Available July lst. $465 DE! month Spacmus. 4 bedtoom wuth hmshed :ec loom In RH 3525 DE! month. I yea: lease IHREE bedroom bungalow. large lot. $380. monthly wnh hrs! and last month‘s rent, Elgm MIIIS area 883- 1558 AURORA. house, 5 looms, garage. appliances. 3320, Clean â€" No pets. References. (Upstaus rented separately.) 88471926. 884-3146 evenings ‘ 787-0159 days ï¬bï¬ NEE/r: ‘9 x! * a NEW/4 Hwy/ï¬g [VJ 4BEDRO0M k! DETACHED BRICK BUNGALOW Recreation 100m SOUTH AURORA MUST BE SEEN Immaculate 4 bedroom home, ideal for young executive, features family room with walkout, sauna, 2 cantinas, com- pletely finished basement, 2 fireplaces, many extras. CALL HARRY SADLER MAKE AN OFFER Spacious 6 room home, double paved driveway, walkout to cedar deck, good size lot, short walk to buses and schools. TO VIEW â€" CALL BRIGID CUMMINS HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL 3 bedroom brick home, needs some work, fireplace in living room, lake privileges, very private, large family size kitchen. CALL GRETHE JACOBSEN ENQUIRE ABOUT THE FLORIDA PROPERTIES THAT WE HAVE FOR SALE INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT Prime locations, reasonable. CALL H GRAMSCH NEW HOME Under construction, large lot, excellent location, close to schools, transportation etc. RICHMOND HILL. CALL GARTH PALMER 884-9286 $79,900.00 RICHMOND HILL NORTH L01 80 x 200 fl. 3 bedroom. bu- ngalow. Dining room. fireplace, b r o a d l o o m . basement con- tains finished rec room. large bedroom. se- wing room. Double car 4 BEDROOM SIDESPLIT LOT 75 x 600' Dining room, plus large kit- 0 h e n a nud dinette. groï¬nd floor family room. Firepl- ace. walkout. WEST SIDE ()AK RIDGES Lot 51 x 420 f1. 3 bedroom. sid- esplil, large living room, fireplace. ga- rage. inground pool. bathroom 5. Double car garage. Redâ€" uced to sell. HOUSE 884-2377 773-4391 884-2498 164 JACK BLYTH RUN! ASH PETER LOWE GARRY BESTARD 773-5241 REALTOR 333-3933 "J K JACK BlY'I'H l'I'D. Houses to Rent SUMMER rental, 4 bedroom fur- ntshed house on 1 acre of land. In south RIChITlOrld Hull, for July and August only‘ Reliable tenants required. $400. monthly. 889-4246. c2w48 MODERN 7 room bungalow also 2 bedroom apartment, 8834864 after 5 pm. C2w48 NEW: ~ In Beveney Aetes area‘ 3450 p'er month plus unimes Available last weekm June . 884-4171 Evgs. 705-738-2884 0! 416-48199“ 3 BEDROOM HOUSE RESORT 1,2,3, bedroom Cottages Camping. fishing and beach PEACE& QUIET Enjoy the privacy of your own home. without the worries of maintenance. Spacious 3 bedroom condominium, 2 full baths, fireplace, 2 balconies, sauna, tennis court, ap- pliances. Ideal location in Aurora. LAKE SIMCOE 4 b e d r o o m Cottage. Sun- deck, furnace, insulated, all furnishings, b a t h r o o m . A s k i n g â€" $30,000.00. CALL ANYTIME 2w cottages HOLIDAY POINT DON McQUARRlE PAT JANNETTA BOB DION KEN N ETH BL_YTH ‘°‘ Real Estate .m fa yak! SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment, Rich mond HIII,884-2853311€I7p.m. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, close to Yonge. stove and hldge. smgle person only 8842273. 5 bug bedrooms double lot Wellington St East $475 monthly Call 4 pg 7 5 pm Fumlshed. 3 selfâ€"contained .tooms. upstairs of pnvate home‘ veasonable rent to qmel reliable nelson 0! oldet couple. parking. close to Yonge St & bus stop. south of Hullcrest Mall 8896129 Wellington St 782-6391 Bachelor Apartment Evenings 782165131 INCOME HOUSE 4 bedroom house with extra separate apartment. Large treed lot 75 x 325'. Many new im- provements incl- uding broadloom and decorating. Full basement and Town Water. All reasonable offers considered. