Richard E. Wilson ROSENBERG & COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 883-1664 50 Yonge Street 8., Aurora, Ontario Accounting Bookkeeping Income Tax By the weak monlh 0/ year Kenneth M. Pal Appliance Service Repairs to all electric stoves, washers, dryers, fridges, air- conditioners, dishwashers, small appliances. 883-5054 Additions, Renovations, etc No Job too small. 130 Centre SLW. 8841788 D.J. DILWORTH & ASSOC. â€"§60k7keeping’ 8: Accounting Services Contractors Accountants (Chartered) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS KEN R. McKEOWN Certified' General Ac‘countant Landscaping 8 design services estimates. Call Dag Schindler. Contractors J. LLOYD BELL 1 -859-9454 Registered Industrial Accountant 325 Richmond St. Richmond Hill In natural stone and brick. All work guaranteed. Free Carpentry GENERAL CONTRACTING LST 3R8 Telephone: (416) 881-5345 Stone Er Brick work Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs Chartered Accountant John C. Hughes ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED J. WELBORNE & sou ‘ Accounting , Bookkeeping Services Income Tax Preparations 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill 10620 YONGE AT OXFORD Accounting Services For small businesses Chartered Accountants REID & BRADLEY Thomhill, Ontano FIREPLACES Appliance Repairs 884-7530 8849897 889-5683 Carpentty Geneial 8842092 BOB ROSS CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR 884-1634 K.A. Smith RICHMOND HILL 887-5031 881-7149 889-1377 KARL'S USE OUR SERVICE DIRECTORY g\ FOR HOME OR BUSINESS TFC32 YFCM IFUZ rï¬Ã©ctricians All types of work. Service, Repairs, Commerical, Industrial Free estimates. Reasonab‘le Lic. E596. Lawns aerated, rolled and fer tilized. Also xrees sprayed, DON’T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIME Tree Cutting Gardening Tree Er Shrub Planting Sidewalks 8 Patios ELECTRICIAN 4 yards - delivered General clean-up of back yards, basements, garages and eavestroughs cleaned AlI kinds of repairs done in- side abd outside the house ALL WORK GUARANTEED Custom Rototilling Gardens, lawns sodded Garden Manure $50 for Man with PICKUP TRUCK Libéral BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years’ experience Gardening- Landscaping WALKER CONSTRUCTION 8842882 CARLISLE LANDSCAPING Fire Place Service SPRUCE UP YOUR GARDEN FURN|TURE HAND STRIPPED AND REF|N|SHED 8M2221 or 727-2133 CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES 221-1466 Fences 8 Patios UNIQUE FENCE CO. [EUSCHIVER SPRA YI/VG 635-7918 ‘& LAWN FOR SPRING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential. Commercial. Industrial Wiring Doâ€"ltâ€"Yourself information (Lic. No. E1099) Special disc0unt for pensioners Handymen HANDYMAN lESl/E’S 833-5995 The Fmest of Craftsmanship and Materials UPHOLSTERING 'c’au’aiian at M3755 We are dam good. dam fast and darn reasonable Free Estimates - Pick Up and Deiiverv Furniture Stripping 8M5] 82 you Thornhill 881-5097 w. Hudson Ayres & Sons 8241 Woodbine - Hwy. 7, Markham INTRODUCING "(Earl @riffith & £30115 31th." PHONE No Job Too Big or Too Small FREE ESTIMATES Custom Built Fencing TFC42 C4W42 TFCM l ’ Electricians 495-1942 773' Lib'éral ï¬lï¬oï¬ï¬'ï¬mzmu 5" Seamless Eavestroughing Also: Awnings Canopies Pogch Enclosures Windows 8 Window Con versions Doors, etc. Reasonable r'ates. No job too small‘ CARPENTER E Alcan \ Siding NORTHERN WOOD WORKS _ ‘ Home !mprovements 'Siding 'Sofï¬t OShutters OMndows Richmond Hill Contracting Co. Ltd. RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS CUSTOM CABINETS MASONARY WORK 775-6390 889-3820 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates 5782 OAlterations ORepairs ORecreation rooms OPatios OWindows - Doors 640-2451 WacPHEE ALUMINUM SIDING SOFFlT-FASCIA Renovations Additions Repairs†Excellent workmanship _ "mm 85 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL FREE ESTIMA I'ES JOHN MaqEHEE 883-1331 8846162 883-3033 E. PETERS After 6 pm. ODoors OEaves OFascia OAwnings °Rai|ings CZWM TFCM 225-1871 WATERPROOFING WET BASEMENTS Concrete work, Drain repairs Free estimates 225-2461 488-9900 RUSSD BROTHERS Cabinets, baths, rec rooms dry wall, additions. All home improvements Free estimates Renovations â€" Painting â€" Carpentry Drywall ANDICARRYALCAN SOFFIT AND FASCIA LUMBARDI CONTRACTING lamthemanme. Rec rooms, baths, cabinets, drywall, laminating, all home improvements. Rec Rooms - Bathrooms Fireplaces 8 General Repairs FOR WA ffflPRUUF/IVG comm II 4150 ‘ PA r105 CHIMIVE vs Poem/[s Llc B 1373 I’m your local Alcon Authorized Dealer. Call me for a free