B~10 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 4, 1979 SAT. JULY 7 10:30 A M -2-30 PM 62 STOCKDALE cnes‘. RICHMOND HILL (lst road south of Mayor Mackenzie. 0H Bathulst) Wide varlety oi Items from household and iunk‘ 12 Bnghtway Cres Richmond HIII (Behind Hlllcresl Mall) Iaï¬les. UIESSQIS‘ lamps. 48 piece dish set. diapes and bedspreads. new Fishev Pnce toys smaH appliances and lots more PEARCE. Florence Elizabeth At York Central Hosprtal, on Monday. lune‘25. 1979, Florence Walkrngton. wrle ol the late.£nc W L, Pearce ol Richmond Hull. dear mother ol Manlyn (Mrs. John Speers) of Caledon, Douglas ol Bala and the late Robert E. (Bob). also survlved by live grandchrldren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. chhmond Hill, Servrce was held Thursday mornrng. Interment Bowmanvrlle Cemetery. In remembrance a donation may be made to your lavounte charity. QUINLAN, Edith â€" M St. Bernald’s Hospitai, Willowdale. on Sat. lune 23, 1979, Edith Maud Quinlan daughm of the late Dame! and Maud Quinlan of flame, Dear sistev} of Alice, Victoria. Claire 01 Willowdale. Ohve of Ridgeway and the late Arthur 0! Strathroyu Fuends wele receuled at the B. E ng funelal Home. ThomhIIlv Funeral mass was held In St Luke's Roman Catholic Church. Thornhlil. In- tevment St. Mary's Cemetery. Barrie WATSON. Mary I. At Scarborough General Hosprtal. on Monday June 25, 1979. Mary. wrle ol the late Roy Watsone dear mother of Shrrley (Mrs. John Grlroy), ol lhornhrll, also survrved by her grandchrldren‘ Geoll and Shelley. sister at Sally LaCroix, Margaret Harris and the late Danrel Maclsaacv Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. . Service was held on Wednesday, Interment Ruchmond Hrll Cemetery BMNCHARD. Bertha At Counhy Place Nmsmg Home. on Wednesday. June 27. {979, Bettha Ireland. beloved wule of the late Kenneth Blanchard, ol Richmond HIII. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Hnmg. Servnce was held Fnday momng. Intetment Richmond HI" Cemetery. READ, Douglas McKenzie At ParkVIew Home In Stouflvrlle on Thursday. June 28. 1979, beloved husband ol the late Mrldred Mary Earle Durnlord. Dear lather ol Mrs. Carole Bolton ol Richmond Hull and grandfather D'arcy. Daryl and Dean. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill, Funeral servuce was held on Saturday mornrng. Interment Mt Pleasant Cemeteryr BEGIN. lnyce At York Centtal Hospdal on Menday, July 2nd. 1979.50yce. beloved wife ol Albert. dear mothel of Karen, Carol, lohn. Pauline, Jocelyn, Debbie and Kim. Also sumved by 7 grandchlldren. Resting at the Marshall Funelal Home, 10366 Yonge St, Richmond-Hill. Serwce Wednesday, 1:30 pm, Cremation SCIARI, Salvatore At York Central Hospital on Sunday. July lst. 1979. Salvamre. beloved husband of Rosaria LaGambrna. dear lather ol Gerry. Joseph, Philip and Antonino also survrved by'4 grand- children, Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Mass Wednesday 10 am at St Mary Immaculate Church. Richmond HI" Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ‘ GARAGE SALE GRANT, Owen Suddenly at Gaspe, Quebec. on Sunday. July lst. 1979. Owen, dear husband of Mane ol chhmond HIIIV Dear lather ol Kenneth. erlram (Bill), and Peggy (Mrs.' Owen LaRIVIere), also survwed by hrs grandchildren Duane. Kevrn and Amanda. Brother ol Allen, Resting at lhe Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St... chhmond Hrll alter 7 pm. Thursday. Servrce Fnday. 