Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 11 Jul 1979, B8

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W1 We wish to congratulate KEN HALE on representative for Richmond Hill and s with him 20 years experience with The field and looks forward to looking after the Permanent is pleased to announce the opening of a new mortgage on the scuth-west corner of RICHMOND AND YDNGE ST. in RICHMOND HILL (10220A ange. Street-£40.339L m A... MAâ€" A Three bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage. Eni0y living with extra large family size kitchen. plus no worry of oil shortage with safe. allergy free, electric heating. All copper wiring and plumbing. Prime residential setting near separate and public schools. 'C‘Igll’ {0-day for professional mongage prompt and efficient service. 883-4415 $176,900 RICHMOND HILL: Three bedroom, "fully calpemd. 1‘? baths. fenced In yard. garage. $400 monthly 775-5689 Beautifully landscaped 3 bedroom bungalow In heart of ng City. Completely fenced. fireplace. 4 ap- pliances, smgle garage, $500 net includes landscaping maintenance Call 9 am, 105 pm, 661-2645 Ihvee bedmom three bathroom main floo: den deuble car garage paved dnvewav rehngeramr double ovens. dishwasher Available Immed- vater 884-6782 or 884-6970 Weekly and Monthy Rates available. Contact The Management: Smtable to: working couple 0r sungle 773-5740 BLACK 164 BEAUTIFULLY BRAODLOOMED NEW 3 bedroom bungalow, large living and dlnmgroom. bloadtoom thmughout. Attached gatage. $450. monthly plus utilities. Available September. 7735465. TWO bedroom, kitchen. pnvate entrance, $50 per week‘ 884-2768. Yonge St. $500 per month Includes utilities. Call Ted Hopkins Wa|klng distance to Yonge Hullaest Mallv parks 884-9694 Central RlCthlfld HI” no pets Iefevences tequued 884-9878 Libéral * Classifieds 884-1105 - 1106 $215 monthly suntable (or nelson, references 884-0275 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED bedsittlng room, 4 piece bath. Prefer female. Hullcrest Mall ar, Evgs. 884-3954. SMALL HOUSE THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. July 11, 1979 RICHMOND HILL CENTRAL FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT BRADFORD Houses to Rent . Richmond Hill I "ANNOUNCEMENT" 172 J.D. FRASER REAL ESTATE 881-4939 FCTR RENT BACHELOR APARTMENT MOTOR INN 884-6611 9AM-5PM aftel 6 pm Apartments To Rent altel 6 p m ‘7“ Rooms For Rent 884-9171 HAWK me NEWMARKET. furnxshed room avallable In pnvate home. walk to GO bus. End 01 August occupancy. Phone Larry. 8954868 am! 6:30 pm. LARGE FURNISHED BASEMENT APARTMENT Comionélfle’fied ‘s'ilfing room. seml furnished. Ideal pnvacy own entrance broadloom cable. parking. busses. share basement, kitchen and wash-‘ room. Suit plain. quiet workmg gentleman, $40 1 bedroom apartment. sleeps 4 Rent by week Own bedding, etc Good swummmg, 495-0305 Wmterized. two bedroom. all con veniences‘ Mrs. King STUDENTS returning to King Campus, Seneca College, will require all forms 0! accommodation â€" rooms, room and 'board, apartments, and other forms 0! housing. Inquiries are invrted lrom householders and landlords In the Newmarket, Aurora, Oak Ridges. King City. Maple, Rich- mond Hull and Thornhill areas. Please‘ call Krng Campus. 884-9901 or'895-1 1581 2217c RESPONSlBLE couple seek small house to tent on quiet street. Non- smokers. Relelences available. 