Richmond Hill United Church celebrates l76lh year of congregation. ll-a.m. Guest Minister: Dr. Robt. F. Smith. Thornhill Scouts and Guides art exhibit and sale. Heintzman llouse. Richvale Lions Bingo. Richvale Lions Hall. 3| Spruce Ave.. 7.30 p.m. York Philharmonic Choir practice. R. Hill Baptist. 7.30 Mother‘s Break. Richmond Hill United Church. 9.30 â€" 11.15 a.m. 884-4294. Yoga. Richmond Hill United Pine Ridge Open House. I p.m. â€" 4 p.m. Yonge St., north of Bloomington. Mothers Day plant sale. spon- sored by Richvale Lions Drum Corps. Richvale Lions Hall, 31 Spruce. 10 a.m. â€" 4 p.m. Legal Aid Clinic. 7 to 10 p.m. 884- 9!“. RICHMOND HILL SPRING FAIR. 9 a.m. â€" 6 p.m. Richvale Lions Bingo. Lions Hall 3| Spruce. 7.30 p.m. HELPMATE INFORMATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR 883-2234 May ‘ 883- The other participants were allowed comment on the same question and final word was given to the man who first an- swered the query. Callers managed to touch on almost all major issues including the economy, the performance of the Liberal government over the past 11 years, bilingualism (not national unity), defense spen- ding, abortion. the Tory proposal for the deduction of mortgage payments from income taxes and attitudes towards the Arab economic boycott. BySTEVE PEARLSTEIN Liberal Staff Writer The three major candidates running for a seat in the federal riding of York North made their first public appearance together on an open-line TV show and responses to viewers’ questions made it clear the battle has just begun. Out of 10 questions fielded by Barney Danson (L), NDP can- didate Bruce Searle and PC candidate John Gamble during the live, one-hour program last Wednesday, eight callers ad- dressed themselves to Mr. Gamble. Only M127 Danson and Mr. Gamble attacked each other for Your community needs you . . i to drive. If you have a car and some lime to give, your help is needed by Family and (‘hildren‘s Services. F.C.S. is urgently in need of people to drive clients to ap- pointments. For example a driver is needed to drive a child from Thornhill to Unionville and return. This child will need a drive every 2 weeks. To help, call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. . . . to canvass. The Canadian Cancer Society is desperately in need of individuals willing to canvass industries. You would call on 5 or 6 industries to request funds on behalf of the Cancer Society. Pamphlets and in~ formation will be provided for your calls. If you can help. please call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. NORTH SUNDAY Tuesday YORK Monday CAN YOU EAT A PARTY SIZE PIZZA YOURSELF? Call the Syndicate for details 883-4848 13 Navy League Cadets R.H. United (‘hurch 6:30 pm. Boys 10-13 years 223-8868 RJI. Public Library Preâ€"School Story Hour 10 a.m.-IO:45 a.m. Pre-registration. Sea Cadets. RCSCC Patriot. St. Mary's Anglican Church, 7.30 p.m. Info: 884-3630. Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge, Richmond Hill. 8 p.m. Info: 884- l689. York Regional Camera Club annual awards dinner. For tickets. call. 727-3254. Pine Ridge open house. 1-4 p.m. Yonge street. north of Bloomington. Godspell, Richmond Hill United Church. 8 p.m. Info: 889-0344 or 883-5244. Richvale Lions Drum Corps and Color Guard. Lions Hall. 31 Spruce Avenue. 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 Church. 