Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

Richmond Hill Liberal, 1 Aug 1979, B5

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CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 8834 664 50 Yonge Street 8., Aurora. Ontario Richard E. Wilson [g REYNOLDS WALUMINUM PRODUCTS 223-4071 DAYS 4c | Bookkeeping I Appliance Service Repaus to all electric stoves. washers, dryers, fridges, anrr commoners, dishwashers, small applmnces 883-5054 D.J. DILWORTH 8 ASSOC All types of alterations, rOugh framing, drywall 8 masonry. No Job Too Small Free Estimates Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Presently making pine giftware seeking new contacts. Wholesale or Retail (Freehand woodtuvning) brick guaranteed. Free estimates. Ca|l Dag Schindler. In natural stone and Additions, Renovations, etc No Job :00 small. 130 Cenue St. W. KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT KEN H. McKEOWN Accountants (Chartered) OSIDING 'SOFFIT OFASCIA BRADLEY a HILL Regis‘ered Industrial Accountant 325 Richmond St. Richmond Hill SUITS, DRESSES, DRAPES ‘ Accountang Bookkeeping Services Income Tax Prepatations ALL REPAIRS GUARANTEED huru‘n‘d Accountant Accounting Services 10620 voucs AT oxrunn 8844030 Telephone (416)881-5845 SMALL WOUDWORKING SHOP ROSENBERG 8 COMPANY 10256 Yonge St Richmond Hill For small businesses FIREPLACES Chartered Accountants Call 773-5584 Evgs‘ Thomhlll. Omano [31‘ SEE AppHance Renaii 8831258 884-0554 Carpentry STENMAR CARPENTRY Kenneth M Pal 8896683 8849697 8842092 881-7149 BOB ROSS CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR Bookkeeping Income Tax 889-1377 889-5773 KARL'S Made or altered “1788 USE OUR SERVICE DIRECTORY g\ FOR HOME OR BUSINESS All work 0W4!) ALUMINUM TFC5 10 OEAVESTROUGHING 'DOORS, W|NDOWS OAWNINGS All types of electrical work‘ Residential-CommerciaIâ€"lndus- trial. Detlvered In small and large quantities Libéral SI-ICP UnwerSIty student entevpnse. specnalA :sts In hveplace and 'urnace chim- neys as well as animal sueen Installations All kinds 0! repsius done in suie and oulsude (he house WI" (10 movnng, cleanups Or what have vou' 'm1:5137 A ELECTRICIAN lmprove‘nients PICKUP TRUCK DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEU LUMBARDI CONTRACTING LOAM GARDEN MIX SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLIES KNAPPETT'S LANDSCAPING Bayview & 18th Avenue Richmond Hill CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS . PUH WA TERPROUFING CUNL‘RFTE A150 PA T103. CHIMNEYS. PORCHES [in B 7373 884-5227 WALKER CONSTRUCTION 8842882 BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' expetience Fire Place Service Richmond Hill Contracting Co. Ltd. Gardening landscaping TOP SOIL SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS PRODUCTS BRONCO ELECTRIC TOP HAT CHIMNEY SWEEPS Handymen 783-1605 alters :2 m CHIMNEYS 8 FIREPLACES 635-791 8 STONE WORK HANDYMAN 884-3089 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential. Commercial. Industrial WIHng Doâ€"It-Y0urselt information (Lic. No. E1099) Special discount for pensioners G. ROCKET M 83-1} 889â€"4729 8845182 Man with 832-1695 EVGS Free Esfimates 883-3033 my- INTRODUCING "Qtarl @rl’fhth & gums 1th." PHONE: 773-5782 chaz 225-1871 "PASSIVE SOLAR HOME RENOVATIONS" CARPENTRY, HOUSE FRAMING, GARAGES, SUN ROOMS, GREENHOUSES, NEW ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS, DOORS a INSULATION INSTALLED. PLANSE; RERIVIIT ARRANGED |F_NECESSARY. FREE ESTIMATES BY CON TRACT OR