8-10 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. We have an immediate opening in our merchandising department for an indivi- dual with 2 - 3 years experience. Applicants will be considered who possess good typing skills, aptitude for figures, and general clerical skills. If you enjoy meeting and working with people, and have a pleasant telephone manner, please contact: Christine Moore Required for set-ups on filling, capping and labelling machines. Excellent: Wages, working conditions and growth potential. Delivering motor route. Mileage plus commission. 2 to 3 h0urs per day. 7 Must have car. Suitable for housewife. Ca“ Mr. Sanford Retail experience is necessary. For information call â€" Earn extra money - Win prizes - Full training TRAVEL COUNSELLOR Experienced for manufacturing Company in Steeles/Woodbine area. Minimum 60 wpm. Good company benefits. STENOGRAPHER TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. 10084 YONGE ST..RICHMOND HILL Call Harry Member - |.A.T.A‘, A,T.C., O.T.IVC., CVL.T.C. REGISTERED BONDED TRAVEL AGENCY NO.1454346 ~ CALLING ALL KIDS! AGES 10 T0 16 CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY PART TIME WORK FOR CUSTOM STEEL FAB SHOP NORTH AMERICAN FABRICATORS FABERGE OF CANADA LTD. 669-1441 Ext. 44 CINDY BLANCHARD Required Minimum 3-4 years experience International & Domestic Ticketing ORDER DESK TYPIST LAY OUT FITTERS PACKAGING MECHANIC BOOBOO’S PANTS PLACE FULLTIME (Keele & Hwy. 7 Area) Libéral STEDMANS 669-1810 SALES CLERK 494-2900 495-6015 FABERG‘E 883-3613 884-0981 Call Sue 727-1347 HARRY Call March 28, 1979 “CM Required by private Country Club. Must have the ability to delegate responsibilities, manage and Superwse staff. All applications will be answered and successful candidates will be Interviewed by General Managers These posrtions Involve Member relations as well as staff relations. Remuneration dependant upon the individual applicant. Please reply to: 'MAITRE D OHOST/HOSTESS BOX 24, THE LIBERAL 10395 Yonge St, Richmond Hill L4G 4Y6 ’ Must have, three to five years related experience Salary commensurate with qualifications, plus comprehensive benefit package REGISTERED NURSE TO PROVIDE NURSING SERVICES IN HEALTH UNIT. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. - Earn extra money - Win prizes Ol inteniiewing people who want big earnings and do not want to work. We otter exceptional income opportunity and financial security tor the person who has a destre to succeed with honest ettort. International Cosmetic Business. For appomtment only. call Mrs‘ Chapman. "lllllllllllllllll‘ ‘ L Banner ‘ V ‘REINESCHICKENDANZ RICHMONDHILL 884-0111 ‘ ‘ ‘ BOB WALTON NEWMARKU 898-1234 s A lllllllllllllllll CALLING ALL KIDS! AGES 10 T0 16 CARRIERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Candidates should have pleasing personality, be well groomed and able to communicate well wtih others. Some clerical work involved. French an asset. Good fringe benefits. Receptionist/ Switchboard Operator REAL 95‘an mm seeks amD‘YIOus ueome who are congemal brlgnl well groomed 2!. have a aewe Io earn an execunve's income. anenseo 0f LnlIC‘IIBEd, Please call 362-3211 ext. 85 I’M SICK & TIRED u|| training EHGELH‘RD INDUSTRIES OF CANADA LTD. MECHANICAL PROCESS A DRAFTSPERSON REQUIRED OUR SALES FAMILY BENEFITS EROMI FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN -HOUSE MORTGAGE SERVICE BETTER COMMISSION & BONUS PLAN THAN MOST LARGER COMPANIE$ ‘24 HR MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE rMORE ADVERTISING PER SALESPERSON THAN MOST COMPANIES OPPORTUNITIES FOR MANAGEMENT -ONE OF ONTARIO S FASTEST GROWING REALTORS -PROMOTIONS THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN TRIED IN NORTH AMERICA -SEVERAL BRANCHES TO CHOOSE FROM . TO DETERMINE WHETHER YOU QUALIFY CALL 669-1441 Ext. 52 Faberge of Canada Limited requires a nâ€" â€"v - REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR PROGRESSIVE Faberge of Canada Limited $14,881.00,to'$17,693.00 Applications to Assistant Administraï¬on PO. Box 