11 FISCHER, Peter Frank Suddenly as a result of a motor accident on Salmday. June 30th, 1979. Fetal. dear son of Herman and Margot FlSChCl of Don Mills. dear bmther ol Rosemarie Adams of Thomhill and flame ol Joanne Hood of Richmond Hill Rested at the Marshall Funelal Home. Richmond Hill. Semce was held on Tuesday. 2 pm‘ Clematlon. ALUMINUM DOOR SAT JULY79AM-2PM ‘ 910 NOON 9706 KEELE STV MAPLE GARAGE SALE ment Cards and official receipts are provided. 10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill, L4C 423. mm The names of loved ones, whose friends chose to re member them with a memorial donation, are in scribed in the Book of MemOry in the Hospital 884-4034 GARAGE SALE SAT. JULY’7th FRI. JULY 6th 2'8" x 68', $30 Many useful Items V ‘vo‘nK CENTFTAE :2; , HOSPITAL MEMORIAL FUND 555 Deaths 7l010 P.M TEAKWOOD Rosewood {urniture‘ bedroom. 6 piece dining room, 9 piece living room. Brand new Reasonable. 24744377, Good condition. $85; also 30 horse power Johnston outboard Wlth tank needs prop. good working order 360. 883-3090. Maple. 6 chalrs. table. Hutch. $165. Upper and Lower oven and stove. 1 year old, Cost $1.400. Sell $525. Complete bedtoam suute. twm beds and mattress. Cost $2800. Sell 3550. Complete bum-In oven and counter top stove. Cost 3900‘ Sell 3450‘ Antique Hutchv $145. Filing cabinet and bunlt-in safe. $125. Electmhome‘ 8,000 BYU's‘ Excellent COHUIIIOH, Best offer. SELF PROPELLED REEL TYPE LAWN MOWER H ram - to be held Sun. July 8th Furniture. clothing. toys. miscellaneous Items, AlR-COND|T|ONER 218 CEDAR AVE , RICHMOND HILL GARAGE SALE Sat. July 7th DININGROOM SUITE YOUR STUDENT THE OPPORTUNITY TO USE THE IDLE SUMMERTIME HOURS TO HIS - HER ADVANTAGE. A FEW HOURS PER WEEK CAN HELP YOUR CHILD T0 PREPARE FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR Dxfllcultles m schools. Any age Excellent teaching Inmal assess‘ ment. ï¬rst sesswn tree. ALSO TUTORING AVAILABLE TO AUGMENT SUMMER SCHOOL COURSES AND CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. Small group Instructuon. mdwudual attentwn ‘7 _ V MI!I’lP'f"(â€â€ffl4"'lf{â€â€™4l 1â€"473-3682 J.S. DAUPHINEEV PASTOR <) 30 A M. Sunday Chulch School 11 00 AM, * TL Mari‘s Anglican Cnumh 10030 Yonge 81 884-2227 Richmond Hull Clelgy Rev Bemard Bauett 884-1394 Rev Wnlluam Prentice - 883-4149 Rev Fred Jackson 884-24l8 Chulch othce. 884-2227 Servxces. Sunday-8 am 8. 10 30 am. Wednesday 10 am, and 730 pm Evgs 11.00 Warship Learning Disabilities ANEHQAN BAPTIST LUTHERAN 10t05 D.m Libéral mg 884-0345 . _ . '0‘xix,"$6"’/,"99‘,$69$$$"’r’X/tr‘fl; ,NVN/ «aw/x,oinwxxxxxxmrw' m A“; 10131 Baywew Avenue 773-4579 ONTARIO TUTORIAL SERVICES ST PAUL LUTHERAN stand for QUALITY ALL GRADESâ€"ALL SUBJECTS DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 7“ Gardening &Supp|ies 708 NEWMARKET AURORA PARENTS GIVE 898â€"2579 727-2586 Tutoring Semce ELECTRIC stove, power lawn mower‘ three dressers, 39" bed. 881-8998 5 piece‘ Pecan and chrome. $200 Sale of contents Candy Stare- Bargains - candles. chocolates, glass lars. bottles. baskets lOtoSpm 47 Westwood Lane BARGA|NS (North 011 Weldnck. near May Av'ei FR|., JULY 6th 6230- 9 PM. SAT. & SUN., JULY 7&8 10 T03 PM. 68 WALMER RD RICHMOND HILL LEARN to fly. Introductory fllgnt $10. Toronto Aurways Ltd, Buttonwlle Aupgrt297-MZZ, ucaz Culom - ‘100 & Up Black & Whlle ‘60 8. Up ALL SETS GUARANIEED Fridge 360 Small stove S25 Both S75 884-7788 July Semces at Richmond Hl" Presbyterian Church 11 AM. GARAGE SALE Sat. July 7th lo: alI ages 11AM. 700 PM. 1000 AM DINETTE SUITE The Church that Is Worth Finding! 