The search for sponsors for Vietnamese boat people has spread to Richmond Hill. Syd Girling is the volunteer in town in charge of organizing these sponsors. He said he would like to organize a group of people, to be affiliated with the body in Toronto called “Operation 1.419 jar limit one jar per family Miracle WHIP. A Kraft salad dressing Maple Leaf canned with Loblaws cleaning coupons and a $10. or more cleaning order ou bring to Ca et. Today through July 17, with every $10. or more Loblaws purchase and only 1¢ you will receive a $5. off Cadet cleaning coupon, re- deemable at any Cadet store. This coupon entitles you to $5. off any $10. or more cleaning order you bring to Cadet (coupon may be applied to any item Cadet cleans). Loblaws $5. off Cadet cleaning coupon may be redeemed at Cadet cleaners through to Sept. 1, 1979 5.0“ .oblaws cleaning ons and a $10. are cleaning ‘Jciu bring i e . " Could you sponsor one of the ‘boazf people? Lifeline". which was organized by Howard Adelman, a professor of philosophy at York University. “Operation Lifeline“ is trying to recruit people who would sponsor Malaysian or Vietnamese boat people to come to Canada. People must agree to provide a refugee family :50 11/2lb. lettuce no. 1 grade, new crop you pon, re- . o n entitles to any item eaning ooupon rouh to Set. 1, 1979. ralsm bread with food‘ clothing. ac- commodation and pocket money for a period up to one year. said Mr. Girling. “As well as a moral commitment to help these people assimilate into Canadian cultural lifestyle," he added. Mr? Girling said he is looking for groups of at least five people who are .77 .30 Canadian citizens, emâ€" ployed and willing to put up a certain amount â€"â€" $2,500 minimum (among the five), and who would be responsible for a family for a period up to one year. Organizations and church groups are enâ€" couraged to look into such a project. A group from St tomatoes produCfléWESf'UTSWf no. 1 grade ideal family pack 4 tray soft (2 x 8 tubs) margarlne 1 lb. sleeve Monarch Loblaws has found a way to cut your family’s dry cleaning costs by up to 50%. We asked Cadet Cleaners (by far. the largest dry cleaner in the Metro area) how Loblaws and Cadet could work together to out dry cleaning costs tor Loblaws' customers Cadet told us that the cleaning industry is seasonal. that volume increases in the spring. with summer wardrobes being prepared for wear and winter~wear prepared for storage. However. in summer. when, many people are away on vacation, cleaning volume decreases dramatically, while Cadets costs remain the same. Therein lies the opportunity. To help Cadet utilize their facilities to the fullest. Loblaws negotiated wrth Cadet to increase their summer volume by cutting the cost of your summer cleaning wrth this fantastic offer! Each Cadet coupon entitles you to 85.00 oft a $1000 or more Cadet cleanin order. Plus as an added bonus. adet IS offering 50% oft repairs and alterations. on any $1000 total order. We're always looking for ways to reduce your costs - its just another bonus for Loblaws‘ customers Mary’s Anglican Church in Richmond Hill has been trying, on its own. to make arrangements to sponsor a Vietnamese family. since February, and are presently awaiting ,final approval from the Department of Immigration. Mr. Girling was responsibl-e for organizing a meeting held David Nichol President. .30 last night at Richmond Hill Arena, hoping to give interested citizens of the area information about sponsorship and govern- ment immigration policies. formation can call Mr. munity available to an- 01‘ DiCk Armstrongal 381- Girling at 663-2599, or swer questions. 1395. Steven Garrick at 8834815 In Thomhill the people Any families Sponsored or 883â€"3959 to get in touch with for are above and beyond the more information are government quota now at A meeting is also Andrew Meles, 889-9623. 12.000 people. At press time in- formation as to the out come of this meeting was not available. Anyone interested in receiving more in- cauliflower 22 oz. tin cleanser groceries for life plus cash prizes For only 50¢ you can win two ways with Official Olympic Trust Sports Coins up to†$1.000. instantly! 2. Collect all 28 _special1y minted 1. Win g[ocerie§ fo_r life! pr cash prizes nickel-silver Shorts Coins. All Sports Coins have Images of the 28 1980 Olympic Winter and Summer Events and y0u can start collecting these coins In a special coin saver album. available from the cashiers. Sports coins are minted by lnterbranch International Mint. Sports coins are not legal tender Ontario Lottery License no. 270359 Wï¬w A meeting is also scheduled to take place at Holy Trinity Church in Thornhill on July 17, with representatives from the immigration department as well as someone trom the Vietnamese com~ Céhada’s Olympic Team .20 Think ï¬rst CfiSCO vegetable oil Whrte Swan. 2 ply. border orange. green harvest gold. regular whue_or yellow Maxwell House paper fowels Goiden Crunch, main or frun 8. nut cereal instant coffee Good Host Carnation 2% partly skim evaporated milk Javex Scrub 'n Shine scouring pads iced tea mix 8.0.8 Glad poly (26" x 30") garbage bags liquid cleanser ngt toile_t regular par regular. snmulated Vinegar, bar 8.0V sour cream 8. onion or Ruffles (dup) Miik PIusG-24 hour 11OmL moisturizer lotlon bottle Gusto lrozen pepperqm and extra (4's) cheese'pizza West Care West Care assorted sizes deodofant soap adhesive strips adhesive strips colby. farmers or brick West Care dandruff shampoo 30$: 1 .59 Lay’s potato chips lï¬UL Schneider cheese pkg sugar sweetened all flavours Dimpflrpeier Korpmisbrot ryé bread Kool-Aid produce of South Africa! seedless navel oranges Ontarlo grown no. 1 grade. new crop cucumbers from South Afnca fancy grade Cape brand Granny Smith apples mangoes 4 «or I - Prices effective to Tuesday July 17, 1979 except bakery effective to Saturday July 14, 1979 Richmond Hill only from Florida Stores reserve the right to limit quantities. Libéral 32021 68 poly bag I was 3.75 1001‘ jar 250 mL pl. btle. 41:91.99 3 litre tin 385 mL tin 1302 32 oz, loaf 1202 13;" 1 .24 200 gr bag 99 box was .99 box .79 60‘s was 2.09 4 oz. pouch 2,251.31 m1 88 box I was .41 3 12;: .74 was 1.09 3 for .89 5.39 5.74 1.67 was 5.49 .41 .99 was 6.19 was 1.32 was 1.85 .91 .39 .42 was 1.39 was 3.27 was 1.99 was 1.29 was 1.97 was 1.79 was .43 was .99 was 2.3!