This is an excellent oppmtunity for a person expeiienced In the field ol debt collection. , This is a permanent posmon with a progresswe Company‘ offering good salary. fringe benefits and pleasant working conditions This posution lS available Immediately. Requires part time help for afternoon and evening work. Machine shop experience desirable but not essential. Real estate. commercnal expenence essential. Salary commensurate Wlth experience. location Aurma. Excellent working conditions. Apply in person. Two positions available for qualified per- sons. Excellent working conditions. salary. benefits. pension plan. Car essential. Experience on Burroughs F 1500 posting machine typing, credit and collections. Accuracy a must Own transportation, Richmond Hill. Please contact Mrs. Linton or Mr. Arnold 895614101884-1129 9a.m. t05 pm. The Credit Bureau of Newmarket Ltd Permanent position. Must have own trans- portation. 8871-5012 Armstrong Packaging Ltd. MANUFACTURER OF PRECISION COMPONENTS Must be licensed and have own tools SHIPPER - RECEIVER FOR CUSTOM WINDOW INSTALLATIONS AND ASSEMBLY BASIC CARPENTRY NECESSARY 727-6803 for fully ex penenced tuttet welder to construct lavm type machinery Bluepnnt reading. machine tools and mechanical experience an asset ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Contact Chef 881-8400 COOK AND SOUS CHEF EXPERlENCED - KENNEL ASSISTANT Unit 1, 60 Doncaster‘ Ave., Auto Body Man "THE LIBERALâ€. c/o Box 390, Rlchmond Hill Marshland Collision SEND BRIEF RESUME TO Brouwer Turf Equipment 416-476-4311 LEGAL SECRETARY 775-3451 Immediate Opening EXPERIENCED Fitter Welder 667-1555 EXPERIENCED PERSON Excellent Fringe Benefits Modern plant north of Newmarket COLLECTOR Between‘JAM -5PM Call Vince Thornhill Required immedia‘ely Please call BOX 46 727-3127 Call L. Falk The successful apphcant win be responsible for the rnaintainance of Fire apparatus and vehicles, firefighting, hallrnaintenance and other ï¬reuelated duï¬es. Fheï¬ghï¬ng expeï¬ence would be an asset UNDER THE DIRECIION OF THE FIRE CHIEF Intetested applicants are Inwted to submit a lesume outllnmg experience and educatIOn backglound by June 20th. 1979 to K. B. RODGER CLERK ADMINISIRATOR IOWN 0F AURORA 50 Wellington St. W. AURORA Ihe successlul candidate must be physmally lit and be Willing to undeigo a physucal examination. Must have a qualitied lice’nse and be able to quality lei new Ontario Driver Ratings Class D. Application [aims available at the Administration Centie. 50 Wellington St. W.. AURORA. Ontario. GM Dealership now has openings for . . the followrng posrtrons 0 Night switch board operator 0 Customer services clerk (night shift) 0 Licensed Class A Mechanics Please call for an appointment 895-1171 TOWN OF AURORA FIRE DEPARTMENT FULL TIME FIREFIGHTER The permanancy of this position to be re-examined in December, 1979. The successful applicant must have had experience working with the Ontario Building Code APPLICATIONS |N(WRITING WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL JUNE 13th, 1979. ROY J. HARRINGTON CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL 50 Wellington St. W. AURORA ODedicated & ambitious OMechanicaily inclined ODriving your own car Working in present 10b 1 year or more oAvailable to work 18 extra hours every week With van. or large stationwagon, to manage catalogue and CirCUlar deliveries with young carriers. Immediate openings in Thornhill and Richmond Hill. Mature and responsible individuals to work in our licensed restaurant. Initially we are looking for fulltime waitresses/waiters and kitchen help. Apply only in person, Wednesday, June 6th between 2 pm. - 4 pm. Thursday. June 7th, 2 pm. - 4 pm. and 7 pm. - 9 pm, at the Aurora location, 265 Edward St. and Yonge. 