Functions include scheduling, inventory. customs (export/ import). Manufacturing experience and knowledge of typing an asset Technically capable people to work in plastics industry are required for esta- blished company. Should have mechanical work experience. Preferably with layout experience required for crane manufacturer. Excellent wages, future and benefits. Apply B-lo â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 13, 1979 We require experienced yard workers and woodworking machine operators to start immediately. Good salary and company benefits. Only those with experience and looking fora permanent position need apply. Required immediately to type shipping invoices. Must have a minimum typing speed of 50 wpm and be conversant with shipping procedures. Preferences will be given to those with experience in shipment of Original equipment to automotive assembly plants. Competitive salary and compre hensive benefit package. Qualified candidates please call Mr. 3. Markham, Excellent remuneration plan, full company benefits. Apply: Lloyd Merrick Arvin Automotive of Canada Ltd., PARTS COUNTER HELP KODIAK CRANE CORPORATION ’ 374 OHIO ROAD RICHMOND HILL 884-5300 ‘Experienced preferred but willing to train the right person 727-2347 anytime FITTER - WELDERS SHIPPING CLERK PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR LUMBER YARD PLANING MILL ‘ 248 Bowes Rd., Concord Interested persons call (North off No. 7 Hwy,. east of Keele Stâ€) For more information For automotive plant TECHNICAL HELP BREADMAN BAKER’S ASSISTANT PERMANENT POSITION 889-7651 883-4535 669-1080 881-6265 CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP 884-8118 Required by We are looking for an experienced office typewritter technician for the Barrie/ Oriilia area. ‘ PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN T0 ELEMENT TYPE EXPERIENCE. ODedicated & ambitiOus OMechanically inclined ODriving your own car 0Working in present job 1 year or more oAvailable to work 18 extra hours every week For small latm. Must be expelienced In all mechanical reparr and mam- lenance as well as interested ll‘l maintaining grounds of small estate. Should have farming background, Excellent house and amenities plus attractive wage and beneï¬t package, Send written application to: Aurora Rent-all requires student with strong mechanical aptitude. Must have driver’s license, and neat appearance. For food preparation by established food business, Aurora area. Responsible. reliable. references a must. Hourly pay to start, $4/hour, depending on qualifications, Experience not necessary but helpful. Send complete resume to: With 14 years experience. living in Maple“ 884-4801 TYPEWRITTER TECHNICIAN BOX 50 THE LIBERAL C/O BOX 390 SERVICE STATION HELP YOU . EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED WANTED LEGAL SECRETARY Qualifications: Minimum 5 years experience, skilled in mechanical repairs ability to work with limited supervision. skilled in machine shop fabribation. Apply In person 0! write- PARTTIME KEYPUNCH OPERATOR lYEAR’S EXPERIENCE TWO FULL-TIME PERSONS REQUIRED $500 plus monthly for right person 62 Coborne St. 5., Orillia, L37V771Vf6 BAKER’S SALES & SERVICE Experienced Maintenance Mechanic-Machinist BRIAN BAKER at 1-705-326-7332 after hours 1â€"705-325-6631 WHITFIELD OFFICE OUTFITTERS FOR INTERVIEW SEND RESUME 0R PHONE Yes? We need you Penénnel Supervisor Dixon Pencil Co. Ltd. 531nm: Dr. Newmarket. LaY 4W6 MECHANICALLY INCLINED CLIENTEL WAITING FOR 9144 Yonge St., Richvale KNOWLEDGE 0F ELECTRONICS AN ASSET Part Time or Full Time 727-2015 Must be Experienced Contact: Service Dept Call 431-1804 F.W. DAVIES WINCHMORE FARM, R.R. 3, KING CITY 889-0152 832-2711 727-9443 (11 t07 pm.) STUDENT ARE YOU Farm Manager Required Ext. 281 Dixon Pencil Company Ltd Wat, Onumo Beguï¬rgs RICHMOND HILL L4G 4Y6 5‘“ Help Wanted 0 BOOKKEEPER~SECRETARY â€" Richmond Hill Many other permanent & temporary positions available 884-6782 884-6970 0 ACCOUNTING CLERK â€" Typist Keele & N0. 