Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 11 Jul 1979, A6

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Bill Skilleter has always loved birthdays, and he still does at 95 years of age. Helping him celebrate are Marjorie McCullough. Grethe ~'I‘he Grade 5 and 6 classes at Lake Wilcox Public School took an endâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"year trip to Kingston. and following are excerpts from letters they wrote to The Liberals Rachael Walker BA» Steven Mogdan 88. Helen Eggleston 813. Adam Petlerson 8C. Maria Hwang 8C. Susan Rosenberger. Grade 6 said ‘I'd recommend this trip for a family‘. The following students at Hoselawn Public School received awards at the June 26 graduation exercises. ' High Academic (‘lass Awa‘rds went to: Rasheed Salueddin 8A. Julie Stuart. Grade 5 said. ‘While we were on the 1000 Island ()ther awards are as follows: SeniorLeadei: â€"- Patricia Gerllcy. Music Award ~< Sangeeta Mathur. Art Award â€" Jennifer Marko. French Award â€" Rasheed Saleuddin. English Award â€" Kim Hughes. Most Improved Student 4 Jim (‘orrick. (:irls' Physical Education Bernice (lranton. Boys‘ Physical Education David Karreman. All-round (:irl » Bernice (iranton. All-round Boy â€" Darren Bur- ford. (‘itizenship Awards â€" Jenniter Marko. Darren Burlord. Highest Academic Award â€" Martin Langhammer. Valedictorian 7 Lake M/i/cox students enjoy trip to ' Kings ton Students shine at Rose/a wn awards night I‘ H‘A IT'S HAPPENING IN THE HILL kav Richmond Hill Central 10 Tempo Ave., Willowdale, Ontario MZH 2N8 493-1300 (“runsen we met some senior citizens from Quebec, We sang to them and they sang to us. It was a great trip.‘ Kevin Neil. Grade 6 said‘ ‘Allhough it was a day off school‘ it was very educational.‘ Hospital Admini- strator. Jim Hepburn, has said that the Auxiliary saves the hoSpital about 3100.000 every year in salaries and a great part of this is due lo the volun- teering of young people 14 years of age and over. Nancy Roncaglla- l{l('ll\"\l.H LIBR ARV Auxiliary at York ('entra] Hospital in Richmond Hill. are an important part of hospital life to the patients and to the staff. When [he hospital began in 1963. the members of the Junior Auxiliary came from the three local high schools and joined Donna Waine, Grade 6. was excited about the trip. and com- mented. ‘I think this was a very learning and enjoyable trip. I The young ladies and ggntlemen, who niakg up the Junior A TURTLE RACE Junior Auxiliary works hundreds of hours a'year will be held at the from 2 â€" 3:30 pm. RICHVALE Library. 54. Pearson Ave. Wednesday, July 18 Make a turtle and enter it in the race. logether to perlorm Various duties in the hospital. In the early days. lheir duties revolved mainly around the Paediatrics depart» ment. where they amused the children. Fifteen years later. the Junior Auxiliary has become invaluable to the hospital. Richmond Hill South During the school year. these young people work after school and on weekends performing a variety of duties. all on a volunteer basis. 'l‘heir duties have grown over the years to include escort service. where they escort patients to and from various areas in the hospital: enjoyed it a lot =Michelle Bradley. Grade 6, thought the trip was fabulous and she enjoyed singing with the seniors. Marc Gardner. Grade 6. enjoyed the visit to Bellevue House. the home of one-time Prime Minister. Sir John A. MacDonald. Kim Strachan. Grade 6, thought the Ostergaard, Catherine Skilleter, Annette Ostergaard, Valde Ostergaard and in front is Billy cutting the cake. Richmond Hill North . As at July 9m. the business ODGVBUOI’IS o! Meirospan anmg A Publnsmng Ltd have been relocalea and expanded Into new modem laCIluuesal lOTempoAve‘nue WIIIDWdale. Onlano MZH 2N8, Our new phone number :5 493-1300 Thus move reflects our COfllanInQ efions to plowde our advertisers and readers alike Wlfl‘l a consustent, hugh quality. groupov community newspapers The beach is not supervised. and anyone using it, does so at their own risk. Parents are advised Lisa Leivo, Grade 6, found the trip en- joyable and enjoyed the ride ‘on the Travelways bus. LAKE WILCOX Lake Wilcox has a public beach that is used by hundreds of local residents. -- whole trip was ‘good delivering drugs lrom lhe Rhyarmacxzto the nursing levels; delivering flowers to the patients and also assisting in \ the playroom. which has always remained a favorite for these young people. No“ that the summer months have arrived. the Junior Auxiliary moves into the limelight. ' With members of the senior branch of the Auxiliary finding they are needed more and more at home with their families. the juniors are needed more and more at the hospital‘ and they are willing to do the work. The hundreds of volunteer hours given by these young people cannot be measured in lime alone. w They} bring yoiith and spirit to the hospital with them. Canada Week celebrations are a success at Hill Library Many past members of the Junior Auxiliary have liked what they‘ve seen of hospital life when they worked as a junior‘ and have gone on to careers in nursing or medicine If you are wondering how you too can become involved in the Junior Auxiliary. you can find out more by calling Bernice Stuart at 884246? to remqmber the lack of supervision. and caution their children. She is the Hospital Auxiliary advisor to the Junior Auxiliary. and can give you all the information you require. Several swimmers are using Lake Wilcox as a training ground for Lake Ontario swims, and if you are interested. you can see them practising early in the morning. usually on the weekends. LIBRARY Today (Wednesday) at 10:30 am. The l’rizes will be given for the best name. best designed and the faslesl turtle. All Following the singing of the National Anthem, the Mayor declared the games open. "I declare open the first Richmond Hill Kids‘ Olympics. celebrating (‘anada's 112th Birthday. 