Whrte wrth red leather inte Power throughout. Immaculate. motor and tires. Selling dur departure from country As $44500, D. Stadlus. Evgs Aurora All powel. Air conditioning, AM»FM ladlo and steveo. Asking $2,495, Power steering, power brakes, auto matlc. $1.500 or nearest offer. Standald. Good running condition. Certiï¬ed. Asking $1,650 Please phone 2 door, 4 speed AM FM radio, clean 44000 miles. $3.495 certified 1978 RABBIT Dlesel. sulver‘ Reav wmdow washex. Z-barted, A.M.-F‘M. stereo cassette 7757031, 6 Cylinder 57 000 miles condmon $2 500. 833-5927 4 dour, deluxe model. standard geal Shl" 17500 mules, certified. In excellent condmon Must sell. owner gmng overseas. 832-2357 Fully equipped customized and exterior, 40,000 miles. 34,500 or best offer New Tues. Backrest. Excellent condituon. 1/8 FLUX COATED BRAZING ROD 727-2802 anytime 1975 Austin Marina FULL SIZE CAR APPROX. MEDIUM SIZE CAR APPROX. SMALL SIZE CAR APPROX. Brake disc pads 74 VW BEETLE 44,000 miles. Asking $3.000 1975 Honda 500 76 Rabbit Deluxe 74 PLYMOUTH 75 MERCURY 75 MAVERICK New Master cylinders most cars approx. 1975 Pontiac Catalina Wagon NEW AUTOMOTIVE ROTORS SHEET METAL APPROX. 36" x 96 AT DISCOUNT PRICES 74 T-BIRD 74 GMC 1/2 TON TRUCK 884-1062 STATIONWAGON 727-2740 775-2498 1976 VAN 895-7959 297-1624 775-7062 895-9273 KARBIN SALES KARBIN SALES DUSTER IAClI I‘l’. “I'M-KIT â€" COS-3122 â€" Unit 6, 134 Doncaster Ave., Thornhill Unit 6, 134 Doncaster Ave., Thornth leather Interior. Immaculate. New Selling due to :ountryv Asking $9. LIGHT WEIGHT BODY PLASTIC ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks $28. to $35. $5. mteriot per gal. with haldener per set Canadian‘ 37.500 kms‘ Certiï¬ed, {out speed. radio. $2,750. Call after 6 pm. 898-2442 12 2c Automatic. Power steenng. Power brakes. Crutse control. Au con» ditioning. Power brakes. power steerrng. deluxe rnterror A-lcondtron Low mrleage 884â€"3216 Low mileage. 18 months old Certified 898-2464 895-5258 SALES AND SERVICE Four HP, to 200 H.P. â€"A|| bargains. Seconds â€"A|umlnum canoe â€" ll'. 15'. 17'. Aluminum fishing boat â€" 12' and 14'. Cedar Strip canoes â€" used 14'. Fibreglass boat, 40 HP. motor. Boat seats - Setup and Bucket. "5 Boats & Supplies CARTER'S MARINE 78 Honda Civic 318 4 barrel engine Air conditioning Tilt wheel, Cruise control Stereo. digital clock, rear detrost Professionally insulated and broadloomed $12. 1977 Chev Impala PARTS MERCURY JOHNSON & EVINRUDE 76 FURY SALON GET READY FOR SUMMER OF REAL ENJOYMENT AM. RADIO. CERTIFIED $5.500 727-4797 1978 Toyota 883-4697 1979 Dodge Street Van BANK FINANCING STORAGE FACILITIES Standard Excellent condition Evgs. 77 BLACK CORDOBA MERCURY OUTBOARD 898-1261 182 Lakeshore W. 278-1711 per5 lb. tube per sheet «owe also have m vet’s stock of m tinihss but; hitâ€"Fri 1r. «duos mm the Bani. mm. truths, “but I: Cat's: mien. «.9»: 2063:. m: umpopggmm up to 1151.. IN ADDITION DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE ON 1979 STOCK. SAVINGS ON ALL ACCESSORIES. HURRY IN TODAY WHILE SELECTIONSARE GOOD $40 $38 $36 CLEARANCE ON 1978 MODELS FURNISHED room with cooking faculitles. Suit quiet busmess.man. 884-1215, COZY bed Sittingroom, Ideal privacy, cable. parking buses. telephone. broadloom, Musl be clean qmet gentleman $40 weekly, 884-4377 Sleeps 4, needs a little work. $600 or best offer. 