884-8038 USED T.V.'s Summel Time and me learningis easy‘ With We Care Tutorial Serwces All subiects. all grades 727-2544 221 An 0|d Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City 30" admiral. $225 “CANDY†245-7491 garage sale 881-5433 Prayer meeting Wednesday at 800 P M. PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH ‘ PASIOR MARK PARENI STOVE Corner of Weldan Road and Bathurst Street Revv BI. McSpadden Pasta! Phone 884-7859 Register eatly ST JOHN'S BAPIIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Sheet 305 Bible School Classes Articles For Sale Richvale Morning Semce -Evenmg Service 221‘2001 TFN TYPEWRITERS.~ adders. calculators, sales, servnce. rentals. Newmarket Busmess Machines, 497 Timothy St. Newmarket. 395-7621 was Car seat. crib and mattress. bath dresser/combination. 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS 0:172 YONGE ï¬T 924-8408 Above College St, opposute Westpury Hotel ~1218 KENNEDY RD 759-2234 South of Hwy. 401. '29 DUNDAS ST E. 2751135 Corner of Hwys 5 A 10 MISSIssauga 04900 DUFFEREN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch & Steels, Warehouse & Showroom' OPEN DAILY 9.10 9 PM SATURDAY TILL 6 Pick your own In you! own CENTRES OVER 900 Chestgrfields Bed VCheSterï¬elds $168. to $593 1 7th Cone, Whimhurch - Stouflwlle. being 48 and V4 m1, norm of Stouffwlle SlderoadA CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE (Selected students chosen for musical shows & performance) Well maintained. easy to pick patches with children's play area. Bring your own 6 qt. baskets or buy them here. Open Monday to Friday. 7:30 am. to 12 Noon. 6 pm to 9 pm. Saturday & Sunday, 7:30 am. 640-2168 Tuesday 645 Boys 12 to 18 meeting at Richmond Hull Hugh School 7:30 Adult Prayer and Bible Study Paste! Rev. Paul VI†945 Bible School 11 AM Mommg Walshlp 7 PM Evening Semce BABY WALKER RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streetsl 884-130 'Vocal Music lessons OPRIVATE & GROUP LESSONS (HARMONY) CAGE RANGE: 7T010. 11T014, 15-18 OCHALLENGING, FUN, AND REWARDING! OCLASSED BEGIN JULY 14th For information call 881-4666 or 881-8797 Service at 10:30 am, and 5:00 pm RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED Other Denominations 884-9685 NEW IN THORNHILL! AFIER 6 PM APPLEWOOD FARM For Berry report. Prckrng sub|ec1 to supply and weather UNITED SUNDAY. JULY lst/ 79 48 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Ihomndge Dr. Thornhlll Mlmste' Rew. JV Mulder B.A.. B.DV - 889-5225 50 anht Street Iel 884.3091 Londgo Showcase International Ltd Rev. Keith Kmll §T RKW‘Bâ€"E‘R R [ES PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES STARTING JUNE let 640-5357 PETER MANGIONE able "‘9 Musical Instruction quart baskets or buy baskets here STOUFFVILLE lnground Above Glouid 0n Ground Swimming Pools Pool Kits Chemicals Supphes Games Accessories Patio Furniture HotTubs Free Water Analysis u Wholesale-Retail Open to the Public Monday to Friday, 9 am - 8 pm. Sat. to6 p.m. CooI-Fun Pools 184 Oakdale Rd., Downsview 746-2742 Hwy. 400 8. Finch Ave Presbyterian THORNHILL PRESBYItRIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Stteet 889539} Libéral MINISIEY'. The Revd, 1,8. Bum MA“ BVD.