A parent partrcrpatlon nursery school) at St Mary's Anglican Church. Every- one welcome at our Open House for the month of May, Come spend a morning and bring your chr|d. 9 AM. to 1130 AM weekdays For mere intormatmn please call* "Where Learning is Fun" Registration is now being accepted for the Sepâ€" tember, 1979 term. For children 3 to 5 years. Half days - mornings or after- noons. PHONE NORENE BERGART DAY care given in my home. any age. Markham Road~Bayv1ew. 884-7763. c2w43 ALTERATIONS done In my home. 8848968 tfc40 Garden MIX, V manme‘ Composte DEAD or crippled farm a‘nimaIs picked up promptlyl 705-439-2421. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 324066 DAYCARE available 1n my home. 223 8883‘ Free Pick-up‘ 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0472 YONGE ST 924-8408 Above College St. opposute Westbury Hotel 01218 KENNEDY RD 7592234 South 01 Hwy 401 '29 DUNDAS SI E 275-1135 ~29 DUNDAS SI E 275-1135 Corner of Hwys, 5 8. 10 Mlssusauga. 04900 DUFFERIN SI 667 Between FIHCh 8. Steels Warehouse 8. Showroom OPEN DAILY 910 9 P M‘ SAIURDAY TILL 6 0 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ‘ SECRETARY lor Generai Insurance Agency Richmond HIâ€. ‘ CLERK-TYPIST, mmxmum 65 w p m Concurd area WILL babysn. my home. chIIdIen’any age. Bluegrass-Elgln MIHS. 884- 3514. c2w43 Bed Chesterfields $168. to $598 305 884-5339 Limited enrollment available CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE 884-4481 884-6782 712Nursery School SUNNY DAYS NURSERY SCHOOL Concord atea CENTRES OVER 900 CheSterfields 79‘ Farm Service SANDY LOAM 7†Dressmaking FLUTE LESSONS SWITCHBOARD and TYPING NEED A NURSERY SCHOOL? TOP 0' THE HILL CONTROL TOWER OPERATOR 7“ Gardening &Supplies May to September. Can Articles for Sa|e CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED Own transportation necessary for all of the above Many other permanent 8. temporary posmons avarlable "2 Daycare 221-7869 Mornings 8844012 Evemngs 888-1225 ’09 Musical Instruction Reg|stet now tor 883-3013 10084 Yonge St, Richmond Hill P‘JNTIAC BUICK (1975) LTD Apply: Service Manager Well rotted cow 5“ Help Wanted after 6 pm. 82le Corps Office Assnstance Ltd "CORPS 667-1170 requures excellent skills requ We need the room. so we're passing legitimate savmgs on to you. Shop eany for the best selection (SALE NOW ON!) 305 Includes good used clothes. shoes and boots. Household articles. 78 MILL ST _ R!CHMOND HILL SATURDAY, MAY 12 GARAGE SALE TEAK FURNITURE CLOSE-OUT SALE 1d- Household & antique |tems experienced on SCI-3000 and 16 CU. FT. SELF DEFROST REFRIGERATOR 6 yrs. old. best ofler Articles For Sale ' *WHILE’S’UPPLY LASTS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Mon. - Fri. 8 am. - 5 pm, Sat. 8 am. - Noon VIKING DOUBLE OVEN 727-8721 SAT. MAY 5th 930 AM» 1.30 PM 11 LAURELEAF ROAD N THORNHILL SIDEWALK and PATIO SLABS Industrial Cast Stone Ltd. 51 Observatory Lane, Richmond Hill 889-6273 881-0578 9; Sat. 9-6 pm. 881-0000 (791-2359 Must have expenen BACK YARD SALE FACTORY REJECTS AI 1/; PRICE â€"E|NAR CLAUSEN LTD.â€" SAVE ON ALL USED ORGANS ed V Concord area 10 AM PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE (corner of Vman Rd and Don Mills 89545311 9:3010 9:30 Tuesday to Friday 9:30 to 6:00 Saturday TREES! TREES! TREES! l WHOLESALE PRICES! an 884-6970 Don Mills Rd.. Hamlin! Closed Mondays Teak, Rosewood, Pine, White. dining, Bedrooms. accessor- ies. etc.. etc.. etc. Huge Inventory! Contents of apartment, Dressers. stereo. AM/FM radro tape recorder. prolectort archery sets turntable. col~ Iectron of cards & books. toys, model sets. wash bowl set. costume lewellery. drshes. odds 8. ends North srde of 17th Avenue East of Woodbrne Last house before 5th concessnon. Unronvllle, 305 BUNK beds. complete‘ 550 after 5:30 pm 883-5971 TELEVISION 26" G.E. console, coIOr. UndEI serwce conttact. $300. 