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW On Lot 51 x 215, clean starter home. Basement, deta- ched garage. Close to all services, paved street, Yonge 8: King Rd. area. Asking $58,900.00. 1 LARGE HOUSE ‘ STARTER 2 bedroom. bright kitchen. b r o a d l o o m overlooking lake. Asking $49,900.00. APARTMENT OAK RIDGES Your reasons for sel|.ng can be varied and usually easin apparent to you. Your feelings about the house at the time a sale is possible, might sneak up on you and distract your practical approach to re- viewing an 'offer to purchase', Difficult though it may sometime be â€" when you are selling a house; keep and treasure your memories f0r yourself â€" and offer for sale â€"- A HOUSE' A buyer is mt likely to place any value on your memories. sentiment or labour 01love you have in a house. He may not even use it in the same way ycu have used it. This should keep you in an objective frame of mind, allowing you to deal with the marketing and sale more effectively, On the other hand it you feel you an selling your home, you might place yourself in the position where you can be offended If upset by the offered price. or some special item requested in the offer. its possible to loose no‘ only your objectivity, but also the sale you want. When you are selling your property ask yourselt what the purchaser is buying. Is he buying a house. or your home? Your attitude toward the sale of your property can be a distinct advantage to you. Once you put your home on the market try to think of it as a purchaser would â€" as a house. IN AURORA umcnï¬ng expex\.et\ce {53.3181 Lngnthly A HOUSE or YOUR HOME? 172 Apartments To Rent c2w49 YORK REGION REAL ESTATE BOARD 2 bedloom apartment. Available June and July. Hydro. heat, water Included‘ Fudge. stove‘ Alsoz bedrooms for August. THREE bedtoom apartment. trudge and stove Close to Yonge St. Adults preferred. Wellrmamtamed. 884- 7102. {MUSKOKA COTTAGE, beautilul, Parry Sound. Georgnan Bay, sand beach. 3 bedrooms, eleclnc heat. 225‘6175 c2w348 {120 miles, 3 bedroom Cedar, 3 piece bath, Ebroadloom. 264’ boat "access. $53,500. Boat extra. Basement apt. partially furnished mature female only. Libéral APARTMENT, l bodloom. Yonge St.‘ centtal available In July, 884-4600 FURNISHED room for clean quiet gentleman. 884-6305. LARGE {urmshed bedroom. Close to transportation. Gentleman only, 884- 7564. ' CZw49 BEDSITTING room. attractively furnished. Ideal privacy with own entrance. Broadloom throughout Cable. Parking. Share basemenl krtchen and washroom. Near buses. Suit clean quiet working bachelor. $40. weekly. 884-4377, c2w49 FURNISHED room. separate en‘ trance, Gentieman only. 884-5608 Mormngs 8 to 10 am. FURNISHED robpl. Yonge St, Thornhlll‘ Free parking. 883-3171 881-1048. MOTEL units, telep.....e, 4-piece baths, television, weekly. daily rates_~ Colonial Motel 889-4823. tfcl} FURNISHED morn. share facilities Richmond Hill, 364-3654 days. 884 0740 afler 6 pm. Bathroom faulmes swummlng and parklna 881-6048 weekly and up. Central Richmond HIII. 884-7000. tfc 45 FURNISHED room, share taculmes responsible person. 884-2984 FURNISHED room‘ Steele: and John single adult, parking, $40 per week 881-6052. ROOMS for rent‘ Adults only. $30 SKELTON LAKE 884-3245 Weekly and Monthy Rates available. Coma [he Management: BLACK YOUNG WOMAN "8 Rooms For Rent BACHELOR 225-5266 After5 p.m ADULT BUILDING "5 Vacation Properties 884-2475 After 5 pm MOTOR INN afler 430 p m 884-9171 62w 4? HAWK IFC GARAGE SALE INDOORS NORTH YORK CIVIC CENTRE 5100 YONGE ST _ WILLOWDALE SUNDAY, JUNE 10 10 AM. - 5 PM. Furniture, I.V's. toys, new & used clothing, household Items hom 200 homes. Free kid show » 2 am. Wholesale-Retail Open