130. Aurora LAG 3H3 Ciosing Date April 5, 1979 R.N., R.N.A.’s 889-2973 MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES ALSO NURSES' AIDES PINE RIDGE. AURORA REQUIRES Nurse 2 General ' Call 727-4221 FABERG'E 857-4117 Salary Must have five years related experience Must be willing to work shift Please call 362-3211 Ext. 85 Required by expanding automotive manufacturer located north west of Toronto. Experienced applicant must be familiar with single and multi spindle screw machine. Attractive starting rate plus company benefits. For interview call: MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE PERSON 5“" Help Wanted THE TOWN OF MARKHAM Required by local chartered bank. Experience preferred. Apply in person: . THE TOWN OF MARKHAM We require an aggressive individual with an accounting background and at least 2-3 years credit and collection ex- perience. Educational requirement is current enrolment in R.I.A. or C.G.A. preferany 2nd year. The ideal individual should possess good communication skills and be self motivated. _ This position should be of interest to applicants whose present salary is in the $1 1.000 range. I Good fringe benefit package including profit sharing. Please submit resume to: Employment Supervisor MOTOROLA CANADA LTD. 3125 Steeles Ave. E. Willowdale, Ont. M2H 2H6 We require a personable individual with strong dicta including good spelling and aptitude for figures. Duties include correspondence, reports, quotations and SCREW MACHINE SET UP filing. We offer a congenial and challenging environment with excellent benefits. Please apply only if you can meet the basic job requirement outline. BANK OF NOVA SCOTlA PERSONS with car required to work 10 or more hours per week day or evening. Can earn $500 to $7.00 per hour Also reliable persons to train as managers. 895-6532. 11 2c REQUIRED FOR SHIFT WORK EXPERIENCED TO REPAIR AND MAINTAIN BAKERY EQUIPMENT SCHOOL CROSS|NG GUARDS (416) 936-4279 LEDGER KEEPER 8911 Woodbine Ave., Markham. Ont. L3R1A1 10131 Yonge St. Richmond Hill, Ontario L4G 4Y1 ELECTRONIC COM PONENTS INTERNATIONAL 495-6202 CALL RAY GRANNY’S COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY AURORA MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ACCOUNTING/ CREDIT ANALYST ILSE’S HOUSE OF BEAUTY 297-1900 Apply to:. Personnel Office REQUIRES LICENSED HAIRDRESSER M O TOROL A SECRETARY Requires 727-9416 ASSISTANT 727-2921 IMMEDIATELY Libéral C2W38 DUTIES TO INCLUDE: Grass Mowing, Parks Maintenance, etc. Rate $3.00 hourly Application forms are available at the Township office and will be accepted ‘ until Friday April 6th 1979. WILLIAM SOMERVILLE Works Superintendent Township of King Required immediately for growing Construction Company in the Keele & Hwy. 7 area. Minimum 2 years experience, own transportation required. Call Required Immediately We need well mannered people with pleasant telephone vouces to sell bland name products by telephone. Must be able to work 9 am. to 4:30 pm. Apply: of Richmond Heights Plaza Requires Counter Help for midnight shift Interesting work - good salary 15 â€" 20 hours per week One person office with much responsibility Usual skills plus experience with purchase orders and invoices necessary. Yonge - Steeles Area East and firm needs a mature. experienced bookkeeper to handle a full set of hooks up to trial balance. This is a variety filled job and good typing is a must. °KEYPUNCH OPERATOR far IBM 3742, Concord 'CLERK/TYPlST for Accounting Department, Concord area 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK, Concord 'PART TIME SALES CLERK far local Plaza 'EXPERIENCED TYPIST lor Insurance Company, Richmond Hill 'TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST for Advertising firm, Richmond Hill Mind of trip above listed nosrtions require that you have your With some experience in fabricating preferred. Phone Don Most of 884â€"6970 BE your own boss, Chau for rent Apply Scissor Shack. 