881- 4979 after 6 pm. ‘8‘ Wanted To Rent ‘“ Real Estate FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SENlOR CITIZENS One bedroom. own entrance wuth 1972 OLYMPIC Skldoo. Good condition. $300.00, 7274346. Fibreglass. Daysallet. SS liggmg. aluminum mast. 3 dacmn sails plus‘ exttas Including trailer New in '72. used 4 seasons. $2.500. 8984879 Black Hawx Motor Inn 2‘5 Boats 8 Supplies 172 ‘3“ Rest Homes 10711 Yonge St Richmond HI” RICE LAKE 2‘” Snowmobiles Fo: further details contac‘ Accommodation 884-4377 2‘“ Cottages 889-6762 773-5741 bedroom apartment to share female. 883-5289. COTTAGE 889-6112 Apartments To Rent ‘6" Shared .E on his appointment as mortgage and surrounding area. Ken brings h The Permanent in the mortgage |_ after all of your mortgage needs. aqe advice, we are Number 1 for SIIL BOAT 20 FT. PACESHIP new mortgage office at C4W2 CZWZ "C Mary 'Mulr of Canada Permanent Trust (10, takes pleasure In welcomrng ROSY VITALE to the Thornhill othce Mrs. Vitale. a long-trme resrdent of Thornhrll IS familiar wrth all aspects of Real Estate In thrs area. SAT. JULY let 12 NOON FOR DR. M. WILLINSKY 21:; MILES NORTH OF KING SIDEROAD ON DUFFERIN ST Part of list Includes. hall' rack arrow back rocker. table and 8 charrs. Indian Head Dress. Ice box. antique chairs, coach lamp kitchen table. old chest. Rosewood desk (1900). Iron Gate (Rogers Estate. 1850. Toronto). Pre Confederation mouldrng. oak bookcase beet shred- der. 16mm Kodiak wrth sound prorector and speakers. 1905 Pro rector. (Early Kodiak), apple peeler. table saw. wrcker baby carnage (Thornhill). vacuum cleaner. luggage. commode. pictures. fishing equip» ment. old dlShES Set 01 double discs. John Deere wagon harrows. 3 furrow plough. G.M.C. truck. lrttrngs and DIDES tor Lundy lence. ridrng mower. 3% hp. gas engine. 1905 Lundy englne. 5 hp. gas. Furnace blower. parnl sprayer. submergable sump pump, table saw. blow torch. edge tnmmer. Ski Doo trailer. Graveley tractor. electric start with mower and rote tiller attachments old farm wagon. old set of scales. 1970 Renaulth Van. (wme Van-only 2 In Canada) MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TERMS CASH OR CHARGEX DON BURD. AUCTIONEER STOUFFVILLE 640-2928 ___.â€"â€"â€" 74“; A MR. & MRS. ALF CHILD With lnclusrons at their residence 145 Kennedy Street West Aurora TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1979 at 6:00 PM, the following Antiques, Crystal glass. china and furnishings. Royal Doulton Pickwick jug, Roy Doulton - "The Gallant Fishers". mustard pot 8. spoon, brass carmesticksncry‘stal vases, crystal rose bowl. china tea pot (Princess Margaret _Ro_se). Demi-Tass cups & saucers (Alexander ‘Rose Pattern). pethr plate. set of apothocary scales miniature vases, bread and butter knives with french ivory handles. set of 12 fish knives with lrench ivory handles. jewel hex, metal match box holder. 10K white gold ring, 1 pr. pince nez glasses in cloth case. butter dishes. pickle dishes. 2 cranberry salt 8. pepper in silver stands. partait glasses. metal ship & light 2 pieces wooden barrel HMS Victors. coronation plate. Bavar- ian china plate (blue trim), plate willow pattern. ironstone plates. statuettes. Coalport plate. oil paint- ings. pictures and lrames, bawling balls. wine making kit. 4 arr0w back chairs. 