Char/es Connor Library plans A ugusz‘ pro gram: The Charles Connor Branch of the Rich- mond Hill Public Library has a couple of programs planned for August that are guaranteed to amuse the youngsters. The Young People‘s (‘reative Puppet Show will visit Tuesday. August 7 with two performances. . . The puppet show will begin at 2 pm. Library staff Tequest everyone to pre- register by calling 773- 5533 or drop by the library‘ Children enjoy crafts, and when they can make their craft work for them. it's that much better. Willy Robinson, Michelle Jenny Schroer and Jerry McLaughlin (left to ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears‘ and ‘One Eye, No Eyes, Three Eyes'. Later in the month on August 16 and 17 there will be a play clay workshop for children of all ages. There will be a limit to the number of registrations accep Multi-colored turtles and smiling faces of children: nothing could make a better combination of fun and good spirits. Thirteen children, aged seven and up. were at the Charles Connor Library in Oak Ridges last Wed. nesday to take part in ‘the great turtle race‘. Before the children could enter the race. they had to make their own turtles. This they accomplished with THE LIBERAL. Wednesday 'en enjoy crafts, and when they can make their craft right) were among the lilmymoungsters, who gathered at the- for them, it's that much better. Willy Robinson, Charles Connor Library last week to make and race elle Jenny Schroer and Jerry McLaughlin (left to turtles. The event was a great success. Turtle racing is fun when you make the turtle NATURALLY AGED BEEF GRADE "A" GUARANTEED TENDER FREEZERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES 9514 ISLINGTON AVE, WOODBRIDGE IF LONG DISTANCE CALL COLLECT university at night Atkinson College York University Evening and part-ttme undergraduate programmes leading to B A . BA (Admm) 8‘80 and B.S.w. ApplicattonstoradmlssuontotheAutumn,I Winter Sessuon wrll be accepted until August 7. 1979 __ Forlurtherunlormatlontelephon9667~2§71 HEREFORD BEEF CO. 893-1982 FREEZER ORDER SPECIALISTS Richmond Hill North All materials will be supplied by the library. ted. so it is advisable to register early. There is no charge for this or any other program sponsored by the library. Oak Ridges and District Minor Hockey Association is looking for coaches and managers for the new season. Anyone interested in working with a team is asked to apply in writing to Oak Ridges Minor Hockey. PO. Box 505 Oak, Ridges. ()ntario. Registration dates for hockey have been set as September 8 and 15. 1both Saturdays) and will be at Bond Lake Arena. SENIORS Members of the Wheelhouse (‘lub send birthday greetings to paper plates and construction paper. Crayons added the finishing touches. Each-turtle had to have a name and then the kids were set. Lunch break was a time for strategy and planning. but as soon as the eating was done, the races got un- derway. The turtles were attached to long strings, which were fastened securely to fixed objects at one MINOR HOCKEY , July 25. 1979 AW Edna Geary, who celebrated July 19. The Wheelhouse Club, now at 12 King Side Road, is open all summer at varying times for the members to enjoy the facilities. Dorothy Bamsdale at 773-5593, has times and additional in- formation. A new ball team has been formed in Oak Ridges and not many people are aware of it. The team is called ‘The Oaks‘ and con- sists of some very crazy husband-wife or boyfriend combina- tions. who are out to have a good time with other similar teams. So far. this mad cap group has played two games. The first one doesn‘t deserve much mention. except to say. it practise. end. From the other end. the owners of the turtles manoeuvered his or her own creation along the string. On arriving at the far end of the string. the turtles then had to be returned to the start. The first one back was declared the winner. All the turtles couldn‘t he raced at The second game. NEW TEAM $285mm WE DO NOT USE CHARGEX 0R MASTERCHAHGE. WE ARE SORRY T0 "(CONVENIENCE ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Open Dally 9 a m -6 D m was - good ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Why swelter through the hot muggy nights this summer. Drop into Rich< mond Hill Refrigeration and we will help you select the right model for your needs. Ask about our latest ‘High Efï¬ciency Models’â€"particularly if you lave an old inefficient unit that's wasting away year round operating energy dollars! COOL SUMMER a SAVINGS NOW! AIR BflNDITlflNERS BEAT THE HEAT WITH 6,000 BTU RICHMOND HILL REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (WINDOW UNIT MODEL) 50 INDUSTRIAL ROAD. RICHMOND HILL 8841964 PHONE 889-9377 played in Aurora Sunday night. was much different‘ The Oaks won. That is really saying something, because it gets a little difficult at times. to tell who is winning and who is losing. Oak Ridges Minor Ball is enjoying a good come-back season and everyone is learning a lot about the sport and good fellowship A tournament will be held with Richvale, Richmond Hill and Oak Ridges teams on September 8 in Rich- mond Hill. A final celebration is being planned for September 15. but more about the nature of this will follow at a later date. All parents are in- vited to be on hand to cheer their teams to victory. once. and several heats were held before the finals. Those taking part in the finals were: Willy Robinson, Jerry McLaughlin‘ Robert Wilkinson and Michele MacDonald. Michele had the fastest turtle and took top honors. The best decorated turtle WE SELL RECONDITIONlNG AIR CONDIIIONERS MINOR BALI. OREPAIRS OSERWCE 'SALES 'DOMESTIC OCOMMERCIAL OINDUSTRIAL Band In §§i1°$‘§‘>$ï¬?*ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬w‘ 3‘ The summer playground programs sponsored by Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Depart- ment will present The Timbrel's Children's Dance Concert at the Richvale Community Centre. 160 Avenue Road tomorrow (July 26) at 2 pm. The children, enrolled in the summer‘ programs. will be par- ticipating in a series of workshops prior to the performances. The workshops will include creative dance. and dance drama. The public is invited to attend the performance by the Timbrel's Dance Concert at no charge. MILL POND CONCERT The next concert at Mill Pond Park will be next Thursday. August 2 at 7:30 pm. _ l-heï¬berformer will be Nicol Brown. and all area residents are invited to drop by and listen to the music. "-"ï¬iére is no charge to attend these concerts - belonged to Jerry McLaughlin and the most original name ‘Napper The Snapper' ‘Napper was 2 Robert ‘ The program was sponsored by the Rich- mond Hill Public Library and there was no charge lo the children for any of the materials. IT'S HAPPENING IN THE HILL Timbrel’s Dance Concert Irned up for summer playground programs RENT or BUY (A Room) AIR CflNDITIDNER CALL NOW r The Snal awarded Wilkinson Emmanuel Anglican Church, Richvale is presenting a program for all members of the communitv. It is called ‘God's Word: Your door to adventure‘. and will be held August 13 to 17 at the church. Included will be singing. Bible learning projects, games and Come to Simpsons Hillcrest Mall and see Anna Kienle paint beautiful Canadian scenes on wood. New vacation program at Emmanuel An g/icqn You‘ll enjoy watching her paint Canadian flowers and wildlife in oils on cherry or walnut wood plaques. Pick out several of your favorites and create a smart wall grouping. Ideal accents for Colonial or Traditional-style home furnishings. Plaques range in size from 4" x 4†to 8" x 10". Remember to use your Simpsons Action Card. it’s so easy and convenient! PLEASE SHOP IN PERSON AT SIMPSONS HILLCREST MALL ONLY. Simpsons Hillcrest Mall in Richmond Hill. RHL7445. Thurs. July 26 and Fri. July 27 â€"â€" 5:30 pm. to 8:30 pm Sat. July 28 â€"- 10 am. to 5:30 pm. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE The St. John Ambulance Brigade will hold a training session tonight (July 25) from 8 to 10 in the cafeteria at Don Head Secondary School. For additional information. please call 884-4204. ‘ Anyone interested in seeing just what the brigade does, is welcome to attend. ‘ (‘ARIBANA PARADE Children will be the special theme of this year‘s Caribana Parade in Toronto. ' The parade will be held August 4 and will start off from Varsity Stadium Any West Indian children living in the Richmond Hill-Thornhill area. who would like to join in the fun and excitement of this event, are asked to call Kelvin Ceballo at 884â€"9686 or call 925-5435. LIBRARY Richmond Hill Public Library will feature a Children‘s Film Festival for children of all ages this afternoon Richmond Hill South For ac formation 889â€"6789 in pres Drogram younger of the au‘ refreshments will be on ha 9:30 day. This Bible classes presenting audience additional School and will be from . 'to noon each its'. Puppets hand to aid nting the to the members please Each, Vacation in- call 695m 2195 LIBRARY T h e Ric h v ale Library has much planned for the a m u s e m e n t o f children in the com- munity for the next couple of weeks. Wednesday, August 1. The Travelling Puppet Show will visit with two puppet plays: The Three Little Pigs, and A Head for Pep pino. (July 25) from 2 to 4 pm. at the main library on Wright Street. Richmond Hill. The films to be shown. will appeal to children of all ages. Next Wednesday. August 1 the Travelling Puppet Show will visit the main library with two at- tractions: ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘A Head for Peppino'. This program is' 'also open to children of all ages. and there is no admissionl DAY (‘AMP Children attending the Family ‘Y' day camp at Whitchurch Con- servation Area are inviting their parents and friends to attend a celebration the evening of July 26 from 7 to 8:30 pm. at the con- servation area. This will be a family night and the theme will be the Canadian Indian. The children attending the camp are looking forward to showing their parents what they are doing and sharing camp spirit with all the visitors‘ The puppet show will beat 10:30 am. and all children are welcome. August 2 and 3 there will be a Clay Play Workshop at the library. Admission is free to both programs, but pre-registration is required for the clay workshop. You may register in advance at the library or by calling 889-2847.