quote on installing Alcon soflit and fascia CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS SEWER CONVERSIONS PLUMBING & TRENCHING CONCRETE - ALL TYPES FREE ES T/MA TES 5-1871 225-2724 R. DURAN General Carpentry SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES Remodelling Renovatinq GENERAL CONTRACTING STONE WORK 883-3170 TEL: 883-1331 CUSTOM ALUMINIZING 47 Patricia Ave. Lic. No. D180 HOT TUBS & WHIRLPOOLS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 881-5556 E G. K. Howell 2943914395. G. ROCKET 884-5227 P. Hollingworth Drain Services 889â€"4729 Home lmpmvements LIC B342 NOBLE ENTERPRISES 889-6889 _ 20°o DISCOUNT ON PRE-FAB UNITS 10% DISCOUNT 0N CUSTOM INSTALLATION DESIGN CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION LUCIANO JOE 89 Centre St. E Richmond Hill vgs a, L CUSTOM & PRE-FAB 884-9026 0 884-4028 SAUNAS TFC3I TFCIG OPLASTERING OCERAMIC TILE 'DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED 'CEILINGS 8 WALLS FOR COMPLETE RENOVATIONS BATHROOMS Er KITCHENS Personal/Busmess Conespondence‘ Specs‘, Manlmgs, Bookkeeping, Pub llshlng‘ Inv0Icmg, GOOD RATES 297-2246 OFBEE ESTIMATES All work guaranteed "N0 J08 00 3mm Calevmhgs Painting, Ceramic Tile Vinyl Flooring Alcan Building Products SECRETARIAL OR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Waterproofing Sewer Conversions & Excavating Trillium Contracting PLASTERER TILE SETl'ER Secretarial Services Call an after 5 PM 884-2560 8845921 Specia|izing in 883-5432 CLET C5W44 TFCM "(236 COW“ MALDWYN J. HARDING PAINTING 8 DECORATING 1 Photography, it Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 B8 Baket Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 Piano Tunï¬ CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service A/f’s Office Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 New work, reroofs, chimney repairs. Workmanship guarr anteed. | Stained Glass f PAINTING 8 PAPER HANGING DECORATING Lamps and hangings Custol made Repairs and .nstallano: STAINED GLASS WINDOWS and Paperhanging Trees, bushes & stumps Cut or Removed ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call collect for free estlmates TYPEWRITER RENTALS Excellent Rates HUGH BARR 889â€"2773 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING TREE SERVICE Aluminum doors, windows, siding, eavestrough, awnings, shutters, quality instllation. Reasonable rates, free estimates. 832-2238 Office Machines 61 " RESTYLING * REBUIlDING E * REFINISHING bytmhsmen Fabrics available from Ev‘léwss 889-7821 PAINTING PAINTING OAK muses 773-5292 Evgs rofessional Finish Guaranteed WILL IVAN DALTON 773-4314 evg Painters 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED Leslie 833-5995 Free Estimates J. HUFFMAN R.E. Dunn 727-3303 LH. SIMS THORNHILL ROOFING INC. 635-51 77, 751. â€"9022 Metm No. B 5346 Roofing 881-1803 bus. 881-5575 res. Piano Tuning 8 Repairs 889-3228 SHINGLES All WORK cunnnmem Free Estimates YORK ALUMINUM Rooï¬ng GVN N18 VONGE evgs 10335 Keele St., Maple Uphoisterers TFC31 TFC4 Metro Lic. 8-888 HORNM L‘nforiunately, there are the types whose outlook is so different from yours and mine that the vast expenditures of time a justified Years ago. when 1 was still connected with the Department of Lands and Forests. poaching and other illegal activities actually paid off. Fines Were so minimal. if they existed at all, and the judges in the smaller towus were so in- Consistent that they rivalled politicians. Now fines are hefty and jail terms are often imposed. POACHERS (‘arl Monk, a fellow outdoor writer and law enforcement specialist with the government, tells me of a case where four poachers in the ('ochrane region paid a total of $2,012 for taking moose before opening day. Apparently. such fines are now commonplace and quite often, even the cars are confiscated. It is Poach eggs only.... Eleanor Tripp of Richmond Hill displays a one-ounce gold wafer and chain she won in a draw held in connection with the Toronto Real Commend police officers for- thorough investigation Tw0 York Regional Police constables were commended by the police commission last week for quick thinking that led to arrests and recovery of Variety of colours. In- stalled or delivered. Free estimates. YHRK ALUMINUM EAVESTBOUGH 5" CONTINUOUS LENGTH and money are Installation Er Sales Co. 832-2238 Metw Lic. 8-888 troilblozeri IS TIMAYES NO OBLIGATION ByALEX EBERSPAECHER TFCM IFI‘AI needless to say that you can kiss your gun and fishing tackle goodbye. Closer to home. in the Owen Sound district. officers Tost and Hum- phrey were patrolling the rainbow spawning areas during the week of May 14. 