Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 20 Jun 1979, C7

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It’s a quick jaunt by taxi over a pot-hole filled road to the sudden clarity of the multi-colored sea channel that divides North Eleuthera from Harbor Island. Your suitcase is taken by a In a 25-minute tran- sition from» Nassau you have reached the paradise of Christopher Columbus in a Bahama Out Island. You feel embraced by the cheerfulness as the small plan load is divided and dispersed to various destinations. DONMORE TOWN. Bahamas â€" From the moment your reliable but ancient Bahamasair prop-aircraft sets its wheels on the sand-blown strip at North Eleuthera airport, you’re assured that this is paradise. Left behind are the often grim faces of Nassau, the commercial tugging at your vacation budget purse strings, and the feeling that tourists are to be tolerated and amused only for a price. Gone too, is the flat landscape and highrise towers of tourist hotels. Instead, there is a warm, soft breeze and the flutter of palm leaves; the gentle lapping of crystal clear water patched by colorful coral, and smiling faces of welcome. A recent edition of Travel Weekly, an in- dustry magazine published in the US, surveyed the fill-up policies of rental car operators in Las Vegas, Nev. They found that Avis cars go out with only half a tank of gas, and that although Budget and National cars go out with full tanks, they must be returned with the same quantity of gas. American ‘lntemational and Dollar agencies will allow customers to return to The gasoline shortage in some of the larger cities in the United States is drastic. Friends- who recently returned from California report that lineups are long and that rental car drivers aren‘t always welcome. TBA l/El CHA T By ANNE WANSTALL Travel Editor TRAVEL: with abargain like outs,there’s no need to shop around. Gmmm Branches across Canada . .. most open Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturdays. 'Subjw to our credit and down payment requirements Make a deal by June 30, 1979 and drive away with your free Black & Decker car vacuum. Complete details at your nearest Guaranty Trust Branch. Annual Interest Rate ' “94% 12%% 1372‘!) naran Ttust afiel you a c can (1 on new car loans Amount Borrowed $5000 $5 000 â€" and the passengers inside â€" for the 15-minute trip directly over the blue, green, often tran- sluscent water. ferryman who looks as though he’s a friendly, but direct descendant of Bluebeard the pirate. Gold-capped teeth flash out of the black bushy growth on his dark face as he packs the luggage on the roof of his small craft Beside you, small families with sleepy children clutch parcels bought in the distant city. Tourists peer through the spray-dripped windows to catch their first glimpse of Donmore Town. Once the capital of the Bahamas, Dunmore Town comes at you like the pop-up picture in a children’s book. The well- kept 300yearold houses, painted in gay colors and trimmed with white gingerbread, dot the small hillside, multi-hued bougainvillea drips over white walls. and hibiscus drapes over neat picket fences. Beyond them, a_ coral white sand stret- ches out to meet the in- credible colors of the water. The “real life" seems far away as the. ferry closes in on paradise. Once docked at the wharf, cab drivers hustle for their passengers, each dispatched by one of the hotels or private rental residences to collect their office) Adventurers looking for a sporting holiday closer to home should in- vestigate Hemisphere Tours Rocky Mountain Magic 179,“ , brochure (obtainable from travel agents or an Air Canada base for refuelling. Hertz cars go out with a full tank. There are no refuelling privileges, but the car can be returned empty. National Geographic says that Gudalajara. Mexico has the second best climate in the world (around 28 celsius at noon, with nights cooling down to 18C), and it‘s now competing as the best Sportsman's centre in the world‘ Golf, tennis and horseback riding are readily available undeq ideal conditions. Donmore Town is a paradise 3 957.28 $102172 $1108.48 Cost of Loan 36 Months Monthly Payment $165.48 $167.27 $169.68 human cargo. Mr. Bluebeard doesn’t bother to collect the $2 ferry fee â€" knowing he will catch you on the way back. It‘s just another $1 to the hotel, because Harbor Island is a mere 11/2 square miles of waving palm trees surrounded by soft sand. Hotels such as Romora Bay Club. which overlook the sea and are perfect for fishing and sailing enthusiasts, offer modified American plan (accommodation, bre- akfast and dinner) for $44 a day single, $68 double, and waterfront rooms for $54 single and $82 double. Valentine‘s Inn in the small downtown area of Donmore Town, but with' a beach stretching out before its front door, has accommodation for $30 a day double in the summer and $45 a day in the winter. MAP is $14 per person extra per day. Ocean View Club, which “promises nothing” in its secluded position on a quiet beach. has recently been taken over by an Ottawa-born Cordon Bleu graduate, At the hotel. a free rum punch is put into your sticky hand as a cooler before the formalities of registration and the first settling into your room $129088 $137920 $149824 Cost of H Monthly, Loan Payment TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill proposes to consider the passing of a By-law to stop up, close and sell a Public Highway known as Kilkenny Place as shown on Registered Plan M-l 590. A copy of the Plan and the draft By-laws are available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The Council will consider the proposed By-laws at its meeting on the 9th day of July, 1979, and at that time will hear any person or the solicitor or agent of any person who advises the Clerk in writing Drior to thé'sth day of July, 1979, that he would like to appear. Dated at the Town of Richmond Hill this 6th day of June, 1979. Date of First Publication: June 13, 1979 Date of Secq;1d_'P_upl§ca4thh:~ Jung _2_0L1979 Date of Third Publication: June 27, 1979 Date of Fourth Publication: July 4, 1979 48 Months ~ or THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL \ THE CORPORATION 10132 YONGE STREET 884-1188 NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING The Corporation of The Town of Richmond Hill C.D. Weldon, Clerk. $131.06 $132.90 $135.38 $4 635.46 $1 74940 Cost of Loan Philippa Coupland. Summer MAP rates here are $60 a day double and $40 a day single. Ocean View also has an in-town cottage that would sleep 10 for rent at $450 a week. There’s maid service, but you’d do your own cooking. 60 Months I checked into Coral Sands Hotel, owned and operated by former film star Brett King and his wife Sharon (who looks remarkably like the young Elizabeth Taylor once dated by Brett). An intimate, friendly hotel set in a palm grove above the huge stretch of sand owned by the complex, Coral Sands is a haven for weary minds and bodies (former transport minister Otto Lang holidays there annually). Room prices start at $31 single, $35 double in summer, $45 single and $50 double in winter. For MAP add $16 per person a day. For some folks nothing could be closer to hell than to have nothing more to do than admire paradise! Coral Sands and Romora offer free tennis, snorkeling gear and picnic trips to hideaway islands. There are boats for rent on the' island, native night clubs, in-hotel entertainment and dancing. generally a games room with a Monthly Payment 511059 $142.49 television set (if you must keep contact with the world outside), and gourmet menus to tempt the appetite. A popular excursion is a $30 per person boat trip through the small island to Spanish Wells, with everyturn presenting another View of this ex- traordinary coastline. About the only thing you can‘t do here is gamble at a casino. In summer, the weather is hot (around 28 degrees Celsius) but fanned by trade winds. Short. sharp showers are Your Family Auto Man puts his nume on your mvouce‘ ‘ 3054 Don Mills Rd. 1286 Kennedy Rd (Peanut Plozo) (Sou'h of Ellesmere) 3:05 In nee Ave E Comm 0! Markham Ra 401-14“ Rin'gsion M Eu! 0! Mommgsloe 84-4737 {1'1 WALLPAPERS 491 -6565 The fines? and largest selection of imported 8. domestic wallpapers COLOUR CONSULTING 8 lNTERIOR DECORATION SERVICE SAVE #‘3 50% 30% ON STOCKED WALLPAPER uto Man "I m ‘ Akull'flmulimny Aulollfl n65 O'CorTnov D: was! 0! wanna Put 7553389 Sum-VI 2369 Egnm'on Ave E Eu! 0! McGowan Isl-Am June Special INTERIORS Brakes Include: unsulhng 0! M0 new hon! wheel disc pods, ruuflnce return. and rooockmg hon! oumr wheel bearing, impaction a! cannon, arc-e seals, fuller cylinder, brake noun Ind brake hlrdwue, (mm! cm) 2 Drum Brake Service Inciudel nmulling 01 M0 new Duke fining hon! or rut, mud-ca brake drum: And repaclung hon! outev wheel beanngs Inspection 0! wheel CVIlndCr“ ore-5e In“, brake hoses and Drake hardware (man u”) brake hardware (Eon any 2 Disc Brake Service common in July and August, but I was assured that they are only a temporary diversion to keep the island its perfect green, All prices quoted are in U.S. funds For hotel reservations on the island. Canadian residents should call Bahamas Reservation Service by dialling ZEnith 99110 or your travel agent. TO GET THERE: Air Canada has direct, nonâ€" stop flights to Nassau, then by Bahamasair to North Eleuthera. tomato E!“ You "39 Dantonh Aye Wesl cl Coxwell $35921 sum 925 Ellesmere Rd Easl cl Kennedy Rd 752% 755-6163 m '15.7' ' ‘5x7 ' 13x5v. 14x6 ' ea 3%" 4%“ m” m‘ Tamale Comm 2123 Venue SI South 01 Eglmlon “1-5251 mvm 5295 Yahoo 5! Scum 0! Punch @22558 LTD East 0! Keel: Barnum "55 Fancn Ave w tomato Comm 2719 Dullean SI 500m 0! L-mance 79945“ FOR LEARNING 'I'O IDS! WEIGHT FOR MEETING INFORMATION CALL Mississauga (1) 826-9200 GETA$1OQSGIFT Wh Re EVERY member of Werght Watchersu 1m partlcrpatmg areasl van quality tor a hard cover gttt copy at The Weight Watchers New Program (‘ookbook by Jean Nidetch Jom Werght Watt-hers 1n partlclpatlng areas between June 11 and August 4. 1979 and wrth 12 weeks conset'utn'e atten- dant'e get your gllt copy wrth over 600 reclpes plus menus used by the world s largest werght control orgamzatlon In addltton to new members. our past present and re-jolnlng members and lltetlme members are also ehgrble Details available at Weight Watchers classes m partmpatlng arms only - The LIOI'IS Community Cenne 106 Cenlle St E Iuec 730 pm Man 130 pm MILLIKEN [boy-elm United Chuvch Enamenl Mon 73!] pm THORNHILL Baylon Church 92 Slcolu Ave w RICHMOND HILL Sum Inn 9 30 am Enhde ma Rena-Ia 8M) was: ol Kupung 7W Valet-Io Comm 239 Dumas Sl W Eu! 0! Keel: 152-7389 Pncholl Spoke Hum. 532‘ Dundu SI w West 01 Kipling 25‘26‘ Em- ana 099"st wig! ol Row Von Rd Chrome ZX or XZX Tire Size 155-12 . . . . . Whitewalls 165-13. .. 185-14. .. 195-14. .. 195-15. .. 205-15. .. 215-15. .. ERGO-14 FRED-14 GR60A14 FRGOJS (ERGO-15 GR70-15 155-13. 165-13. 175-13 165-15‘ 175-45 AR’7843 Truck and Van 700-15 (6 ply). . 800 16.5 (6 ply) Daytona steel radial White Wall Belted A-78~13 . . . . . . . . 5-78-14 . . . . . . . . Daytona Sport 70 670-15 . ‘ . . . ‘ . . E7044 . ‘ . . . . . . F70-14 . . . . . ‘ . . 11-15 superstag THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 20. 1979 â€" C-7 FREE INSTALL FREE INSTALL FREE INSTALLATION FREE INSTALL FREE INSTALL Spoke lunclon 188 Queen SI E ‘574‘8‘ W mu 1066 mm 5! 540212 "$4727 AURORA AUIOIB Umled Church Yonge St Ihms 7 30 p m MARKHAM Gvnco Church Man 730 pm Community Cenl 221 Cedar Shel Wed 7 30 f) m Nuns 9 30 a m 19 Pathway Ava NEWMARKET Centre Sheet Immlm 2345 FIDWIGW SI 6325‘ 5| 00kt“. no Spoon Rd Sale Price 51 88 61188 Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price TION Sale Price 30.88 34.88 36.88 TION TION TION Turbo ll 39 .88 42.88 43.88 49.88 50.88 54.88 62.88 63.88 67.88 75.88 72.88 92.88 74.88 30.88 37.88 71.88 27.88 31.88 w ‘ 7 7 ‘ Coupon mu“ bl mneflnd '0' duo-mu 0' ".ll. vflcv 09“. Monday Fndnv Bum-69m Salurdav Bun 19m Nomlflm 1255 U990: Junu SI 3852‘24 Null-Inn ‘270 Mam SI E 5‘}!!! THORNHILL KING CITY ng Clly Communny Cenhe Doclm 5 Lane. King Clly Mon 7 30 p m Chum Ihn King Lulhoun Church Blylhom & Flale Ouch-yd War] 730 gm [Coupon expires June 23, 79 ‘Coupon expires June 23, 79 Mbmpe 1295 off our everyday low price This coupon is wonh $5.00 of! the purchase of any se‘ of Quartz Hallogen Bosch Lights. Lights Tuné Up Wirg Mag 617lan mm M M17” ‘227 Km SI 6 742m Célfofi 31tme June 23, 79. Luau-p: o (mom can) RH RH

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