Bond Lake Skating Club executive is preparing for the final dance of the season. . .A Saint Patrick’s Dance, to ‘ be held this Saturday, March 10 in the Bond Lake Room at Bond Lake Arena. The music will vary from the swinging tunes of the 505 and 605 to the pulsating disco of today. Dreamy slow tunes will also be featured. couple and are available by calling 773-5564 or 773-5201. You may also pur- chase them at the door. Richmond Hill Legion Branch 375 Midget Hockey Club will hold a St. Patrick's Dance Saturday, March 17 beginning at 8 pm. at the Richvale Com- munity Centre. Music will be‘ provided by a disc jockey. There will be a buffet and door and spot prizes. All proceeds will go to the hockey club. SWIMMING REGI- STRATION Tickets at $10 per couple are available at the door or by calling 884-7624 or 884-2017. Registrations for the spring programs of swimming lessons at Richmond Hill’s Centennial Pool will be held at the Richvale Community Centre Saturday, Maarch 17, from 10 am. to 3 pm. This registration date is for town residents only. Anyone living out of the Town of Richmond Hill area. may register at the town offices on or after Monday, March 19. Fees for lessons are $13 per child, $16 for fidget classes, $36 for a family and $20 for Lifesaving classes. For additional in- formation, please call the pool office 884â€"6651. G U l D E S A N D BROWNIES Theré is an extra $3 charge for non- residents to register. Tickets are $8 Per â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, March 7. 1979 Kinsmen t0 hOSt 20/78 conference The mothers of the The installation of ’the new executive will highlight the meeting. For additional information, please call 884-2227. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY York Central Hospital Auxiliary will hold its annual meeting Thurâ€" sday, March 8 at 8 pm. in the lecture hall at York Central Hospital. A dinner dance will highlight Saturday’s activities at the Richvale Community Centre. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill, is holding a lenten program called ‘A Christian Approach to Effective Living’. The program will be held on four Thursday evenings, March 8, 15, 29 and April 5 at the church from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Marg Norris, auxiliary finance chairman, will present a cheque for $48,000 on behalf of the auxiliary to James C. Hepburn, executive director of the hospital. Members of Kinsmen clubs from Stouffville, Markham, West Hill, North York, Don Valley, East Scarborough, Bay Ridges,Thornhill and Richmond Hill will work together during the weekend. Election of officers for the coming year will be on? part of the prpgrjgarp: Guest speaker will be Dr. K. MacCon, an orthopedic surgeon at the hospital, who is known for his Irish humor. Richmond Hill Kinsmen will be hosts to Kinsmen clubs from eight other communities at the zone conference, which will be held in Richmond Hill this Friday and Saturday. Coffee will be served at 7:30 and the sessions will begin promptly at 7:45. Teens to seniors will find this program of interest, and everyone is welcome. Following the business meeting, Legion Midget hockey dance St. Pat’s dance winds up skating season GRAND FINALE Bond Lake Skating Club members will perform their skating skills for parents and friends at their club skating show Thur- sday, March 15 at Bond Lake Arena. Guest skaters from Richmond Hill, King City, Aurora and Woodbridge will en- tertain as well. E v e r y o n e i s welcome. Admission will be $1 for adults and 75 cents for children. The show will begin at 7 pm. and last until about 8:30. Richvale Guides and Brownies will meet Thursday morning, Martch 8, at 10 am. in ‘the Richvale Library. All mothers of Brownies and Guides are welcome. DRUM CORPS The Richvale Lions Drum Corps and Color Guard is always Richmond Hill South the Board of Trustees of the hospital will honor the hospital auxiliary at a reception in the cafeteria. BEAVERS The first Beverley Acres Beaver Colony presented new tails to the following boys, who