‘ PhD. summer SEW gan 11/: ml west 0‘ Hwy SALES BARN FLEA MARKET 08 Al YUNGE-IHOR ‘PLIGHI BUOW NU PURARY L0 IAH PUBLI hup a‘n‘ Dunne WDIShID Hunt. MusBa‘ C4W5l CM 51 CZWSE Doors. windows. awnings. raihngs. Siding. sofht system. trough. Free estimates Ron Woods 884-1514. BICYCLE. girl‘s 22". Good condition. Asking $20. Evgs. 884-2753. Puck you! own. Staltlng Tues June 19. open daily Mon. - FM. 8 AM. - 8 PM. and Sat. 8 am, i 4 pm Bung your own baskets 0r othe: con- tainers. no children under twelve allowed In the field‘ Pnce 48' net pound. LEN RUSH Some baby amcles, some Fuher Pnce toys. and other household articles. GARAGE door. 16 n‘ x 7 f1. steel‘ Good condition. 3100 833-6006 WASHER. Inglis automatic, G.E. electnc stove, Writing desk. Old fashioned bath tub. 2 tanks of furnace oII. Must pump oil out. Numerous other small anicles. 889‘ 3287. If ram WI" be held the {chewing day STRAWBERRIES OFFICE desk, double bed. plus mattress, dresser (vanity style). 884- 2148 DOOR. p'anelled pine. Thermopane iramed wnndow, lemgroom the". Kitchen chairs and step stool‘ 884- 1788 JULY 7, 10 AM - 4 PM PENWICK CRES , RICHMOND HILL ISLINGTON AVE. N. BETWEEN STEELES AVE. 81 HWY. N0. 7 GARAGE SALE CYPRESS (grows to 13 ft 1 4 m) 16" (40 cm) A very glaceml everglgen that 1_orn_ls _a reg 514.20 E THREADLEAF FALSE $1135 (grows to 4.5 ft -1.5 m) A native of Bunsh Columbia, this HOHY-Ilke shrub has lustrous dark green toliage, attractive yellow flowers and light We lrun. COMPACT PFITZER JUNIPER TORONTO / % 4% IIVCI glean Iulldgc. lldllUSUlllt: b naon anu % lipase 0â€â€ a I. 9“?»- _ . Oshawa King West Garden Centre. 847 King St. W.. 7289429 Kitchener: Forest Hill Garden Centre. 1(1) Eimsdale Rd. 743-4146 WILSON'S LIOUID CRAB GRASS KILLER An easy to apply quund specially lormulated to eliminate stubborn crab grass from your lawn. SD-GREEN VEGETABLE _ $949 FOOD (7-14â€"7) 20 kg (44 ms) The perlecl lenilizer 10! plump. [uncy vegetables and award wunmng flowers. Has high phosphate content (14%) to help build excellent root systems. 3444 Sheppard Ave. Easl 851â€"0894 nascent-smut“ Sale ends July 8th. YOUR 011011313 .,, /,20"/oflii SHERIDAN NURSERIES wmï¬ï¬ THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE @m% 293-2493 ALUMINUM GUARANTEED UNTIL JUNE 1, 1980. (grows to 13 fl » 4 m) A very graceful evergreen that tutms a mound almost as broad as it is high. It gets Its name lrorn its unusual bright green threadlike toliages WHITE CEDAR (grows to 20 ft ~ 6 m) Peflecl tor evetgreen hedges, the White Cedar grows in an anractive compact pyramid. OREGON GRAPE (grows to 6 ft » 2 m spread) A very popular evergreen for loundation plantings, the Compact szer has a round habit and handsome silver green iolrage. Plants on sale are Fresh, Healthy nursery stock grown on Sheridan Nurseries’ own farms, guaranteed until June 1, 1980. % SHERIDAN cw“, NURSERIES All Summer Long. of savings on Hundreds of Nursery Plants at Sheridan Nurseries. Bernice Lever attends conference in Ottawa For Authors Mimum By (iEORGlE BURKIIOLDER Wth I mentioned that 1 had not been able to get- my hands on a copy of her book. "Excuses". Ber- nice Lever very kindly