We manufacture insulation and require University students for fulltime summer employment. Only interested diligent workers need apply. Basic hourly wage rate plus merit increases, for above average workers Apply in person: To assist with the needs at an integrated TMR Class at Richmond Hill High School. Please torward written applications to. Applicant must possess good leadership and organizational skulls and have at least eight years olllce expenence Canadian Tire, Aurora, presently has a part time opening (week day mornings) for an office clerk. Please apply in writing outlining your qualifications to: Multi Vans Inc. Bolton requires a spray parnter expenenced In operating airless spray equipment ExceNent Company pard benefits. Expenence not necessary Requires additional C lass “A†mechanics FLAT RATE SHOP ABOVE AVERAGECOMPANY BENEFITS EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Mrs. L. Beland, Office Manager, The York County Board of Education invites applications for: HEAD SECRETARY IMMEDIATELY Canadian Tire Associate Store, Aurora, Ontario YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Area 3 282 Neal Drive Richmond Hill, Ont. L4G 3L3 ATTN: W.G. Morley LOOKING FOR WORK? PARTTIME BEGINNlNG SEPTEMBER 79 FIBRETHERM CORP. OFFICE CLERK EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTER JOURNEYMEN ELECTRICIANS LARGE GENERAL MOTORS DEALERSHIP SCHOOL AIDE ALSO DELIVERY PERSONS WANTED 'At Woodbridge High School 220 YONGE ST, SOUTH, AURORA N0 CALLS ACCEPTED FOR THESE POSITIONS 169 Centre St‘ E., Richmond HI†PERMANENT FULL TIME COUNTER PERSON REQUIRED 881-2772 or 727-9444 PLEASE REPLY TO BOX 53 c/o The Liberal, Box 390 RICHMOND HILL APPLY SERVICE MANAGER 857-3171 (10 am. t02 pm) PIZZA DELIGHT WI"! own car APPLY IN PERSON T0 L4G 1N1 FOR INTERVIEW CALL Must be able to start Immediately 1e n_esaay. July Required to service Time control. Frre alarm and program controls. Electronic and electromechanical experience necessary. The successful applicant Will be responsible for a variety of duties including Laboratory testing, Product specmca- tions. Process improvements, Product lmprovement. New Product and Process Development. etc. Applicant should have a Technical College Diploma or previous experience in the flexible packaging industry. Please contact: PERSONNEL OFFICE . . Nor Baker Industries Limited Large expandrng company needs top-notch person With 50 typing‘ good dicta. solrd te|ex exposure and 2+ years experience. Some phone work. figure duties. typlng. drcta, «10ts-oï¬â€"te'lexr-etc. OHIP and dental paid. v. A A flexible packaging Company located in Newmarket has a newly created opening for a Quality Assurance Technologist. Lots of variety (0! a grade 12 graduate with 50+ typmg and 2+ years experience, Dicta and/or telex an asset. Top benefits Including OHIP with 3 month review. A progressrve manufacturer In the Woodbndge area requrres a Sales Secretary. The successful applrcant wrll have excellent typing and secretarral skills. a good telephone manner, an aptitude for lrgures and able to work wrth a mrnrmum ol supervrsron, The position ollers an attractive startrng salary plus a comprehenswe package 01 company pard beneï¬ts For a personal and conlrdentral WANEHOEl 851-2861 GENERALFREEZERLTD. 