1977. In the dark. they apprehended three men netting trout. Several nets and about one hundred rainbow were seized as charges were laid. in court. they were fined $250 each and 60 days ’in jail on one charge. ()n the charge of having possession of the fish another $250 and 15 more days in jail. An appeal was launched and one of the finest criminal lawyers in Ontario acted on their behalf. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 2. 1979 â€" The guilty verdict was upheld but the fines were increased to $1,000 each or 30 days on each charge. ()ne got nailed for another $203 possession of a gill net in his Niagara home. LOSE RIFLE How about losing your $500 rifle and paying $506 in fines for shooting a moose one day before the season opened as a Toronto man did last year, or would you rather pay the average $100 fine for each fish you have over your limit? Since we had our first uniformed game wardens in 1930. countless people stolen property in two separate incidents in rural King Township. The York Regional Police Commission commended constables Kenneth Knapton and Paul Heaver at a meeting last Wednesday night. An investigation by Constable Knapton led to convictions of two men who broke in and robbed the home of Mrs. Shirley Ashworth. 12,355 Mill Road. King Township on Dec. 24, 1977. Constable Knapton came across a stray glove at the Ashworth home while investigating the crime By interviewing neigh- bors. the officer pieced together a description of a car that the thieves might have used. Further in- terviews with local teenagers revealed that the Dupon family of King's 7th Concession owned a similar car. A search of the Dupon car turned up a glove that matched the one found at the scene of the crime. Mr. Dupon told Constable Knapton that his son. James. 22. of Malton, might have been using the car at the time of the break-in. Young Dupon and accomplice Alfred Hollingshead. 25 of Brooklin were both charged with break. enter and theft; mischief to OF LIBERAL ADVERTISERS Estate Board display at the recent National Home Show. John Shortill, right, president of the Board. made the presentation. were sent to study the game and fish laws in a small six by eight cell. Today the 213 con» servation officers in Ontario help many of us. at least they keep us on the right track. Being Ontario help many of us, at least they keep us on the right track. Being Law Officers under the Criminal Code of Canada. (‘.Ot's have the same power as all other police officers. municipal. provincial and RCMP. Having no contact with these officers, many of us have no idea how poaching affects us. the law-abiding sportsmen R. T. Matz, a con- servation officer covering the Manitoulin Island area. estimated that between 500 and 900 deer were illegally taken on the island during the year of 1977 alone. Estimating the numbers for all of Ontario. the figures are mind-boggling. as is the cost of policing. INCONSIS'I‘ENCY In many instances, hunting privileges are revoked for a year or so, but this is inconsistent as some judges take the license away and some don‘t. ,Perhaps it will occur to the justice department that violators should lose their privilege to hunt forever if they are repeaters. The same holds true for anglers and I predict that next year we will have a residents angling permit which could be revoked. Get to know your CD. and call him should you see anything wrong. It is to your benefit; as long as there are law breakers. enforcement will be necessary and you pay for It. priyate property over $50 With the exception of the stolen property charge against Mr. Dupon. the two men were convicted on all charges. and possession of stolen property. Police commissioner Gladys Rollying praised (‘onstable Knap'ton for “a very .thorough inâ€" vestlgatlon“. In the second incident. Constable Heaver noticed two hitch-hikers south- bound on Hwy. 27 while he was on his way to in- vestigate a break-in the evening of July 13, 1978. Arriving at the home of James Cutler on King Township‘s 9th Con- cession. the constable found the premises had been ransacked and money‘ jewelry. liquor and food removedl Recalling the two hitch- hikers. Constable Heaver returned to Hwy 27. searched the pair and. found goods that met the description given him by Mr. Cutler. Theodore Walker. 18. and Reginald Pulfer, 16, both of no fixed address. but en route from Calgary to Ottawa. received suspended sentences on charges of break. enter and theft. Police Chief‘s Bruce Crawford commended Constable Heaver for “a good piece of police work.“