C-2 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. July 25. 1979 inside thornhill ‘ $200,000 grant will restore “This is only the beginning. I'rn determined there 15 going to be full restoration of 'l‘iior- nhill High School" , says trustee Margaret MacDonald. She was referring to the $200,000 that has been allocated to the York (‘ounty School Board for repairs to the school. This summer the roof and I‘he new executive of the Thornhill the shady grounds of Heintzman House. They are (from left to right) Bob Berlette. second v.p.; John Gamblin. first v.p.; Saunders. president: Bill 'l‘row, past president; Hartley Kertland. windows are being repaired. the science labs are to be im- proved and new drapes will be in- stalled. Mrs. MacDonaId is happy about the restoration and adds “at long last the windows won't shake and the roof won‘t leak. the restoration is beginning." i , Horticultural ' Show winners ‘ announced By (iEURGIE Bl'RKIIOIJH‘IR XXI-T269 ’l‘he Thornhill and District Ilorticultural Society has announced the winners of the June Show. (‘ongratulations are offered to Jean Green for Best-inâ€"Show. Horticultural Division for her exquisite hybrid tea rose; and to Phil Bishop for Best- in-Sliow in the Decorative Division for a water viewing arrangement in the theme “Summer Joys". 'l‘lie .luly meeting will include the traditional tour of a garden in the area. this year. a visit to the Don Head Farms is planned The farm is located on the north side of Major Mackenzie Drive west of Bathurst Street. All entries for the July show are asked to he placed in the Gallanough Library by 7:30 pm. Members will proceed to the Don llead Farms to enjoy the sights and smells of summer. returning to the library for refreshments and judging of entries. The July show will feature: Section 1â€" Delphiniums; Section 2â€" Roses; Section 3â€" - Specimen Flowers: Section 4â€" Fruits and Vegetables: Section Control offensive odors and 3â€" Decorative Designs with the theme “Famous Musicals". Members having transportation pro» blems for meetings are asked to contact President Glen Bristow at 889-5793 who will try to make satisfactory arran~ gements. This 'useful gar- dening tip is given to delphinium lovers: after cutting ‘delphiniums. the open hollow stern will allow rain water to enter. find its way to the root. and cause rotting. Either bend. crush or cover the hollow stem and delphiniums will continue to thrive, and produce blooms for many years. M e m b e r s a r e reminded that now is the time to prepare for the Photograph and Slide (‘ontest by taking photos of favourite plants. blooms and scenery now. Appreciation is offered to Bev White for her talented art work in bulletins and llillcrest .Mall show posters. There will be no show or meeting in August. The Big Annual Summer Show will take place on September 8 at the A Gallanough Library. The executive will meet on Tuesday. August 21. at 7:30 pm. at the Gallanough Library. ' District Lions-Club gathered on HOLYDAY Jews do not wash or brush their teeth for a Thornhill High A little known period of time prior to . . . « Jewish holy day takes the day Tish B'av fans dystrophy and every Livingstone ‘ and portunity to have a The North East tomorrow evening the place next week The on the 9th day of the summer vacationing (‘hristopher Sleeves wish granted for those Jewish Community group is having its summommo holy day Hebrew month of AV students raise money collected $42.81 who took advantage of services single general meeting of ’l‘ish B'av loom: which is August and for the fight against Events included a the wishing well. The parents group has highlighted by folk inemorates all the and 3rd this year the disease by staging pumpkin throw. boys served orange b 1 ' dancmg under the great tragedies that ' ' fund-raistng events. bowling. a bean bag d r i n k 5 fr 0 m fen Pannmg some stars. The meeting is Iiefeil the Jewish An outdoor carnival toss. a sponge throw McDonalds and a good Interesnng evenls [his being held at the North people. excluding the “"RNIVAL was held recently on and fishing in a fish time was had by all summer East Jewish (‘0m_ deathofrhe gianinion The Jerry Lewis German Mills Road in pond. I who attended the Last Sunday there munity Services of~ J o w 5 d u r i n g Telethon is held each Thomhill and Ranjan The boys sold tickets carnival under wasa family picnic at fice. 1091 Finch Holocaust Fasting is Labor Day to raise Das. Jeff Solomon. for a raffle and there brilliant