9230 ISLINGTON AVE, WOODBRIDGE, ONT. GAL/GUY FRIDAY DICTA GAL/GUY FRIDAY Two detail-minded grade 12 graduates each wrth 1+ years experience to work in this expanding company. Knowledge of computers an asset. One person wrlt handle all computerized A/P. plus mail and the matching of invoices. second person to handle coding, verifying. extensrons. etc. Top benefits. A/P CLERKS (2) Exceltent growth potentral for a self-motivated person wrth 55+ typing and 2-3 years experience. Lots of copy typing plus memos, occasronal reports. relief reception. etc. Top benefits. CLERK TYPIST THESE AND MANY OTHER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Keele - Major Mackenzie Dr., Maple 5621 YONGE (At Finch) 226-4220 (After 5:30 PM. Only Call 883-4557) Accounting Clerk for mostly male oftrce - Keele and Frnch area - shoutd have knowledge of onerrte bookkeeprng systems. Receptronrstâ€"Typrst. minimum 50 w.p.m. typing ~ Keele and Hwy, 7. Systems Analyst for busy manufacturer - Keele and Hwy. 7. Many other permanent and temporary posrtrons avarlable. We need you now. TECHNICAL/ REPRESENTATIVE 884-6782 SALES SECRETARY NORTH TORONTO POSITIONS! YOU EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED 10084 Yonge St, Richmond Hill QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNOLOGIST Apply in person CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 832-2216 CLIENTEL WAITING FOR 889-9060 TELLER ParfTimé or Full Time 727-2015 Telephone 895-2308 or Tor. 364-6464 EXPERIENCED PART OR FULLTIME HI Corps Office Assnstance Ltd CALL SUE WHITE URGENT 175 Deemew Rd . Newmarket, Ontauo "CORPS CALL TODAY 884-6970 ‘180â€"‘200 s175-‘195 ‘160 -‘180 ‘175 (In 5"" Help Wanted oAttractIve saiaries OExceIIent employee benefits OPIeasant working conditions OExperienced pre ferred. Apply in Person: VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT HWY. 400, MAPLE This is your opportunity to join Canada's only Tower Crane manufacturer. Excellent future and wages, full company paid benefits, OHIP, dental plan, hospitalization, life insurance, plus company pension lf you'wan't to work for a Canadian company offering the security of an institutional payroll. Call us. Full and parttime positions available in the north suburban area of metro. New high pay rates. With primary responsibility for accounts required for progressive group dental practice in Richmond Hill. Bookkeeping and dental experience preferred. The successful applicant will be a caring, humanistic individual who works well with other people. 0R.N.'s UP TO $50. PER SHIFT 0R.N.A.'s UP TO $35.20 PER SHIFT °OHIP OTRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE °UNIFORM ALLOWANCE OPROFIT SHARING OWEEKEND BONUS Doncaster Medical requires the services of an experienced individual for the delivery of patient aid equipment; including oxygen, in the Metro area. Successful applicant must have thorough knowledge of the streets and highways, demonstrate an aptitude for working with others and have a clean driving record. Extensive company paid benefits are provided. Immediate opening for the right person. Please send resume to: Box 54 “The Liberal†c/o Box 390, Richmond Hill L4G 4Y6 FULL AND PART TIME / Cooks 1/ Bakers 1/ Dishwashers / Maintenance Personnel 1/ Waitresses Apply Kodiak Crane Corp. 374 Ohio Rd., Must be licensed and have own tools Flat rate or hourly. Call Vince: R.N.'s- R.N.A.’s EXPERIENCED NURSES AIDES 140 DONCASTER AVE., THORNHILL ‘ WELDERS AND FITTERS Applications available at: DENTAL RECEPTIONIST MECHANIC AUTOBODY PERSON Richmond Hill COMCARE LTD. NORTH YORK 884-5188 MARSHLAND COLLISION (416) 775-3451 “A†LICENSE FULLTIME DRIVER 929-3364 Expanding courier company requires Female 0r Male drivers. Must have own small car or truck .TOOL AND DIE MAKER Typist with apptitude for figures and good te|ephone manner required by Richmond Hill Structural Steel For service business in Richmond Hill. Some bookeeping experience required. Must be able to assume re- sponsibility in small office. firm Needed 18 years and over 10 do food samplrng m varrous stores throughout Toronto Must have neat appearance and enloy meeting the publrc. Own car preferred 833-6443 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Experienced in Tool and Die Jigs and Fixtures Apply: Glitsch (Canada) Limited 18 Da||as St. Box 880 UXBRIDGE, Ontario PERSON FRIDAY For permanent weekend relief. Afternoons or nights. 