Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 27 Jun 1979, B9

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APPLY IN PERSON T0 GORMLEY SAND AND GRAVEL, BETHESDA SIDEROAD 0R PHONE Heating & aIr condmomng. Commer. cial experience an asset. person; experience necessary, 2 color multl, days‘ Keele St. & Hwy. No. 7 Bathutsl North of Hwy, 7 requnes full time experienced short order cooks. Own transportation required. LICENSED MECHANIC CLASS A For school supply warehouse. Involves pu|llng ovders‘ packing and shipping documentation. 884-4512 With Class "D" license. Must be over 21. Permanent posrtrona own transportation necessary» Only responsrble, reliable, person need appiy. In person only. STUDENTS, housewives with car wanted immediater fm Intelesting part or full time work. We train. Choose your own hours‘ Can earn $5.00 - 7.00 pe: houf. 895-6532 Immediate permanent posmons‘ Only responsible. reliable persons need apply. Own transpartalion necessary. Apply In person only. Competent operator for Key-TOpâ€"Disc system. Good working conditions. no shift work. Personal transportation nearly essential Benefit package For interview please call Mr. Douglas Duncan: 669-2230 FLORAL DESIGNER OAttractwe salaries OExcellent emp|oyee benefits OPIeasant working conditions OExperienced pre- ferred, Apply In Person: VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT HWY. 400, MAPLE Fully experienced good working conditions Saturday off NISSAN AUTOMOBILE C0. (CANADA) LTD. 177 SNIDERCROFT RD., CONCORD FULL AND PARTTIME ' CASHIERS SERVICE PERSON '-I Required SHIPPING CLERK 640-2025 881-9900 DISTRIBUTION and SUPPLY AMBII’IOUS COUPLE. TRI-BELL COUNTRY CLUB 1/ Cooks 1/ Bakers 1/ Dishwashers 1/ Maintenance Personnel 1/ Waitresses MARKETING MANAGEMENT Richvale Sunoco 8830 Yonge St. FULL AND PART TIME 888-1933 895-8743 742-1200 669-9962 Apply In person OFFSET FACTORY HELP MEDALLION INDUSTRY 10651 KEELE ST., MAPLE, ONT. MEDALLION INDUSTRY 10651 KEELE ST., MAPLE. ONT. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR KEELE - FINCH AREA 5"5 Help Wanted DRIVER 24 fin 26 2c Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773. 889-0353 PART TIME SECRETARY EVEHIHES and Saturd_ays, prewous Real EsIate expenence helpful, A. E. LEPAGE (ONYRRIO) LIMITED. Reliable and kmd, to babysn two year old glfl. Mornings Monday - Fnday, beginnmg In September. Call now for Interwew. For first class diningroom. Petmanent posntlon. Must be area reSIdent WIth own transportahon. CALL MR. LATIMER To make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotel Permanent posmon Call Mr Latlmer 881-2121 TWO HARD WORKING STUDENTS For lounge. Must be area resudent With own transportation. Call Mr. Latlmer 881-2121 TO DO ODD JOBS FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCE, I'LL PAY WELL, IF YOU WORK WELL Call D. Hall 833-6653 WAITRESS/WAITER Experienced Iheodnres Restaurant King Clty HOUSEKEEPERL ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Waitress or Waiter 1 PARTTlME R.N HILLCREST MALL requires expenenced Deli Bakery Help FULLTIME , 883-1976 Required for night shut. Mso 889-2076 FULLTIME R.N. DELI BAKERY COCKTAIL WAITRESS/WAITER Avallable for all shifts. 100 bed nursmg home 881-2121 727-3154 PARKWAY HOTEL 884-9248 833-5465 Parkway Hotel NANNY evemngs 25 2c 41.000 angina! mules, good mechan ucal. can be certified. $250. 6 cyl. 65000 miles‘ clean Intenor reasonable. 884-4500 63000 miles $125. Carol. 