Rogaliontide. a cen- turies old custom of the (‘hristian Church. will be celebrated on Sunday. June 3, at 2 pm. at Black Creek Pioneer Village. A Separate School appointee of the Aurora Library Board has asked the Catholic School system to endorse a letter supporting the library's fight for autonomy with Aurora Council. This centuries old custom celebrated at Black Creek The Right Reverend Allan A. Read. Suffragan Bishop for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. will conduct the service. assisted by Canon Arthur Chole. Rector. St. Philip's Anglican Church. (‘asson. sole surviving member of The Group of Seven: Reginald A. Twiselton. Lay Reader. Diocese of Toronto. The choirs of St. Philip's Anglican Church. Weston. and St. Stephen's (lrant Henderson. Chairman: Mrs. Florence (:ell. Vice-Chairman: and Michael WiH. Biggar. (‘hairman of the Historical Sites Advisory Board. This annual religious celebration. most com~ monly practised in the Weston. and Reverend A n g] i c a n C h u ,- c h' James H Garland- Downsview. will also Rector. St. Stephen's Anglican Church. W§v‘$w ’, Downsview, . Participating in the ceremony will be John Downing. Honorary Reeve of Black (‘reek Pioneer Village and Toronto Sun Columnist: John Bradshaw. Garden TLAI I t MAI I W, companied by his parishioners. would walk around the parish. blessing the seed and the farm animals. and establish the parish boundaries. in a processional ceremony known as “beating the bounds". MN Street and Steeles Av in southwest of Richt Hill. is operated by Metropolitan Torontt Region Conserv; Authority. For further formation. contact II Region (‘onservatim 661-6600. DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK ©N-I$W r W ¢ 5 Participating in the ceremony will be John Downing. Honorary Reeve of Black (‘reek School library appointee seeking support There‘s still a possibility swimmers at the Thornhill Park pools may get a good summer‘s use out of the aquatic facilities. Vaughan committee of council recently approved a recommendation that tenders be called to give the pools a major overhaul at costs estimated upward of 3100.000. The only problem was. even if work started soon it would be highly unlikely the pools would be open for the summer. They may swim yet Council members finally agreed to ask the parks and recreation department to investigate lhe possibility of giving the pool a temporary patch job. thus keeping the pool in operation until summer‘s end. Liberal Sta ff Writer Richmond Hill Trustee June Armstrong has had a 13-year-itch to be involved in education and she has been on the York County School Board only since last November. For Jun'e, it wasn‘t a case of fin- ding a sudden interest in the schooling of children. She has four children, aged 17 to 25 and when the youngest began atâ€" lending school all day, she found herself becoming restless and bored. (‘laire Prieur explained “It was about that time I started working as a social secretary for four hours per week at the old Ontario Curriculum Institute. People I knew there were aware I had a background in PR.“ she said. That Tnslitute eventually blossomed into the Ontario Insmute for Studies in Education (OISE) and June was conference director from 1966 until May 1, 1979. A She was working twoâ€"days-a-week coordinating bodies, seminar rooms and times, when she met Dr. Robert Jackson (the Jackson Commission on Declining School Enrollments) in March; 1966. He asked her to work at OISE on permanent part-time staff on the floor just above his own office, which was at 344 Bloor St. W. at the time. The institute then moved to 102 Bloor St. W. until the current structure was built in 1970 (252 Bloor OISE's major objective is to assist schools implement the findings of research in the areas of teaching and curriculum, school ad- ministration. universities and colleges. learning disabilities. achievement testing. the psychology of learning. adult learning and the history. philosophy and sociology of education. It offers programs to graduate students leading to MA, MEd, PhD and EdD degrees and is affiliated with the University of Toronto. SATISFIED WITH WORK Dr. Jackson, the original director of the institute. was so satisfied with June‘s work she began ad- ministering OISE conferences full time. Today, such conferences are the only way the institute can communicate with large numbers of teachers. It has an auditorium which can hold up to 600 people. and dozens of seminar rooms for small group Work. June Armstrongâ€" itch for education By STEVE PEARLSTEIN to Separate Trustees she is under a great time restriction because council hopes a private member's bill to abolish the Library Board will get through the Provincial Legislature by the time the current season ends. and Agra Business Editor. Radio Station (‘FRB: Peter Hannam. President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture: A. J. (‘asson. sole surviving member of The Group of Seven; Reginald A. 'l‘wiselton. Lay Reader. Diocese of Toronto. The choirs of St. Philip‘s Anglican Church, Weston. and SI‘ Stephen‘s Anglican Church, Downsview, will also ST. PAUL LUTHERAN 10131 Bayview Avenue 118. DAUPHINEE. PASTOR 9:30 AM. Sunday Church School 11:00 AM. Wowship Servuce Richmond Hill Clelgy: Rev. Bernald Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Wulham Prentice 88314149 Rev. Fred Jackson 884~24l8 Church ofhce. 