HOURLY. UXBRIDGE IPLASTEHING 'CERAMIC TILE 'DRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTUHED 'CEIUNGS 8 WALLS RUSSD BROTHERS 1-852-3594 Fire Hazards are Real The Kings Chimney Sweep Renovations - Painting - Carpentry Drywall OAlterations ORepairs ORecreation rooms OPatios OWindows - Doors BATHTUB REGLAZING [Va/'00 too small Salishch a must 881-3775 days 8815235 aftet 5 pm. Double 0r triple glass Storm windows ~ Storm Doors Sldmg Overhang Awnnngs EavestrOughmg HANS BUTT 'FREE ESTIMATES All WOI'k guaranteed "ND J03 0.550611" Clem a . mg Products ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Excellent workmanship SEWER CONVERSIDNS PLUMBING & TRENCHING CONCRETE - ALL TYPES FREE EST/MA r55 PLASTERER TILE SETl'ER 889-4106 8846162 C & L GENERAL CONTRACTOR 47 Patricia Ave. Lic. No. D180 After 6 pm 883-5432 7 New Tub guarantee Toronto Porcelain Refinishing Home Improvements Tubs â€" Sinks - Tiles - Repairs Any condition â€" Any colour LUCIANO JOE Phone for free Brochure 884-4208 Hire a Hobbit HOME HANDYMAN SERVICE INSIDE 0R OUTSIDE ReasonaBle Rates Free Estimates 884-4661 884-9026 0 884-4028 TFCM Window Cleaning Painting, Papering Rubbish Removed Minor Repairs and Alterations Small Move? ’KOATINGS Expenence m painting, calpentry. plumbmg. cement wmk. window re» pans. eavestwughmg. Ioohng. All types 0! cleanups 8. demolition. Flee estimates Ed UNIVERSITY SUMMER STUDENTS Home Improvements Rec Roomsr Bathrooms Fiteplaces Er General Repairs NOR I HERN WOOD WORKS 535-6001 366-7816 ilv RENOVATIONS ADDITIONS CUSTOM CABINETS MASONARY WORK 775-6390 889-3820 'Siding OSoffit OShutters 'Wlndows at R. DURAN Remodelling Renovating 7 MacPHEE ALUMINUM GENERAL CONTRACTING 883-3170 FREE ESTIMAI'E- JOHN MacPHEE 88443506 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL 881-5556 Evgs Free es‘ 225-2724 additions me impvo 'Doors {POM n5. [ec rooms 889-4697 THOHNHILL -Eaves OFascia 0Awnings ORaiIings FCd TFCJS C5w3 TFCS Member of the Toronto Home Buulders Assoc. “We will undercut any estimate.” *WPVAINTING & PAPER HANGING ‘ Photogréphy I YORK STUDENT PAINTERS Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 | Piano Tuning CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY BB Bake! Ave, Richmond Hill 8841745 New work & reroofing Expert Workmanship All work guaranteed New work, reroofs, chimney repails. Workmanship guar- anteed‘ Typewriters Adding Machines Sales 8 Service Alf ’5 Office Machines Richmond Hill 881 1997 BLOWN IN FREE ESTIMATES 883â€"3500 884-9000 |NSULAT|ON PAINTING and Paperhanging DECORATING Nelson Contracting TYpHNRHER RENTALS LllflMS 6123 YONGE ST WILLOWDALE 225-8881 New - Reroofing » Repairs Free Estimates Excellent Rates HUGH BARR 889-2773 By McKinley Office Machines Insulation QUALITY PA|NT REFERENCES Professnonal Finish Guaranteed ROOFING ROOFING PAINTING by Ursiurla Liane 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED R.E. Dunn 7273303 J. HOFFMAN Painters FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK Free Estimates PRECISION ROOFING 881 -0841 Illath Ridge 883â€"5057 Steve THORNHILL ROOFING INC. 884-5965 535-5117 Metro No. B 5345 881-1803 bus. 881-5575 tes. Roofing Piano Tuning 8 Repairs SMINGLES ALL wonx GUARANTHD Free Estimates 889-3228 GVN 883-4084 CAWM TFCZ TN! Supply transportation on a weekday basis fer thtee routes: ROUTE ROUTE ROUTE Condltions and Route maps may be obtained from the York Central Association For The Mentally Retarded. at 97 Newkirk~ Road North. Richmond Hill or by phoning F. Wilkinson at 884-9110 Bonnie and Robert Erskine, Essex, Ontarro. are pleased to announce the brrth of a daughter, Dianna. July 21. 