Earl Winemaker. who has offered free legal counsel. said “Operation Lifeline Association of Richmond Hill“ is designed to give anyone in town information and assistance in the spon- sorship program as well as co-ordinate efforts in the community. Originally refugees were not expected to begin arriving in Canada for two [0 four months. but Mr. Winemaker said ln Richmond Hill a formal organization, complete with a con- stitution. has been set up. designed to minimize the red tape involved in sponsorship of these refugees. Many groups and organizations in both Richmond Hill and Thornhill are rallying to extend a hand to help refugees fleeing from Vietnam. Groups grow to assist refugees To become eligible for an award, a property has to be nominated for judging. The nominations can be made by any person or company. The nominations can be made with the use of the entry form printed below. Forms will also be available from the Chamber of Commerce at the Town Library and the Clerk's Dept. at the Town Hall. NOMINATIONS. The last day for nominations is Friday, July 31, 1979. All entries must be mailed before 5 pm. that day. CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS. JUDGING. All judging will take place as nominations are received. As a guide, judges will rate the following areas on a point basis: Having received the official sanction of the C0unci| of the Town of Richmond Hill, The Liberal and the Chamber of Commerce are pleased to present this Awards Program to the citizens of Richmond Hill. The program is designed to encourage and recognize the efforts of the people of Richmond Hill to improve and maintain a high standard of appearance of local properties. It is open to individual residents, commercial establishments, industry and institutions. CGA IS the protessuonal desngnatlon you should know about. The letters CGA alter your name Identlly an individual WIlh sound knowledge. abnlnty. dnve and IanI- atlve. After all. the Certlhed General Accountants pro- gram Is one 0! the most demanding and yet most flexible of Its kundt The CGA program rs the only one rn the accounhng proiessmn which oiiers you areas of specializarron m y0ur irnal year â€" Financial Management. Taxation. Pub- lic Audiiing. Public Administration (Government) or tor those who don't wash to specuahze. a General Option. Only CGA offers you Options A high degree ot tlexrbvlrty IS ottered through the CGA program. srnce you can study what y0u need when you need It. you can wnte an exammatron after the com- pletion of each course. and you can learn while SIIII earning a lLving rn related employment. Inltrally. you have the choice ot three entry pomts a year In WhICh to tom the program â€" September. November or March, ‘HE LIBERAL. Wednesday, July 25. 1979 Originality of landscape design in relation to building. Cleanliness of building, flower beds, etc. Maintenance of trees, shrubs, flowerbeds in relation to pests and diseases. General appearance and color of lawn. Use of color in flowers and shrubs in relation to building (at time of judging). Contribution of property to beautification of the neighbourhood. 4th Annual Beautification Awards "DEADLINE EXTENDED" The Liberal newspaper, with the co-operation of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, announces a Beautification Awards Program for Richmond Hill property owners Already church groups are forming committees to arrange sponsorship. St. Mary‘s Anglican Church is as far in the process as awaiting government approval of a sponsorship application while a group at St. Matthew's United has just sent out a letter advising parishioners a group has been set up to gather resources hoping “I'd like to see 50 families sponsored in Richmond Hill alone." said Mr. Winemaker. Mr. Winemaker is challenging the residents of Richmond Hill to step forward and respond as a community to the need of these Southeast Asian refugees. time has been reduced to four to six weeks and the organization in Richmond Hill was established to streamline the legal immigration process, “These people are not we_lfare oriented,“ he sa|d. “no such system exists in their country." The Indo~(‘hinese refugees are very in- dustrious. hard working and ambitious. said Mr. Winemaker. so job offers from the community are also very important. ln Thornhill a meeting set up lo give information