889- 5895. tfc TEAKWOOD, Rosewood lurnlture. bedroom 8 piece. dumngroom, 9 piece‘ hvmgroom. Brand new. Reasonable 247-4377. tfc 28 TABLE. knchen. bvown arborite. 4 chairs, Arbonte Butcher block table. 884-4296 WE HAVE A SWIMMING POOL TV'S RECORD PLAYERS. JUDO SUIT. TABLES & CHAIRS TV AERIAL. TOYS. CLOTHES BABY NEEDS. SMALL APPLIANCES AND MUCH MORE DRYER‘ electric. with filter. $75 Evenings. 8833543. MOBILE OFFICE Trailer â€" ap proximately 14' long. excellem condition. $47500. Also new broadloom carpeting - ap pronmately 12' x 11‘. vanou: colouts. Top qualny. $120.00. 889 3994 ' c3w44 No we are not selllng tents' But we have collected useful and Inter» estrng Items for a sale you won't want to miss. Tnnkets and treasures galore Some new. some used. none abused. Proceeds wrll be used to purchase tents for the 7th chhmond Hill Grrl Guides Come early for best selectron on May 5th to St, Gabrrel's Anglrcan Churchr corner of‘Crosby & Bayvrew. R,H,. 10:00 am - 300 pm Come [am or shine PANT surts lady s. wrne wool 3 prece Tanlay 38 lop. 40 bottom $45 Also pale green summer short sleeve racket 3 precv we 40 $25 889-0647 MAY 5th & 6th » 103 PM BALLED AND READY TO GO CLEARANCE 0F: OCLUMP BIRCH OMAPLE . OCOLORADO BLUE SPRUCE r .‘SCOTCH PINE GARAGE SALE Articles For Sale PITCH-A-TENT SALE 887-5686 (OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY 9 AM â€" 6 PM) MAPLE TREE FARM KEELE ST., 1/2 MILE NORTH OF THE KIRBY SIDEROAD IFCU PHONE 832-8880 l7-2c Call Gas engine. packs, steel blocks. pumps. boat pans. Yamaha receiver‘ turntable 5 year wananty. Must Wlth 6 chairs mg. $500.00 AMIQUES & household Items. 3 & 5 Woolsthupe Crest... Thommll (LBSIIE - Steeles). $25 ï¬rst cord. $20 second cord. Black cherry, berh. asp_en. Mlmmqm ércords. Manmum '4 cords. No dealels Delivered 1-473-3175 TYPEWRITERS. adders‘ caICUlaIOIs sales. sevvuce rentals Newmarket Busmess Machines. d97 Timothy St Newmatket, 895-7621 um TELEVISION, colour. 25" console Excellent condmon $250 or best om 881-0231 In): TEAKWOOD Rosewood fumnure‘ bedroom 8 piece. dlmngroom. 9 piece. hvmgroom. All new Reasonalbe. 247-4377 mzx GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE SAL MAY 5th (SUN. IF RAIN) 10 AM. - 4 PM. Combination 014 families furniture clothmg. baby needs. toys. misc, household articles. 47 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL 4 ft, Wide. 4 ft. high. 8 ft. long. $50. Puck up on site. Make your own firewood, No dealers. 103_ Westwood Lane. Just north of No. 7 Hwy†west of Yonge. Rlvhvale Furniture. old musrc and records, rugs‘ garden equlpment Gravely mower and attachments, Iatge SIZE clothing. men's and women‘s Odds and ends DINING Movrng & Garage Sale 94 & 95 CHURCH 5r: 3., ~ -- RICHMOND HILL MAY 5th 10 am. to 5 pm. Antrques. furniture. bar accessories books and many other rtems ALUMINUM Doors. wmdows awnings railings, Sldmg sofht system. tlough Free estimates Ron Woods 884~1514 Kenmore automatic washer. 4 wash programmes wrth Suds Saver. match- rng dryer, Vrkrng range. Harvest gold Days. 881-5490. Evgs 884-6930, Dig your own Scotch Pines 4 ft 31? Weeping WIHOWS $8 Many otherklnds 884-8630 RIDING MOWER May4 from 12 noon to May 5 from 8 am. to? 305 E|g|n MIHS S'Ideroad, Richmond HI†GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 5th 10 AM. 400 & NO. 7 HWY. EAST THORNHILL MOVING SALE RUMMAGE SALE 884-2208 MAY 5th 11 AM. TO 3 PM. RICHMOND HILL CURLING CLUB Articles for 884â€"0388 889-5504 1-473â€"3175 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD Bush Cord STEREO TREES MOVING TO APT. MAY5.