1979, 7 lbs. 4% 015., at Grace Hosprtal, Windsor A sister tor Dawn and Dana. Landscaping and Maintenance LEV. Ron and Catherine are happy to announce the safe amval of Elizabeth Anne. 7 Ibs‘. 8 025., Monday. July 23‘ 1979. at Yovk County Hospital. A Sister for Richard and Timothy. Happy grandparents, hm and Dorothy Ley and Frank and tha HIII. FINLAY ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING LTD., SERVICING ALL MAKES AND MODELS, ELECTRIC MOTORS, PUMPS, BELTS, ETC. Trees, bushes & stumps Cut or Removed ALL WORK GUARANYEED Call collect '0: tree estimatei 7" Miscellaneous ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL WORK GUARANTEED RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL FINLEY ELECTRIC INC., INTRODUCING NEW SERVICE Leslie 833-5995 For flee estimate LII Pua Landscaping 884-8148 TENDERS TRANSPORTATION SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 12:: PM. ON AUGUST 14th. 1979 Boxgrove ASphalt & Construction (Markham) Ltd. DRIVEWAYS. PARKING LOTS, PLAY AREA, TENNIS COURTS & WALKWAYS l.-Markham to Richmond Hill-35 passengers 2s-Stouffville to Markham to Richmond Hill 10-12 passengers 3.-Thornhil| to Richmond Hrll-lO-IZ passengers Registered with Consumer Pmncmn Ion-u I. ‘35 Births 884-0775 or 884-0780 Mombon ol Senor Dunn." Iuruu 7“ Gardening &Supp|ies 609 Tenders MANY thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours. doctors and nurses at York Central Hosprtal. Pastor Paul Wu and Mr. Grant Marshall and stall of the Marshall Funeral Home, for then krndness and consideration dunng our recent bereavement For beautrlul flowers, cards and letters and donatrons to the Heart Fund â€"A srncere Thank You to All Mrs. James R. (Bob) Budd and Famrly‘ Animals wagon nde and plcmc area NOTICE IS hereby given that RANDUS INVESTMENTS LTD. Intends to d|ssolve pursuant to the Busmess Corporations Act, DATED at Newmarket this 27th day of July. 1979 ALESSANDRO M DI CECCO Barnstev & Sollcnor 496 Davis Dr Newmarket, Ont L3Y 2P3 Sollcutor lor Randus Investments Ltd 55" Cards of Thanks 7" Miscellaneous Call BIRTHDAY PARTIES AT JUST-A-FARM “5 Notices 473-2732 NOTICE W3 IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ROBERT BUDD All persons havmg clarms against the Estate of James Robert Budd. carrying on DUSIDESS as AUDIOVISUAL CONSULTANT SERVICE. late of the Town ol chhmond Hull, In the Re glonal Munrcrpaltty of York who dred on or about the 11th day at July 1979 are hereby notrhed to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 27th day at August 1979 alter which date the Estate Will be dlstnbuted. wrth regard only to the clalms ol Wthh the underSIgned shall then have notrce and the undersrgned wull not be Irahle to any person whose claim she shall not then have notrce. - Dated at chhmond Hull thus 27th day of July 1979, Dorothy Budd, Admmrstratrlx ol the Estate of James Robert Budd by her soltcnor Karen Mitchell‘Box 939. 11 King Road. Oak Ridges. Ontano. LOG 1P0. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 1, 1979 â€" 8-5 LINE, Emma M. - Al Resthaven Nursrng Home. on Tuesday. July 24. 