Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 16 May 1979, B2

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He tossed a noâ€"hitler as his Richmond Hill l’ecwee Lions thumped Kleinhurg 36-0 in a exhibition game lasl 'l‘hursday nigh! Webster also helped his own cause by lashing a grand Slammer. three Iriples and a double. By PAT KELLY The Richmond Hill Soccer Club acquired its 39m sponsor at its May meeting thereby solving the problem of finding a team for surplus registrants. It also created a problem of finding a few more players to ensure the 39th team has a full roster. The club will field two senior girls teams and one at each of the levels of Atom. Mosquito, Peewee and Bantamt It looked for awhile as if there might be two teams at the Mosquito level but un- fortunately. the response ‘l'rom the girls aged 11 and 12 was not quite enough. Lions Dave Webster spins no-hit game There will. in any case. be far more than 39 teams playing in and around The Hill this summer. The club has agreed to accepl nine teams of the \\'hitchurch-Slouffville Soccer ('luh and two teams from King City to play an interlocking schedule of games with house league teams of Richmond Hill. The Oak Ridges Minor Softball League urgently needs umpires. coaches and managers. Pitcher Don Webster got as good a start as anyone can expect in a new softball season. Lots of soccer clubs Help, help B-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, May 16. 1979 Tuesday May 22¢ Kevin McInnisi was also Those who-d0 not make WILSON NIBlE'I'I' C-Plus Orange By Canada Dry Admission $2,” 100" ODry wall method - no foundation needed. Olnterlocking design - Attractive split lace. . OFor retaining walls, planters, bank erosion. 07‘/2", 10" or 12" wide to' sm't all applications. Our staff will be pleased to assist you on planning, layout design and quoting. TOWN PARK OPENING CEREMONIES 7:00 PM. GAME START 7:30 PM. Free Hotdogs By Shopsy’s FlLlPol Lib'éral In Richmond Hill BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED DOUBLE HEADER 4 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU - Highway 12, Brooklin, 0m. Yonge St., Newmarket, Om. Highway 11, Huntsville, Ont. Highway 121, Haliburton, Ont VS advertisers AND , help if you want to give any of these positions a try call Phil Lusk at 773-4365. Now that the warm weather is here coaches and players have been streaming out of gym- nasiums into the sweet smelling grasslands. (‘oach Ron Harding said he was very pleased with the team‘s play and was "looking forward to a great season.“ the squad will be given a chance to play on boys‘ teams. Given the large num- bers who attended the very successful preâ€" season coaches‘ clinics, his task. though difficult. should be an agreeable one and the level of competition this summer should be very high. especially if the parâ€" ticipation of young players in the two weekend soccer schools is as great as anticipated. Frank Briggs. chief coach of the RHSC, is busy matching up teams and coaches for the season. a big hitter with a grand Slammer and a double. Billy Keats‘ Bert Ball and Glen Dimpfel each had a triple and a double. Régistration forrhs for soccer school should be returned to Frank as soon as possible. The first 30 will probably participate in the first session. haggards will go the second week. Trainâ€"inâ€"g is always more fun out of doors but Wayne Murphy hit two doubles and Steve Byers made a sparkling double play‘ ~NICKY 416655331 1 41 6-895-2373 705789-2338 705-457-1 395 Players who_ have not yet bought new boots or who are belatedly discovering that the ones Ihey wore all last season playing, which is still greater fun and does not start in earnest until the last week of May, the 28th to be exact. for Town teams and the first week in June for house league teams. ad a @WfiEEQg Contest Rules: by phone or marl by the contest Judging members 01 men Immediate lamrlres or Johns~ 1. To enter punt your name address and organization I _ Manere Canada Inc .rls_adverl|srng aggncy 5% \“PR 50 GRAND PRIZES You may wrn one of 50 Grand Prizes STEEP‘L‘MEE“ Lumberking Beaver Lumber Cashway Lumber See entry forms for contest details: Contest ends June 30. 