Iully equipped, th lmnace. 3 way fudge 3 burner stove wuth oven and exhaust fan. shower and tellet. sunk, hot and cold water, tandem wheels. battery and electric hghts, Z plopane tanks Less than 2.000 hlghway mIles. ono nv-m Tent tra|ler With add-aAroomv $400 Class “A' 23 ft Fully equnpped. TV an and GPnny 722-6006 With custom top‘ low mileage extlas‘ 883-4617 Sleepse Also Add-A-Room Excellent condition, $1,250 :. 884-2845 a Fully equipped. Immatulate Insulated r001. 3 way refrigerator. 2 Propane tanks. spare tire. sleeps 6. Excellent COI'IdihO'l. $1.600. Fum EXCLUSIVELY IRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES. See us at H|I|crest Mall at the R V Show SALES & RENTALS 884-1988 Propane electric refrigerator Propane stove and heater, SleepsG 18 Ft. House Trailer 1977 30'; fl PROWLER. 5th wheei‘ electric fireplace‘ 4 piece bath eyelevel stdve. extras. 895-5703 Hardtop Trailer ,love‘ ahel TRUCK Cap. fully Insulated and 30‘7' 5th wheel EleClHC hreplace and extras 1-895-5703 panelled. excellent condition 5350,00 {um 775-6696 77 171/2 Prow|er 1970 Holiday 18' Traveltrallel Fridge. Stove. Furnace, Shower Good condition. Sleeps 6 $2.500 00 or best 0“!!! CAMP TRAILER ADVANCED MOTOR HOMES LTD. 74 WOODS BARON HARDTOP TRAILER MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY “° Motorcycles for Sale THE SMALL MOIOR HOSPITAL OPEN YAMAHA EVEIIIGS ) . TRUCK CAMPER HERRON'S KAWASAKI 43 OLD HWY. 75 THORNHILL ONT 0 ï¬nancing A Call 398-2234 230 14’ CITATION v 473.4559 v 18665 sunou no. QUEENSVILLE LOW. LOW PRICES TFCOB 77 PROWLER Fantastic savings on every Kawasaki in stock MOTOR HOME 1970 REBEL Moto‘r homes 898-2773 OMMUNITY CYCLE FOR RENT 23 it deluxe. new umts Sleepsï¬ 1976 GMC 833-6450 Evemngsï¬ W) p m DUO'LI IJ atterS or anytime weekends 884-8524 884-3033 FULLY EQUIPPED Ride away a bargain! 727-4555 Campers & Trailets 727-3906 IRAVEL TRAILER 775-7831 Spring Hing! MIN I-VAN FOR RENT 1974 LIONEL per, sleep pl Evgs a: best 22-2c fudge 24 3c many Mel/Jen}: Good condmon. Helmets. Best oflev 1978 .SUSUKI RM. 125C. Never raced. 30 hours runmng. Best olfer. 727-9788. ‘4" Motorcycles for Sale 1977 HONDA Askmg $1.700 8M 6367 For Mrs. M. Redlern. 153 Sunset Beach Rd. Oak Ridges. 1 block east of Yonge St. S. at lights . ANTIQUES: Oak hall stand wrth mrrror. Rrvena Gong Case 8 day clock. walnut wardrobe. 3 washstands. 3 drawer prne dresser (hand dovetailed). prne and maple drop leal tables, 3 drawer dresser crrca 1850. 3drawer wardrobe wtth mrrror. rockrng bench. nurser rocker. 2va|nut arm charrs. prne srde table wrth turned legs. 5 press back charrs. 2 Jacques and Haye sIde charrs. 6 dressers wrth mrrrors (maple or oak). 2 standing lamps, lrbrary desk, bullet‘and dmrng charrs. enamel top table, prne table and 2 chars. Mother Hubbard cupboard. new erlrams sewrng machrne In cabinet. VIctorradro and speaker. Phrhps radio record player. Ice box. 8 day kitchen clock. Slnger upholsterers sewrng machine. pictures and frames. tea trn. early 1900 post cards (Toronto). stamps and coupons. Amber glass roller skate boot. 2 srlver napkrn holders. WlSh bone With (Best Wrshes). also Chick and wrsh bone - Acme Srlver C0,. Toronto, Old tlns lars and bottles. Varrous preces ol enamel pots and pans also a large assortment ol antrque tools includrng wood planes. thermostat. , Electncal appl: 22" colour portable SAT. JUNE 23m SALE OF WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT, THE PROPERTY OF MR. WALTER SMITH 17 MARKET ST: STOUFFVILLE. Including 1968 GMC truck wrth 200 amp weldrng unrt. wench. boom. power saws. lathes. threadmg machines. dnll press. sharpenersr Iron benders‘ Lincoln welder. large assort- ment of tools, taps and dyes and sockets Thrs busrness has been running for 33 years, Everything IS In top order. Terms cash. Sale at 11 am, Honda 50 Mini Bike xcellent condmon askmg $200 72 TRIUMPH TIGER 650 TV. 2 portable 8 E W TVs, 2 relngerators. electric stove, portable sewing machine, vacuum cleanw glass display case refrigerated (old), 2 ~ 1/: H,P. motors. MISC: Items: garden tools. nuts and bolts. step and extensron ladders. 2 copper tlre extrngurshers. Many more Interesting Items too numerous to mention. Selling by number, please register before the sale. Terms cash or cheque WIth l.D‘ Owner or Auctloneer not responsible for accudents or loss day of the sale. Luncheon counter. NORM FAULKNER AND EARL GAUSUN AUCtIOHGEIS AUCTION SME COMPIEIE CONTENTS SM. JUNE 23. 1 PM. For Paul Bowen. Bloomington Sideroad. (take Bloomington Sideroad east oll Yonge St. (11 Hwy) and go east 1h mile past Bayview. Con5isting of: Piano and bench Newcombe. 26" electroholme coloured console TV. Molfat cop- pertone fridge and stove. McClary dryer. 2 pc. cheslerlield suite. baby carriage, sleigh. wagon. scale, play pen, walker. car bed. skis and boots. ping pong table. HI Fi stereo, lawn furniture. bedroom suites. mirrors. dressers. bunk beds. coltee tables, end tables lamps, double and Single beds. antique china cabinet. antique vanity. antique corner knick‘knack shell. old sets of books. bookcase. maple desk. dining room table. 6 chairs. bullet. BM 26" TV. 3 pc. chesterlield set. kitchen table and 6 chairs. Bell 8. Howell movie pioiector 8 mm, 5 lengths ol 50' garden hose. lawn sprinkler. parrot cage. taping machine, electric well pump. and tank, gear pump and motor. AU. 0.0. converter, battery tester. voltage and cod testers. caulking guns and cartridges. bench grinder and motor. fire extinguisher. dog choke chains. 2 aquariums and pump. dishes. exerCIsers. picnic table. lawn roller. wall mirror. ironing board, 6 stacking chairs. odd chairs. tools. saws. clothes hamper, plastic garbage pail. 1 fold up bike. bicycle. railroad lamp. Terms: Cash AUCTION SALE YAMAHA DIRT BIKE B L I AUCIIONS AUCTIONEER: BERT VANDERDONK BRADFORD 416-775-6637 ESI’ATE AUCTION SALE SAL JUNE 23. AT 10:00 AM CAN AM MOTORCYCLES SKI-000 CAN-AM VOLVO- PENIA Comp|ete Small Engine Sales 8. Serwce KEIRON LTD., KESWICK 476-2834 Open 9-9 SALES & SERVICE AUCTIONEER CHARLIE DUNN - OM RIDGES 773-5952 895-1190 832-8714 DUNE BUGGY 888-1759 after6p.m. 309 100 cc - $200 AURORA 727-3661 Auctions $150 3 6.000 miles beak ofler Don fl-ll IFN AUCTION SAtE COMPLETE CONIENTS THURS.. JUNE 21. 6.30 PM. For Phrlrp Brown. Lot 3. Con. 9. Nobleton Take Krng Srderoad west from Nobleton. turn south on Concession lO. tollow Signs. Consrstlng ol: Vrkrng 26" coloured TV. (real good) 24 cu ft General lreezer. Adl'l'lllal trost tree fudge. G.E. push button electrrc stove. Kenmore dryer. lure screen. solld maple dinette surte. oval table and 4 charrs. steel shelvrng 9’ x 6’ x 2'. lure extrngursher. 4 chrome charrs. secretary desk and charr. marble top collee table. adlustable draltrng table and lamp. student desk. legal srze hlrng cabrnet. electrrc broom. vacuum, l|00r polrsher. pole lamp. chest ol drawers. 