773-5177 10' CAMPER for 3/: TON TRUCK Owner Burlt Alumrnum srdlng. Insulated. wrred toilet room, sleeps 4. wardrobe carpet. Reasonable. 1-895â€"6375 BOX Trailer 6' x 10' x 2'. Tailgate ramp‘ 3375,00. 727-8336. MOTEL units. telephone. 4-piece baths. television, weekly, daily rates. Colonial Motel 889-4823. ï¬cl I 1976 Lionel HARDTOP TRAILER Sleeps 6, eqmpped wuth pflVBCy curtains. Refrigerator. 3 burner stove and closet. Heavy duty brakes‘ Like new. Asklng $2600 Call aiter 5 pm. 727-5453, Furnace. washroom, sleeps 5. $2,595 MINI MOTOR HOME TRAILMASTER Hardtop camplng ttailer by Otto‘ Sleeps (we or six. Stove. icebox and smk. Best offer. 727-9260. 3 Loidlow 8|vd.Morkhom Open 9 til 9 Campel trailer. Sleens 8. FIIdEP. stove. propane. Spare tire. $2.500 or best oftet, Weekly and Monthy Rates available. Contact The Management: Lowest or any Tende! wm not necessanly be accepted W T. NEWNHAM PreSIdent Chairmal BLACK “0 Motorcycles for Sale 12 Heritage Rd., Unit 3, Markham REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. FREE 'PICK-UP & DELIVERY. 30 DAY PRICE GUARANTEE ON ALL NEW SUZUKIS. A, Sealed Tenders. plainly marked as to contents Will be received until 3 pm EST Apnl 11‘ 1979 at the Purchasmg Deparfment Oï¬uce‘ Phase #1 » 1750 Finch Ave. E. Wullowdale, Ontario M2] 2X5. ATTENTION Director of Purchasmg. Specmcatlons may be obtained horn Senior Buyer. J Shannon at Seneca College, an"? SENECA COLLEGE THE CYCLE SYSTEM SUZUKI GOES THE DISTANCE Tenet, stove, fridge, brakes. Must sell, $2,200. or best offer Like new. still under warranty Extras $11,500 Private Camper trailer 18 ft. Citation 23†Campers & Trailers 895-9513 after 6 pm 833-6608 294-3650 TRAILER 895-2607 75 LIONEL HARD TOP 833-6651 after 5 CURTIS â€"CHEVV 17' HARDTOP MOYOR INN 1‘30"?“ H A\INU[ EAST WIllOWDAlI ONIARIO M2) 2x5 SIX(AMPUS(S SIRHNL NORIHVORK AND VORK REGION 16 ft OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY “5 Boats & Supplies 294-2201 2' TENDER N0. 32 RE: SECURITY SERVICES KING CAMPUS Willowdale. Ont. Phone 491-5050. ext. 230 1750 Finch Ave. E 884-9171 609 c4w38 HAWK Tenders LARGE furnished bedroom, close to transportation. Gentleman only. 884~ 7564, MAPLE. Two unfurnished rooms and bathroom. _se|1»contained. tefngerator, stove, April 15th‘ Sun busmess or proiessmnal gent|eman. 832-1160 after 6 pm. FURNISHED or unfurnished room. $40 weekly, or room and board. $50 weekly. Workmg person preferred. 8834714. Used two ‘seasons $1,350 00 or besk of fer Electric Start. 12.000 miles, good condition, $35000. nielaen' CUSTOM ACRYLICS 73 NIAGARA ST. NEWMARKET CALL FRANK» 895-2890 (CUSTOM PAINT - BIKE PARTS headers. new real me fASI Asking 8700 7274762 ‘7“ Rooms For Rent THE SMALL MOTOR HOSPITAL OPEN YAMAHA EVENINGS \ . Wlth 8 speed transmussmn 549 IPTO 18.4 x 34, dual remote outlets. Stabilizer bars and auxiliary luel Supply. 