Family Services hires researcher Lillian Silver. of Willowdale. has joined the Richmond Hill and 'l‘hornhill Area Family Service‘s staff working as a Family Life Education researcher. She will be analyzing the results of an agency questionnaire which was circulated throughout the community earlier this Year. She is employed under the agency's Canada Works Project. The questionnaire asked people about the kinds of social service programs they would use lhal are not already present in the comâ€" munity. K mart Step out in flattering seamless hose with stretch Nylon briefs. Choose from Light or Dark Beige. Fits 175-225 lbs. QUEEN SIZE PANTY HOSE CERAMIC STACKING MUGS SET OF 3 WOOD MIXING SPOONS LEGAL OR LETTER SIZE ENVELOPES 100% NYLON FULL BRIEFS SET OF 3 SLACK/ SKIRT HANGERS CRICKET LIGHTERS Our Sale Price 0 Each c Each 88° Set of 3 88‘ F0" SETS ght :15 0 ’rice Pr- The report will give Family Services a better idea of the kinds of family She will write up a final report based on her findings. For example. she win be looking to see if single parents are interested in programs that are dif- I'erenl from the ones that suit parents from a two- parenl family home. Mrs. Silver will be looking for significant Irends in her analysis such as the relationships between the particular family situation of the respondent and the social service programs they would like to have available to them. SALT AWVPEPPER WITH CADDY RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE COTï¬N/NYCON SNEAKER SOCKS 320 PAGE COLOURING BOOK WRITING PAPER WITH ENVELOPES 2 PIECE TROUSER HANGER 2 ON K CARD BOBBY PINS 8L c Each 882i, 0 Each I: Each She yielded in 305 days on twice a day milking 13,065 kg. milk. 423 kg. fat and tested 3.24 per cent for butterfat. a life education programs The Canada Works lhey can offer based on Project will continue until community need. October 1979. l'niversi't'y' and has many years' experience in business. ()ak Ridges Citation BCA of 243-213. Belle, a purebred Citation Belle is Holstein cow. bred and classified“Excellent"for owned by Oak Ridges type. Farm 14d“ Yonge Street Citation Belle is sired 03" RldgeS. has, com" by Rosafe Citation R who Pieted 3" OUlSIandmg 51X' is classified “Excellent†year‘OId reCQFd- for lvoe and rated a Class Mrs. Silver has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology f rpm York NYLON ALL SHEER PANTY HOSE Look your best in all sheer panty hose. One size ï¬ts all. Beige or Spice stretch Nylon hose. Hurry to K man or Spice stretch Nylon hose. Hurry to K mart and get yours now! Our Sale 2 Price PAIRS FOR c Holstein sets new record 10520 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL BEATER AND WHIPPEB FOR THE KITCHEN WOOD HANDLE PARING KNIFE 3 PK. COTTON POT HOLDERS WIND-UP 7 WATER CREATURES GLASS BIRD PIN CUSHION MALIBU PEN AND REFILL 1 V4 INCH PUTTY KNIFE Citation Belle is sired by Rosafe Citation R who is classified “Excellent†for type and rated a Class l-Ixtra siret The Canada Works Program is funded by the Federal Government. Family Services is a member of the United Way of York Region. Belle 2§BB° c Each , 0 Each c Each 0 Each Pack ot3 COTTW LINEN LOOK TEA TOWELS Stock the cupboards with tea towels in asst'd stripe and solid colours. Approx. 24 x 34" Take advantage of the great savings. Our Sale Price MAGNETIC MEMO HOLDERS 10350 Yonge St. Richmond Hill _THE ROYAL BANK CENTRE 884-2463 Gordon S. Wood VALUE PRICED LOAF PANS ROCK ANIMAL PIN CUSHION VIKING BRUSH ASSORTMENT SOFT COTTON FACECLOTHS COLOURFIIL VINYL PHOTO ALBUM DIE CAST K mart CARS Glasses Fmed To Your Eye Doctor's Prescription ARE WHAT COUNT 0 Each C Each VPHOYDS PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS THE EYES 25 PINT SIZE FREEZER BAGS 17 x 13" COOKIE SHEET PACKS 0F c 25 FOR CUDDLY BEAN BAG ANIMALS YOUR CHOICE OF PRETTY PICTURES DOILY STYLE VINYL PLACEMAT 100 PAPER LUNCH BAGS PACK OF 4 SCREW IN HOOKS DURABLE Make wash time easy â€" use 53% Cot- ton/47% Linen tea towels. Striged. 2 IN PACK TEA TOWELS About 16 x 28"7 Great for the cottage 0r home. towels. Striped. c Pack Our Sale Price m 2 0 Each 0 Each 88° Pack 0'100 0 Each For The Finest : Wedding Reception In The North End 3V2 OZ. ACRYLIC c, ‘3 ‘- wonsmo YARN PACK OF 12 MARKING PENS 20 QUARTisizï¬E FREEZER BAGS nuts or c 20 ran 2 OZ SPORTS WEIGHT YARN 2 PIECE SCRAPER SET TWIN PACK ICE BALL TRAY WOODBINE AVE. (1 MILE NV OF HWY 7) BUTTONVILLE GOLF El- COUNTRY CLUB BLACK WOOD 1I2" PHOTO FRAME c Skein at 12 0 Each To view our club please ca|| Bob Weir at 297-1 71 1. New expanded facilities. Available for private parties, company banquets, golf tournaments, etc. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 1. 1979 â€" A-7 Each WAFFLEWEAVE DISHCLOTHS COTTON Here's a super 88¢ buy you won't want to miss. Shop now for lovely check design dishcloths. Approx. 12 x 15". Pack of 5. Our Sale Price ï¬n}! TUBING CUTTER SET OF 2 SKIRT HANGERS SET 0? 4 MEASURING SPOOIS MAGNETIC K0 TACK HAMMER y 1 PINT WATERING CAN PACK OF 5 Pack 015 0 Each 0 Each 0 Each 88° Set of 2 Pack of 5