2 srngle beds. 9 drawer walnut dresser and hr Boy. nrght table. 2 Grectan lamps and shades, credenza. small Queen Anne table. troprcal plants. loam chesterfreld and charr. love seat. bookcase. Indran brass. swag lamp, 22" gas lawn mower (Vrkrng) Autovak. garden sprayer. electric power saw. wrndow air condutroner. push lawn mower. electrrc motors and swrtch boxes. garden tools. lawn turnrture.-overhead gas furnace.‘ 72000 BTU. electr'r? steam generatOr.' plastrc laundry tub. Bar lrrdge and mrsc. articles. Terms: Cash. LARGE room. $41 weeHy, minimum 3 weeks In advance. adults only 884- 7000 aftel 6 pm “£51 Bathroom facnlmes. smmmmg and Hiking 881-6048 JUNE 26th & 27th, 10:30 AM. INSPECTION: MORNING OF SALE FROM 9 AM. rILL SALE TIME APPLIANCES, 30 asst. elect. & gas ranges; 30 asst. refrrgerators & freezers: 20 asst. auto washers & dryers: 50 asst, color 81 B & W TV sets; 15 asst. arr condrtroners & humidIerrs: 20 asst. sewrng machrnes: 30 asst. stereo systems & record players; 5 asst. auto drshwashersz Quantity vacuum cleaners: rug shampooers: floor polrshers; tans: broadloom: mrrror: baby furniture: brcycles; small appllances, etc. etc. FURNITURE: 50 asst. bedroom sets 8. ensembles; 100 headboards: 60 chesterlields & bed sofa sets: 40 krtchen & dInette sets: etc. etc. 667-1765 REPAIR DEPTS: 2 large repair depts. Asst. parts & supplies: tools: etc etc. Too many items- Too numerous to list. TERMS CASH 0R CERTIFIED CHEOUE $100 CASH DEPOSIT TO REGISTER AND 25% CASH DEPOSIT 0N PURCHASES. OTHER CONDITIONS AS POSTED AND ANNOUNCED. SALE OF ITEMS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION 0R WITHORAWAL WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. THE AUCTIONEERS BELIEVE THE DESCRIPTIONS & QUANTITIES CONTAINED HERE IN TO BE CORRECT BUT MAKE NO WARRANTY IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PHONE. WRITE 0R WIRE THE OFFICE OF THE AUCTIONEERS. DIVERSIFIED AUCTIONEERS COMPANY LTD P.I. AMBROSE. 4610 DUFFERIN STREET JUDICIAL DISTRICT UNIT 22. DOWNSVIEW. ONTARIO COURT HOUSE. ' BY VIRTUE 0F WRITS 0F FIERI FACIAS TO ME DIRECTED AGAINST CALVIN YOUNG DEFENDANT I HAVE COMMISSIONED DIVERSIFIED AUCTIONEERS COMPANY LIMITED TO SELL THE GOODS AND CHATTELS 0F ANTIQUES: Collection of fine antiques MISC. Large quantity table & ceiling lamps‘ chairs; lounges: coffee & end tables: sewers. pictures; dvessers; buffets; mattresses; bedding & accessories: luggage & trunks; etc. etc. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 20 asst. desks: 5 asst. file & storage cabinets: Slde chairs: typewriters. adding machines: cheque protector; dictating machines; draftmg board: shelving & related office supplies; etc. etc. ROOMS tor rent Adults only, 530 weekly and up Central Richmond Hull 884A7000 after 6 p m, ï¬c45 FURNISHED room [0! Single gen- tleman, Separate entlance‘ $20 weekly, Aitev 6 pm. Apply 237 Closby Ave. Richmond Hill. LARGE turmshed bedroom. Close to ‘ransportation. Gentleman only. 884‘ 7564 CZwSl FURNISHED suitable lor gent!eman non-smokel. 884-0496 FURNISHED room Responsmle person commodation 884-2984 YOUNG WOMAN MOTEL units. telephOne. 