4 caned walnut chairs. chest at drawers. dresser. sideboard. tables and chairs. captain chairs, oak bookcase. retrigerator. washer. dryer. table lamps, Aladin lamp. canes. mirrors. quilts, Numberous other items of good glass. china and furnishings. Park on Kennedy Street no Darking in lane Terms. cash or cheque with ID Owner. auctioneer or management not responsible for accrdents. Harold Johnston. Auctioneer 727-8875 AUCTION SALE WHETHER BUYING 0R SELLING CALL ROSY VITALE 1181-9131 THE PERMANENT 7751 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 309 AUCTION SALE FOR Auctions CZWZ ESTATE AUCTION SALE YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 Yonge St., Thornhill Sunday, Ju|y15th 8! ,1. 9;”).- T We have been instructeJ to sell by Public Auction to the highest bidders, without reserve, the contents of several estates and other quality dining, living and bed- room furniture. Antiques and collectables. Very fine 9 piece mahogany Duncan Phyfe diningroom surte with Serpentine fronts and Lyre back chairs, fancily carved‘ 10 piece dining set in grained walnut veneers, 10 piece mahogany Sheraton dining set, other 9 piece walnut sets. 6 piece mahogany bedroom suite with high chest on chest. 4 piece French mahogany bedroom set, 4 and 5 piece grained walnut bedroom Suites. Mahogany corner china cabinet. solid Cherrywood buffet and hutch, Duncan Phyte and Sheraton Breaktront china cabinet, Rock Maple and mahogany Secretary writing desks. Maple child's rolltop desk, Mahogany Credenza with drop front desk, carved walnut and solid cedar chests, 2 knee hole writing desks. drop leaf dining table with 4 matching chairs. Cane seat Bentwood rocker. Boston and Victoria rockers, pair of carved walnut Cash required, $15,000 financing available Call 416-488-9216 FAST FOOD FRANCHISE AVAILABLE twnn beds Upholstered furniture rncludes. Duncan Phyle couch, up- holstered in tapestry, French Chesterfield in carved walnut frame. 2 sets of lancin carved French parlour chairs. Fanback and wingback chairs in Queen Anne and Chip- pendale design. Victonan parlour and side charrs. Leather top coffee and end table set, Chippendale drum table. hall and library tables. carverl walnut nesled lables. AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY 14 9:30 am. ESTATE SALE Auction sale for the property of the Estate ol the Late Emma Mc- Cutcheon will be held at the Wilson Sales Arena, 1% mi. north of Ux» ‘ bridge at Beaver Rd. Pine llatback , cupboard with 6 glass panes in each ‘ door. antique chesterlield and chair â€" good, r0und table and chairs, china cabinet, buffet, antique rocker, gramophone, bedroom suite antique pine and walnut chest of drawers. pine wardrobe, pine table. couch, cane bottom chairs, several small parlour tables. several picture lrames, wash stands, crooks, antique dishes, collectibles, fruit tars. many antique pieces, refrigerator, combination stove, rugs. bedding. wrrnger washer, also contents from the home ol Lorraine McLaren Including new Chesterfield suite, stereo â€" like newfbedroom suite, chairs, dishes, chests, etc This rs a large interesting sale. Sale at 9:30 am. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd. Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524, ll you would like to own and opetate yom ow package Including start up Naming and a 2 tier tables. walnut 6 and 8 leg parlour tables, mahogany games table. pine coffee table. Many other as- sorted occasional tables, record cabinet, knick knack and book shelves piano stool. Windsor chairs, vanity bench French Provincial dressers and night stand. Hat racks. sew- ing cabinets. magazrne racks. etc. (lolle‘c'fable's: AntiqUe Waterbury wall clock in' oak'case. Vrctorran style drop pendulum wall clock. brass student lamp, pitcher and bowl stand. Neon Beer signs, brass, copper and silver items. Fireplace screen and andirons. hand painted chrna. stemware. picture frames, mirrors and much more. Everything must be sold â€" so be sure to attend Refreshments served. Prevxew from 12 Noon Sunday, 10 locations available in Southern Ontario Sat. July 14th 11 am. The propelty of Mrs. Ormston 250 Main St North. Markham Household furniture, antiques. dishes. large number of hand tools. TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE PROPERTY SOLD EARL GAUSLIN. AUCT|0NEER Notmally held on the third Sunday of each month â€" "CANCELLED FOR JULY ONLY" due to Arena reno wahons. ELIERAIIONS don'e m my home ‘88L8968. m4; 2 beaulllul Iale Vlctouan meces large diesser wlth mum! and match- mg washstand Both completely relumshed Also a few other ex- cellent DIGCES 888â€"1726 310 THE ANTIQUE MARKET "2 Dressmaking SEE YOU AUGUST 19W AUCTlON SALE Antiques 8 Art ANTIQUES ‘35 Business DEEortunities 309 Auctions g and aggressw All breed proiessmnal dog grooming done In the convenience of your home Servmg ThornhIH, Richmond HI” Aurma & Newmarket. THE GALLOPING GROOMER A good home She IS a lovable one year old KCK registered spayed Wermarane‘r. Very good wrth children ’ $100, DOG - free. Allergic to family pet. 2- year-old spayed female. Looks like long‘legged Colgl. Mrsl Dans. 889- 7458. Reasonable to good home KlTTENS - free to good home. Litter trained. 773-4616. Dqg. 2 years old. tree to good home. farm prelerred. ' 640-2806 887â€"5148 GERMAN SHEPHERD TRAINING. Keep your gob & Ieam in spare time - you could be on the Eu m 5 months! News. Sports. DJ. alk Shows. Ptoaram Host. TV Commercuals {with placement service FOR RECORDED MESSAGE on HOW YOU QUALIFY ANYTIME - 921-2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING 10 YEAR OLD THOROUGHBRED MARE RADIO - TV AN NOUNCER busmess. we ollev a complets gvesswe marketmg ‘4“ Motorcycles for Sale Ask for the Galloping Groomefl SASHA WANTS 888â€"1998 5“” Career Training 77 YAMAHA 884-5463 351 221-8886 35° Pets $850. cemfned. firm 884-3943 Livestock anytime RD 400 evenings NC“! Encellent condmon 1400 males $900 01 best We: 884-8418 £ng 7 DT 250, good lunning condition 5300. and 75 Can Am MX250. excellent condition. $700 after 4:00 pm. 727-2609 Mel/Jenn “0 Motomycles for Sa|e 3000 km. Excellent condmon Askmg $1.950 with extras. Call Dave 78 HONDA 550 M30 79 mods-M vavmha Honda Canam m stow Nelaeh‘a Ridged frame Springer flont end, New clutch. gears. cases $3,000 albestotfer Call Dave Trailer 18'. Sleeps 6. Fully eqmpped. Hllch. EIECUIC Brakes and two mirrors, Excellent condition. $3.700 00 Lightweight. 1974, Fridge. stove, tonlet, sleeps 6 $2500 or best 72 R5 350 74 RD 350 77 DT 400 77 DT 100 78 YZ 125 oifer Sleeps 6 Mattresses spare tires new screenlng‘ storage compartments $450 or best offer. 884-6297 sleeps 51x. slové. smk. Iceboxfelec- Inc and 12 volt‘ wnh spare Pnced to sell 889-0505 Hardtop camper SKI-000 CAN-AM VOLVO- PENTA Complete Small Engine Sales 8. Semce KEIRON LTD., KESWICK 476-2834 Open 9 - 9 CAN-AM MOTORCYCLES 1979 VAN MOTOR HOME FOR RENT. CRUISE CONTROL, N0 MILEAGE CHARGE. 