7 0 SECRETARYvBOOKKEEPER â€" Woodbine & Steeles Transportation necessary ' JUNIOR SECREIARY â€" with good shorthand Keele . Hwy. 7 Requned for duty evenings & weekends Dietary depart‘ ment‘ For appointment. Well established firm se||ing computer hardware seeks person to take over order processing function. lnvolves extensive communication with both Canadian customers & U.S. suppliers by phone & telex. Attractive office at Woodbine - Steelesi Good salary. company benefits. three weeks per year vacation. Varied duties: order entry. traffic control. work with customs brokers and invoicing, Also some accounting activities Applicants should have previous business experience, type well. and have booking skills to trial balance. We are presently seeking mature mdwnduals to be res- ponsnble for our plant security. Sales persons required for a fast growmg GM Dealeiship. Experience is an adyantage. but we will train. Car supplied. Excellent commission. bonuses and benefits Stationery house ~ Woodbine - Steelecaset We requrre a responsible person for our telephone order desk. Responsrble indivrdual will receive compensation commensurate wrth experience and performance. Between 9 AM. and 4 PM. ORDER PROCESSING CO-ORDINATOR Order Desk Customer Service Please phone George Booth 10084 Yonge St., Richmo‘nd Hill JACK RENZ Sterling Trust Aurora 727-1328 Lrving In York Region would be preferred SECURITY PERSONNEL PARTTIME- FULLTIME STERUNG TRUST CORPORATION STERLING; EXPERIENCE PREFERABLE MEAT WRAPPER KING CITY |.G.A. Call Mrs. B. Hughes, Shouldice Hosnital SALES PERSONS 889-1175 495-1444 495-0222 884-4481 STUDENT TELLER FULL TIME FEMALE/MALE Call Mrs. Locke PART-TIME WEUHPS Mrs. Rees Office ASSIstance Ltd 833-6621 EXPERIENCED CONTACT APPLY Surplus equipment can be seen at the Aurora Works Department. 9 Scanlon Court, between the hours of 7:30 am. to 4:30 pm. MondayAFrrday. Written offers are to be submitted to the undersugned WILLIAM G. WALKER, C.E.T. Town Superintendent 50 Wellington Street West Aurora. Ontario L4G 3L8 Gas Rodder: B s S engine, c-w rods 1972 PLYMOUTH Duster‘ body good condition‘ 6 cyl. Standard. mote! good condmon. $80000 certified. Will take $700.00 uncertified. Ask for Glenn, 727-6495. Wood One-Way Plow: spnng loaded, 10 foot width 19660.M.C, Truck Engine: 292 cu. in. 6 cyl.. 2000 miles after having been rebuilt ' 1952 Adams Grader: Model 414. UDMA diesel engine, c-w cab and wmg (pans machine) . . 3" Homellte Pump: Model 853-1, self priming. 2 cycle, gas WAITRESS wanted, apply Richmond Square Restaurant. 10255 Yonge St. 1971 Del Dump-Truck Box: 11' - 0" length. 7' -6" Width, 31" depth. 32 tailgate, roll-back tarp and host 1968 Brampton Dump Iruck Box: 10'-6" length, 7‘-0" wrdth,‘29" depth 32" tailgate and power take-oft hoist The Aurora Works Departmem have the followrng surplus equrpment for sale 1970 Dodge Stake Truck: c-w 318 c, in. engine. 