7.15 to 8.30 p.m. for beginners: 8.30 p.m. to 9.45 p.m. for intermediates. let ariy country determine our economic policies or our future,†he said. Both Mr. Danson and Mr. Searle felt Joe Clark‘s mortgage Lions bingo, Centre Street. Rich- mond Hill. 7.40 pm. While the two discussed parliamentary procedure, Mr. Searle said they were skirting the issue with rhetoric. Mr. Gamble pointed out the bill didn‘t pass because of votes by one PC member and one Independent member of the house. “My feeling and those of the NDP party are that we shouldn‘t “I think it was some sort of conspiracy by the PCs to stop that bill from going through. All the parties in the house clearly wanted to give it unanimous consent but the Conservatives voted against it," said Mr. Danson. Aside from one frivo- lous caller who accused Mr. Danson of not spending enough time in his riding, the incumbent became irritated over Mr. Gamble‘s charge the Liberals had not really wanted unanimous consent of a bill which would have outlawed the Arab boycott. their stands or their respective party’s stand on specific issues. Mr. Searle chose to leave per- sonalities out of his comments. andidates clash on Cable TV MONDAY . . . to do typing. The Richmond Hill Public Library needs someone who can type file cards. Your eyesight should be good because some of the typing will be done from old or micro-film records. Your help would be needed for 3 or 4 hours a week on either Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday If you can type and would like to help. call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau. Lib’éral . . . to be a handyman. If you are handy and able to fix broken toys, shelves, chairs. etc. then the York Region Family “Y†needs your help. They are seeking someone who would either come into the “Y†to fix the day care equipment or take the equipment home. This volunteer job would be great for a retired gentleman. If you would like to help, call the Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau at 883-2235. 14 Richmond Hill Coin Club meeting. Richmond Hill High School. Wright Street. 7 p.m. Storytime for pre-schoolers, 3-5 years old at 2 p.m.. Thornhill Community Centre Branch Library. Godspell. Richmond Hill United Church. 8 pm. Info: 889-0344 or 883-5244. One Parent Families Assn, general meeting. 'l‘hornhill Community Centre. 8 p.m. (‘ounterweight. Richmond Hill Public Library. 7.30 p.m. Dupicate Bridge Ladies night out. Yoga and a variety of crafts, Viking Club. Oak Ridges. > Parent Concern. 8 to 10 p.m. Call Joyce, 884-3503. CGIT. Richmond Hill United Anglican Church. 12125 Yonge Church for girls. 12 to 17 years of Information: 884-1689. age. 7 to 8.30 p.m. 884-5971. â€"â€"â€"â€" Thornhill Lions Bingo. Thornhill Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. “French-English Bi-Culturalism in Canada". at St. Paul’s United Church. Oak Ridges. Speaker: Rev. Guy Deschamps. R, Hill Horticultural Society meeting. Presbyterian Church. 8 p.m. Info: 884-8564. Meet the candidates â€" federal election â€" Henderson Avenue School. 66 Henderson, 8 p.m. “This could serve to create a significant tax dodge and tempt some people to go out and re- finance their homes," said Mr. Danson. “Then they'd probably go out and spend the extra money acquired â€" to us it's just bad tax law." Mr. Gamble backed the Clark proposal by saying it is something “sociologically needed" at a time when the housing industry is supposed to create 100,000 new construction jobs. It's not something just for the rich, he said, but something even the notâ€"so-rich would like to be able to take advantage of. After another caller wanted to know why he was greeted in French first when he called two Federal government agencies in Toronto, there was heated discussion about the Quebec statute Bill 101. Mr. Danson feels it is a small inconvenience to be greeted in French