&6 10 AM WALNUT L buffet. ROOM SUITE modern Sale spï¬akers be seen Evgs sheave “C 39 [FC 39 styl Antique satin. |( cranberry With spread plus CINE! 881 RUG, large oval braided. orange. suutable for family room. Portable bar, black vunyl. cmved Chestemeld and matching chair, gleen and white cutvelvet. good condition Evgs. 884 9373,, . MACH|NERY f0! sale. Unll press speual 5a capacity $175 11. capaCIty $600. 7495941. 939-7496. 12 4c BEDROOM sets single bed wrth mattress. night table. dresser wrth mirror, chest of 3 drawers. and bookshelf 727‘5095 anytrme. SOFABED. bed chestemeld and Chall. all matching. dinette wuth 6 chans. Excellent condition. Must sell. 884-4412. GE 3 d00r Frigidaile- Chesterï¬eld & 2 chairs Mediterranean coffee table‘ hexagonal commode teak coftee table Moï¬at 2 armchalrs and studio cow able fat cottage Also ( end tables. 2 lamps and mg ashtray In green and gold WASHER and duet..apaz1ment sue Please phone after 5:30 pm. 883 4950 WATER softener. Culllgan, eaSIly mstal|ed. $150, salt also available 884-3770. INSTANT cash for good‘ coumtlon household furniture. appllances, contents Immediate [Jle up. 294- 1055, H38 CHINA-(Juno Cabinet, table wnth pedestal base. dining room buffet WI†sell separately. 889-6247. BEAUTIFUL 11 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE, SOFA, BEDROOM SUITE MUST SELL‘ 24 plywood tubulal stacking ChallS $2_0_0 each Pnon§78841521ï¬ LAWN Mowerl Sunbeam electnc, used 1 season only. $80. Evgs. 884- 0201 RIDING Lawn Mower. 5 hp. Luke new $295. 773-5119 SWIMM|NG pool. 15‘ x 15' x 5' deep. Drapes. gold, lined. Very good condmon. 884-4514 305 3 Pc. Living Room Suite HUMIDIFIER. Sunbeam. $45 Bed. 39". box sprung, headboard. $25 R.C‘A TV-combmatuon f3dl0, black and WhlIe. $25 889-9915, CEDAR fence rails 12' long. Good quality, $2 98 each 884-0281, 311 CONTENTS OF HOUSE MAY 5th & 6th 18' x 4 Wlth attachments 881-4920 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS GARAGE SALE CLARK & HENDERSON AREA . 10 A M ‘A P M Coleur~‘100& Up Black & Whth ‘60 8. Up ALL SEIS GUARANTEED MUST SELL! 40 NEWPORT WAY §WT|VT|V|ING POOL Articles For USED T.V.'s Articles wanted self 832-2415 881-7448 ZREFRIGERATORS 245-7491 889-7005 rs and studio much 5 cottage Also coffe 889-7005 leaning door. $100.00 RANGE DRAPE long mg gold and long matching double shorter drapes, 5173 ar old after 5 pm Best offer lea Sale $850 00 $450 stand c2w44 SUlt- HOUSION, Marion 1. In hosprtal. on Tuesday. Apnl 24. 1979, Manon Murray. beloved wrle ol the late Grenvrlle chhard (Drck) Houston, dear srster of Jessre (Mrs. James Crarg) ol Ottawa. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Ruch- mond Hrll. Servrce was held Friday atternoon. Interment York Cemetery. Memorral donations may be made to the Canadran Cancer Society. May 6th, Sur show and sa (of! Yonge) Dealers. Ban 9 30 AM. Sunday Chulch School l 100 A. M. Worshup Semce CAMPBELL-SMITH. Gordon W. (Major E.D.) At Sunnybrook Hospital. on Sunday. Apnl 29. 1979, Gordon W Campbell- Smllh. 01 Richmond Hill. Overseas same 1916 to 1919. 1939 to 1945 With Lake Supermr Regiment. Manitoba Depot Battalion. Saskatchewan Border Regiment, Manitoba Mounted Rifles. Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps‘ Bank of Montreal. letlfed. Mussed by wife Kann Helene. son Jon Enk, daughter- m-law‘ Donna Ann‘ gyandsons, Jon Enk and Jason Lew:s. A private cremation servlce was conducted at the B. E, Rung Funeral Home. Thomhlll. If desued donations may be made to the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Richmond Hull. At York Central Hospital. on Monday, Apnl 30. 