888-1012 after 6 pm. 1972 KAWASAKI 500 cc. 3 cylundets‘ COM MUN ITY CYCLE “0 Motowcycles f0! Sale “5 Farm Equipment v 473.4559 V 18665 sunou no. QUEENSVILLE LOW, LOW PRICES TFCOB MF 285 D Tractor 2‘“ Snowmobiles 1976 Arctic Cat Pantera 5000 Chairman, Board 01 Governors MOTORCYCLES ASALES & SERVICE Black Hawk Motor Inn 1969 Honda CD. 175 10711 Yonge St Richmond Hill 775-7301 898-2489 CAN-AM AURORA 727-3661 after 5 pm MNT » BIKE PARTS ART WORK) D G. PLAXTON CAW38 tf-ll FURNISHED room, stove. fudge. T.Vl, Cable, heat hydro, pallung Included. $40. per week. Mlmmum 3 weeks depOSIt tequlred. Adults only. Available April 15. 8847000. 4 or 5 bedroom home in Richmond Hill or Hillcrest Mall area. For occupany April - May In $550 - $650. per month range. Contact: Mr. W. Flavell at 895-2318 or 362-1022. After hours call 898-4450. (Prefer 2 year FURNISHED room In apartment balcony. lndDOI parkmg. 8846269 FURNISHED room for gentleman only. anate entrance. no parking 884-0345. Many Items of antique. used and reproduction preces, Antrque Satrnwood. wardrobes. oak and prne dressers. old buffets. marble tops washstands. two drsplay cabinets A number of Pme boxes. prne chests. prne stripped doors Antique bureau desk cabinet. oak cookre tars. Napoleon mantle clocks. and number ol anthue torlet sets, many preces of pressed glass. cut glass and por- celarn. wall clocks. Reproduced rtems ol cradles. rock maple. tea wagons. Fern stands. pub mIHOIS. brass lamps. brass teakettles 6 Press back "north wrnd" chairs. Used rtems of two good fridges. 2 lreezers, pool tables. 4 prece bedroom surte. chest and dressers. steel table desk. 9 mace walnut drmng room surte. lease) PERSON wuth small dog needs small house In Richmond Hal-Aurora- Newmalket alea. Near GO bus 489- 1564 "Grandfather clock" with 5 yea: lactmy warranty 54" Brass bed Many many other Items, Also 1967 11 fl Fleet ng Travel trailer, good condition. with appliances (small reselve bid on traller). etc Tems Cash or cheque wnh suf- flmenl l.D 243151 DEVELOPMENTS LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 24315 Developments Limited Intends to dissolve by filing AHICIES of Dissolution with the MINISth of Consumer and Commercxal Relations“ pursuant to the Business Corporahonsl Act. ' DATED at Richmond Hill. this 22nd day of March. 1979‘ FURNISHED home In rural semng ior professwnal family from May 1, 691‘ 4658. c2w39 INSTANT cash to: good condition household futnlture. appliances, contents. Immediate pick up. 294- 1055. U38 Formerly of 16 Elgin Street. Thornhill, Ontario, or anyone knowing of his whereabouts, please contact the undersrgned concerning the proceeds lrom the sale ol hrs personal effects and lurmture. at Woodbndge Arena No. 7 Hwy & Islington Avenue Sunday. January 28,_ Feb. 4 & 11. Open 10 am. toS pm GREAT STOCK REDUCTION AUCTION SALE March 31. 1979 at 12 noon Cash price for your household contents or individual items BOYS & GIRLS 5 - 14 Yrs. Muskoka Lake Area Full Camp Program: Swimming, Canoeing, Ctafts. Riding, etc. WRITE: 311 CAMP HILLTOP Playpen. Hugh chair. ca! seat 155 Wellington St East, Rumra F0! 