Bryan Buchan, heading the St. Matthew's group. said already he had pledges of about $12,000 as well as a house. food, clothing and furniture. Mr. Buchan and Mr. Winemaker both men- tioned the need to find people in the community who 'speak the ap- propriate languages. Vietnamese. Khmer (the language of Cambodia) and Lao lthe language of Laos). to assume responsibility for one or more families. H you are ambm0us and want lo realize your full career potential. then contact The Cerhhed General Accountants Assemahon of Ontario. CGAs are the people In demand. CGAs are me men and women m line for top«level posmons As y0u can see. CGA QIVGS y0u wnde treedom of career chmce, WhICh wrll put you on the road to true professronal success CGA WINE or call Ml†Masters. CGA. Registrar The goal is 20 families in the Thomhill area. said Andrew Meles one of the organizers. Residents of Johnsview Village. a condominium complex at John Street and Bayview Avenue, are in the process of arranging fund raising events. such as a bar- beque. baseball game and draw for a bicycle. with all proceeds to go toward sponsoring a refugee family. on sponsorship resulted in five sponsorship groups set up in Thomhill and two in Unionville. Also as a reSult of the Thornhill meeting, a clothing and furniture depot has been set up. a committee established to look for employment possibilities. and a list of names of people willing to teach English to im- migrants. A guide for sponsors of The Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario 25 Adelaide Street East Toronto. Ontario MSC 1Y6 (416) 366-6501 (Collect Calls Accepted) 4 Residential (Cash) 1 Industrial (Gift Certificate) 1 Institutional (Gift Certificate) All receive personal certiï¬wtes. Atotalof7 awards will be presented for those properties which achieve the highest ratings as scored by the judging committee. 1 Commercial (Gift Certificate) 7 AWARDS lndo-Chinese refugees is now available- from Operation Lifeline, City Hall. Toronto. This 40-page brochure answers such questions as “What is Operation Lifeline?" and gives information including where to find in- terpreters, applying for ()HIP coverage for refugees and suggestions of food to be purchased for refugee families‘ first few days. In Richmond Hill names to contact for information or offers of support are: Bruce McLeod. 883-1970; Elizabeth Loweth. 884- Libéral LOOKING PROPERTY ON YOUR STREET?‘ NOMINATE IT TODAY WITH THE ENTRY FORM ON RIGHT IS THERE AN ATTRACTIVE with 1394: John Bruce, 889- 9364; Marjorie Walters. 884-3604: Ann Gold, 887- 5933; Nicolette Davis 773- 5707 '. (‘arol MacDonald‘ 889-2705: or Earl Winemaker‘ 884-9235. ‘ In Thornhill call Andrew Meles. 889-9623: Unionville. Rochelle Glasner. 2974828: and in Markham. Bruce 01‘ Margaret Searle at 294- 1817. SEE THE LARGEST INDOOR CAR SHOWROOM NORTH OF THE CITY 50 CERTIFIED USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM . . 175 NEW 1979's & 1980's CARS & TRUCKS NOW IN STOCK gr yourself TO ONE OF OUR 5 LIKE NEW USED CARS l ’ - AWARDS PRESENTATION THE COMMITTEE The Awards Program committee is chaired by Irwin Peters Members of the committee are Bob Saunders, Past President of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce; Councillor Dave Barrow and Ron Wallace, Editor of The Liberal. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO BOX 155, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. LAC 4Y6 I.IIII-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- Names of all winners will be published in The Liberal near the end of August. Financing available to qualified buyers. 12+12 Warranty available l herewith nominate the property listed below for The Liberal 1979 Rose Award. 884-448] Address Nominated by l understand that the Awards Program is open on|y to properties within the Town of Richmond Hill. Name of prpperty owner (if knbwn) Street address and no Name Phone (JUST FOLLOW THE MAP) Phone number NOMINATION FORM THE LIBERAL 1979 ROSE AWARDS MAIL THIS ENTRY FORM BEFORE JULY 31,1979 TO PONTIAC BUICK (1975) “D. SMART SHOPPERS KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR VALUE ANO FIND IT! 881 -2603 (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Elgt ifihmtl YONGEHURST RD CARRVILLE RD 9612 YONGE ST., RICHMOND Hlll KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK 727-872] MARKHAM RD SOUTH