to the Public Monday to Friday, 9 am. - 8 pm. Sat. t06 p.m. Cool-Fun Pools 184 Oakdale Rd., Downsview 746-2742 Hwy. 400 & Finch Ave Pool Kits Chemicals Supphes Games Accessories Patio Furniture HotTubs Free Water Analysis ' BRAND NAME AIR-CONDITIONERS DEHUMIDIFIERS AIR CLEANERS HUMIDlFIERS Inground Above Gmur‘la 0n Ground Swimming Pools LIONEL HEATING SUPPLIES Formerly Bowden Lumber store plus large rear lumber shed, ideal for real estate office, nursery, marina showroom, etc. Short term lease. Call weekdays only, 9 am. - 5 pm. ‘7“ Rooms For Rent Prime Yonge St. location, Richmond Hill. Professional building, carpeted, air-condi- tioned. Parking, shared office facilities available. Call Mrs. Farmer Located at 10395 Yonge St, with about 2,500 sq. ft. Basement & Parking. Perfect for professional as insurance, accounting, real estate, etc. ' New Air-conditioned office space With broadloom for lease Will finish interior to tenants specifications. Close to trans portation and industry. Perfect for professionals as in surance. engineering. accounting. real estate. etc. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN RICHMOND HILL 884-6467 20% Black Hawk Motor Inn SUGGESTED REIAIL LIMITED SUPPLY 1,000 SQ. FT. DR 2,000 sq. ft. STEELES-WARDEN 1071! Yonge St Rmhmond Hill ACROSS FROM HILLCRESTMALL A. Reale OFFICE SPACE 889-5976 or 884-1432 ‘29 Business, Office Space ’0 OFF TO LEASE 493-9112 884-9235 Please call 491-8145 WASHER and dryev, whale apartment sue, $200 to: pan 881-2735. BED, King sue. wuth velou! headboard. 444-3007 or 881-0550. SEWING machine. Zlg Zag. automatic, $45 881-3676 atte: 4'30 p‘ [T Fibreglass. Whlle, moulded shell basm New, $135 832-2348 30" harvest gold. 8' anthue chutcr bench. executive walnut desk. 3' x 6' 194 Grandview Ave. (1 block north oft Steeles between Bayvrew and Yonge) China, glassware. 78 records, books. musrcal Instruments. small appliances bicycles. garden needs, rugs. toys. desk. patro doors. etc. etc. 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS ' 0472 YONGE 9T, 924-8408 Above College St. opposhe Westbury Hotel. '1218 KENNEDY RD. 759-2234 South ol Hwy. 401. '29 DUNDAS ST E. 2751135 Corner of Hwys. 5 & 10 Mismsaugal 04900 DUFFEPUN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch & Steels Warehouse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 9 T09 PM. SATURDAY llLL 6 Lots of antiques, rototrller. Moped books. clothing, pictutes and frames‘ fulnltule, Reheshments 26" GAS STOVE and APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGERATOR 883-4976 Bed Chesterfields $168. to $598 . 305 (5 blocks south of Hillcrest Mall) CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE White. asking ‘250 for both GARAGE SALE VANITY, 48'; CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields GARAGE SALE JUNE 9th 10 AM TO 4 PM 7 MACKAY DR. RICHVALE FROM 10 T0 2 PM CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED Articles For Sale 884-8045 (|.0.D E‘) SAT. JUNE 9th STOVE AND alter 5 pm C2W49 2W47 Heavy duty Good condmon STARI yom own suawberry patch, Large quantity California Quinalt Everbeanng -§o clear‘ 315‘ the lot, 832-2533. HOUSEHOLD articles for sale, 884 1757, anytime aftel Thulsday. TEAKWOOD Rosewood futnitule bedroom, 6 piece dmmg loom. S piece Iivmg loom. Brand new Reasonable. 