first‘ though he claimed that isn’t standard mlicx. deductibility scheme is open to abuse. Mr. Searle said the plan could eventually inflate taxes and induce buyers of homes “to go in over their heads." He mentioned the C. D. Howe Institute as the latest economic adviser to warn against such taxation policies. Wednesday TUESDAY ommunlty “eet. 7 p.m. Young Life youth group meeting, 81 Crosby Ave., 7.30 pm. Info: 884-4217. REGULAR EVENTS. St. John’s Free topical fluoride clinic for 15 Wednesday, May 2, 1979 and drum corps practice: Lions Hall. 7-9 p.m. Richmond Hill Lions Majorette Bond Lake Skating (‘lub annual meeting. 8 pm. Info: 887-5627. A Morning Out. Richmond Hill 8.3+ United Church, 9.30 - 11:15 a.m. "324 884-9722. Godspell, Richmond Hill United (‘hurch 8 p.m. Info: 883-5214. Richmond Hill Group of Artists meeting. Crosby School. 7.30 p.m. Thornhill Amateur Radio Club. Thornlea Secondary School. Info: 889-3848. Seniors Euchre games. club rooms. 10149 Yonge Street. Rich- mond Hill. 1.30 pm. St. Paul's Lutheran (‘hurch LCW meeting, 8 p.m. Evening book discussion group. 7.30 â€" 9.30 p.m.. Thornhill Community Centre Library. Bridge and euchre. St. Gabriel Church. Bayview. Info: 884-3697. Medical Secretaries Assn. meeting. York Central Hospital. 8 pm. Info: 884-5789. St. John Ambulance brigade training session. Don Head School. 8-") p.m. Info: 884-4204. Young Life youth group meeting, XI Crosby, 7.30 pm. Info: 884- 4217. Thornhill Community Centre Library Art, now to May I2. llolly (‘Iifford â€"â€" Mixed Media. SEAR LE York Region ('hapter of (‘hildren with Learning Disabilities, meets at Richvale Community Centre. 8 p.m. Speaker: Sylvia Bleiweiss. M.A. Mr. Searle pointed out English is taught in Quebec schools, the same way French has been in- troduced into Ontario public schools. Mr. Gamble said he is appalled that bilingualism is a pre- requisite for a position as a Federal civil servant. He claimed the 'I‘rudeau government has wasted millions on the training of government employees for programs that are of little or no benefit. WEDNESDAY Yoga (‘Iasses at Thornhill'Holy Trinity Anglican Church.' 8.45 to 10 p.m. Yoga Class. Richmond Hill Deadline for THEOS Conference registration. Info: 884-2760. children 3 to 16 years. 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Call the Health Unit for information and appointments: 884-1133: 887-5245: 832-1384: 297-' Richmond Hill Legion Bingo, Legion Hall. Ohio Road. Rich- mond Hill. 7.35 p.m. (Sodspell. Richmond Hill United Church, 8 p.m. Info: 883-5244. B’nai B'rith meeting at Gallanough Library. 8 p.m. Info: X8l-2027 or 889-7084. Widow and widowers meeting. Victoria and Grey Trust building. 3 pm. (‘ivic Improvement meeting. town office. committee room ‘8'. X p.m. Richmond Hill 630 p.,m. Lions llill Potters Guild, pottery sale. Markham Place Mall. Steeles and Don Mills. 9 a.m. â€" 9.30 p.m. Block Parents Association executive meeting at York Region Police Station. Major Mackenzie Drive. 7.30 pm. Info: 881-5600. King‘s (‘ollege Ratepayers Assn.. general meeting. Johnsview School, 8 p.m. Richvale Writers Club. 79 nonham Road. 889-6703. 8-]! p.m. Richmond Hill Lions meeting. Lions llall. (‘entre Street. 6.30 Asked about the problem of noisy. shunting trains in Thor- nhill. Mr. Gamble said if elected, he‘d be able to bypass all the bureaucracy involved with a Crown Corporation and deal directly with administration at CN. Mr. Gamble disagreed but the NDP candidate challenged him, saying he had recently spoken to schools in Quebec where English is taught an hour per day. Section C Thursday Lions meeting. Hall. Centre St. 10 Maple Leaf Accordion Band. McKillop School. 