sunny SKIES. (IaIrVIlle Conservâ€" Avenue East at 3:30 in order and Unhodox funds for muscular Stacey Albom. Robert was even an op» SINGLE PARENTS ation area and pm. ’5“ a “ t3“: 'Tiptg‘j‘: j“ 3 . For The Finest g; Wedding Reception In The North End Nevv expanded facilities. Available for private parties, company banquets, golf tournaments, etc. To view our club please call Bob Weir at 297-171 I . massi’daatgï¬g .. third v.p.; Harry Noakes, director; Allan Parker. secretary. (Second row) George Byers, treasurer; Jim Albery. director; Carl Steven. tail-twister; Len Graves. Lion tamer; George Fisher, director. The executive takes office July 1. Les 8- COUNTRY CLUB WOODBINE AVE. (i MILE N. OF HWY. 7) â€"I NWYJ STORE HOURS MONDAY I TUESDAY I WEDNESDAY I l I I department stores egos Ywa sat. SUMMER CLEARANCE PARKWAY CHLORINATING lIOUID FOR CHlORINATING YOUR SWIMMING POOL 0 12% Availahle Chlroine 5 Gallons for $6.77 . 2 GALLONS FOR $2.98 A 312.00 VALUE BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER 2 GALLON CONTAINERS FOR s1.00 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY O‘DONNN ‘|- I. ‘|. I. I. 0- 0 MURIATIC ACID 1 GALLON Reg. i250 NOW $2.77 0 Algiban Liquid Concentrate 1 GALLON Reg. $.95 NOW $7.47 LITTLE BOYS t“ Saddleman Boot Jeans Corduroy Bell Bottom LEVIS CORD BELLS GET YOU WHERE YOU'RE GOING WITH STYLE AND COMFORT TO SPARE. A WIDE VARIETY OF COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM . . . ALL WITH THE FAMOUS LEVIS FIT. DURAWALE PLUS BELL BOTTOMS ARE A SPECIAL BLEND OF POLYESTER AND COTTON CORDUROY THAT LIMITS SHRINK- AGE. GO CORDUROY. GO LEVIS CORD BELLS. IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR VALUE IN A LONG WEARING JEAN, LEVIS JEANS AND CORDS HAVE THE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY YOU WANT FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND THE GREAT FIT AND STYLE THAT THEY LOVE. LEVIS HAVE STRONGER SEAMS AND POCKETS. LEVIS ARE AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES OF CORDUROY AND DENIM IN BOTH WIDE LEG AND BELL BOTTOM STYLES. COME ON IN FOR GREAT VALUE IN LEVIS JEANS. CORDUROY BELL BOTTOMS SIZES 4,5,6 vmat MAKES TNEM SADDLIMAN aoor JEANS is rHEIR VAMQUS LEVIS rir LEAN IN me LEGS WITH A SLIGHT ‘LARE THAT SMOOTHSDOWNOVERYOURSOOTS wnar TAKES YNEM ro TOWN IS THEIR EASV WEARING GOOD LOOKS IOU". POLYESTER KNIIHOP SACK ALWAYS LOOKS' CRIS? ALWAYS FEELS sort SADDLEMAN NDPSACK KNIT IEANS.AFYER A BIG NIGNV ON THE town THEY‘LL 38::225?°“"G °°°° “E†" s Student's cmds SLIM OR REGULAR “33.11;? $ 7 7 s"â€"' 2435 $ 1 437 Sully. $13.95 1 9 __ Student's Washed Denim NOW FOSTER GRANT SUNGLASSES $16.77 AGREE $1 587 Selling Elsewhere ‘25.00 ZEST PACK OF 3 FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER TIMEX WATCHES SHAMPOO break down waste safe! with Assomeo MENS a LADIES cm ' o y Reg $3 09 Reg- $135 Reg. $2.43t128iioz I MENS 5’ LAD'ES I , 7 _ , . . . vâ€" lawn: and soy “ ., l‘ 23:23“ "amaze ' strata! $ 7 7 0 0H: ‘ ' lites natural biologtcal actiwty In septic V tanks. outdoor an portable torlals and f a . .. magma.massage ‘ COHITOIII’IQODHOXIOUS 0'! “I 0' ind!†- il . altar:massage ‘ ‘ BOY S FANCY MADE MADE JliaL- "‘ - _ ~ dispersesraadilyinwastato begin ï¬ FAMOUS "OHHII ICIIOI“ VOW GCOHOmICBI {'3' Aal for ENVIROJIC at panlclpatlng CANADIAN ‘1'“ TIRE - DOMINION HARD WARE 0 UNITED COOP and 1 mladnoandlwdoalora -_.â€" ATTENTION HOME OWNERS and CAR OWNERS If your insurance policy is expiring.within the next four weeks call: ARK INSURANCE AGENCY Towne and Countrye Square Yonge and Steeles 2245052 Western Shirts pearl snaps, asst colors FAMOUS hinuil (CANAOAILYD MARKHAM.ONT Name Brand COFFEE Vacuum Packed Sugg. ‘3.†For TUF - MAC 8"WORK BOOTS OIL RESISTANT, STEEL TOE, STEEL PLATE. CSA APPROVED SIZES 6 - I2 COMPARE $43.95 FOR Soft Nylon Reinforced Garden Hose Sugg. 5(5.95 For TUE - MAC 8" WORK BOOTS OIL RESISTANT COMPARE $37.95 CHOOSE FROM... COMPARE » REG. s19.99 PARKWAY 9" WORK BOOT famous “GoriIIa†make- i insulated syIflex tanned lea- Famous "Gorilla" make- WORK CLOTHES CANADIAN MADE NAME BRAND PERMANENT PRESS insulated sylflex tanned Ieaâ€" As not all insurance policies are the same ther “99'. toe and plate‘ COLORS â€" BLUE OR GREEN 3 neither are all agents. CSA cemf'ed ed , We guarantee efficient service suggest ~ _ 2;, sugg. retail We guarantee to work for you 5935 2844 sugg. retail 13.95 OUR PRICE 5935 FREE Brinks Security Marker With the purchase of every policy $ 57 SHIRTS w.†saga retai 1295 OUR PRICE 8 NOW W $448, $4137