2474377, 286 KERRVBROOK DR. RICHMOND HILL. JUNE 9th 10 AM 5 FAMILIES HousehOId. books. clothing. Bargains galore Slmbhcï¬y‘ apartment Slle. excellent condition Asking "350 ‘for set 519 Carrwlle Rd . (Near Hllluest Mall) I set of Goodyear all weather deluxe 4-,ply nylon tires and 1 set ol Canadian Tile Turnpike wmter 4Ap|y polyester mes all white-walls Duplicator plus supplres. surtable for church or sacral group Askrng $140 Call 9 am - 5 pm Monday to Thursday 495-9623 White. $250 co‘ndmon, SAT. JUNE 9th 230 ALSACE RD.. RICHMOND HILL 9AM, toï¬ PM, 328 SKOPIT RD†RICHMOND HILL 400 acres Instruction swnmmlng. GESTETNER 300 883-3573 Swrmmrng, Sarlrng, Canoelng, Archery Wilderness Camping. Wrnd Surfing Edible erd. Frrst Art! Arts & Crafts Specral: One week camp for first time campers, Wrrte Dr G B Faulkner 18 McDougaIl Rd‘ Waterloo. Ont KZL 2W5 519-885‘3843 BOYS &G|RLSS-14 Yr‘s. Muskoka Lake Area Full Camp Program: Swimming, Canoeing, Crafts‘ Riding, etc. WRITE: A small camp that emphasues pro glammes adaptable to the Interest! of mdmduals FULL CAMP PROGRAM WASHER & DRYER GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 305 CAMP HILLTOP GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE $2,000 293-2279 884-7526 Ihaln'-w1|lbe cancelled SUNDAY JUNE 10th 72 BRAEBURN DRIVE THORNHILL YARD SALE REFRIGERATOR SAT‘ JUNE 9th 9AM - 3 PM 172 CENTRE ST WEST RICHMOND HILL (after 12) BOX 435. MARKHAM. ONT antes of Woodeq trails. ridlng \Cthl‘l, trall ndes. horsemanshlp. mlng. crafts. games and fun FOR BROCHURE 2942913 White. frost-free. $200 SAT. JUNE 9th 10 AM. to4 PM FOR BOYS & GIRLSB - 16 SAT‘ JUNE 9th 10 AM, to4 PM Articles for Sale MOBILE SIGN PO. BOX 44 DUNDAS. ONT. 416-627-3783 10 a m, - 4 p m Clothing Included Â¥ Mnrka. Om BOYS & GIRLS 7-15 881-0218 12' x6' TIRES JunlOIS 912. Seniors 13-15. SWImmIng, Canoeing, Pony Riding, Crafts Archery. Outtnps. Fishing. -- $10 Registration; m $80 Wkly. l I Includes Transponation STOVE Both In excéllent FRASER LAKE CAMP CANADIAIA STAILIS 16'†AVOflUI I um. In! a! after 6 p m after 5 p rn 17° Summer Camps BOYS AND GIRLS Bancroft Area n49 439-3 104 W49 AIR CONDITIONERS. wmdow (3) Two ate 8,700 BTUs. one 8000 BTUs Evgs. 8817202 TELEVISION colour, 25" console. Excellent condition $300. 0! best offer. 881-0231, SAT. JUNE 9th 9AM. - 2:30 PM. 1 SPRINGHEAD GARDENS Richmond Hill - behind Hullcrest Mall 884-9033. A good vanety ol household Items. personal & baby needs excluding cnb & high chair. some toys and clothing In excellent condmon, MOVING to apartmentA Must sell snowblowel. excellent condmon. Molfan gas stove 8848802. Black & white. 1 electric dlyel. 1 wnnger washer. 1 swag lamp. 2 floor DOIISI'IEIS. l Iubbelbacked brown pattern tug. 9 x 8. 2 lutchen chaus ’“0wner’s Moving TELEVISION. 17", black and white‘ glean rug. 10' x 8‘. 884-7874. $25 first cord. $20 second card. Black cherry. birch. aspen. Minimum 2 cards, Maximum 4 cords. No dealers, Delivered. 1-473-3175 KENMORE electric stove. 24" wide, few years old_ 575. Danby lglis remgerator. 10 cubic feet. four years old, $85. Call 8336702 June 6th and 7th only. ' Between Bathurst 8. Duffenn Anthue stoves. old car parts. furniture & household Items, Signs posted. ALUMINUM . Doors. wmdows awnings. ralllngs. sudlng. sofflt system traugh‘ Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. 4 - 14" Keystone chrome‘ fits Chev or Pontiac Also chrome tie-down bars for Ford Pickpup. 4 drawer frlrng cabinet $125 Secre- tanal desk $280. 2 - 5 drawer 60" desks $225 each 1 - 3 drawer 60" desk $175 Leather sofa $1757 Leather couch & charr $175 4 ft‘ WIdQ. 4 ft. high. 8 ft. long. $50. PIck up on Slte. Make y0ur own firewood. No dealers. 10 Toscamm Rd.. (King Slderoad West). Oak Ridges. 9 to 6 pm. Furniture. household goods tools, etc. Harvest gold 4 bumer gas Slow; 18 months old $275 or best offer 881-5268 FELEVISION. colour. 25" console Excellent condmon $250 0r best offer. 881-0231, m1). ditmn. $350 or best offet. 