1972 Peugeot 504 STATION WAGON Automatlc; IIIES. body & mechanical condition excellent $1,750.00 CERTIFIED 1967 OLDS Cuflass Supreme, 727 5376. 69 Grand Parisiennei 1600 modele excellent condition 27,000 original mlles‘ 44000 Original mules‘ bucket seats‘ console. V8. automatic transmrssio‘, power steering. power brakes. new tires. 1.550 as is or 1.650 certified‘ Firm. Excellent condition 6 cylinder. 3 speed automatic Uncertmed. Call Dave. In good COHdItIOH. Rebth motor last summer, 884-7748 2 dour hardtop. 350 2 barrel.- FM 8 track stereo A-l condmon. \skrng $1.975 or best offer. Can be certrfred. Will consrder trade-1n for mrd srze motor bike. 1972 TOYOTA, {or parts. Best offer 7272633 1969 FIREBIRD Convertible. 350 Automatic. power steering. power brakes. power WIndOW. new radiator, AM-FM Stereo cassette In very good condition. Call Aurora 727-2120 evenings for best offer. 24' tfn Very clean. radial tiles, leasonable Call after 5 pm. Automatic 32.000 onglna| miles Cemhable $900 887-5565 442 - Showroom condition Fresh paint, mechanically sound or after 6 pm. call 436-5859 1968 OLDSMOB|LE 73 Chrysler Newport 1973 Plymouth Satellite 55 Chevy Belair ANTIQUE All original, $2,500 Beaumul Condmon SCRAP CARS WANTED 72 MUSTANG SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS 71 CHEVELLE 69 Chevrolet 1973 HONDA CB 69 CAMARO Cemtied. good condition 1973 Pontiac Laurentian 69 GTO Judge 773-4895 ’64 VALIANT Good Condition $850. or Best Offer 669â€"4250 895-5582 4 (1130!. 8 cylinder EXCELENI MECHANICAL CONDITION Body Needs work‘ As Is, 889-2705 ’69 MALIBU 1971 toyota 727-8166 after 5 pm. HIGHEST PRICE 898-3412 1974 astre wagon 775-5501 884-4860 883-3090 727-2304 Top pnce paid 884-2221 895-2105 884â€"0148 Free pickup Call John As is. $200 884-2675 898-2773 Ask to: Card FASTBACK Paid for 833â€"5070 BELAIR ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks OWHEI 24 2c As is CZWSZ YFCM Scrolla SR. 5. Best offer. Will be certified, 60000 miles‘ Creslwood wagon Station wagon, 27.000 miies beautiful condition. $5.800. 2 door hardtop fully loaded. better than average condmon, 62.000 miles. asking $4.500, 32.000 Kms. Excellent condition Best offet 939-7644 1976 CHARGER Sport, many options, an. best offer. 884-0667 days or 883‘ 4667 evenings. tfc52 Broivn two door wiih hali brown Landau rooi. porthole windows. air conditioning. bucket seats, console. automatic. power steering, power brakes. tan and brown mtenov. LIC. HYK 582. must be seen, one of a kind, $2,500 certified. Call Rick Simmons 884â€"4481 or 8893049 1978 VW RABB|T, diesel, balance of warranty, $5,975 495-1529 days or 884-3250 evenings. With custom top, low mileage, many extras. 883-4617 Sleeps 8‘ Complete with stove fridge. sink. Good condition. 1975 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit standard. certified. $2.600 firm 883-1354. EXCLUSIVELY TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES. See us at H1|lcrest Mall at the RV Show. SALES '& RENTALS 1 884-1988 Monaco Brougham- V-8 Alr condltlonlng, crulse control. AM FM stereo. WIII cemfy. asking $2,800 Fully equupped, with lurnace, 3 way fudge. 3 burnev stove with oven and exhaust fan, shower and toilet, sink. hot and cold watev. tandem wheels, hatter and electnc lights, 2 propane tanks Less than 2.000 highway mules one 0779 1977 HONDA 550 SS 6000 miles. Mking $1,700. at bes‘ offer. Call Don 833-6367. REESE trailer hitch, all hardware included, $75. 