each stitched his own tail on. Red tails are now proudly worn by David Crane, Peter DelFabro, Craig Francis, Timmy Graves, Lloyd Helferty, Joey Kelly, Jeff Sutton and Andrew Thompson. Merit ribbons were awarded to Andrew Thompson, Jeff Sutton, Brian Smith, Dwayne Rowen, Jason Revill, Steven Piggins, Andrew Morrison, Paul Lang, Joey Kelly, Scott Jackson, Lloyd Helferty, Timmy Graves, Craig Francis, Michael Fawn, Peter DelFabro, David Crane, Michael Cole, Michael Carruthers, Jeff Ball. CITIZEN‘S ADVISORY GROUP The Citizen’s Advisory Group meeting will be held Thursday. White tails went to Jeff Bail, Michael Fawn and Brian Smith. Paul Lang has a new white lightning tail. Green tails went to David Broadhead, Michael Carruthers, Michael Cole, Scott Jackson, Jason Revill, Dwayne Rowen. New owners .of blue tails are Billy Newton, Steven Piggins and Jay Scott. Andrew Morrison received a yellow tail. HOBBY SHOW First Beverley Acres Beavers entered the 1979 York Summit District Scout Hobby Show. Each entry earned a ribbon. The first place ribbon was awarded to Jay Scott. Second pléce ribbons were awarded to Billy Newton, Brian Smith, Jason Revill. Third place ribbons went to Jason Revill. Boys and girls over five years of age, who want to play softball in the Oak Ridges Minor Softball Association, are invited to the registration, which will be held at Bond Lake Arena in the lobby on Saturday‘ March 10 from 10 3m. to 4 p.m. The registration fee is $10 per child or $25 for a family of three or more children. Those who are unable to make this registration date, may obtain information or registration forms by looking for new members. uscu LC†i1qu up. / The practlces are March 14 at Hillcrest held Tuesdays from Mall, ~the featuye of 6:30t08z30 p.m. at the ‘Curtam Up’ Will be Richvale Lions Hall, 31 Spruce Avenue. I The organization is open to boys and girls aged ten and up. SOFTBALL REGISTRATION calling 773â€"4365, 773- 5253 or 773-5916. SENIORS The evening euchres at the Wheelhouse Club have been discontinued for the time being. Birthday wishes to the following members of the Wheelhouse Club, all celebrating in March: Audrey Mayes, Rose Bell, Len Elford, Gladys Gar- diner, Betty Davison, Vi Lupson, Lil Baisley and Margaret Miron. CLUB 99 Club 99, the Oak R i d g e s b a s e d snowmobile club, will hold a general meeting , Anyone requiring information about joining the corps or the color guard is asked to call 889â€"5160. MARILYN ESHUCK is now choosing new students for her classes in Contemp- ‘orary Dance Techniques and Creative Movement. MARILYN ESROCK While the three areas of Richmond Hill each have their own column on this page â€" North, Central, and South â€" it’s nice to know they’re finally all being compiled by the same person. So it’s easy to get your news into its prgper area. " Millie Stewart, a veteran correspon- dent with The Liberal, started out handling Richmond Hill North; completely initiated the Richmond Hill Central column; and has now taken on the handling of Richmond Hill South. ‘Creative expression through movement where in dividual interpretation is developed and encouraged. ° MODERN DANCE ' CREATIVE EXPRESSION ' DANCE DRAMA ‘All ages from 5 yrs. and onwards CLASSES BEGIN MOM. APRIL 2nd WED. APRIL 4th Register Now She’s available Fridays and Mondays at The Liberal, 884-8177 or 881-3373. '_Expert teaching in exhilirating stIetching and strength- Ing exercises and body limbering. 