'RECEPTIONIST - thh minimum 65 w p m Keele 8. Malor Mackenzte. 'KEYPUNCH OPERATOR - exbenenced for eves 5-9Ballantrae OEXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY for parttime work Richmond Hill ODYNAMITE SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER Stee|es & Woodbine ' 'JUNIOR SECRETARY ~ wnth excellent typing Keele 8. No 7 Hwy 505 Help Wanted 884-6782 Many other permanent & temporary positions available $500 plus monthly for right person Zone Contractors TWO WEEK-DAY EVENINGS AND ONE DAY ON WEEKEND Approximately 20 hours per week DICTA TYPIST PART TIME For medical records department KNOWLEDGE OF MEDICAL IERMINOLOGV REQUIRED BARREL PlZéA PARLOUS SPAGHETTI HOUSE 10084 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Yes? We need you BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF AURORA YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL Call Mr. Rymer, collect Call 431â€"1804 827-6803 APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT (11to7p‘m.) ARE YOU NEWMARKEY, ON‘I’ARIO "CORPS thce Assmtance Ltd required REQUIRES L4G 3L8 f0: 1 person office 1 884-6970 F0! Plzza delivery. Apply 267 Baythorn Dr ‘ Thornmll 881-1211 MATURE. tellable peISOn Wlth landscaping experience, Newmarket area‘ Call after 6 pm 898-1735 PRESS person for 60" two colour protector press Good working conditions. Union Show apply in wntmg to lohn Deyall Co. Limited. 107 Lindsay SI. S. Lindsay. Ontano, K9V 2M5. Annv Plant Manage! For dlmng room. breakfast and lunch Must be expenenced Area re31dent With own transportation Call Mr Latlmer, wanted Immediately apply Minimum 10 years experience In better ladies wear to work several evenings a week In store The Village Shop. Hillcrest Mall. Richmond Hull. 884-2400. For Parkway Hotel Permanent pom hon Phone Mr Healy Experienced for professor‘s mall-order busmess. 6 hours per week only Hows and 'salary negohable Apply stating experience to Box 73 Thornhlll ' ‘ For parts. 326 2 barrel, wuth Uanl. keystone L-60 wnth tear set 0! tires and lots more. EXPERIENCED sales people and managers fer home demonstrations (party plan) needed, This IS a ground floor opportunity wnh lots of ad- vancement (0! the nght people. No Investment. work In your own neigh- bourhood, 1175-7131, C2w48 10 make up bedvooms at Pavkwav Hotel Permanent pmmnn Call Mr Latlmer 881-2121 2door hardtop Uncertuhed $250 or best offer. 884-5202 Working husbana' to manage townhouses m Ajax. 3 bedroom home supplied. all expenses pavd, -.ex- cellent opportunity for housewfle to remain at home and earn. CALL AFTER 6 PM. Management-Trainee 881-2121 PARKWAY HOIEL MARKETING Management. Distribution and supply. Ambitious couple 8958743, thfn PERSONS wuth car wanted to puck up and deliver otders. Choose your own hours‘ We tram so you can earn $5.00 to 700 per hour. Telephone aftel 4 pm. 895-6532, Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889â€"0353 WAITRESS/WAlTER PONTIAC station wagon. 1970 power steering, used as daily tran- sportation. $500 or best offév 889- 8633. ALTERATIONIST WAITER/WAITRESS Barclay Lanes Upper Canada Mall HOUSEKEEPER ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks KlTCHEN HELPER 67 FIREBIRD 884-1414 Fulltime â€" Apply'ln person ALLENCOURT RESTAURANT 419 MARKHAM RD RICHMOND HILL tequired ~own transportation SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS Cleaning Lady 67 CHEVROLET MALIBU 669-4250 881-2121 67 FORD MUSTANG SECRETARY FuH time posmon 01 HIGHEST PRICE DRIVERS WANTED 895-5138 EXPERIENCED 727-3932 898-4156 3200. 