895 1190. LAWNMOWER. ndmg‘ good con SPLASH pools. (6) kiddies. $7. each 482-9566 days. 6364976 Evgs. OFFICE FURNITURE 305 10 Cypress Point Court. Thornhlll Several families New & Used Call 884-0111 GARAGE SALE Colour - ‘100 & Up Black &Wh|te ‘60 &Up ALL SETS GUARANIEED GARAGE SALE SAT. JUNE 9th 76 GARDEN AVE RICHVALE 10 AM. GARAGE SALE IHE LlBERAL. Wednesday. June 6, 1979 â€" 8-9 44" x 62" - $1501 Deep Freeze- 11 cu. ft‘ Westinghou§e - $150. USED T.V.'s BOX TRAILER GARAGE SALE Articles For Sale 884-6038 All makes 8. models 4 bUH‘IEIS $20 each 245-7491 LAWN SALE 1-473-3175 FIREWOOD SAT‘ JUNE 9th A10 AT_O__4<P.M, JUNE 8-940 KING SIDEROAD STOVES FIREWOOD SAT. JUNE 9th 883-1827 Bush Cord MAGS 889-4408 After 5 pm 883-5539 12 USED 2 T.V IFC 39 "C 39 tfc Women Intetested In domg light housekeeping ChOIES for 3 elderly people In Richmond HI“ area Could lwe In 0: out. weekends hee. Numng experience welcome but not necessary, Salary negotuable. H Interested call MATURE woman to babysnt one pre- schooler and superwse lunch [or another at school. Pvesently on casual basis but startmg’ m tall, every Monday for 5 hours Thornmll 881- 1046. THE tamuly ot the late Dorothy Cambden would like to smcetely thank all at the" deal tnends. relatives and neighbouls lot the" kindness shown to us dunng our :ecent bereavement Specual thanks to Ihompson Funecal Home, Rev, M. R Jenlunson and Rev W. It. Pace‘ We Sincerer appreciate the donations to the New Fund. EXPERIENCED babysmer Monday through Thutsday p.mv883-4116. RELIABLE cleaning woman 0533, Lwe In or out Schoolvaged chsldren Good home 727-1860 6"" Cards of Thanks CLEANING lady, each Friday, Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill. After 7 pm 884-7575. CLEANING lady required for King City home. 2 days weekly. 832-2431 after 4 pm BOX Spnng and mattress, ’4 Size .510 884020] after 6 pm, TVPEWRITERS‘ adders calculatms. sales. semce rentals Newmavket Busmess Machines. 497 Ilmothy 3L. Newmarket 8957621 mm Maple‘ Live In No héavy cleaning 889-2383 HOUSEKEEPER f0! gentleman in INSIANT cash for good condition household furniture appllances. contents. Immediate pick-up. 294« 1055‘ ms All breed professwnal dog grooming done In the convenience of your home Servmg Thomhlll. Richmond Hull, Aurora & Newmarket. FREE kittens. 773-5982 OAK RIDGES. 3 bedroom house large lot, $250 per month. Availabie July 15! 8848919 images stoves treems iuvnnlule Must be clean and walking Need I: desoetale highest once; pand FREE kittens to good hotï¬es. Litte: trained. 883-1708. KITTENS. adorable‘ trainedv Free to good home. 297-1602 As new. 18 lbs. and 24 lbs 30‘ Diameter. 2 constructed Ready you: favorite ilmsh ov SDQCIB' rates for Items 0! move Reg'd. of top North American anc European bloodlines A true com panron as a pet and guardian Keswrck 1-476-5823c2w49 THE GALLOPING GROOMER Barbeque. IV converter, kitchen set. carpets. diapes. air-conditioner. humldmel and more All almost new. 140 Baythorn. Thomhlll. June9&10 lOtodpm Cash price for your household contents or individual items SAT. JUNE 9, 10 AM. 129 SPRINGHEAD GARDENS (011 Avenue Rd . behind Hlllcrest Mall) B.C. CEDAR FOLDING PATIO TABLES SINGLE SALES â€" 311 305 Ask for the Galloping Groomeg 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted Brices 363-1954 1-478-4175 GARAGE SALE Housekeeper- Babysitter Articles For Sale Artiéles wanted FOR FAST SERVICE 884-5463 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Phone DOUBuE STROLLER PLAVPEN. DRESSER HIGH CHAIR GERMANSHEPHERTJ 495-1942 WANTED Call after 6:30 pm WANTED 350 Pets 881-8150 884-2706 SCALES BERKEL GARAGE SALE 884-5944 Cash for After 6 pm. VFW“ PU PS DISCOUNT RATE lob lots 0! 100 )' Hugh. well tor finishing In wanted. 6 to 10 c2w49 223 YFCI9 NC“ 104