stopped by my house and left me a copy. “(Closed Swuaysil‘ 4077 Hwy :7 Bernice Lever is 'l‘hornhill's author. teacher and president of the Richvale Writers' Hub. (and the most unbelievably young grandmother you will ever see) who has just returned from a fiveâ€"day conference in Ottawa. sponsored by the (‘anadian Author‘s Association. There. she attended workshops. talks and heard guest speakers including editors of other (‘anadian publications. The‘ conference was a d d r e s s e d b y representatives of the Ottawa National Library. the copyright office and experts in the field of historical novels, fiction, poetry and journalism. V "The greatest part of the whole conference“, Products to keep your lawn and gardin healthy 297-2253 500 ml (17.5 oz) 10 kg (22 lbs) $449 $499 $299 $1296 (5 lbs) 'â€;\Nursery Plants $796 $896 24" (60 cm) reg $9.95 16" (40 cm) reg $16.20 16" (40 cm) reg $11.20 (Closed Sundays) hnï¬uwm M’umvmgm 7Choose From Hundreds Upon Hundreds of Different Plants 481 -6429 2627 Yonge SI To adjust inventory. Sheridan Nurseries is offering 20% off ALL EVERGREENS. TREES. ORNAMENTAL SHHUBS. PERENNIALS and many other plants which may be planted this time of year. So if you want nursery plants. and Sheridan Nurseries has them a . . They're 20% OFF‘ Chances are you'll find just what you're looking for at Sheridan Nurseries. “Excuses‘X will be a book of poems: “Woman‘ I Am“ and an anthology of prison writing by women called "Singing". These books will soon be available. Her books are beautifully illustrated by her son. Gordon Fisher. In 1977 Gordon launched his own studio in Toronto called “The Designer‘s Edge". "Waves". Bernice acts as ildVlSOl‘ for “Fireweedâ€; contributes to Canadian Author and Bookman; copy edits for a California book company and has nearly 100 poems. short stories. interviews and reviews in print from Stockholm. Sweden. across (‘anada to Sydney. Australia. Following her recently published book, MOUNTBATTEN JUNIPER (grows to 13 fl -4 m) Innoduced by Shendan Nurseries in 1948, the Mountbanen IS still Canada's favorite upnght Juniper. C(DWS rapidiy (o a compacl silver-green pyramid and requnes no trimming or staking. UPRIGHT JAPANESE (grows to 13 fl. - 4 m) Pedecl for foundation plantings, hedges 0! other formal or intormal plantings. The Japanese Yew mnves m sun or shade. They wimstand clipping very well and may be shaped Into pyramids or globes. (grows to 2.54.5 h » .75-1.5 m) These versatile, low growrng, woody evergreens thrive In sun or shade. Excellent tor low hedges or roundalion plantings. Several vaneues available. N BOXWOOD WILSON'S DIAZINON Eflectjve against insects on truns. vegetables. lawns, flowers and ornamentals kniculany useful tor controlling Chinch Bugs. \ wanou's ANT AND anus KILLER Ptovides long term comm! a! lawn and 5011 insects. 621-9100 700 Evans Ave There ' are three categories: under 12. under 15 and under 19. Festival Day in Sep lember. All area students are eligible and entries may be sent to Bernice Lever. 7H Next meeting of the Richvale Writer‘s (‘lub will be held on Thursday. July 5 at Bernice‘s Denham Drive home. New members are welcome. ‘I‘hornhill Denham MISSISSAUGA WWII $2480 snug 606 Soulhdown Rd 4 n (125 cm) reg $31.00 822-0251 250 ml (3.75 oz) 500 ml (17.5 oz) 250 ml (8.75 oz) 500 ml (17.5 oz) $429 $549 $339 $519 Drive