884-2227 Serwces Sunday-8 am 8. l0 30 am. Wednesday 10 am. and 7:30 pm HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST. THORNHILL S. 0F HWY. 73 W. 0F YONGE ST.’ 889-5931 Sunday May 20 - Rogahon Sunday 8 A M. Holy Communion 915 AM Choral Eucharist (Nursery . 8. Church School) 11 AM. Choral Euchanst & Holy Baptism (Nursery 8. Church School) Wednesday 10 AM. Holy Communion AMGHCAN BAPTIST RICHMOND HILL co m5: mn r‘hmr DADTIOT PUIIDFL LUTHERAN 'ST. Man's ï¬ncï¬ï¬mr‘cï¬ 1.0030 Yonge St. 884-2227 Part of the job was to organize receptions for foreign visitors and dignitaries and tours for teachers and delegations from within Ontario. The library has some 400,000 items. including periodicals and historical and current textbooks. There is also a curriculum resource centre and an audio-visual collec- tion. “I guess I learned how the system worked by helping professors plan conferences and aiding teachers and trustees (through the Ontario School Trustees' Council),“ said June. “I really find education fascinating â€" new things are coming up all the time." But by April‘ she felt she was getting a bit stale in the job. “I asked myself how long I could keep getting excited about something like a conference I had been used to organizing about 50 of them a year, some for as few as 12 people, some for as many as 1.200.†As of May 1 June became the institute‘s public communications officer. a job description which the York Board of Education also recently filled. She has lived in Richmond Hill since 1975, when her husband was appointed rector of Emmanuel Anglican Church in Richvale. She became interested in the quality of education in York Region during the teacher strike of 1974. By the time the new building was ready in 1970. June was conference director. with a full time assistant. two secretaries, another part-time secfetary and the help of the main floor receptionist. “The York Board has had a reputation with anyone interested in large school boards as being a ‘lighthouse board', leading the way with innovations. I was aware of that reputation even before I became trustee." She admits she is not nearly as critical of the board now as she was during her campaign to get elected. “‘Some of the things I criticized I can understand much better now. You have 20 people trying to sit down and arrive at important decisions. I‘ll tell you â€" you come in thinking you can change the world but you realize it doesn‘t work out that way. I don't know why I thought it was. but 1 once did,“ she said‘ CONFERENCE DIRECTOR “We really don't want to see our library‘service become a political football,“ said Mrs. Prieur. “We don‘t think the town can offer the dedication or the en- thusiasm we have for the at the end of June participate and will be under the direction of Miss Mary Hutton. Members of the Authority taking part in the ceremony will be: R. (lranl Henderson. Chairman: Mrs Florence (lell, Viceâ€"Chairman: and Michael W.H. Biggar‘ (‘hairman of the Historical Sites Advisory Board. This annual religious celebration. most com- monly practised in the 10:00 AM. - Bible School Classes 10: all ages. 11 AM Momma Service 7:00 PM. «Evening Service Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8:00 PM. An Old Fashioned Country Chutch . on the Edge of the City The Church that IS Worth Finding! 9:45 AM. - Church School For Bus. MInISth call 881-2818 11:00 AM. ‘ Morning Worship PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR MARK PARENT Corner of WeIdnck Road and Bathurst Street Rev. B.T, McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxiold Street This group of 10 Separate School pupils is only part of the more than 100 voices who, combined to make a long-playing record “The Gift of Song". They presented one of 300 copies to Director of Education John Zupancic and af- terwards had a short party with him, last week. The album. on the Fantasy Sound label, is Pastor Rev, Paul Vin 9:45 Bible School 11AM Mormng Worship 7 PM Evening Serwce Tuesday 6:45 'Boys 12 to 18 meeting at ï¬lgljnjond Hill High School 7:30 Adult Pmyer’ and Bible Study Intenm Mmistet The conflict was originally over staff salaries The board tried to give its employees a 25 per cent raise in pay‘ supposedly giving them parity with other em- ployees in similar Norman A. McNaIrn Nursery and Infant Care Avallable NOTE: Morning Worship dunng June. July and August 9:45 AM, library RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets. 884-1301 SUNDAY, MAY 27. 1979') Morning Worship at 1100 A M "Let God In" rural parishes of 19m century England, was the (‘lergy‘s annual spring blessing for a bountiful crop. The Clergyman. ac- companied by his parishioners. would walk around the parish. blessing the seed and the farm animals, and establish the parish boundaries. in a processional ceremony known as “beating the bounds“. Markham move averts delay for Risebrough BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornridge Dr. Thornhill Mumster Rev. J. Mulder ' ~ BA, B.D. - 889-5225 Servic_e at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm BAPTIST CHURCH Other Denominations UNITED Fast action by Markham has averted a delay in the second phase of Risebrough. Scarborough had been spurred on to its objections by its development commissioner. Some Markham councillors fell Scarborough council had threatened to take Markham to the Ontario Municipal Board if the town did not guarantee that it would pay the cost of controlling storm water running off the new housing development across Steeles Avenue, While Markham had already made a commitment. its guarantee was subject to the approval of the Region of York‘ Markham received the regional council's blessing two weeks ago. The next week. Scarborough council reversed its position and an agreement was signed by both Markham and Scarborough mayors. 