C-2 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, March 7. Perhapsabit late this year, but nevertheless as who is also a resident of Richmond Hill; C. juicy as ever, the Jamaican Ortanique arrived William Branson, president of William D. in Richmond Hill last week and was the subject Branson Ltd., Newkirk Road, distributors of of demonstrations in 16 area supermarkets the product; Marion Powell. and Bruce Friday and Saturday. Enjoying the juices of the Jackson. also of Branson's. (Liberal photo by Ortanique are, left to right, Danny Powell, Bruce Hogg) Consul and Trade Commissioner for Jamaica, While you‘r°e there, go to the Ontario Govern- ment booth and pick up Camping Ontario, a 96- page listing of campsites in the province. their lfacilities and costs. You begin to believe there really will be a summer with the Canadian National Sport- smen’s Show set to open at the Coliseum Building of the CNE in just two weeks. March 16 to 25. The province publishes several illustrated books about travelling throughout Ontario. They‘re free, and you can get them by calling in at the Information Centre in the big Macdonald Block, 900 Bay St. (opposite the Sutton Place Hotel). An annual favorite with outdoor types, the show has displays of sporting goods, camping gear, travel products and recreational activities of all kinds. If you want to expand your horizons beyond Ontario, CP Air in conjunction with the Canadian government tourist office has an affordable and fascinating group of Canadian Routes packages. From the Rocky Mountains to city routes, there are 22 packages in all. You can begin a seven-to 30â€"day vacation in almost any major Canadian city that's more than 640 kilometres away. 7 Far brochures and further details contact CP Air. Special package flights to Israel are being offered by Wardair each Sunday from April 29 to Sept. 23.7 m. ru,,,:,_I n»A-L “P. -v. One of the packages, The Classical Coach Tour, is a seven-night escorted coach tour with overnights in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Arad and a specially-designed tourist kibbutz plus an ad- ditional three nights in a choice of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Herzliyya. Prices range from $1,149 to $1,269. I’A,_4 _I v.,..v .v V ,â€" Included- iriwthe brochure prices are Israel departure tax. complimentary tours and a full Israeli breakfast each morning: wFJx‘lifB-I‘Eï¬glzrcâ€"iétgifs consult “the Holidays by Wardair brochure. Golf nuts can enjoy special Golf Holiday packages this year through Air Canada to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Jamaica, California, Florida and Hawaii. - Ivl h... .___V,, Golf lâ€"l-ol'iday’s WHawaiian property is the Kuilima Apartments on Oahu where $749 per person includes airfare, golf, rental car and villa accommodation for 14 nights. Tennis buffs aren't to be disappointed either. Skylark Holidays’ “Tennis Away" brochure offers tennis players direct flights from Toronto to Acapulco. Nassau‘ Freeport, Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale. Each destination is a complete vacation resort with activities including water sports, discos and live entertainment. , ,,n L__-L.._A IAâ€" awn La, uluvvu u."â€" ... - -...v_ "WW", ,, Consult the “Tennis Away" brochure for further details. 883-1616 881-2468 460 Elgin Mills Road East Richmond Hill (V2 way betweeh Yonge Er Bayview) POWELL PLUMBING SUPPLY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF KERT POOL CHEMICALS AND POOL SUPPLIES TRA VEL CHA T ByAnne Wanstall Travel Editor 7. 1979 An organization to help young girls through emotionally difficult times has organized itself sufficiently and will now begin the search for funding. The Big Sisters of York Region, similar to Big Brothers, received a firm commitment from 12 people last week to act as a board of directors. An application has been sent for a regional grant in the amount of $10,000 to pay the salaries of a part time executive director, a case worker and a clerical assistant. A Young Canada Works Program grant has also been applied for enabling the fledgling group to Big 8 is ters group soon to be reality 301 Markham Road, Unit 6, Richmond Hill, L4C1J2, New motors and repairs to Jacuzzi pumps and motors. Also to Emerson, Gould and Franklin. B Er L ELECTRIC MOTORS & PUMP SERVICE INOROUND VINYL LINED AND CONCRETE POOLS FOR FREE ESTIMATES FREE CHEMICAL DELIVERY ISLAND POOLS INC. CALL 00 I-uuuu 18 HARLECH coum. UNIT 7, THORNHILL 884-9494 INTRODUCING 881-9696 have three students work on an audio visual program outlining the time and responsibility commitment a Big Sister will have to make. Nancy Ruegg, a member of the new board said. “basically a Big Sister is a mature woman, married or single, over the age of 18 years who is willing to be a friend of a young girl hoping to help build self esteem and confidence and helping her to build healthy relationships with other people.†All this will take a commitment of at least four hours a week for one year, she said. One of these, the Hall of the Ambassadors, was the sultans‘ grand reception area On the ceiling of this throne room the seven heavens of the Moslem paradise ‘are depicted in wood carving. The Hall of the Two ulvllv In ‘In contrast to the Alhambra’s delicate Moorish architecture, is a renaissance palace, which was built within the Alhambra’s walls by King Charles V. Overlooking the turrets of the Alhambra. only a short stroll away. is \er-“uv- v- Spain is steeped in history _ You almost own this new home already Take the equity in your home right now and put it to work. yourself and your family. Beautiful homes. with all the fe Aâ€"A nnn1__Ll_- The nghnote - 3bedroom. big finished family room wuth wood-burning fireplace, centrally alr- Complete line of chemicals. Pool service and repairs. MAYFAIR POOLS McCOWAN & HWY. N0. 