310 27° Summer Camps NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES CANADA LTD. 1150 CHAMPLAIN AVENUE WHITBY. ONTARIO LlN 6A8 AIS-683.9002 JOHN A, SKINNER ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE WANTED 610 GLASGOW )IMMY'S MARKET v WANTED TO RENT LEGAL NOTICE CHARLES S. DURANTE ADMISSION 50‘ DEALER ENQUIRIES 245-1831 c MICHAEL STREEK, PRESIDENT 881-8150 FOR Articles wanted AURORA FURNITURE Antiques & Art 605 Notices PO. BOX 44 DUNDAS, ONT. 416-627-3783 495-1942 309 HAROLD JOHNSON Legal Notices FAST SERVICE Auctioneer. Auctions NC 36 CJW-IG C2WJ9 TFC29 Organist: Mr: C: MusBac.. A.R.C.0‘ SUNDAY, APRIL 1. 1979 11:00 AM Dlvme Worship 11:00 AM Chulch School (begins m Church with parents) 12:15 PM Ptesbyteens THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street 889-5391 Minister: The Revd. J.B. Burns‘ St. Mary's Anglican Church 10030 Yonge St. 884-2227 Richmond Hill Clergy: Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev, erliam Prentice 883-4149 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 Services: Sun 8AM and 10:30 AM. Wednesday 10 AM - 7:30 PM HOLY TRH'ITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST. THORNHILL S, 0F HWY. 78 W‘ 0F YONGE ST. 889-5931 SUNDAY. APRIL 1, 1979 Lent V Passron Sunday 8 am Holy Communion 9:15 am Choral tucnanst (Nursery and Church School) 11 am "Trme 8. Eternrty" â€" A Choral Service (Nursery and L'nurcn bcnool) 7'15 PM Ecumenical Lenten Servrce Wednesday 10 am Holy Communron ACCIDENTS Aucnoneer or owner not responsxble for any accndent or loss on date of or pertaining to sale Lot 15. concessnon 10. Nashwlle. 2": miles Nonh of No. 7 on No. 27, then 11/: miles west; or 2‘7 miles South of Nashwlle entrance off RutherfOrd Rd Auctron sale of tractor. miscellaneous larm Items. chrna. glass. turnlture. etc. Includrng Case "D" tractor Wrth pulley and FIG trarler tractor plow on rubber; srngle horse type drsc wrth tractor H.: set of drag barrows. 2 wheel manure spreader on rubber (parts only): Chrcken brooder. brooder stove; three - 100. 200. 300 gal 0l| tanks; 4 prece bedroom surte; Boston rocker; old prne cupboard (no doors); old wrcker baby basket; mrsc. pressed back chalrs and parts; spool ol alumrnrum electrrc wrre; Ansonia mantle clock; propane cookstove: old parntrngs and books; continuous tlow orl lurnace (almost new); two wheel garden tractor wrth cultrvator attached. 6‘7 Inch table saw wrth stand and meter; McGraw 4 Inch belt sander. mrscellaneous crooks; rars; dishes; glass; collectrble |ars; manual typewnter. addrng machrne; water pump wrth motor. etc YERMS Cash or cheque wnth |.D ANGLICAN BAPTIST RAICHIMOND HILL D DT 01' I‘LIIIDf‘l REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF BIKES Complete Tuneâ€"up includes: Truing both wheels; Lubrication of all parts, hubs, head- set; bottom bracket; Adjustment gears and brakes. YORK FARMERS MARKET, 7509 YONGE ST. THORNHILL SUNDAY, APRIL lst. 1 PM. FINE SELECTION OF HOME FURNISHINGS - DINING ROOM - BEDROOM AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES - TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE BID, Finer grained 9 piece walnut dining room suite with needle paint chairs. carved 9 and 10 piece mahogany Duncan Phyte and walnut dining sets. 7 piece solid missmn oak dining room set. Ideal for the smaller apartment, heavrly carved 8 piece missmn oak bedroom surte. 