883-4558‘ 76 Dodge 5 ton Van 77 Orange Corvette 1976 Renault5 FAIR CONDITION. BEST OFFER ADVANCED MOTOR HOMES LTD. “0 Motorcycles in: Sale 1974 18 Ft. House Trailer 1970 Holiday 18' Traveltrailer‘ Fridge, Stove, Furnace, Shower‘ Good condition. Sleeps 6 $2,500.00 0! best offer MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY 74 Ford Galaxy Motor homes 1978 Mustang Mach 1 FOR RENT 23 ft‘ deluxe. new units Sleeps 6 76 Dodge Royal 23“ Campets 8 Trailers 76 New Yorker 1974 Dodge 1974 T0yota 727-6081 0r898-1573 884-3814 18'Box â€"d~600 Sspeed. 59,000 miles $320000 1976 GMC 77 Audi Fox 73 APACHE RAMADA 727-9178 727-4194 775â€"7831 1974 COUGAR XR7 350, 4 SPEED Exce|lent Condition Only 21.000 Mules 898-4965 TRAILER FULLY EQUIPPED 898-2773 895-1511 727-2139 898-4095 727-2067 Good condition BEST OFFER 833-6031 727â€"3906 PJO'LI IJ atterS or anytime weekends MINI-VAN As vs, best We 24 3c 22-2c 1976 HONDA. 400 super sport, 4 cyl Iow mi., new rubbu and chain $1.245. 895‘9340‘ Cash required, $15,000 financing available Call 416-488-9216 FARM house. 9 rooms. $375. Utilities extra. Available August lst. Mount Albert area. 1473-3682. TWO bedroom fieldstone home fireplace, acres and acres. $300. a month, Call 7734418 after 6 pm YONGE-MARKHAM Central an, broadloom. $500 per month, Heat, hydro included. lst and last tequued. HERRON'S KAWASAKI 43 OLD HWY‘ 7E THORNHILL, 0% - Financing ,_ FAST FOOD FRANCHISE AVAILABLE ll you would like to own and operate you! own business, we offet a complete package Including start up training and agglesswe marketing. SUZUKI GOES TNE USTANCE from $495 monthly Withopfionmpurdmattoday'slow plies. Ftly broadloomed, fireplace, 3 and 4 bedrooms, walnuts to mar patio, fuly air conditioned. Don Valley onto Woodbine North or Located at 10395 Yonge St, with about 2,500 sq. ft. Basement & Parking. Perfect for professional as insurance, accounting, real estate, etc. DIHECIIUNS: Don Valley onto Woodbine. North on Woodbine to Davis Dnve. West 9% mile to “Cedarview Fantastic savings on every Kawasaki in stock Homes" by CONSOLIDATED BLDG. CORP. SIGN 10 locations available in Southern Ontario OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN RICHMOND HILL THREE BEDROOM 883-5079 2 bedroom house. large yard $325/MONTH OAK RIDGES Ride away a bargain! 1-898-4176 ‘36 Business Opportunities A brand new home NEWMARKET Spring SUZUKI Dirt Bike Clearance In Order To Reduce Inventory AI RM. 03 a PE MODELS Ill! be sold at December 4m 1978 Dealer Cost. 773-4863 THE CYCLE SYSTEM 2 YEAR LEASE DMDIATE OCCUPANCY from $495 monthly (Ifi 889-5976 or 884-1432 PHONE This offer validr until Saturdayg June 30th. ‘ ‘4" Motorcycles for These prices do not include P.D.|. & Taxes after 5:30 pm ‘5‘ Houses To Rent 12 Heritage Road. Unit 3 ‘29 Business. Office Space Rent Markham 294-2201 Sale THE SMALL MOTOR HOSPITAL OPEN YAMAHA EVENINGS ) . COMMUNITY CYCLE 71 TRIUMPH Tiger 650‘ plus extras $1.000 or best offer. 7276867. I RICHMOND Hlll, 3 bedroom; double garage, available July lst, August lst, to September 15. 881-4846 RIC_HMOND Hull. 3 bedloom townhouse. $499 monthly, UIIIIIIES extra. 496-1718, 638-5729. Richmond Hi|| plate, long term basis, Ca|| 6-10 pm. only. v. 478-4559 W 18665 sunou RD. QUEENSVILLE Low, LOW PRICES TFC08 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLES TAXI FOR RENT SK|-DOO CAN-AM VOLVO - PENTA Complete Small Engine Sales & SerVIce KEIRON LTD., KESWICK 476-2834 Open 9 - 9 922-1766 SALES 8. SERVICE ‘36 Business Opportunities HERITAGE AURORA 727-3661 H11 TFN Pick your own 7th Concl. Whitchurch - Stouffville, being 48 and V. m. north of Stouffville Sideroad. ;Bed Chesterfield: \ $168! to $598 7-, 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0472 YONGE SI. 924-8408 Above College St‘ opposite Westbury Hotel. 