACAC (Next door to Mr. Donut) care basis and upward of 500 to 1,000 on a daily multi-useâ€"service basis. principally in the areas of children’s services, workshop programs, services to the elderly and special events programming. have all these dedicated people gone? When they were provided with a format that would allow for educational information to be exchanged. dialogue to occur, and specific questions to be asked and answered honestly â€" where were they? They were not present. I would like to say a very special thank you to those who did attend. I appreciated the op- About 100 Science projects were organized and displayed in the gym. Children proudly guided their parents about, and everyone saw neighbors, old friends, and learned some Science from the'youngsters. The Science displays and studies were the work of children, carefully and individually designed, combining research, organization and creative endeavor. at their Science Fair. What an exciting time! It seems to us that learning activities of this valuable nature deserve at least equal space with all the gloom and doom of school closing articles that are presented each week. Bravo to all at Pleasantville who par- ticipated. Good luck to those who proceed on to the regional Science Fair. In our opinion the teaching and motivating of children in their learning, using such positive and pleasant ways. deserves public attention and credit. Qï¬estion. Where does 213 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill and Nelson McKay, Patricia Answer â€" in its role, together with its sister clubs in Ontario, of funding the deficit of the Canadian Progress Centre for Multi- Handicapped Children â€" Richmond Hill’s Progress Club come in? portunity to share in your concerns and to have open dirapguerwithr yqu. Hopefully, others in the future. will follow your excellent example and come forth to contribute something to education rather than to sit at home and criticize everything and everyone connected with this field. After all, YOUR children are the most important people in education today â€" aren‘t they? Thank you also to The Liberal for positive and informative coverage of that evening which ap- peared in the Wednesday‘ February 28 edition. Phyllis Cannon. Primary Teacher. 0.M. MacKillop School. Richmond Hill Our Winter Carnival has again come and gone for the 11th year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those Service Clubs. Companies and inâ€" dividuals who so willingly donated their time and money towards this community project. It is only with the continued support of the many people in town, such as yourself, that permits this carnival to continue to grow and be the success it is. Carnival accepted by people Despite the severe cold over the three days, all the activities were completed and the size of the crowds demonstrated. to us. the acceptance of the Carnival by the people of Richmond Hill. Thank you again Now you can get that natural ‘on-location‘ look for your portraits in the comfort and conven- ience of our studios For the little ones, we have a warm, cheery nursery scene; for the older children and adults. colorful spring and tail backgrounds with the look of outdoors. Our tra- ditional background is also available. One offer per subject. two per family. $1 .00 additional for second subject in portrait. No age limit Also â€" passport photos. ‘One Hour"passport service is available. Offer good until Sat, March 10th 5x7 color photograph Mon.,Tues.,Sat. 9:30 am. - 5 pm. Wed.,Thurs.,Fri. 9:30 am. - 8 pm. family groups welcome, too! Bill Ruttle. Richmond Hill Winter Carnival Chairman colorful portrait backgrounds! 52‘37â€"for'any farhily or group of 3 or more Make your portraits extra-special’ with our portraits/passportslframes Photography Studio Suns ‘ S€ars Studio hours: actually a Centre in the Centre â€" where 22 children and youths from 3-18 years will be ac- commodated on a full- time basis. The Progress Centre will consist of 13, two-bed dormitories, a two-bed sick bay, .a matron’s apartment, a reading room, ‘a games room and a television lounge. The children will come from a variety of places, but the major ones are seen as: 1. Institutional settings, where they are presently inappropriately placed, and are not being suitably served. 2. Homes where they require too much close, personal supervision to make a normal life possible. I 3. Troubled homes where family problems exist; 4. Adult. institutional settings where deaf teenagers have been placed because of the lack of a proper setting. The purpose of the residence is to enrich the lives of these children by giving them experiences that most hearing people take for granted, they will be able to better enjoy life. Basically, then, three main objectives: 1. To create an ap- propriate setting for children and young adults who have severe com- munication handicaps, compounded by other handicaps. 2. To offer these children an enriched program of activities and experiences. 3. To help these children acquire as many independent living skills as they can. This association of Canadian Progress Clubs with the multiple han- dicapped deaf is only the most recent development in a growing participation between the all- Canadian service club and the deaf community. The Progress campaign to raise funds “Helping the Handicapped" kicked off on February 2A. T h e C a m p a i g n featuring the strong participation of Honda Canada, will see Progress Clubs selling tickets throughout Progress communities in Ontario for a two-car draw, to be made at the May 26 Red Sox-Blue Jay game in- Markham Place Markham Toronto Tickets to the baseball game are also available at a reduced rate with the difference going to local Progress Club charities. The ticket campaign has been modelled after a similar campaign, mounted in 1976. that raised $44,000 for both the Ontario Community IOHM'N OlOuln Quality customâ€"made draperies. Choose from a huge selection of fabrics collected from around the world. Our directâ€"from-the-mill buying program saves you more. Now our warehouse is completely stocked and we are offering you an additional 20% OFF All STOCK FABRICS : lABflUR AND MATERIAL INCLUDING NEW SPRING LINES 0n presentation of coupon at time of Sale AT ' DREAM A ' POSSIBLE DREAM FOR THIS OCCASION ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK '†"17 HAYDEN ST. TEL: 416-921-6543 JOHnnV blown we WILL DO THINGS BETTER CANADA'S LEADING THEATRICAL SUPPLY HOUSEABALLETSLIPPERS-LEOTARDS- TIGHTS â€" BLOCK TOE SHOES - TAP SHOES - DANCE COSTUME - THEATRICAL MAKE UP « JUDO AND KARATE BOOKS AND RECORDS - ROPES AND POSTS - STAGE LIGHTING - EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR MAX FACTOR THEATHICAL MAKE UP - EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR REPETTO AND FREEDS TOE SHOES 10% "’90% JOHMW DION“ IS NOW LOCATED AT UPSTAlRS - DOWNSTAIRS! SAVE FROM Centre for the Deaf and the Tim Horton Memorial Camp for Under- privileged Children. R i c h m o n d H i 1 1 Progress requests everyone in the com- munity to support this project on behalf of its Centre for Multiple Handicapped Children. (expiry date March 30, 1979) THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, March 7. 1979 â€" More, it invites anyone SALE! FREE SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE Mayfaur's decorator consultants will come to your home or office for day or evening appointments without charge or obligation. Call your nearest location today FAST 7 DAY DELIVERY ON REQUEST This soupon entitles bearer to the above men~ tioned 20% Discount if presented at time of sale. Offer exodus March 30/79 who wishes to know more about the Canadian Progress Club and its community service and charitable activities to call Ron Gibbens, President, at 884-8916, after 5 pm. (JUST OFF YONGE) Bob Higgs. Publicity Director Richmond Hill MARCH1O TO MARCH17