884-4546 Free pickup Call John A Couole FULL TIME 11 p.m. - 7 am Paid for after 6 pm TFC 29 W48 2nd owner No accrdents Need body. rust work & muffler, Bes offer Interested \Good 4 door. tull powet. Muchehr asis ‘1.200 or best one: 4 speed, poww steering. power blakes. $1000 ' Dan 727â€"5376 Good running condltlo CHEV. Impala 1971, good condition‘ 6 excellent tires. sound engine everything works, 3200 884-5004 1971 DATSUN 510 condition. aftel 5 pn Good running order $1000 or best offer. as IS 884-7042 Tandem axle cat tfal'el, radial me: good condition. Smtable for anth CIaSSIC or stock can Mr. Presswood IMPALA HARDTOP 2d001. fully equipped 39 0‘ 1972 HRENZA $250 00 as IS. 775 6520 ‘ PS.. P.B Custom. no lust. $2,800 0! best offer 727-5450 GOOD parts far 1972 Dodge Pcck up chk. 8335473. 2 duo: hardto; Powel steering Onglnal owner 69 DODGE DART 56000 miles Good condltlon Cert fled. $2 350 832-2348 2.200 a 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM P.S.. P.B., P,W., climate LOHNOI. 429-ABBL. 4 new radials. excellent condition 1972 PLYMOUTH 1973 COLTJn excellent shape mileage. 8842891‘ 1976 DODGE halt ton. lust-mooted, and undercoated. 26.000 mlies. Excellent condition. asking $3300 7271888 1973 MUSTANG Glande, 27.000 onginal mules. Like new, $3.500 certified or best offal. 898-1440. Model E-140 Automatic 6 cylinder Mechanically certified Sound body 1974 Dodge Monaco STATION WAGON 74 Cougar XR-7 IN RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE COST 884-1196 1975 FORD STATIONWAGON Rmfie 72 CHRYSLER 73 PLYMOUTH 68 Fire Bird 400 773-5848 74 FORD VAN 71 PONTIAC Fwd Wagon‘ 9 passenget PERFECT CONDITION $2.900 Certiï¬ed SATELLITE SEBRlNG AT LADA STANDS ALONE LIMBERT’S MOTORS EAGLE ST. NEWMARKET 895-3222 73 Datsun 610 74 Dodge Dart In Excellent Condition 884-5049 75 CHEVY 221-1719 Call Steve, 727-6075 Sport Good Condition $1600 0! Best Olfet 889â€"6812 1974 LTD $300 AS lS 0R $350 CERTIFIED NEW YORKER Car Carrier 883-4662 727-3942 884-8328 881â€"5538 nlng 898-2848 898-3443 Callafler 6 p rn SATELITE After 7 pm $2,200.00 318 V8 ‘automat Rustproofed Extr; agon ‘55 Cars it Trucks dn evg‘ Ask [or Joe excellent 884-9814 up pan tumon CERTIFIED Aâ€"I condition‘ 15000 dnven. best offer, 4 speed. 11.000 knlon proofed. $4.100, 1978 HONDA Cum 4 speed, radio, 7.000 mules, perfect condmon. Asking $3.500. 898-3344 afte; 6 pm. OPEN EVENINGS 76 OLDSMOBILE 1976 DODGE ASPEN 1977 X5 6 available 28 “0 Motorcycles f0! Sale 1977 DATSUN F- 10 COMMUNITY CYCLE WV 473-4559 W 18665 sunon no. QUEENSVILIE 77 MG MIDGET 889-9227 76 Chev Monza elle Fantastic savings on 3ver Kawasaki inistock IHE SMALL MOIOR HOSPIIAL 883-3976 1978 HONDA long Box Pick-Up EXCELLENT CONDITION ‘nt nt‘ 37,000 rr 895â€"8402 after 6 pm 1. ps $3400 BRAND NEW CONDITION CERTIFIED 76 VW Rabbit 1978 Chevette 1976 Datsun 884-2984 ‘trl CIVIC HATCHBACK Ride away a bargain! 881-2430 75 FORD F-100 74 HONDA TORONADO PICK-UP ï¬shing $3,000.00 727-1598 1978 T.R.7 888-1755 727â€"8260 LOW. [OW PRICES TFC08 Spring 100 eat. knobby mes. $350 727-9336 895â€"5888 steering. power brakes‘ Indmon bpt needs touch 7 000 miles. must sell fm BROUGHAM Askir . 8 cyhndet p.b, extra DELUXE 39,000 5988 00M m Intel YAMAHA, extended at. all onginal parts $4 500 after 6 p $1350 887 weter fter 8 pm YAMAHA $2.995 31,000 Mel/Jen?) 1951 TRIUMPH Trophy frame. transmI§SIon and engine parts, also chlome Halley Springer iront. Complete with 400 x 16 the $400. 898-2728 400 Asking $1.500. Glen 895-2313 or 222 1974 KAWASKI KS 125. trail. 2000 miles. $800. or best offer. 727-1155, 1400 kilometels Good condltlon must sell Make an oHev. I974 360 YAMAHA $500 Dan EXCLUSIVELY IRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES See us M Htlluest Mall 3! the RV Show SALES & RENTALS 884-1988 1975 PMC. TRAILER, 18‘. sleeps six‘ shower. hot water. 