446-1432 *Contemporary dance technique MONDAY & WEDNESDAY AFTERNODNS AT JOHNSVIEW VILLAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL PORTERFIELD CRESCENT Richmond Hill North (East of Bayview, south of John) for all members Wednesday. March 14 at 8 pm. in the Bond Lake Room at Bond Lake-Arena. Of interest to all women and teenage girls, will be a film called ‘Decision: self breast examination’ sponsored by the Aurora Cancer Unit at the library on March 13. The Charles Connor Library has a busy schedule for March. The film will be shown at 7:30 pm. and all are welcome. For additional in- formation, please call 773-5533. Irish Mist featuring Jean Doench. You are welcome to tap your toes to the lilting Irish melodies from 5:30 to 8 pm. The music will capture the Irish theme of St. Patrick’s Day. LIBRARY SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS Students at Our Lady of the Annun- ciation School displayed their exhibits at the school’s Science Fair last week. Winners were chosen in several divisions, and in the primary division, the following were win- ners. Speak Physical Science â€"â€" first, Nadia Lio and Elizabeth Murphy and in second place, Brian Wright and Myles Weiss. Life Sciences â€" first, Nancy Grosso and Gemma Duley; Second, Danielle Burzillo an'a’ Daniene A. 4-Pc. Coffee Set $84.95 8. Salt 8. Pepper Set 8.95 C. Beverage Pitcher 34.95 D. Fondue Dish 56.95 E. 3-Pc. Cream 8. Sugar Set 24.95 F. Chaï¬ng Dish 59.95 G. Butter Dish with Glass Liner 16.95 H. Double Vegetable Dish 24.95 I. Covered Casserole 34.95 $53.75 5.75 25.95 42.75 18.75 44.95 12.75 15.75 25.55 J. Round Tray $16.95 $1 2.75 K. Roll/Snack Tray 16.95 1 2.75 L. Set ol 6 Fondue Forks 8.95 6.75 M. Relish-Jam Server 2195 1 6.50 N. Sauce Bowl 81 Ladle 15.95 1 1 .95 0. Salad Serving Set Out of Stock P. Salad Bowl 2495 18.75 0. Gravy Boat 8. Tray 22.95 16.75 Don "I be Iate...Besl Selection is NO W. Sale on STUCK ()NL Y while it lasts SORRY. GIFT BOXES EXTRA SHOPPERS WORLD ALBION SHOPPERS WORLD BRAMPTON HlllCREST MALL Albion Rd. at Kipling Hwy. 10 0! Steele: Ave. Yonge St, Richmond Hill 742- lO'IS 45 l~1625 884-5440 STAINLESS STEEE 4-Pc. Coffee Set Salt 8. Pepper Set Beverage Pitcher Fondue Dish 3-Pc. Cream 8. Sugar Set Chaï¬ng Dish Butter Dish with Glass Liner Double Vegetable Dish Covered Casserole 20% m3; Saving 53 ONEIDA N0}? T HUI/VD The silvercube. Our silvenmilhs' mark 0! exccllence‘ HOLLOWARE GIFTS the Best Price i These two youngsters from Roselawn Public School have the gift of the gab and they proved it at a recent public speaking contast. Quinton Noefeldt, 13, is in Grade 8 where elegance isn ’t extravagance Cowen. Rossano Rossi placed third and Carmel Ott, Daniel Velicer and Shawn Douse all received honorable mentions. Applied Sciences â€" first. Matthew Muc- ciacito. second. Lisa Grech and Tina O‘Meara and third, Bernie Oberparleiter. Scott Travers, Danny Vaspori and Darrell Sanders received honorable mentions. In the junior division the following young people achieved ex- cellence. Physical Science â€"â€" first, Anna Lio and Milena Leonardi; second, Margheret Grosso: third Danny T a m b u ri ; a n d honorable mention, 25% m2; SALE 18/8 STAINLESS Fabrizio Leonardi and Joe Mascarenas. Life Sciences â€" first, Theresa Ortiz and Marisa Deciantis: second, Georgina Trask; third, Jackie Bowen; and honorable mention to Elizabeth Matanovic, Teresa Madeleno and Virginia Douse. Applied Sciences â€"â€" first, Dennis Sanders and Mark Weiss; second, Leonard Sanders; third, Sean Sanderson; honorable mention to Renee Cowen and Cara Ortiz and Siegfried Funk. Winnefs in the in- termediate division are as follows. Physical Science â€" first, Michael Cowan: 0.170.237?!â€" Round Tray Roll/Snack Tray Set of 6 Fondue Forks . Relish-Jam Sewer Sauce Bowl & Ladle . Salad Sewing Set Salad Bowl . Gravy Boat 8. Tray and he placed first in the Area 111 Intermediate contest. Angel Lee, 9, is in Grade 4 and she captured first place in the junior division. (Liberal Photo by Bruce Hogg). in town second, Paul Lalonde; t h i r d , A m a n d a M a c D o n a 1 d a n d honorable mention, Kerstin Matthaus. Life Sciences â€" f i r s t , D a m i e n O'Flaherty and Frank Rossi; second, Monica Bouhs; third. Laurie Matunin and Diane Antonini; honorable mention, ' Samantha Ortiz. Michel Van- derploeg. Camillo DeFalco and Massimo Leonardi. Applied Sciences â€" first. Harold Vahle; second, Shelley MacDonald; third, Kurt Oberparleiter; honorable mentions to Anthony Lamers, Daria Collister, Johanna Mascarenas and David Verbakel. $16.95 16.95 8.95 21.95 15.95 Out 2495 22.95 Reg $12.75 12.75 8.75 16.50 11.95 of Stock 1 8.75 16.75 SALE