756" x 12' ~ 0" platform 800x 16‘51ites,trailerhithsuld in an “as Is" condition) Required minimum of 55/minute and at least two years clerical expenence. ‘ IN RELIABILITY, PERFORMANCE. COST If you are good with your hands and want steady employ- ment with a good future, call Rea! estate, commemlal experience essential. Salary commensurate wvth EXDEHGHCE. location Aurora, AmblIIOUS people wanted for ex pending busmess Tralmng provided Ne presently have an opportunity for mature responsible individuals with clerical experience to be trained in proof checking. Day and after- noon shifts available. Before 10 am. or after 6 pm Interested individuals should contact the personnel manager at ‘55 Cars Er Trucks EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A NEW TRADE PROOF CHECKERS AT LADA STANDS ALONE LIMBERT'S MOTORS EAGLE ST. NEWMARKET 895-3222 881-2112 FOR JOB SHOP IN AURORA EXPERIENCED ONLY For personal interview call NEED MONEY MULTILITH OPERATOR 895-4259 after6p.m. CLERK-TYPIST 727â€"8304 DICTA TYPIST RECEPTIONIST 884-9121 884-9121 LEGAL SECRETARY TOWN OF AURORA SURPLUS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE For Doctor’s Office Call 1-493-2281 Required immediately 727-3127 2'/z DAYS PER WEEK Call L Falk 4 door Sedans. Four to choose from, Yorï¬ Regwnai Detective Cars‘ New paint V-8 automatic and radio Ready for many trouble free miles Certified at' 0nh$1,980.00 69 Dodge Dart Custom ‘55 Cars & Trucks ‘55 Cars & Trucks 4 door automatic. power steenng. power brakes Michelen RadIaI tires Good One At $1,695.00 ‘72 Chev 1/2 Ton 2 door hard top automatic radio. DOWEI steering, Certified at: ' Only $795.00 Economical 4 cyllnder automatic and fale. Low mileage Like New! $3,295.00 75 Chev Pick up Step Side Box 0an $2,188.00 77 Pinto 3 door Run a Bout V-8 economical standard transmissmn and radio Econbmlcal 6 Cylll'ldfl mot0r 22.000 one owner Only.$3.250.00 CERTIFIED SPECIALS 73 Dodge Cornet Custom 77 Plymouth Grand Fury DAVE WOOD'S LTD. 119 Yonge St. Newmarket, 895-5747 CALL GERRY 0R DAVE FOR BANK FINANCING 77 Chev 3/4 Ton Pick up 24 2c Good condition must $575. or best offer As 18 B aftel 6 p m Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 1970 FORD Van E300. V8, 302. standard steering and brakes. blue shag custom mtenor. Equipped with ludge and stove and many ex‘tras to: campmg. New tires and snows. As is $2.000. or best offer. Call Gary after 6:30 8984981 4 door. 318 motor. mechanically ht some rust, traIIeI hxtch & lights good mes. $295. Power brakes. power steering radio. Excellent condition. Certified. Excellent tjanSportatIon for 51.000 47.000 ongxnal miles. ' aIr condition 1969 FIREBIRD Convertible. 350 Automatic. p0wer steenng. powet brakest power WIndOW, new radiator. AM FM Stereo cassette In very godd condition. Call Aurora- 7272120 eventngs for best ofterv 24 tfn 72 VEGA GT WAGON 884-3832 72 RENAULT 12 69 PLYMOUTH FURY )ngunal shape 5: Her Can be cemfled ‘55 Cats 8 Trucks 442 Showroom condmon Fresh paint, mechanically sound 884-5928 1971 V.W. STATION WAGON SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS 72 CHEV 1973 Pontiac Laurentian 64 GMC VAN 883-4295 66 Chevy Van 68 Dodge Dart 4 door. 8 cylinder EXCELLENT MECHANICAL CONDITION Body Needs work. As IS, 669-4250 GALAXY HARDTOP 883-3175 69 GTO Judge 884-1405 226-6488 Excellent condition COLLECTORS ITEM $1,200 or best ofler. 773-5497 884-5406 HIGHEST PRICE 72 FORD ASK FOR SHAVNE after6p.m. 895-5582 727-4158 898-2773 Best offer Call Linda 67 FORD CUSTOM 500 898-1496 Free pickup Call John IMPALA After 6 pm Best otter Paid for AS is $300 or 'best after 6 pm be seen $250 24 2c C2w5I