5 piece mahogany Chippen‘ dale bedroom surte wrth ball and claw feet. walnut double and twin bedroom set. Mahogany and walnut china cabinets. antique walnut drop front desk with ball and claw feet. knee hole and writing desks. 6 piece rock maple dInette set. pair of fireside ChaITS in carved mahogany frames. wing back and parlour chairs. solid and walnut cedar chests. drop leal dining room table with 4 matching chairs. Windsor rocker and arm charrs, single and double poster beds, Eastlake and Victorlan parlour chairs. library and console tables. selection of coffee and 2 and 3 tier parlour and lamp tables spooled fern stands. high back piano stool. leather top drum tables. Boston and cane seat rockers. chests of drawers. vanities. night stands. knrck knack shelves. Bentwood hall tree, sewrng cabinet. magazine racks, etc. Collectibles: Mantle and wall clocks. srlver. brass and copper items. hand painted china. Cranberry, Mary Gregory. Toby mugs. beer stems; dish sets. figurines. stem ware. brass and china lamps. picture frames. mirrors. crocks and much more. PARTIAL LIST ONLY. MUCH MORE WILL BE IN BY SALE TIME. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. PREVIEW FROM 12 NOON SUNDAY, It’s Spring time again So step in at THE DAIRY QUEEN DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK NW ‘ ““*‘ ‘ ‘1‘ "“ W W ’1 ’ » ""r’rfï¬ï¬â€˜r’ r; } X"r$’~tf}$fr¢i râ€? m ' I N ) qr‘»"\rrN r MA. 8.0,, PhD 10441 Yonge Street Richmond Hill TUNE UP FOR SPRING MOBILE 1 CYCLE SHOP 7717 YONGE ST. THORNHILL AUCTION SALE Phone 881-5626 309 SATURDAY. MARCH 3lst AUCTION SALE fol ERNA KOFFMAN (AT HWY. 78) 'xxwms WV#W»'>WW$ ‘»WW Auctions 1230PM (Member Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) far all ages. 11 AM. -Mornrng Service 7:00 PM. -Evenrng Service Prayer meetrng Wednesday at 8:00 PM. An Old Fashroned Country Church on the Edge of the Crty 10:00 AM. - Blble School Classes ST‘ PAUL LUTHERAN 10131 Bayview Avenue 118, DAUPHINEE. PASTOR 9:30 AM, Sunday Church School 11:00 AM‘ Warshin Service LUTHERAN 9:45 AM â€" Church Schoo! For Bus‘ Ministry call 8812818 11:00 AM. - Morning Worship PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street Rev. 8.1 McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 INTERIM MINISTER Dr. S, R. McClung ST‘ JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH GORD ORR, AUCTIONEER King Cltyv 833-6360 75 Oxford Street to 20th. $115 per week 4 pm, Bus semce extta Activmes; Nature tnps, cook-outs story telling. swlmmlng. smglng. sports. Specializing in Arts 8. Crafts 9100 Bathurst St. (lust south of Carrwlle Slderoad), Thornhlll. L3T 3N3 Tuesday 6:45 Boys 12 to 18 meeting at Richmond HI†High School 7:30 Adult Prayer and Blble Study A country semng by the City for children ages 4 lo 11 July 2nd THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. March 28. I979 â€" Pastor Rev. Paul Vin 9:45 Bible School 11 AM Moming Worship 7 PM Evening Serwce RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets. 884-1301 SUNDAY, APRIL 1. 