B-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 1, 1979 QUIET THOR NHILL CRESCENT $96,900. spll! entrance 4 bdrm bungalow backing on park. Eat-in kltchen wlth walkout to patio. 2 baths. "replace, knotty pine panelied games room, double garage. Ted Yates COSTAIN THORNHILL SUPER TWIN 3 bdrm, 2 storey tudor, sunken Hvlng room. large kltchen with walkouQ good 101/l% mortgage plus many upgrades. Reduced to $77 500. Call Mrs. Soroka 831-5940 RICHMOND HILL TWIN $64,900. 3 Bedrooms, 2 cgramjc ti_|esA bathrpoms, leaming hardwood floors. amin room mm wet bar 8. move. A-l condition throught. For pavtlulars. Call Willy Allison personally @ummuille 155mm Featuring Country living oCustom designs Estate type lots oUp to '1 acre lots Panoramic view available SALES OFFICE OPEN 11-7 WEEKENDS 3-9 WEEKDAYS 1478-4841 Ms QUEENSVILLE SIDE RD‘ HWY. 400 I: x w .4 :' E z o o Libéral Classiï¬eds 884-1105 - 1106 DEPENDING UPON THE MODEL YOU CHOOSE FEATURES INCLUDE: THE CASTLE GROUP OF HOMES JUST EAST BATHURST 7 MINS NORTH OF STEELES 5 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM RANGING IN PRICE FROM $84,900. MODELS ARE AVAILABLE WITH 9% IST MORTGAGE FOR INFORMATION CALL (416) 883â€" 5269 O 2-st0rey fireplace 0 Atrium 0 Spiral staurcase 0 Private den off master bdrm M" C... “\ ROBERT ARMSYRK N EWMARKET 895-8621 C’Cudilluc Fain icxx _ leit‘[)cwlupmcmx 16! .. HEATED BY 0 passemeo av 5’ aggggtgggg Houses to Rent ROBERT AflMSYNONG LIMIYED. REALTOR SUPER VALUE THORNHILL $95,900 delached brick 4 bdrm 2 balhs central air huge family-size kitchen with oak built-ins overlooking peaceful private garden. Choice location. Steps to bus. Jean Nicholson 881-5940, VENDOR LEAVING COUNTRY MUST BE SOLD $95,900 - asking for this immaculate 3 bdrm centre hall bungalow. super lower level wllh log burnlng fireplace. 2 pc master ensuite, double garage. Located In desirable area of Thornhill. See it with Jean Vanderveer 881-5940. BATHURST-STEELES 2 Name bungalows - one acre each. future commercial development. Can be bought together or separate. Vendor must sell. For more can Vince Penamala 881-5940. ' TFBJH'eritage $93,900 TORONTO 889-7877 fridges. stoves, freezets. Iurml Must be clean and working Nee desperate. highest pnces paid 3H Libéral Cash price for your household contents or individual items nswmnieâ€"‘r Brices 363-1954 1478-4175 WANTED BABY ITEMS, Articles wanted ’01 FOP. FASI SERVI 889-0273 495â€"1942 LADDER 881-4130 Cash for good recreational facilities - smashing - $54,900. Call Willy Allison - personally AVERY ELEGANT APARTMENT THORNHILL Close to go†couvse. Transponation. Shopping. 3 bedrooms - 2 bathrms - laundry room - beaukiful Atminstev carpets - all WYCLIFFE OLDE TOWNE! STEELESVLESLIE Immaculate home - super neighbourhood! Near German Mills school. Large foyer - beautiful new broadloom - lamin & laundry main floor - 4 bedrooms with ensuite. It has everything ~ landscaped & fenced loo! $60-80.000 down (yes - professionally finished rec- room.) Why not see it tonite? Bob Allison 881-5940 DESlGNER'S OWN RESIDENCE! $264,000 BAYVIEW NORTH! A spectauclar marble foyer, formal living & dining, 5 bdrms kidney shaped indoor pool! Cen:ra| air a‘ld extras monumNOJSm menti31 Call Juliua ';.:gely tfn Between } 305 CENTRES OVER 900 Chestgrfields Bed Cheéten‘ields $168. to $598 217 LAWRENCE AVE. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL OWNER ANXIOUS 6 room brick bungalow in desirable area. 2% bedrooms. 'new modern kitchen. rec mom. new roof. Asking only $73800, See this now. ()l'lE'l‘ .\R I-I.:: bedroom raised bungalow in showroom condilion. king-size kitchen. garage.’ on good big lot. Asking $79.91)â€. llon‘l be late. WEST OF “mm: Ii room brick bungalow. attached GARAGE & CONTENTS CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE bungalow. attached garage. Good location near all conveniences. Priced to sell. only 3.. 55 PROCTOR AVE THORNHILL MURPHY 8 KENNEDY RE AL‘KRGE SHOWROOMS YONGE 91 92 Articles for Sale CASH AND CARRY OR DELIVERY ARRANGEE LAWN SALE Ltd. Realtor. 884-5422 SAL AUGUST 4th (If rain. Sunday) 10 AM. Mega .AIURDAY “LL 6 SALE ('ull X84642: use & Showroom ‘AILY 9 TO 9 P M Tom 924-8408 opposute Westbury Mnssussauga, 66H 170 592234 5-1135 Sewmg EVEry~ 6 cylinder, Pmpane gas furnace, stove Refrigelator enemies on gas electric ox baiter Body bunlt by Curtis Also antique lumlture. 21 large and malt wooden xtnun wmdnwx wuth good gum Only $2 PaLh 884-6038 Size 6% appraised at 31.90000 Will sell for 51.30000. Good hay held Richmond Hm Approximately 2 000 bales Sell out nght - Cheap or wnll take 40â€: .t you cut and bale 884-1928 24 above ground Complete Neveu uaed 833â€"6820 Storm Windows LADIES DIAMOND AND SAPPHIRE DRESS RING BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE Call Newmalket 29-2c ab‘ Swimming Pool CHEVROLET SPORTS VAN CAMPER NEWMARKET 895-8821 TORONTO LINE 889-7877 G.M. BABY CAR SEAT SPECIAL E tennis, Inke new. Cost $94 98 365 8841200. $82,900 DALHOUSIE ST. HOLLAND LANDING FEATURING PICK YOUR OWN GREEN & YELLOW GARAGE SALE AUGUST 4th 881â€"0604 SPEC|AL ENDS JUNE 30th/79 â€" Plus tax PONTIAC BUICK (1975) LTD. 9612 YONGE ST, RICHMOND HILL. ONT BEANS $82,900 TO $92,900 EXCLUSIVE AGENT ROBERT SWEEZIE 773-5478 HAY 50 ~ 6 quatt Bav 9614 0 INFANT LOVE SEAT 20 LBS. Reg, ‘28.85 SPECIAL s24.95 - INFANT LOVE SEAT STROLLER Reg. $44.50 SPECIAL $39.95 - CHILD CAR SEAT .2040 LBS Reg. $49.95 SPECIAL $44.95 8th Ave‘ ï¬ggmmm GLEN CEDAR HANGING IN PRICE FROM 0 COUNTRY LIVING OCUSTOM DESIGNS - 0 ‘/2 ACRE LOTS AVAILABLE 0 5 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ‘econd Anyone WIShlng to donate Items lo: a Garage Sale Please contact HELP OUR MINOR ATOM SOCCER TEAM GO 10 MIAMI. Doors. wmdows awnings ralllflgs Sldlng. sofht system. twugh Flee estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514 TYPEWRITERS. adders caIculatOIs sales semce «entals Newmarket Busnness Machines. 497 Timothy St Newmatket 895-7621 um 305 100m \mte Ht'avv double ordextali table 2 keavm bulfer 11 Chmesel Chippendale chairs pluxZavmchans bowhont chma cablnet huhh on. cupboavd All $1 200 889-0191 Beautiful hadlt Appmx R932! nt Twm Cyllndel DeVIlbns gas dnven DINING TABLE AIR COMPRESSOR Articles For Sale Spanish Tile 884-4941 Garage Sale ROOFING SAT.. AUGUST 4 ' 9 AM. Like New Make otter 884-8601 884-7711 884-8101 SEARS SHALLOW WELL 773-5546 JOHN MacDONALD JET PUMP Oak. and b 500 ALUMINUM TABLE Marlene 1a! mahogany dining} double pedestal; He! 4 Cmnesel He! mmnor BUNK BEDS‘ 1000 sets. Brand new. $119.95. Cash and Carry. Harry 3368 Yonge St‘. Toronto 488-7911. INTERESTED ll'l old lumltule. Good condition. 