A 30-minute color film entitled “The Insulation Story“ is available to any group or individual 18 years or older. Figures from Rich- mond Hill’s Works Department prove an awareness of energy conservation can reduce consumption. Any Richmond Hill resident thinking of in» sulating their home to keep out those bone- chilling drafts this winter might call the Richmond Hill Public Library Audio Visual Department. Maintenance Manager Merv Perkins said he was instructed by council back in 1972 to cut back on temperature and the number of lights in municipal buildings. Last week he Town graph shows energy savings 8-6 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, August 22. 1979 Energy ï¬lms available at library ~ 2 years Applicants with Grade 13 or University credits, or witr suitable business experience or secretarial skills, may be able to complete related programs in a shorter length of time. Seneca College operates bus routes linking Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Aurora and Newmarket to the King Campus. For further information, contact the Registrar, King Campus at the address below - or telephone Wed., Aug. 22nd No. 1 Jackpot 53 No's No.2 52 No's. Early Birds at 7:35 pm. Reg. Games 8 Specials at 8 pm. Legion Hall, Ohio Rd., 7:40 pm. Earlybirds "YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO wen, AUG. 22nd CONSOLATION JACKPOT $500.00 MUST GO EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 8M9901, 8951581 0r Zenith 31200 (toll free) ~o.f%éiidifï¬"'~l§%ou°° OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY OUIMIINHHIINOIIM ll) IMKIIV ouqu [Kiln SENECA COLLEGE THURNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITED WITHIN JACKPOT $1,000.00 Visual Arts lnstruc'tm John St. and BayviewAAveurThornhill THORNHILL LIONS $$TWO JACKPOTS$$ This film demonstrates insulation procedures in new and older homes, ways of keeping fireplaces from losing heat, and stresses regular maintenance for fur- naces. Five other energy conservation films, “The Energy Carol". “Energy Management for the Futureâ€. “The Great distributed a graph to members of the Energy Management Committee of the town. showing quite a large reduction in hydro and oil con- sumption at the Town Hall. The amount of oil was awareness grow‘ it shows kilowatt hours to 218 kilowatt hours for the same period. Although hydro usage was down in the works office on Pugsley Avenue. oil consumption was up at the Works yard garage. The amount of oil was reduced from 9,000 Imperial gallons used in 1976 to approximately 6,000 in 1W8 and hydro was down from 245 “As our knowledge and 8:00 pm. Regular Games NUMBERS Four of these films were donated by the Richmond Hill Com- munity Conservation Centre. the organization set up in town as part of The age of some equipment. the increased size of the fleet of vehicles. new pieces of equipment. increased lighting for security Search“, "The Great Search“. “The Hottest Show on Earth“,. and “The Solar Frontier" are also available for loan by calling the audio visual department at 884-0130. off Elgin Mills Road E the federal Eneraction program. which ran for only one year. Mr. Perkins said he felt the town had done well in the past and was pleased there is now a committee trying to find ways to reduce energy con- sumption in other areas. reasons and the number of block heaters installed to ensure starting on emergency vehicles were reasons for an increase given by Mechanical Supervisor Robert Jorâ€" dan‘ Tickets are available by calling the box office manager, Madge Nicholson. at 884-3703. Mr. Moore is choosing the cast for the Curtain (‘lub's upcoming production and there were many aspiring actors and actresses looking for parts. The play will open September 27 and will run for 11 nights, to October 13. Casting Brian Moore, director of the Curtain Club's new play. “There Goes the Bride". is struggling with a tough decision. 