895-1437 YAMAHA 360 ENDURO 68 Yamaha 7| 13’ Thompsonawning N 14’ Javcom. 7S 15' Rockel.. 9 17' Trailersflorn 70 17‘2‘Cilafion,shower 76 war Cilanon.eouio‘... 77 NJ Prowler,awning .. 13 23M Prowler. 77 23M awnln9.. 75 25‘ z Prowler. 77 20’ Prowerl Slh Wheel. 77 8‘ Camberwm 77 8’ 2‘ Honey Camper 77 9‘ Camper. shower 70 H’ Camper, shower ., "1:33,!50 a Hardlooslrommm.“ . “$1,695 75 Apache Mesa. 53 7.50 Many more to choose om. 'Re- Nin. Hitches. Awnings, Propane, Smrgoe, 951:9 Accessory}; TENT TRAILER FOR RENT Class"A"23fl.1ullyequlppa1.T‘V An and Genny. , 416-722-6006 27 4 HARDTOP TENT TRAILER SALES & SERVICE Un to 26 Lavauts to Choose From Including 5th WheeOs Syesial 9.09.05. Savings 18’ Travel Trailer USED BIKES FOR SALE 13“ Campers & Trailers duman 884-7865 66 HARLEY Pifi‘fiiin. PIGEON LAKE One Wook Fro. Camping With Even Tulip: Punhaso FOR SALE. BEST OFFER 1975 P.M.C. 'CKMFGIEOUN'D’S AT in Maw 79 ' Truin RED TA S [E ON USED TRAILERS 889-2705 King In. 3 W W 473-4250 BRAND NEW AURORA 727-3661 MOTOR HOME 895-1504 727-8066 SPORTSTER 884-4896 AURORA 727-3661 70 WOODS If Hwy 11 $1,350 $1,150 $7.295 sms $3,295 34.550 $5,695 suso 56,095 $5,195 “,195 3 1.250 53,450 $4,195 $3,150 $1,695 53,250 Ch 1 274C 0 Sunchief Canoes EXCLUSIVELY TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES. TENT trailer. good condltion. $175 0! best oifer. 7279287. Classic 1968 FIREBIRD 6cy| 4.1 htte OHC Aut, hansm.. P‘B P.S., 53,000 miles One Ownel $995. Evgs. 727-4959 Unsunkable - Unbleakable 13262 YONGE ST., OAK RIDGES 773-4473 67 BARRACU DA ADVANCED MOTOR HOMES LTD. With 455 engine. as IS Ask for Pat SALES & RENTALS 834-1988 4 barrei. Posmachon. Power steenng brakes. windows. Serious Inquiries only. Truck Caps Mini Campers Van Roofs Travel interiors Accessories, etc. ‘55 Cars & Trucks 30,000 mnleé on rebuilt engine Asking $400 or best offer 230 W M52 _ Mon. to my am to 8 pm Sat. & Sun‘ 9 to 4 pm. 1969 FIREBIRD Convertible, 350 Automatlc. pews! steering. powel brakes. power window. new radiator, AM~FM Stereo cassette in very good PICKUP Fox parts 0! fix up $150 00 01 will Uade for 3:! down lawn tractor. Body rough. Siant 6 and mahc transmissmn » excellent. UNCERTIFIED éfidkhfi Call Aulora 727.2120 evenings for best offet. 24 tfn 68 Oldsmobile 68 CHEVROLET HALF TON TRUCK Hood (0! 70 o: 71 Fantlane or Tonno. 320. Front end far 69 Pontiac stationwagon. $100, Rebuult Fatd 04 ttansmlsswn. no mileage. $150 WIII M 302 or 289 engme DELTA 88VR0YAL§ CONVERTIBLE Excellent condition, Cemhed. 68 CUTLASS 442 1970 OLDSMOBILE A‘s}; best offer over $200 1970 3/: ton Ford 68 CAMARO 70 MAVERICK 884-3090 $600. or best ofler Campers it Trailers 884-8474 RARE CONVERTIBLE 888-1503 884-1634 69 DODGE HANDIVAN Ask for Ron. evenings 884-5354 69 FORD 883-1808 Fully restored Everymung new $4100 Invested Asking $4000. KEN 883-3751 889-2705 attet 4 pm DELTA 88 Needs rear spnng NEAREST $250. 727-4346 773-4124 884-2300 FALCON CALL DAN AI best offer auto CONVERTIBLE Mag wheels. New doors‘ lendew hunk “(1 As is‘ Best offer‘ t\utumatlc_ radio, good tIres. 68‘000 mles, Needs body work. As IS $200. 1972 DATSUN 510 Good condition standard‘ 6 Cyllndel $800 as IS. 884-5240 GT Hatchback. 