7 to 9 p.m. 884- 8390. Bayview and Green Lane, 7 to 8.30 p:m. Weight Watchers. Concord Community Centre. 7.30 p.m. 669- 2l73. Thornhill Recycling Depot Godspell, Richmond Hill United Church. 8 p.m. Info: 889-0344. 883- 5244. Duplicate Bridge. [2125 Yonge. 3 p.m. Info: 884-1689. Juvenile girls softball club dance. Richvale Community Centre. 8 p.m. Info: 884-5200. Duplicate Bridge. 12125 Yonge. 8 p.m. Info: 884-1689. RICHMOND HILL SPRING FAIR â€" 9 a.m. - 10.30 p.m. ALL-CANDIDATES MEETING â€" Don Head School. 7.30 p.m. Media panel. audience par- licipation. United Church. 9 to 10.15 a.m. for beginners and 10.15 to [1.30 a.m. for intermediates. 884-2671. Duplicate Bridge. I12125 Yonge St. x p.m. Info: 884-1689. Hill Potters Guild. pottery sale. Markham Place Mall. 9 a.m. â€" 9.30 p.m. Toronto Waldorf School. 9100 Bathursl Street. Open House. 7.30 â€" 9 pm. Teen Drop-In. Concord Com~ munity Centre, 8-11 p.m. Ages l3- l7. Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Club spring dance. Richvale Com- munity Centre. 8.30 p.m. Tickets: 773-4369. Don Head Secondary School Reunion. all former students welcome. Info: 88443330. Both Mr. Danson and Mr. Searle felt that was a ridiculous approach but admitted noise levels can only be lowered to a certain extent. “Realistically, you don’t ex- The show ended with several calls still on the line, an in- dication many viewers are quite interested in both the candidates and the issues of the May 22 election. though it is early in the campaign. “Realistically, you don’t ex- pect us to be able to move the rail line. We’re always trying to improve the situation there, it has been around even longer than most of the houses in that part of Thornhill have," said Mr. Danson. FRIDAY 884-0375 50 INDUSTRIAL ROAD. RICHMOND HILL INEX CLEAN CAR CENTER ‘FREE Endiï¬Ã© Shampoo with every “Seal 3 Shine" ‘ 'kol sh?“ 11 883-2234 Euchre. 1:30 pm. Seniors Club Room. 10. I49 Yonge St. R.H. All welcome. Oak Ridges Lions annual bike-a- lhon. _____ Bargain Hunters sale. St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Wrixon Hall. R. Hill. ll - 2 pm. R.H. Recycling Depot. Elgin Mills Rd.E. at Leslie. [0 am â€" noon. Thornhill Recycling Depot Bayview at Green Lane. 10 am to noon. 'l‘hornhill Scouts & Guides art exhibit. Heintzman House. Navy League. St. Mary’§ Anglican Church. Wrixon Hall. 6.45 p.m. Boys 10 to 13 welcome. 223-8868. Saturday (‘anadian Bible Society. Maple Branch. walkathon, 9 a.m. Maple Community Centre. Info: 884- 9854. Bike Auction. York Regional Police Station, R. Hill. Children's Hospital Day program. York Central. L30 -â€" 3.30 p.m. Lecture Hall. RICHMOND HILL SPRING FAIR â€" 9 a.m. - I030 p.m. ()ne Parent Families Assn. dance. Thornhill Comm. Ctre. 8 Bazaar in aid of Animal Welfare & Adoption. 10 a.m. â€" 8 p.m., Emmanuel Anglican Church. 15 McKay Dr. Info: 889-5022. GARAGE. RUMMAGE SALES: Ilth R. Hill Brownies Mothers Aux. 10-3 p.m.. St. Gabriels. Crosby & Bayview. Info: 884-8441, 884-9564; Maple Leaf Accordion Band, 261 Elka Dr., 10-4 p.m. - 884-8390; Block Parents, Old Flre llall. Wright St.. 9-2 p.m.; Emmanuel Anglican. McKay Dr.. 10-] pm. 884-8908; Young Life, R. Hill Presbyterian. 10.30 a.m., 884-2313. 884-9005: Garage sale. 48 Elmwood Ave.. 10-2 p.m. proceeds to mentally retarded. Richvale Branch Library. Symphony Street Mini-Concert with Don Keuhn on percussion. all ages. 2 p.m. A press conference for all three candidates. which will likely include Libertarian candidate Dan Davidson. is scheduled for May 17 at Bayview Secondary School. GUARANTEED NEVER WAX YOUR CAR As LONG AS YOU.OWN SATU RDAY