1979. You may wm one of 50 Grand Pnzes ofh$500,00 each ) w ich could be *7" *’- fly" used to offset ~ - V “h7- . v next year 5 fuel \f/ DIIIS. k :‘ 1" 450 SECOND PRIZES You may meosng 01450 second pnzes ot a Honeywell 82A , > L ;, Chronotherm Automatic Fuel Saver Thermostat i (approx. retail value $84.50 each) ‘ J ohnS-Manville’s Handi-Pak*is the handy way to comfort-condition your home and save money! You can do 1t yourself ...this weekend! at filel costs. Install ' Johns-Manvflle Iâ€"‘lber Glass Insu! Chances are, next winter fuel will cost you even more than it did this winter! You can beat the high cost of fuel by adding more J ohns- Manville Fiber Glass insulation. It’s easy to do and pays off with big savings on heating and air-conditioning costs. Plus extra living com- fort year 'round. are unsatisfactory may still be able to take ad- vantage of a boot ex- change 10 be held early in June provided someone can be found to organize it. The soccer executive also plans-t0 have team photographs taken early this year by the last week of June if that can be arranged. The Building Centre Lansing Buildall VJohns-Manville 'Ju'al RICHMOND HILL COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 10330 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Oriole Lumber 7181 Woodbine Ave Markham Ratcliffe Lumber 4340 Highway #7 Unionville Unlike some insulation methods around today. fiber glass batts are proven effective. Safe. clean. fire-resistant. vermin and fungi resistant. They have a factory-controlled "R" value. They vn'll not slump or settle. They retain their insulation effectiveness for years to come Contest Rules: 1. To enter. pnnt your name. address and telephone number on contest entry term or on a plarn prece cl paper and, together wrth the end label at any J<M fiber glass ban or roll Insulation (as lrsteo below) OR a hand-drawn lacsrmrle, not mechanrcally reproduced. marl tot Johns-Manvrlle Frght Fuel Costs Contest. P.0 Box.7051. Adelarde Street Statron. Toronto. Ontarro. MSC 2K7 No purchase necessary 2. Enter as olten as you wrsh Each entry must be submitted In a separate envelope wrth sultr- crenl postage Tobe eligible. an entry must be recewed by July 16. 1979 Random selectrons wrll be made trom all elrgrble entrres on July 31‘ 1979 Selected entrants. rn order to wm a prrze. must lrrst answer correme a trme<lrmrted arrthmetrcal. skrll-teslrng question admlnlstered is pleased to announce the opening of a NEW Sales and Service Office in the 297-1661 495-6242 back the co-Opetfitoz? Saveway Building Supplies 91 Costa Rd. Concord Rout Building Supplies R.R.#1 King City by phone or marl by the contest ludgrng organization - 3. All entnes become the property at Johns- Manvrlle Canada Inc. and none wrll be returned By enterrng‘ a contestant agrees to the use of hrs/her name. address and/or photograph In any lorthcomrng publltrty Belore oerng declared a wrnner. the contestant may be requrred to enter Into an agreement to that eltecl 4. Prizesâ€"50 Grand Prize: at $500.00 each wmch could be used to ottset next year's luel brll â€"450 Second Prize: 01 a Honeywell T8082A Chronotherm Aulomatrc Fuel Saver Thermostat (approx retarl value 584 50 each) 5. No subsmulrons Will be made lor the pnzes awarded 6. Thrs contest rs open to Ontarro resrdents only. 18 years ol age and over. except employees and Your dealer will help. you 650059 the right insulation and give you a free booklet telling you how to do the job. Johns-Manville's fiber glass batts come in Handi-Pak packages or rolls. They’re easy to get into your car or wagon. easy to carry, and to slip thropgh the attic opening. 669-2297 833‘5121 ‘Regislered trademark uf-Iuhns-Mam‘ille('analla Inc members 01 the" Immediate lamllles at Johns- Manvulle Canada Inc . Its advertlsmg agency. agents. and the Independent contest )udglng organization Thus contest IS subject to all federal provmctal and local laws and regulations 7. For a list of winners. send a stamped sell- addressed envelope to Johns-Manvnlle Canada Inc . Fight Fuel Costs Contest. Lust 0! Winners. 295 The West Malt, Etoblcoke. Ontario M90 427 Bans R7 R8 R10 R12 R16 R20 2‘/2' 27/3‘ 3V1 43/3 53/4‘ 7‘/4' Thick Tthk Thick Tthk Thick Thick Cadillac Lumber 10155 Keele St. Maple R7 â€"2‘/;' R8 -27/. R10-3‘lz' R12‘43/g Thick Thick Tmck THICK 832-2711

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