Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church concert. Mount of Olives (Beethoven). featuring well- known tenor, Mark DuBois. 7:30 Richvale Lions Bingo, Richvale Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. 7:30 pm. St. Luke‘s Roman Catholic Church. Thornhill. Ecumenical Lenten Service, 7:15 pm. “Coping With Death" St. Mat- thew's United. 7:30 p.m. Info: 884-3606. HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR 883-2234 March-April 883- Richvale Lions Bingo. Richvale Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. 7:30 p.m. Legal Aid Clinic, 7 to 10 p.m. 884- 9MB. York Philharmonic Choir practice. R. Hill Baptist. 7.30 Jim Sutton realized he was too old to start medical school in Canada, so he commutes to Jamaica for his studies. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg) You can help in Thornhill by being a volunteer in one of the following areas. Become a TEACHER’S AID. Operation Catch-up requires volunteers to assist with small groups of students in informal settings. These are students, who have difficulty learning in a traditional classroom setting and require more individualized attention. If you have one morning a week to five and enjoy working with students, call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883- 2235. Be a CANVASSER. The Thornhill branch of the Canadian Cancer Society is urgently in need of people willing to canvass during the month of April. You would be asked to canvass a two-block area of the community. If you have a couple of hours to give, and would like to help call the Richmond Hill Volunteer SUNDAY THE SYNDICATE IS COMING SOON ENOUGH†Tuesday Unique Deli & Italian Cuisine Monday Your community needs you. . . Jim Sutton Sea Cadets. RCSCC Patriot, St. Mary‘s Anglican, 7 to 9 p.m. lnfou 884-3630. Alateen. Aurora United. 8 p.m Info: 773â€"4539. Scrabble Games. Richvale Community Ctre., 7:30 to 10:30 Duplicate Bridge. 19125 Yonge. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Yoga. Richmond Hill United Church. 7.15 to 8.30 p.m. for beginners: 8.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. [or intermediates. Lions Bingo. 7:40 p.m. Centre Street. Richmond Hill. Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge . 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Richvale Lions Drum Corps and (‘olor Guard. Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 Scrabble Games. Richvale Comm. Clre. 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sea Cadets. RCSCC Patriot, St. Mary's'Anglican. 7 to 9 p.m. Info: 884-3630. 4 Mother‘s Break. Richmond Hill United Church. 9.30 c 11.15 a.m. 884-4294. MONDAY .Become a DAY CARE ASSISTANT. If you have one morning a (week free, and enjoy working with pre-school children, the Thornhill Day Care Centre could use your help. Assistants are needed for stories, games, crafts and other activities. If you are interested, and would like more information, call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. Bureau at 883-2235 DRIVERS are needed. People living in Thornhill, who are willing to drive in an emergency are greatly needed. Senior citizens and handicapped people often have no transportation to and from doctors†appointments in Thornhill and Richmond Hill, and have to rely on others. If you can help these people on an occasional basis, please call the Rich- mond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. Libéral It’s a long, long haul through medical school Scone tea, Burr House, Carrville Road. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Info: 884- 0327. Richmond Hill Horticultural Society meeting, Presbyterian Church. 8 p.m. Story time for pre-schoolers, 3 to 5 yrs. at 2 p.m., Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Library. Ladies night out. Yoga and a variety of crafts. Viking Club. Oak Ridges, 7 p.m. Soccer referees clinic, every Tuesday of April. Thornlea Secondary School, 7 to 10 p.m. Info: 889-1219. Scone tea. Burr House. Carrville Road. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Info: 884- 0327. ____ Concord Golden Era Club. Euchre. Concord Community Hall. 8 p.m. Info: 669-1851. Richmond Hill United â€" Farve Requiem Mass in C. Minor. guest soloist. Tickets: 884-1301. Soccer referees basic qualifying clinic. Thornlea Secondary School. 7 to 10 p.m. Info: 889-1219. Thornhill Lions Bingo. Thornhill Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. Parent Concern. 8 to 10 p.m. Call Joyce. 884-3503. (‘ounterweight. Richmond Hill Public Library. 7.30 pm. Dupicate Bridge. St. John’s CGI'I‘. Richmond Hill United Anglican Church. 