01218 KENNEDY RDe 759-2234 South of Hwy. 401. 029 DUNDAS ST. E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwys. 5 & 10 Mississauga. 04900 DUFFERIN ST, 6671170 Between Finch & Steels. Warehouse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 910 9 PM. SATURDAY TILL 6 ~ |ngtound Above (310qu On Ground Maple. 6 charrs. table, Hutch, $165. Upper and Lower oven and stove. 1 year old. Cost $1,400 Sell $525. Complete bedroom suite, twm beds and mattress. Cost $2,900, Sell 3550‘ Complete burltâ€"in oven and counter top stove. Cost 3900. Sell $450. Antique Hutch. $145. Filing cabinet and built-In sale. $125. 2 sungle and one dauble; 2 dressers, desk. kitchen table and chaus. elec~ tnc stove. wnnger washer. various baby articles Including weatherized stroller, dresser combination ward- lobe 883-3152 Swimming Pools Pool Kits Chemicals Supphes Games Accessories Patio Furniture HotTubs Free Water Analysis __ Wholesale-Retail Open to the Public Monday to Friday, 9 am. - 8 pm. Sat. to 6 pm. Cool-Fun Pools 184 Oakdale Rd.,‘ Downsview 746-2742 Hwy. 400 & Finch Ave CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE Well maintained, easy to pick patches with children's play area. Bring your own 6 qt. baskets or buy them here. Open Monday to Friday, 7:30 am. to.12 Noon. 6 pm. to 9 pm. Saturday & Sunday. 7:30 am. 640-2168 CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields DININGROOM SUITE CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED CONTINENTAL BEDS STRAWBERRIES 1-473-3682 PICK YOUR OWN LEHMAN’S COLD STREAM GARDENS 9th Line North APPLEWOOD FARM For Berry report. Pickrng subject‘to supply and weather 11/2 miles north of Main St, Stouffville STRAWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES AND STARTING JUNE let 1n you! own 6 quart baskets or buy baskets here 640-5357 640-2338 PETER MANGIONE STOUFFVILLE 305 WHEELS. 4 BMW Mag and 4 Mlchelin M+S 185 x 14 radials. Used one season. $400. 884-2881. Gold and orange: glass top coffee table and two end tables; kitchen table plus two swivel chairs. apart- ment Size; double bed: dresser with mmor; night table - 50's style. :24" x 18" x 18". for compacting ‘anythlng such as paper. MANUAL LADY‘S 3 speed blkE. good condition 26", 881-7369, Introduce your child to music this summer at Cosmo School of Music. We have a new summer musrc program and instruction IS available on all instruments. Instruments are available for students Drop in or give us a call. Good condition. $85: also 30 horse- power Johnston outboard wlth tank needs prop. good working order‘ $60. 883-3090. END tables (2) matching coflee table $135. Danish coffee table $75. Lined drapes 14’ Wlde x 8' deep. $60. 889-9790. DINING suite. exquisite. Impatted 10 pleces, 53500 8898790, Stouflvnlle Rd. 1 mule east of Bayview. if raining watch for future date. 3 PIECE black birch and chrome wall unit, corduroy couch and chair, coffee table‘ 889-8135 8. PRICING MACHINE 9. STEEL RACKS 10. VIEW CARDS CABINET 11. STATIONERY RACK SELF PROPELLED ; REEL TYPE LAWN MOWER1 SFAMILIES. JUNE 30 & 31 SAT. & SUN THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 27. 1979 â€"- 8-9 Articles For Sale 16 Nos 889-2971 STEEL COUNTER WEIGHING SCALE NCR CASH REGISTER FREEZER (3 u long) STEEL SHELVES INDUSTRIAL FREEZER INDUSTRIAL COOLER (7 ft. high) A 6 months used COSMO MUSIC CO. LTn X0185 Yonge 81., Richmond Hill 884-5272 Ask tor Sheney or Jack 9'x12’SHAG RUG BAILING GARAGE SALE FRIDGE, GE Avocado. 