4-plece baths. telewsmn, weekly. daily rates‘ Colonlal Motel 889-4823. «:17 WMS for tent. ~Adu|ts only. 830‘ weekly and up, Centlal Richmond Hill.884~7000. tfc 45 QUIET busmess pelson. small 'UlnlShEd ' bedtoom, no cookmgbathroom enhance. $112? monthly 8841969 ‘7“ Rooms For Rent FURNISHED mom, central Richmond HIII Matule 'person ana‘e en Nance. Aim 5 pm 2451270 AUCTIONEER CHARLIE DUNN OAK RIDGES 773-5952 BLACK Weékly and M’onthy Rates avai|able. Contact The Management: Phone 416-727-5471 and 416-881-8550 AUSTIN APPLIANCES 81 FURNITURE $25,000 per year insulating homes After 5 pm We will show you how to earn up to MOTOR INN ‘35 Business Opportunities chair. tove seat, brass. swag lamp, mowel (Viking) sprayer, electric SHERRIFF’S SALE 312 PARLIAMENT ST. TORONTO PUBLIC AUCTION IF YOU HAVE A TRUCK. AM BITION AND $2,000 309 FROM THE PREMISES AT for ten! share ac 884-9171 Auctions small HAWK Auction sale of antiques. household furniture. tools, interior and exterior light fixtures. brand new. and collec- table items At Burd's Trout Pond. 1"; miles north of ngwood on Hwy, 48. for the Estate at J. OTT and others. Part of list includes. 2 cash registers (St Lours. 1913 to 1922). National very old. Colonial diningroom set. corner cupboard, open top. wash- stand. assorted lamps. Sony coloured TV, and stand (portable). pull out chestertield bed. several chesterlields and chairs. bedroom suite. Wicker chairs, rugs. 2 air-conditioners. only 16.300 BTU's. 220 volt. like new. Carpet runners. aluminum display case, 15 x 10 x 60 hinged glass lid. old yars. 2 glass top 4 drawer display units. like new. Toledo 3 pound scales. continental beds with headboards, spotlights with lighting track. radiant heater. 8 ft. electric baseboard heater. 80 Gold and Silver earrings. 5 drawer metal cabinet. several electric meters. kitchen utensils. dishes. many more items. TERMS CASH 0R CHARGEX AUCTIONEER. DON BURD. STOUFFVlLLE 6402928 ~ to be held at LLOYD SCHOOL PROPERTY locaied on the Bethesda Sideroad between Leslie Ave. and Don Mills ‘ on SAIURDAV, JUNE 23, 1979 AT 11:00 O'CLOCK AM Typewnters. adding machines. radios. dry copiers. proiectors. tape recorders, record players. spirit duplicators. 1 propane washer. 2 propane stoves, sewmg machines, tools, light tixtures. cash register. bookkeeping machine. lincoln arc welder. Coats Tireman tire changer. Lincoln high pressure grease gun. maps. pictures. desks. chairs. stools, wetdry vacuum. pianos. restaurant lurnrture. regulation gas pump, ping pong table. door frames, doors, metal lathes. scrap metal. iomter. dratting machines, 3 soldering lurnaces. l heat treat furnace. 1 Wayne Core oven and controls. 1 Motfat stove. 1 Garland stove. l Mottat deep lryer, 1 baking oven, 1 - 1973 G.M.C. van. GVW 3790 l - 1976 Dodge Kary Van. GVW 8200. Numerous other Items. this is only a partial listilg. Vehicles not certified, selling as is. modest reserve on 1976 Van. Owner. auctioneer or management not responsible for accidents on property. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. HAROUJ IOHNSON AUCTIDNEER W.D. Cousens S. L G.Chapman Chainnan Director of Education ‘7“ Rooms For Rent AUtTION SALE OF SURPLUS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT for THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PJ. AMBROSE. SHERIFF JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF YORK SAT. JUNE 23rd 12 NOON COURT HOUSE. TORONTO Black Hawk Motor Inn 10711 Yonge St... Richmond Hull 965-7405 CZWSO Activmes: Natute trips, cook-outs 1§Logy' swcmmmgwsgngvng V , Located at 10395 Yonge St, with about 2,500 sq. ft. Basement & Parking. Perfect for professional as insurance, accounting, real estate, etc. Openings still available for chIIdIen ages 4 toll. July 2nd to 20th $45 pet week. 9 am to 4 pm, Bus sewlce extra, Specializing in Am & Crafts 9100 Bathurst St. (just south of Carwlle Snderoad). Thornhill, L31 3N3 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN RICHMOND HILL Formerly Bowden Lumber store plus large rear lumber shed, ideal for real estate office, nursery, marina showroom, etc. Short term lease. Call weekdays only, 9 am. - 5 pm. FOR BOYS & GIRLS 6 â€" 16 A small camp that emphasnes pro grammes adaptable to the Interests 0! Indwlduals. FULL CAM? PROGRAM Swrmmrng, Sarllng. Canoerng‘ Archery Wilderness Camprng, Wrnd Surfrng Edlble erd. Frrsl And. Arts 8. Crattsv Spearal One week camp for lrrst lime campers » erte. Dr GB Faulkner. 18 McDougall Rd. Waterloo. Ont KZL 2W5 519-885-3843 All breed professronal dog grooming done In the convenience .of your home. Servrng Thornhrll. Richmond Hull, Aurora & Newmarket. THE GALLOPING GROOMER KITTENS. (3). gorgeous‘ Free to good home. 884-0249, ADORABLE kittens, hee to good home 887-5113. GOLDEN Retnever‘ flee home. registered and spayed. 884- 1360, c2w50 Mare and yearling filly. wull~se|l separately or together both have lotsofcotor 888-1263 705738-2884 0! 416-481-9944 Libéral SCHOOLING SUNNYBROOK RIDING CLUB Ask for the Gatlopmg Gloomeg Golden Retriever Puppies for sale SHOW JUNE 23rd RESORI 1,2,3. bedroom Cottages Cam'ping, fishing and bcach “55 Cars Wanted REGISTERED Appaloosa 297-2546 WALDORF DAY CAMP 881-1611 HOLIDAY P0|NT 351 884-5463 For 4 0! 6 cylinder cat 2ԠCottages BOYS AND GIRLS . Juniors 9-12 Seniors 13-15. Swimming. Canoeing, Pony Riding, Crafts Archery, Outtrips. Fishing. -- $10 Registration; “7' $80 Wkly. | , Includes Transponation 773-5491 10:30 am 889-5976 or 884-1432 ACROSS FROM HILLCREST MALL 35° Pets Livestock FRASER LAKE CAMP $500 27" Summer Camps ‘29 Business, Office Space 493-9112 Bancroft Area to gooo CZwSl 439-3104 net's ‘wd‘ TRAINING. Keep your ml: 8. learn In spare IIme - you could be on the [arr In 5 months! News. Sparts. DJ. Talk Shows Program Host. TV CommercIaIs with placement service, FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME - 921.2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER To make up bedmoms at Parkway Hotel Permanent posmon Call Mr. Latlmer HAVING A PARTY? FOR WAITRESS 883-5209 ms Yo begin Sept Warrï¬ capable person to: long term daily homemaket‘ 2 children kindelgarten and 5 months Salary and duties negotiable Speuallzlng In painting Also cutting grass‘ cleaning cars and tlucks. $30 - $40 according to sue ofvehlcie Wanted {0 go to cottage on Lake Snmcoe from July untl| August 30th 491- 3236. 782-7239 alter 6 pm Woman to supervuse 10 year old and housekeeping 12 r 5 weekdays. or Iiveln 881-4091 For half day every two weeks Ihornhlll area, Evenings TYPING done In my home. IBM Selectnc typewritel. Also black and white. colour copying machine. 884- 6872. WG-40 Including typing mvmcing. photo copying. Puck-up and deliver. 884-9859 1ch Old magazines. pre 1940 Old post calds. photographs and other paper Items. 1-783-4344 HOUSEKEEPER INSTANT cash lor good condition household turmtureo appliances. contents Immedlate plck-up. 294- 1055. «as MOTHER’S S‘ummerHelper Indges stoves lveezevs lum:tu¢e Must be clean and workung Need 15 (185091319 mghest pnces paid 56“ Career Training Experienced, 1 day weekly, near John & Yonge Sts.