12125 Yonge. Church for girls, 12 to 17 years of information: 884-1689. age. 7 to 8.30 pm. 884-5971. â€"â€"â€"â€" Sutton comes from the Island of St. Kitts in the eastern Caribbean. about 900 miles south of Jamaica. He always wanted to become a doctor and came to Canada to attend University in Nova Scotia where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. Running out of funds, he taught high school for a year in Blind River, Northern Ontario. He then went to Jamaica with $400, Canadian, to attend school, because it was closer to his home in St. ByDOREEN LIVINGSTONE “The only reason why I've gone back to medical school at this point is because I really want to do it†says Jim Sutton of German Mills. When he leaves his wife and two children for school, he doesn‘t take a bus, subway or car. He takes a jet. The time spent away from home is not a day. or even a week but several months. Jim Sutton attends medical school in Jamaica. Wednesday TUESDAY ommunity Ward 3 Ratepayers meeting. 16th Avenue School at 8 p.m. Info: 889- 6653. [sic qualifying L Secondary Info: 889-1219. REGULAR EVENTSI Wednesday, March 28, 1979 1O Thornhill Village Artists classes, (iallanough Library, 7:30 p.m. Year' of the Child 1979 ~â€" Exhibition of portrait photography by William Davey, Hillcrest Mall. March 23 to March 31. Curtain Up at Hillcrest. Tonite: “Original Alpine Showband". 5.30 - 8 p.m. Dyeing starts at Burr House. Info: 884-8574; Curtain Up at Hillcrest. Tonite: Banjo and Brass Reunion, 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Lenten service St. Paul’s Lutheran. 8 p.m. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Library, ‘Planning for Retirement‘. 7:45 Canadian Progress Club-York (‘entral meeting. 7 p.m. Info: [)ave Amos 884-3888. Parents and pre-schoolers at St. Mary Immaculate Separate School. ll a.m. to noon. Easter Awakening Program, Thornhill United. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Info: 889â€"7040. Lenten Service. St. Paul’s Lutheran. 8 p.m. Lenten Chapel service. 7:30 to 8 p.m. Richmond Hill United. Parents and pre-schoolers program. St. Mary Immaculate School. 11 a.m. to noon. Free topical fluoride clinic for R. Hill Group of Artists Critique Night at Crosby School. 7:30 p.m. A Morning Out. Richmond Hill United Church. 9.30 - 11:15 a.m. 884-9722. Richmond Hill Lions Majorette and drum corps practice. Lions Hall. 7-9 p.m. Seniors Euchre games. club rooms. 10149 Yonge Street. Rich- mond Hill. 1.30 p.m. “I found that the work load of teaching, although ex- tremely heavy, did not give me enough time to do anything else. I did not find teaching itself challenging. Teachers are physically drained in the summer" and Sutton did not have time for extra reading. He wanted some other area' that would be challenging where he could use his background. “I always wanted to do medicine and really only looked at these other jobs as a means to the end" which was making enough money to go back to school. And so he did in October of 1977. Kitts. Unable to support himself Sutton returned to Toronto to teach physics and biology. He picked Toronto because. after spending several summers here, he liked its cosmopolitan nature. Realizing he was too old in his mid thirties to attend a Canadian medical school Sutton began “commuting†to Jamaica. “Luckily the system WEDNESDAY 28 Can. Housewives Register meeting, 8 p.m. Info: Mrs. Duggan 884-6738. St. Mary's Anglican “A Christian Approach to Effective Living" 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Info: 884-2227. Weaving ll starts at Burr House. Info: 884-8574 or 884-6193. Quilting also starts. Year of the Child 1979. Exhibition of portrait photography by William Davey, Hillcrest Mall. St. Mary‘s Anglican, "A Christian Approach to Effective Living" 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Info: 884-2227. “Reflections†â€" fashion Show. Hillcrest Mall, Centre Court. 7 Rotary Travelogue. Bayview Secondary School. 8 p.m. “The Canadian Far Westâ€. R. Hill Lions meeting. 6.30 p.m. Lions Hall. Euchre night. Women’s group â€"- Can. Progress Club. York Central Branch, Blue Flame Room. Consumers Gas Building, 7:30 Preâ€"school French begins at R. Hill Library at 10 a.m. for 10 weeks. (‘ivic Improvement Meeting at Town Office. Committee Room B. at 8 pm. Yoga Classes at Thornhilvl ’Holy Trinity Anglican Church. 8.45 to 10 pm. Yoga Class, Richmond Hill children 3 to 16 years. 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Call the Health Unit for information and appointments: 884-1133: 887-5245; 832-1384: 297- 3324. Richmond Hill Legion Bingo, Legion Hall, Ohio Road. Rich- mond Hill. 7.35 p.m. Sutton explains that in Toronto there are over 150,000 people from the Caribbean but his company deals not only with those people but also with people who like to travel and would like to know something about the Carib- bean before they leave. Various government and educational institutions have What does Sutton do with his spare time? He started a company called Interworld Selections several months before commencing his medical education. The company was formed to get Caribbean literature distributed to libraries and schools who indicated that they found it very difficult to get this kind of material. there is different†he says, There are three periods and Sutton persuaded the ad ministration to allow him tc write the exams for the second period, earlier. He passed them all." It gave him the opportunity to return to his home in Thomhill for six months. Section C THURSDAY Thursday Monte Carlo Night. Lions Hall. 8 p.m. Tickets: 884-7549. Friday night Youth Program at Don Head for kids 13 to 16. 