1979 Morning Worship at 11:00 AM. Sermon: "The Cost of Forgiveness" Interrm Minister: Dr Norman A. McNairn Church School dunng Worshrp Nursery Care Available Wednesday Lenten Chapel Servrce at 7:30 pm. Aprrl 4th "Commrtmenl toChrrst" BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thorntidge Dr. Thornmll Mimster Rev. J‘ Mulder BA. B.D. - 889-5225 Service at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm BAPTIST CHURCH Other Denominations Rolling Hills Golf 3. Country Club announces memberships available for the 1979 season Senior men ‘250 Senior ladies ‘220 Weekday ’145 0 45 holes. complete club house lacultties '- automatic watering system to ensure top playing conditions throughout the season 0 spemai league rates - tacnlttles ior meetings. Eonterences. banquets - specualists to organize your company tournament - lour dining rooms with capacmes from 40 to 500 0 many excellent tournament dates still aliailable For turther inlormation call the gall prolessional: Mike Bertline. COME....join the club that otters you the greatest goll bargain in the entire Metro Toronto area. 888-1955 888-1956 Jr. Division 5-9 Glenbrook Day Camp MARKHAM Opening 4 new branches In Scarborough and Wlllowdnle FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Lawn Maintenance Tiees, Shrubs and Flowers planted Sodding Fertilizing Spring and Fall Lawn Clean up Garden Maintenance and Weeding Hedge Clipping JOE VAN HALTEREN 881-1611 UNITED 50 Wright Street Tel: 884-3091 WALDORF DAY CAMP inn-é Farm Animals & Actlvmes. Smmmmg, Crafts. Sports‘ Pony Riding and mare. Could WINDMILL LANDSCAPING 27° Summer Camps you sell T? Real Estate? 505 Help Wanted Indoor Rainy Day Activities “Open until August 31 TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED 9251 Yonge St, Thornhill, Ont. Call 889-7027 after 6:00 PM HC 38 439-3104 Find out â€" call me â€" tor a free personal analysis and honest assessment. For those with the right touch. it's truly rewarding Call Florence Bishop Sr. Division 10-12 yrs REV. THOMAS E. RICHARDSON PASTOR TEMPORARY LOCATION OF CHURCH OLD LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH 26 CHURCH ST., THORNHILL CORNER OF YONGE ST. - N0. 7 HWY‘ 10 AM - Sunday School 11A,M.Worshlp and Praise 7 PM. Gospel Rally LIVE IN RICHMOND HILL AND THORNHILL YOU CAN HELP US GROW A WARM WELCOME-EXCITING SERVICES FOR INFORMATION - PHONE 889-7851 291 -21 68 ' Outstanding accommodanon on Lake Cathchacoma. In the heart 0! the Kawavtha Highlands Wnte Dr (3.8. Faulknev, 18 McDougalI Rd. Waterloo, Ont KZL 2W5 5198853843 FOR BOYS & GIRLS 6 « 16 A small camp that emphasuzes pro grammes adaptable to the Interest of Indmduals FULL CAMP PROGRAM SWlmmlng, Samng. Canoelng. Alchery‘ Wilderness Camping. Wind Surfing. Edible WIId‘ Fust Aid. Arts 8. Crafts. WILLOWDALE GERMAN LUIHERAN CHURCH 72 Frnch Ave. W. (In the Danrsh Lutheran Church). 9 am. - WOIShID Servrce (German) and Sunday School (English). Nursery provrded. Wednesdays 5.30 n.m. - lunror Choir 6:30 pm. - Confirmamn Class Everybody welcome Transportation can be prowded. Rev. Hartmut Barsnlck, 5 Valleywoods Rd‘, H1. 134. Don Mills. M3A 2R4. 447.1577 c3w37 PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA My Tmst M Libéral RICHMOND HILL ASSEMBLY TO CJWBI