50 anht Street Iel: 884-3091 The Rev. D! IHORNHILLPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Presbyterian positions across NEW“? The board eventually got no grant at all because ' the town withheld its approval of this year‘s proposed budget until the private bill can be acted on. Minister: The Revd. J M.A.. B,D‘. PhD Organist Mv. C. Hunt. Rogalionlide was also observed in some of the rural settlements of early ()nlario. Black Creek Pioneer Village. located at Jane Street and Steeles Avenue in southwest of Richmond Hill. is operated by The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 11AM. Dmne Wmship 11 AM, Church Schoo| (begins in Chutch with Parents) 12:15 PM. Presbyteens For furlher in- formation, contact Metro Region Conservation. at 661-6600. Rev Tom Richardson» Pasto: 10 AM ‘Chnshan Education 11AM Worship and Praise 7P M -Gospel Rally Lwe In Richmond NIH and lhorn mu avea YOU CAN HELP US GROW Your Neughbomhood Community Pentecostal Congregation For Intmmatlon Phone 889-7851 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH TEMPORARY LOCATION LANGSTAFF PUBLIC SCHOOL UPLANDS AT YONGE-THORNHILL ONE STOPLIGHT BELOW NO 7 HWY 271 Centre Street 889-5391 ARGO MAY 9th Hunt. MusBac J.B. Burns‘ The second phase of Risebrough will be built on 136 acres north of Sleeles and east of Birchmounl Road. that the real purpose of the Scarborough action was to slow’ down the Markham section of Risebrough until more of its own development got off the ground. Regional councillor Ron Moran had earlier described the Scarborough objection as “jealousy? Planning committee chairman Tom Gove would not go that far but did say that Markham was "the last municipality in Ontario that anyone should be concerned about over storm water management." The town has instituted a policy known as “zero run-off“ in Risebrough. the concept being that any additional run-off created by the housing development will be retained in the development area. the mainly a collection of religious songs and hymns. Back row left to right: Helen Brown, Elsa DiLuca, Katia Dalle Rive. Kelly Ann Redmond, Rosemary Dunatelli. Stephanie Leeyus. Roberta Boles. Front row: Sabrina D‘Agostino, Romano Ramunno, Myla Moretti. ‘(Liberal photo by Steve Pearlstein) The board has sought a legal opinion and was told the town is acting outside its powers. Its basic concern is if the town is given sole power to appoint board members. there would be no cross-representation from the Public and Separate school systems. The board was to have applied for a writ last week enabling it to acquire the funds it needs from [he town. Council just deleted any addilional funds to the library board and is paying members 1978 salaries plus a six per cent increase. “The tOWn is acting like it is already the board. Their hope is to get the bill through as fast as they can . . . if this library board is disbanded. it will happen all across Ontario." said Mrs. Prieur. Send us a picture of your Dad and we will print it in The Banner along with your message for $5.00. What better way to tell your father how much he means to you? Just can or drop in. Remember KIDS PUT YOUR DAD IN PRINT FOR FATHER'S DAY 10395 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL 884-1105 FATHER’S DAY JUNE 17 lâ€" The Liberal Penny-saver is for value- conscious consumers and advertisers. Advertise any used item in the Liberal Penny-saver for $2.25 for 15 words or less. V 10395 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 8844 105 DO you have a drinking problem? It so AA can help, Wnte Box 84. Richmond HI“ or call 487-5591. ARE you Pregnant and Dustlessed Let's V talk If over confidentially Blithrighl 469-1111. 884-8055. 884 9431. rrczs Wednesd ay Rent our white Rolls Royce for your wedding. GETTING MARRIED? THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 10350 Yonge St, at Crosby Ave Richmond Hill ( lower level) v.0. CONFIDENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 8. TREATMENT No appointment necessary 62° Personals dHIII ( lower |eve884‘1133 m. & Thursday 4 640-2281 HAPPY FATHERS DAY WE THINK YOU'RE THE GREATEST DAD IN THE WHOLE WORLD. LOVE LORIE, GRANT, GEORGE. THE winner of the Afghan Dtaw~ Euchre sponsoved by khe Royal Olange Lodge, Carmlle United ChUlCh on May 1]. 1979 was Marj‘ Church on May Hatmev. 169 Thornhlll. Do sometmng newâ€"Call Rendezvous Dating Ltd, Local 657-166]. mm Mem. of Electrolysis Assbciatlon .of Onl. & American Electrolysis All areas of PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL (ACTUAL SIZE) SAMPLE JEAN ZWARYCH ELECTROLYSIS 881-3421 69 Holm Crescent Assomatlon the face and body‘ I. 1979 â€" B-ll CAM TFCS