727-5555 INTERMEDIATE-BOOKKEEPER We are interested in highly motivated people qualified (or our Sales Management program. Late model car necessary. Start earning $800 an hour while training lot “5.000% per year position. Telephone 895- 6532. ll-2c PLASTIC EXTRUDER 106'20' YONGE ST. SUHE 209 834-1305 ' Superb Cleaning Products vrr LIGHT METAL PRODUCTION SHOP GENERAL HELP PERSONNEL WORLD LTD BOOKKEEPER TELEPHONE SOLICITORS $150. to $300. WEEKLY OPERATOR TRAINEE Apply to 395 Mulock Dr. NEWMARKET PICK YOURSELF A NEW BOSS CALLWENDY 496-2555 889-6552 (YOURSELF) 10084 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 0R SEND RESUME IN CONFIDENCE T0 PO. BOX 748, CONCORD, ONT. the above listed posrtions require own transportation. REQUIRES MR. DONUT PARTTIME SECRETARY 889-9186 884-8456 Hi Corps Office Assistance Ltd 667-1851 "UUHPS URGENT TWO STUDENTS‘ ARE REQUIRED FOR THE WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE SUMMER OF 1979 TFCZ? Y0ung Richmond Hill based company requires neat. enthusiastic people who are willing to learn. $150 a week after initial 3 week training penod. Call John CARPENTERS AND CARPENIER LABOURERS Requured beginning mid Apnl. Own transportation and tools necessary‘ Experienced In barn framing an NEAT APPEARANCE AND CLEAN DRIVING RECORD APPLY IN PERSON asse‘ Required by Prudential ol America. Excellent training program. Full company benefits. ‘Paid pension plan. Salary negotiable 884-75019to4 884-8586 Afters WELL known company requires persons with car for part or toll time work Day or evenings. Can make $500 to $7.00 per hour. Also ambitious persons to train as managers. Above average salary. 895- 6532, JOB OPPORTUNITY l976 FURY Salon. Power btakes‘ power stealing, deluxe interior. 884 3216. FULL AND PART TIME DRIVERS AUROM SHOPPING CENTRE ‘55 Cars & Trucks NEEDS BEAUTY CONSULTANTS 15 hours per week $90.00 Box 553. Aurora, Ontario. Send resume with references SALES & SERVICE REP STABLE HELP Call 727-2965 883-4832 FASHION 220 YORK TAXI FOR HORSE FARM KING VALLEY FARMS 884-1146 884-6782 Good running order. needs body work 4 door. 6 cyl.. automatic. New tiles. 3119: 5 pm 775-6773 889-0353 Power steenng. power brakes, automatic. V-8, sold as is. $350. or best offet ‘ WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 7 m 9.000 miles on rebuili 383. 4 barrel dual exhaust. Posi. bucket seats. power steering. $1,060 Certified. 898-1106 440, 2 dour hardtop. V-8 automatic. Power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl roof. 28,000 miles. Certified. Evgs. ‘55 Cars Wanted 69 Road Runner Automatic, radio, new mes, battery. needs body work, transmission, to cemfy. $300. or best offer. Rebuilt motort Paint and body just done. Best offer. Must be seen 1968 Camero RS V-8, AM/FM. power steering, power brakes. Air-conditioning. 54,000 miles. Excellent condition Evgs. Newmarket‘ , 898-3707 mm Automatic. 4 d00r, low milegge. radio new paint, other good features $1.200, firm. Certified Al condition, Must be seen to be appreciated. 67 PONTIAC Slant 6 engine, power steering, radio, rear window defogger and radial tires. 1966 Mercury 705-458-4750 Automatic Mint condition‘ Low mileage, Reasonably priced. 727-3351 773-5145 A-l condmon. 50000 miles, Leaving country. must sell. 31000 Or best offer. 73 Mercury Meteor Low mileage, excellent mechanical condition, No rust. Cars & Trucks betcte 9 pm 1969 Olds 455 Power steering,'Power Brakes, Air conditioning, clean and well maintainedi 72 Renault 12 69 CORONET 775-3076 Saturdays and Sundays V7 ton 6 CYLINDER $500 884-5397 705-458-4750 71 PONTIAC 73 Buick Le Sabre 773-5193 70 MALIBU 727-2120 New paint, in good shape. 727-2366. POWER EVERYTHING Air conditioned Little work to certify 72 PONTlAC 884â€"0730 71 PINTO 1973 Cutlass 1973 Chrysler New Yorker $250, or best offer 775-5281 after 6 pm 1973 Meteor 71 TOYOTA 1972 Datsun Every option. Best oifer‘ Stationwagon $1,100 884-5917 883-4430 $1,200. Certiï¬ed 72 Duster $750 as is 73 MAZDA 73 FORD Good second car 72 PINTO As IS $100 883-4652 775-7301 PARISIEN NE Ask for Gary 773-5117 LEMANS $1,750. Cmiï¬od 727-4852 good shape WAGON after 8 W“ After 4 pm TFC 29 CZWJB C2W38