1979. Emma Westervelt, beloved wrle ol Rally and dear mother ol Helen (Mrs. W. Danyer). grandmother ol Helen (Mrs. P Weber) and W. R. (Dan) Danyer and one great grandchrld. Paula Weber Funeral servrce was held on Frrday. July 27th mm the Jenen erlowdale Chapel. wrth Interment in Highland Memory Gardens. MchMARA. Bemlrd loseph â€" At York Central Hospital. on Friday. July 27, 1979, Bernie, dear husband at Katherine Stevenson. dear lather ol Margaret Anne Watson, of Scarborough, Linda Phillips of Bellevrlle, Stephen ol BC, and Kathie, at home, also survrved by lour grandchildren and his brother, Vincent. ol Mrssrssaugat Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill Service was held Monday 11 am In St. Gabriel's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. Cremation NOT|CE T0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS ol seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren, dear brother of Helen (Mrs. William Petty). Fnends were received at the B‘ E. ang Funeral Home 7783' Yonge St“ Thornhrll SerVIce was held In the Chapel Frrday afternoon. Interment Westmrnrster Cemetery. OKE. Wilfrid Ethelbert - At Branson Hospital. on Tuesday, July 24, 1979. Bert Oke, beloved husband of Vrolet Caseley, dear father of Manon (Mrs. T Sutclllfe). Audrey (Mrs. A Waune). lovung grandfather ZIMMERMAN, Catherine A. â€" At Toronto General Hospital, on Saturday July 28. 1979 Cathy Swan, beloved wife of Henry R. (Oak Ridges), dear mother ol Ray (Vancouver), Gloria (Orangevrlle) and Sandra (Sutton), loved grandmother of John. Paul, Travrs, Jason. Stephanie and Veronica. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home. 10366 Yonge St. , Richmond Hill, until 5 pm Wednesday. Then to St. Mary Immaculate Church, Richmond Hill, lor Mass at 730 pm. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, Thursday '10 am: Donations to lhe Ontario Heart Foundation or Cancer Society. would be apprecrated. Libéral “"5 Notices “5 Deaths was Ban Hun LooXqu M 9m DOUBLE FEATURE Last week an Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) hearing was held at the municipal offices con- cerning rezoning in the Richvale area. OMB hearing decision This particular hearing was to hear objections to rezoning in the area from (‘arrville Road and Yonge Street [0 the south side of Oak Avenue. The town has made zoning changes reducing the frontage and square footage requirements to make way for redevelopment of the area. Although o iginally there were f ur ob- jections registered from residents not wanting to change the character of the area. only two showed up at the hearing. Vice-Chairman of the ()MB‘ Donald Diplock. chairing the hearing in Richmond Hill. reserved his decision. advising staff and residents he would hand down a decision as quickly as possible. is reserved MORRISON â€" O'DONNELI. - MI and Mrs J. O'DonneII annauce the mamage of their eldest daughter. Calollne, to James Mernson. 01 wmm, July 30, 1979. son 01 Althm and Dorothy Morrison. of Scarborough. they will be honeymooning In the Grand Bahamas Islands. Mrs Kathleen Kernbhan is pleased to announce the marriage of her daughter lanrce Lillie to Ronald Larry McCahe, son of Mr. and Mrs. D McCabe The weddrng took place Saturday. July 7 at the Free Metho dust Church. chhmond Hill. Service by the Reverend Qurclr. KERNOHAN - MCCABE ment Cards and official receipts are provided. 10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill, LAC 423. mm The names of loved Ones, whose friends chose to ve~ member them with a memorial donation, are in scribed in the Book of Memory in the Hospital Lobby. Earrime 55“ Marriages ‘ YORK CENTRAL yr HOSPlTAL FOUNDATle MEMORIAL FUND

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