‘,ThornhI|| 5““ Domestic Help Wanted 311 HOMEMAKER 884-2557 ANYTIME ODDJOBS DONE CLEANING LADY CLEANING LADY 555 Employment Wanted Brices 363-1954 1-4784175 HOUSEKEEPER SECRETARIAL SERVICES 881-2121 Articles wanted 889â€"1925 881-2930 889-5948 WANTED REQUIRED Ask for BI†Cash for NICE C2W49 C2w 5| 2 tamllies - clothing. toys, household articles. 305 GARAGE SALE SAT. 8. SUN. JUNE 23 8. 24 9 toA PM, Many good items - dining and living room curtains and much more. 5 Bavmark Rd.. (off Romfleld). Thornhill 889-8478 311 Cash price for your household contents or individual items Lightweight. 1.7 hp Neptune. $100. Also baby back pack carrier. 815 Black and white portable R.C.A Ielewsuon $20, Oxlord eyeglass type. wnlh telephone and For nght sude. Excellent condl- lion $175. 884-0529 FISCHER - JENSSEN. 15m Ave Unlonvme (between Kennedy McCowan Rd) STRAWBERRIES Wlth 25' com slot. $100 each. And needs (epaus. l Outsme con- fection stand 8‘ x 8‘, mm canvass top. $250: 1 Insude confectlon stand. 9' 1 10’. wsth glass counters on two sndes $350. Both ideal for semce club or 5|m||ar group use. Wull sell glass counters separately at $135 and $75. 1 men's 10 speed. $50 SAT. & SUN‘ JUNE 23 & 24 9T0 5 PM 10 Kltsilano Cres‘. Richmond Hull (Behmd Hlllcrest Mall) OUTBOARD MOTOR Crown sealers, miscellaneous Items If ram cancelled Inground Above GrourB 0n Ground Wholesale-Retail Open to the Public Monday to Friday, 9 am. - 8 pm. Sat. to6 p.m. Cool-Fun Pools 184 Oakdale Rd.. Downsview 746-2742 M77400 & Finch Ave. Lumber. doors. wrndows. prne boards. barn boards. electrical panels, barn beams, offrce furniture. anthues. collectables‘ odds & ends. bath tubs plumbmg hxtures srnks, torlets. and many more Items, Swimming Pools PoolKHs Chenflcab SuppHes Games Accessones Paflo Furniture HotTubs FmeWaMr Anaw$§ H GIGANTIC CLEANOUT SALE OF USED LOCATION S/W CORNER OF WELLING TON ST AND BAYVIEW AVE 1‘4 MILE EAST OF AURORA, EVERY- TH|NG MUST GO†NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. HEARING AID BARN SALE Articles for Sale JUNE 23, Sam- 3 pm 233 Ruggles Ave.. Richmond Hull Articles wanted PLATES 889-0827 GARAGE SALE 8 am to 8 pm. Or as long as crop lasts 297-1177 2 DAYS ONLY SAL SUN JUNE 23. 24 Pick Your Own HUMMEL FOR FAST SERVICE 884-8043 22641467 495-1942 258 HARRYGAN CRES RICHMOND HILL' SAT . JUNE 23rd FROM 10 A M WASHERS SIDEWALK SALE ZCGE COMMERCIAL 881-5716 GKRAGE’SALE 881â€"6689 IFO‘ V451 Carville Rd. - just east of Yonge (Hillcrest Mall area). Watch for signs. Well maintained. easy to pick patches with children's play area. Bring y0ur own 6 qt. baskets or buy them here. Open Monday to Friday, 7:30 am. to 12 Noon‘ 6 pm. to 9 pm. Saturday & -Sunday. 7:30 am. tolp.m. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 20. 1979 â€" 8-5 T.V. console. chrome frame. corduroy cushron furniture. dresser reweIIery. lots of good Iadres clorhrng. (some 40's - 50‘s styles) Fur coats and rackets, books and much more, TOP QUALITY ALL YOU WANT â€"P|CK YOUR OWN FULL BOXES â€" NO RESTRICTIONS GOOD PARKING ART WRIGHT Smiles north of Bradford north of Hwy 11 1 mile weston 13th line 416-775-2808 Puck your own In your own 6 7th Cone. Whltchurch - Stouffwlle. being 48 and 'a mu, north of Stouffwlle Slderoad. RICHMOND HILL ROTARY CLUB GARAGE SALE 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS ‘ .472 YONGE 9T. 924-8408 Above College St. oppostte Westbury Hotel. - 01218 KENNEDY RD. 759-2234 South of'Hwy‘ 401 , '29 DUNDAS ST E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwys 5 & 10 Mississauga. 