34way fridge. stove. oven. furnace. awning. T.V antenna. two mirrors, electric biakes. hitch. Excellent condition. $3.950 00' 895-1504 30' TRAILER, 1976 Komfort, Queen sue couch, table and chairs. stove, fudge wnth freezer‘ furnace. air cond. rea. bathtub. $7.950. 7276420. Must be seen to be appreciated ‘4" Motorcycles {0: Sale Fully equtpped. wtth furnace. 3 way tnng 3 burnet stove With oven and Exhaust fan. shower and todet, stnk, hot and cold water. tandem wheels. batter and electnc llghts. 2 propane tanks Less than 2000 highway At these pnces you will buy them on the spot‘ h Id ge MOST PEOPLE WOULD NOT THJNK ABOUT THESE TRAILERS Sleeps 6‘ Fully equipped. lee new "5 Boats 8 Supplies 74 -8 ft. Van Guatd Truck Camper $1,000 0: best otter ADVANCED MOTOR HOMES LTD. Ile 1974 18 Ft. House Trailer THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 6. I979 â€" B-ll 73 Holiday 69 Travelux 77 Tenv TRAVEL TRAlLERS 75 Trail 76 Llohel LP 100 75 Trailstar Mercury motors Some '78 models still availabie‘ in motors & boats. Dealers for Doral. Thundercraft. Sprrngbock. Sidewinder Caulkms & Wiscot Trarlers JOHN’S SUMMER SALE MOTORCYCLES SALES & SERVICE 19' PROWLER Bay Complete Small Engine Sales & Seyvuce KEIRON LYD., KESWICK 4762834 Open 9 - 9 JOHN'S MARINELAND 78 Honda 185 225-5181 RAMBLE R hauler. sleep 23° Campers & Trailers 78 HONDA FOLDâ€"DOWNS SKI-000 CAN-AM VOLVO - PENTA 898-2773 black. exceHent condition 000 kilometers Must sell 727-3486 939â€"7506 LOOK! YAMAHA AURORA 727-3661 881-9000 After 6 pm O'll I3 aflerS anytlme weekends If 2223311 ext 286 HAWK 3 LAIDLAW BLVD.. MARKHAM 7Th Call 72771254 294-3650 Bust Buys In Town Open 9 am. t09 p‘m $3 295 $4695 ‘36 995 $2 295 $2,375 $1.995 Hll TFN IRAINING Keep you! lob E learn in spare tume ‘ you could be on the an In 5 months' News. Sports‘ 0 I. Talk Shows. Progtam Host. TV CommerCIals wuth placement service. FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYIIME ‘ 921.2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTt 0F BROADCASTING RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER IYPING done In my home. IBM Seleclnc typewntet Also‘ black and white. colom copying machine. 884- 6872 TFOAO SECRHARIAL SERVICES Including typing. Invomng. photo copying Puck up and deliver 884-9859 TFCS LEARN to fly Introductory fllgnt $10. Torontoï¬uways Ltd. Buhoanlle Auport 297-1422. nm Wishes to do typing In her own home. OREASONABLE RATES 0 REFERENCES 8892653 Reliable experienced Every 2nd Wednesday Callevgs. Class "A" 23 ft. Fu|ly equxpped. TV‘ all and Genny 416-775-7583 MR, and Mrs. John McKmlay 01 Richmond Hull. are happy to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Cmdy Sue. to Ronald Matk Smko. son of Mr and Mrs. Leslie Slnko. of Willowdale. Wedding to take place in 1980. Soft-top. beautiful condition, sleeps 4‘ zup-on canopy. atte14230. '450 SOFI top tént tranlet. sleep Me, 727 5000 404 Sailboat, 14‘. excellent con dltlon, 31.450 00 17 to 23 ft, from 5210‘ weekly, 4 cents per kilometer. Also "96 mileage option plans. Newmarket. Neat‘ tidy, sleeps 6. 4 piece bath. 0n permanent sute In hauler camp neat Lindsay $4.600. evgs, 14 it, fibreglass. used only 1 season Excelleutcondltlon. "5 Boats ft Supplies 5‘“ Career Training 1970 Holiday 18' Travelhailet Fudge. Stove. Furnace. Shower Good condmon. Sleeps 6 $2500.00 or best oifer TRAILER HOME Summer Time and the leamingis easy WIth " We Care Tutorial Servnces All subjects, all grades 7272544 221 MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY 555 Employment Wanted “5 Engagement Motor Homes MOTOR HOME 23“ Campers & Trailers EXPERIENCED TYPIST 884-7429 Tent trailer Register early 708 1977 Mistral CAMPER CLEANING WOMAN 884-4180 727-8428 Sleeps 6 $185 GOOD CONDITION CANOE 883-5209 476â€"5482 31' GLENDALE 727â€"3906 895-1437 889-8695 FOR RENT Tutoving FOR RENT anytime $125 221-2001 22-20 TFN «U