1979“; whereupon 112 red and white balloons were released into the air. Mrs. Betty Rowland. (‘hief Librarian of the Richmond Hill Public Library. welcomed the children on behalf of the Board and staff and introduced Mayor Schiller. who expressed his pleasure at at- tending the program in which children from all parts of the Town were participating ~ as indeed contestants from many parts of the world gathered together for the Olympic Games. “Kid‘s Olympics". with the march past and salute taken by Mayor David Schiller. The final event in the Richmond Hill Library‘s “Canada Week (‘elebrations" was held Friday. June 29. ()pening ceremonies were held in the grounds of the Richmond Hill High School where participants formed Provincial teams for the ME TROSPAN The Three Little Pigs. and A Head for Peppino will be the attractions. Travelling Puppet Show will visit the (‘harles Connor Library. The program will appeal to children aged four to 10. Admission is free. but you should call the library in advance at 773-5533 to reserve the tickets. material will be provided. The program is limited to 30 children. Pre- registration is required. Please phone lhe library for more information. 889- 2847. - SUMMER READING (‘ome in to the library and select your summer reading from a good choice of best sellerr§ and other books. Holiday loan A CLAY PLAY WORKSHOP will be held Thursday. August 2nd and Friday. August 3rd â€" a two day workshop â€" from 2-4 pm. ages 5 and up. All material is provided and pre- registration is required. To pre- register for any program please call 889-2847 or drop by the library in person. request. ('OMING EVENTS A TRAVELLING PUPPET Show will be at the library Wedâ€" nesday. August lst at 10:30 (‘hildren of all ages are welcome but pre-registration is required. ailable upon The (‘anada Week programs were organized by Jane Horrocks. Head of the Central Library assisted by staff members of the Branches and Main Library. The Board and staff thank all who assisted in the first Library Canada Week program including McDonald's Restaurant and the Richmond Heights (‘entre Mer- chants Association. who sponsored the advertising for the events. The games were followed by a sing song and films in the Main Library and the day concluded with pop and a slice of Canada‘s birthdéy‘cake decorated by Emily ()ngai of the Boys and Girls Department. Special events will include a Field Track Meet. managed by the University of Toronto Track Club. Races will' be open events for children 14 and under. This picturesque and nationally known Home will celebrate 58 years of caring for Children from broken homes Saturday. July 21 beginning at 1.30 pm, Tours through the Home will be from 2.30 lo 4.30 pm. 38 Y EA RS 0!“ CARING I ALL CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE IN STOCK WITH PRESENTATION OF THIS AD BETWEEN 9AM. & 9 PM. ON THE 13m SUPERSTITIOUS? BRING THIS AD IN ON THE 14th AND GET ‘/2 PRICE OFF. THE FIRST ALL CHILDREN’S THEATRE Direct from New York, this unique company of 35 children ages 6 to 17 will perform The Incredible Feeling Show by playwright Elizabeth Silvados (Broadway hits Runaways and Dispatches). JULY 10 to 13 at 2:00 pm. daily THE RlRlE-WOODBURY DANCE COMPANY This famous company from Salt Lake City will present two programs: matinees for children of Dance is for Everybody; evening performances from their repertoire. Children's program: JULY 17 and 18 at 2:00 pm. Adult program: JULY 19 and 20 at 8:00 pm. ALL PERFORMANCES will be presented in Burton Auditorlum. York University, Keele Street (between Finch and Steeles). Downsview. Toronto. (Buses direct to door of auditorium: subway to Wilson station then TTC 106 York University bus.) Children's matinees; children $2.50. adults $4.50. Evening performances: $6.00 each. Burton Box Oltice 667-2370. For further information about Summer Festival ‘79 events, call 667-3636. “THE STORE THAT FRIENDSHIP BUIL T” FRIDAY THE 13th‘lS YOUR LUCKY DAY EREDIT CARDS NOT ACCEPTED ON SALE ITEMS SALE ENDS 6:00 P.M. SAT. JULY 14 Advance tickets alsovfrom BASS locations (or call 923â€"4433 and use Chargex or MasterCharge) Faculty 'of Firi'e Arts, York University presents exclusive engagements/ Canadian premieres Entertainment will be provided by the Bokhara Court Drill N0. 22 Marching Unit of Toronto. Old Time Fiddfers Come-st will begin at 6.30 pm. â€" with some toe dancing. Free ’barheque for everyone present from 3.30 pm. to 7 pm. Ample parking. picnic tables. lots of shade under the trees. Plan to be present and have an enjoyable time. PARENT CONCERN Parent Concern is an organization geared to help parents deal with frustrations that can, and often do lead to child abuse. Fiddlers who have not entered â€" contact the Home (phone 889-5421) byfilluily l3, if at all possible. EVERYONE is weicome to join in the festivities; the location â€" 11181 Yonge 81.. Richmond Hill. Talking with others. who feel the same way, and learning to handle your own feelings. can be a big help to many. The next Parent Concern meeting in the community will be Wed- neiday.‘.l_nl_y 18A frqm 8 to 10 pm. For additional information, blease call Joyce at 884-3503. PRICE OFF

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