04900 DUFFERN ST, 667-1170 Between chh & Steels. Warehouse 8. Showroom OPEN DAILY 9109 P M‘ SATURDAY TILLS Bed Chesterfie|ds $168. to $598 TEAKWOOD Rosewood furniture' bedwom. 6 place dmmg room. 9 piece Imng room. Brand new. Reasonable: 247-4377, BARBEQUE, gas. post mount type good condition. 889-9802. WATER Softener. Culhgan. brand new. Must sell Immediately. $500. 597‘7376 Days. 281-5386. LAWN mower‘ 2]" reel type. self- propelllng 4 cycle Bnggs 8. Sharon engine‘ good condition. Reasonabie olfeL 889-1748‘ CHESIERFIELD and chair. matching brown and grey SUIDE. Good con ditlon. 889-476] Evgs. CH ESTJiRFLELD CLEARANCE TYPEWRIIERS ‘ addets. calculamrs, sales. servnce rentaIs Newmarket Busmess Machines. 497 Ilmothy $1., Nowmarket. 895-7621 mas SIOVE Mafia! gas. Almost new 884 8. PRICING MACHINE 9. STEEL RACKS 10. VIEW CARDS CABlNET 11. STATIONERY RACK CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields FANTASTIC DRIVEWAY SALE BARGAINS GALORE 49 AVENUE RD., RICHVALE SAT. JUNE 23rd 10:30103 PM. TERMS: CASH STEEL COUNTER WEIGHING SCALE NCR CASH REGISTER FREEZER {3 to my STEEL SHELVES 16 Nos INDUSTRIAL COOLER INDUSTRIAL FREEZER SAT., JUNE 23rd â€" 10 AM. (7 ft high) - 6 month CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED 7 ftv long) - 1 year used APPLEWOOD FARM For Berry report. PICklflg sumect to supply and weather Some more Items Reasonable Pnces’ CALL MR BUTT PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES STARTING JUNE let 676-9327 STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE AND 305 884-1141 Articles for Sale 640-2168 640-5357 STRAWBERRIES PETER MANGIONE STOUFFVILLE ;ed quart baskets’ 0: buy baskem hete‘ Puck your own Stattlng Tuesl June 19‘ open dall‘] Mon. - Fn. 8 AM - 8 PM. and Sat. 8 am, - 4 pm. Bung your own baskets or other con- tainers, no children under twelve allowed In the held. Price 48‘ ner pound. LEN RUSH ,.SIRAWBERRLES. Excelient condition $250 Introduce your chrld to musrc this summer at Cosmo School of Music We have a new summer music program and Instruction IS available on all rnstruments. Instruments are avarlable lor students. Drop In or give us a call House of Brome pme dlnmg sulte. 1840 solid mahogany claw foot games table & {our chans‘ 1908 fully restored 10 x 5' billiard table. (SBYIOUS Inqumes only). antique pune bed. locker and hutch. applI~ ances. plants and numerous house hold Items AlR-CONDIUONER. GSW. 10.600 BTU‘s. Excellent condition. 3300. 884-3435. WASHER and dryer. apartment size. Harvest gold Dryer stack rack. 18 months old $350. 887-9300. TEAK HOME OFFICE (Cabinet style) ISLINGTON AVE. N. BETWEEN STEELES AVE 8. HWY. N0. 7 GARAGE SALE MOVING SALE GARAGE SALE 5 Vallonchffe Rd.‘ Thornhlll 56 PROCTOR AVE THORNHILL 01f Baywew N. 01 Steeles COSMO MUSIC (20.1.10 10185 Yonge SL, Richmond Hill 884 5272 Ask fov Shelley or Jack SALES BARN FLEA MARKET 851-0894 773-5890 or 884-1540 1‘4 ml west of Hwy SAT. JUNE 23 9AM MUSIC LESSONS machine SAT. JUNE 23, 10 AM - 5 PM SAT. JUNE 23 9AM - 5 PM 427 Palm! Ave ‘Rlchmond Hill PlANO UPRIGHT 3300 884-3706 or 883-4277 DDe aftel 5 pm 2- Singer. amplmer‘ dishes remnants‘ 'vs. seam binding CAW 51 ,AWSI c2w51