4 speed, uncemtied Best olfer. ‘55 Cars & Ttucks Btg Box, insulated 50,000 miles $2.500. P.5PB. 351 Excellent mpg Certified $795 895-2875 or 898-1694 73 Ford Galaxy 500 4 dom. 48000 miles Power steering and brakes. Michellns. rustproofed. certified. regulav gas, lawnev Excellent condition $2.000. or bestoffer 72 COUGAR XRâ€"7 TRUCK CAP 73 M ERCU RY MONTEGO BROUGHAM 75 Alfa Romeo Spider Brown with light vmyl top. Power steering. brakes. White waH radials. Radio. 51.000 mules Well cared for. clean. comfmtable car‘ Fully equipped‘ Iqw rlnl‘eage‘ tmed $6.500 SILVER miles 72 COUGAR 4 door. 6 CyllndEf, automatic, radio. power steering, power brakes, bucket seats. A teal sharp economical Compact. 42000 miles. $2,895.00 9 passenger, an COI'IdmODEU. 61,000 miles, $2.500. 832-2731 884-4547 4 dour. automatic. pawel s‘eenng, power blakes. powet windows, power locks. stereo, an COHGIUORBU. 1973 Dodge Van 4 dam. automatic. radio. power steering. powe: brakes. factory a" con dmoned. lust-proofed. 31,000 miles: 6 cylinder, standard. short box automauc. radio. power steering and btakes. smpes‘ white bucket seats, economlcal 4 cylinder. automatic black with white bucket seats, 2 Puts Ford or GMC Nearly new. $200 73 DUSTER 883-1975 74 MERCURY 881-0581 GORDON 75 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM 75 FIREBIRD 1973 Vega uncerhfled Call 884-4546 Hatchback. Clean $1.800 ER, never wmter duven. 27.000. 5, In excellent condition. )0‘ Barrie, (705)725â€"5458 1974 Meteor 1975 Chevrolet Station wagon' 727-8748 Evemn'gs and weekends 884-2896 832-2731 evenings afler 5 pm XR7 884-9906 889-6163 889-6952 7T09P.M BOBCAT CERTIFIED USED CARS 481-3780 evenings 74 Chevelle Malibu Classic days 75 Chev 1/2 ton Pick-up 75 Camaro Coupe 350 76 Ford LTD Landau DAVE WOOD’S LTD. 119 Yonge St. Newmarket, 895-5747 75 Mustang Coupe ASK FOR GERRY PAXION 0R DAVE WOOD FOR BANK FINANCING. 75 Monarch tomatlc. power steeting‘ seats. 26.000 mules. $2,995.00 cer‘ step sude, 22.000 mules, one owner $2,995.00 AMFM cassette. new paint. will certify. $3.500. 0r best 'ofler. 33.595.00 $2 315.00 an conditioned. AM FM ladio cemhed, 76,000 miles. $4.800. $3,995.00 2 duo: hardtop, automatic, power. steering. DOW!!! makes. 50.000 ‘mlhés. $2.300 mm‘ Certlii‘ed‘ 898‘ {4827 » 895-1100 889-3849 727-8226 4 speed. power WIndOWS, Pioneer stereo. ladlals. EXCEIIEM condition. $5.395 hrm. ‘55 Cars & Trucks 75 Datsun 280 2 2-2 Delta 88 Royale 2 doon excellent condition Power equipped. Ml- condlhomng 52000 miles. 84150 CIVIC HAICHBACK Tach Undercoatmg Very cood con‘ dmon 884-2392 Medium blue WIlh blue custom clolh Interior 350 V8. Mlchelln radialsv tally wheels speller. all gauges. radlo 1 year warranty available. Only tl‘l‘OOU'mim LIC KRW 268‘ Call Rle Summons. 884-4481 or 889-304L 35.000 'rhiies’ $2.500. Cemhed 74 MATADOR 497-0807 Evgs. Good condition, an conditioning power steering, powel brakes‘ must sell. best offer. 884-9653 305. V8 power steering and blakes, radio,'19.000 miles. 55,495, or best ofl'et '78 0U)SMOBIE 88 ROYAL Beuge, Power steering. Power brake. an, reatdefogger. 36000 km. $6,250 0: best offer 473-3197 1975 CutlaSs Supreme 77 Chrysler Newport 1975 Mercury Meteor 76 OLDSMOBILE 76 Camaro LT ask for Nick 76 HONDA STAHONWAGON 888-1749 ROYALE MONACO STATIONWAGON Excellent shape Celtifled 727-2219 76 HONDA 1976 CAMARO LT 4-SPEED 889-5120 ROADRUNNER V-8 automatic , Good condmon. Best offer 76 CHEVROLET 76 DODGE 895-6978 884-2891 77 Camaro 77 VOLARE 773-5672 Many extlas 8984758 VAN power btakes. radials‘ rally wheels, red with

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