1979. John Tait. beloved husband of the late Jeanne Wrght. rn hrs 99th year. dear father of lsobelle (Mrs G. Salt). Don Mills. Mary (Mrs. D Armétrong) chhmond Hill, and Eleanor (Mrs E. Callendes). Sl. Catharrnes. dear grandfather of Pamela. David. Wayne and Mary Jane. brother of Mary Bellew. Aberdeen. Scotland. A lamrly servrce was held at the Marshall Funeral Home. chhmond Hrll. Interment chhmond Hrll Presbyterran Church Cemetery. TMT, John CRITTENDEN, W memory of a de and grandfathe: May 2. 1975. Alv hrs wne Flossxe ROBICHAUD. Shannon Leigh wishes to announce the yoyous arnval of her new baby Sister. Courtney Leanne. bom Apnl 24. 1979, weight 7 tbs†7 015.. at York County Hospitalu Thank you to my Mommy and Daddy. Susan and Wes. LACKEY, Robert Emerson At York Central Hospital, on Thursday. Apnl 26. 1979. Robert. beloved husband of Barbara Jones. of Rlchmond HIII. dear father of Heather and Janice, dear brother of Isabel, Doug. Ruth and Peggy. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. chhmond HIH‘ Servrce was held Saturday morning Interment Highland Memmy Gardensv SEAGER. Mary (Minnie). At York Central Hosprtal. Richmond Hrll on luesday, April 24th 1979 Mrnnre Seager. dear srster ot the late Edward, lane, Ida (Mrs‘ Coster) Catherine (Mrs Prckett)dear Aunt of Mary (Mrs. JR. Harrtson) and the late John Puckett. FllEl'ldS were ,recewed at the M ang Funeral Home. 7783 Yonge Street (at High- way 78) lhornhrll. Funeral mass was held In Old St. Luke's Church (St. Vladrmrr's) Church Lane. Thornhrll. lhursday mornrng. Interment St, Luke's Cemetery Church ofluce. 884-2227 Serwces: Sunday-8 a.rn & 1030 am. Wednesday- 10 am. and 730 pm HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST THORNHILL 5 OF HWY, 78 W OF YONGE ST 889-5931 SUNDAY, MAY 6. 1979 EASTER Ill 8 AM, Holy Communion 9'15 A.M. Choral Eucharist (Nursery and Church School) 11 AM. Choral Eucharist (Nursery and Church School) 730 P M. Confirmation Wed. 10 AM Hon Communron DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 7 » _ _ . \ r f r , 135‘}!")9’!’r$’»$"}$’W")’Wb ’5‘Viquiyr'r"""§»‘~»‘i’â€"/}$$I "-N‘¢‘}’y‘»‘y$$$ ’ ’36 VTIV’V’ f‘llll, um "6L0. 583.2031 ll m Infmnmtmn PhonP 889 7m “Everything is 50 4327. ‘ ‘ f .( wt¢WIv¥€fx§$ _ r‘ p¢>$®WmvmeVW.w ,9, '¢ rr » AMHQAN BAPTIST LUTHERAN 615 The names of loved ones, whose friends chose to re member them with a memorial donation, are in- scribed in the Book of Memory in the Hospital Lobby. Famiry Acknowiedge ment Cards and official receipts are provided. 10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill, L4G 423. 3332032 “5 In Memoriam ST. PAUL LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 1.5 DAUPHINEE. PASTOR chhmond Hrl| Clergy Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev Wlllram Prentrce 883-4149 Rev, Fred Jackson 884-2418 ,C‘ YORK CENTRAL IF: In HOSPITAL FOUNDATION MEMORIAL FUND ‘3? Maryâ€"'5 lTrTgï¬caanâ€"nurâ€"cï¬ 10030 Yonge St. 884-2227 Coming Events Bargains “5 Deaths Sunday sale. 1 )75, Always Flossxe and “5 Births 106 Centre Richmond llam. â€" In I husband. who passe( n. â€" In lowng Iusband. father 0 passed away remembered by chlldten. (Member Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Four of Thornhill’s militant nan- nies relax with their young charges. Standing to left is Nancy Kelly with Arthur Medlock: crouched in centre is Kathy 10:00 AM » Bible School Classes tat all ages. 11 AM. AMormng Serwce 700 P M {venmg Servnce Many agencies match nannies with families, but Kathy said she was “definitely†not matched. Many families in the Thornhill area have taken young ladies into their homes to act as nannies to their children. A new union is being set up in Thornhill. to draw attention to the plight of nannies. Some of these girls are being treated well. but some feel they are mistreated. Many are from outside of Canada. Talk soon centred around a 19-year~old British nanny. named Kathy Dales. Her chores in~ the Willowdale household included looking after a 17-monthâ€"old baby and cleaning the house $225 per month. Area nannies plann/ng union Easter weekend. 