889-7072 Expenenced Credit Supervisor Contact: Mr. A. Bultje RECEPTIONIST for Pizza delivery Own car $4 00 per hour plus gas allowance Apply In person to NURSES’ AIDS Collections and insUrance claims Call Mr. Miller TRUCK DRIVER CLASS “8†LICENSE REQUIRED Over age 26 preferred APPLY ANYTIME AT WHITEFIELD MEAT PACKERS Aurora Sideroad and Hwy. 400 KETTLEBY Call accountant to arrange interview Days, Evenings, Nights MARIANN HOME Phone 416-852-3381 223-9115 884-9276 DRIVERS PERSONS 297-1800 884-6276 889-7323 Dante's Italian Foods 267 Baythorn Dr., Thornhill 881-1211 8:30 am. - 5 pm. DRIVERS After3 pm, and evenings 491-4644 (female/ male) Required WAC Needed 2-3 hmes weekly 7:45 to 9'45 am or noon NOUL With Class "D" Incense f0! parcel delivery on ï¬ve ton truck. Must have good dnvmg record. Year mund walk for steady wotkev. Contact: Lgrne Miller. Winmlll Packaging 65 Duncan Rd. Thornhlll. Ont Would you Like To Earn Money In Your Spare Time? As a Sales Representative For appointment call LICENSED MECHANIC For Import cars, excellent wages, not flat rate. Phone tor appointment. Service Manager; For lounge Must be atea (asudent wuth own transpartahon Ca|l Mr. Latlmer 881-2121 You state your shrft avarlabrlrty. we'll supply good payrng assign- ments. Floor duty and pnvate duty available. Some temporary assu’gnments lead m permanent nos» tlons. Please call- To make up bedrooms at Parkway Ho‘el, Petmanent posmon Call Mr For first class dlnlngroom. Permanent posmon. Must be area IeSIdent with own transportation. CALL MR. LATIMER Lahmet 1 PARTTIME R.N. For dining room, breakfast and lunch. Must be experienced. Area resident wnh uWn transportaflon. CalI Mr: Latimer. / Requnred for night shift. Also TORONTO MEDICAL REGISTRY Tum you! needle craft knwledp intn dollar: Our beautiful Cleft kIts are fun to demonstrate. easy to seil. Generous commissmn. No Inventory. Flee hostess gifts. I need someone In this area, Cali T. Greenwood, ROLLING HILLS GOLF CLUB Warden Ave. and Stoufhnlle Road requires Immediately. a mature responsible person for greens maintenance. This IS a in“ time position until end of golf season. Must have own ttansportation and be willing to work altemate days on weekends] PLEASE only the fully expetienced need apply. Phone 888- 1955. REGISTERED NURSES REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANTS GRAD'S HEALTH CARE AIDS and N.A.'S TEACHER with E.C.E. at equivalent quuired for 2 day programme at Nutsery School, m September. Apply Box 17824 Ihe Banner. co Box 250. Autota. Ontano. ’ Janitoria| Service 881-2121 PARKWAY HOTEL WAITRESS/WAITER 881-3702 WAITRESS/WAITER FULLTIME R.N. HOUSEKEEPER Available for all shlfts‘ 100 bed nutsing home 669â€"9221 Must have own car DISTRIBUTION and SUPPLY AMBITIOUS COUPLE. DRIVER MARKETING MANAGEMENT NEEDLE CRAFT OPPORTUNITY WAITRESS/WAITER 884-9248 CLERK TYPIST FULLTIME Expenenced Electrician 889-8642 REQUIRED 881â€"8844 881-2121 881-2121 Reply lo Box 1784 THE BANNER Box 250 Aumra PARKWAV HOTEL COCKTAIL 698â€"3565 898-3881 895-8743 LIMBERT’S 95 EAGLE ST. NEWMIRKET 395-3222 Parkway Hotel Evgs 24 2c 24 tin 273C