6 years. $225 1": ml. west of Hwy Some more Items Reasonable Pnces' CALL MR. BUTT 676-9327 MUSIC LESSONS UPRIGHT $390 884-0226 ft. long) - 1 year used 889-4651 SALES BARN FLEA MARKET 884-6171 PRESS CLIMAX PIANO FOR SALE $250 CAWSI CAW 51 c2w51 Gold‘ yellow. green and beige stripe. ] year new. was $1.100. sell f0! $450 SAT. JULY 7 10:30 AM. - 2:30 PM. 62 STOCKDALE CRES.‘ RICHMOND HILL (lst road south of Malor Mackenzie. off Bathurst) Wide variety of Items from household and junk. SAT. JUNE 30. SUN.. JULY 1 STARTING 10 ATM‘ Antiques. lamps, wardrobe. tables and chairs, baby furniture. Fisher-Price toys. like new. Draperies and single bed. Much more. 889-6146‘ GARAGE SALE SUN. JULY lst 10 AM. - 4 PM. Nonh of Steeles. East at Bayview. Baby Items. hardware. electronic game T.V.'s. blkES. hams. bedroom suite. LEARN to fly. Introductory flignt $10. Toronto Airways Ltd, Buttonville Airport297~1422. "(132 BABY carriage, cnb and playpen. All good condition. 884-3814. RCA. contemporary walnut cabinet $250 ‘ Eight pieces. with round pedestal table. 297-2136 ALUMINUM Doors. wmdows awnings, railings, Sldlng. 50th system. trough‘ Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. TEAKWOOD Rosewood furnitufe bedroom, 6 piece dining room, S piece lmng room. Brand new Reasonable. 2474377. TYPEWRIIERS,~ adders. calculatms. sales. sennce. xentals. Newmarket Busmess Machines. 49] Timothy St. Newmarket. 895â€"7621. Irma Lost at Richmond Hill Spring Fair If iound - please contact thv Secretaryat BED, fold‘a-way on casters. 36 in‘ wide. Spnnglilled mattress New‘ 8846245. LATHE. 9" South Bend. 884-0388 BEAUTIFUL set, 4 comfortable quality. Erchol chairs wuth cushions asking $200. or nealest offer‘ Phone: Negun, 881-3693. evgs. MAGS, 72 chrome. $50. each. 884 2881. July 8th. 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm. For Albert Ireland, at his own home. 10743 Jane St. given by hIS family, In honour of his 80”: Burthday. Best Wishes only. YARD Sale, 116 Church St, 8., Rich mond HIII. Bargain Pnces. Thms.‘ FrL. Sat, June 28. 29, 30. » 4 pm, PH. 8. Sat Fumlture 1/2. dishes baby items, sewing writer, clothing. etc DRAPES, gold and glean, 27' wide x 90" long, lined. 8896138‘ LOST â€" Star shaped brooch with pearls. near Richmond St‘. medical centre. sentimental value. 8847730 after 6 pm CHAIRS. beautiful set, 4 com fortable‘ quality, Etchol chairs with cushions. asking $200. or nearest offer. Phone. Negm, 881-3693 evgs. CHORD ORGAN 113 Lucas St. Richmond Hill, 9 am LOST â€"Vety fnefidlryfilouv’month old brown dog with big feet. Answets to Princess. Rewavd 884-6060. GIANT GARAGE SALE Have you lost contact with your FASHION TWO TWENTY consultant? Do you need product? Fora qualified teplesentatwe In your area. call Dining Room Suite '5” Open House Summer Time and the learning is easy with We Care Tutorial Serwces All subiects, all grades 7272544 221 Reglster early Colour ~ '100 & Up Black & Wm ‘60 & Up ALL SEIS GUARANTEED 630 GARAGE SALE MOVING SALE 884-3814 WALKIE TALKIE SOLID OAK 883-3403 USED T.V.'S OPEN HOUSE 245-7491 884-5261 STEREO 884â€"3216 CANADlANA DR MICRO WAVE 884-6954 708 OVEN Lost 8 Found 727-2965 889-2973 SOFA Large size Wilton $100 & Sat. June 29 & 30. dishes. train sen bikes. sewing machine, type Tutoring 221-2001 Evgs‘ Ch 52 TFN

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