13 nannies from the Thor- nhill area organized a bus trip to Niagara Falls. Kathy came to Canada, through an agency, February 11, to a family in Willowdale. These duties were not bad, said Kathy but the lady of the house, who did not work, made “ridiculous requests" â€" like asking Kathy to scrub the floors at 8 pm. â€" and treating her as a "slave" rather than an equal person. This woman often told Kathy she could get tw0 colored girls who would work harder for the money she paid Kathy. The final straw came when she told Kathy she did not have the money to pay her wages. Kathy told other nannies she thought she would have to go back home. [we In Richmond H|II and Mom mllatea. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8:00 P M An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City Rev Iom Richardson Pastor 10 A M rChnsnan Edutanon 11A M onrshIp and P-am: 7 P M -Gospel Rallv rm PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - TEMPORARY LOCATION LANGSTAFF PUBLIC SCHOOL UPLANDS AI YONGE-THORNHILL ONE SIOPLIGHT BELOW N0 7HWV 9:45 AM. - Church School For Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 1100 AM - Morning Worship That is how the idea PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH By SHAARON HAY Liberal Staff Writer Cornet of Weldnck Road and Bathurst Street Rev‘ 8.1 McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 Neighbouthood Commu‘ Pentecostal Congregation Infmmatlon Phone 889-7z45 YOU CAN HELP US GROW INTERIM MlNISTER Dr S. R. McClung ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street for Tuesday 6:45 Boys 12 to 18 meeting at Richmond Hull ngh School 730 Adult Prayer and Blble Study PM" W Paul VI" REV THOMAS E RICHARDSON 9 45 Bible School PASTOR 11 AM Morning Worship TEMPORARY LOCATION OF CHURCH 7 PM Evemng Serwce OLD LANGSTAFF BAPIISI CHURCH 26 CHURCH 31.. THORNHILL Luesday ‘CORNER OF YONGE 51.4w 7HWV 645 Boys 12 to 18 meeting at 10 A M tsunda scï¬ool Richmond HIH High School H A M. wow“. yand Pmlse 730 Adult Prayer and Blble Study 7 P 605991.33â€, LIVE IN RICHMOND HILL AND THORNHHL I YOU CAN HELP US GROW. RICHMOND HM UN'LED CHLRC“ A WARM WELCOME-EXCITING SERVICES Yonge and Centre Sheets. ~ SUNDAY MAY 6 1979 _ ' MOImng WOIshIp 311100 A M 176th AnnlvefSaW 0t Om CongregaA tlon Guest Minister Ihe Rev O. THORNHILLPRESBYTLRIANCHURCH Pastor Rev. Paul Vm 945 Bible School 11AM Morning WOIShlp 7 PM Evening Serwce Kathy is paid $275 each month and Ann $250, but Kathy has been here two and one-half years whereas Anne has been on the job for only three months. Anne Garrad, a 24-year- old nanny from Wales who has been in Canada since February 20 lives with the Meles family looking after four-year- old Anthony and five- year-old Joshua. Nancy Kelly. 18, is a C a n a d i a n f r o m Southampton, Ontario. Nancy calls herself “live-in help" and said her job is only to look after twenty-month-old Arthur Medlock. She does not do any household chores and her day ends when the family comes home. began to form a union. to be called “United Nan» ny‘s Union". to get a strong support system for girls under similar cir- cumstances. They came to the conclusion many young nannies (most are in their early twenties) are afraid to complain or speak up because they are usually all alone in the country 3,000 