7-10 York Symphony Orchestra Concert â€" Wine & Cheese â€" 7065 lslington, Woodbridge. Info: 851- 147] or 851-0283. Duplicate Bridge, 12125 Yonge.. Info: 884-1689. Year of the Child 1979. Exhibition of portrait photography by William Davey, Hillcrest Mall. Canadian Housewives Register- Annual Dinner. 7:30 p.m. Sutton Place Hotel. Tickets: 884-6738. Progressive Conservative Social Get Together. Thornhill Com- munity Centre. Firday night Youth program for kids 12 to 16 years. 7 to 10 p.m.. Don Head. “Reflections†fashion show, Hillcrest Mall. Centre Court, 7 Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Bayview and Green Lane. 7 to 8.30 pm. Maple Leaf Accordion Band. McKillop School. 7 to 9 p.m. 884- 8390. Richmond Hill United, Good Friday Service in the chapel with Communion. 7:30 p.m. Weight Watchers. Concord Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. 669- 2173. Friday night youth program at Don Head for kids 13 to 16, 7 to 10 Thornhill Recycling Depot. Duplicate Bridge, 12125 Yonge, 8 pm. Info: 884-1689. United Church. 9 to 10.15 a.m. for beginners and 10.15 to 11.30 a.m. for intermediates. 8842671. The company also provides former residents of the Caribbean and their children with information about their background. The aims of the company are to promote and display the cultural life of the Caribbean to the Canadian public and to promote and support Caribbean per- forming artists, authors. illustrators, publishers and entertainers. Sutton also deals with Caribbean books and other Caribbean publications. He says “I found that there was great interest in this material from schools and libraries so in keeping with the objective I started a publishing company last February". His first book, Trinidad Carnival_Nobody In His Right Mind is just coming out. shown an intense interest in this area. not only from a cultural viewpoint but also to promote greater interracial understanding. He also started a Caribbean book society. He is hoping to get someone to run the FRIDAY 8840375 50 INDUSW INEX CLEAN CAR CENTER ‘FREE‘Engine Shampoo with every "Seal a Shine" 'knl‘ n Shine 883â€"2234 Thornhill Lionettes fashion show and dinner dance. Heintzman House. Tickets: 889-3561 or 889- 0170. Thornhill Kinsmen â€" 28-hour Disco Dance-A-Thon. 8 p.m. at Coleman Restaurant. Markham Place. Year of the Child 1979. Exhibition of portrait photography by William Davey, at Hillcrest Mall. R. Hill Kinettes Elimination Dance. Richvale Comm. Ctre. 8 p.m. Tickets: 884-2127. Oak Ridges Minor Hockey Dinner Dance. 8 p.m. Bond Lake Arena, Info: 773-5754. "Reflections" fashion show, Hillcrest Mall. Centre Court, 1 Rummage Sale ..... Our Lady Queen of the World, I to 4 p.m. Info: 884â€"6291. Easter Crafts for children, Rich- mond Hill Public Library 2 to 3:30 pm. kids aged 5 and up. Pre- register. Spaghetti Dinner by 2nd Rich- mond Hill Parents’ Assoc. Our Lady. Queen of the World. 4 p.m. Info: 884-8825. 884-7576. 884-5414. Thornhill Comm. Ctre Library art. Leonard Hutchinson oils on display. Canadian Cancer Assn., flag raising ceremony at R. Hill Town Hall. 10 a.m. Richmond Hill Recycling Depot, Elgin Mills Road at Leslie, 10 a.m. to noon. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. Library. finger painting party, ages 6 to 12, 10:30 a.m. Pre-register. Navy League. St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Wrixon Hall. 6.45 pm. Boys 10 to 13 welcome. 22378868. Thornhill Recycling Depot, Bayview and Green Lane. 10 a.m. to noon. The Jamaican Dance Company also excites him. It is a group he is bringing to Canada to perform at the Minkler Auditorium at Seneca College. The group will also appear at a workshop for children on Monday April 9 at German Mills Public? School where his children attend. company when he is away at school because “I just can‘t give it up. What is exciting for me from a business standpoint is the opportunity I am creating for people who do not have access to this material. That makes me feel rather excited". Sutton says it is being done as a contribution to the cultural development of the Caribbean in this area. Performances at Seneca are from Wednesday April 11 to Saturday April 14 at 8 pm. with a matinee on Friday April 13 at 2 pm. Tickets are matinee children $3.50, adults $7.50. evenings children $6.50 and adults $8.50 available at all Bass tickets outlets or at the box office 491-8877. GUARANTEED NEVER WAX YOUR CAR AS LONG AS YOU OWN SATURDAY Saturday 14