Gamble’s file growing with election problems The Liberal contacted John Gamble who said he can do nothing about the “irregularities†of the last election now. but he is gathering a file of the problems of voters in Ms. Law‘s name did not appear on the voting list, and in spite of five calls she made to the returning office reporting her situation‘ she was still unable to vote May 22. (‘aroline Low. of Richmond Hill. said she feels circumstances surrounding the last federal election were “absolutely disgusting" and she has conâ€" tacted the Commissioner of Elections in Ottawa and York- North MP John Gamble. asking for their attention. Father Frank believes in his creature comforts. and he brought his housekeeper, or as he calls her‘ his Girl Friday. Inez Finley with him. He comes to Richmond Hill from Elobicoke. where he was parish prjgsgal SI. Clement's for 12 years. He is ‘Falher Frank Voorwerk, but he prefers to be known as Father Frank. Our Lady Queen of the World parish in Richmond Hi“ has a new parish priest. During his 19 years with the parish. Father Robinson saw many changes take place. both in his parish and in the Catholic (‘hurch in general, He was instrumental in having the church built. and before there was a church for Mass. he said Mass in Our Lady Help of Christian School and weekday Masses 'were in his home. Father Francis Robinson has left Richmond Hill after serving 19 years as parish priest at Our Lady Queen of the World Church. He says he thinks he will like it in Farewell Father Robinson leaves The Hill... ...ana’ Father Frank arrives Father Francis Robinson takes careful aim at his going away cake. He was the honored guest at a recent reception held at Our Lady Queen of The World Church. Rich- mond Hill on the occasion of his transfer from the parish after 19 years. Father Robinson has turned over his duties at Our Lady Queen of the \\orld 10 Father Frank Yoorwerk. Father Robinson is no! going too far from the community. His new parish is St. Edwards in \\'illowdale. He received an arm chair as a gift from the (‘atholic Women‘s League. presented by the president. Margaret McLaughlin. and a money purse from the parish‘ presented by Logan Forsythe, president of the parish council. His hobbies include gardening. carpentry and fishing. and he has been putting his love for carpentry IO fixing up his new home. One room a: a time is receiving his attention. and he's enjoying what he's doing. Father Frahk has a dog, which he says “loves children. too“. As a farewell gesture, the parish held a reception for him. Richmond Hill. but he wishes Bayview Avenue was a bit easier for the children to cross. because he would like all lhe young people to feel they could drop by the church for a visit anytime. Mr. Gamble said he hopes to compile a report to “convince even the most skeptical. the returning officer did not do her job". Twenty~uvo year old. Jo Anne Nuke. the chief returning officer for the riding of York North. was appointed for the election May 22. and is installed in office for life. Election day problems. like Ms. Low‘s. such as not enough ballots supplied. offices opening late election day. addresses of polling stations changed without notice and phones not answered in the returning office. are filling his file. said Mr. Gamble. this constituency. to use as the basis for seeking the appointment of a new returning officer. C 0 mm “My Guide A dditions ‘ Richmond Hill Schools , The YCAMR administration and adult protective services office is at’4 Centre Street West. Richmond Hill, Executive director is Si] Steffan, 884-9110. Protective service worker Paul Savage and family support worker Joanne Nugent operate out of the same office. Homemaker and babysitting services are available. Thornhaven School for the trainable retarded was established by the association in 1953 and in 1969 was assumed by the York County Board of Education, which now has full responsibility for its operation. There are now integrated classes in community schools. Principal is Mrs. Isabella Webb, 884-7731. The school is located at 317 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. High Point Residence â€" 11 Butternut Lane, Markham, has three houses â€" one for mentally retarded teenagers and two for adults. There are also auxiliary residences in Richmond Hill and Markham. The director of residential services is Don Wilkinson, 294-4971. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Beverley Acres Jr. Public School, K-6, 283 Neal Dr., Richmond Hill, IAC 3L3, 8845059, 884-2434, Douglas H. Ford. Crosby Heights Sr. Public School, 6-8, 305 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill, [AC 2R5, 884â€"5281, 884-1625, Kelvin G. Tonner. Jefferson Public School, 1-6 R R 1, Richmond Hill, L4G 4X7, 884-2556, John F. Thompson. Lake Wilcox Public School, Kâ€"6, 80 Wildwood Ave., Box 30, Lake Wilcox, LOG 1X0, 773â€"5381, Edward M. Wells. M.L. McConaghy Public School, K-8, 62 Yonge St. S.. Some are trained in clerical work and are placed in outside employment with local businesses and in- dustries. Telephone 884-9118. Director is Dolly Katola. The Minister of the Environment 14th Floor 135 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 ARC Industries Workshop at 101 Edwards Avenue, Richmond Hill, is a sheltered workshop for the adult retarded. In a protected environment 85 workers earn a weekly pay packet by doing job work for local businesses, such as printing, packaging, assembling, mailing, ceramics, and maintenance work. The approving authority is (b) Refer to Application MOE-80 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented by the Minister of the Environment Harry C. Parrott, DAD‘S. Minister of the Environment The York Central AssoEiatidn for the Mentally Retarded, established in 1953, sponsors a number of these services. HIGH SCHOOLS Bayview Secondary School, 9-13, 10,077 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill, L4G 2L4. 884â€"4453, 884-5742, Harry C. Gerber. Don Head Secondary School, 9â€"11, 300 Major Mackenzie Dr.. Richmond Hill, L4G BS4, 8843330, 884- 5263, 884-5137. Charles M. Seath. Richmond Hill High School, 9-11, 51 Wright SL, Rich- mond Hill, L4G 4A2, 884-2131, 884-2232, John P. Buell. NOTES The mentally retarded in southern York Region are 'well served by both privately and publicly sup- porth fa_eililies for all age groups. Any owner of land in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, IN THE MATTER OF an application by Her Majesty the Queenin right of Ontarioias represented by the Minister of the Environment (expropriating authority) for approval to expropriate land, being parts of Lots 9 and 10, ConcessionZ in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the Township of Markham. in the County of York) in the Prevince of Ontario, for the purpose of the construction and operation of one or more sewer/water mains in connection with the York/Durham Provincial Sewage Works Programme, and for the York Water System. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made for approval to expropriate all right, title and interest in the land described in Schedule and to expropriate a limited estate, right or interest required permanently in the land described in Schedule and temporarily for a period of twelve months from the date of registration of the Plan of Expropriation in the land described in Schedule A definition of the limited estate, right or interest required in the lands described in Schedules “B†and “C†appears in Schedule in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail, within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner. within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The Expropriations Act provides that NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND where an inquiry is requested. it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Attorney General: THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT SERVICES TO THE RETARDED R.R.O. 1970, Reg. 285, Form 2 ALL AND SlNGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York (form- erly in the Township of Markham, in the County of York), in the Province of Ontario. and being composed of part of Lot 10, in Concession 2, of the said Township, being those portions desig- nated as Parts 28. 29 and 30 on Min- istry of Government Services Plan 857- 1 1L. being a Reference Plan deposited 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended In be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. R.R.Ot 1970. Reg‘ 285, Form 2 THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 25th DAY OF JULY, 1979. in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Plan 64R- 7695. “owner†and “registered owner†are defined in the Act as follows: “owner†includes a mortgagee, ten- ant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of, the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of manag- ing his affairs, and a guardian, ex- ecutor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; “registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry. and titles or sher- iff's office. and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll. (b) (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to ex- amine and cross-examine witnesses either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approv- ing authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to ex- ceed $200 and the approving auth~ ority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. the inquiry officer, SCHEDULE “A†Volunteer jobs supplement, but do not supplant the jobs of paid staff. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents. call the Volunteer Bureau and make an ap pointment to come in and see them. ’ There are many volunteer‘opportunitie’s in Rich~ mond Hill including typing, driving. fund raising, office work. babysitting and many varied needs. Volunteer work is open to just about anyone â€" housewives, - senior citizens, students, professionals. . .those who have two hours a month to give and those who have two days a week to give. The Bureau iaentifies comrhunity needs, which volunteers can help meet and puts volunteers in touch with these needs. RICHMOND HILL VOLUNTEER BUREAU The Richmond Hill Volunteer Bureau is a new service, xivhich began in January 1979. ' SEPARATE SCHOOLS Richmond Hill - Oak Ridges Our Lady Help of Christians, JKâ€"8, 10568 Bayviev» Ave., Richmond Hill. L4G 3N8, 884-4023, J. R. Wood. St. Joseph's. JK-8. 301 Roney Ave., Richmond Hill. L4G 2H4, 884-5077, J. Beck. St. Mary Immaculate. JK-8, 200 Trayborn Dr. Rich- mond Hill, L4G 4L4, 8846381, R. D. Zoskey. St. Charles Garnier. JK~8,. 16 Castlerock Dr., Rich- mond Hill. L4C 5H5, 884-0223, RR. Bilyk. Our Lady of the Annunciation. JK-8, 12 Bond Cres., Oak Ridges, Box 427, LOG 1P0, 773-5592. J.R.D. Willison. Richmond Hill, L4G 1T8. 884-1461, David A. Semple. Oak Ridges Public School, K-6, Box 308, Oak Ridges, LOG 1P0, 773-5572. Edward L. Burlew. 0. M. MacKillop Public School, Kâ€"8, 206 Lucas St., Richmond Hill, L4G 4P7. Douglas McElhinney, 884- 5711. Pleasantville Public School. 1~8, 400 Mill St., Rich- mond Hill, MC 489, 884-7431, Russell C. Urquhart. Ross Doan Public School. K-4, 101 Weldrick Rd. Rich- mond Hill, L4G 3T9, 884-4022, Donald W. MacWilliam. Walter Scott Junior Public School, Kâ€"8. Markham Rd, Richmond Hill, L4C 2E7, 884â€"2693, 884-8622, William Kinsley (in Sept. Dennis B. Middleton). Thornhaven School for the 'h‘ainable Retarded, 317 Centre St., Richmond Hill, L4G 1R3, 884-7731, Mrs. l. M. Webb Their telephone number is 883-2235 Volunteer Bureau The limited estate, right or interest re- quired is the right and easement: (a) (b) (C) to enter and lay down, install, con~ struct, maintain, open, inspect, add to, alter, repair and keep in good condition, remove, replace, relocate, reconstruct, supplement and operate one or more sewer/ water mains or any part thereof, including all appurtenances neces- sary or incidental thereto, on, in, across. under and through the land (herein called "the stripâ€); to keep the strip clear of all brush, trees and other obstructions of any nature whatsoever as may be nec- essary to the exercise and for the enjoyment of the rights and ease- ments herein set forth; for the servants, agents, contract- ors and workmen of and other per- sons duly authorized by Her Majesty, at all times and from time to time . to pass and repass with all plant, machinery, material, vehicles and equipment as may be necessary along the strip for all purposes nec- essary or incidental to the exercise and for the enjoyment of the rights and easements herein set forth. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York (Form- erly in the Township of Markham, in the County of York), in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lots 9 and 10 in Concessron 2, of the said Township, being those portions designated as Part 2. 4, 8 and 14 on Ministry of Government Services Plan 857-11L, being a Reference Plan de- posited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Bor- oughs and York South (No. 64) as Plan 64R-7695. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York (form- erly in the Township of Markham, in the County of York) in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of Part of Lots 9 and 10 in Concessupn 2. of the said Township, being those portions designated as Parts 1, 3, 5. 6, 7. 9, 11, 12. 13, 15, 16 and 17 on Ministry of Government Services Plan 857-1 1 L. being a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Plan 64R-7695. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 25. 197 DEFINITION OF ESTATE, RIGHT OR INTEREST REQUIRED SCHEDULE “D†SCHEDULE “C†SCHEDULE “B†Program. Josie will be joining her sister. Maria. at the Moose Factory General Hospital. as a staff nurse, at the end of August. Although lhere were lhree rain-outs last week in Oak Ridges Minor Ball regular play. the Squirts. l‘oewees. Bantams and 'l‘~ linllers managed to gel in some good action. Hn ’l‘hursday. Kinsmen (‘luh lied (iormley Well Drillers a! H. Siandoui for the Kinsmen 'F-Ballers was Darryl Bingham and Jackie Yunllorn played well for (.‘ormley at Oak Ridges Public School. “n the same diamond. Sismun's ()f(‘anada rolled over (‘adillac Bail (Rich- mleu 2+8 in a Squirt match-up. Billy Joe “Queer pitched ex- ceptionally well and llunny 'l‘anburi was strong a! the plate for ~Hismun‘s. At Brudstock Park. Stem) Factory trounced Guaranty ’l‘rust 19-9. Mike Smith made a strong Showing both at the plate and on the mound and the star fielder was (llen (‘ollins. In the Peewee division. Richmond Hill number livcbeut Ryman Shoes 11~ 8 at Lake Wilcox RS. on Thursday. Damien ()‘l-‘laherty pitched well. Michael Field was steady in the outfield and Matt Deering had a couple of nice hits. JOSIE BENCIC. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bencic of Richmond Hill. graduated with honors from the Humber Minor Ball Oak Ridges College. Quo Vadis »\pproach Nursing