miles from home. with the threat of being shipped back always hanging over their heads. “ltll Lllb LIII but Ul UCIIIS shipped back always hanging over their heads. Not all the nannies in Thornhill are unhappy with their new lifestyle. Anne Garrad, a 24-year- old nanny from Wales who has been in Canada since February 20 lives with the Meles family looking after four-year- old Anthony and five- year-old Joshua. Anne said she is treated as one of the family in their home and she loves the children dearly. Kathy Henderson. aged 20 from Ireland has been very happy to be the nanny to the Borenstein family for two and one- half years. Grievances aired on the trip to Niagara Falls were problems such as: one girl only getting two days' notice before em- ployment was cancelled; another couldn't go out until 8:30 pm. and had to be in by midnight: another had a three-page summary she had to fill in each day answering questions such as “What stimulation did the child receive from todays outing?" to “What was the child's bowel movement like?â€; another girl had to vacuum a three storey home each day as well as look after four children. Like Kathy Dales. most of these girls were scared. they hadn’t These three girls are happy with the families they live with and work for, but they still all agree it would be nice to have more money for their labors. Nancy is the lowest paid at $175 per month with room and board, but she only sits with izhe baby. Anne said she is treated as one of the family in their home and she loves the children dearly. BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1481hornndge Dr. Thornhlll MInIStel Rev. J Mulder BA. 8.0 - 889-5225 Semce at 10:30 a m. and 5 00 pm Her job is to look after ‘two-year-old David~ aï¬d five-year-old Amanda. Robelt F Smuth Congregatnonal Luncheon follows ChulCh School Dunng WOIShIp Nursery Care Available THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 2, 1979 â€" B-ll Other Denominations Henderson with Amanda Boren- stein: behind the slide is Anne Garrad with David Borenstein and ready to enjoy the slide is Kathy Dales. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBUES OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL ASSEMBLY THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centle Sheet 889-5392 The girls support their request with the fact cleaning ladies in the area are getting $25 a day. “and they don‘t even look after kids." said Nancy. But. wages are not the biggest concern of these young ladies. Like Kathy Dales. most of these girls were scared. they hadn’t spoken up for fear of losing their job. expensive here.“ said Anne‘ “1 think we should have more pay for what we do." A union would ensure these injustices would not continue. was the feeling of the girls in Thornhill. Olgamst A union would also offer friendship and support to the young visitors to the country furnishing somewhere to go with problems. Minister Now the question is how to go about forming a solid union. The girls fear it might not be possible as they are only visitors to the country and not Canadians. Andrew Meles is of- fering his support by interviewing the girls about this problem on his show called “Open Mind“ to be aired at 6, 8 and 10 pm. Thursday May 10. on Classicomm Cable 10 in Richmond Hill Any nanny interested in talking over a problem. or anyone with union ex- perience should call Anne Garrad at 889-9623 or Kathy Henderson at 381- 4327‘ 130m Annivelsaly Semces ll 00 a m Dnvlne Wotsmp Rev Jesse Bngelow D D Moderator. Presbyterian Chulch m Canada “00 am Chulch School (begins m church‘wlth parents) 700 p m Evenmg Semce The Revd JB Burns MA B,D.Ph0 M. C Hunt. MusBac ARCO