7 294-9210 Sisters probably housed a succession of harems. dating from the early 1200‘s when Muhammed Al Ahmar was proclaimed Sultan of Granada. Visitors to the Room of Secrets can transmit messages from one side of the room to another by simply whispering into one of the dimly-lit room‘s many alcoves. The Hall of Kings contains steam baths, similar to those of the Romans, while a dozen carved stone lions adorn a fountain in the Court of Lions. Despite the fact that it has been frequently vandalized. the Alhambra abounds in its alluring Moorish artifacts. Shafts of light beam through hexagon-shaped openings in domed cgilings. producing bright honeycomb figures on the floor. Keyhole-shaped arc- hways are enhanced by intricate lacework car- vings and plaster tapestries. Ornate floral and geometric designs, tiled mosaics and rich arabesque plasterwork abound. An inscription in Arabic proclaims “Allah alone is conqueror.†‘In contrast to the Alhambra’s delicate Moorish architecture, is a renaissance palace, which was built within the Alhambra’s walls by King Charles? V._ _ tome right now and put it to work. use it to buy a brand new Cedarview home for ,1. Beautiful homes, with all the features you've been planning for your next home Prices start at only $72,900 for these fully detached homes. Generalife, the sultans‘ summer retreat. And what a delightful garden it is, with its cool breezes, rows of cypresses, yellow roses and myrtle plants. Courtyards are situated near fountains and mirror-like pools. Not far away, on an adjacent hillside, is the gypsy quarter of Sacromonte. Here. just above a narrow maze of streets. the gypsies live in their whiteâ€"washed cave homes. In the hot afternoons. young men sit on steps. practicing on their guitars. In the evening a number of these cave dwellings come to life as night clubs. where tourists sip wine and watch lively, colorful flamenco dancing. The quiet quarter is filled with the sounds of castanets. guitars and clapping. Every member of the family seems to have his or her part in the show. Another of Granada‘s attractions is its massive gothic cathedral. which was begun in 1529 and not finished until 1703. In one of its many chapels King Ferdinand and Queen ANNOUNCING March lOth -- PRUNING CLINIC Now is the perfect time of yearto prune many of your trees. But if you are in any doubt about how, why. how much. or how often to prune don‘t take any chances. Come. let the Sheridan Pro- fessionals show you how. Clinics at 10 AM, 2 PM. and 4 PM. March 17“! -- lANDSCAPE PLANNING Do your landscape planning now and be readyiorthespring plantingweather to come. Sheridan's skilled Landscape Planners wnll discuss plant selection, drainage, foundation plantings. patios and other planning hints tor a beauti- fully landscaped property. Session from 10 AM. to 11 AM, EAST NORTHEAST WEST: MISSISSAUGA OSHAWA Cedarview 34“ Sheppud Ave. E. 293-2493 4077 Hwy. No. 7 297-2253, 700 Euns Ave., Eloblcoke 621-9100. 606 Souihdown Rd.. Minin- sluga 822-0251. 817 King SI. W.. Oshaw- 728-9429 Starting This Saturday FREE SPRING GARDENING SESSIONS in Newmarket Phone Office Hours: Daily noon to 6 pm Isabella are buried. the two Catholic monarchs who drove the Moors from Spain. That Spain is still a poor country is evident as one enters the cathedral It‘s a favorite spot for beggars, who are con- tinually chased away by police. Nearby is the Alcaiceria. the former Moorish silk market Nowadays the shops here specialize in selling arts and crafts from the surrounding province of Granada. items such as tulle embroidery, ceramics, flamenco dresses, copperwear, pottery and wicker baskets of all shapes and sizes. 1-898-4176 Accommodation in this city of 200.000 is plentiful and reasonable. The most popular place is Parador Nacional San Francisco, which is located within the Alhambra. This 500â€" yearâ€"old former convent costs about $22 per night double occupancy. However, be advised to reserve in advance (Telephone 22 14 93). Granada, known as the city of pomegranates, is located 430 kilometres to the south of Madrid. It condutioned, as are all 0' our Cedarview homes - $77,900 SHERIDAN NURSERIES March 24th -- SUCCESSFUL VEGETABLE GARDENING Make this year’s vegetable garden the most successful ever. Experts will cover vegetable varieties. soil preparation, light, turning, handling seedlings.weed- ing, Insect control - everything you need to know togrowdelicious. healthy vegetables. Session from 10 AM. to 11 March 31st -- FEBTILIZERS -- LAWN AND GARDEN CARE Learn the dos and the don'ts of nourishing your lawn or garden. Find out what fertilizersto use. how and when to apply them, and how much is enough. Sessmn fromlOAM. to 1 1AM. To register for one or all of these sessions visn or telephone one of the Sheridan Nursery locations below: has excellent rail con- nections with the capital and with the popular Costa Del Sol, to the south. In fact, part of the- province of Granada borders on the Costa Del Sol. This 12,500 square kilometre province offers a little of everything, a true cross-section of Spain, from sandy beaches on the Mediterranean. to skiing in the Sierra Nevadas. It also includes ex- panses of barren, sun- baked land. where shepherds tend large flocks of goats or sheep. and where women wash clothes in trickling streams. There’s no hint here of southern Spain's former Moorish society. Iberian Airlines of Spain has round-trip flights between Madrid and Montreal, with connecting flights bet- ween Toronto and Montreal (Air Canada) and Madrid and Granada. The low season cost (September to May) is roughly $485, including the $75 Madrid-Granada connection. In high season. June to August, the cost jumps to about $620.