8893989 evgs. URINE~ERASE Guarantees removal unne starns. odors from carpets. Free brochure Wnte Rerdell Chemrcals Ltd, Box 7500. London. Ontarro. 18 8 cu ft. Geneta! Elecfnc Sideby Slde Still under wauanty $550 ITAKWOOD Rosewood futnlture bedroom. 6 piece dlmng room 9 piece IIvmg loom Bland new Reasonable 247 4377 Automatic. Under 2 years Excellent COHdItIDI‘I $500. I74 M|LLPOND COURl' FRI AUG 3-SAT. AUG 4 10 AM. - 4 PM, lwun post beds complete, Cut glass antique SIM}! and chma lea serylce Miscellaneous household Items Gold. 3 rooms. wall to wall approx- Imalely 12‘ x 11’. 12' x 11' and 12'x9' plus extlas. TELEVISION 'color, 25" console Excellent condmon $300. 0r _best oHe: 8810231 COAT â€" Luxurious Sheared Beaver coat. Fax collar. Size 20. shalt. custom made. 5800. 889-0191. FREEZER. Ielevnswn‘ beds‘ bedtoom sulte‘ All good condition. Furniture. carpet 45 gal $5 plastic 45 galv drums $12 ideal for floating docks, garbage containets flund storage. etc Call Mike Gerecht 883-1571 days or 293-9568 evenings BURD'S IROUT POND. 1‘7 I NORIH 0F RINGWOOD 0N HWY SAT.AUG 41H 9 A M Something for everyone A1669 Gmham St. Newmazket If ram - wxll beheld on Sunday onSIslnng ol antiques. collectible :ems and household luvmshmgs, 'lus approx, 600 cedav lence YBIIS CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME TERMS CASH 0R CHARGEX AUCIIONEER DON BURD AUCTION SALE WASHER AND DRYER INGLIS SAT, & SUN‘ AUG 4 & 5th 122 SPRINGHEAD GARDENS RICHMOND HILL BROADLOOM SAT. AUGUST 11th 12 NOON 640-2928 BACKYARD SALE STEEL DRUMS GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 883-1706 309 FRIDGE & FREEZER 8843432 STILL 0N FLOOR Auctions kitchen utensnls Lazy Boy. odd etc. 887-5154, MllE c4w3 AUCTION SALE FOR Mr. and Mrs. Don Lauzon 215(11er Drive, NEWARKET, ONT. TUES. EVENING 6 PM. “160517.1919 12 key Magnus chord Organ and bench. love suite, excellent con‘ drtron. chestertreld and charr. large collee table and end tables, table lamps. trrple dresser, solrd wood nrght table. chest with (WHO! dresser. small marble top table. drapes and bedspread. arr con- drtroner, bath and shower set (Irke new). G. E. Contessa 850‘ frost lree relngerator. Beach stove. blender, collee maker. electrrc knrle. Kenmore washer. heavy duty Inglrs dryer, Kelvrnalor relngerator, Gibson uorrght 18' lreezer. llrp flop lur- nrture. couch. hrgh charr. upright piano, assorted tables. prcmc table. Canadian Tire srt down 24" lawnmower. snowblower (Irke new) used four trmes â€" 24", 8 hp.m. (dual stage). woodstove -2 burner, new hedge trrmmer â€"20". Black and Decker. 18" gas mower. leather couch. two sewrng machines. cut). one set red wagon wheel bunk beds. chrome table, chuna. traller mirrors many more Items too numerous to lust IRAINING Keep Partial contents of the estate of E.P. Rogers. Jr. and other heavily carved dining. living and bedroom furniture. Victorian and turn of the century antiques and collectibles to be sold by Public Auction without reserve bid. Superb heavily carved 10 piece dark walnut diningroom surte in English Tudor design, 9 piece mahoganyflunoan .Phyfe dining s‘etï¬vln mint condition. fancrly carved 10 piece walnut dining Set. Roc'k Maple Colonial dinette set. other 9 and 10 piece sets. Classrc 9 prece bedroom surte. rn carved oak and grained walnut‘ one of the ï¬nest sets we have ever sold. 4 and 5 piece walnut and mahogany bedroom sets. Rock Maple Colonral bedroom sets. YORK FARMERS MARKET. 