136 YONGE ST. NORTH AURORA \ RESERVATIONS: 727-2400 It was decided at the meeting that a continuing savings," said Mr Perkins. KANSAS CITY EXPRESS CRAIG RUHNKE BAND JAZZ THURSDAY. AUGUST 30th, 7:15 PM. OPREBALIET OCREATWE DANCE ORAD. CHILDRENS’ SYLLABUS 'MAJDR SYLLABUS OAOULT CLASSES CLASSES START THE WEEK OF SEPT. 17th IN THORNHILL, AURORA 8 NEWMARKET FOR MORE INFDRMA T/ON & REG/S TRA T/ON PHONE 7273814 REGISTRATION IN THORNHILL AT CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH. ROYAL ORCHARD BLVD. 8 BAYTHORN. SEPT. 6th 8 71h - 4:00 A 6:30 pm. AT THE MILL POND THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd 7:15 PM. )c-flcufl‘ PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. CONCERTS IN THE PARK ON CLASSIC COMM-CHANNEL 1O DONORS TO DA TE 0 TREND UPHDLSTERY 0 A.J. VERMEULEN, Artist 0 RICHMOND HILL 0 DON LITTLE FORD CAMERA CENTRE SALES INC. R0 y IN HONOR 0F TAR THE YEAR OF THE CHILD , THE . A' m RIOHMONO HILL [‘3‘ ROTARY CLUB School of Ballet (ROYAL ACADEMY or DANCING) dBAN BARRETT CLUB {avg G A T.V. AUCTION AMERICAN EXPRESS VISA 8 MASTERCHARGE ACCEPTED SOFT ROCK Dining @5330) TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL report on energy con- sumption should be kept on file at the Town Offices. Secondary School Students will pick up their timeâ€"table as indicated: Woodbridge High 851-2843 Don Head 8.8. 8M3330 King City 8.5. 8335332 York Centre for Learning Disabilities presents Bayview Secondary School - Aug. 28 10:00 am. - 3:00 pm. Gr. 9 8844453 Aug. 29 10:00 am. - 3:00 pm. Gr. 10 8 11 Aug. 30 10:00 am. ~ 3:00 pm. Gr. 12 8 13 Aug. 29 7:00 pm. - 9:00 pm. (For students Parents are advised that the schools in Area 3 of The York County Board of Education will be open from 9:30 am. until 3:00 pm. during the week of August 27th for the registration of new students and consultations. Information about transportation routes may be secured by calling the orincipal of the school concerned. In conjunction with Beverley Acres Charles Howitt Crosby Heights Jefferson Joseph A. Gibson Kleinburg MacKenzie 0M. MacKiIlop Pine Grove Pleasantville Roselawn Ross Doan Sixteenth Ave. Walter Scott Woodbridge P. School HOURS‘ 4~PM101 AM TUES. T0 SAT, SUITABLE ATTIRE PLEASE THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AREA NO. 3 mini-skool’s new offer: it’s about I ' x ,_ tlme! ‘ Aug.29 9:00 hm. Gr. 10 2:00 pm. Gr. 11 Aug. 30 9:00 am. Gt. 12 7:00 pm. - 7:30 pm. - All Grades Aug. 27 9:00 am. - 12:00 noon. Gr. 12, 13 1:00 pm. ~ 3:00 pm. Gr. 11 Aug. 28 9:00 am. - 12.00 noon - Gr. 10 1:00 pm. - 3:00 pm. ~ Gr. 9 Aug. 28 9:00 am. - 12:00 Gr. 10 it 11 O ’3' 1' MINI - SkOOL“ JL JL A CHILD'S PLACE 1:00 pm. - 4:00 Gr. 9 Aug. 27 El Aug. 28 9:00 am. - 4:00 All Students SHOP 'N SAVE AT @ AVAII ABLE ONLY AT ' ’ ALLENCOURT Bavview & Markham Rd., Richmond Hill WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ORANGE PEKDE ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS COCA COLA TETLEY TEA A Free Gift of Time! JELLO A “Sesame Street" alarm clock to any child who enrolls and begins attending Mini-Skool by August 31, 1979. NOW is the Time for Mini-Skool with its exclusive GOAL pre-school development curriculum. Mini-Skool's new GOAL program is a sound investment in your child's future Time’s a Wastin’ â€"- enroll your child now CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP CROWN APPLE JUICE ASSORTED VARIETIES BICK'S RELISHES Grades Bayview & Markham Rd., Richmond Hill WE RESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT QUANTITIES K-8 K-B K-8 r. 1-6 K-8 K-ï¬ r. 7-8 K-8 K-E Gr. 1-8 Gr. 3-8 K-Z K-B K-8 K-8 SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TIL SATURDAY, AUG. 25/79 Offer limited to new enrollments. Good while supplies last R. McCulloch D. McEIhiney R. Ley Mrs. M. Etchells W. Caldwell D. MacWilliam R. Pembleton D. Middleton W. French Principal D. Ford R. Brown K. Tonner E. Woodger R. Robson R. Dufï¬n (For students who nnot registet during the day) Gr. 11, 12, .13 Gr. 10 3 OZ. PACK CASE OF 24/10 02, 48 OZ TIN Wumn. Om 10 OZ TIN o w|llowdale. Om. Nu 0 Chvhwn 1455 HI 0 Eumlel. Onl ZS - Brampton. 0m, 1 0 Starbowugh. Om ' Miunnugn. Onl HM 0 Thornhill‘Onl SJ ‘\‘ 72 BAG PACK 499 5/3100 244634! Hst Jam Sw $15sD 23$ 69E) $399 Kd 2‘9-760l 438-361 I ma Rd 27649.13 Rd 8810710 2106875 Aw I: 122.6573 Nd 3234000 “Rd 792-2230 bl t 457-12“! Cour! 439-052I Telephone 8845859 889-2522 8845281 8842556 832-1291 893-1142 893-1475 8845711 851 -0772 8847431 8845934 8844022 8845598 8842693 851-0182