7509 YONGE ST†THORNHILL MONDAY, AUGUST 6th AT 12 NOON Oak. Bowtront chrna cabinet. round oak drnrng table with claw feet. 3 srded glass chrna cabrnet. mahogany breaktront chrna cabrnet. 2 Govenor Wrnthrop secretary and writrng desks. knee hole desks. frnely carved walnut srlver chest. Vrctorran parlour sofa and gents charr 5 prece mahogany dinette set. solid and walnut cedar chests. walnut twrn beds. collection of wrng back and frresrde charrs In Queen Anne and Chrppendale and French styles. Coffee. parlour and occasronal tables in walnut and mahogany. rockrng charrs. book and knrck knack shelves. lrbrary and drum tables. chests. vanitres. servers and much more. Collectibles: Regulator wall clock. brass carnage clocks mantle clocks. antrque 0.6V Clocks French brass candle- abras. student lamps. picture and bowl stands. Brass copper and silver Items stemware, hand parnted china porcelaln lamps. mrrmrs. prcture frames and more PARTIAL LISTING ONLY EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLDâ€"SO BE SURE TO ATTEND PREVIEW FROM 1030 AM. MONDAY MORNING RADIO-TV ANNOUNCER Excellent valul homes on 45‘ ) $120,000. value lots HEART OF RICHMOND HILL New custom built 2,600 sq. ft., 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, main floor family room, extra large kitchen. Pur- chaser‘s choice of ceramics and many extras. Asking $137,900. 'RICHMOND HILL Bungalow with new country size kitchen, walk-out to treed lot, 90‘ x 241‘, 3 bedroom home in excellent condition. Super Value!!! RICHMOND HILLâ€"$119,900. Executive side-split on 100’ frontage. 2,800 sq. ft., 4 bedroom brick home, ceramics in kitchen, washroom, dining and entrance area, main floor family room with stone fireplace, walk-out to private patio. RICHMOND HILL! ! 3,000 SQ. FT. BACKSPLIT Built on 57’ x 210’ beautifully treed lot. Kitchen, finished family room, 2 walk-outs from rec room. Very tastefully decorated. Walking distance to schools, shopping, etc. Asking $129,900. For information on all of the above properties please call: TERMS: Cash. HAROLD IOHNSON, AUCTIONEER AURORA 55" Career Training Wow! ! A Whole Brand New Idea Opening Up On The West Side Of Yonge THORNHILL!! ‘ x 241‘ and 100‘ x 150’ beautifully treed ts, south of Carville Rd. ALSO xcellent value on brand new 4 bedroom )mes on 45‘ x 241’ and 50‘ x 150’ lots in ANYTIME r 921 2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING Serrie CIVIC HOLIDAY AUCTION SALE 305 Articles For Sale JAI‘ NA BE BAR 881-3629 LOVING yea; Household futmture. antiques. tools‘ harness and 14' house trailer IHE PROPERTY OF MRS. JAMES BRENNAN. LOT 12, CONC. 3‘ MARA TWP. 1/: MILE WEST OF BRECHIN TERMS CASH 0 NO RESERVE, LUNCH AVAILABLE. AUCTION SALE ‘ MON, AUG 6th 6 PM. AI STOUFFVILLE STOCKYARDS For IMOlmatlon call 5‘0 Domestic Help Wanted y expe HORSE AUCTION 535 Employment Agencies 640-3079 EARL GAUSLIN‘ Auctioneer SECRETARIAL SERVICES 351 SAT. AUGUST 4th "7 Daycare are me 640-4198 Livestock 11AM given m my home. 5 up. lunch DIOVMEU, ed.884-9627V c2w5 ‘ed. 0wr Ihomhlll [584‘